How to remove tan on the face. Effective ways to quickly remove sunburn from the face at home

Sunburn is not always a desirable consequence of sun exposure. For one reason or another, sometimes it becomes necessary to lighten the skin, especially when it comes to facial skin. How to remove a tan in this case, learn from this article.

How to remove sunburn from the face with cosmetics

If you don't mind the money, you can get a skin lightening treatment for sunburn at any beauty salon. There are several techniques used for this purpose:

  • various acid peels;
  • laser application;
  • photo correction.

The essence of the methods lies in the fact that the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated, the cells accelerate regeneration, and the skin color at the same time restores its color. natural shade. After just a few procedures, there is no trace of tanning. The downside is that both peelings and photocorrection have contraindications and require an exceptionally professional approach.

Instead of visiting the salon, you can look into the cosmetics store and look after special means to eliminate sunburn. As a rule, they are available in the form of lotions or creams. Result in this case will not be as fast as in the case of salon procedures, but the method itself is safe and gentle.

How to remove a tan from your face: folk recipes

Folk recipes for removing sunburn are almost as effective as whitening cosmetics. So why pay more when you can prepare a remedy with my own hands from cheap and affordable products. Let's look at the various options:

  • Cucumber masks. Cucumbers have long been considered one of the the best means to combat unwanted pigmentation. With their help, they fight not only with sunburn, but also with freckles. Sometimes fresh vegetable simply cut into thin circles and put on the face, where they hold for about 15 minutes. In the case of sunburn, this method can lighten the skin unevenly, so it is better to prepare a mask from cucumber. To do this, the product is washed, rubbed on a fine grater, a little flour is added so that the liquid does not spread much, and then this mass is distributed over the tanned areas. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then wash off without soap. After a couple of such procedures, the result will be obvious.

  • Juices of citrus fruits. The acids contained in citrus fruits whiten the skin no worse than cucumbers. For procedures to eliminate sunburn, you can take lemons, grapefruits or oranges. The mask is easy to make: beat a few slices of citrus with a blender and mix with a little flour. Apply on face and hold for half an hour. You should not resort to the help of such a recipe if you have a tendency to allergies. Exists fast way face lightening: squeeze a little lemon juice, wet cotton pad and rub the skin for a couple of minutes.

  • Dairy products. Lactic acid also helps to cope with unwanted pigmentation. It brightens the skin well, but does not act as aggressively as fruit juices. In addition, sour-milk products help not only to remove dark color from the face, but also soothe the irritated sunbeams epidermis. Their action is not as fast as that of citrus juice, but more gentle. To combat sunburn, you can lubricate the skin with yogurt, kefir or sour cream in pure form, or you can mix them with honey, egg or other useful ingredients.

  • Parsley greens. Parsley leaf juice has a pronounced whitening effect. Besides, this useful product struggling with acne and rejuvenates the skin. To make a parsley mask, you need to finely chop it and grind it in a mortar to extract the juice. Then mix the greens with kefir or sour cream and apply on the face. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off. The result of such clarification can be observed after 2 procedures. Parsley can also be poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes on the stove. The cooled broth is used as a tonic, wiping the face with it.

  • Mechanical peels. To remove unwanted tan from the face, you can resort to peeling. To do this, you should buy a ready-made cosmetic product or prepare it from home products, for example, from ground coffee, soda, sugar, crushed oatmeal. Peeling is carried out on steamed skin, and after washing, the face is moistened with cream.

Summer is coming to an end and you have a problem:
  • traces of, straps, swimming trunks
  • uneven tan,
  • ugly tan,
  • spotted tan.

How to remove a tan? Folk remedies:

To remove tan from the face, nose, neck, chest, arms, legs, back, you can make homemade whitening masks, use peeling.

Recipe number 1: how to remove a tan with a lemon
Lemon water has a whitening effect, tones and brightens the skin. Dip a few lemon slices into a glass of water and leave them for a few hours. Lemon water can be used to wipe the face, and it is suitable for daily use.

Recipe #2: How to whiten a tan with parsley
Parsley has a whitening effect, brightens the skin, removes freckles. To remove sunburn, take one tablespoon of parsley and pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave for 30 minutes until cool. Parsley infusion is applied to the tanned body and left to dry. If you want to make a decoction of parsley, then you need to boil it for 7 minutes.

Recipe number 3: how to wash off a tan with yogurt
Yogurt has a whitening effect, it can be used to whiten a tan. To do this, every evening we lubricate the face or tanned areas of the body with a cotton swab with yogurt. We leave this mask for 20 minutes, it will dry out and be absorbed into the skin. After that, wash off the yogurt with cool water.

You got an unwanted sunburn:

  • white forehead from bangs and tanned face,
  • white eyes from glasses and a tanned face,
  • tanned face, body white,
  • tanned legs to the knees, and the body is white,
  • tanned hands, arms, and the body is white,
  • traces from
  • traces from
  • traces from
  • traces from .
Do not be afraid, wipe the tanned areas with lemon juice in the morning and evening.

Recipe number 4: How to remove a tan with sour cream
Sour cream and lemon lighten the skin well. Take sour cream and lemon juice in a ratio of 1 to 1, mix and add parsley. Apply the whitening mask on the face and body for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water afterwards.

Recipe number 5: how to get rid of a tan with white clay, vegetables and fruits
White clay has a whitening effect, it can be used to whiten a tan. To do this, take one tablespoon of kaolin and add strawberry or strawberry juice, parsley or cucumber juice. white clay dilute until a thick mass is obtained. Add lemon juice to the mask and apply on face and body. Leave the whitening mask on the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

Recipe number 6: how to remove a tan with peeling
Peeling removes the top layer of skin along with tan. Can be used for peeling home scrub, coffee, sea salt.

When will the sunburn start to disappear?
IN normal conditions the tan begins to wash off after 2 weeks, if you use whitening masks and scrubs, you can speed up the process. All category notes

Oh-oh-oh, have you been to the sea? And where? - the first thing colleagues asked the vacationer on the first day of going to work.

Unfortunately I was not! This is how I sunbathed in the garden. Now I walk like a spotted deer. Here is black, here is red, and here is yellow - she showed parts of her face and immediately turned to the employees for advice: - Don't know how to whiten?

A tan looks beautiful only if it is even, but it can also be like with a vacation colleague. In this case sunbathing didn't do her any good.

So, how to quickly remove a tan from your face?

In a beauty salon

There is a proven way to whiten your face - use the services of a beauty salon. However, it should be remembered that the beautician will apply chemical treatments, and they can be harmful side effects.

It is safer to eliminate unwanted sunburn with the help of natural products. They nourish and moisturize the skin, and cope with pigmentation. We will offer you tools that are always at hand or can be quickly bought in the store, so you can take the necessary measures right away.

With the help of yogurt...

Here, for example, yogurt! Lubricate the body and face with a fermented milk product. Leave on for 20 minutes until completely absorbed into the skin. Then rinse with water. Yogurt will whiten, and at the same time smooth out wrinkles.

...and green parsley

This is just a magical plant! And it will lighten freckles and even out the tone of the face. She copes well with unwanted sunburn. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. You need to insist until it cools down completely. Strain. Wipe the skin as often as possible.

We use white clay

Mix a tablespoon of clay with cucumber juice (you can also with lemon juice). The mask should be thick. Apply to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

How to get rid of sunburn with lemon

Lemon, grapefruit are also great to help you fight a tan. Mix citrus juice with sour cream, honey, curdled milk. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. In addition to the whitening effect, you can use this mask to ensure that the skin softens, becomes elastic, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Or make it even simpler: take a tablespoon of granulated sugar, drip a drop olive oil and two or three drops of lemon juice (for dry skin, add glycerin as well). Mix and apply on face. Attention: do not touch the area around the eyes! Hold the mask for 20 minutes and rinse off. Do not dry yourself, but only blot your face with a towel or napkin.

...tomatoes, cucumbers, ..

We take a tomato, cucumber, a tablespoon of honey, a lemon, a teaspoon of cottage cheese (for dry skin) or sour cream (for oily skin). We do this: three tomatoes on a grater, add sour cream or cottage cheese, squeeze lemon juice (three to four drops), then honey. We mix. Apply to face, hold for 20 minutes. Wash off! Facial effect!

...and potatoes

If suddenly you didn’t have all the previous products in your house, then the potato must have been lying around somewhere. Get it right away and clean it up. Grate on a fine grater. Apply the paste on your face, keep it for about 20 minutes, and then wash your face.

Every person who has been on vacation wants to return with tanned, chocolate skin. But unfortunately, a tan does not always satisfy the wishes of a vacationer, so the question of how to remove it from the body comes first.

In this article you will find useful information, about how to remove an uneven or ugly tan from the skin of the face and body at home, using cosmetics, in a beauty salon. And also how to do it quickly.

In what cases is it necessary to remove the tan

As you know, a tan is not only beautiful, but also harmful to health, especially if you get it quickly and in large quantities. Therefore, the desire to get rid of sunburn can be for two reasons:

  • For health reasons.
  • Due to unaesthetic appearance.

On the health side, sunburn can affect general state skin, overdrying it and depriving it of elasticity, then it is simply necessary to whiten the body. Of course, getting rid of sunburn is also in cases where irritation is noticed in the form of a rash and redness. excessive skin is also a reason to wash it off.

It is especially important to get rid of the dark color when too much time is spent in the open sun, the skin is significantly burned, and burns appear. This is manifested by burning, itching.

It is important to know! If blisters appear at the site of the tan, the skin turns red, and a burning sensation appears, in no case should the tan be removed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As for the unaesthetic appearance, it can be noted that tanning should be removed from the body if the skin is unevenly colored or if age spots appear. Of course, a layer of dark color is removed when traces of a swimsuit remain, or a contour from sunglasses is visible on the face.

Ways to eliminate sunburn

How to safely get rid of sunburn on the face and body? There are many ways to safely and conveniently remove tan from the face and body. These are folk methods, and the means used by cosmetologists in beauty salons.

At home

How to effectively get rid of sunburn at home? TO folk methods sunburn removal include the use of the following products:

  • Lemon juice. Removing sunburn with lemon is very simple and fast. It must be squeezed out and applied, without rubbing, to those parts of the body that need to be lightened. Leaving more than three minutes is not recommended. Rinse with warm water, then wash with face wash or apply a moisturizing balm.
  • Fresh cucumber. You can wipe the body with cut skin 3-4 times a day. It is also recommended to grate the cucumber and apply the resulting porridge to the lightened areas of the skin. For more best result it is worth adding a few drops of lemon juice to cucumber porridge;
  • Dairy products. Apply Ryazhenka, kefir or low-fat sour cream evenly on the skin without rubbing. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, do not use cosmetics;
  • Table apple cider vinegar. Add half a teaspoon per liter of water. Wet a handkerchief, towel or gauze bandage with water and wipe the skin. Do this for 2 minutes, and then wash with warm water. You need to be very careful with this procedure, as it can lead to burns.

Such available ways will help everyone who wants to whiten the skin of the face and body from sunburn at home. To wash off the tan from the face and body in this way is practically free and fast. Most importantly, be careful with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar!


Do not forget that you can always visit a bathhouse or sauna. As is known, hot air with steam, it helps to get rid of sunburn and put your skin in order. In the bath, it is worth thoroughly rubbing the tanned places with a hard washcloth, rubbing the skin with a pumice stone or warming yourself up with a broom. After such procedures, blood circulation increases, and skin cells are updated faster.


So, what cosmetic products can be used to wash off the tan? There are a number of whitening scrubs and tonics that can make your skin glow in just a few uses.

As statistics show, almost every type of cosmetics, regardless of the manufacturer, helps to get rid of sunburn in short time, while not providing negative impact on the skin.

In a beauty salon

Finally, you need to figure out how to remove unwanted tan from your face and body in a beauty salon? Every self-respecting salon offers its clients a number of procedures that help to cope with an ugly tanned body or age spots. Among the most popular procedures, the following should be emphasized:

  • Laser whitening. The beautician, using laser beams, breaks down the accumulated melanin in the skin cells, thereby accelerating its breakdown in the body. Usually, 2-4 treatments are required to achieve the ideal result;
  • Bioactive whitening. It is carried out with the help of preparations containing chemical substances. However, it is more gentle in contrast to photobleaching or acid peeling. Requires 3 to 7 treatments.

How to quickly get rid of uneven tan

There are different situations, for example, the result is needed immediately. And how to get rid of sunburn on the face and body quickly?

First of all, in order to quickly whiten the face from sunburn, acid-based creams should be noted. It is they who, as if by magic, help the body to quickly remove the accumulated melanin. After 5-6 applications, the skin begins to exfoliate, and after 2-3 weeks it is completely renewed.

Pharmaceutical products are another quick way to quickly wash off the tan from the face and body. For example, 1:1 diluted hydrogen peroxide with boiled water whiten the skin in just 2 weeks, and synthomycin ointment will help remove not only dark skin after exposure to the sun, but dark spots both on the face and throughout the body.

Some of the fast-acting products are made entirely of natural organic ingredients. The only downside is they are not cheap.

Of course, they will not be able to remove the tan from the face in exactly 1 day. But in any case, they will make the situation much better!

How to take care of your skin after bleaching tan

First, it is recommended to regularly moisturize and nourish the body, whether it is the face, legs, neck or hands. This procedure should be performed at least 2 times a day. Secondly, it is necessary to use sunscreen if a person is often exposed to direct sunlight.

Limit yourself in use age cosmetics or in a wax procedure or sugar hair removal. And for the first time after bleaching, it is desirable to be outside as little as possible from 10:00 to 16:00, when the sun is most active.

It is worth concluding that it is quite possible to quickly get rid of a tan, you just need to regularly apply whitening masks or do not forget to use cosmetics.

Now you know how to whiten your face and body from sunburn. If something goes wrong and you are disappointed with the result of sunbathing, then you can implement certain tips from the article.

In contact with

Of course, no one will argue with the fact that with the help of a tan, you can not only visually tighten your figure, but also get rid of minor flaws skin. That's only if you overdo it with sunbathing, you can get an unpleasant "rustic" shade, so it is important for every girl to know how to remove a tan at home.

To return the skin to a normal shade, it is necessary to turn to the so-called water procedures, thanks to which, in the problem of how to remove a tan, home conditions will be quite enough. For example, in hot tub with St. John's wort extract, you can not only relax well, but make the tan less noticeable. But it is not recommended to overdo it with this procedure, because the tan may begin to come off in the form of spots.

After taking a bath, using a scrub or hard washcloth, you need to exfoliate dead cells well. By the way, most of the fair sex tend to believe that the tan is easily washed off, but this, unfortunately, is far from the case. Melanin, which is responsible for darkening the skin, is formed in the very last layers of the skin, so water procedures only slightly lighten the skin. So after taking a shower and cleansing the body, you need to use additional folk remedies which can certainly help in how to remove a tan. At home, among the people among effective means to get rid of sunburn secrete juice from raw potatoes with soothing and brightening properties.

Potato juice is applied to the body with a cotton swab for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with running water. And to enhance the effect of juice, it is recommended to mix it with lemon juice. Already after a few days, after regular use of this procedure, it will be possible to notice that the “rustic” skin tone has become less noticeable. By the way, if there is no possibility and desire to get juice from potatoes, tanned areas of the skin can simply be rubbed with slices of chopped potatoes. Also, fresh potatoes can be passed through a grater, and smear the skin with the resulting slurry and leave for 30 minutes.

As for lemon juice, it is far from the last place in the fight against unwanted tanning, because. lemon acid, which is part of the juice, perfectly removes dead cells skin and, accordingly, the tan itself. Lemon juice can be mixed with cucumber juice and special rose water. The resulting mixture is lubricated not only on the tanned body, but also on the face, left for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with water. By the way, cut lemon, just like potatoes, can be rubbed on tanned areas of the body.

It should be said that our mothers certainly know how to remove a tan at home using fresh cucumber juice, since vitamin C contained in cucumbers in sufficient quantities perfectly moisturizes sun-dried skin. Two large spoons of cucumber juice must be mixed with a pinch of turmeric and applied to the body, leaving for half an hour. This mixture penetrates well into the pores of the skin and whitens it. In addition, cucumber juice can be mixed with lemon juice and a glass of natural yogurt, and flour or starch will help to add density to the mixture. Keep the mixture for tanned skin about an hour recommended.

By the way, our great-grandmothers and grandmothers also know how to remove a tan quickly at home with the help of fermented milk products. And the very best natural remedy it is customary to consider kefir and sour cream to whiten a tan, because. the lactic acid included in their composition perfectly removes sunburn. Use these products to achieve the desired result should be daily for 10-15 days. Any of these products are applied to the body and left for 20 minutes, and then they take a shower with fragrant gel to remove the specific smell from the body.

Another good one fermented milk product to whiten a tan and exfoliate dead skin cells - cottage cheese, which is mixed in a bowl with turmeric and applied in an even layer on the tanned body for 20 minutes.

It is necessary to mention a curious fact that even the ancient Indians wondered: “How can I quickly clean at home and not harm the skin?”. And they found their answer in regular milk, which was mixed with a few drops of lemon juice and turmeric. This mixture indian women, wishing to remove traces of the sun from the skin, applied to their body and waited for it to dry completely, and then washed off with water.

On the basis of milk, there is another recipe, for the preparation of which three raw milk is placed in a glass of fresh milk. almond nuts, and then the milk is placed for 12 hours in a dark cool place. After that, the infusion is passed through a meat grinder and the resulting cream is applied to the skin for 15-10 minutes.

In addition to dairy products, sunburn is “afraid” apple cider vinegar, but this product must certainly be natural and obtained from cider or apple juice. In addition, it should not contain any preservatives and flavorings. This remedy in a ratio of 1:1, it is diluted in boiled, slightly warm water and thoroughly rubbed over the body with a towel.

You can also use a remedy made from a couple of tablespoons of honey and a few drops of lemon juice twice a day. To improve the effect, the sweet mass is washed off with exclusively cool water.

And if you need not only to lighten the tan, but also to give the skin a natural glow, a special mixture of buttermilk and oatmeal will help. These ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied for 15 minutes.

Lightening the skin with aloe juice should be done very carefully, as it makes the skin sensitive, as a result of which it can become very red when in contact with the sun's rays.

And finally, you can restore whiteness to the skin with the help of home scrubs. To prepare such a scrub for the face and body, you need to take sugar (half a glass) and

add 5 drops of lemon juice and glycerin to it. It is recommended to use a home scrub no more than 2-3 times a week, supplementing the procedure with a visit to the bath with peeling. By the way, steam not only has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the skin, renews it, but after the first two visits it noticeably helps to get rid of sunburn.

To consolidate the result of any of the above recipes, products that include an ultraviolet filter, for example, special creams or home decoction sage. It is necessary to apply them before going out, in addition, you should avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. It would be appropriate to say that bleaching a tan is best in cloudy weather, because the very next day, subjected to direct contact with the sun, it will take even stronger.

So you can get rid of unwanted and ugly tan by using any of the above options. folk ways, the main thing is to choose for yourself the most effective and suitable for the characteristics of the skin. In addition, the combination of two or more of these products will certainly help speed up the result, returning the skin not only to its natural whiteness, but also to a well-groomed appearance.
