How to develop the logical thinking of a child? Maria Montessori method. Visual-figurative thinking and exercises for its development

Proper Development figurative thinking very important in early childhood. It is on his level that the verbal logical thinking, school performance, ability to analyze. How to develop imaginative thinking in a child of 5-7 years. Tips for parents. How can you help your child develop properly?

The specificity of thinking at the age of 5-7 years

At the age of children, various types of mental activity actively begin to develop, which prepare the baby for mastering the program in primary school. How to develop imaginative thinking in a child of 5-7 years. Advice to parents and help guide the child in the right direction.

Features of preschool children are that they are able to think figuratively, and not abstractly. To train thinking in a child from five years old, it is necessary to visualize everything. In the process of visual representation, the child will learn to compare and analyze. As a consequence, this will lead to the active development of verbal-logical thinking.

Ways to develop figurative thinking

The best way to develop children is in the game. Exactly game form best absorbed by babies. aim game tasks for the development of figurative thinking is to teach the child to systematize, analyze, generalize objects.

Ways of development:

  1. At the age of five, a child is able to imagine an object without holding it in his hands. This indicates that he begins to develop visual-figurative thinking. For it's over active development can be used counting sticks, matches. You can invite the baby to fold the same shapes from sticks, for example, two triangles. Adults can lay out the figure on their own, and ask the child to remove one stick to make a completely different one;
  2. Preschool children can be offered to assemble constructors, mosaics according to schemes. Schemes can be drawn by yourself, or they come in combination with sets. For children 7 years old, you can offer to study the instructions, analyze the main details with it, and then offer to assemble the design according to;
  3. The game “continue drawing” effectively develops visual-figurative thinking. The meaning of the game is as follows: The child is offered a drawing, for example, a table with a plate, and is invited to finish the details that he sees fit;
  4. The next task that can be offered to the child is drawing up a story from pictures. The kid learns to analyze, build logical chains, express his thoughts. Often such tasks are given to children upon admission to elementary grades. According to the stories compiled by the child, the psychologist will check the level of his development;
  5. As interesting game you can imagine the task "find the extra". The child needs to choose the item that has nothing to do with the rest shown in the figure. After the kid makes his choice, ask him to explain why this item should be excluded;
  6. Logic trains of vegetables and fruits will help the child to make a chain of the same items. Steam locomotives can be both from food, and from clothes, furniture, animals;
  7. At this age, children successfully solve riddles and simple puzzles. You can try to continue the poem with the baby, do not finish reading the last word so that the child, using rhyme and logic, can offer his own version of the completion.

Every parent wants their child to be smart and quick-witted, successful in life. That is why special meaning attached to logical thinking, on which the human intellect is based. However, each age has its own peculiarities of thinking, therefore, the methods aimed at its development differ.

The specificity of the child's thinking at different ages

  • Up to 3-5 years, it is difficult to talk about the development of logical thinking in a child, since it is still at the stage of formation. However, supporters early development have a lot of exercises aimed at developing the logical thinking of kids.
  • Children of preschool age, up to the age of 6-7, are able to think figuratively, and not abstractly. If you want to train your child's logical thinking before school, you should Special attention give to the formation of a visual image, visualization.
  • After entering school, the child develops verbal-logical thinking and abstract thinking. If a student has poorly developed verbal-logical thinking, then there are difficulties with the formulation of verbal answers, problems with analysis and highlighting the main thing when creating conclusions. The main exercises for first graders are tasks for systematizing and sorting words to a certain attribute and mathematical tasks.
  • The further development of schoolchildren consists in the development of verbal-logical thinking through the solution of logical exercises, while using inductive, deductive and traductive methods of inference. As a rule, the school curriculum has necessary exercises, however, parents should deal with the child and independently. Why is it important? Undeveloped logical thinking is a guarantee of problems with learning in general, difficulties in perceiving any educational material. Thus, logical thinking is the base, the foundation educational program any person, the basis on which the intellectual personality is built.

How do books help develop logic in children?

Even when a child cannot read, it is already possible to develop logic in him by reading special fairy tales with questions. If a child has a positive attitude towards reading, then you can begin to develop his thinking from 2-3 years old. It is worth noting that through folk tales it is possible to transfer to the child not only the elementary skills of logical thinking (cause-effect), but also teach him fundamental concepts, such as good and evil.

If you use picture books, this has a very good effect on the verbal-logical thinking of a child who has formed figurative thinking. Children match what they hear with pictures, stimulate their memory and improve their vocabulary.

For older children there are special textbooks on logic, collections of tasks. Try to solve some of them together with your child. Spending time together will bring together and give excellent results.

How to develop a child's logical thinking with toys?

The game is the main form of activity little man. Through the prism of the game, not only logical chains are formed, but also train personal qualities, one might say, character is created.

Among the toys that develop logic:

  • Ordinary wooden cubes, as well as multi-colored cubes. With their help, you can build a variety of towers and houses, they help to explore geometric shapes, colors, and also have a positive effect on motor skills.
  • Puzzles help to master logical concepts"whole" and "part".
  • Sorters contribute to the development of the concepts of "big" and "small", help to learn the properties geometric shapes, their comparability (for example, the square part will not fit into the round one and vice versa).
  • Constructors are a real storehouse for the development of logic and intelligence in general.
  • Lacing games help develop fine motor skills hands, which contributes to the improvement and consolidation of logical connections.
  • Labyrinths are a great simulator for logical thinking.
  • A variety of age-appropriate puzzles will help make the learning process even more interesting.

Household ways of developing logic in children

Try to use any everyday situations to develop the intelligence and logic of the child.

  • In the store, ask him what is cheaper and what is more expensive, why a large package has a higher price, and a small one has a lower price, pay attention to the features of the weight and packaged goods.
  • In the clinic, talk about the logical chains associated with microbes and diseases, about the ways in which diseases are transmitted. It is very good if the story is supported by illustrations or posters.
  • At the post office, tell us about the rules for filling in addresses and compiling indexes. It would be great if you send a card together while on vacation and then receive it at home.
  • While walking, talk about the weather or the days of the week. Form the concepts of "today", "yesterday", "was", "will be" and other time parameters on which the logic is based.
  • Use interesting riddles while waiting for someone or in line.
  • Come up with a variety of puzzles, or use ready-made ones.
  • Play with your child in antonyms and synonyms.

If desired, parents are able to significantly improve the logical thinking of the child, form a creative, intellectual and extraordinary personality. However, consistency and regularity are the two main components of the success of the development of abilities in children.

Computer games for the development of logical thinking for children

Today, gadgets are successfully used from an early age - computers, smartphones, tablets are in every family. On the one hand, this technique makes life easier for parents, providing interesting and exciting leisure for children. On the other hand, many are concerned negative influence computers on the fragile children's psyche.

Our Brain Apps service offers a series of well-made games that are suitable for children. different ages. When creating simulators, the knowledge of psychologists, game designers, scientists from Moscow State University was used.

Kids love games like Anagram (reading words backwards), Geometric Switching, Math Comparisons, Math Matrices, Letters and Numbers.

Developing logical thinking day by day, your child will understand the patterns of the outside world, see and learn to formulate cause-and-effect relationships. Many scholars agree that logical thinking helps people succeed in life. From childhood, the knowledge gained will help in the future to quickly find the main and secondary in the flow of information, see relationships, create conclusions, prove or disprove different points vision.

At the age of one and a half years, children begin to develop visual-figurative thinking - with its help, problems with real objects are solved. Simply put, in order to answer a particular question, the child needs to hold the object itself in his hands, see it and feel it.

By the age of 4-5, when visual-figurative thinking has already been formed, children only need to imagine the desired object - to remember its image. This ability to solve problems in the mind arises due to the fact that the images used by the child acquire a generalized character. That is, they do not display all the features of the subject, but only those that are important for solving a specific problem or answering a question. Schemes, models already appear in the child's mind, he is able to generalize and analyze the information that he receives from the outside world. So, it's time to help him develop critical thinking.

Thinking is not simple, but critical

Why is it so important to develop in children not just "thinking", but precisely "critical thinking"? What is the difference? AT modern psychology several interpretations of this concept are considered. If we generalize them, then critical thinking is called complex thinking process, which begins with the receipt of information by the child and ends with the adoption of a deliberate decision and the formation of their own attitude.

We, adults, at this moment clearly see that children have shown the ability to raise new questions, develop arguments in defense of their opinions and draw conclusions. They can no longer only interpret, but also analyze information. Critically thinking child, relying on logic and on the opinion of the interlocutor, he will always be able to explain why he agrees or disagrees with him.

Please don't think that all this is too difficult for preschoolers. It may seem so only in theory, but in practice, parents can see manifestations of critical thinking in a child every day. Eternal baby question"why?" is the most striking example of developing critical thinking. Toddlers always want to know the reasons for human actions, natural phenomena the events they are witnessing. And if the child is driven by curiosity, in no case should you dismiss his questions. After all, ignoring them, it is easy to discourage interest in knowledge. It is important to pay attention to the desire of the child to learn everything and about everything. It is adults who can help him objectively evaluate the facts, draw conclusions from the information received, and only after that form his attitude towards it.

Here you need to remember that sometimes playing "why" is a way to attract the attention of parents. If in this way the child "gives a signal": "I miss you!" - needs to be thought about. In no case should such "signals" be ignored, this issue must be resolved in time.

Let's take another example from Everyday life. Children often disagree with their parents or with other children. In such a situation, parents need to ask the child the question: "Why do you disagree?". If a child can justify his position, then he himself asks himself the question: "Why do I think so?". And it speaks of high level development of critical thinking. If the child does not understand why he made this or that conclusion, and does not know how to prove his case, parents should help him. It is the closest people who will be able to build communication with the child in such a way that he learns to think critically on various topics.

Thinking or obedient?

The time has come when many teachers began to express concern about the poor development of critical thinking in preschoolers. Unfortunately, this has only recently been considered. There used to be this stereotype: obedient child doesn't argue with elders." In many families and educational systems, the stereotype lives on to this day. Children often hear: "Don't argue. Don't ask too many questions. Just do what you're told." These principles are already very poorly aligned with modern reality.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with respect for elders, in polite communication with loved ones. On the contrary, this is a wonderful tradition that must be preserved in the family. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to deprive the child of the desire to know the truth. The bad thing is that this desire may never arise if the child is not allowed to express and prove his point of view! It is important for us adults to learn to separate these things - respectful attitude to the elders and natural desire realize and explain their childish position to the wise life experience parents.

Now in most new curricula one of the most important requirements is the ability of children to think critically. For successful study in the first grade, it’s not enough just to be able to read, write and count, you still need to solve simple logic puzzles, draw conclusions after reading short texts. Sometimes you even need to argue with the teacher and prove your case.

To ensure your child is truly ready for school, start developing critical thinking as early as possible.

Here are some tips to help develop critical thinking in children:

  1. There must be logic in the statements. From the early age Children need to be taught to think logically. Try to reason more often with the child, justify your opinion, teach the child to build phrases according to the model: "If ... then ...".
  2. Let the child compare objects, find common features, draw conclusions after reading fairy tales.
  3. Do not accept the answer: "Because I want to!" or "Because I like it so much!" when it comes to arguing your opinion. Ask the child to think and name real reason. Of course, you should not force the baby to immediately voice arguments. Let him first learn to think about them. Help him by asking leading questions.
  4. Allow the child to doubt. By this he expresses distrust of some facts. This means that he will try to prove that he is right, and will want to know everything about the object of the dispute. So he learns and remembers a lot of new and interesting things.
  5. Is your child pointing out an error in your reasoning? Or asking a lot of clarifying questions? This is amazing. This means that he is attentive, ready to express his opinion and wants to know everything. Encourage such conversations.
  6. Try to show your child, using your own example and examples from life, that you always need to get complete information about the event first, and only then draw conclusions. Show that it is unwise to criticize what you know nothing about, you should always try to judge objectively.

Article provided by the network of early development centers "Baby Club"


A familiar story))) Now I understand why my dad all the time with me expressed his thoughts and reasoning out loud!

Comment on the article "Child and Critical Thinking: Encourage the" Why ""!"

Why is it so important to develop in children not just "thinking", namely "critical thinking"? Parents about education Posted on February 27, 2013, by Alena Lyubovinkina, psychologist and young mother I am sure that every person in his life, when he was a child ...


The trouble is, if she, in the position of minister, becomes involved in education. We need a Minister of Education and Science, not a teacher.

More on isolation:

“The gap between the existing scientific equipment and the world level is catastrophically growing. The country’s self-isolation and the lack of key technologies, combined with the fact that scientific equipment becomes obsolete in just a few years, make the process of lagging behind an avalanche. low level secondary and higher education, and with the lack of prestige of the profession of a scientist in Russia. Of course, to solve the problem of equipment and personnel, money is required, and not small ones. However, no less important (and, in fact, primary and main) is the political will and desire to make Russia a scientific and educated country. The country, society needs to create a cult of knowledge, not faith and emotions; awareness of the value of education and the very existence of a scientific environment that supports intellectual potential nation. Not everyone will become an Einstein, but without careful, painstaking and constant cultivation of this environment, the country is doomed to continue its rapid movement to the periphery of the scientific map of the world. It's like football - it only takes 11 players for a national team, but for this team to achieve anything, you need thousands of people to play this sport."

Why is it so important to develop in children not just "thinking", namely "critical thinking"? Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Costs! The two of us with a child all day, all grandparents ...


Where I live, half of the adults do not have encyclopedic knowledge, they only read comics, and at the age of 40 they cut themselves into computer games with their 10 year old children (this is the question of infantilism). At the same time, they manage to be quite successful and decently earning professionals in their profession.
And they don’t worry about the lack of knowledge they don’t need. Therefore, I agree that the problem is intellectual.

It has nothing to do with infantilism. I consider my child absolutely infantile precisely because he does not read fiction at all, but only encyclopedias and popular science literature for children. Can tell you (albeit rather confusingly) about global warming, about the structure of stars and how diamonds are made. But he reads encyclopedias because the articles there are short, 5 minutes, and he has already received some information, there is no need to strain for a long time.

As written about mine. Word for word :-)
6th grade, 12 will be at the end of December.

The development of critical thinking in children. If you want your child to be truly ready for school, start developing critical thinking as early as possible. What we do (in terms of logic and thinking): 1. books with puzzles in logic 2...

Do you have examples of how to develop abstract thinking in a child? In general, insufficiently developed abstract thinking does not really interfere in life, it’s just difficult for a person to operate with abstract concepts, concepts, images.


IMHO this is something that falls under the definition of "generally". For example, a table, literally this is what your computer most likely stands on now, but in general it is any thread with a flat surface for which you can sit or stand, a barrel covered with a large piece of plywood is also considered.

It is very difficult to work with such people, because they are not able to take a book, read a little theory, see what of what they read is applicable specifically to his project, take and translate a piece of theory into life. I worked with such times and almost lost my mind. Conversations are useless. As you talk to a robot, everything is "past the cash register." Yes, the project was closed.

The development of critical thinking in children. It is said that today's young generation does not read books... The development of the imagination and creative thinking. Educational games. The development of critical thinking in children. A critical thinker can always...

How to develop logic and thinking?. Learning something. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes How to develop critical thinking in children and why is it needed? A critically thinking child, relying on logic and opinion...


Can the most ordinary kid be as smart as Leo Tolstoy, Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud? Yes maybe! After reading this article, you will understand that it is quite real.
All parents think about how to develop logical thinking in a child. But not everyone believes in intellectual capabilities kids, and not everyone knows what logical thinking is and how to teach a preschool child to think logically.
This is what we're talking about.

Logic is the art of thinking correctly. Logical thinking is the correct one, thanks to which we will never make mistakes.

Let's say if I say: "Man walks on two legs. The chicken walks on two legs. Therefore, the chicken is a man!” - is that true? Apparently not! But where is the mistake? Everyone understands: it is in the conclusion. The first two sentences are correct. But not only the chicken walks on two legs (paws). So, not every two-legged person is a person. Bipedality is indeed a feature of man. But not the main one.

However, what is obvious to us may not be obvious to the little one. For example, if a small person is asked what is heavier: a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of fluff, he answers that a kilogram of bricks. A child can be sincerely sure that all animals with tails are relatives, and tailless ones belong to another class.

One little girl, looking at the book "Animals of Africa" ​​and seeing a picture with a crocodile, was very happy and said, pointing her finger at the predator: "Ma-ma!" Mom was wearing a dressing gown, bright green and checkered like crocodile skin. Katyushka decided that since her mother has such a “skin”, then anyone who is green and checkered is mother!
In general, with the logic of the kids, things are still unimportant.

We are better (by at least, while we are talking about something simple), but also most often not very.

What does this prove? That this business needs to be developed from a very young age.

I want to clarify right now. Thinking logically does not necessarily mean abstract. Some people think so for some reason. A figurative, concrete comprehension of reality can also be logical.

And it is accessible even to very tiny children.

What does it mean to develop logical thinking?

The main logical operations are generalization, analysis, synthesis, comparison, definition of concepts, argumentation, conclusion (judgment).
With their help, both the most brilliant people and very young children think.
Let's say a boy from K. Chukovsky's book "From two to five", who said to his grandmother:
- You will die?
- I'll die.
Will they bury you in a grave?
- Buried.
- That's when I'll be yours sewing machine twirl! - thought absolutely right.
Since the grandmother will no longer be, then who will stop her from spinning sewing machine? He's right! Grandmother, of course, was very pleased with her grandson.

To develop what we need is to teach how to generalize, analyze, synthesize, compare, define, argue, and draw conclusions.

But as?

Very simple. On any material.
Let's say you went for a walk with your baby in the winter. You see a half-frozen puddle. This is a great subject for research! There is snow, ice, and water.
Give the baby a small ice cube. It melts in his warm palm, water flows between the fingers.

Voditska! - the child is surprised.
Yes, it's water!
Give him snow. The same picture.
- And this is also water. It turns out that snow, ice and water are all water. Is it true?
Here's a summary for you.

We continue the conversation.
- Why is the water different?
The child thought.
- And in the summer there is different water: snow, ice? No!
- Ah, I know! That's why it's cold in winter! the young physicist guesses.
- Yes! The water freezes and turns into ice and snow. This is also water, only frozen.

Or in the fall you collect beautiful, bright leaves. We can discuss what is autumn leaf. How to define it? How is it different from summer?
Compare. Summer green, and autumn brown, yellow or red. Summer fresh, juicy, and autumn semi-dry or completely dried up, shriveled. The summer one holds on tight, while the autumn one falls off by itself. Autumn - dying or already dead, and summer - alive.

On a walk, there are plenty of opportunities to develop what we are talking about. Plants, water, stones, animals are all wonderful material.

At home, you can use special games with pictures.
Let's say, scatter a lot of pictures on the floor with images of animals, birds, fish, marine mammals - and let our novice classifier figure out who lives here "in the water", who is in a tree, who is on land.

Household items: towels, pots and spoons - also provide a lot of grounds for deep inferences.
For example, why does hot water wash better than cold water? Is the saucepan and plate a dish or just a plate? Why don't they eat soup with a fork: it's convenient, isn't it? Bread is white and black - they are not at all similar. But why are both bread?

What are our problems

Why do we adults often fail to develop our children adequately? How do you think?

There are several reasons, in my opinion. I'll name the main ones.

  • First, we do not remember our early childhood well. Therefore, the questions of children seem ridiculous and stupid to us: we either do not answer them, or answer them frivolously, just to get rid of them. We are bored with them. But we, adults, also need to ask ourselves questions, and precisely those that are interesting to the little one. This needs to be learned. Are we learning?
  • Secondly, we hope for the school. She already puts on stream the formation of this very one, which is “logical”, and in general, all the best. There they solve problems and do tests. In general, there is nothing to worry about: everything will be done for us.

Alas! School hinders development rather than helps.

  • Besides, at the age of 7 it's already too late.

It is necessary to develop right from the age when the child began to speak. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.

  • We do not always understand what our goal is. And it is to educate a person who is inquisitive, inquisitive, with the habit of thinking independently, with an interest in the world around him. It's not about "learning the right way". That is, it is also important, but not the main thing.
  • We ourselves should be interested in the baby. This is what we often lack, but such are the features of adults.
  • Finally, our very average level of development prevents us from taking our child further than we ourselves have gone. So, you need to study with him!

AT next time I will definitely tell you about how to wean a child from rocking before bed. Subscribe to our news, share the link to the post with your friends and drop by for a cup of hot discussions!

Thinking is mental process involving both hemispheres of the brain. And the solution of the tasks assigned to him depends on how complex a person can think. That is why the development of thinking in children is so important. Perhaps in early childhood it's not very noticeable, because important decisions his parents take for the baby, and the achievements of the crumbs are most often measured by the number of steps taken, the ability to read syllables or fold the designer. But sooner or later there comes a moment when a person faces serious life goals and tasks. To get a job in large and successful companies, applicants go through many tests, including an IQ test. Logical thinking and creativity are at the heart of every invention created by mankind. And if you want your child to have a chance to do something brilliant in his life, teach him to think right from childhood. Even if he chooses the path of art or, for example, sports, the ability to analyze his actions, clearly and logically build a line of his behavior will certainly lead him to success in any field.

Starting to develop the thinking of a child, you must clearly understand how his mind works. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres. Left hemisphere- analytical. It is responsible for rational logical thinking. A person with a developed left hemisphere of the brain is characterized by consistency, algorithmic and abstract thinking. He thinks heuristically, synthesizing in his mind individual facts in complete picture. The right hemisphere is creative. It is responsible for the human tendency to dream and fantasize. People with a developed right hemisphere of the brain are very fond of reading, compose stories themselves, show abilities in various types arts - poetry, painting, music, etc.

There are many examples with a strongly developed right or left hemisphere. But psychologists believe that initially parents should try to harmoniously develop both logic and creativity in the child. And already in the course of classes, it is worth looking closely at how the child thinks in order to understand what is easier for him. For example, a figuratively thinking baby automatically begins to solve a math problem from a drawing, and a child with analytical thinking begins to draw a house from a schematic sketch. Be sure to take into account the nature of the crumbs' thinking in its further training.

Now for some theory. Despite its complexity and volume, human thinking is divided into 4 main types:

  1. visual-effective
  2. figurative
  3. logical
  4. creative

A small child who wants to feel and try everything, breaking cars and tearing off hands from dolls, is guided by visual-effective thinking. It is inherent in all children, and sometimes persists in some adults. But such people no longer break anything, but, on the contrary, design beautiful cars or do ingenious operations, securing the title of “golden hands”.

Figurative thinking in children

Figurative thinking in children involves operating with figures and images. It begins to develop in babies before school age when they are building models from a construction set, drawing or playing around imagining things in their minds. The development of figurative thinking in children takes place most actively at the age of 5-6 years. And already on the basis of figurative thinking, logic begins to form in children. Development of thinking in kindergarten is based on the formation in children of the ability to create various images in their minds, memorize and reproduce situations, train memory and visualization. At school age, it is also useful to periodically do such exercises. But since school program pays more attention to the analytical and logical component, parents should, drawing, creating crafts from various materials as well as reading and making up interesting stories.

At the age of 6-7 years, the child begins to develop logical thinking. The student learns to analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize and draw conclusions. But, unfortunately, the development of logical thinking in children at school has absolutely no element of creativity. Everything is very standard and formulaic. In a fifth-grader's notebook, you can find as many tasks as you want, solved by actions, and not a single one, solved outside the box. Although for such relatively simple tasks there can be many solutions. But teachers do not pay attention to this, since the time of the lessons is limited and the children do not have the opportunity to sit and think.

This should be done by the parents. Do not force your child to solve ten examples of the same type “for training”, it is better to play chess or monopoly with him. There simply are no standard solutions, and you will definitely not find template options there. This will help the child develop logic. And strong logic in combination with unexpected, non-standard and creative solutions take his thinking to the next level.

How to develop creativity in a child? The simplest thing you should remember is that the development of creative thinking in children occurs at the moment of communication. It is when communicating with other people (talking in person, reading a book or, for example, listening to an analytical program) that a comparison of different points of view on the same issue takes place in the human mind. And only as a result of communication a person can develop his own opinion, and this is nothing but creativity. A person who is clearly aware that there can be several correct answers to one question is indeed creative person. But for your child to understand this, just telling him about it is not enough. He must himself come to this conclusion by doing many exercises.

And they don't teach it in school either. Therefore, parents should work with the child at home to make his thinking original, associative and flexible. It is not so difficult. You can add from the same geometric shapes perfectly different pictures, design figurines of people and animals out of paper, or just take the most common and understandable object home use and try with your child to come up with as many new non-standard applications for him as possible. Fantasize, invent new exercises, think creatively yourself and be sure to teach this to your child. And then happy and loud exclamations of “Eureka!” will sound more and more often in your house.
