How to whiten the color of the skin of the hands. The easiest recipes

Why do nails turn yellow. How to whiten them with varnish, pencil. Is it possible to whiten nails with lemon, soda, hydrogen peroxide. ten effective ways whitening nails.

Sometimes it happens that a woman again removes the varnish and discovers that her nails have turned yellow. Disorder, and more! After all, hands are business card people, they are always in sight.

And if the fair sex has an option to create some kind of breathtaking nail design, thereby disguising them, for men, yellowness means inevitable discomfort and embarrassment. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to one of the methods of whitening the nail plates at home.

How and how to whiten fingernails and toenails at home quickly?

The condition of the nails (their color, strength, smoothness, elasticity, etc.) reflects:

  • human health status
  • his habits

If the nails turn yellow, it is necessary to look for this internal or external cause.

So, they could spoil the color:

  • nail polishes
  • household chemicals
  • plants and herbs (nails can have a terrible color after their owner has worked in the garden, pulling out weeds, for example)
  • sun
  • salty water

In one of these cases, in order to restore the color of the nails, you need to accustom yourself to do housework, in the country, in the garden, to come into contact with chemicals only with gloves. There is nothing to say about the fact that you need to buy only high-quality cosmetics tested by dermatologists.

Often the cause of yellowing of the nail plates lies in serious problem inside the body. Or it becomes a consequence of a person's bad habits.

  1. Yellow nails are an occasion to pay attention to the health of the liver, kidneys, intestines and lungs.
  2. The color of the nail plates also changes with diabetes
  3. Nails suffer during beriberi, when the body lacks many useful substances, in particular zinc and iron.
  4. Changing the color of the nail from natural whitish to yellow and even brown is a symptom of onychomycosis (nail fungus)
  5. The color of the nail plates is affected by the use of antibiotics and some other medicines.
  6. If a person smokes or drinks coffee in large quantities, he may need to whiten his nails.

IMPORTANT: If the discoloration of the nail has a deep internal cause, any method of whitening them will be temporary. It is recommended to contact medical facilities, carefully examined and treated in case of health problems. And quitting smoking will have a positive effect not only on the nail plates, but also on health and quality of life in general.

Yellow nails are a symptom of onychomycosis.

Whitening nail pencil: how to use?

In cosmetics stores, you can find two types of whitening nail pencils:

  • restorative
  • for french manicure

Obviously, the first is intended for the care of the nail plates, and the second is for creating a nail design.

IMPORTANT: Pencils for whitening and restoring nails are also made with white cosmetic clay or purified medical chalk. They also have a beneficial effect on appearance, and on the condition of the horny plates on the fingertips

The tool is applied in this way:

  1. Nails should not be coated.
  2. Hands must be washed with soap and dried
  3. If hand cream was used, it should dry well.
  4. Nail pencil should be pointed
  5. The tip of a pencil is dipped in water
  6. Spend them along the free tip of the nail with inside(not on the nail, but under it!)
  7. If the product got on skin, it is removed with a cotton swab dipped in plain water

IMPORTANT: The pencil gives a whitening effect before the first contact with water. In addition, when washing off, he gets his hands dirty.

Whitening nail polish: how to use?

Whitening varnishes are produced by almost all brands that are engaged in the manufacture of manicure products. Finding them is not difficult, and the price range is wide. But is it true that such varnishes are effective?

Manufacturers claim that the use this tool produces not only a decorative, but also a regenerating effect, since it contains oils, vitamins, mineral complexes, others useful material. In addition to bleaching varnish:

  • aligns the nail plate
  • strengthens it
  • gives elasticity and prevents brittleness

IMPORTANT: To achieve desired effect It is not enough to apply whitening varnish only once. It is necessary to "treat" them with a course of 10 days

  1. For the first time, the product is used on the nails after a hygienic manicure.
  2. Lacquer is applied in two layers
  3. The tool must be evenly distributed over the nail plate
  4. Drying time - 5-7 minutes
  5. The procedure is repeated the next day.

IMPORTANT: Remove medical varnish for bleaching each time before its subsequent application is not necessary. New layers are superimposed on the previous ones day by day.

VIDEO: G spruce for whitening nails

Whitening nail bath

Effectively whiten the nails of the bath according to three recipes:

  1. Salt bath. Pour 250 ml of warm water into a bowl for manicure, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon sea ​​salt. You can and the usual cookbook. It is absolutely impossible to drip iodine into it, otherwise the bath will give reverse result. Add juice of 0.5 lemon or 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar. Fingertips are dipped in the bath for a quarter of an hour
  2. Bath with lemon. For marigolds, a nutritional whitening mixture is made: combine 2 tbsp. spoons olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, juice of 1 lemon, 3 drops essential oil lemon and 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Fingers keeping the mixture immersed for 15-20 minutes
  3. Chamomile bath. 1 st. a spoonful of plant flowers is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, steamed for an hour in a thermos. Allow to cool to a tolerable temperature and immerse the nails in the solution for 15 minutes

VIDEO: R recipe for whitening, strengthening and growth of nails

How to whiten nails with toothpaste?

This method can be called extreme. Dentists warn that harsh, abrasive whitening toothpaste can destroy the enamel of the teeth, and in fact it is the hardest tissue of the human body. What can we say about nails?

However, some practice this method of whitening:

  • apply a thin layer of paste on the nail plates
  • scrub it with a soft brush
  • keep on nails for 3-5 minutes
  • wash off with water

IMPORTANT: This method is effective to remove from nails coloring pigment or pollution, but do not eliminate internal cause their yellowing

How to whiten nails with citric acid?

With the help of citric acid, you can cope with the problem of tarnishing and yellowness of the nails. Here are two effective ways:

  1. A whitening bath for nail shine is done in this way: 1 teaspoon of lemon acid crystals is dissolved in 250 ml of warm water. Duration of the procedure - 15 minutes
  2. A mask and a bath are prepared separately. The mask is made from a mixture of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of citric acid. It is applied to the nails with a washcloth and worn for 5 minutes. After removing the remnants of the mask, the hands are immersed in a bath with 250 ml of water, in which another 1 teaspoon of citric acid is diluted. After a quarter of an hour, the nails are polished with a nail file

Lemon acid - excellent remedy for whitening nails.

IMPORTANT: After using citric acid, you need to use nourishing cream for hands and nails

How to whiten nails with baking soda?

In order to return whiteness to the nails, prepare a solution of soda. Attention, soda is abrasive, so you should not get carried away with it.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of perhydrol and 2.5 tbsp. spoons of soda
  2. Apply the solution to the nails with a soft toothbrush or dip your fingers into the solution
  3. After 10 minutes, rinse your hands with a decoction of chamomile

IMPORTANT: To enhance the effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of sea or baking soda to the mixture, as well as 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

VIDEO: Soda paste for whitening nails

How to whiten nails with hydrogen peroxide?

Whitens nails with an aqueous solution of perhydrol. For him, take 1 part of peroxide and 3 parts of water. The procedure time is 10 minutes. It is advisable to do 5 procedures with an interval of 1 day.

VIDEO: Whitening nails at home

How and how to whiten nails after the garden?

If after the garden the nails are “green”, they can be rubbed with vinegar. It is better to take an ordinary table, white.
Wet a cotton pad in vinegar and wipe the nail plates with it from above and below.

IMPORTANT: Vinegar has a disinfectant property, it kills microbes that have fallen under the nails along with the ground

How and how to whiten the nails on the hands and feet from yellowness?

If yellowness appeared on the nails of the hands and feet due to exposure to harmful external facts or lack of vitamins, almond oil helps.

IMPORTANT: Almond oil contains vitamin E, which is known to add beauty. Baths and masks with it will improve the condition of the skin of the hands, soften the cuticle, and prevent the formation of hangnails.

Almond oil is a remedy for yellow nails.
  1. A mask that removes yellowness from nails is made from undiluted almond oil.
  2. Add to 2 tbsp. tablespoons base oil 5 drops lemon ether
  3. Wetted in oil mixture cotton pads, carefully wipe each nail with them
  4. Put on plastic gloves or special fingertips
  5. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with acidified water.

How and how to whiten nails after red polish?

So that red varnish does not spoil the color nail plate, it is recommended to use a base coat before applying it, and after removing it, make oil mask from:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 3 drops lemon ether
  • 2 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 2 drops sandalwood oil

How to whiten under the nails, nails from the inside?

The unpleasant color of the nail plate on the inside is removed with lemon.

  1. Cut a lemon into 10 pieces
  2. Nails are dipped into the pulp of each of them
  3. Withstand 5 minutes
  4. Wash hands with soap

VIDEO: How to get rid of yellow nails?

The appearance of age spots on the hands is caused by excessive exposure to the skin of ultraviolet radiation and does not look very nice. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to whiten the skin of the hands, and during and after treatment it is necessary to use sunscreen.

Whitening with buttermilk and lemon juice.
This is an old method of skin whitening. To use it, you need to purchase dry buttermilk in powder form. Mix 1 tablespoon dried buttermilk with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (you can add a few drops if desired). oil solution vitamin E).
Apply the resulting mass to the skin so that dark spots were completely covered by it. Leave the mixture on your hands for at least 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can repeat the procedure weekly, and with very sensitive skin- 1 time in two weeks.

Whitening hands with barley flour.
It was used in ancient Babylon. Add the same amount of water to 1/4 cup of barley flour and stir until the mixture turns into a thick homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting slurry to the skin and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse and dry your hands thoroughly. Repeat this procedure possible often enough.

Bleaching with potato skins.
Highly simple procedure, which helps to smooth the skin and slightly brightens age spots. Attach a piece of peel with a cut to the skin and hold for about 1 minute, then remove it and rinse your hand. You can repeat the procedure as often as you wish.

Avocado skin whitening.
Attach the peel of an avocado with a cut to the skin, especially in those places where accumulations of age spots are located, and hold for 10 minutes. Then rinse your hands to remove excess avocado oil from the skin.

Whitening with lemon juice and oatmeal.
An oatmeal and lemon juice mask provides simultaneous smoothing and whitening of the skin.
Place 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a mixer and grind into flour. Pour oat flour into a bowl, pour in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and stir until smooth. Apply the gruel on the skin of the hands and hold for 1-2 minutes. Then wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

Whitening with yogurt.
Lubricate your hands with regular or fat-free yogurt. After 2-3 minutes, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. This mask is recommended to be done often.
If desired, you can add a few drops of any essential oil (such as lavender) to the yogurt.

Whitening with yogurt and honey.
Mix 1 tablespoon plain or low fat yogurt with 1 tablespoon honey. Use like regular yogurt bleach.

Whitening with buttermilk.
Women of the south have always used buttermilk to whiten and soften their skin. You can also use this method. If desired, add crushed berries to the buttermilk. //

You can whiten your skin at home with chemicals, or you can use natural ones, which we will talk about today. Unlike their artificial analogues They are safer and easier to use. Of course, the result will have to wait a little, but at the same time you will be sure of it..

What exactly can we achieve using the products discussed below? Whiten freckles and age spots, even out complexion, especially after sunburn. By the way, in the summer you need to be more careful: exposure to the sun, the influence of ultraviolet rays can not only interfere with the whitening process, but also create unnecessary problems for us. Therefore, we either don’t get carried away, trying to become white-white, or we don’t go out during the day.

What happens to the skin during whitening? A kind of peeling: dead skin cells are exfoliated and the level of melanin produced is reduced.

The composition of whitening masks includes foods rich in vitamin C - mainly vegetables and fruits. Among them are cucumbers, lemons, strawberries, raspberries, currants, parsley. Based existing recipes you can come up with your own masks: who has what at home, and what the skin likes more. Masks should be done often, but be sure to alternate them with nourishing and regenerating ones. An alternative or addition to masks - lotions, herbal decoctions for washing. So, look at the list of products and get to work!


Cucumber mask is the most common "clarifier". Available, cheap, effective. We rub the cucumber on a grater, add a spoonful of sour cream or nourishing cream to the pulp and apply on the face. Hold for 15 minutes, rinse with water. If you have oily skin, then replace the cream with a couple of drops of vodka.


Another popular product. Parsley or finely chopped into a mask can be, and make a lotion out of it. To do this, pour parsley with boiling water and wipe the face twice a day, when the mixture is infused.


Why not? Dandelion leaves lighten age spots and freckles. We make strong tea from them and insist the night. Wipe the face should be the same as parsley tincture. Wet a cotton swab, wipe the face, wait until dry, rinse clean water. For experimenters - ointment from dandelions. To make it, cut fresh leaves and pour castor oil. The mixture will be ready in two weeks: filter and use.

Oatmeal + tomato

We are so eager to sunbathe, but sometimes the tan is not what we wanted. Or at the end of the summer, he begins to “fall off” and the complexion “gets dirty”. The situation will be corrected by a mixture of oatmeal with tomato juice. Ideally, if the juice is freshly squeezed (or the more natural, the better). We mix it with oatmeal and apply the mass on the face. Once dry, rinse with warm water. In addition, we know that oatmeal cleans pores well, so this mask performs several useful functions at once.

Lemon + honey

They say if you sprinkle your hair before going out lemon juice then they will light up. Such a natural highlighting. Lemon whitens skin just as well. But it can seem a bit aggressive, especially if you have dry skin. Therefore, the most successful use of lemon is in combination with honey. Mix lemon juice with honey and apply to those areas of the skin that we want to whiten. First check if you are allergic to lemon - to do this, put a drop of juice on your hand. You can add to this mask powdered milk or egg white.


Do you love berries? Rub strawberry juice on your face morning and evening, and your freckles and age spots will become lighter. A strawberry, honey and lemon juice mask has the same whitening effect. Moreover, you can get rid of irritations and acne. Strawberries are good for oily skin- It visibly tightens pores.

Many women working for fresh air, especially in summer suburban area, worries about the question - how to whiten hands and return them natural shade at home. It is quite simple to do this, the means for this can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

If possible, you can contact a beautician, he will be happy to help your problem. But not every woman can afford a rather expensive procedure, so you will have to return the natural color to your hands on your own.

Whitening masks

The easiest way to return light hands at home even shade- Ordinary masks. Often they do not need to be done, 2-3 times a week is enough for the skin to become white and tender. Before the procedure, be sure to check the sensitivity. Some components for masks can cause irritation or allergies.

It is very simple to check the sensitivity of the skin - apply a few drops of the product with which you are going to treat your hands to the bend of the elbow joint, wait a few hours. If no alarming suspicious symptoms are observed, you can safely proceed to the procedure.

Remarkably affects the skin of the hands of ordinary potato starch. If possible, you can replace it with corn. Pour a few teaspoons of starch into a small container. Pour warm water in there. Stir with a wooden spoon or stick.

Dip your hands in the mixture for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with running water, it is easy to get wet soft towel. Such a mask will not only perfectly whiten the skin, but also rid it of dead skin particles, provide excellent hydration and nutrition. This method will also whiten perfectly.

very tender thin skin must be handled with extreme care, choosing gentle products. Yogurt will help here, provided that it is unsweetened and low-fat. Warm yogurt to body temperature, combine with lemon juice. It is better to squeeze the juice just before preparing the product.

Apply a whitening mask to your hands, trying to do it gently, covering the skin with an even layer. You do not need to keep the drug for a long time, after 15 minutes you can wash it off. Take a little warm water. Such a tool is useful in that it quickly whitens, moisturizes and tones the skin of the hands.

Can you make a face mask at home raw potatoes, she will be able to bleach perfectly. Grate the potatoes together with the peel on a grater with small holes, add a little flour, mix. Drop lemon juice into the mixture, then gradually add warm water. The mixture should become a consistency like thick sour cream. This will allow you to easily apply it on your hands.

Whitening lotions

Often there is not enough time to prepare and use masks or there is no desire to walk with a layer of the product applied to the hands. Then effective lotions will help whiten, which can be prepared every few days, stored in a dark, cool place. Using them is simple - once a day, wipe the skin of the hands with a cotton pad dipped in a solution.

It is better to do skin treatment with lotion right before going to bed. If especially Hard case, you can increase the amount of application - apply the product several times. It is not necessary to wash off the lotion - this will improve its effect.

The following vegetables are wonderful for whitening the skin:

  • potato:
  • cucumber;
  • tomato.

You can squeeze juice from these vegetables and wipe your hands, or you can make a lotion by combining several components. It is impossible to store the product for a long time even in the refrigerator, after 3-4 days it will beneficial features loses.

Cucumber lotion will help to quickly whiten the skin of the hands. To do this, grate it on a fine grater and filter the juice through cheesecloth in several layers. Mix it in equal parts with vegetable oil or heavy fresh cream.

This solution will perfectly help whiten skin with an uneven shade and a large number of age spots: a few sprigs of parsley, half a glass of elderberry, water and milk. Mix everything in a small saucepan, put on a slow fire and cook for five minutes after boiling. Wrap with a towel and soak for several hours. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle and refrigerate.

To relieve irritation of dry skin, restore a natural even shade and whiten will help lotion from such plants: mint, aloe, plantain, parsley. Pour the crushed mixture of plants with a glass of boiling water, wait until the liquid is infused. Strain, then add a few drops of lemon or cranberry juice.

Another wonderful tool that can be found in any housewife - sauerkraut. To treat the skin of the hands, only its juice is needed. cotton pad wash several times a day problem areas hands If the skin on the elbows also darkened and became thick and hard, these areas can also be treated with cabbage juice.

You should not stop at any one whitening product - it is better to alternate masks with lotions. It works faster and more effectively on the skin. Remember that at home, with improvised means, you can correct skin imperfections no worse than with expensive drugs or in beauty salons. Natural home cosmetics will bring only benefit, and absolutely free of charge, and your hands will look tender, beautiful and well-groomed.

If at the peak of Asian fashion a decade ago it was customary to bleach the skin aggressive peels, but now cosmetologists advise more soft remedies. How can you whiten your skin at home?

Fashion for white skin is back

FROM natural ingredients that improve general state skin day after day and at the same time spare her health. In the composition of brightening cosmetics there will always be components for a complex effect: acids and vitamins for exfoliation, extracts to regulate the pigmentation process in the deeper layers of the skin (look for peptides and extracts of licorice, yeast, dianella, lingonberry, bearberry and heather).

But most importantly, such a person must be very disciplined. This is exactly what it would be good to learn from Japanese girls, who not only protect their faces from the sun, but also regularly use full-fledged lines of several products. Sales statistics in our country so far indicate that we prefer universal means"3 in 1?. Perhaps, together with the new trend “for a clean and smooth skin»we will also awaken the love for careful and thoughtful self-care - beautiful and unhurried beauty rituals.

How to whiten hands at home

Ideally white, without flaws and darkening, only very young girls can have hands. And then, provided that these pens did not know homework like peeling new potatoes or washing the kitchen. All other ladies will need to try so that their hands do not give out either age or occupation and do not spoil the overall impression.

It is good to visit the salon and go through special procedures there for whitening hands, as well. Of course, for this you need to make an appointment in advance, allocate time for a hike.

If time is not enough, then homemade cosmetics are suitable.

The most effective home remedies for whitening hands:

  • Lemon juice - whitens skin and nails almost instantly. The main thing is to do the procedure immediately after you have finished the "dirty work". Wipe darkened areas with juice, wait 2-5 minutes, massage and rinse with warm water.
  • Lemon juice will successfully replace lemon acid: stir it with table salt Moisturize a little and wipe the areas of darkened skin. It is this way to bring the handles back to normal is suitable for emergency cases.
  • Apple peel. If you systematically wipe your hands with it after kitchen work, the skin of your hands will not only whiten, but also become more elastic.
  • Cucumbers. If you make a gruel out of them (you can use all the same cleanings), apply on the skin of your hands and hold for about 10 minutes, the lightening effect will be visible almost immediately. You can mix the resulting slurry with a nourishing cream, then the skin will also become moisturized.
  • Buttermilk and lemon juice will help get rid of age spots: mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buttermilk powder with lemon juice. Apply the resulting slurry to your hands so that the age spots are covered with a thick layer. The exposure time is about half an hour. Wash hands and apply cream.
  • Parsley is also known for its lightening properties. It is recommended to apply chopped parsley in an even layer on the hands.

There are many ways to whiten the skin of the hands at home. The main condition for achieving a sustainable result is the systematic procedure. And don't forget about special creams for hands.

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