Middle group notes on manual labor. Summary of productive activities: manual labor in the middle group

Tatiana Nikitina
Summary of the manual labor lesson “Funny Hedgehogs” in middle group

Summary of work management in the middle group

Subject: « Funny hedgehogs»

View labor: manual labor

Target: teach children to make an image of an animal from parts (natural material) .


Educational: teach children to analyze natural material not only as the basis of a future craft, but also as a detail of a future craft, significant for building a future image.

Developmental: continue to improve constructive skills and abilities: connecting parts using plasticine, supplementing the image with details; select yourself means of expression.

Educational: to foster in children independence and interest in design.

Vocabulary work:

Activating the dictionary: seasons, forest animals.

Replenishment of the dictionary: natural material.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations of animals (bear, hare, fox, wolf, hedgehog);

Guessing riddles about forest animals;

Looking at photos ready-made crafts from natural material highlighting the details of crafts;

Consideration of natural material (shell walnut, cones, pine needles) and experimenting with it;

Making crafts according to plan in collaboration with the teacher.


Camera, tape recorder.

Demo: routing sequence of work execution.


Plasticine, boards, napkins, stacks;

natural material: pine cones, tree bark, pine needles, tree leaves, A 4 sheet of paper, PVA glue, toothpicks.

Children sit in a semicircle on cushions on the carpet with a teacher.

Children, what seasons do you know, how many seasons are there in total? (Children's answers.). At what time of year do people most often go to the forest? (In summer.) Why do they go into the forest? (Relax, pick berries, mushrooms, pine cones.) What else interesting things can we collect in the forest? (Seeds, cones, twigs, pebbles, leaves, flowers, etc.) Why do we need this? (To do interesting crafts.) Only in the forest can we collect different materials? Of course not, we can collect it anywhere on the site kindergarten, near a river, on an alley, etc. Children, how will you behave in the forest, break branches, pick armfuls of flowers (no, why not? (nature must be protected). We have already collected various waste and natural materials more than once. They looked at him. Have you thought about what you can do with it?

At this time there is a knock on the door: Who is this knocking on our door? I'll go have a look.

Lesovichek comes in and greets the children. I came to visit you, brought gifts from my forest friends. But I will give you gifts only when you guess the riddles about my forest friends. I will tell you riddles, and you will guess them.

1. A ball of fluff

Two long ears

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (Hare.)

2. He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

3. You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter

And in a red fur coat in the summer. (Squirrel.)

4. Touching the grass with your hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest.

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk.)

5. Summer in the swamp

You will find it.

Green frog

Who is this…. (Frog.)

6. Not a tailor, but has been walking with needles all his life. (Hedgehog.)

7. The tail is long...Themselves are crumbs,

Cats are very afraid. (Mice.)

8. Guess who is wearing a bone coat? (Turtle.)

Well done! All the riddles were solved. Here is a gift for you from me and my forest friends. (Hands over a colorful box with cones, acorns, seeds, twigs, pebbles, leaves, etc.) Children, look how much natural material there is here from which you can make many interesting crafts.

Thank you Lesovichek for the wonderful gift.

Physical exercise.

We checked your posture

And they brought their shoulder blades together,

We walk on our toes

And then on your heels.

Then softly, like fox cubs,

And like a clubfooted bear,

And like a little bunny coward,

And like a gray wolf-wolf.

Here the hedgehog is curled up into a ball,

Because he was cold.

the hedgehog's ray touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Now guys, stand up

Raise your hands slowly

clench your fingers, then unclench them,

Hands down and stand like that.

Lean right, left

and get down to business again.

Children, we will also make gifts for Lesovich and his forest animals. Look what's on your table (natural material).

Think about what you can make from what you have lying around, what kind of forest animal?

Work carefully and take your time. Think about where and what part to attach.

We take sheet A 4, apply glue to it, put leaves, tree bark, and pine needles on it. We glue it all down. Our clearing is ready.

Now let's start making the hedgehog.

1. Hedgehog head. We roll a ball out of plasticine, then we form a cone out of it and mold it with the base to the blunt end pine cone. We bend the tip of the cone slightly upward to create a snub-nosed muzzle of a hedgehog.

2. Using a stack, press a hole at the tip of the muzzle.

3. Take small piece black plasticine, form a ball out of it. Place the ball into the hole at the tip of the cone muzzle.

4. Gently press down the black ball so that it attaches to the muzzle - this will be the hedgehog’s nose.

5. Using a toothpick, press holes on the cone in the places where the hedgehog’s eyes will be.

6. Take two pieces of black plasticine of the same size and roll them into two balls. Press the balls into the holes made with a toothpick for the eyes.

7. Take two pieces of white plasticine of the same size - two times smaller than the previous black balls. We also form identical balls from white plasticine and attach them on top of the black ones. This is how we create the effect of sparkling eyes.

8. Separate two equal pieces from the remaining piece of light plasticine. We use them to make ears. Roll two identical balls, then flatten the balls into flat cakes.

9. We form ears from flat cakes and attach them to the hedgehog’s head.

10. Divide the remaining light plasticine into 4 equal parts. We roll them into balls, attach the balls to the cone in the places where the paws should be. Lightly flatten the balls. Using a toothpick, you can mark the toes with claws on the paws.

11. The hedgehogs are ready! Now let's invite the hedgehogs to the forest clearing.

During work, encourage children for their initiative.

Well, we have finished gifts for our forest friends.

Lesovichek, did you like the gifts from the children?

I liked it very much! I think my friends will like it too. Guys, I’m rushing to the forest to visit my friends to please them with your gifts.

Guys! Let us breathe like hedgehogs.

Turn your head left and right at the pace of movement. Inhale simultaneously with each turn nose: short, noisy (like a hedgehog, with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.

OK it's all over Now!

Goodbye, see you soon in the forest.

Yulia Naumova
Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group "Cooks"

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group of kindergarten

Subject: « COOKS»


1. Introduce children to the work of a pastry chef, With characteristic features appearance, objects and equipment necessary for work. Expand children's horizons and vocabulary. Cultivate interest in labor activity pastry chef.

2. Teach children how to make treats from salt dough. Pin skill: Roll a lump of dough in a circular motion between your palms, flattening it. Learn to give a product a finished look by decorating the craft with pasta and beans.

3. Develop: sense of shape, proportions, eye, fine motor skills hands, imagination, creativity.


1. Multimedia projector.

2. Presentation « The work of a pastry chef» . (compiled by Yu. M. Naumova)

3. Musical accompaniment : "We will clap our hands..." (music and lyrics by A. E. Frunze) "Gingerbread" (arranged by A. E. Frunze)

4. Diplomas "Merry cooks» .

5. Aprons, caps.

6. Salty doughyellow color. Pasta various shapes, beans.

7. Modeling boards, napkins.

Progress of the lesson.

Children come to visit « pastry chef» .

A teacher in an apron and cap.

"Confectioner": - Hello guys, I – pastry chef! Do you want to become cheerful? cooks? (Children's answers)

And for this we need to get acquainted with the profession pastry chef, and learn to cook like real people pastry chefs.

Who is this cook? (Children answer).

Slide number 2. « Cook» .

Slide story.

"Confectioner": - Cook, this is the person who cooks I'm going: salads, soups, borscht, pasta, mashed potatoes, fries cutlets, makes dumplings, cooks porridge.

"Confectioner": - And now I’ll tell you about my profession, which is called cook - pastry chef.

Slide number 3. "Confectioner".

(Tale from slide No. 3)

"Confectioner": - Cook– a pastry chef is a person who cooks, bakes, and then decorates pastries, pies, cookies, gingerbreads.

The profession of a pastry chef is very difficult, and at the same time very interesting, creative and... tasty.

Each of you has probably been to a cafe, or bought delicious pastries and cakes in a store. How beautiful they are decorated: flowers, mushrooms, various balls, and hearts.

How much is sold in stores different types cookies and gingerbread. This is all prepared cook - pastry chef!

Slide number 4. « The work of a pastry chef» .

(Slide story about the work of a pastry chef) .

"Confectioner": - U cooks- The pastry chef has special clothes that he puts on when coming to work. This is a robe, apron, cap or scarf. And he does this so as not to stain his clothes and so that lint and hair do not get into the food.

Slide number 5. "Tools for pastry chef» .

"Confectioner": - Certainly cook– pastry chef great master of your business. But he has assistants - these are working tools that help make, bake, and decorate pastries and pies.

(Tale from slide No. 5)

Demonstration of tools - assistants,

For pastry chef.

Consolidation: - What is the name of the person who bakes?

pastries and cakes?

What clothes does he wear when he comes to work?

What tools does he use in his work?

Game - dance "We will clap our hands".

Practical part.

"Confectioner": - Now I want to teach you how to make cakes.

We will make cakes from colored, salty dough.

You can't eat them, but you can play with them when they're dry. "Cafe", V "Shop", treat the dolls or just give them as a gift.

But first you need to become small too cooks, and put on your work uniform.

(Children wear aprons and caps)

Finger gymnastics

We remember the dough with our hands. - clench and unclench your fingers.

Let's bake a sweet cake. - clap your palms.

Lubricate the middle with jam - make circular movements with your fingers across your palm.

And the top with sweet cream. - circular movements of the fingers on the palm.

And sprinkle with coconut crumbs "baby" fingers of both hands.

We'll sprinkle the cake a little.

And then we’ll make tea, - fingers "pinch", circular movements with the hands of both hands.

Invite a friend to visit! - palms up, clench and unclench your fingers.

Sequence of work

1. Roll a ball from a lump of yellow, salty dough.

Let's flatten it. This is the basis. Place it on the stand (CD disc).

2. We arrange "cake" pasta, beans, giving the product a finished look.

As they are made, children bring their crafts to a separate table.

"Confectioner": - Guys, you are real pastry chefs. What beautiful cakes you made.

"Confectioner": - And also, we must make a promise "Merry cooks» !

And now we will smile,

Let's hold hands tightly.

And goodbye to each other

We will make a promise.

We will be friends with the dough,

And sculpt! Sculpt! Sculpt!

Music is playing "Gingerbread". (you can dance).

Graduations "Have fun cook»

Issued "To the cheerful To the scullion»

The fact that he (A) passed (A)

courses "Merry cooks»

and can help mom and grandma

in preparation

cakes, cookies, gingerbread

and other goodies.

The courses were conducted by a teacher

MBDOU MO "kindergarten No. 205"

Naumova Yu. M. ___

Publications on the topic:

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Purpose: manufacturing volumetric crafts piglet using potatoes. Objectives: 1. Continue getting to know pets; 2.

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Construction and manual labor in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years old Kutsakova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Middle group

Middle group

A child in the fifth year of life is quite independent and proactive. His fine motor skills and eye are actively developing. His hand movements are more precise and dexterous, which helps him master the skill of tinkering. The child becomes interested in the quality of his work; he begins to consciously strive to comply with certain requirements imposed by the teacher (sequence of operations, use different ways design), shows a desire to master certain skills and willingly practices design. The child is already able to establish cause-and-effect relationships, quantitative and spatial relationships that are understandable to him. He's improving quickly mental processes and especially memory.

The baby's need for business communication, constructive creativity and imagination develops. The child can already imagine what is absent before his eyes or has never been encountered in his experience. He actively fantasizes, thinks, reproduces invisible parts of objects, imagines future designs, creates plans, and looks for ways to implement them. True, these attempts without the help of an adult do not always yield results. If a child is nervous when building, and this manifests itself in touchiness, capriciousness, and negative actions (destroying what he built, throwing dice, etc.), this most often indicates that his desires and his capabilities do not yet coincide. He really wants to build something, but does not understand how to do it, and most often loses the goal he sets for himself.

Proper management of children's activities allows the teacher to overcome difficulties and lead purposeful work on the development of constructive abilities of preschool children.

In the process of observations, you need to teach children to independently correlate buildings and toys by size; distinguish and name a prism, cylinder, block; independently transform buildings in terms of their width; establish the dependence of the stability of parts on their location on the plane; plan your work.

Much attention should be devoted to developing the ability to evaluate aesthetic qualities objects: actively introduce children to constructed objects; examine architectural structures, machines, etc., using all types of visual information.

Children continue to be taught to design according to the example of adults’ buildings, to transform samples according to certain conditions and, finally, they are introduced to construction according to conditions - children are not offered a model, but are given a number of conditions that the design must meet. For example: “Build sofas for these dolls (of different sizes), so that the sofas have backs and pillows and so that the dolls can sleep on them comfortably.”

Children already have constructive experience, so you need to give them the opportunity to build according to plan, for example: “Let's build different little houses!” Such tasks allow you to perform many actions, make mistakes, correct yourself, getting the desired result, and sometimes make discoveries unexpected for yourself, finding more original ways design, therefore it is necessary to constantly encourage children to search and experiment. This is facilitated by tasks of a cognitive nature: select parts, figure out how to combine them, arrange them, explain the design properties and check them.

When teaching children how to plan activities, it is important to discuss with them the stages of construction, methods of construction, and if construction is joint, then the possibility of combining buildings with a single plot in order to play with them together.

It is important to teach children to analyze buildings, structures, and basic drawings (drawings depicting buildings). The main thing is that they learn a certain way: first perceive the structure as a whole: “What a house!”, then highlight its parts (foundation, walls, roof), talk about each part: what it’s built from, how the parts are installed in relation to surfaces and to each other (stand on a table, on a foundation, lie tightly, at a distance); at the end of the examination, again pay attention to the whole structure.

It is necessary to take into account the child’s capabilities when giving him tasks. Its inconsistency cannot be emphasized. For example, you should not use this technique: “Learn to design well from Sasha!” Each child's achievements are compared only with his own. The teacher must respond to the child’s desire to receive support and approval.

Each design theme is implemented according to a specific principle. Let's take an example of how you can teach children to build a boat.

After preliminary familiarization with this type water transport(examination of the boat on the site ( small form), a toy boat, pictures, etc.) in the first lesson devoted to this topic, you can teach kids how to build a boat based on the teacher’s model. Children receive a general idea of ​​the structure of ships (bottom, deck, chimney, captain's bridge) and learn to build a basic boat. In the next 2-3 lessons, children design long, short, wide, narrow boats; get the idea that appearance The size of the boat depends on the shape and size of its bottom, as well as the placement of various superstructures on the deck. Then the kids build boats according to their design from a variety of building material and designers. Outside of class, children build a ship from large building material, and the teacher helps them organize a role-playing game “Ship”. Together with the teacher, the kids make boats from empty boxes (set them in puddles), create appliqués, draw, build from sand, sing songs about boats, read poems, watch videos, slides, listen to stories and fairy tales. Teachers organize themed leisure activities, conduct comprehensive classes, together with the kids, they select pictures depicting ships and paste them on the passe-partout, etc.

For successful work With children, play techniques are needed - fabulousness, mystery, surprise, bright motivation for activity. Interest in activities also increases when using poetic lines. For example, while watching cars on the street with your children, you can read them a poem:

What are cars for?

To transport goods.

To work or on a visit

Transport passengers.

Rush with a call to the sick,

Be ready to put out the fire.

And everywhere, and everywhere

Help in any trouble.

It’s impossible without cars

Everyone needs them, friends!

Observing construction or repair work (bulldozer, excavator, truck crane, drilling machine, etc.):

What a miracle - look,

Here are the construction machines!

The blocks are lifted by crane,

And they drill and dig.

Proposing to build bridges:

Through rivers and ponds

Paths lead us.

We boldly follow them,

Let's not get our feet wet.

It is advisable to devote one of the classes at the beginning of the year to consolidating the previously acquired ability to build fences, while simultaneously activating children’s independence in choosing how to use building parts: install the bricks vertically (on a small base, on the narrow long side), maintain a distance between them equal to the width of one brick. Summing up the lesson, it is necessary to note the children who showed creativity and invention, who showed constructive skills.

Children should be encouraged to combine buildings with a single plot. For example, after considering a parking lot located near a preschool, it is advisable for the children to build separate spaces for each car inside the fence with a gate they previously built, and then design a room with a window for the guard. You can invite children to build houses for dolls, a garage with two exits for cars of different widths, a pen for different animals, etc.

It is necessary to encourage children to build accompanying (additional) buildings. For example, having built a garage at the teacher’s suggestion, the child attaches to it a platform for car repairs, a bench on which the driver will rest, etc. In case of difficulties that arise for some children, you should help them, paying attention to the buildings of your comrades, using a demonstration of the construction method, as well as illustrations and explanations. When selecting building materials for a lesson, the teacher must foresee what children may need additional details to decorate or change a building.

In order to strengthen the ability to transform buildings in height and width, you can invite children to build beautiful gates for toys of different heights and volumes. You can also teach how to transform buildings into width during the process of constructing a tram, bus or trolleybus: by teaching children to build, for example, a bus according to a model, then suggest a way to change the structure in width. It is advisable to train children in transforming buildings both in width and height, offering to build the same trailer as the one built by the teacher, but only tall or wide.

Next, you can move on to learning how to design bridges. Children can look at bridges on the way home, while traveling around the city, outside the city (pedestrian bridges, overpasses, bridges for transport, bridges over rivers, etc.). During the lesson, children should be reminded what types of bridges there are; help establish the dependence of their form on their functional purpose (bridges for cars have slopes, bridges for pedestrians have steps). We can propose to consider samples of 3–4 road bridges of different designs: one has abutments of four cylinders; the other has two bricks lying on a wide edge, and two bricks placed on top of long narrow edges; the third - from bars; the fourth one is made of cubes. Some foundations stand close to each other, others - on long distance. Bridges vary in length and width. Triangular prisms can serve as descents for all bridges. After familiarizing themselves with the samples, children compare the buildings.

In classes, children should be taught how to construct construction sets from parts. The theme of these classes coincides with construction from building materials and involves improving children's constructive skills. Therefore, usually in the last lesson devoted to a specific topic, children are offered construction sets. For example, in the previous two lessons, children built furniture from a builder, and in the third lesson, free activity, in games, they practice constructing furniture from parts of construction sets. Much attention should be paid to planar design (geometric mosaic).

It is necessary to continue to involve children in social work: teach them how to make crafts simple crafts for games, gifts, Christmas tree decorations, etc.; introduce properties different materials(paper, cardboard, fabric, etc.); develop a desire to tinker; to form artistic and visual skills and abilities; practice working with scissors and glue. The technique is aimed at teaching the basic principle of making a toy, so that the child can learn it and apply it to create not just one specific craft, but many similar ones. So, adding paper strip in half, the child receives the body of any animal, to which you can glue eyes, whiskers and get a hare, bear, cat, dog, frog, pig, owl, etc. The same method is useful for making Christmas tree flags, invitation cards, notebooks, houses, doghouses, birdhouses, trailers, etc.

You can start involving the guys in making simple toys origami. For example, if you fold a square diagonally and in four, you get a butterfly that can flap its wings. You just need to decorate it with circles, glue on antennae from a thin strip folded in half.

Children love to paste over cardboard boxes of any shape with pieces of paper, tearing them off from a whole sheet, and then turn the boxes into animals, birds, fish, houses, furniture, vehicles, gluing cut-out parts to the boxes (ears, paws, wings, tails, wheels, windows, etc.).

The knowledge and skills acquired in classes are consolidated in gaming activities. Children in the middle group should have more small and large, flat and voluminous toys for playing around with buildings; plates of various configurations for floors; various construction sets and constructors.

One of the main methods of introducing children to design activities remains joint design with an adult, during which various educational and educational objectives. It’s good if the teacher makes some toys in front of the children. It is also advisable to invite older children who help the children build and give them handmade toys.

In the summer, children should gradually be introduced to making crafts from natural materials. Paying attention to unusually shaped cones, leaves, twigs, roots, ask what they look like, and in the presence of children, make interesting crafts, involving them in participating in the design. Children should be taught to fasten parts together using plasticine. In this case, the following method is used: small elements from leaves, seeds, flower petals, rowan berries, thin twigs, etc. (bird, mushroom, old forest man, beetle, etc.).

You should continue to teach children to make buildings out of sand, offering them, in addition to molds, scoops, buckets, planks, washable toys that they used in younger groups, various additional material: plywood plates, pieces of multi-colored plexiglass and plastic (with processed edges), boxes, natural materials (pebbles, shells, cones, twigs, etc.).

It is necessary to strengthen children’s ability to form various parts by constructing simple buildings; decorate, uniting them with common content. You can teach the kids how to build a high sand tower. First, a base is made, which is formed, for example, using a plastic box, a cake made using a bucket is placed on it, and a small cake made from a small tall mold is placed on top. The tower can be decorated with a flag.

We should continue to teach children how to build different slides (high, low, wide, narrow), fences, fences. For example, place Easter cakes (posts) at the same distance and insert twigs (one end of the twig is inserted into side part one Easter cake, the other end - into the side of the adjacent Easter cake). Using cubic boxes, children form houses, decorate them with balconies and windows (they press pieces of plexiglass into the building). Favorite children's activity- dig tunnels in piles of sand together on both sides until your hands join inside.

It is necessary to continue to improve children's snow handling skills. It is important to maintain interest in a timely manner, to help the children realize their desires in construction, to unite in activities, and to distribute tasks. Children can already, with the help of adults, create large snow figures from two or three clods (snowman, bear, bunny, Snow Maiden, cockerel), with which they can play: for example, give a basket to the bear’s paws and throw snowballs into it. Children build snow slides for dolls and ride them on sleds, build gates from a pile of snow, make a depression at the bottom and roll snowballs into it, etc.

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Middle group Construction Draw children's attention to various buildings and structures around the kindergarten. On walks, during games, look at cars, carts, buses and other types of transport with children, highlighting their parts, name the shape of the parts and location according to

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Senior group Construction Continue to develop children’s ability to establish connections between the buildings they create and what they see in surrounding life; create a variety of buildings and structures (houses, sports and play equipment, etc.). Learn to highlight

From the author's book

Middle group A child in the fifth year of life is quite independent and proactive. His fine motor skills and eye are actively developing. His hand movements are more precise and dexterous, which helps him master the skill of tinkering. The child develops an interest in quality

From the author's book

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Middle School B high school Many introverted children struggle with the feeling that they are different. During this period, it is necessary to draw the child’s attention to his strengths, since he, without a doubt, begins to realize that he is not

Construction in the middle group is a lesson in which children learn to work with scissors, paper, cardboard, glue, creating various crafts. It is also expected to improve the acquired skills in other lessons, for example, in speech development, drawing, music, logic and the world around us.

design classes

The teacher should set himself the task of not only teaching children to perform certain actions, but also implementing their personal craft projects, making them from “waste material”, simply put, from garbage and rubbish. It is construction in the middle group that opens up a huge field of activity for imagination for young creators, teaches kids to achieve their goals, to cherish and appreciate their own and other people’s work.

Every lesson in kindergarten is like a journey into fairy world. And construction in the middle group is no exception in this regard. Therefore, the lesson should begin with a short introduction, a kind of mini-performance in which children should take part, answering the questions of the teacher and characters miniature characters. In this way, speech skills are used and logical thinking Guys. Construction in the middle group can use the skills acquired in music lessons when kids are asked to sing some previously learned song.

Working with scissors, paper and glue

The most simple material For children's creativity is paper. Children begin to create their first masterpieces from it almost from the age of one year. Happy to create from this available material and middle group. Paper construction is a separate section in planning manual labor classes.

Children happily create crafts as gifts for their families. You can invite them to make a fun frog toy by handing out the part templates first. The teacher should show the kids how the package-body of a cute frog is glued together, how the legs, eyes, and spots are attached. Before this, you can give one lesson to designing the picture “Frog eats a fly” in the middle group.

As you work, you can tell the kids a short story about the sad frog Frog, who considered himself useless to anyone on earth.

“Who knows what benefits frogs bring?” - the teacher should ask. And, showing finished sample crafts, thereby bringing children to the answer: they destroy insects - mosquitoes and flies - that pester people and animals.

Origami by hand

Another option for practicing with paper is folding various figures from sheets. In addition to the obligatory demonstration of all stages of manufacturing a product, it involves the construction of diagrams in the middle group, which the teacher teaches to “read”, that is, to understand. Every action in step-by-step master class has its own serial number, follows one after another. After the demonstration, it is appropriate to offer the kids printouts of diagrams for completing crafts with a mixed up order of actions - let the children themselves indicate with arrows what needs to be done.

Pencil holders made from toilet paper rolls

It's good if middle group construction planning involves working with items that most people would normally throw in the trash. For example, from rolls toilet paper remain cardboard tubes, which can easily be turned into funny bunnies by covering them with colored paper and attaching noses, ears, eyes and paws to them. Besides the fact that these little things look very cute, they are convenient for storing pencils and pens.

Shorty houses

After getting acquainted with the work of Nikolai Nosov about little people from, you can plan the construction of a “House”. In the middle group, this activity can begin with the appearance of the Dunno glove doll. It is appropriate to record the character’s words on a voice recorder in advance so that the teacher does not have to open his mouth during the child’s remarks.

“Guys, hello! - the short one must say sadly. -Did you recognize me? Yes, I'm Dunno from Flower City. You probably remember that all the shorties do not live in separate houses, but several people in one room. It's not very comfortable. After all, Gusla needs to study music, and Tsvetik wants to write his poetry at this time. Znayka likes to read her books in the evenings smart books, and Avoska really wants to go to bed early - the light of the lamp is disturbing him. The shorties all quarreled over this!” And Dunno wipes his nose with a handkerchief, as if he were crying.

The teacher here should ask the children if they can help the short ones. And if the guys don’t give the correct answer, then it’s appropriate for the adult to suggest: “Let’s make separate houses for them!” Here, I just have it empty boxes from the juices, maybe they will be useful to us?”

Bird feeders

The kids really like helping someone in life, doing good deeds. Why not channel their irrepressible energy into... the right direction and not offer to do truly useful things? With great pleasure, the kids will begin to make crafts from the same cardboard boxes from milk or juices.

Of course, you need to play up the beginning of the design lesson. For example, it will be interesting to see a bird (a dressed-up artist or a toy) with a huge letter in its beak in class. After reading the message, children will learn that with the onset of cold weather, it has become extremely difficult for birds to find food under the snow.

The teacher should at this point invite the children to remember the lesson material on the world around them. The following guiding questions are appropriate:

  1. Which birds fly to warm countries with the onset of cold weather?
  2. Which birds stay with us for the winter?
  3. When do bullfinches fly away and why?
  4. Why do you need to feed birds in winter?
  5. What should be offered to birds as food?

Design by Design

It’s good if children like to fantasize and offer their own own ideas. Then you can offer to come up with your own crafts. It could be complex work on a project for a new modern children's playground for short children. Let this construction be called “Kindergarten”.

The middle group will be happy to take part in making tiny furniture for their pets. To create it you can use boxes different sizes or even plastic or cardboard disposable cups.

Construction from vegetables and scrap materials

This type of creativity opens the way for imagination. How many interesting things can be made even from ordinary potatoes! Here stick it in raw potatoes matches, make eyes out of grapes, and a nose out of currants - and please, there is a funny hedgehog in front of you. And if you fasten a circle of cheese or a slice of the same potato in front with a couple of matches, make ears and eyes - and now you have a pig, clumsy and dirty. It’s even better to replace the matches with broken spaghetti noodles - you shouldn’t let the kids touch the matches, which they can take without asking until the adults are around.

During handicraft classes with vegetables, children enjoy making characters from Gianni Rodari’s fairy tale “Cipollino” and embodying the plots of other fairy tales. The three-dimensional compositions based on the fairy tale “Cinderella” are worthy of admiration, where the carriage is actually made from pumpkins, and the rat horses are made from potatoes.

Master class on making a handbag from cardboard plates

A design activity will help you make a craft that you won’t be ashamed to give as a gift. In the middle group, kids can be asked to make a wonderful handbag from disposable cardboard plates in the shape of a rabbit's face. To make it you will need three plates, two pieces of cotton wool, a button for the nose, a strap or a beautiful rope, scissors and a felt-tip pen. You can fasten the parts with glue or a stapler.

Pasta turns into jewelry

And how luxurious do products from ordinary ones look? pasta! Of course, for beads and pendants, it is best to paint shells in advance and dry them thoroughly. But a decorated craft in the shape of an angel can be covered with golden or silver paint straight from the can.

But most of all, children enjoy constructing designs from pasta by gluing them together. This is very reminiscent of working with a Lego constructor, but in ready set parts can only be connected in the way that was previously conceived and provided for by the engineer. When working with pasta, no one puts barriers to the child’s imagination.

And they come out from under children’s hands wonderful fairy houses and amazing vehicles, funny and kind aliens and charming meadows with strange flowers.

Lesson notes on manual labor. Paper design: “Flowers for Mommy” middle group.

Goal: To teach children how to make flowers from paper.

Continue teaching children to fold paper in different directions

Learn to compose a plot composition;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Cultivate patience and perseverance.

Materials for the lesson:

Illustrations of flowers Tulips;

Colored paper, scissors, green cocktail straw.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, what holiday will be soon?

Educator: Correct. Spring Festival - Women's Day on March 8th. Listen to the poem by V. Berestov:


The eighth of March, the holiday of mothers, -

Knock Knock! - knocking on our doors.

He only comes to that house,

Where they help mom.

We'll sweep the floor for mom,

We'll set the table ourselves.

We'll cook lunch for her

We will sing and dance with her.

We paint her portrait

We'll draw you as a gift.

- They are unrecognizable! Wow!

Then mom will tell people.

And we always

And we always

We will always be like this!

Educator: What gifts are most often given?

Children: Flowers, sweets.

Educator: Let's guess the riddle:

You will find them in Holland,

They are held in high regard everywhere there.

Like bright glasses

Flowers bloom in the parks there.

Children: Tulips.

Educator: Let's look at the pictures.

What is shown?

Children: Flowers Tulips.

Educator: And now Mirra T. will read the poem: “A GIFT FOR MOMMY”

1 child:

From colored paper

I'll cut out a piece.

I will make it out of him

Little flower.

Gift for mom

I'll cook.

The most beautiful

I have mom!

Educator: Guys! Let us make a “Tulip Flower” gift for our mothers.

Educator: With help simple technique folding paper, you can make beautiful tulips.

Guys! Let's stretch our fingers and do finger gymnastics"Flower in the Meadow"

Finger gymnastics “Flower in the meadow”:

A tall flower grew in a clearing,

(join the wrists, spread the palms to the sides, slightly round the fingers)

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

(spread your fingers)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

(rhythmically move your fingers together and apart)

Together they grow roots underground.

(put your palms down, press your backs together, spread your fingers)

The teacher demonstrates the finished sample

Educator: Look what we need for work: Colored paper, scissors, green cocktail straw.

Children examine the blanks, the teacher explains the sequence of work.


Step 1. Cut a square from a sheet of colored paper

Step 2. Fold it in half diagonally.

Step 3. Now unfold the sheet of paper and fold the square in half along the other diagonal.

Step 4. Unfold the sheet again. Now fold it so that the triangle shown in the picture goes inward. In the same way, you need to fold the triangle inward from the opposite side.

Step 5. We will get a triangular envelope like this.

Now it needs to be rotated 90 degrees. To do this, unfold it from the sides. And that side will fold in half and, in turn, will end up inside the envelope.

Step 6. Fold the bottom corners of the triangle towards top corner. The result is a square.

Step 7. Turn the craft 180 degrees and do the same on the other side.

Step 8. Now you need to expand the resulting figure in the same way as we have already done with you.

Step 9. Inspect the resulting figure. It is closed at the top and has a hole at the bottom. We will inflate the tulip through it. In the meantime, place the square so that the corner with the hole is closer to you.

Fold the corner of the square as shown in the picture. The edge of the resulting triangle should extend slightly beyond the center line.

Step 10. Fold the second corner to the center in the same way and tuck it into the pocket that the first triangle has.

Repeat the steps with a square on the opposite side of the craft.

Step 12. Unfold the tulip petals.

Step 13. Insert a cocktail straw into the hole through which you inflated the craft.

Educator: Well done guys! You got beautiful flowers for your mothers. Let's plant our flowers in a vase.

That's what beautiful gift we made for our mothers

And now Ilyusha S. will read the poem: “The holiday is coming, Mother’s Day”

2nd child:

Holiday is coming, Mother's Day

We are all not too lazy to work

Let's celebrate the holiday

Let's surprise mom

Look honey

On a holiday for you

I made the flower.
