Is it possible for pregnant women to have a chemical peel? Are there any contraindications to peeling for pregnant women? Safe types of cleaning

This cannot but excite the expectant mother, because a woman is designed in such a way that she always wants to look attractive, especially in such a complex and important period as gestation time long-awaited baby.

Skin problems during pregnancy

In the body of a pregnant woman, hormonal changes, and this is naturally reflected in her mood, changes in tastes and, of course, in the condition of her skin. Unfortunately, few people can boast of an ideal outer component of the epidermis during pregnancy. For some, the skin becomes dry and flaky due to a lack of fluid in the body, for someone, on the contrary, work increases sebaceous glands and acne appears. And, of course, the most unpleasant, and especially noticeable defect is the appearance age spots on the face, and often on the neck.Age spots (chloasma) appear due to increased stimulation of melanin synthesis.

Naturally, women want to solve skin problems as soon as possible, which they did not even know about before pregnancy. Definitely, the first thing that comes to mind is to do a chemical peel. But is it possible to do this procedure during pregnancy? We will try to figure out how safe the chemical peeling facial cleansing procedure is for expectant mothers and women during the period breastfeeding.

Chemical peels and pregnancy: what should alert?

Quite often, women who first encountered the concept of chemical peeling are alarmed by the term "chemical", especially against the background of the desire for everything natural during the period of bearing a child. To determine how safe this procedure for the fetus, first of all, you should decide - what is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure aimed at accelerating the natural exfoliation and removal of the top layers of the skin with the help of special chemical compounds (mainly acids). For this procedure, various natural acids are used, but most often hydroxyacetic, glycolic and retinoic acids, so the result largely depends on the concentration of the acids used. chemical substances. Based on the concentration of the active agent and the depth of the peeling effect on the patient's skin, superficial, median and deep procedures.

Based on this classification, doctors unequivocally state that during pregnancy and the entire lactation period, medium and deep peels should be unconditionally abandoned, since the consequences of such manipulations can have Negative influence like on the body future mother, and on the fetus:

  • Median peeling– TCA-effects cause a rather deep controlled burn of the skin, which is a serious stress for the body;
  • Deep peeling- phenol vapors can adversely affect the mother's body ..

As for superficial peeling, the possibility of similar procedure is determined only on the basis of consultation with a specialist, because the vast majority of surface cleansing effects distinguish pregnancy and lactation into the category of contraindications.

In anticipation of a child, many women dream of exfoliation, but doubt whether it is possible to do face peeling during pregnancy. Often so happy time in a woman's life becomes corrupted by her own reflection in the mirror: her face acquires unpredictable aesthetic defects. Hormonal imbalance provokes the appearance of small inflammations, dark brown spots or excessive peeling of the skin. IN ordinary life all these problems are easily solved with the help of peels, but pregnancy imposes prohibitions on some of them. And only the attending physician can authorize the procedure.

Why pregnant women need peeling

During pregnancy female body becomes more vulnerable because it begins to experience a double burden. Many external factors, which were previously harmless for him or acted as weak irritants, during this period they become dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child. Such influences from the outside just include cosmetic peelings for the face.

Pregnancy provokes a radical restructuring of the hormonal background. These changes affect not only psychological state women, but also on her appearance. Each trimester can leave its “traces” on a girl’s face: in the first few months, small pimples and redness, then the face against the background of beriberi may acquire dull color or unexpected pigmentation. For a woman who is used to looking flawless and grooming herself regularly, such a blow to attractiveness becomes an aesthetic disaster.

In addition to these unpleasant "surprises", such a wonderful time in a woman's life can be overshadowed by:

  • dryness and flaking of the skin, especially in the lips;
  • unpredictable skin reaction to ultraviolet;
  • painful microcracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • the appearance of foci of herpes against the background of a general decrease in immunity;
  • allergic rashes, even when using the usual cosmetics;
  • comedones, acne or acne;
  • pigment spots from light brown to brown due to increased production of melanin.

Most women think about whether it is possible to make friends with pregnancy and peeling: both those who are already in a position, and those who are just planning to replenish their families. By itself, facial peeling as a cosmetic way to free the epidermis from the layer of dead cells does not pose a threat to the health of the unborn baby. What matters is which means become the main means to achieve deep cleansing and rejuvenation.

Doctors and cosmetologists agree that peeling during pregnancy is acceptable if we are talking about its gentle and slightly aggressive varieties. Approved methods include, for example, mechanical peeling skin using a gas-liquid jet, as well as mild superficial cleansing with low concentration natural fruit acids. Forbidden exfoliation is definitely medium peeling TCA and deep skin exfoliation with phenolic acid. Pregnant women should remember important rule: superficial peelsgreen light, middle and deep - red.

Caution versus unpredictability

A pregnant woman, like no one else, should carefully approach the peeling procedure, after evaluating everything possible risks. After all, the reaction of the body can be unexpected. Therefore, it is useful to know some of the nuances of exfoliation characteristic of this time. Much of what needs to be noted pertains to general recommendations, and something may become a contraindication for the upcoming session salon cleaning faces.

  • All hardware cosmetic techniques based on the use of ultrasonic waves, laser radiation and microcurrent therapy undesirable for a pregnant woman. Do not agree to the proposals of inexperienced specialists to perform ultrasonic exfoliation of dead epidermal cells. On the one hand, such peeling can disturb the fetus, on the other hand, the heating of adipose tissue by an ultrasound scanner can provoke a back reaction of the skin in the form of pimples and “black spots”;
  • Each peeling during pregnancy should be preceded by an allergy test, in which a drop of the active substance in case of chemical exfoliation applied to the inner bend of the elbow or under the knee. Do not listen to a beautician who unfoundedly assures that the procedure is absolutely safe for you and the unborn baby. Ask for a test in the zone thin skin and make sure there are no allergies or itching;
  • Even harmless components of peeling products may be unacceptable for normal development fetus. Do not forget to warn the beautician about your interesting position before the start of the course, for example, during the initial consultation. The duration of pregnancy in this case does not matter;
  • The expiration date of the drugs with which the specialist will peel the face is always important, but during pregnancy this information becomes especially important. Some chemical compositions after the expiration date, they not only cease to work, but can become toxic. Therefore, do not be too lazy to personally check whether it is suitable cosmetic product under what conditions it is stored, is there a certificate for it, are the instruments for the procedure sterile;
  • Contraindications for most peels, even superficial ones, are inflammation and microtrauma. Do not sign up for a salon if your face has abrasions, microcracks, scratches, boils, herpes foci or pustules.

The smell of some peeling mixtures and preparations can cause disgust in a pregnant woman, especially on early dates with toxicosis. Therefore, before starting the peeling procedure, smell the product and evaluate whether its aroma causes discomfort.

"Green corridor" for peelings

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to do peeling during pregnancy will be in the affirmative only in the case of the following types of salon exfoliation:

  • peeling malic acid(apple) - not only gently cleanses the skin from physiological and atmospheric pollution, but is also a kind of vitamin cocktail for the epidermis, actively saturating it with fruit trace elements and minerals;
  • lactic acid peeling (lactic) - a gentle acidic effect on the skin, stimulating blood flow, collagen production, cell oxygenation and deep internal hydration;
  • peeling with mandelic acid (almond) - combines a strong antibacterial effect with the function of skin whitening. Thanks to this technique, the complexion becomes smoother, and the manifestations of acne are less noticeable;
  • peeling with glycolic acid (glycolic) will help to cope with hyperpigmentation and smooth out the microrelief of the skin;
  • peeling with tartaric acid (tartaric) will become an effective protection against the appearance of stretch marks on the face and neck by increasing skin elasticity;
  • peeling with azelaic acid (azelaic) will reduce inflammatory manifestations on the face, help get rid of acne and rosacea;
  • peeling with phytic acid (phytic) will become excellent tool to narrow enlarged pores, as well as in the fight against pigmentation and bright vascular network;
  • gas-liquid peeling is a universal and possible mechanical peeling of the face during pregnancy. This exfoliation assumes that only distilled water will act as a contact substance, and oxygen will act as a gas. The use of any additional medicines, even physiological saline, instead of water, is undesirable.

Stop peels for pregnant women

TO chemical peels during pregnancy, the “stop” category includes all types of medium-deep and deep exfoliation. Acid, as the main component of peeling mixtures, despite the permissible concentration, is unsafe for the embryo. Chemical compounds entering the general circulation of the mother and child, in best case may cause allergic reaction, at worst - cause irreversible malformations in the development of the fetus. In addition, acid compositions, burning and exposing the upper layer of the epidermis, can result in difficult-to-remove hyperpigmentation for a pregnant woman and the peeling effect will be the opposite.

And also during pregnancy, it is necessary to refrain from radical hardware techniques based on laser radiation or diamond polishing.

Pregnancy and subsequent lactation - about a year and a half of categorical prohibitions for such types of exfoliation as:

  • retinoic (yellow) peeling;
  • ABR peeling (ABR), based on alpha, beta and retinoic acids;
  • TCA peeling with trichloroacetic acid;
  • Jessner peeling or salicylic;
  • anti-aging phenol peeling;
  • laser exfoliation and resurfacing;
  • microcrystalline dermabrasion using a diamond tip or special diamond-coated brushes;
  • ultrasonic face cleaning;
  • cryotherapy.

What can be done at home

Natural peels made at home - perfect option skin cleansing for pregnant woman. These procedures are safe for the expectant mother and for the baby, slightly aggressive, but at the same time effective and efficient. Organic formulations for home peeling It is easy to prepare and apply, just choose a couple of proven recipes and buy the necessary ingredients.

Almond honey peeling

  • 2-3 tbsp almond powder (almonds crushed in a blender);
  • 1-2 tbsp buckwheat honey;
  • ½ tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  1. heat buckwheat honey in a "water" bath;
  2. mix honey with almond powder;
  3. add lemon juice to the mixture;
  4. apply the product with fingertips on the face;
  5. lightly massage;
  6. leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes;
  7. wash off with warm water.

Oatmeal-coconut peeling

  • 4 tbsp hercules;
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil.
  1. pour oatmeal with boiling water, leave to infuse for 10 minutes;
  2. melt coconut oil in a "water" bath;
  3. drain water from oatmeal, mix them with coconut oil;
  4. apply the resulting mixture on the face;
  5. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Peeling with sea salt and coconut oil

  1. melt coconut oil in a "water" bath;
  2. add crystals of sea salt to the oil, mix;
  3. gently apply the composition to the skin of the face;
  4. leave the product for 15 minutes;
  5. wash off with warm water.

Pregnancy is a time of many restrictions. Some of the usual beauty procedures for a woman in position are temporarily unavailable. For example, chemical peels of the median or deep action, laser rejuvenation, diamond or ultrasonic cleaning skin. But still, cosmetologists have adapted a small number of exfoliation methods for pregnant women. They must be used with caution and not abused, in pursuit of the effect. If a woman has had a chemical peel on her face without knowing that she is pregnant, she needs to tell her gynecologist about it.

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes constant hormonal changes in her body, which is not in the best way affects the condition of her skin.

For acne

After pregnancy, the skin is especially prone to the appearance of unaesthetic rashes and comedones. Get rid of this problem peeling compound will help:

  • green clay- 10 g;
  • pineapple, kiwi or apple puree - 20 g.

Clay in this recipe is not diluted with water. It is mixed with fruit puree, immediately after applying to the face for 15 minutes.

The skin after such exfoliation is quickly cleared of acne, tightened, looks rested, thanks to the cleansing of dead cells.


For improvement general view epidermis for any type of it, the following recipe will help:

Coal grind to powder, mix with honey and sour cream, apply on face massage movements leaving for 15 min.

If you are allergic to bee products, honey is replaced with potato starch (5-7 g).

Funds from manufacturers

During pregnancy, you can use ready-made peels. It is recommended to give preference to enzyme and mechanical ().

For daily use desirable use soap.

Pure Line Phytobanya

Soap Russian brand Clean line Phytobanya Gentle peeling for oily and combination epidermis.

The composition of the product includes natural microgranules, sodium salts fatty acids, avocado oil, salt and baking soda.

The soap foams well, cleansing the epidermis with the help of microgranules. Price for 75 g - 30 r.

Yves Rocher

French soap Yves Rocher. The product contains natural scrub particles that care for cosmetic oils And essential oil red orange. Price for 75 g - 350 r.

For more thorough exfoliation, you can purchase the following products.

Derma Ecolia

Means of the French manufacturer Pierre Rico who released for dry tender and sensitive skin Peeling Derma Ecolia.

The composition includes abrasive particles from apricot kernels and kaolin.

Peeling does not contain aggressive substances that can provoke irritation during pregnancy. Price for 50 ml - 400 r.

Eva Derma

Enzymatic concentrated peeling of the Polish brand Eva Derma, safe during pregnancy, with papain, sea buckthorn and vitamins, evens out skin tone, giving it freshness and elasticity. Price - about 500 rubles. for 50 ml.

Pregnancy is a responsible time for the fair sex. After all, both your own health and the well-being of the unborn baby depend on it.

And even such a harmless procedure as peeling causes concern for the expectant mother. On the one hand, changes during pregnancy hormonal background, which is displayed on the skin in the form of small flaws. On the other hand, some peels can harm the baby in the womb. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what procedures can and cannot be done by a pregnant woman.

Peeling when planning pregnancy

Many women before pregnancy use various types beauty peeling. But if a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is worth changing her attitude to such procedures.

Be wary of retinoic peeling. Doctors say - it can not be done when planning a pregnancy, and even more so - in position. In the future, this may cause irreparable harm fetus.

Cleansing the skin with retinoic acid is very deep. In its structure, it resembles steroid hormones. With the help of peeling, the substance freely enters the body and remains there for a while. The retinol metabolite acts on cell proteins. The substance binds to them and in its own way regulates the process of transferring genetic information into the cells of the unborn baby. As a result, the order of building tissues and cells is violated, which means that all kinds of mutations are formed.

important In addition, cleaning with retinoic acid can also adversely affect the skin condition of a woman whose body is weakened during pregnancy.

Other types of peeling are safer. However, already at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is better to refuse aggressive dry cleaning of the skin.

Can peeling be done during pregnancy?

Sometimes the temptation before peeling during the period of bearing a baby is especially great. In the body of a pregnant woman, hormonal changes occur, which are reflected in her appearance. During this period, a woman notices such changes on the skin:

  • manifestations;
  • dermatitis and acne;
  • dryness and peeling;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Skin care during pregnancy is not canceled. However, while a woman is carrying a child under her heart, you need to choose especially gentle care. It should match your skin type as much as possible.

There is a list of salon and home cosmetic procedures that can be done by pregnant women.

Salon peels based on natural ingredients

  • Lactic. This is the most gentle type of cleaning. It moisturizes, normalizes blood circulation, activates the natural protection of tissues, accelerates the production of collagen.
  • Almond. It cleanses the epidermis and saturates it with useful substances, as well as whitens the skin and neutralizes inflammatory processes.
  • Apple. It is used to saturate the epidermis with all kinds of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Such peeling gently cleanses the skin, neutralizes bacteria and rejuvenates.
  • Wine. Recommended for pregnant women wine acid not high concentration. This is quite enough to superficially cleanse the epidermis and carry out light prophylaxis stretch marks.

Chemical peel

Safe acids for skin cleansing include:

  • alpha hydroxy acids;
  • dairy;
  • glycolic.

They do not penetrate deep into the skin, while the listed substances effectively cleanse it of dirt, fat and remnants of keratinized epithelium.

Ultrasonic peeling

Used for rejuvenation. Precautions are recommended for pregnant women. If there are exacerbations acne, such cleaning cannot be applied.

Mechanical peeling

Laser peeling

It is better to do after childbirth - at least 6 months later. This effective procedure to eliminate scars and pigmentation.

Acid peeling

Very effective procedure for skin rejuvenation. But not during pregnancy. Most acids during this period are dangerous.

Home peeling

Natural scrubs with herbs or gommages with fruit juices are suitable as home cleansing. However, you should not get carried away with home peels, so as not to harm the skin.

Contraindications to peeling during pregnancy

It is not advisable for women in position to perform manual cleaning faces. It is also not recommended to use hardware cleaning. In addition, chemical peels based on the following ingredients should be avoided:

  • trichloroacetic acid.
  • Phenolic acid. This ingredient is toxic even for a normal organism.
  • Alpha and beta hydroxyl elements. As a rule, they are part of the ADB scrub.
  • Retinoic acid. Detrimental impact on the health of the baby.
  • Salicylic acid. Could be an ingredient cosmetic procedure Jessner or used alone.
  1. Enhanced pigmentation;
  2. skin infections;
  3. Side effects on the skin;

Facial cleansing is the only way to deal with most defects, and the question of whether peeling can be done during pregnancy often worries women who are preparing to become mothers. Not all drugs used in cleansing procedures skin, possess aggressive influence. Women often go to beauty salon without fear, believing that soft gentle formulations will not harm the baby. It happens that they do not even warn the beautician about pregnancy. This is a rather dangerous mistake that can lead to complications in the health or even the development of the crumbs. Is it worth the risk, and what manipulations to clean the dermis are considered the safest for the expectant mother and baby? To answer these disturbing questions, you need to know the features of each type of peeling and contraindications to its implementation.

Peeling during pregnancy is often the only way get rid of the defects that appear on the skin. In a woman carrying a baby, changes occur in the body that affect the state of the dermis, and quite often one can observe such problems:

  • dryness, which is accompanied by peeling;
  • acne
  • rashes;
  • spots of pigment;
  • oily, untidy shine, which appears due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Is it possible or not to do cleaning in such cases, and will it affect the condition of the fetus? Cosmetologists warn - not always clean skin may be the only result of the procedure. It is quite easy to harm the baby, and often it turns out to be irreparable.

Why it is impossible to carry out peelings - the answer to this question is quite simple. Some components of the drugs used to get rid of defects are able to penetrate into the blood of the expectant mother, and then into small organism. That is why there are quite a lot of prohibitions on manipulations, and it is recommended to carefully study them even before a visit to a beautician.

Contraindications for peeling:

  • the use of devices for cleansing the dermis (even safe ultrasound is not recommended);
  • the use of salicylic acid;
  • hypersensitivity to cosmetic preparations that appears during pregnancy;
  • cleansing with retinol;
  • violation of blood circulation in tissues;
  • purulent rashes on the skin;
  • viral diseases of the dermis;
  • skin problems at the peak of exacerbation.

Do you know? No matter how safe the composition used for cleaning is considered, you need to insist that the beautician test the product on a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body (wrist, elbow bend). If the slightest signs of allergy are noticed, immediately abandon the procedure.

It is better to ask the doctor in advance about whether it is possible to do peeling during pregnancy - only he is able to determine how necessary it is. If it is possible to cope with defects with simple preparations or home-made formulations, the doctor will certainly advise resorting to this method. A doctor may recommend peeling for pregnant women in one case - if it is extremely necessary and the problem threatens health or is accompanied by serious complications.

Many women believe that dry cleaning is safe in the early stages and go to a beautician. This neglect of prohibitions is especially dangerous - during this period, important organs are formed in the crumbs, and chemical compounds can cause irreversible processes. For the period of pregnancy, it is necessary to abandon the use of aggressive drugs on the dermis - even superficial cleaning, without injury to the deep layers of the epidermis, is not recommended.

What kind of peeling can be used without fear for pregnant women? The safest method of getting rid of defects is home formulations. If there is a need for cleansing the skin in a beauty salon, be sure to warn about your condition. The master will certainly help you choose an effective and safe technique that will not harm the expectant mother and baby.

Jessner peeling

One of the safest methods of cleansing the dermis, which is allowed even during pregnancy, is Jessner peeling. The active component of the preparation used for cleaning is lactic acid. This substance has several properties:

  • effectively cleanses the dermis from pigment spots;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • tightens sagging, sagging;
  • enriches tissues with moisture, useful substances;
  • narrows pores;
  • stimulates the production of collagen;
  • removes minor defects (blackheads, rashes, single pimples);
  • improves skin tone.

A feature of the drug used during the procedure is that the molecules of the active ingredient are so tiny that they easily penetrate into the tissues of the epidermis. The surface of the skin is not injured. There is no regeneration period - the face immediately after the manipulation looks clean and fresh.

Do you know? When peeling Jessner, preparations with different concentrations of lactic acid are used. In addition to the active component, the composition contains dangerous for the baby salicylic acid. During pregnancy, you can use only products with a small amount of an aggressive drug.

Salicylic peeling

One of the most efficient and effective methodologies cleansing the face of defects is considered salicylic peeling. Manipulations with drugs, the active components of which are salicylic acid, are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

The use of an aggressive substance can cause not only serious violations in the development of the baby, but also cause problems for the expectant mother. The effect on the skin is pain, therefore, during the procedure, an anesthetic composition is used, which often turns out to be ineffective. Pain shock is just a part of the troubles that await a woman who is carrying a baby and unexpectedly reacting to external or internal stimuli.

The regeneration period lasts up to 4 weeks, which requires special care using moisturizers and protective equipment. Strong peeling that occurs in the post-peel period can cause problems with nervous system a woman unbalanced by pregnancy. That is why it is better to refuse to carry out manipulations with the use of an aggressive composition and not risk your well-being and the health of your child.

Glycolic peeling

Another technique that allows pregnant women to get rid of unpleasant and unwanted defects is glycolic peeling. Hormonal disbalance in the body, which is accompanied by the appearance of pigment spots on the dermis of a woman - just part of the problems that await a lady after conception. It is against this manifestation that it is recommended to use drugs based on glycolic acid which are harmless to the fetus and the expectant mother.

The procedure using a safe composition allows you to even out the shade of the skin and relief, normalize blood circulation in the surface layers of the epidermis. The recovery period after manipulations in a beauty salon takes only a few days, and discomfort do not arise. Be sure to use facial preparations prescribed by a cosmetologist.

Do you know? There are several types of skin cleansing procedures using glycolic acid. During pregnancy, only superficial exposure can be carried out, without the penetration of active components into the deep layers of the dermis.

Chemical peel

What preparations can be used for chemical peeling during pregnancy, the cosmetologist will certainly explain at the first visit, during which you need to tell about your situation. It must be remembered that the use of almost every chemical compound can adversely affect the condition of the dermis, which is especially sensitive in a woman in this condition. Despite this, there are several acids that are safe in such cases. Active ingredients do not penetrate into the deep tissues of the dermis, do not damage the integrity of the skin.

Among the acids used to cleanse the dermis, the most harmless can be distinguished:

  • alpha hydroxy acids (all varieties);
  • glycolic;
  • dairy.

Do chemical peels chemical compounds Not recommended. First of all, you need to think not about the purity of the skin and the attractiveness of the face, but about possible harm for your child. Careless attitude to the prohibitions and recommendations of a cosmetologist can lead to serious consequences, up to a miscarriage.

Do you know? Chemical peeling of the face is often done at home, using aggressive means. At the time of gestation, it is better to abandon such procedures - face cleaning is possible only in a beauty salon under the supervision of a master.

Carbon peeling

Women in position are often worried about the question - is it possible to carry out carbon peeling, because this technique is considered one of the safest. After exposure to a laser beam, you can expect the following results:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • disappearance of sagging, sagging;
  • removal of keratinized particles of the dermis;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • increased skin tone;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • general rejuvenation of the skin.

Despite such positive results, it is not recommended to carry out the laser procedure during the entire period of pregnancy. The impact of the laser on a small body has not been fully investigated, so it is better to refuse manipulations that can cope with most of the problems that await the skin of the expectant mother.

Almond peeling

The use of mandelic acid is allowed during pregnancy - the active components of the drug do not cause side effects and do not negative impact on the organisms of the baby and the expectant mother. Almond peeling allows you to deal with such defects:

  • enlarged pores;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis;
  • depletion of the dermis or lack useful substances, moisture;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • black dots.

Another feature of almond-based formulations is that they are able to stop or prevent inflammatory processes on the skin.

Acid peeling

Facial cleansing fruit acids- almost the only way to cope with defects without harm to the expectant mother and child. Despite this, you need to know that not all compounds are allowed for pregnant women. Without fear, you can carry out the cleaning procedure with such compounds:

  • apple;
  • wine;
  • phytin.

Cleaning is only possible with total absence prohibitions or health problems in a woman. It is imperative to follow general condition and well-being for several weeks. If during this time there are unpleasant sensations, skin diseases, dermatitis, it is better to refuse to carry out manipulations even safe formulations and postpone acid peeling until the problem disappears completely.

Before you go for cleaning, be sure to find out what beauticians think about it. Experienced Master will certainly explain how to get rid of unpleasant defects and whether it is necessary to carry out manipulations in the cabin. Cosmetologists believe that peeling can be done during pregnancy only in last resort- if the problems of the dermis are not amenable to another effect, more gentle. Be sure to go to a proven beauty salon with an impeccable reputation for manipulations. You should first go to the doctor, who will allow such procedures.

Beauticians warn that cleaning at home, without the supervision of a master, can be dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother, even if a completely harmless composition is used. Only a master can notice complications with the skin in a timely manner, by-effect and use the necessary means in such cases.

The easiest way to deal with problems is to cleanse while planning a child. Often this is enough to avoid dermal defects during the continuation of the baby's gestation.

Although exfoliation during pregnancy may be the only way to deal with skin problems, it is better to first think about whether it is worth risking the health of the crumbs. It is often better to wait for the birth of the baby, and only after that proceed to get rid of skin defects.
