Lucky numbers for Virgo. Lucky numbers for different zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own numbers that bring good luck. lucky numbers for Virgo it is 3, 7.16, 23, 25, 33.

Lucky Virgo Numbers

numerology, in recent times is gaining momentum of general interest. Increasingly, we attach importance to numbers. Did you know that all the information in the world can be represented by just two numbers - 0 and 1. And Pythagoras's winged saying says: "Everything is a number."

However, who calculated this and according to whose statement it is these numbers that bring happiness and good luck is not known. But astrologers say that these numbers should be taken into account when making important decisions and in life important situations.

Among other things, there is a statement that each zodiac sign has its own lucky day of the week. For representatives of the Virgo sign, this is Wednesday. Perhaps the fact that the day of luck fell in the middle of the week is really happiness. For example, Leo got Sunday, he is undoubtedly happy for rest, but for solving other issues, what happiness when all instances are closed.

Therefore, blindly believing in a “lucky number” or “lucky day” is not worth it. But Virgo is an effective sign, and will not wait for the issues to be resolved on their own, and with perseverance she will solve them herself.

Lucky numbers for Virgo: 6,12,18,24,30. This is the sixth sign astrological zodiac. Therefore, all favorable numbers for this sign are numbers divisible by six. They bring not only good luck, but also success to the Virgo sign.

Each number, as if endowed with its own special meaning. Has a mass positive qualities.

It should be noted right away that it is on Saturday, since this is the sixth day of the week, that Virgo is especially lucky in commercial matters. They can make great business deals even though it's a holiday. Virgos, by nature, are very hardworking. They have a lot of positive qualities, for work as a boss, they are assiduous, hardworking.

Number 5

According to the magic table of Pythagoras, five is a sign of intuition. People with this number always know what they are doing, always self-confident, responsive. They not only have a well-developed intuition, they can sometimes notice behind them. something like the gift of clairvoyance.

The number five is a clear representative of the macro and micro systems. The five-fold division of the world is known, there are five elements of the universe, five classes of animals, five sense organs in humans and five passions. If, according to your numerology, the number five corresponds to you, as well as your curator planet Mercury, you can safely be called lucky.

Mercury takes under "its wing" people who know how to properly manage their money and time. Love for hard work is born in them from the very first days of their birth.

If your life number is five, you notice that the number five seems to be haunting you, bringing good luck. The number five is the number of the Soul. People under this sign have a special analytical composition of the mind, they are very inventive. They have a lot of talent. Although often shy, they like to rive the whole center of attention to their person.

In the company they are very friendly, kind to others. They have a wonderful, radiant smile, they know a lot of interesting things. Virgos are a great conversationalist, they are never bored with them. Even in childhood, they wake up a talent for art. They love everything beautiful and beautiful.

If Virgo is in the company strangers. it will look with the eyes of a person who, just like him, is influenced by the all-powerful Mercury. July is such a sign of the zodiac. astrological sign- Twins.

Also, the sign of the zodiac Virgo number five is the number of awareness: a person gains the experience of life through the five senses.

How to determine your lucky number

Astrologers of ancient Chaldea happy days days are considered when heavenly bodies push a person to do the right thing and contribute to the acceptance good decisions. Sunday is considered such a day, because this day is patronized by the Sun. But Saturday is not at all suitable for undertakings, because this is the day of Saturn.

The great healers of antiquity Paracelsus, Hippocrates and Ibn Sina in the treatment took into account the time of day and season. And, for example, Japanese astrologers assured that "unlucky" numbers for each person are repeated at intervals of one year, and almost on the same dates.

Some astrologers claim that lucky numbers for each month can be calculated independently, without much effort, and that they directly depend on the date of birth. Consider, for example, lucky numbers for Virgo. For the born Virgo, September 14 in February will be happy next numbers:

5 - the sum of the digits of the date of birth (1 + 4);

9 - month of birth - September, the ninth month of the year;

2 - the sum of the digits of the number 11 (1 + 1) is 2, and we calculate the lucky number for the 2nd month of the year;

14 is the date of birth, so 14 in each month is a lucky number;

9 - in the amount of 1 + 8 = 9, and in fact September, the ninth month of the year;

18 - according to the calculation scheme of the previous date - 18.

In this table, according to at least, everything is based on logic. But to believe or not, you decide.

For each Zodiac sign there is a personal number that attracts good luck. Surrounding yourself with lucky numbers, you can succeed, attract money, health and happy love.

Many people believe in the luck that numbers bring. They link everything important events with a specific number to achieve maximum success. But not everyone knows that the Universe at birth awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the sign of the Zodiac. You can increase your luck with the help of numerology, which knows the secret of how to attract money, luck and loveusing an individual calculation.

Lucky numbers for each zodiac sign

When compiling a horoscope, numbers from one to nine are used - they determine further fate person. Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own personal numbers, which give it a positive aura and good moments in life. To know complete description a certain figure is possible with the help of numerological interpretation. By timing important events on dates that coincide with your lucky number, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Number 1. The unit symbolizes individuality, purposefulness, leadership. The number gives a person unlimited opportunities to achieve their goals. People under her protection are characterized by independence: they are not used to relying on chance and achieve everything at the cost of their own efforts. The number 1 dominates Pisces and Aquarius, endowing the representatives of these Zodiac Signs with self-confidence, the ability to defend their point of view, positive and decisiveness.

Number 2. The deuce helps to reveal in oneself diplomatic abilities, talents, high spiritual qualities. Truly kind and sympathetic people are born under the auspices of the number 2 - peacemakers who are able to resolve any dispute, resolve conflict, smooth out sharp quarrels without resorting to cruelty and violence. People who were destined to be born under the influence of this number achieve their personal happiness through communication. Thanks to the innate goodwill Cancer, Libra and Taurus easy to win over people.

Number 3. The power of this figure was legendary in ancient times. Even in Orthodoxy, the triple plays an important role: it is not for nothing that we say almost all prayers three times. It is a symbol of holiness, faith, creation. Those born with this code undoubtedly reach heights in any area of ​​life. They are accompanied by success and luck, and any difficulties only temper character. Their achievements are the key to highly developed intuition and creative thinking. Signs of the zodiac favored by the three Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini. And in combination with other numbers, the number 3 helps Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Number 4. Four symbolizes the boundless mind, fidelity, observation, perseverance, independence. The owners of the number 4 can be unconditionally trusted, they will undoubtedly lend you a helping hand. These are strong and independent individuals who can handle any problems. They value people for their spiritual qualities and know how to choose a life partner for themselves, followed by both fire and water. The patronage of the four encourages people born under the constellation Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Taurus to self-development and helping others.

Number 5. Those born under the control of the five are endowed with energy, natural magnetism and great opportunities. The number 5 bestows Cancer and Scorpio stability, success and craving for self-knowledge. By actively using this figure in your life, you can expect success in personal and business areas. Five endows their owners pleasant surprises and the possibilities of people under her protection know no bounds. However, this number requires independence and determination: dancing to someone else's tune will not work, otherwise there is a chance to attract misfortune into your life.

Number 6. Six characterizes longevity, youth of the soul, charisma, charm and prestige among people. Those born under her patronage easily achieve the location of people, which plays into the hands of gaining a high position in society. Having a large number of connections and opportunities, the owner of the number 6 achieves success faster. They are also restless individuals who feel the need to travel. Five patronize Pisces, Libra and Taurus. Representatives of these Signs are able to adapt to circumstances and benefit for themselves. They were entrusted with the Universe to create comfort and coziness around them, as well as to help people in need. Happiness will knock on the life of the owners of the six when they learn to accept responsibility and show favor towards others.

Number 7. Seven bestows independence, spirituality, analytical abilities. Its owners are removed from the influence of other people, and the strength of the number helps to achieve success at the cost of their efforts, intelligence, ingenuity and high intuition. Number 7 patronizes Aries, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Often there are many discoverers and scientists among them. Their ability to generate non-standard and brilliant ideas is reflected in society. The life of such personalities never stands still, they are almost always in the turmoil of days and adventures. A calm and rational attitude towards money helps them achieve a comfortable existence.

Number 8. Eight has a huge energy potential and bestows Cancer, Lviv, Sagittarius and Capricorn purposefulness, energy and philosophical thinking. People born under her patronage have a craving for vanity, fame and easy money. Oddly enough, it is precisely such individuals who are more predisposed to gaining wealth than others. mystery number, which has a dual nature, rewards its owners with the opportunity to contact other worlds. Such people may find their happiness through magical rituals; some of them are even endowed with psychic powers. Practicality, resilience, leadership, initiative and philosophical attitude to life play an important role in achieving your goals.

Number 9. Nine has almost all the qualities of numbers from 1 to 8, but its strength can be both positive and negative. The number endows its owners with intuition, sensitivity, powerful energy, fortitude. At Aries, Lviv, Scorpio, Libra there is a craving for everything unknown and unknown. And the perseverance and determination inherent in them helps to achieve any heights that they are able to wish. A lucky number endows them with a sharp mind and ability. implement the idea quickly. People who learn about their hidden abilities in a timely manner can achieve tremendous success in life.

Lucky numbers can help you find success - just learn to rely on them. By making a fateful decision on the day that is under the protection of your number, you will ensure yourself good luck in any business. You can also try to calculate your personal

For each Zodiac sign there is a personal number that attracts good luck. Surrounding yourself with lucky numbers, you can succeed, attract money, health and happy love.

Many people believe in the luck that numbers bring. They link all important events to a certain number in order to achieve maximum success. But not everyone knows that the Universe at birth awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the sign of the Zodiac. You can increase your luck with the help of numerology, which knows the secret of how to attract money, luck and loveusing an individual calculation.

Lucky numbers for each zodiac sign

When compiling a horoscope, numbers from one to nine are used - it is they who determine the future fate of a person. Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own personal numbers, which give it a positive aura and good moments in life. You can find out the full characteristics of a certain number using numerological interpretation. By timing important events on dates that coincide with your lucky number, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Number 1. The unit symbolizes individuality, purposefulness, leadership. The number gives a person unlimited opportunities to achieve their goals. People under her protection are characterized by independence: they are not used to relying on chance and achieve everything at the cost of their own efforts. The number 1 dominates Pisces and Aquarius, endowing the representatives of these Zodiac Signs with self-confidence, the ability to defend their point of view, positive and decisiveness.

Number 2. The deuce helps to reveal in oneself diplomatic abilities, talents, high spiritual qualities. Truly kind and sympathetic people are born under the auspices of the number 2 - peacemakers who are able to resolve any dispute, resolve conflict, smooth out sharp quarrels without resorting to cruelty and violence. People who were destined to be born under the influence of this number achieve their personal happiness through communication. Thanks to the innate goodwill Cancer, Libra and Taurus easy to win over people.

Number 3. The power of this figure was legendary in ancient times. Even in Orthodoxy, the triple plays an important role: it is not for nothing that we say almost all prayers three times. It is a symbol of holiness, faith, creation. Those born with this code undoubtedly reach heights in any area of ​​life. They are accompanied by success and luck, and any difficulties only temper character. Their achievements are the key to highly developed intuition and creative thinking. Signs of the zodiac favored by the three Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini. And in combination with other numbers, the number 3 helps Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Number 4. Four symbolizes the boundless mind, fidelity, observation, perseverance, independence. The owners of the number 4 can be unconditionally trusted, they will undoubtedly lend you a helping hand. These are strong and independent individuals who can handle any problems. They value people for their spiritual qualities and know how to choose a life partner for themselves, followed by both fire and water. The patronage of the four encourages people born under the constellation Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Taurus to self-development and helping others.

Number 5. Those born under the control of the five are endowed with energy, natural magnetism and great opportunities. The number 5 bestows Cancer and Scorpio stability, success and craving for self-knowledge. By actively using this figure in your life, you can expect success in personal and business areas. Five endows its owners with pleasant surprises, and the possibilities of people under its protection know no bounds. However, this number requires independence and determination: dancing to someone else's tune will not work, otherwise there is a chance to attract misfortune into your life.

Number 6. Six characterizes longevity, youth of the soul, charisma, charm and prestige among people. Those born under her patronage easily achieve the location of people, which plays into the hands of gaining a high position in society. Having a large number of connections and opportunities, the owner of the number 6 achieves success faster. They are also restless individuals who feel the need to travel. Five patronize Pisces, Libra and Taurus. Representatives of these Signs are able to adapt to circumstances and benefit for themselves. They were entrusted with the Universe to create comfort and coziness around them, as well as to help people in need. Happiness will knock on the life of the owners of the six when they learn to accept responsibility and show favor towards others.

Number 7. Seven bestows independence, spirituality, analytical abilities. Its owners are removed from the influence of other people, and the strength of the number helps to achieve success at the cost of their efforts, intelligence, ingenuity and high intuition. Number 7 patronizes Aries, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Often there are many discoverers and scientists among them. Their ability to generate non-standard and brilliant ideas is reflected in society. The life of such personalities never stands still, they are almost always in the turmoil of days and adventures. A calm and rational attitude towards money helps them achieve a comfortable existence.

Number 8. Eight has a huge energy potential and bestows Cancer, Lviv, Sagittarius and Capricorn purposefulness, energy and philosophical thinking. People born under her patronage have a craving for vanity, fame and easy money. Oddly enough, it is precisely such individuals who are more predisposed to gaining wealth than others. The mysterious number, which has a dual nature, rewards its owners with the opportunity to come into contact with other worlds. Such people may find their happiness through magical rituals; some of them are even endowed with psychic powers. Practicality, perseverance, leadership, initiative and a philosophical attitude to life play an important role in achieving your goals.

Number 9. Nine has almost all the qualities of numbers from 1 to 8, but its strength can be both positive and negative. The number endows its owners with intuition, sensitivity, powerful energy, fortitude. At Aries, Lviv, Scorpio, Libra there is a craving for everything unknown and unknown. And the perseverance and determination inherent in them helps to achieve any heights that they are able to wish. A lucky number endows them with a sharp mind and ability. implement the idea quickly. People who learn about their hidden abilities in a timely manner can achieve tremendous success in life.

Lucky numbers can help you find success - just learn to rely on them. By making a fateful decision on the day that is under the protection of your number, you will ensure yourself good luck in any business. You can also try to calculate your personal fate life code, which will indicate what can make you more successful.

Be happy!

Each person is unique and from birth carries a certain cosmic code, around which the main events of his life unwind. Knowing your natural program, inner potential and personality traits helps you to successfully and easily move along your path. Happy Zodiacs will prompt the most favorable opportunities for the development of each person and help him achieve what he wants in life.

It would seem that there can be something in common between numerology and astrology, because these knowledge, at first glance, do not touch. Numerological calculations are based on numbers, while astrology is based on the processing and interpretation of astronomical data. Meanwhile, both numerology and astrology describe the same life realities, but apply different ways and methods of knowing the world and human nature. If the sign of the Zodiac is known, then it is not difficult to choose a lucky number for a person that will bring him money luck success in career and personal life.

Ten key numbers in numerology have their zodiac counterparts. We will analyze the interpretation of each number and find out its nature.

  • Number 1 contains a certain potential that longs to splash out. On the one hand, a person feels in himself huge natural forces. On the other hand, these gifts are still hidden and waiting in the wings. One is undoubtedly the most suitable and lucky number for Pisces. Representatives of this water sign are aware of the sea of ​​​​rich opportunities. The power of the number helps them to show inspiration and realize their creative potential in life.
  • Number 2 allows you to move forward in life Aquarius. It will show them a new one, alternative way development. It is known that representatives of this air sign are smart, and new ideas constantly come to their minds. Two helps Aquarius not to stop in its development. Every new thought is a new life opportunity. Thinking about fresh hypotheses, weighing ideas and preparing for a new stage - all these are the steps that form the intellectual path of Aquarius, leading to success. Two also means interaction with the team, when communication with other people brings new insights to Aquarius.
  • Number 3 is very down to earth, rational. There is a close contact with reality and a stable state, as well as reliance on three points. The number symbolizes the first real results of labor, and therefore this code is best suited Capricorn. People of this sign are practical, realistic and ambitious. The three will allow them to admire what has already been created and outline new plans for the future. Capricorns know how to manage a group of people, so the number 3 is the best better fit those who want career development and leadership positions.

  • Number 4 will bring happiness to those people who not only possess wealth (spiritual and material), but are also able to be generous towards others. This figure favors Sagittarius who strive to achieve authority in society and, having won a strong position, do not forget to help and patronize others. Four is a symbol of fundamental knowledge, and when life baggage is accumulated and the outlook is wide, then you can transfer your experience to students.
  • Number 5 is restless, mysterious and will suit those people who are not afraid of change and tend to initiate them. scorpions- these are those representatives of the Zodiac who will appreciate the potential of the five. Life seems boring and insipid to Scorpios, if it sometimes does not happen crisis situations and rushes. And what could be more pleasant and interesting than risky adventures? The number 5 will supply its wards developed intuition, dexterity, stamina and courage, will make them strong and able to overcome any life trials.
  • Number 6 brings harmony, stability and success. Best of all, it reflects the worldview and life position Libra and Taurus. People of these signs are in good relations with the outside world, create beauty around and know how to enjoy everything that a lot of effort and energy has been spent on.
  • Number 7 patronizes Virgo and Gemini. These are the people who can not only change internally, but also perfectly transform reality in accordance with their needs. Representatives of the mentioned signs understand that they are not perfect, and the seven helps them to rebuild on new way constantly learn new things and look boldly into the future.
  • Number 8 allows you to feel the power of your nature. People who find themselves under the auspices of the figure eight are able to create comfortable earthly conditions and coziness. However, their advantage also lies in the ability to immerse themselves in their inner world and to know true motives its external activities. Of course, crayfish- these are the people who can build harmony and balance between the spirit of man and his material needs.
  • Number 9 is happy for Lviv. Representatives of this fiery sign are the great creators of their own destiny. They have inexhaustible creativity and always sure what they need to do in this moment. Nine will give these people deep satisfaction in everything they do and what they strive for.

  • number 0 signifies a new life cycle. Aries are those representatives of the Zodiac who understand how important it is to finish the old and start the new in life. Zero is always an unknown and an uncontrollable situation. But Aries need such shakes. It is thanks to them that progress and numerous victories of the brave, courageous and courageous people born under this glorious sign are possible.

So, it's easy enough to determine lucky numbers by. The joint use of numerological and astrological knowledge will allow you to lure good luck, pull out a lucky ticket in life and increase the chances of success in any business.


We are surrounded by numbers, they are everywhere: in phone numbers, addresses, important dates and various documents. If we had a better understanding of their meaning, we could use them to our advantage. In astrology, numbers are not something abstract. Each number carries a certain energy that affects a person. Each zodiac sign has its own number that brings him good luck, other numbers can create problems and troubles. Find out which number corresponds to your zodiac sign.

Sun - 1

The sun is the patron of people born under the sign of Leo. The unit is a symbol of a positive start and business success. That is why the number 1 for Lviv is a real “magnet of success”. But they should be wary of the number 2, it slows down their success and slows down development.

Moon - 2

Two in astrology is endowed with the energy of love and security, which are so necessary for Cancers. This figure brings good luck and peace of mind: 22, 222, 2222 - these numbers are lucky for Cancers. Also, in combination with a deuce, they are favored by the number 7 - 27, 272, 722 - these numbers reinforce each other. But the unit brings Cancers concern.

Mars - 3

This is the lucky number of Aries and Scorpios. In any situation that involves a competition or a challenge, it is better for them to surround themselves with numbers containing the number 3. Feel free to assign important negotiations to the 3rd number. In addition, you can get a talisman in the shape of a triangle.

Mercury - 4

This figure contains the energy of knowledge, deep thoughts, science, and the exchange of experience. Four brings happiness to Virgo and Gemini. These signs of the zodiac need to work in the field of journalism, entrepreneurship, translations and any other activity related to information. In addition, you can use squares as a talisman. Let it be an ornament on clothes, a pendant or a tattoo.

Jupiter - 5

This number brings a strong positive energy to Sagittarians, especially if their work is connected with constant communication with people. In general, Sagittarians are the favorites of fate, so the number 5 for them will be lucky in combination with any other numbers. As a decoration, they can choose a five-pointed star for themselves.

This is the figure of harmony, which is valued above all by Libra and Taurus. The number 6 brings good luck and satisfaction to these signs if they do what they love. In addition, the six will bring happiness in love affairs. Feel free to set a wedding date for 06.06. The numbers 4 and 9 will enhance the beneficial effect: for example, 4 has a positive effect on relationships and marriage, and 9 will bring success in creative affairs and in the professional field.

Saturn - 7

Seven is generally a lucky number, but in Everyday life she brings success to Capricorns. Saturn is a planet of obstacles, and so are its wards Capricorns - full of unpredictability and stubbornness. The number 7 helps these wayward people listen to their guardian angel and make the right decision.

Uranus - 8

8 is a lucky number for Aquarius. Her double image is like a mirror reflection in water. Eight helps Aquarius to draw energy from the outside world, it charges these special, talented and original people inspiration and illumination. In addition, 8 is a symbol of infinity, a spiral, so Aquarius is recommended to choose jewelry containing this symbol for themselves.

Neptune - 9

Nine - a symbol of completeness, maturity, closing the circle. This figure is considered lucky for Pisces. They should avoid any sharp objects and jewelry. The best ornament for Pisces will be a circle. 9 in combination with 1 brings money to Pisces, in combination with 2 - enhances intuition and helps to accept the right decision, and in combination with 6 - attracts love to them.
