How to be desirable to a man. How to always be desirable to a man: women's secrets and advice from psychologists

A conversation with one of my clients prompted me to make one thing clear. simple thing: a man in a relationship needs a beloved woman, not a mommy.

And he dreams of becoming your loved one, not your daddy.

Darling vs Mommy

The woman they love is admired and adored, they want her, and mommy is obeyed and enjoys the benefits.

If you don’t want to become your beloved man’s mommy, under no circumstances:

  • Don't tell him how to dress(warmer, cooler, smarter, these socks don’t fit here, iron your shirt, etc.) - he is quite aware of how to dress himself. If he intends to go out in a suit in the cold, then you can show him the temperature outside on the app on his phone (Americans need degrees Fahrenheit) and ask 1 time, would he like to dress warmer? If the gentleman doesn't think it's necessary, don't argue. He knows his body better.
  • Don't criticize- if you can do better, offer to do it yourself. If you don't want to do it yourself, refrain from commenting.
  • Don't give your opinion unless you are directly asked for it.- hearing that you “couldn’t do that” quickly gets boring. Just take the information into account; you don’t have to express your assessment every time.
  • Don’t be ashamed: “I told you so!” You can look meaningfully, but do not voice your prophetic superiority. He also remembers perfectly well what you warned, and made a note in his mind, he will be smarter in next time. Allow him to make mistakes in peace so that he can learn a lesson for himself.
  • Don't expect him to read your mind- if you want something (water, food, to go to the toilet, to sit, to buy flowers for you, to give you his jacket to warm up, etc.), ask kindly and kindly. Don't be offended if they tell you no.
  • Don't look after him like a child- a man is quite capable of doing his own laundry, washing dishes, preparing food, buying groceries. You can cook him a delicacy romantic dinner Once a month, bring coffee to bed in the morning. The gentleman can do the rest himself. The owner is looking after the guest; if you are in his apartment, do not rush to clean and clean - this will only make him think that you consider him a slob.
  • Don't raise your voice at him- Always speak in an even and friendly tone. Even if you are upset or the admirer really did something wrong, it is better to say this in a calm and even tone.

In the meantime, do what mommies don't do:

  • Touch him- any gentle touch feels amazing for a man. Every time you touch him, he feels warm in his heart and desire. The more part of your body you touch him and the longer your touch lasts, the stronger his sensations (for example: putting your hand on your knee will give him more sensations than touching his shoulder with a finger for a moment). The more he wants you, the more he loves you. Beloved means desired.
  • Be grateful- notice his small signs of appreciation, thank him and touch him (hug and kiss if he deserves it), and he will want to do more nice things for you.
  • Compliment him- it is important for a man to know that he is the best for you. Don't forget to tell him how much you like him Strong arms, huge shoulders, Blue eyes, how smart and strong, caring and skillful he is. If you like something, don't be afraid to tell him about it. He should know that he is the most for you desirable man in the world, externally, intellectually and emotionally.
  • Speak in a sexy tone- you can talk about salad so much that a man will go crazy. Picture a purring cat - this is the tone you want to use as much as possible, especially when you touch it. Create an association between your gentle voice and pleasant sensations, and you will bewitch him.
  • Master massage- non-sexual touches, such as massage of the back, shoulders, head, feet, palms, create an absolutely unforgettable sensation for a man. It's almost as much pleasure for him as sex. Remember, no one touches it like you do. Your touches are pleasant for him and create a tactile need for him to receive more of them and a completely real hormonal dependence (when touched, the hormone oxytocin is released). Read it.

How more man enjoys your presence, the more he will want to have you with him all the time.

In the same way: the more discomfort he experiences, the less he will want to be with you.

You teach a man how to treat you through your actions. Encourage him to do anything that pleases you, and he will do it more.

Becoming loved by a man is not difficult, especially if you sincerely like him. Just do more things that are pleasant for him and don’t do unpleasant ones - that’s all.

Every woman could notice that over time even the most ardent and passionate emotions the men begin to quiet down. The one who at first could declare to the whole world that he loves, soon stops doing this. One who has done noble deeds eventually ceases to do them. Scientists say that it is quite natural for feelings to subside over time. However, how can a woman remain loved and desired by her man?

Site specialists psychological assistance site agree with the opinion famous poet S. Yesenin, who said that if feelings pass, then they cannot be returned. Scientists can also agree with him based on the conclusions they received during their research. It turns out that the feelings that people experience at the beginning of a relationship are nothing more than a play of hormones. Nature made sure that people reproduced. She gave them hormones that begin to be produced in such quantities when they see suitable partners, that they thus affect the functioning of the brain when it becomes darkened, stops thinking critically and begins to see the world, especially the new “other half” with “rose-colored glasses”.

Hormones cannot be released all the time large quantities. It is enough for nature if people enter into sexual intercourse for several months. After a year - a maximum of 3, the hormones completely stop their play, and only two people remain with all their qualities, dreams, desires, true aspirations and behavior patterns. This is where people begin to feel that their feelings have passed. Some even believe that .

However, we are only talking about hormones that naturally stop their game, leaving people alone with their significant other. What a man and woman will do in such a situation depends on them.

How to become desirable?

A woman who begins to notice that her partner’s emotions have subsided significantly begins to worry. And there are reasons for this. Modern men They practically no longer think about how to solve the lack of sex, new feelings and impressions. They go to the left, almost never breaking off their love relationships with “official” partners. It turns out that if a woman ceases to be desirable, then she is primarily worried that her man will begin to cheat on her.

This practice actually exists among the stronger sex. This is where women want to find the answer to the question of how to remain desirable so that their gentlemen, even their husbands, do not go to the left.

Of course, it is impossible to return those feelings that a man had at the beginning of the relationship. Let the woman not even hope for it. The reason for this is hormones, which will no longer rage as brightly as they did in the beginning, and the fame of the woman herself, who is no longer as mysterious as she was at the beginning, and the conquest of her heart, which at first may not have belonged to the man.

We can say that the man has already received his due, so after some time he calmed down towards the woman. This does not mean that he does not value and respect her. This simply means that his hormones have calmed down and he is now living a relaxed life.

Is it possible for a woman to somehow remain desirable to her man? It is possible, but you will have to work constantly for this:

  1. A woman needs to become beautiful again. If over time she stopped taking care of herself, gained weight, stopped wearing beautiful outfits and do her makeup like she did in the beginning, then she should remember it again. Many women sin by ceasing to be beautiful for their men, believing that they should love them in any way. But this erroneous opinion. Men should not love women as they became over time, and not as they loved them when they met.
  2. A woman needs to update her wardrobe. Most likely, during the entire relationship she did not particularly do this. She had already moved all her outfits. She hasn't changed her underwear for a long time. It's time to fix it. A man loves novelty. He will be pleased if a woman dresses herself up in a new dress and puts on new underwear.
  3. The woman forgot about the mystery. Undoubtedly, over time, people get to know each other. It is difficult to maintain a mystery when you constantly live with a man shoulder to shoulder, are forced to solve joint problems, reveal your desires and secrets. And yet the woman may not be completely solved. Acquire little secrets that a man will guess about, but to which he will never receive answers.
  4. A woman forgets that she is a woman and her man is a man. She shouldn't treat him like a child. She should not look after his wardrobe, tell him what to eat, when to go to bed, etc. He should definitely decide such small issues himself. Moreover, a man must have responsibilities that he will fulfill, since a woman is weak, ignorant, and simply doing other things.
  5. The woman must renew interesting sex with a man. Since you are afraid of betrayal, then the man should have sex with you. If he has been dreaming about something for a long time, but you did not agree, then you can try it. If he doesn't mind experiments, then offer them to him.
  6. A woman must be confident in herself. In particular, we are talking about attractiveness. Many women let themselves go while in love relationships, which naturally leads them to think that they are ugly. Men feel this and begin to hang out with those who are confident in their sexuality. To avoid this, a woman must either put herself in order, or (if she feels comfortable in her body) take care of her external attractiveness. Make yourself who you want to be, and always be confident that you are beautiful, confirm this with appropriate actions.

How to become loved?

Over the years, not only passion, but also love fades. Feelings subside completely, leaving room for a cold mind. If a man looks at a woman and realizes that she is a good man, with whom he lives comfortably, then he will continue the relationship with her.

The presence of infidelity in such a couple will depend solely on how the man was raised. Many people say that cheating is a consequence of problems in relationships. We will say that even in stable and calm marriages, men can walk. The reason here is not the presence of problems, but the education of the men themselves. So that a man does not have thoughts of going to the left, a woman needs to warm up his love for her. How to do it?

  • You need to give freedom and joy. Men are freedom-loving people. In fact, women also value and love freedom, but they achieve it in other ways. So, if a woman can give a man freedom of action and decisions, while being confident that he is doing everything right, then he will be pleased with such an attitude towards himself. A woman should also remain cheerful. The question arises: why are women only cheerful with men at the beginning of a relationship? If a woman can be cheerful all the time, even after many years, then a man will be able to maintain feelings for her.
  • Separate two roles - to be a lover and a friend. It is impossible to be a lover and a friend at the same time. A woman will have to change these roles and combine them with others. You need to remain passionate towards a man. In bed you need to allow yourself to be crazy. At the same time, in Everyday life you need to allow yourself to have reason and prudence. The man will need help, advice and support. If a woman can give all this, then he will definitely appreciate her.
  • Stay beautiful both externally and internally. Many women think that once they achieve certain body parameters, dye their hair to White color, learn to take certain poses and dress smartly, like all the men at their feet. However, they forget that external beauty is only good for attracting men. Then they want to know inner world women. And if it turns out to be empty, then such a relationship will not last long. In order not only to arouse, but also to maintain love for herself, a woman needs to be an interesting person. Undoubtedly, she must remain outwardly beautiful. But if it is interesting to talk to her about something, then she will also be loved.
  • Develop. Over the years, people change (not radically, but still change). If a man moves along career ladder strives for something, this provokes its natural growth. To remain loved by him, a woman needs to grow together with her man. Do not forget to engage in self-development, when your knowledge will be enriched as well as your lover’s wallet. A man should see that you are not standing still, you continue to amaze him with your intelligence and intelligence.
  • Maintain your independence. Undoubtedly, relationships imply that partners begin to live a life together, somewhere giving up their plans and becoming involved in each other's lives. However, you should not take things to extremes. Man and woman should not merge. They unite, but do not become one. To remain interesting to your partner, you need to continue to be as independent from him as before you met. Undoubtedly, you are together and live taking into account each other’s interests, while each has their own concerns, affairs, interests, friends, preferences, even opinions, despite the fact that we would like them to always coincide.
  • Be content with yourself. If a woman is completely satisfied with herself, then the man somehow on a subconscious level also becomes satisfied with her. Notice how a woman treats herself, the same way a man perceives her. If a woman criticizes herself, then the man also connects to this process. If a woman is happy with herself, then the man loves her too. Surprisingly, a man treats a woman the way she treats herself.

A woman should have her own interests, hobbies, work and worries. A woman can communicate with people with whom her man does not communicate or does not want to spend time. However, all this will help her maintain her individuality, be enriched with new impressions and be interesting to her man.

How can you ultimately be desired and loved by your loved one?

Every woman, sooner or later, is faced with the need to do something to make a man want and love her. Over time, the “hormonal” feelings subside, and the man begins to look at the woman with a sober look. If he doesn’t see anything good in her, then he can break up with her altogether. However, if he has some feelings for her, then they can be inflamed a little so that the woman becomes even more desirable and loved.

All this will require effort. Nothing can be achieved in one day. You will have to constantly perform certain manipulations in order to evoke feelings for yourself. If a woman is ready to live a life that is unusual for herself, then let her try and get positive results.

How to become desirable for men, because every woman wants to attract representatives of the stronger sex with her mere presence. Many women think that this is enough strict diet find the desired figure shape, wear revealing clothes, dyeing their hair blonde and the title of the desired woman is guaranteed to them, but, according to the representatives of the stronger sex themselves, such actions and transformations do not always evoke the desired emotions in them.

How to become desirable to men? Representatives of the stronger sex are more quickly and easily attracted to everything that is hidden from view in women, so first of all you need to become mysterious. Feminine men feel emotions and temperament in their voice, behavior, facial expressions and gaze. And in fact big breasts, lace underwear, provocative behavior have nothing to do with real charm. Representatives of the stronger sex evaluate femininity only when appearance when they want to get her for one night.

And to become desirable to a man for life, you need to know some secrets. So, to become desirable, you need to love yourself for who the woman is. Often, many women are not confident in their attractiveness and spend most of their time trying to achieve standard sizes or spend too much time in beauty salons.

And all men by nature are naive, like children, and they believe what they are told, therefore, they are attracted to women who radiate a feeling of their own attractiveness. In simple words, if a girl feels like a beauty, then those around her will consider her as such. If a woman realizes within herself that she is attractive, then men very quickly begin to feel this attitude. Therefore, hair color, kilograms, waist and chest size have nothing to do with it, unless they are the cause of a feminine complex, since it is precisely the feeling of inferiority and self-doubt that does not allow a woman to feel desired.

To become desirable to a man, you should not demonstrate maternal instincts in front of your chosen one. A man must show himself male character and make it out of it little son under no circumstances is it possible.

To become feminine and desirable to a man, you should learn to communicate without words: with the help of eyes, hands, a smile, and silence is one of the forms of intimacy. Beautiful intimacy is possible where everything is aimed at fueling desire, so from time to time it’s worth experimenting with unusual place with your loved one.

Men desire those women who give them freedom and fun. This is important to remember. Therefore, become the most desirable woman the mood will help, but you shouldn’t wait for this mood to come, you need to create it yourself; if it doesn’t work out, then you need to play it. You should also be able to awaken the fire of desire in a man. To do this, you need to lower your eyes, touch your lips with your finger, and let out a gentle sigh.

It is important to remember that no matter how hard a woman tries to become a friend and a good lover, it is impossible to do this at the same time. Representatives of the stronger sex clearly distinguish between intimacy and friendship. Girlfriend is open book, and you always want to unravel your mistress, but you never manage to do this to the end and that’s why she is always desired. Therefore, you must always keep your secrets to yourself.

There is no need to teach a man the art of love, you need to provide him with this opportunity.

A woman should not contradict herself and her principles; she should always remain herself and trust her intuition.

You can remain desired and loved by your man even after years. Many representatives of the fair sex dream about this. To do this, you just need to take the advice of men who know everything about the secrets of seduction.

Male photographers share their observations about models and believe that their inner world is not so interesting because they are fixated on their parameters. The passion for their beauty burns out in a few months, and in order to remain desirable, a woman must develop, just like a man, of course.

If both partners are aimed at their own internal development, then their relationship will also develop, and become more interesting and deeper. Such people will never be bored together. It is very important for a man that his woman opens up every time with new side, because it can’t help but hook him.

A man is happy when it turns out that he has a lot in common with his loved one, when watching a movie equally touches the soul. There is unity in this and at such moments a woman is most desirable.

Most men note that in addition to external beauty there is an internal one, against which Botox and silicone injections are powerless, but for some reason women forget about this and, in an attempt to improve their appearance, they rapidly, starting from the age of twenty, actively change their bodies and faces with the help of plastic surgery.

Of course, it is necessary to take care of your body, but this is understandable when it comes to age-related changes, and one should also take no less care of inner beauty. This is monotonous work on oneself, the work of the heart, soul, brain in order not to conquer, but to give the opportunity to be conquered by a man. This is very important in defeating a man, as well as in order for him to constantly strive for a woman. After all, a person returns to his favorite books, and in the relationship between a man and a woman there should be a desire to constantly be together and be needed.

Many representatives of the stronger sex like it when a woman loves herself and enjoy watching her sparkle in her eyes and mannerisms of speech.

Also, representatives of the stronger sex do not remain indifferent to the spiritual component and the feminine, because it is no secret that many couples break up due to the fact that lack of interests and general topics for conversations lead to the end of the relationship.

Many men like petite girls, so that you can kiss them, hug them, and not reach somewhere high. Representatives of the stronger sex have the feeling that it is short women need protection, so little women can use this “weapon” to “conquer” a man.

A common mistake is that many women dissolve in their other halves and do not have their own hobbies, and thus become uninteresting to their husbands, who eventually “abandon” them, because being in a relationship with a servant or maid does not bring much happiness.

How to become desired and loved by your man forever?

Psychologists advise studying painting, music, fashion, trying to be meaningful and interesting conversationalist. The woman who is always carefree, light and flirtatious will be desired and loved. Also for the stronger sex, the sex appeal of the fairer sex and independence play an important role. Every woman should understand that she herself is able to create her own unique image, and, therefore, play a major role in arranging your destiny and become the most desirable and beloved for your man.

Any woman wants to remain the only one, loved and desired for her man throughout her life, but not everyone succeeds in this. Winning the heart of a man is not so difficult; every charming woman has a lot of ways to lure the object she likes into her network. But not everyone succeeds in keeping a loved one close and becoming for him the center of the Universe and the meaning of life.

1. Man is a hunter, woman is a trophy

No wonder they say that women and men are residents different planets, accordingly, they have completely different views on romantic relationship. A woman looks for protection, stability and confidence in her chosen one. tomorrow, and for her partner, oddly enough, the emotional aspect is more important. Remember how your feelings arose. You got to know each other, new sensations attracted, excited and aroused open interest. Over time, it began to weaken. Why? The man achieved his goal and calmed down, you are already a trophy for him. You haven't forgotten that a man is a hunter, have you?

But it can also be for trophies different attitude. A stuffed killed pheasant can gather dust in a closet for years, and he will constantly show off his luxurious bear skin to his friends. Have you ever wondered why this happens? In order to get a pheasant, the man did not have to put in much effort, which cannot be said about bear hunting. Here he had to buy an expensive gun and special ammunition, go to the taiga, track the beast and go one-on-one with it in mortal combat. Do you feel the difference? This suggests next output: become a precious and desirable prey for a man, for which he is ready to spend his time and money. Never call first and don’t pick up the phone after the first ring, reschedule meetings, flirt and intrigue, demand special treatment, do not refuse gifts and signs of attention. At the same time, you must treat your partner with respect, without humiliating your own dignity. A real hunter cannot help but be provoked by such difficult prey.

2. Man is a child, woman is a wise teacher

Men are big children, you should always remember this. What does an experienced teacher do in kindergarten When do kids get bored with an activity? That's right, it switches their attention to something else. Therefore, in order to captivate a man and maintain his interest in her person, a woman herself must be a self-sufficient and integral person.

Remember, the circle of your interests cannot and should not be limited only to your chosen one. Live full life, work, create, read, travel, discover the world and share your knowledge and emotions with your loved one. A man must see and understand that he is not the center of your Universe and with his appearance, your companion is not ready to completely change the usual way of her life and put it on the altar of family relationships.

3. Everyone has their own chair

There are two chairs in a relationship – male and female; it is very important to always remember this and not claim someone else’s place. Since Old Testament times, it has been the custom that a man is the breadwinner, and a woman is the keeper of the hearth. Of course, time has made its own adjustments, but the essence remains the same. Therefore, you should not grab men's responsibilities, even if they are within your power. It is important to be able to inspire a man and properly motivate him to masculine actions and actions. It may take some time, but you will know that there is a reliable companion next to you who is ready to take responsibility for your family.

You need to constantly remind him that he is the best and you can’t do it without him. Do not skimp on praise and thank your loved one, compare with others (in his favor, of course), let him feel his importance and irreplaceability. Take a closer look at how men dote on their little daughters. And all because these tiny women are sincerely, at the level natural instincts admire their fathers, quite truthfully considering them the best on Earth. Remember that no great man would have succeeded without a woman to inspire him.

4.Oh, sex, you are the Universe!

Sex – most important aspect relationships between men and women, so this area of ​​life needs to be given great importance. To prevent carnal pleasures from turning into a boring routine, you need to make a lot of effort. Remember how you were going on a date at the beginning of your relationship, how you carefully selected your wardrobe and meticulously assessed your reflection in the mirror. Take these simple but vital tips as a rule:

Wear only beautiful and sexy lingerie.A man should not see stretched out everyday panties and washed out shapeless nighties. Walk around the house in playful robes that are ready to slide off your body at any moment. Teasing short shorts will also not leave your partner indifferent, no matter how hard his day is. Ask him to bring a towel and slippers to the bathroom, and don’t even doubt that he will carry you to bed in his arms and will not leave you there alone.

Get your body in order. Lose weight, go in for sports or dance, get to perfect condition skin and hair. Even if your body does not have model proportions, it should be fresh, clean and smell delicious. What could be more pleasant than soft, silky female skin and a head of fragrant hair, still slightly damp after the shower!

Don't be prudes and don't be shy about experimenting in bed. Watch porn movies together, practice role-playing games have sex in different places, not limited to the confines of the bed. Let your partner be woken up in the morning not by the sound of a hated alarm clock, but by your passionate oral sex. Believe me, he will remember this throughout the day and will adequately thank you in the evening!

5.Feed your man right

Everyone knows the proverb about the way to a man’s heart through his stomach. No matter how banal it may sound, there is deep meaning, laid down by the peculiarities of male physiology. Let a traditional meal turn into a ritual for your couple. If a man brought breakfast in bed at the beginning of a relationship, do not refuse such a privilege in the future. Let him know that you will thank him for this passionate kiss, good mood and a romantic dinner.

Even if you haven’t prepared anything grandiose, set the table beautifully, serve your partner food, offer a napkin, salt shaker, bread, refills. Be sure to sit at the table with him, even if dinner is late and at this time you are no longer eating. Don't start serious conversations until the man satisfies his hunger.

We hope these simple tips will help you become the most desirable and only woman for your beloved man. Good luck!

In the life of every woman, relationships with men occupy important place, everyone wants to find, and most importantly, keep that one. Some women are given this from birth, most successfully comprehend this science throughout their lives, but there are also those who cannot become the most desirable and attractive to members of the opposite sex, or so it seems to them.

The main rule of every attractive woman

Of course, there is no universal recipe for how to become loved and desired. But there are several aspects that are worth paying attention to.

We must always remember even Furthermore, learn it like a mantra: appearance doesn’t matter! Look around and you will see how many objectively beautiful women are lonely or unhappy in their personal lives and how many “little little mice” are simply basking in the attention of men. This does not mean that you can not take care of yourself, neglect beautiful clothes and hairstyle. The main thing here is to love yourself for who you are. With all the shortcomings: a small bust, short legs, lack model parameters and so on on the list. In general, everything that women love to look for in themselves. And from here follows the second statement, which must be firmly remembered: any shortcoming can be presented as an advantage, the main thing is to try.

Remember secretary Verochka from “ Office romance" Agree, Liya Akhedzhakova is not the type that can be unconditionally called beautiful woman, but, nevertheless, just one episode with the training of Director Kalugina is worth a lot.

From here follows a simple conclusion that to be a woman for men you need to be a Woman, and that’s it with a capital W.

This is the very first and most important rule. If you neglect it, then all other tricks will not bear fruit or will have a short-term effect.

More recipes on how to become feminine and desirable in the eyes of men

  • Always be well-groomed

Beautifully chosen hairstyle, makeup and clothes can transform a woman beyond recognition. When choosing clothes there is no need to chase the latest news fashion, it’s better to stick to the classics, but not the classics in the sense strict style, but in the sense of clothes out of fashion.

The golden rule of makeup is that it should not be noticeable. That is, it should be as natural as possible.

In order to select perfect hairstyle spare no time and money and go to a good, proven master who will select the appropriate image.

  • Have a hobby or interest other than

Be a woman who is interested in many things and whose life will never be built solely around men. By doing this you will achieve two goals at once: you will take your mind off thoughts about how to become desirable, and you will make it clear to men that they are not only interest in your life, which means awaken the hunter's instinct.

  • Engage in self-improvement and self-education

It's not true what they say clever woman scares men away. A truly smart woman will never scare a man.

These three pieces of advice were, so to speak, of a general nature. Any woman should follow them, regardless of whether she has a man in mind or not. That is, she must be constantly fully armed to meet that very unique thing. After all, the first impression is often decisive.

How to keep a man interested

The following tips will be about how to become desired when you already have a beloved man or husband. Yes, yes, you can also include your husband here, because very often after several years life together the wife becomes familiar and familiar in the eyes of her husband, in other words, comfortable.

  • Don't be intrusive

This applies equally to both the husband and all other men. Some detachment allows you to remain attractive woman for the opposite sex, because the inaccessible always attracts. No matter how trite it sounds, this method still works flawlessly. But the main thing is not to go too far. In the case of a guy, it’s easier to do this, for example, refuse a date a couple of times, under any pretext, even up to “something happened and I won’t be able to meet you today.” This won’t work with your husband, but you can do it differently: stay late at work, sign up for dancing or driving courses. In general, start business on the side. You can even add a little jealousy.

  • Keep your house in order

There is no need to go to fanaticism and sterilize every conceivable surface in the house. But your home should always be comfortable. Despite the emancipation revolution that has swept through, it is difficult to change nature, and to be a real woman- this is to be able to build your own nest. Again, remember, everything in moderation. The organization of the house should be unnoticeable, that is, there should be a feeling that everything is being done by itself. For married women: do not hesitate to involve your husband in a purely women's affairs, let him wash the dishes or throw his things in the washing machine.

  • Pleasantly surprise

Do unexpected things, be an unpredictable woman for men. The main thing is that surprises should be pleasant or at least intriguing. For married woman surprises are first and foremost welcome in intimate life. The most banal thing that is written about everywhere, but not many women use it, is sexy lingerie or an outfit for role-play.

  • Allow your young man or for the husband to be strong and solve problems himself.

And it doesn’t matter that you have already studied yours well washing machine and you know which side to hit from so that it works. Trust the man to fix it. Do not criticize him for ideas that obviously seem to you to be failures; it is better to agree, and in the process try to gently redirect him. And if it doesn’t work out, don’t sacramentally say “I told you so!” with that inimitable intonation that tells a man that he cannot do anything on his own.

  • Don’t allow yourself to fall into hysterics, especially during the candy-bouquet period.

The sight of a woman who does not control herself can frighten even the most loving man. In general, the ability to control yourself is useful in family life.

And one more old wisdom that should not be forgotten:

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Even if cooking is not your forte, you can surprise a man from time to time with an exquisite dish, a beautifully set table.


These are just a few tips on how to be an attractive woman and keep the man you love near you. There are many more tricks and techniques that nature itself will tell a woman.

The most important thing was stated at the beginning of the article. Always remain a woman and be confident in yourself. And if you are still single, then know that somewhere out there the one and only one is waiting who will make you happy.

And finally, one more piece of advice, if you have already tried all imaginable and inconceivable ways to attract a man, and everything that doesn’t fit in any way, then you should use the last way, which may or may not lead to desired effect, but will definitely bring peace to the soul. This is a way to let go, just take and let the person go and go on your way, because there is still a lot of joyful and happy things ahead. Good luck to you!
