Why does a child need soft toys? How to choose soft toys for a child, and why they are needed

A cute, touching teddy bear, a bunny with snow-white ears, a dog with a lint beard - you and I grew up with such toys and are happy to give them to children. Are they needed? Game and toy experts say: yes, they are needed, and how! But not all of them.

A strong friendship will not break...

Many children have not just their favorite toys, but their very, very favorite ones. Those that you can sit at the table with you and treat with your favorite delicacies. Those without whom it is difficult to sleep, for whom you can bury yourself in a warm barrel and cry if you have been unfairly offended. They can even help in a difficult situation - for example, when a baby is just getting used to kindergarten, where there is no mother, some strange children are running around, and everyone has strange voices. But if you took your toy friend with you from home, everything is not so bad: he will console you, listen to you, and support you. So, it is extremely rare that dolls, soldiers, and even more so cars or airplanes become such friends. Basically they are fluffy and cute soft toys. For some reason, it is the animals, fur and plush ones, that children easily “animate”, endow with characters, and speak for them in altered voices. True, not everyone. There are soft toys that you don’t want to be friends with.

So, what should the ideal soft toy be?

Big-eyed squirrels with fluffy tails, soft cats, touching bunnies and, of course, funny and clumsy bears - these are the ones you enjoy picking up. They look at babies from store shelves with curiosity and sympathy, causing them the same feelings. But... Nowadays it is very fashionable to make all kinds of monster toys. So the soft toy industry is not lagging behind the manufacturers of plastic transformers. The shelves of children's stores are full of one-eyed aliens made of blue fleece and saber-toothed monsters covered with silky fur. Well, how to use these in story games? You don’t even want to trust them with the roles of negative characters, they are so unfriendly. You can't help but get scared of them.

According to psychologists, it is important for a child’s development that an educational toy evokes in his imagination an image that is correlated with reality. An elephant should be plump and nosey, a cow should be horned, a camel should be humpbacked. But a pink-green hare or a blue pig is more difficult for a baby to identify with a real object. It is believed that such toys disorientate the child. Especially a little one, two or three years old. On the other hand, if one boy had not been given a poorly made toy, from which it was impossible to understand whether it was a hare, a dog, a cat or an Australian kangaroo, the wonderful book about Cheburashka would never have been born. True, not all children have powerful imagination Eduard Uspensky...

How to play with a dog or donkey is clear: you take the toy in your hands, move it as if the animal were walking, and speak for them in dog and donkey voices. Here they are saying hello, here they are inviting each other to visit. How to play with a dog that has a clock on its stomach? Bark for her or move the arrows? And a donkey with letters on its side English alphabet, and there’s a phone glued to your back? It's not clear at all.

In the sense of pliable. Now you can stuff toys with different types of fillings - and this good fashion. For example, a dog’s belly is stuffed with padding polyester, and its paws are stuffed with something loose. Such a dog can be planted and placed. Like a soft toy that is not stuffed very tightly, and its legs move. And if a toy is hard and tightly stuffed, its position cannot be changed, and it is more difficult to play with it. Try putting a bunny to sleep who can only sit.

Not too big
Up to approximately 40 centimeters. That is, so that the toy is comfortable to pick up. Giant toys the size of a chair are called toys in vain. These are, rather, interior elements, something decorative. No child will play with a bear that you can’t even lift. A two-year-old child may be completely afraid of such a toy. Concerning small toys, less than 10 centimeters - they, alas, often get lost, and this is not the most convenient and pleasant “property” for a toy.

Not speaking
Would you say that children really love “noisy” toys? Of course, it’s so funny: you press the hedgehog’s paw, and he sings a song to you in the voice of Klara Rumyanova. But look how children play with them. That's right, they don't play at all, they just press and press the button until the battery runs out and the hedgehog starts making infernal wheezes instead of a song. This is where interest in the hedgehog is lost once and for all. So it’s better to have the same hedgehog, but without the song. So that you can really play with him - and maybe become strong friends.

Mamaeva Violetta

The purpose of the work is to study the benefits and harms of soft toys, to study the fabrics from which the toys are made, since there are a huge number of them on sale from different manufacturers, made from various materials. In accordance with the goal, the objectives of the work will be to consider the following issues: - study the literature on the topic under study; -consider the variety of soft toys; - identify toy producing countries; -analyze the attitude of schoolchildren towards a soft toy; -identify factors influencing the benefits and harms of toys; -carry out practical work to determine the properties of materials. Objectives:  collect material from scientific and educational literature about a soft toy;  conduct a survey among students;  photograph soft toys of friends and classmates;  analyze and summarize the research results.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Shimorsky secondary school


Primary school department

Mamaeva Violetta Valerievna

Scientific adviser:

Teacher MBOU Shimorskaya secondary school

Polyushina Svetlana Fedorovna

Shimorskoe village



Topic: “Soft toy in our life. The benefits and harms of soft toys"

Primary school department

Work completed by: 4-B grade student


1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..4

1.2. Relevance of the study………………………………………………………4

1.3. Arguments for choosing a topic…………………………………………… 5

1.4. Goals, objectives, research methods…………………………………...5

1.5. Ideas, research hypothesis ………………………………………….6

2. Theoretical part……………………………………………………...7

2.1. Methodological influence of toys on child development……………….7

2.2. Purpose of a soft toy……………………………………………………...10

2.3. World brands of soft toys…………………………………….13

2.4. What is a soft toy made from…………………………………………………………16

3. Practical part………………..……………………………………...18

3.1. Questionnaire……………………………………………………….18

3.2. Study of fabrics. Experiments……………………………………………………….19

3.3. Results of the study………………………………………………………….19

3.4. How to care for a soft toy……………………………………20

4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………24

Used literature……………………………………………………………...25

1. Introduction

Toys “live” next to us from birth. First - these are bright rattles, then - children's ones musical toys, dolls, toy cars, educational and educational toys. The most popular and widespread type of children's toys is a soft toy, i.e. images of various animals (bears, dogs, squirrels, etc.) made from soft material. Of all types of toys, the soft toy is the most recent.Soft toys are prototypes of various animals that caring mothers sewn for their children from scraps of fabric, stuffed with cotton wool, decorated using various handicraft skills, knitting and embroidery, appeared in the 19th century. At the end of the 19th century, handicraft production of soft toys on an industrial scale became widespread. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a boom in the production of soft toys began, and inGermany's first teddy bear, Teddy, was born.The phenomenon of the teddy bear, and everywhere throughout the world, the teddy bear has become the most favorite toy of children, and even adults. And in 2003 marked 100 years since the mass production of plush toys began. Over the past century, millions of toys of all sizes and colors, from different manufacturers, and from a variety of fabrics have been sold around the world. The soft toy is still popular today in the 21st century, despite technological progress. Today the children are playing computer games, adore Pokemon and Furby, but the most faithful friend remains the shabby plush, so beloved Bear [1].

Everyone likes toys - both adults and children. But if a funny toy brings a kind smile to an adult, then for a child a toy is his companion, his friend. I also really like soft toys. I enjoy looking at them in store windows. I really love it when people give them to me for the holidays. There is not a single family that does not have soft toys. The world is full of amazing things and events. But people very often do not notice how many wonderful moments they can give each other: a smile, admiration, a reason to search. And searching is always interesting, attracts observation, especially when it comes to toys that we know well and love.

1.2. The relevance of research

Of course, many teddy bears or dogs are very cute and can decorate any room. Often such animals become favorites not only of children, but also of adults - they are worn and carried with them as amulets and given as souvenirs. But a soft toy for a child, even if it is very pleasant to look at, is not only a decoration, a souvenir or an amulet, but first of all a toy, i.e. subject and means of play. This means that in order to find out the value of a particular plush animal, it is important to understand how children play with soft toys and what role they play in a child’s life.

1.3.4. Topic Selection Arguments

Why did I choose this topic? Firstly, this topic is important for me because I want to learn about the origin, history of soft toys, their types. Secondly, I decided to determine the properties of the materials from which soft toys are made. Thirdly, I am interested in learning about the importance of soft toys in the lives of children.

Puppies, bunnies, bears, tigers, crocodiles, mice... Soft, plush, colorful. I have so many furry friends. Each one has so many memories attached to it. Here's Mishka. He is mine best friend. With him I shared my feelings and dreams. He was there in both joy and sadness. I fell asleep with him and felt warmth and calm. Where are you from, my faithful friends? How to take care of you? Are you harming or benefiting children? The desire to answer these questions became the basis for my research.

The purpose of the work is a study of the benefits and harms of soft toys, a study of the fabrics from which the toys are made, since there are a huge number of them on sale from different manufacturers, made of various materials.

In accordance with the goal, the objectives of the work will be to consider the following issues:

Study the literature on the topic under study;

Consider a variety of soft toys;

Identify toy producing countries;

Analyze the attitude of schoolchildren towards a soft toy;

Determine the factors influencing the benefits and harms of a toy;

Conduct practical work to determine the properties of materials.


  • collect material from scientific and educational literature about a soft toy;
  • conduct a survey among students;
  • take pictures of soft toys of friends and classmates;
  • analyze and summarize the research results.

Research methods

  • bibliographic;
  • survey;
  • photographing;
  • analysis.

The object of research is a collection of toys, the subject is the materials from which the toys are made. Research methods: exploratory, practical, expository.

Hypothesis – I assume that a soft toy can bring not only benefit to a child, but also harm.

Look around! And you will see a lot of soft toys, for every taste and color, in different poses, of different colors. Soft toys are a particular favorite. For some it is a teddy bear, for others it is a bunny or a monkey. Have you ever thought about the benefits of these toys? Or about whether they can harm a person?

A toy is one of bright manifestations popular culture, deeply vital and folk. The traditions of the craft and art of toys are passed on from generation to generation, and ideas about life, work, and beauty are passed on to the people.

2. Theoretical part

The most popular and widespread type of children's toys is the so-called soft toy, i.e. images of various animals (bears, dogs, squirrels, etc.), made of soft material (plush, cotton wool, foam rubber, etc.) Such toys are usually given to children for the holidays; they decorate the room. Toy counters and children's rooms are usually littered with all sorts of animals - huge (literally the size of a man) and tiny (the size of a thimble), fluffy and smooth, sounding and silent, scary and cute, flexible and hard. How to choose among these animal deposits what a particular child needs? To answer this question, it is not enough to focus only on the attractiveness and external charm of a furry animal.

From early childhood, a child is surrounded by various toys with which he plays. During the game, he develops not only a consumer attitude towards them, but also aesthetic feelings, and bright emotional manifestations. For younger schoolchildren, along with learning activities that are new to them, there continues to be a need for play activity. Therefore, it is necessary to use children’s natural need for games and toys, apply it in teaching, and direct these needs to creative activities in which a soft toy can become an object of creativity.

2.1. Methodological influence of toys on child development

Analysis of the works of domestic and foreign psychologists (V. Abramenkova, 1998; G. L. Landreta, 1994; V. K. Losevoy and A. I. Lunkova, 1995; V. S. Mukhina, 2000) shows that the development of certain personal qualities and, consequently, the accumulation of personal potential on different stages preschool childhood depends on the child’s interaction experience

with the surrounding world, the form of reflection of which is play activity. The leading attributes of children's games are toys. various types, which have a diverse impact on him, both positive and negative.

Play as an independent children's activity is formed during the upbringing and education of a child; it contributes to his mastering the experience of human activity. Toy in in this case acts as a kind of standard for those objects whose purpose the child must learn and master various actions.

A toy is important for the development of a child's facial expressions and personality. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists have been studying the problem of the influence of toys on the child’s psyche. Thus, E. A. Kossakovskaya’s research on the issues of games and toys, based on the study of experience in organizing children’s play activities in conditions of public education and in

family, showed that there cannot be the same approach to the creation and selection of toys for all ages, but that age-related patterns of development must be taken into account

gaming activity. N.K. Krupskaya wrote about the importance of toys for familiarizing children with the surrounding reality and for their sensory development.

Mendzheritskaya D.V., a well-known teacher in the field of studying toys, believed that a toy helps develop children's interest in work and contributes to the formation of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Giving children ideas about people of different professions, different nationalities, at the same time it can help cultivate a feeling of sympathy and respect for them. A toy is a child’s constant companion from the first days of birth. It is specially created by an adult for educational purposes in order to prepare the child for entering into social relations. As the famous psychologist G. A. Uruntaeva said, the main task of adults is to teach the child to act with toys.

In all historical eras, a toy has been associated with play - the leading activity in which the typical appearance of a child is formed: mind, physical and moral qualities. However, specifically, the historical conditions of each era leave an imprint on the content of toys and the direction of games. A study of children's play behavior related to the choice of toys showed that the most popular toys among children are animals.

Children from 1.5 to 2.5 years old choose toys that are soft, bendable, made of rubber, foam rubber, or fabric. They are very fond of images of pets, familiar fairy tale characters, heroes of funny nursery rhymes: a dog, a cat, a cockerel and a hen, a cow and a horse, a pig and a sheep, a duck). Older children (2.5 - 3 years old) love to play with flat models depicting animals. The range of products for selectivity is being significantly expanded. Now the baby prefers wild animals - “little animals”

(wolf, fox, bear, boar, hare, tiger, etc.). Exotic animals are also attracted: elephant, crocodile, hippopotamus, etc. In children, the first simple knowledge about animals begins to develop as a result of repeated observation of them. Children notice that all animals have eyes, ears, mouth, paws; they move in space, eat and drink; they are alive.

The toy is important factor in the mental development of the child. Toys must be free from all properties that could in any way be harmful to health. They must satisfy and develop aesthetic taste, the beginnings of which appear so early in the child. And therefore, they must excite and encourage the child’s desire for collective efforts.

The most diverse inclinations of a child seek their manifestation and exercise and find them in games, if the child is given material at his disposal that can serve at one time

both a stimulus that stimulates this or that activity, and an instrument with the help of which this activity is carried out and improved.

Undoubtedly, all toys must meet hygiene requirements. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of coloring of toys. Because in the early years a child tends to put everything in his mouth. The paints should not fade or stain your hands in any way. In any case, you should avoid green paints, which often contain toxic substances.

In order for the child’s development to be timely and comprehensive, toys should be carefully selected. For centuries, humanity has been perfecting toys that the best way would correspond to the capabilities of a child of a certain age and the associated physical and mental development.

Toys, like games, serve not only as means of education and self-education, assimilation of new forms of behavior, but also as a kind of manifestation of children's individuality.

Thus, it seems completely obvious that no, even the most detailed study of a child using “accurate” methods and the most successful tests can give us a true idea of ​​the child, his personality as a whole and individual traits, if the researcher has not observed the child in his natural element is in play and among toys. A toy is an object that serves for fun and entertainment, but at the same time is a means of mental development of the child. The toy is a regulator of mental and physiological development child. The development of the emotional and moral sphere of a child’s personality, according to V.S. Mukhina, in to a large extent associated with soft toys (images of a bear, hare, dog, etc.).

For the correct influence of a toy on the emotional and moral development of a child, an adult first helps in everything, from whom he learns to endow the doll with certain positive qualities. Later, the child himself fills the spiritual world of the toy with

at her own discretion, and she “behaves” exclusively as her owner needs at the moment: she is smart and obedient, affectionate and cheerful, obstinate and stubborn, she is a liar and an incorrigible slob. The child experiences with his doll all the events of his own and others’ lives in all emotional and moral manifestations accessible to his understanding. A soft toy acts as a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and remembers no evil. Therefore, every preschooler needs such a toy - not only girls, but also boys. A bear, a monkey, a dog, etc., is an object for communication in all manifestations of a child, a communication partner in play. Everyone is fine developing child are installed special relationship with your doll or animal. Over the years of childhood, each child becomes attached to his toy in his own way, experiencing many different feelings thanks to it.

2.2. Purpose of a soft toy

Obviously, a soft toy is needed for little man. This statement already implies certain restrictions on the appearance of the toy, namely its size. It should not be too big so that the baby can independently pick it up, hug it, carry it, etc. The huge meter-long dogs and hippos that fill toy counters today are completely unsuitable for this purpose - you can only look at them, be surprised at their size, or use as a chair, pillow or stand. Too small, tiny animals are also inconvenient - they often get lost, they are difficult to hold in your hands, and it is inconvenient to act with them. The toy should be medium in size (approximately from 10 to 40 cm), so that the baby can comfortably act freely with it. But a suitable size is only the most formal and external property, completely insufficient for a full-fledged game. What is needed so that rag bunnies and squirrels do not just stand on the shelf, but stimulate the activity and imagination of the child.

Plush actors

The most common and suitable look playing with soft toys is the so-called director's play, in which the child himself acts and speaks for his heroes. The toys act as actors in it, controlled and directed by the child as a director. Under his leadership, in his hands, bunnies, dogs and bears go to visit each other, treat each other, dance, talk or fight. The plot and content of such games are created by the child himself, who acts as a director. This could also be a reenactment of famous children's fairy tales - the bun, the tower, the turnip - in which the main actors are animals known to everyone. It is necessary to help the child choose a “company” of such animals and, together with him, to reproduce a familiar plot for different fairy tales. The child will probably like this game and most likely, he will soon want to play familiar fairy tales.

and then will change them, inventing his own actions. Such games are especially useful for children 2-4 years old.

A cow with wings?

Of course, a toy animal should be as cute and charming as possible. But this is not the main thing, especially since the ideas about the attractiveness of a child and an adult differ greatly. It is important that the toy evokes a clear, consistent and understandable image in the child, so that he can easily recognize and name who it is - a bunny, an elephant or a bear. This image tells the child the nature of the actions of the hero of his game - how he walks, jumps or waddles, what he likes to eat, how he talks. IN Lately in connection with the emergence of new species of “animals” - dragons, dinosaurs, aliens - these

questions become problematic. Sometimes even an adult can hardly recognize and name a toy animal. A cow with wings, a bear with a dog’s head, or a camel with a phone on its back do not evoke a clear, unambiguous image in a child’s mind, so the child does not understand what can be done with these toy animals and how to play with them.

Freedom of movement

Another important quality A good soft toy is its openness to a variety of baby actions.“Rigid” toys with fixed limbs do not allow you to vary their posture, which means changing their mood, expression, or willingness to accept one or another attitude of the child. The “softer” the soft toy, the more possibilities she opens for own actions and the imagination of the child himself. For example, a stuffed dog with loosely dangling legs can be hugged, wrapped in a cloth, or rocked to sleep. In the hands of a child, she can jump, somersault, stand on her hind or front legs, clap her hands, yelp or speak.

Talking toys

The ability of a toy to “speak in its own voice” is very important, i.e. in the voice of a child. Today in manysoft toys have a built-in sound mechanism that reproduces a song or words. For example, a cute red lion cub, when you press on his stomach, begins to sing loudly in a child’s voice, “Look - I’m red, dad is red, mom is too...”. It seems funny, but this technical addition sharply limits the possibilities of action with this toy. Most likely, the child will constantly press Right place and call up a familiar song. And so on until he gets tired of it. After this, the lion cub will exhaust its capabilities and become uninteresting. Without such a song, the toy could become a character in extensive play actions: it could be fed, undressed and dressed, introduced to other animals, etc. At the same time, she could pronounce a variety of words in her own voice (i.e., the voice of the child himself), and not reproduce the same song in other people's voices.

True friend

The ability to change voice, words and intonation opens up the possibility of communication between a child and a toy. Usually communication takes place with other people. Communication with a toy acts as a support for internal dialogue, as a “partner” in life. It is known that in the lives of many children there are favorite toys that the kids will not part with: they talk with them, share joys and thoughts, sleep with them, eat with them, take them out and about. kindergarten. These are the so-called “girlfriend toys” that can become friends

and help your child in difficult situations. In the vast majority of cases, such girlfriends are not dolls or cars, but soft toys.. Oddly enough, toy animals are easily animated by children and begin to play a very important role in their lives. Such a favorite toy can become a support for a developing child. inner world child, the subject of it mental life. The closeness of such a soft friend makes it easier for the baby to experience danger or loneliness and gives him a feeling of being needed and independent. Special role such favorite soft toys play for kids in difficult moments their lives when a child feels lonely and needs help and protection. For example, before bed, or when the baby is sick, or when he finds himself in an unfamiliar situation. These are the most difficult periods The time of adaptation of the child to kindergarten certainly applies. Teachers and psychologists have noticed that young children literally do not part with their favorite toy in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Children with so-called “difficult adaptation” who experience obvious discomfort, anxiety, and tension in a new environment especially need it. Such children constantly cuddle their favorite bear or bunny, and the physical proximity of their favorite soft toy gives them a feeling of protection and safety. It’s like a piece of his home that he constantly carries with him. It has been noticed that with a favorite toy, a child falls asleep faster, eats better, dresses more willingly, and generally feels more confident. At first, a soft toy can replace a child’s friends and become a communication partner. Kids quite often turn to their pets with statements, requests, questions, which they answer themselves. They attribute their feelings and experiences to them, for example: “The squirrel is crying because she is waiting for her mother, but her mother does not come,” says the girl, stroking her favorite toy. As you get used to the new environment, the need for such a friend toy gradually decreases. Children are becoming more and more independent, active and only sometimes include their pet in the game. But for those who find it difficult in a new environment, a toy friend certainly makes this difficult period easier and becomes an important source of psychological protection, a communication partner and a support for their developing self. Therefore, it is very important to help the child find such a toy friend and, of course, not to interfere with this "friendship". “Girlfriends” can be soft toys with an attractive appearance and a bright personality: teddy bears, pussies, dogs, dolls small size and with an expressive appearance, convenient for a child’s actions and easily “animated”. However, making a soft toybeloved, only a close and attentive adult can give her character, animate her. Therefore, when giving a child a gift, talk to the child in the voice of a toy animal, tell him how his new pet loves him very much, wants to live, sleep, walk with him, that he needs care - he is cold, hurt, bored, etc.

Remember that you can give him not just another soft toy, but also a true, loyal friend.

Child psychologists say that every child over three years old must have his own softtoys , moreover, from different materials, which the child will “explore” during the game. On sale today you can find any softtoys – from classic teddy bears to those that depict... microbes. But most often, parents try to purchase a unique toy for their children; it can be custom-made in one copy, or the mother sews it herself. Research has found that the texture of the material from which a doll or animal is made plays a significant role. Children are selective about toys depicting the same animal, but with different texture. Soft, fluffy materials cause positive emotions, stimulate the child to play. Not every child is ready to accept rough, cooling materials. With the help of a correctly selected toy texture, it is easier to evoke positive emotions in a toy animal: goodwill, sympathy and joy.

The ratio of the size of the head and body of the toy is also important. It has been established that a certain proportion of the figure evokes a patronizing attitude. A shortened oval of a doll’s face or an animal’s muzzle, plump cheeks, small nose and big eyes - such signs of the toy’s appearance give rise to a surge of tender feelings in the child.

2.3. World brands of soft toys

The production of soft toys can exist as a separate type of business or as an addition to an existing sewing production. Soft toys are in steady demand, even though they are not essential goods. Moreover, buyers have recently been striving to purchase domestically produced toys, rather than cheap Chinese ones, as was the case not so long ago, ensuring market growth by an average of 30% per year. However, there is no oversaturation of domestically produced goods on the market.

At the time of buying new toy For their baby, parents often focus not only on its appearance and quality, but also on the brand that is on the package. Most people prefer a product created by one of the world's famous toy manufacturers over a product from a little-known brand. Of course, a trusted brand gives us more confidence. In this work, I decided to review manufacturers of high-quality and reliable soft toys.

1. The Plyushevy Friend company produces soft toys in the city of Ivanovo, using only high-quality certified materials.Production of plush toys

begins with the designers' sketches, in which all the details are carefully drawn. Factories pay great attention so that the image turns out to be kind and cheerful.

2. The Moscow soft toy factory “Plushevaya Skazka” monitors the quality of its products and conducts double quality control. In assortment best models with proven demand, which will delight not only children, but also adults. The materials used for manufacturing are high quality and environmentally friendly.

3. Lemart company, located in Moscow, specializes in the development, production and wholesale distribution of LAVA brand toys.In the manufacture of LAVA brand toys, hypoallergenic materials are used, the safety of which is confirmed by certificates.The range of musical plush toys of the LAVA brand includes more than a thousand items. The soft toy of this brand is well known throughout Russia and the CIS countries.

4. Russian company Gulliver produces wonderful soft toys, among which there are not only animals (bears, bunnies, cats and dogs), but also soft dolls- both small, only 15-20 cm tall, and big dolls, height 50 and 60 cm.

5. Also leading Russian manufacturers toys in wide range are JSC AK "Vesna", JSC "Krugozor", JSC "Zvezda", the toy factory "Ogonyok", the Moscow soft toy factory TM "Flipper Toys", the soft toy factory in Samara TM "Boka", the company "Smoltoys" in Smolensk. There is alsoorganization "Soft Toys Umka" inSalavat , a soft toy manufacturing company inSaratov and Saratov region and many other manufacturers.In total, there are about fifty relatively large manufacturers in our country. However, domestic companies occupy only 12% of this market, the remaining share belongs tomanufacturers from China and Western Europe and America.(see Attachment)

6. In the CIS countries, the best soft toys are made by Belarus - well-known companies Fancy and "Malvina". They are the leaders of the plush market.

7. There are also Asian companies that supply high-quality toys: Gulliver (Korea, China, Vietnam), Avrora (Korea), Trudi (China), but the prices for toys from these companies are higher than Russian and Belarusian ones.

8. Chinese soft toy is produced directly in Yiwu and nearby towns, sold at the Futien market. The main sellers are representatives of factories. Good sales explained by the large selection and low prices offered by manufacturers of soft toys. Futien offers products of different quality and different price segments.

9. K'S KIDS is a Hong Kong company created at the end of the last century. Products produced under this brand are intended for the little ones. K'S KIDS creates its own toy characters, these include Sam the bear or a cat with a funny

named Mimi. In addition, all the company’s products meet certain goals and objectives: they develop the child’s senses and improve his musical abilities.

10. Today, Hansa Toys International, originally founded in Australia by Hans J. Axthelm, now located in the Philippines, is known throughout the world as one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality faux fur soft toys. The advantage of these soft toys is that they are realistic, natural, a complete copy of the original, not only external signs, but the character of the animal.

11. There are toys that, at first glance, do not have much functionality, but with proper promotion they become sales leaders. A striking example of such a product would besleep toy called Hug and Dream Minnie Mouse, which was released by Japanese manufacturer Takara Tomy. Plush toy in the form of a mouse is equipped with a device that reproduces the sound of a sleeping person’s breathing, and is designed to relax and facilitate the process of going to sleep for both children and adults. A whole scientific base was provided for its development. The manufacturing company even consulted with cognitive and respiratory specialists who gave scientific basis the benefits of such toys.

As you can see, all manufacturers of children's toys have their own characteristics and distinctive features. The listed brands are proven and safe, so you can safely buy toys from these manufacturers for your baby. But do not forget that purchases should only be made in official and certified stores or on the company’s website.

Obtaining a certificate of conformity according to the GOST R system for toys is a mandatory procedure for all manufacturers who intend to sell their products. The toy must meet safety requirements. During certification, not only the product itself is checked, but the process of its production is studied. All toys that have been certified in Russia are marked with a GOST number

and SanPiN, compliance with the requirements of which was confirmed as a result of the audit. Information in Russian and labeling must also be present. The marking is applied by the manufacturer.(see Attachment). Toys are subject to many safety requirements: - mechanical safety (degree of smoothness, lack of sharp corners); - chemical safety (the “C” sign on the packaging means that

materials are non-toxic); - safety from noise and vibrations (noise level, ultra- and infrasounds, vibration); - Fire safety(information on the packaging about the possibility of fire); - electrical safety (batteries, connection to the network); - biological safety (presence of pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products); - radiation safety. To determine the degree of danger of a product for each of the criteria, many tests are carried out. After all, it is unknown what will come to the mind of a child, especially a small one, and what he will do with the toy: he may break it, or he may lick it. Even packaging materials and ink on packaging and instructions are tested.

2.4. What is a soft toy made of?

Modern soft toys are presented on the market in a wide range of products, but, as before, the main attentionpaid directly to the material from which it is made.

The material for making soft toys can be very different - corduroy, velvet, flannel, artificial fur, knitwear, plush, polyester, and fillers - synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, foam rubber.

Thus, for the manufacture of soft toys and various fantasy pillows, artificial fur on a knitted basis, with long or short pile, and a fairly wide range of colors, is most often used.

Very pleasant to perceive and at the same time easy to manufacture knitted fabrics, easily stretchable both lengthwise and crosswise. Anything can be sewn from them - balls, dolls, cubes, clowns and much more.

Cotton fabrics were not left out either. Thanks to the bright, colorful colors, they are well used for doll clothes, applications, dolls. Fabric for bathrobes and towels, the so-called terry, is soft and fluffy, similar to the affectionate skin of animals. Flannelette and flannel also belong to cotton fabrics, and they are very successfully used for making soft toys.

Toys made from pile fabrics, velvet and velor are popular; their base is knitted from silk or cotton; woolen fabrics and felted fabrics. The surface of these fabrics is covered with thick, short, silky pile. They are very suitable for making soft toys such as bear, bunny, fox.
Felt is especially convenient for cutting out small and individual parts(tails, paws, beaks and noses), since the fabric is absolutely not loose and does not require overcasting.

Silk fabrics are used in the manufacture of soft toys, most often for sewing dresses, appliques and trim. The fabric, flowing and delicate, glides in the hands; it is these qualities that make it difficult to use.

Woolen fabrics are dense, piled and smooth with ornamental patterns, striped and checkered, suitable for sewing various animals, panels, and pillows.

Among the variety of soft toys, I will try to highlight their main types:

  • Soft toy made of corduroy and chintz fabric. These are factory-made toys, similar to those that can be sewn by hand at home. The fabrics are natural, cotton, pleasant to the touch. A simple, funny toy;
  • Collection of soft toys in patchwork style "Cuddle corner";
  • The Waldorf toy occupies a completely unique place among toys, because it is a special pedagogical doll designed to promote harmonious development personality from the first years of life. Padding Waldorf dolls serves only natural wool, safe and environmentally friendly pure materials, not processed in any way. This also applies to the padding; natural wool is used. And this is the main problem in their manufacture: it is very difficult to find such wool on sale, and it is very expensive;
  • Gulliver - the toys are cute and cute, their quality is always excellent. Rag dolls, made from good materials, with clothes - good friend dolls for children;
  • Funny characters The "Tricky" series can be a wonderful addition to your child's toys. Having learned how to sew toys according to the instructions from these kits, you can further sew them from scrap materials: old T-shirts, tracksuits, socks, etc. And stuff it with wool or holofiber from old pillows and blankets;
  • Many needlewomen and admirers folk doll are already well acquainted with tilde toys: hares in cute panama hats, snails, flying cats, sleepy angels, coffee bear cubs, Easter bunnies, Christmas geese, princesses, fatties in bathing suits, and other cuties in panama hats, panties, dresses...

3. Practical part

My collection includes a variety of toys:

1) Simple toy, which does not contain mechanisms (bear, moose, crocodile, lion).

2) Musical soft toy – lion cub. There is an electronic device sewn inside it, and when you press the button, a song sounds.

3) Soft toy - a pendant that is attached to a crib or stroller. This is a small mouse. It can also be used as a keychain.

4) Soft toys - backpacks. My favorite dog.

5) A small toy - a bunny with a zipper on the body, in which you can keep secrets.

6) Toy - masseuse - a soft toy with small massage balls sewn inside. This is a Teddy bear. ( see Attachment )

To analyze the product and determine the quality of the toy, surveys and conversations were conducted with students of our school on the preference of toys, identifying the country of origin, and experiments to identify the material of the manufactured toy. As a result, after analyzing the situation, we can draw a conclusion about what toys are recommended for children to buy, from what fabric, from what manufacturer.

3.1. Questionnaire

One of the objectives of the study was a survey.Progress of the survey - research.

1) The children were asked to remember their toys and answer questions.

Questionnaire for guys.

1. What toys do you play with?________________________________________________

2. How many soft toys do you have at home?________________________________________________

3. On what occasion do they buy toys for you?________________________________

4. What is your favorite toy?_____________________________________________

5. What toy would you really like to have?________________________________________________

6. At what age can soft toys be given to children?________________________

7. Can a soft toy cause harm?

Survey results.
We interviewed 14 students aged 7 to 10 years and found out that all the children had soft toys. Based on the survey results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. U modern children various toys.

2. Mostly children have 15-20 soft toys at home.

3. Buying toys is associated with birthday celebrations; many children buy toys just like that.

4. The bear is the most favorite toy.

5. Children would like to add bunnies, dogs and Luntik to their collection of toys.

6. The majority of respondents believe that toys can be given to children from 2 to 3 years old.

7. All survey participants believe that a soft toy is beneficial and cannot cause harm. ( see Attachment )

We learned that toys have always been significant for children; there have always been favorite toys. There were and are toys a large number of, but they changed over time.

3.2. Study of fabrics. Experiments

I learned that some soft toys are made from harmful materials, so I decided to research the properties of the fabric used to make soft toys. To this end, I took samples of the fabrics from which three of my toys were made and examined them. Manufacturers: the hedgehog toy is made in China, the dog is made in Belarus, Baby is a toy made by a domestic manufacturer.

1. Determined the smoothness and softness of the fabric of each sample by touch.

2. I carefully examined each sample for the presence of shine.

3. Examined toys from which fabric samples were taken for the presence of dust. To do this, I placed each toy in a new plastic bag, tied it, and shook it well. She took out the toy and collected it with tape. inner surface bags of dust samples and compared them.(see photo No. 1)

4. Each sample was checked for thread fraying. To do this, I pulled the edges of the fabric.

5. Tested for wetness. For this purpose, I wetted each sample.(see photo No. 2)

6. Studied burning of threads and the emitted odor; for this, the samples were carefully set on fire. ( see photo No. 3)

7. Examined tissue samples under a microscope.(see photo No. 4)

The obtained data was presented in the form of a table. ( see Attachment)

3.3. Research results

Conclusions from practical work:

Samples No. 1 and No. 2 have a smooth, soft surface with pile, and are very crumbly. Toys made from such materials collect a lot of dust, which can cause allergies. Pieces of lint may get into your mouth or Airways. Sample No. 3 is soft, rough, and does not crumble. Toys made from this material do not collect a lot of dust, as they have a lint-free coating.

Sample No. 1 is significantly wet. The toy is filled with batting, so it takes a long time for the toy to dry, which means mold can form. Samples numbered 2 and 3 are smooth, filled with padding polyester, and they absorbed less water and dried faster. Toy No. 2 has a sharp acrid smell when burning.

3.4. How to care for soft toys

Almost every home has soft toys. After all, now it is customary to give them not only to children. Young ladies often get teddy bears or bunnies as a sign of sympathy. And on New Year's Eve, many give a soft toy as a symbol of the coming year. For some people, collecting pigs, for example, has become a hobby. And someone has long grown out of childhood, but just can’t part with their collection of plush animals. Well, in a family where there are small children, there are usually whole deposits of soft toys. There is nothing wrong with this - they are beautiful, bright, pleasant to the touch, and games with them are very diverse. The interior of a children's room only benefits from a multi-colored fur battalion. The only problem is dust, which is attracted to toys like a magnet. And if the baby takes his favorite animal with him outside, then he needs to be cared for much more carefully than just wiped. Children love soft toys. They carry them with them everywhere and then go to bed with them. Over time, toys become greasy, dirty, and contain numerous microbes. How to care for soft toys so that they are clean and do not harm the child’s health?

You will need

Washing machine, special mesh for delicate washing

Delicate detergents or baby soap

Vacuum cleaner


Steam cleaner

Dry cleaning services

Step by step solution

1. The first thing to do is regularly wipe down soft toys wet wipe. This method is great option care for those who have soft toys only as a piece of furniture. But if little ones use plush beauties, then ordinary wiping will not be enough, because the little owner not only often picks up his pets, but also presses his face and lips against them.

2. Washing in a washing machine is the most easy way return the toy to a clean fur coat. What could be simpler - I threw it in the washing machine, and an hour later I took it out and set it to dry. However, no more than 10% of all toys produced can be subjected to machine washable. The fact that the animal will undergo this procedure should be indicated on the care label. Otherwise, you risk getting out of the car an incomprehensible lump of tangled wool with torn ears and unraveling seams. For washing you need to choose delicate mode with a minimum number of spin speeds. Optimal temperature It is considered 30-40 degrees. However, keep in mind that complete destruction of dust mites is possible only at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. It is best to turn on the additional rinse function, which will ensure that the powder is completely washed out of the fur.

3. Hand wash toys that have glued parts (eyes, tongue, nose or applique on the chest); toys made from heterogeneous materials (for example, stuffed with sawdust or having metal or wood inserts). To wash toys, you need a sponge or cloth, detergent for delicate items or ordinary shampoo, and best of all - baby or laundry soap. We dilute the product in a bowl of warm water, dip a sponge in the water and clean the toy so that it gets minimally wet.

4. It is best to dry toys on a horizontal surface, for example, on a windowsill or table, or you can hang them on a clothespin. After drying, the animal must be carefully combed.

5. Great way combining wet cleaning with disinfection - steam treatment of soft toys. For this you will need a steam cleaner. A jet of hot steam will help give the beast fresh look. However, you must be careful not to direct the stream at

glued parts, plastic elements. In addition, the steam may cause the padding material to decompose.

6. If the animal’s fur cannot tolerate wet cleaning, then you can clean such a soft toy from dust using a vacuum cleaner. This method is especially good for large items

pets Cleaning should be done using a cleaning attachment. upholstered furniture. Set the suction power to minimum so as not to deform the toy.

7. If the baby is allergic (especially if he is sensitive to detergents), then doctors generally do not recommend getting soft pets at an early age. But if you still need to clean a soft toy, then you should think about water cleaning. This is done in dry cleaning using gentle, environmentally friendly technology. Contaminants will be removed using natural products that will protect the toy material from knocking, shrinkage, loss of color and elasticity.

8. Another option for allergy sufferers is to disinfect soft toys in the freezer. When exposed to cold, plush animals are completely cleansed of dust mites and germs. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least once a month. We put the toy in a bag, and the bag in the freezer for a day. The appearance of the toy will not be affected. However, this method cannot get rid of contaminants. In winter, when the temperature outside is sub-zero, your plush household members can be taken out to the balcony and left overnight.

9. You will especially have to tinker with toys that have a music block. It’s good if the design of the plush companion allows you to detach the singing element (or at least rip the beast apart at the seam and remove the power supply for a while), then the toy can be washed in water and put in the freezer. But there are instances (as a rule, these are expensive branded toys) in which the music block is connected to the paws, muzzle, etc. This toy will not tolerate any moisture. The maximum is to wipe with a cloth and vacuum.

10. There is another rather unusual method, suitable for toys that cannot be washed, but which require immediate removal of dust from them. Place the toy in plastic bag, pour half a pack of soda into it, tie the bag tightly and shake vigorously for 3-5 minutes. After this, use a brush to carefully remove the remaining soda (it will go away along with dust and minor dirt). The disadvantage is that the toy will smell like soda for a long time.

11. After washing, always check the toys, especially if children play with them: tug on all attached elements, check the integrity of the seams.

12. If you or your child catches viral diseases, it is recommended to remove all soft toys from the room. After recovery, it is advisable to clean all

plush friends. If your child constantly sleeps with a pet, treat it more often. this toy quartz lamp.

13. There are also knitted toys. They are even more difficult to clean and dry. After all, wool shrinks when it comes into contact with water. And the toy becomes deformed after drying. Therefore, after rinsing the toy, you need to carefully wring it out and straighten it. This toy can be dried by spreading it on a towel.

14. From time to time you need to monitor the integrity of the soft toy and repair it. Check to see if the seam has burst. After all, soft toys are stuffed with different fillings: padding polyester, foam rubber, cotton wool, plastic balls. And young children, as you know, love to taste everything. Be sure to check that they are firmly attached small parts: eyes, buttons, etc.


It is more convenient to store soft toys not on a shelf, but in a toy box. In this case, the toys will be stacked in one row, there will be less dust, and the lower toys will not deform under the weight of the upper ones.

If during washing you notice that some parts of the toy began to change color, it means that the dye was of poor quality. It is better not to let children play with such a pet.

During the research, I came to the conclusion that a soft toy can bring not only benefits to its owner, but also harm. In order for a child to enjoy the toy, it is necessary to follow simple rules when purchasing a soft toy:

  • How smaller child, the simpler the toy should be.
  • The toy must be safe.
  • A children's toy must comply with the requirements of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Russian Federation 2300-1 and be subject to mandatory certification.
  • The toy should not only be well made, but also carry positive attitude to kid.
  • There are worthy manufacturers of soft toys that meet all the above qualities.

4. Conclusion

The soft toy is also popular in the 21st century, when children play computer games and become interested in Pokemon, Barbie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other childhood idols. But still, the most favorite toy remains a battered teddy bear, which may have been inherited from an older brother or sister or even from parents.

Soft toys are produced around the world different types. The meaning of a soft toy depends on its type, but all toys help the child get acquainted with the world of objects around him.

You can get all the benefits from a toy only by choosing it correctly. Studying this topic helped me learn about the importance of soft toys for children. I studied the properties of the fabrics from which the toys are made and experimentally confirmed the hypothesis: a soft toy can be beneficial. By playing with a soft toy, a child acquires many positive qualities. The child gains a friend, toys do not let him get bored. Toys made from low-quality artificial materials that crumble a lot, collect a lot of dust and have poorly attached parts can cause harm.

You can give some recommendations to buyers of soft toys: after choosing a toy, check for a label that should indicate the composition of the product, the address of the manufacturer, GOST 25779-90, age, service life and care recommendations(see Attachment.) The toy should not emit any harsh chemical smell. What fabric should I buy a toy from, from what manufacturer? It is important that toys are made from high-quality materials that do not affect the child’s body.


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What toys are there more?


A cute, funny teddy bear, a funny bunny with long ears, a mischievous fluffy dog ​​- we are happy to give our children soft toys. Do they need them? Game experts and psychologists say: “Definitely yes.”

First reliable friend

All children have favorite toys. Toys with which they sit down for lunch, treating them to various delicacies, toys without which it is impossible to sleep and toys with which you can cry when you are offended.

And, as a rule, this is not a robot or a car, but a soft teddy bear or a funny, cheerful bunny. They go with our little ones to kindergarten. Comforts them and calms them down when the baby is surrounded unknown children and other people's aunts and teachers. They don't let you feel lonely when mom isn't around.

Soft toys are the first reliable friends of our children, who will not leave them in difficult situations and will share with them all the joys and sorrows.

Button Blue toys will become just such faithful companions for your little ones. Antoshka the Elephant, and - these cute animals will become your children's favorite toys.

What a perfect soft toy she is.


In children's stores you can find a wide variety of soft toys. There are monsters, aliens and completely incomprehensible creatures with modern cartoons. However, in the first 3-5 years, psychologists recommend abandoning such toys. Choose bears, dogs and cats with good big eyes who smile and bring positivity.


Psychologists say: a toy should be as close as possible to a real animal. If it is a camel, then it must have a hump; if it is an elephant, then it must have a long trunk and large ears. Professionals are sure that toys such as blue or pink hares disorient children.

Therefore, choose toys such as, and.

Not too big

A toy that is convenient to pick up and carry with you everywhere is a toy up to 40 cm. If a child cannot lift a giant bear, put it in his crib or take it with him for a walk, what is the point of it? The same applies to toys that are too small, which do not provide a full sense of comfort and are easily lost.

Soft toys are an integral part of childhood. Almost every child has “that” favorite toy, without which he does not go to sleep, eat, and always takes it on a visit or on a trip. However, a soft toy is not just entertainment. It, like rattles and other educational toys, has a great influence on the child. Parents should not have the question of whether to buy soft toys for their child or not? And now we will tell you in detail why.

How are soft toys useful for children's development?

Why buy soft toys for your child?

As you already understand, soft toys are of greater importance for proper development child. But why are they so important?

Firstly, with the help of soft toys children explore the world, expand their horizons, accumulate knowledge about subjects. In addition, soft toys educate a child. feeling of care and responsibility for another.

Secondly, soft toys are great for role-playing games. By playing out the plots of fairy tales or the most ordinary, everyday situations, kids show their imagination, develop imagination and thinking.

Third, soft toy is true friend , with whom the child can talk, trust his fears and secrets. Such a friend will help the child cope with different situations:

  • various kinds stress(going to the hospital, etc.);
  • with fear of loneliness(when the baby is left alone in the room, or if he is left alone at home even for a short time);
  • lack of communication with peers.
  • Or the toy can simply keep company for the baby (on the road, at lunch, while watching a cartoon). It's always more interesting and fun to do anything in company!

However, if you notice that your baby “communicates” too much with his favorite toy, replacing live communication with other children, you should treat this with caution. special attention. Perhaps the child feels insecure or does not receive enough attention from you. In this case, try to spend a little more time with your baby, discuss his problems and concerns with him. After all, it is very important that your baby always trusts you and is not afraid to talk about any topic.

So, Dear Parents, do not forget about the importance and benefits of soft toys for your baby!

Today, the children's goods market is filled with many educational products. toys for children. In such a variety of all kinds of toys, it is sometimes difficult for parents to find the right and functional thing. In this article we will tell you about the best educational and useful soft toys.

Are soft toys dangerous and why are they needed: breaking the myths

Many mothers are skeptical soft products, considering them “dust collectors”. But for a baby, it is soft “friends” that are the best childhood companions, because with the help of such toys the baby is developing important basics for the development of role-playing games. Also, this kind of product is necessary for the baby to develop speech and cognitive abilities. How to handle soft toys so that the child does not get hurt?

  • First, buy your baby one small toy and watch his reaction. If contact with a soft “friend” does not cause him allergic reactions, then you can safely buy the rest of the toys.
  • Of course, soft toys tend to absorb dust and get dirty much faster due to the fluffy pile. In this case, you will have to wash them more often. Therefore it is best to buy quality products, machine washable. If the toy is large and bulky, a steam steamer will come to the rescue, which can clean and sterilize the toy.
  • It is better for newborns to buy small soft toys, because they require minimal care.

Don't deprive your baby of the pleasure of playing with soft toys. It’s better to spend more time caring for them than not to buy them at all.

The best educational toys for children: safe and interesting

The world of soft toys is diverse. Therefore, parents should carefully read about what types of toys exist in order to choose the right option.

  • Soft rattles. Suitable for children from 0 to 6. The peculiarity of these products is that they are made not of plastic, but of textiles. A convenient option for mothers and babies, since the baby has no chance of scratching or hurting himself with this toy.
  • Soft cubes. These educational games are suitable for children from 6 months. At first they will simply hold them in their hands, and then they will begin to stack the cubes near them, thereby developing fine motor skills hands
  • soft ball. A universal product for games and charging. Using a soft ball you can train your coordination of movements.
  • Musical soft toys. The bottom line is that a mechanism is sewn into the toy, which, when pressed, reproduces various sounds. This will be interesting for a child of any age.

How to choose a quality soft toy: useful tips

To ensure that the toy does not harm your baby’s health, use the following tips:

  • Certificate of Quality. Ask sellers to show a certificate for a certain product in the store. This way you will protect yourself and your baby from counterfeiting.
  • Appearance. Pay attention to the integrity of the toy.
  • Filler b. The best paddings are padding polyester, synthetic down or faux fur. They are the safest and hypoallergenic.
  • Seam quality. Examine the toy. Its seams should be smooth, without gaps or protruding threads.
  • Color. Psychologists recommend buying calm shades, but not gloomy ones. Avoid poisonously bright toys. They put psychological pressure on the baby and also tire the eyes.
  • Pile. For children under one year old, the lint should not be more than 4 cm. For newborns, there are soft, lint-free toys.

Please and develop your baby through soft toys, but also do not forget about the recommendations and tips that we told you about.
