Artificial feeding. Classification of formulas for artificial feeding

We eat Materna, we didn’t experiment much with other mixtures, as soon as we tried Materna Classic, we stayed with it. This mixture was perfect for us, my daughter was full and her tummy didn’t hurt. By the way, and importantly, there were no problems with the stool either. So we were satisfied and ate the mixture with pleasure. Together with the pediatrician, we chose the Md Mil Kozochka mixture, it is based on goat milk, is as close as possible to the composition breast milk, the child eats it without problems and without any troubles such as colic or allergies. Similac mixtures are the cheapest in Children's world, we buy there. Please tell me where I can buy Similak GA mixture from birth cheaper than 700 rubles? Thanks for the informative article. I cooked the porridge myself for the first couple of days, but the child got sick, and then they grew up only on Materna’s porridge. We now purchased through We also eat this brand of formula, because everything is low-allergenic and the child likes it. I think that children’s porridge is not to save time, but for the sake of the children’s health. I have a little daughter, the milk disappeared already 2 weeks after giving birth (I had to switch to formula, then we tried many different manufacturers, alas, it only caused us problems with the tummy. We tried Materna, it suited us. Now we order it all the time. We like)
We are on Nuppy Gold, everything is fine, we had a problem with constipation, the pediatrician said that the mixture should contain probiotics, they help improve bowel movements in babies, we also considered HIPP, but it is very expensive, and Nuppy Gold has almost the same composition , and an order of magnitude cheaper. The child eats well, goes to the toilet, normally, ugh, ugh, ugh, does not cause allergic reactions. The only thing we had was colic, but I think it’s not from the formula, it happens with little ones, we’ve been on IV since birth, I gave dill water helps a lot. thanks for the article - I liked that they collected as many names as possible, but I didn’t really like that some mixtures were discussed in much more detail than others)) I hope this is not a publicity stunt. Is it possible to supplement this table? We are now using the Estonian mixture Nuppi, I personally picked it up because I was “obsessed” with the composition. Its composition, compared to the above brands, is much better and more varied, in my opinion. My baby's reaction is great, she doesn't spit up, she doesn't have colic, she sleeps well. What caught my attention in the composition: the presence of lutein, nucleotides as the main building material For immune system, prebiotics gos and phos, correct ratio of whey protein and casein. Well, and all sorts of useful vitamins. I would be interested in your professional opinion - how do you evaluate the composition, what are the reviews from other mothers? Thank you! We had a terrible diathesis. The pediatrician advised supplementing with Frisolak GA and, since we have stools once every five days, supplementing with Frisov’s mixture. We are on mixed feeding.I went on a hypoallergenic diet and the diathesis went away in a week and a half. GA formula is more expensive:-(I’m looking for stores where it’s cheaper, otherwise it hits the budget, even though the baby doesn’t eat his quota and the consumption of the formula is less than it should be. There is no trust in domestic manufacturers of mixtures. We have been eating Frisolak since 1 month, my son really liked this mixture and there were no problems with stool, but after several weeks the allergy came out, we had to change to NAN hypoallergenic. From NAN we got: green smelly stool, constipation and abdominal pain. Now we have switched to Nutrolon Comfort 1 for almost 3 months, so far we are monitoring. There is no allergy, the stool is not yet stable, sometimes it also gives a greenish look. In general, if it weren’t for the child’s allergies, I would feed Frisolak, I advise mothers to try it.

When weaning a baby from the breast due to age or for forced reasons, it is very important to choose for him healthy eating. How to properly feed a bottle-fed baby will determine not only the degree of saturation, but also general state body. You will learn about what kinds of infant formulas there are and how to transfer your baby from breastfeeding to artificial or mixed feeding by reading this article.

What is better - mixed or artificial feeding?

If, despite all the mother’s efforts, lactation does not improve, the child has to be switched to mixed or even artificial feeding.

The term “mixed feeding” refers to this type of infant nutrition when, if there is a lack of breast milk, the child is supplemented with an artificial formula. When bottle-fed, breast milk is either completely absent from the child’s daily diet or its share is not a large number of from the daily amount of food.

What is better for a baby – mixed or artificial feeding? It should be emphasized that a child tolerates mixed feeding much easier than artificial feeding. Therefore, no matter how little milk the mother has, it must be given to the baby at every feeding. The enzymes contained in it will contribute to better digestion of “foreign” food, which are all, even the most advanced, artificial mixtures.

If the child receives even a fairly large amount of supplementary feeding, it should be given only after the baby is attached to the breast. It is not recommended to give the mixture as independent feedings, as this will cause lactation to quickly fade.

What formulas for artificial feeding can be given to a child?

Nowadays a wide variety of formulas for mixed or artificial feeding of infants (so-called “substitutes”) are sold. human milk"), These mixtures are adapted to the characteristics of digestion, metabolism, and meet the child’s needs for basic nutrients and energy. Artificial formulas for newborns are prepared on the basis cow's milk, but in composition they are as close as possible to human milk. More often adapted mixtures They are produced in the form of dry powders, which must be diluted with a certain amount of water.

Before choosing a mixture for artificial feeding baby, be sure to consult your doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations. Particular attention is required to comply with all rules for preparing the mixture and its correct use.

The pediatrician who is monitoring the baby will definitely tell you about what formulas can be given to a child when switching from breastfeeding to mixed or artificial feeding. Always pay attention to the composition and characteristics of the product, as well as recommendations for methods of preparation and use.

What are the types of milk formulas for artificial feeding: classification of types

Adapted milk formulas can vary in composition and purpose.

All types of formulas available for artificial feeding healthy children, can be divided into several groups:

  • formulas for children from 0 to 4-6 months - the so-called initial or starter;
  • formulas for children from 6 to 12 months - so-called subsequent formulas;
  • formulas for children from 0 to 12 months;
  • casein-based mixtures;
  • adapted fermented milk mixtures;
  • adapted mixtures with nucleotides;
  • infant formula with bifidobacteria;
  • infant formula with special additives (prebiotics) that promote the growth of bifidobacteria in the child’s intestines;
  • mixtures with thickeners;
  • adapted milk formulas for premature and low birth weight babies.

A special group is represented by preventive and medicinal types artificial mixtures:

  • for children with allergies (hypoallergenic mixtures);
  • for children who cannot tolerate milk sugar (lactose) - low- and lactose-free mixtures;
  • for children with severe allergies to cow's milk proteins (mixtures based on soy protein isolate and protein hydrolysates).

As a rule, most infant formulas are ready to use, that is, they do not require boiling; this is usually indicated on the label. However, when diluting the mixture, you must especially carefully follow the instructions for preliminary preparation dishes, amount of powder, water temperature, quantity. Nowadays, milk formulas come with special dosing spoons that allow you to measure out the required amount of powder. This is very important, since you cannot prepare a mixture that is either too concentrated or too thin. Both are equally harmful.

Below is a description of what better mixture give infant depending on age and health status.

Formula feeding infants from 4 to 6 months

When feeding infants from 4 to 6 months with artificial formula, so-called initial formulas are used. These include “Nutrilak 0-6” produced by the domestic company “Nutritek”, as well as a number of foreign mixtures: “Gallia-1” (France), “Humana-1” (Germany), “Semper Baby-1” (Sweden), "Frisolak" (Holland), "Hipp-pre" and "Hipp-1" (Austria), "Enfamil-1" (USA), ready-to-eat domestic products "Agusha-1" fresh, "Agusha-1" fermented milk, "Adalakt" and others.

Initial formulas are maximally adapted to the metabolic and digestive characteristics of children in the first months of life and are close to the composition of human milk. To do this, the protein level in the mixture is reduced to approach its content in human milk. In most of these mixtures, the amount of protein in 100 ml of ready-to-use product is 1.4-1.6 g (the protein content in 100 ml of human milk is 1.1 g). Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve these quantities in mixtures due to the great difficulty of ensuring required level biological value of protein, and in connection with the technological features of the process of preparing mixtures. True, the “Nan” mixture (Switzerland) has now appeared on the market, where the protein level has been reduced to 1.2 g per 100 ml of the finished product.

To make the proteins in infant formulas more similar to the composition of human milk proteins, whey proteins, which are one of the components of cow's milk protein, are introduced into them. Whey proteins are found in significant quantities in human milk, where their ratio to casein is 80:20. In adapted mixtures, the ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60:40 or 50:50. In the Nan mixture, this ratio was brought to 70:30.

Whey proteins are easily digested, they require very little digestive juices, and contain very important essential amino acids that are used to build the cells and tissues of a growing child's body.

The mixtures are additionally enriched with taurine, a free amino acid necessary for the proper formation of the brain, visual analyzer, and facilitating the digestion and absorption of fats. This amino acid is one of the essential amino acids for children in the first months of life, especially premature ones. Taurine is found in breast milk and is absent in cow's milk.

The composition of the fat component of the initial mixtures is also as close as possible to the composition of human milk fats. To do this, they are injected with vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the level of which is low in cow's milk. Combination of linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids in adapted formulas it approaches that in human milk, amounting to 10:1. To improve the absorption of fat, small amounts of natural emulsifiers (lecithin, mono- and diglycerides) are added to the milk mixture, which contribute to better fragmentation of fat globules and easier absorption of fat. The mixtures contain L-carnitine, which ensures an optimal level of fatty acid metabolism.

Carbohydrates of adapted mixtures, as a rule, are represented by easily digestible carbohydrates - dextrine maltose and lactose.

All modern adapted mixtures contain necessary set vitamins and mineral salts that provide correct formation and the functioning of various organs and systems of the child: primarily iron, copper, zinc, iodine. Selenium is added to some mixtures.

What formulas are there for children from 6 to 12 months?

In the classification of formulas for artificial feeding of children from 6 to 12 months, so-called subsequent formulas are used. They are less adapted than the initial ones; they are prepared on the basis of cow's milk with or without the addition of whey proteins. Such mixtures may contain lactose, dextrin-maltose, as well as sugar and starch. The protein content in them is 1.5-2.2 g per 100 ml of reconstituted product. These mixtures are also enriched with all essential vitamins and minerals.

Subsequent mixtures include:"Nutrilak 6-12" (Russia), "Nutrilon-2", "Frisomel" (Holland), "Humana-2" (Germany), "Gallia-2" (France), "Hipp-2" (Austria), “Semper Baby-2” (Sweden), “Mamex-2 plus” (Denmark), etc.

What is the best formula to give to an infant from birth to one year?

Such mixtures can be used throughout the entire first year of a child’s life, that is, from birth to 12 months.

These mixtures may or may not contain whey proteins. The fat component of these mixtures may consist of vegetable fats, as well as a mixture vegetable oils and milk fat. Lactose and dextrin-maltose are used as carbohydrate components, but sucrose and starch can also be used. These mixtures are enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The best formulas to give to formula-fed children include: “Nutrilak 0-12” (Russia), “Baby” (Slovenia), “Bona” (Finland), “Nan” (Switzerland), “Valio Tutteli”, “ Pilti" (Finland), "Enfamil" (USA), etc.

What are casein-based dry mixes?

There is another group of dry formulas, such as those for artificial feeding. Unlike the three previous groups, they are made on a casein basis. If necessary, they can be used to feed children in the first year of life.

The nutritional value casein mixtures also adapted to the peculiarities of digestion infants- they have a reduced whey protein content and an increased casein content. Casein is exposed technological processing, due to which the mixture is better digested and absorbed. The fat component is mainly represented by vegetable fats. The carbohydrate component includes lactose and dextrin-maltose. Vitamin and mineral composition balanced according to the needs of the child and meets medical and biological requirements.

These mixtures include: “Kroshka” (Russia), “Similak”, “Similak with iron” (USA), “Nestozhen” (Switzerland), etc.

Composition of artificial formulas for children

Separately, in the classification of milk formulas for artificial feeding, mixtures with bifidobacteria, periodicals and nucleotides are distinguished.

Mixtures with bifidobacteria

Among dry adapted milk formulas, mixtures enriched with bifidobacteria deserve attention. These bacteria are very beneficial for the child's body. They are always present in the baby’s intestines when fed with mother’s milk and almost completely disappear when bottle-fed. Therefore, they are additionally introduced into the composition of some artificial milk formulas for infants. These are mixtures “Nutrilak bifi” (Russia), “Nan 6-12 with bifidobacteria” (Switzerland).

Blends with periodicals

Some companies add special additives to the mixtures (lactulose, oligosugars) that help the growth of bifidobacteria in the child’s intestines. They are called prebiotics. This type of formula for artificial feeding includes: “Semper bifidus” (Sweden), “Omneo” (Holland), “Mamex plus” (Denmark), etc.

Mixtures with nucleotides

Nucleotides are added to some adapted milk formulas. These substances are also found in breast milk; they strengthen the immune system and affect the maturation of intestinal cells. Mixtures into which nucleotides are introduced include “Frisomel” and “Frisolak” (Holland), “Mamex” (Denmark), “Similak with nucleotides” (USA).

Adapted fermented milk mixtures

Adapted fermented milk mixtures, which are easier to digest and assimilate, are especially useful for children. Fermented milk products contain less lactose (milk sugar), so they can be fed to children with partial lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance).

In addition, fermented milk products contribute to the development of immunity. They reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

One of the most important properties of these products is the accumulation of beneficial microorganisms in them, which have a positive effect on the child’s health, normalize the intestinal microflora, and increase the body’s resistance to adverse effects.

These products primarily include liquid fermented milk mixtures “Agusha-1” and “Agusha-2” (Russia), as well as dry mixtures “Lactofidus” (France), “Nan fermented milk” (Switzerland).

At the same time, it is not advisable to give fermented milk mixtures alone; it is best to use them with fresh ones in a 1:1 ratio, since the use of only fermented milk mixtures(especially with high acidity) can cause regurgitation.

Choosing formula for artificial feeding of newborns

When choosing a formula for artificial feeding of a baby, Special attention should pay attention to the iron content in it, since many children by 3 months of life already exhaust their maternal iron reserves, and for normal development The child’s body requires additional administration of this important micronutrient. Typically, its amount in most mixtures is 0.5-0.7 mg per 100 ml of mixture. There are mixtures with more high content iron - up to 1.1-1.4 mg per 100 ml, which are intended for feeding children with low level hemoglobin. These are mixtures of “Similac with iron” (USA), “Frisomel”, “Nutrilon-2” (Holland), “Enfamil-2” (USA). For proper absorption of iron, it is very important that the product contains enough vitamin C.

The calcium to phosphorus ratio is usually 1.5-1.9:1. With this ratio, bone tissue is formed correctly, which prevents the development of rickets. Correct ratio sodium and potassium - 1:3.

In addition to these minerals, some mixtures contain selenium, an important microelement that increases the body's resistance to the effects of many harmful factors.

The content of vitamins in the mixtures meets the requirements for human milk substitutes. Wherein great attention is given sufficient vitamin D content, which is involved in the processes of calcium metabolism and mineralization bone tissue. Its content in 100 ml ready mixture is 40-50 ME (international units). In addition, vitamin E is added to all milk formulas, which protects the body's cells from damage, as well as vitamin A, which takes Active participation in the formation of the visual analyzer and plays a large role in the body’s protective reactions.

An important indicator of the mixture’s adaptability to physiological characteristics of children in the first months of life is its osmolarity, that is, the protein-mineral load on the child’s renal system. It has been established that the optimal osmolarity of the mixture should be in the range of 260-280 mOsm/l, which corresponds to this indicator in breast milk. You can read all these indicators on product labels.

Which formula for artificial feeding is best for children with gastrointestinal problems

In addition to specialized milk formulas intended for artificial feeding of children deprived mother's milk, there is also a whole group of products for feeding children of the first year of life with various problems gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract) - such as regurgitation, vomiting, constipation, etc. To relieve these phenomena, a special carbohydrate component is added to the products, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, lactolactulose is added to the composition of the “Semper bifidus” mixture (Sweden); it not only stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria, which are beneficial for the child’s body, but also regulates intestinal motility, that is, it prevents constipation. Other mixtures add special (preventing regurgitation) thickeners in the form of rice starch. These products include mixtures “Lemolak” (Sweden), “Enfamil antireflux” (USA), as well as mixtures containing carob gluten (gum). Such mixtures include “Nutrilak antireflux” (Russia), “Frisovom”, “Nutrilon antireflux” (Holland). They effectively reduce regurgitation and colic, and prevent constipation.

The domestic mixture “Nutrilak AR” is most convenient to use, since water heated to 40 ° C can be used to dilute it, so the mixture does not need to be cooled. At the same time, other similar mixtures are diluted with water at a temperature of 70 °C, which requires mandatory cooling to 37-40 °C.

You can also recommend the Nutrilon Omneo mixture (Holland). It is intended for children in the first year of life who have. Thanks to the special selection of fats in this mixture, they are easier to digest. In addition, partially digested whey protein is added to the mixture, which makes the proteins easier to digest. The thicker consistency of the mixture allows you to achieve positive effect in children with habitual regurgitation and. The product has a reduced level of lactose (milk sugar) and also contains oligosugars. All this promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

For premature babies, special formulas are produced, adapted to the metabolic characteristics and condition digestive system these children and containing important nutrients and sufficient calories. These products include the domestic mixture “Pre-Nutrilak” (“Nutritek”, Russia), as well as its imported analogues: “Frisopre”, “Pre-Nutrilon” (Holland), “Pre-Nan” (Switzerland), “Pre- Tutteli" (Finland), "Humana-0" (Germany), "Enfalak" (USA).

How to choose formula for artificial feeding

When choosing a formula for switching from breastfeeding to mixed or artificial feeding, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the label. First of all, you should pay attention to the protein content in the mixture. Thus, for the smallest children (newborns, children in the first months of life), it is best to use mixtures with a lower protein content (1.4-1.5 g per 100 ml of reconstituted product) and enriched with biologically active additives such as whey proteins, taurine , carnitine. For children in the second half of life, mixtures with a higher protein content (1.8-2.2 g per 100 ml) are suitable, the basis of which is casein, which lingers longer in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness. The same mixtures are indicated for children who are weakened, have decreased appetite, and have difficulty gaining weight.

To prevent anemia in children at risk (prematurity, maternal anemia, other maternal diseases, etc.), as well as for feeding children with low hemoglobin levels in the blood, it is better to use mixtures with a high iron content (1.0-1.4 mg in 100 ml). These mixtures include: “Friso-mel” (Holland), “Similak with iron” (Denmark/USA), “Gallia-1” and “Gallia-2” (France), “Nan 6-12 with bifidobacteria” (Switzerland ), “Semper Baby-2” (Sweden), “Hipp-2” (Austria), “Enfamil-2” (Holland/USA).

For children with symptoms, formulas fortified with vitamin D are prescribed.

How to properly feed a formula-fed baby

When preparing infant formula (as well as complementary foods), it is better to use special water for baby food, which has high hygienic qualities. As a rule, this water is extracted from artesian wells, after which it undergoes multi-stage purification, undergoes bactericidal treatment and is bottled under highly hygienic production conditions. Such water contains only those minerals that the child needs early age, including fluorine in natural form.

Special baby water is used without boiling. After opening the bottle, the water can be used within 1-2 days. Water should be stored in the refrigerator.

These types of children's rooms are now sold drinking water, such as “Nutrilak Aqua”, “Tip-top”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Selivanovskaya” (Russia), children’s water “Hipp” - water from a mountain alpine spring with minimal sodium content (Germany/Austria), “Humana children’s water "(Germany).

What's the best way to start feeding your baby formula?

Any, even the most perfect formula, must be introduced into a child’s diet gradually, in small quantities, paying special attention to its tolerability.

If tolerance is poor, the baby may experience regurgitation, stool disorders, and skin rashes.

It is more difficult in cases where the transfer of a baby from natural feeding mother's breastfeeding on artificial nutrition occurs unexpectedly. This requires special attention and caution. On the first day, artificial formula should be given to the baby in small quantities - about 1/2 of the required portion. In this case, the total missing amount of food must be replenished with liquid (boiled water, weak tea, rosehip decoction). On day 2-3, the mixture, if it is well tolerated, can be given in the amount of 2/3 of the required volume or even in full. If the child tolerates the formula well, he should not be kept on a limited diet for a long time - within 2-3 days the total amount of the formula should be brought to normal.

Another piece of advice on how best to feed your baby formula is that the baby who is on artificial nutrition, got a drink.

Compared to human milk, all artificial formulas contain more protein, the composition of which is coarser, and more liquid is required for its absorption. Can be used as a drink boiled water, weak tea, decoction or infusion of rose hips (taking into account individual tolerance). Total liquid to drink is usually 80-100 ml per day.

When transferring a child to artificial feeding, especially in the first months of life, do not change the diet prescribed by the doctor, do not try to feed one formula or another! This can lead to various digestive disorders, as the body small child does not immediately adapt to a new product, in addition, it can cause allergic reactions. If a child does not tolerate this mixture well, you should consult a doctor.

When artificially feeding a child, it is no longer possible to feed “on demand”; he needs to establish a certain diet with breaks between individual meals of at least 3.5 hours! This is because many formulas contain coarser protein, which is more difficult and slower to digest and absorb than breast milk protein. Frequent and unsystematic feeding of formula can lead to intestinal disorders.

How to correctly transfer a child from breastfeeding to mixed or artificial feeding

An important recommendation on how to properly transfer a child to artificial feeding - under no circumstances should you force-feed your child!

If at some feeding he eats less than the usual portion, you cannot force him to finish all the “allotted” food.

In this case, the baby may experience regurgitation, vomiting, and develop an aversion to food. At the same time, if the child is not satisfied with the portion offered to him and shows some anxiety, he can be given additional food in the amount of 30-50 ml. However, if a child constantly requires supplements and gets better too quickly, then it is better to give him instead of formula milk as a supplement. fruit juice, rosehip decoction, weak tea.

Before feeding your baby formula, it is important to correctly determine how much formula your child needs.

The main thing is to focus on indicators physical development and the age of the child. The daily amount of food in the first 2 months of a baby’s life should be 1/5 of his body weight. So, a child with a body weight of 3500 g needs 700 ml (3500:5=700) of the mixture, with a body weight of 4000 g - 800 ml (4000:5=800). Later, the amount of food increases slightly. Its daily norm for a child aged from 2 to 4 months is 1/6 of body weight, from 4 to 6 months - 1/7, after 6 months - 1/8 -1/9 of body weight.

The one-time rate of one feeding can be determined by dividing daily amount mixtures per number of feedings.

But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that the baby can eat slightly less or more than this norm in one feeding, which should not cause concern.

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Without a doubt, breast milk, which contains nutrients, trace elements, antibodies, etc., is the best food for a newborn. But often, for a number of reasons, the mother refuses breastfeeding or the milk disappears and introduces formula feeding. There are also factors that influence the deterioration of lactation and even its complete disappearance.

Reasons include:

  • Psycho-emotional disturbances after childbirth.
  • Agalactia is a pathology in which lactation is completely absent.
  • Various mental disorders.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system and liver.
  • Complicated course of pregnancy and labor.
  • Taking antibiotics and other medications contraindicated during lactation.
  • Unstable metabolism in the baby.
  • The mother works or studies, so she cannot constantly feed the child.
  • Insufficient milk supply. In this case, the child will not gain weight well.
  • Own desire to give up breastfeeding.
  • The newborn does not latch on to the breast.

At great desire You can exclude all these factors and not switch to artificial feeding. But if, provided that there is no other way out, a consultation with a pediatrician is required, who will tell you which formula to choose for the newborn. The choice must be made with full responsibility.


All milk formulas can be divided into:

  1. dry or standard, which are diluted with water;
  2. medicinal;
  3. preventive;
  4. liquid, ready-to-drink (produced mainly in cardboard boxes);
  5. unleavened, recommended for consumption in the first six months of a baby’s life;
  6. fermented milk, recommended from six months;
  7. with high iron content.

Standard (dry) formulas are best suited for healthy children who have no contraindications to their use. Your local pediatrician will help you choose the right one. Standard ones are divided into three types: adapted, less adapted and partially adapted. Adapted ones are most similar to breast milk. Less adapted ones are given to babies who often regurgitate and need more nutritious food, which is why they are also called anti-reflux. They are most often made from goat milk, which contains a large amount of casein. Partially adapted ones are suitable only from six months of age, since they are less similar in composition to breast milk than all others.

Adapted mixtures are also used as supplementary feeding for breastfeeding. Supplementary feeding is introduced only when a woman does not have enough breast milk to fully feed her baby.

Only a doctor can select a medicinal mixture. This type is prescribed to children with various diseases. For example, for allergies - hypoallergenic, for cow protein intolerance - soy-based, etc. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and prematurity, special medicinal products are also selected.

Preventive mixtures are prescribed for non-severe diseases or in case of risk of developing any disease.

Liquid mixtures are no different in composition from dry mixtures. They are convenient to take for a walk, on a trip, on a visit, etc., since the sealed packaging allows you to preserve the product longer. finished form. Available in cardboard boxes of 200 milliliters.

Fermented milk formulas can be given from the age of six months. If a child often suffers from constipation, this food will be best assistant in solving this problem. In case of dysbacteriosis, stomach upsets, colic and after taking medications, it is also necessary to switch to fermented milk foods.

Formulas with a high iron content are best administered after consultation with a pediatrician. If anemia is detected, that is, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, switching to this diet will help. This product should not be given to children with normal level of this microelement, as this can lead to constipation, diarrhea and increased regurgitation.

Difficult choice

Which variety should you choose? The right mixture will help avoid all sorts of digestive problems.

First you need to study protein composition product. It is better to choose one in which whey acts as the protein fraction.

An undoubted advantage is the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are extremely useful for the growing baby’s body, especially because they help absorb vitamins. If the composition includes taurine, which is necessary for the formation of one’s own immunity and improvement of the baby’s digestion, then this is another advantage of the product.

When choosing between lactose and glucose as a carbohydrate base in the composition, it is better to choose lactose. Glucose polymers may be an exception.

Linoleic acid and carnitine included in the composition will ensure normal brain development and good digestibility of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The presence of prebiotics has a positive effect on the formation of immunity.

For newborn babies, a highly adapted mixture is suitable, which contains everything necessary components for the normal development of the baby and is very similar to breast milk.

If allergies occur, you need to switch to a hypoallergenic mixture. The protein in them is partially broken down first, which helps it to be absorbed faster in the baby’s body. This fact allows you to avoid allergic reactions.

Frequent colic, constipation and other digestive disorders may be a reason to switch to fermented milk product. It will help in the formation of favorable microflora.

It will be better if you purchase food in stores specializing in children's products. You also need to look at the expiration date.

The most famous brands

There is a huge range of different manufacturers on the baby food market. The most popular are:

Adapted - Nestle NAN, Nutricia Nutrilon, Semper, Bibikol Nanny.

Unadapted – Similac, Nestle Nestogen, Malyutka.

Liquid - NAN, Agusha.

Fermented milk – Nutrilac, Nutrilon Fermented milk, NAN Fermented milk.

With a high iron content - Enfamil Premium, Similac Premium.

Hypoallergenic - Nutrilon Hypoallergenic, NAN Hypoallergenic.

Lactose-free and soy - Nutrilon Soy, Frisosoy, NAN Lactose-free, Similac Isomil.

Antireflux - Enfamil A.R., Frisovo, Nutrilon Antireflux.

The mixture is not suitable

Not many people are able to correctly decide on the brand and variety the first time. Therefore, it is worth observing your child and if at least one of the signs listed below appears, discard this product.

Signs of an incorrectly selected mixture:

  • redness, rash, skin irritation;
  • loose stools with particles of undigested mixture;
  • the appearance of crying, whims, colic after eating;
  • the child does not eat enough;
  • unstable weight gain;
  • restless sleep, irritability, lethargy.

It is possible to understand whether the mixture is selected correctly only a couple of weeks after the introduction of a new product. If after this time nothing has changed, you will still have to abandon it.


Each package comes with detailed instructions and a measuring spoon for dosage. Preparation should be carried out in a bottle, so you need to choose one with a wide neck. The mixture must be prepared immediately before feeding. The bottle and all its components must be washed, disinfected and dried.

For disinfection, you can use regular boiling, as well as a special device - a sterilizer. Some parents sterilize dishes using a multicooker. To do this, you need to place a steaming bowl in it, pour some water down and turn on the steamer mode for 5-10 minutes.

Afterwards you need to pour in the required amount of hot water (37-38 degrees) and pour out the specified number of spoons of powder. Then shake until completely dissolved.

The right dishes

Convenience of the bottle main aspect when choosing it. On this moment There is a huge range of bottles of different shapes, sizes and volumes.

Pediatricians advise buying 5-7 bottles at once in order to use a clean one each time. If you have the opportunity to frequently sterilize dishes, you can get by with a couple of bottles.

The size should be appropriate for the baby’s age, that is, not excessively large or small. So, for example, a volume of 100 milliliters is suitable for newborns, and then 150, 175 or 250.

It’s worth choosing bottles with a clear scale in increments of 10 milliliters, which will allow you to correctly dose water for cooking and track the amount of food eaten. A wide neck is also a priority; such devices are easier to clean.

Bottles come in plastic and glass. Glass may break, but is easier to sterilize. Plastic is light and convenient, but such dishes will have to be changed more often due to the fact that over time sterilization will become ineffective.

Pay attention to the stability of the bottle and the tightness of the cap. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will fall and leak. The most convenient are considered to be “fitted” bottles, that is, those that taper in the middle.

The size of the nipple opening is adjustable according to age. For newborns, nipples are used from which the liquid drips rather than flows out in a stream. Then the hole can be enlarged; for this, a special plastic needle is attached to the bottle. There are two types of nipples: silicone and rubber. You can purchase both at once, let the child choose. Silicone ones are less susceptible to wear and are perfectly sterilized. Rubber ones are softer, but quickly lose their proper appearance.

How to feed

First of all, feeding should be comfortable for both the baby and the mother. Take the baby in your arms and accept comfortable position. Food must be warm, but not hot. To check the temperature, just drop a drop of their nipples on your wrist.

The tongue should be under the nipple. If the child closes his lips, it means he took it incorrectly. The position of the bottle should be inclined. This way the nipple will fill evenly and not leak air. The hole should allow liquid to pass through well, so you need to keep it clean and passable. If the nipple shrinks during feeding, it should be replaced with another one.

But what should you do if, for one reason or another, breastfeeding is impossible for your baby? How to feed your baby with formula so that he gets the maximum useful substances, were you full and enjoying your meal?

How to choose a mixture?

First of all: before buying the mixture consult with a qualified pediatrician . Food for your baby should be of high quality, so you shouldn’t skimp on it, but be sure to check the composition, expiration date and tightness of the packaging.

There is no fundamental difference between the mixtures, but the balance of nutritional components may differ. But if the child does not respond well to his new food, do not rush to change the “box”. Formulas for artificial feeding are more difficult for children to absorb and are less digestible. In the first few days, the baby may develop a rash or a slight allergy, which should then go away. If not, then go to the pharmacy for another mixture. Before each purchase, consult your pediatrician.

The temperature of the finished baby food should be no higher than 40-50 degrees. Before feeding, apply a few drops of the mixture to your wrist to check if the food is too hot or cold for your baby.

Safety regulations

It is better to give the mixture to a baby from special bottle with a pacifier that needs to be boiled after each feeding.

To prepare this mixture, you need to buy high-quality water and be sure to boil it.

Correct pacifier - this is also very important for children's meals. The hole in it should not be too wide so that the baby will choke while eating, but not too small for ease of suction.

Prepare the formula immediately before feeding your baby. Pediatricians recommend making a portion slightly smaller than indicated on the package, so as not to overfeed the baby. After all, very often Artificial babies are rapidly gaining weight . Let the consistency be as specified by the manufacturer. Changing the proportions can lead to a deterioration in the child’s well-being.

Temperature of finished baby food should be no higher than 40-50 degrees. Before feeding, apply a few drops of the mixture to your wrist to check if the food is too hot or cold for your baby.

If you are preparing formula for several feedings, do not keep everything in one bottle: this is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. And of course, It is better to prepare fresh mixture for each meal .

How to properly feed your baby formula

Baby can eat different quantities mixtures with every meal . This should not scare you, because his appetite changes depending on the time of day. Never force your child to finish the entire formula from the bottle - his body itself knows when it is full.

Breastfeeding is unique in nature, because only mother's milk can provide for the baby required quantity fats, microelements, vitamins (and in an optimal state for absorption) and biologically active substances such as enzymes, hormones, immunoglobulins, leukocytes. These components are very difficult and even impossible to introduce into artificial mixtures. It is not without reason that scientists are currently proposing to legally prohibit the use of the term “mother’s milk substitutes,” since such mixtures simply cannot be created.

Apart from this purely practical aspect, the importance of breastfeeding is undeniable for psychological comfort mother and baby, establishing mutual understanding from the first days of life. However, there are circumstances in which breastfeeding is partially or completely impossible. Then the baby has to be supplemented or even transferred to breastfeeding.

Indications for artificial feeding

Medical circumstances for artificial feeding: pregnancy and childbirth were difficult, requiring recuperation, taking medicines passing into breast milk, infectious diseases mothers, etc. Insufficient production of breast milk: control weighings show that the baby is not gaining enough weight, and all attempts to stimulate lactation are unsuccessful. The impossibility of continuous breastfeeding in situations where the mother is forced to leave the child under the supervision of someone, and expressed or frozen milk is not enough.

However, before deciding to switch your baby to artificial feeding, make every effort to maintain breastfeeding. Be sure to consult with pediatricians, breastfeeding specialists, and neonatologists. Even a few drops of your own milk will bring invaluable benefits to your baby.

Types of formulas for artificial feeding

All breast milk substitutes are divided into fully and partially adapted. The formula is considered adapted if its composition is as close as possible to breast milk. Partially adapted mixtures only approximately imitate the composition of the natural product. It is almost impossible to completely copy it, however, adapted mixtures are more suitable for the smallest children than partially adapted ones.

Most breast milk substitutes are made from cows (with the exception of soy mixtures). There are also mixtures based on goat milk. Infant formulas are either fresh or acidophilic (fermented milk). Let’s say right away: those parents who equate acidophilus mixtures with regular kefir are wrong. Kefir is an unadapted fermented milk product, one of the complementary foods.

Mixtures can be dry (powder) and liquid (ready-made). Much more often, parents deal with dry products: they last longer, weigh less and are cheaper. However, liquid mixtures have their advantages. The main thing is that they are not necessary in a special way prepare. Consequently, even with night feedings, a young mother cannot make a mistake, trying to maintain the necessary proportions.

The choice of mixture depends on two factors. Firstly, it should be prescribed by a pediatrician, based on the weight and developmental characteristics of the child, the circumstances of pregnancy and childbirth, a tendency to allergies, etc. Secondly, carefully monitor the baby's reaction. If the mixture suits him, he will eat it with pleasure; if not, he will spit out, burp a lot, turn away and cry. In this case, the mixture needs to be changed.

In general, changing the mixture without compelling reasons is categorically not recommended. Situations in which you have to change formula for artificial feeding:

  • individual intolerance, often manifested allergic reaction;
  • reaching the age when you can move from the first stage to the second (5-6 months); moreover, if the child tolerated one or another mixture well, it is desirable that the subsequent mixture be with the same name;
  • the need to administer medicinal mixtures - in case of allergies, regurgitation, etc.; medicinal mixtures should be administered only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • transition from medicinal mixtures to adapted ones - after eliminating the condition that led to the prescription of the medicinal mixture.

It should be noted that when breastfeeding, before introducing complementary foods, it is not necessary to additionally supplement the baby with boiled water, but with artificial and mixed feeding this is permissible, and the volume of water is not taken into account in the total volume of food.

How to prepare the mixture

First, read the instructions on the package carefully. It must be strictly observed. If there is an excess amount of powder, the mixture will be oversaturated with nutrients, which can lead to regurgitation, unstable stools, and excessive weight gain. If you take too little powder, the mixture will turn out to be low-calorie, and this is also bad: while remaining hungry, the baby will be capricious, sleep worse, and gain less weight.

When preparing the mixture, water must be boiled. Ideal temperature milk mixture - 36-37 C. To obtain this temperature, boiled water cooled to 50-60 C should be poured into a bottle. Using a measuring spoon, measure out the required amount of mixture (be sure to remove any excess). Pour the powder into water and stir quickly until completely dissolved. You can prepare the mixture directly in the bottle.

Tip the bottle down without shaking. First, the mixture should flow in a thin stream, then pass through the nipple at a speed of 1 drop per second. Now you need to drop a few drops of the mixture on your wrist - the contents should be close to body temperature, that is, practically not felt. If the temperature of the mixture exceeds the desired temperature, you can cool the bottle in cold water. If your baby falls asleep towards the end of a feeding without emptying the bottle, empty the contents. Under no circumstances should the remainder of the formula be left until the next feeding.

How to feed formula for bottle feeding

How much formula your baby will suck depends on his weight, how quickly he is growing, metabolism, body size and appetite. IN different days a child may require an unequal amount of food: sometimes more, sometimes less than the “standards” recommended by the pediatrician. For a very small person, the amount of food should be agreed with the doctor.

But if your baby is healthy and has a good appetite, you can try feeding him at the rate of 125-150 ml per kg of weight per day. So, for a baby weighing 4.5 kg, daily norm mixture - 600-700 ml. However, don't expect your baby to eat that much from birth. In the first week, babies usually suck 30-60 ml per feeding. One month old baby 90-120 ml of the mixture is already required at a time.

At the age of 2 to 6 months, a portion can be 120-160 ml, and from 6 months to a year - up to 240 ml, depending on the amount of complementary foods introduced (this can be 3-4 bottles per day). If your baby is thirsty, offer him a bottle of water, and if he refuses, give him formula. Since formula is much more concentrated than breast milk, your baby needs at least 1 bottle of water per day. (Breastfed babies do not need extra fluids.)

Many parents worry whether their little one is getting enough formula. It is quite easy to establish the fact of overeating or, conversely, a constant lack of nutrients. If your baby gets too little formula, he gains weight less than normal, produces a small amount of urine, has saggy, wrinkled skin, and you can’t even call him calm.

If you suspect your little one of gluttony, pay attention to following signs. An overfed baby spits up profusely immediately after feeding, suffers from colicky abdominal pain (they can be easily recognized by pulling the legs towards the tense abdomen), and gains weight too quickly. You can help your little glutton in the following way: reduce the amount of formula per feeding, but give reduced portions more often. After feeding, help the baby burp air. And if your child insists on snacking at odd times, offer him a bottle of water.

As practice shows, babies prefer 150-200 ml bottles with a wide neck, a protective cap and separate nipples. With partial or full artificial feeding, he needs from 4 to 8 bottles. One package of dry formula (400-450 g) is usually enough to prepare 3-4 liters of baby food. With full artificial feeding in the first six months, the baby needs from 42 to 48 packages of formula.

When preparing the mixture, you must strictly follow the instructions and not use measurements other than those included in the package. Your loved one is unlikely to like it if you leave him alone with a bottle. First of all, it won’t take long to choke. And secondly, eating alone is not very pleasant. Do you agree?

Introduction of complementary foods during artificial feeding

With artificial feeding, complementary foods are introduced at 4.5-5 months (while with breastfeeding - at 5-6 months). This is due to the fact that formula-fed babies receive a significant amount of “foreign” substances with the breast milk substitute, which leads to a certain adaptation of the child to the “foreign” diet. It should be noted that the timing of the introduction of complementary foods is set individually, after discussion with the pediatrician who is monitoring the baby.

It is necessary to start complementary feeding with a small amount of product, gradually increasing it. On the first day, complementary feeding is given in the amount of 0.5 teaspoon, and within 10-12 days the serving size is increased to the full volume of one feeding. Complementary foods should be given before formula feeding, from a spoon. You cannot introduce two new products at the same time. Complementary feeding dishes should have a puree-like consistency and should not contain small pieces that may cause difficulty swallowing. As you age, you should move on to thicker, and later - to denser foods.

Contact with mother during artificial feeding

As already mentioned, during breastfeeding there is tactile contact between mother and baby. Such contact is very important in the first months of life, as it helps the child communicate with the world, perceive it, and share his emotions. An artificial baby needs contact a little more than a breastfed baby naturally. Remember this. And after the bath, do not rush to swaddle your beloved child, but stroke him once again, massage his tummy, hold his hands, let him play with his favorite toys. All this is information that a child needs for normal development. Keep in mind: little man feels your emotions, so don’t burden your relationship with guilt. Just give your baby a little more warmth and attention.

Rules for successful artificial feeding

  • Choose the right quality breast milk substitute that meets your baby's needs.
  • Dilute the mixture according to the instructions. do it quickly and efficiently. Pediatricians do not recommend preparing the mixture for future use.
  • Monitor how your baby tolerates the formula consumed.
  • Adjust the amount of nutrition your baby receives.
  • Choose a pacifier whose shape completely suits the child, and the speed of delivery of the nutritional mixture does not cause difficulties when sucking.
  • Clean the bottle and nipples thoroughly before feeding.
  • Monitor the amount not only your child eats, but also drinks per day.
  • Include complementary foods in your baby's diet in a timely manner.
