Which cream is best for young skin? The best pharmacy face creams

In order to maintain your attractiveness and beauty for as long as possible, it is recommended to start taking care of yourself and using special cosmetics from a young age. It must be remembered that for everyone age period applicable different ways appearance care. Young skin is considered to be between 15 and 25 years old. At this stage, caring for it consists of combating deficiencies, protecting and preventing aging. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the best cosmetics for young skin among the variety of products offered. First you need to decide why it is needed and what the effect of its use will be.

Young leather And stages care behind her

Cleansing. This procedure must be carried out twice a day. During the evening treatment, the skin is cleansed of dirt and makeup. In the morning, we eliminate substances released by the body during the night. In addition, during the cleansing process, the skin gets rid of dead cells of the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Toning. This stage care is aimed at eliminating the remnants of detergents and cleansers, the remains of dead cells and excess fat. This procedure may have additional effect, depending on the substances included in the cosmetics. A toning lotion can nourish, moisturize, tighten pores, and also disinfect the skin.

Hydration. To the main goals of this cosmetic procedure include filling the stratum corneum of the epidermis with moisture and normalization water balance. It is necessary to constantly maintain a balance between the moisture entering the surface of the face and the moisture evaporating from it. Regular moisturizing is recommended to eliminate flaking and dry skin, which will prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Application of cosmetics for young skin 1

For normal skin. In this case, it is advisable to use a gel, foam or spray for washing. Once a week for deep cleansing, it is usually recommended to use gommage. Do not neglect the use of moisturizer for young skin, as well as various masks with the effect deep hydration. To maintain water balance during sleep, a moisturizer is used night cream.

For fat And combined skin. IN in this case It is recommended to use gel or foam for washing. The effect will be enhanced by using a scrub, gommage or cleansing mask with white clay twice a week in the absence of inflammatory processes, skin irritations. To tone, you need to use lotion, tonic or other cosmetics that tighten the pores. Cream, emulsion or mask is used to nourish and moisturize. You can eliminate imperfections using a night cream for young skin.

For dry skin. When cleansing dry and sensitive young skin, use makeup remover milk or cream. Gommage should be used no more than once every two weeks. When choosing a tonic, preference should be given to lotions and tonics that do not contain alcohol. Dry skin needs increased nutrition, so moisturizer should be used twice a day. The effect of instant hydration can be achieved using a facial spray. To soothe and relieve irritation, it is advisable to use a night cream for young facial skin.

Main components of cosmetics for young skin

Hood from oatmeal cereal. The natural ingredient included in nourishing masks, cleansing cosmetics, creams for young skin. Chemical composition oat grain contains elements important for health: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, chromium, fluorine, manganese, iodine.

Sprouted wheat. This component performs several functions. Cosmetics containing bran promote cleansing. Oil obtained from wheat germ has a good nutritional and vitaminizing effect. It is often used in face cream. Wheat germ is the best catalyst for skin metabolic processes.

Honey. When using this ingredient, the effect of cleansing and nourishing on the face. Honey has a cleansing, softening and nutritional effect, and also relieves skin inflammation and absorbs skin secretions.

Yeast. This component contains many nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, trace minerals and various enzymes. Cream and mask containing yeast have a beneficial effect on complexion and skin elasticity.

Olive oil. This ingredient is unique in that it contains squapene in large quantities, which serves to moisturize. Olive oil also contains iron, calcium, copper, vitamins A, D, E. It has restorative and moisturizing properties. Olive oil can be found in the composition of many protective creams.

Egg yolk. This ingredient is a good multivitamin complex. The yolk contains vitamins A, B, E, D and PP. Thanks to the unsaturated acids contained in it, the skin receives nutrition and hydration. Masks and creams based on egg yolk are suitable for all skin types.

Salicylic acid. This ingredient has an exfoliating and antiseptic effect. In addition to exfoliation, it relieves inflammation, has a drying effect, and is used in dermatology to treat acne, psoriasis, demodicosis and some other skin diseases.

Cream For protection skin V any time of the year

Cream For warm time of the year. Skin exposed to ultraviolet rays is susceptible to dehydration. If you do not fight this with creams and other cosmetics, the skin ages at a faster rate: wrinkles appear, firmness and elasticity are lost. Intensive solar exposure promotes peeling. To protect the skin during solar activity, it is recommended to use creams for young skin with an SPF effect.

Cream For cold time of the year. To protect young skin during the cold season, cosmetics have been developed whose action is aimed at preserving moisture and saturating it with vitamins. As protective agent the use of a nourishing cream is provided, which is used to prevent peeling. The effects of low temperatures can be easily eliminated with the help of a properly selected protective cream.

CLEAN & CLEAR®For young skin

The CLEAN & CLEAR® company has released a whole range of cosmetics for young skin. We offer cosmetics for young skin, designed to protect, nourish, moisturize, and combat imperfections. Our line includes washing gels, scrubs, lotions and emulsions that are suitable for deep cleansing and prevention of acne, blackheads, elimination greasy shine and other teenage skin problems.

Cosmetic companies produce a lot of products designed specifically for young ladies no older than 25 years. But which cream to choose for daily care? What should it contain?

The skin, like a litmus test, reveals everything: bad habits, taste preferences and overall way of life. A young lady who loves sweets most likely suffers from oily skin, unsightly pimples and redness. Girls who love fast food risk not only their waistline: their epithelium is prone to greasiness, their complexion is not fresh, and their overall appearance is not very well-groomed.

To keep young skin toned, radiant and even color you definitely need a good face, even if inexpensive cream. Skin care, modern cosmetologists say, is important to start with early years and then the skin will not age longer.

Daily care will allow you to:

  • avoid the formation of facial wrinkles;
  • maintain facial clarity longer
  • prevent sagging cheeks and eyelids;
  • protects against the first signs of photoaging;
  • prevent the sun's UV rays from damaging the epithelium;
  • get rid of blackheads, pimples, enlarged pores;
  • give a face beautiful colour face, radiant appearance.

Humidification saturates young epithelial cells with moisture: they also need it, just like mature skin the ladies age category 35+, if not more. Optimal hydrobalance is a guarantee not only of beautiful skin, but also of health. So even very young girls should definitely take care of themselves every day, using special cosmetical tools.

Caring for young skin is generally simple. The main thing is to provide the skin with protection from external factors, which lead to early aging. For a young face type, light cosmetics are suitable - intensive nutrition, stimulation, launching anti-age processes at the cellular level, which are not yet required. Natural skin renewal slows down after 25 years: from this age, the skin needs additional enhanced care.

But it is important to start care from the age of 15-17, when the “games of hormones” have ended and the girl has entered one of the best times of flowering and beauty. Girls’ care is based on “three pillars” and consists of care products for cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting.

Care for young skin:

Skin care rules

For cleansing, you should choose soft, delicate products such as foam, micellar water, hydrophilic oil or tonic. In the morning, the foam will gently cleanse the sebum that the skin has produced during the night's rest, and in the evening it will remove traces of sweat and dust, and wash away decorative cosmetics.

During the day, it is best to apply a smoothing cream for young facial skin with a moisturizing effect and SPF factor. Alignment will hide the lungs cosmetic defects(acne marks), moisturizing components will maintain hydrobalance, and the SPF factor will prevent the sun from drying out the epithelium. Remember, if you do not protect your face from the sun, the first wrinkles will not be long in coming and will appear by the age of 25. For young face SPF factors of 15 and 20 are suitable for hot summer days.

To care for problem skin with blackheads, enlarged pores, pimples, there should be a product containing salicylic acid. It will not only heal the skin, but will also serve as a good preventative measure, preventing new pimples from appearing. True, use one and the same medicinal cream it doesn’t take very long: the skin gradually gets used to it and stops “perceiving” salicylic acid as a medicinal component.

Young skin also needs a night cream: it will allow the skin to rest, renew itself, replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, nourish the epithelium, and give it a well-groomed, rested appearance.

The best cream for a young face should be as natural as possible. In no case should it contain anti-aging components, which are often added to “adult” creams. The same collagen and elastane that are often found in many skin products should be missing from the ingredient list. Cosmetologists warn: if you start using it too early active means, the skin will age prematurely.

  1. Extracts, oatmeal extracts. Good moisturizers for young facial skin are rich in these components. They moisturize, nourish, play big role in intercellular metabolism.
  2. Thermal water. It gently cleanses and moisturizes all layers of the skin without causing harm.
  3. Vegetable oils (olive, burdock, oil tea tree, bergamot, lemongrass, mint). The ingredients nourish, moisturize, have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, give the skin elasticity, and are suitable even for sensitive facial skin.
  4. Yeast. They replenish vitamin B deficiency, speed up metabolic processes, relieve inflammation and treat acne. Even simple mask made from yeast helps a lot, and as part of a cream this component brings even more benefits, and also does not have a characteristic aroma (many people find it not very pleasant).
  5. Honey (uterine shelf, bee bread and other bee products). Any honey products are healing and are happily perceived by every cell of the epidermis. Honey has a slight matting effect, giving the epithelium a slight glow. But be careful, honey can cause allergic reaction. So before use, it is better to conduct a small allergy test (apply the product to the inner bend of the elbow, make sure there is no negative reaction).
  6. Cucumber juice, aloe, chamomile extract, green tea. They soothe, relieve irritation, add shine and radiance.

But what should not be in the cream are silicones, parabens, mineral oils(they are obtained from their oils), carbomers, dioxane: these chemical substances extremely harmful for young fashionistas. The cream should also have a pleasant and light structure and exude an unobtrusive delicate aroma, painted in delicate natural color. Minimum dyes, fragrances, maximum natural substances: this principle should remain a priority when choosing a cream for young facial skin.

Top 5 creams for young skin

A good moisturizer for a young face does not have to be expensive. Available today Russian brands with an excellent composition, at very reasonable prices. These are such lines as “Natura Siberika”, “Granny Agafya’s Recipes”, “One Hundred Beauty Recipes”, “ Clean line" They are among the top best and proven products, not inferior in quality to famous foreign manufacturers.

The company produces a cream called Young Control Shine (translated as youth, control, radiance). The cream has quite a few advantages: it smells nice, is equipped with a dispenser, and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen. Cosmetics are recommended for those with oily, sensitive skin faces. It quickly removes unsightly oily shine, the skin stops being shiny, pores become smaller and the overall appearance becomes fresh and well-groomed. The light mattifying effect can be compared to foundation or CC cream, but the epithelium is not overloaded and breathes perfectly. The price of the product is affordable - around 150 rubles per tube.

Many products of the Faberlic network company contain natural ingredients. And “young cream” is no exception. It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, and can act as a base for makeup. The youth series does not contain chemical additives, it is easy to apply, quickly eliminating the unpleasant feeling of tightness on the face. The cream gives a fresh, rested look and a slight glow. The effect is enhanced if you use the cream systematically. Faberlic has clinical researches, as representatives of the company and its distributors constantly talk about. Price – 130 rubles for 50 ml.

The best moisturizing creams for young facial skin, according to reviews, are produced by the Clean Line company. The brand has a whole series, including foams, night and daily cream and, for delicate skin of the eyelids, etc. The product contains no alcohol, fragrances, or mineral oils, but it does contain strawberry extract, an extract from aloe leaves, vegetable oils. “Clean Line” perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, and improves complexion. Young people can buy a jar of cream for only 70 rubles, and it’s called “ Perfect skin" Risk side effects minimal. It does not cause allergies, is absorbed quickly, and has a subtle pleasant aroma.

Belarusian cosmetics are now in great favor. It perfectly combines price and quality, and the manufacturer boasts a good balanced composition. Termal Line cream has everything young skin needs - thermal water, yeast, coconut oil and apricot kernels. After use, the microrelief of the skin is noticeably evened out, it becomes smooth and velvety to the touch. Many people compare the smell to the sea - it is light, unobtrusive with a characteristic saltiness of the sea. The price of the product is affordable - around 150 rubles for a 50 ml jar; you can use it both in the morning and in the evening.

The emulsion is produced in Germany by the same concern as the world famous Nivea. The product is positioned as a pharmacy product. It is hypoallergenic and is well tolerated by the most sensitive skin. Some products in the series are allowed to be used even by 3-year-old children. It also brings great benefits to young skin: it contains panthenol, bisabolol (with a bright antiseptic effect), thermal water, extracts medicinal plants. It is recommended to apply the cream to dry skin. The presence of open wounds, abrasions, and pustules is a contraindication for the use of the emulsion. After use, a protective film is formed on the skin, saving the epithelium from wind, frost, and scorching sun.

A big mistake young fashionistas make is trying to disguise their skin with a thick layer of foundation. But if acne and pimples literally fill your entire skin, you should contact a cosmetologist and undergo a course of treatment for acne. Treatment should be carried out in a course: one or two visits will not do any good. In general, stick to simple rules and you will always look beautiful.

  1. Use only formats that are easy to clean: for example, foam or hydrophilic oil is considered the best for cleansing.
  2. In summer, to moisturize, you can simply spray your skin with micellar water: it will not dry out and remains elastic much longer.
  3. Be sure to have day and night cream for the eyes: the skin around the eyes is very thin and wrinkles sometimes appear there very early. Don't neglect caring for this delicate area.
  4. If a cosmetologist recommends that you do peeling, let it be the most gentle composition possible. For young skin, peelings containing abrasive particles are considered the best. And here fruit acids may cause irritation.
  5. Even try to choose light, high-quality decorative cosmetics that contain SPF factors. The sun is in Lately very evil, so it is important to protect yourself from it from a very young age.
  6. The texture of the creams should be very light and not at all heavy. The best formats are in the form of fluids, mousses, gels: they do not clog pores and allow the dermis to breathe.

Attention!Musthave in a cosmetic bag is not at all lipstick. It should be a moisturizing balm or chapstick. In winter, it will prevent your lips from becoming chapped, in summer from drying out, and at the same time it will give your lips an appetizing shine and a slightly swollen appearance, which is in great fashion today.

It is better to choose creams from the same line. The manufacturer usually makes the entire series complementary in properties to each other. There will also be no risk of fighting different means with each other, which often leads to irritation. But once a year it is important to change the brand to avoid addiction.

When using cream, do not forget about moderation: too much cream will not bring more benefits to the skin. Exactly as much product is absorbed as the epithelium itself “takes”, the rest is unnecessary. In addition, small doses will allow you to use your favorite remedy longer.

From the age of 10, the skin of the face begins to cause a lot of trouble and never stops. First, we struggle with pimples and acne, then with an unhealthy complexion, dryness or oily sheen, and then there is a period of war with early fading and wrinkles. And at every stage she needs special care. Such is our destiny as women!

Therefore than used to be a girl will master simple rules facial skin care, the easier it will be for her to monitor her condition in the future. By the way, skin is considered young up to 25 years old, so these tips are relevant not only adolescence. Here are 20 simple rules that you need to follow to keep your skin beautiful.

1. You need to cleanse your facial skin daily! It is polluted not only by cosmetics, which the girl most likely does not use yet, but also by city dust and skin secretions.

2. Washing with water is not enough. , nessesary to use special means.

3. Squeezing pimples is a prohibited technique. This deforms the skin, and the wound can easily become infected. But if it was not possible to keep your hands away from your face, the skin must first be steamed, cleaned, and your hands should be washed thoroughly; after the procedure, your face must be disinfected. There are no exceptions to this procedure. Either this or not at all.

4. You can only apply lotion to your face using blotting movements. , you can’t wipe your face. This doesn't just apply to young skin!

5. Acne cream dries out your skin, therefore, you need to apply it pointwise, only on the pimples themselves.

6. It is better not to use gels for washing, even if they are labeled “for young skin.” Give preference to mousses and foams; they will definitely not dry out your skin.

7. Most oily skin care products contain alcohol. Alcohol further disrupts the fat balance, as a result, the skin becomes even oilier. Use absorbent face masks based on white clay.

8. In the morning, apply a light moisturizer to your skin or mousse. Good hydration important for any skin type!

9. Help your daughter determine her skin type as early as possible. , this will help you decide on the choice of care products.

10. Give preference to pharmacy series of care products, their composition is more natural.

11. A drop of tea tree oil in a daily portion of face cream will be an excellent antiseptic and will dry out the skin. Before applying the cream with essential oil on the face, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the oil. Can be applied not a large number of cream on the wrist and see the reaction.

12.V summer period face cream must be with sun filter . An SPF factor of 15–20 is quite enough for Everyday life in the city, for the beach you need to choose SPF 25–30.

13. Under no circumstances should face cream be applied to the area around the eyes. IN at a young age this zone does not require additional care, later you will need special products for eyelid skin care.

14. Concealer does not hide pimples, but only increases their number. If a girl has a lot of complexes and is eager to “cover up” pimples, it is better to use foundation mousse, it doesn’t clog time and doesn’t turn your face into a mask.

15. Don't forget to wash your powder sponges. If a girl powders her forehead, nose and chin in an attempt to combat oily shine, teach her to thoroughly wash the sponge at least once a week.

16. You should not get carried away with industrial face masks that are not labeled “for young skin.” It is better to make a mask yourself from cream, cottage cheese, grated cucumber, beaten egg or mashed berries. All these components moisturize and nourish the skin without causing damage to it.

There is an opinion that facial skin does not need care at the age of 20; you need to pay attention to its condition from the age of 30. This is wrong; In order for your skin to look young and beautiful at the age of 30, you need to start taking care of it much earlier.

In addition to cleansing, skin after 20 years needs protection, hydration and nutrition. These tasks are handled by face creams, the choice of which is not an easy task. After all, cosmetics at the age of 20 should be light, invisible, and at the same time provide sufficient skin care. It is completely unacceptable to use cosmetics for the older age category, so as not to harm young skin.

Main directions of facial skin care after 20 years

  • Cleansing. The facial skin is cleansed of dust and skin secretions several times a day, using foams, gels, and cleansing creams.
  • Protection. In summer, the skin is protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in winter – from frost and wind using special creams.
  • Hydration. Hydrated skin is six times slower to age and is better able to resist the effects of negative factors. Creams and thermal water are well suited for moisturizing, which can be used several times throughout the day.
  • Nutrition. Nourishing creams necessary if the facial skin is dry and reacts sharply to exposure to water or UV rays.

It is necessary to be guided by the principle of choice natural cosmetics, which gently cares for facial skin without overloading it with potent substances, for example, biostimulants.

Choice of cream

When choosing a cream intended for skin care from 20 to 30 years old, you first need to determine your skin type. Often, girls in their 20s have oily or combination skin, prone to rashes, acne and irritation. A cream for such skin should be water based, under no circumstances should you use products containing fat.

If the skin is dry and sensitive, choose a richer cream that allows you to retain moisture in the epidermis.

For normal skin select light moisturizers that can be quickly absorbed.

It is a mistake when choosing a cream after 20 years to try to use popular products labeled lifting (tightening) and anti-ages (anti-aging). Such cosmetics can lead to swelling and accelerate the formation of wrinkles. Saturation of young skin with biostimulants and other components leads to the fact that they stop working natural mechanisms restoration in the epidermis, as a result, the skin condition worsens significantly.

It is important to use day cream during the day, and night cream at night; due to the different composition, the products are not interchangeable.

Composition of creams from 20 to 30 years

Creams for young skin should contain components that provide gentle care:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for the renewal of epidermal cells, accelerates regeneration, gives elasticity, firmness and smoothness to young skin.
  • Vitamin E– accelerates metabolic and recovery processes in cells.
  • Vitamin C– helps the skin fight negative impact environment, takes part in the production of collagen (this substance is responsible for skin elasticity).

Vitamins A, E and C belong to the group of antioxidants; they are able to fight free radicals - substances that accelerate the aging process of the skin; they are formed as a result harmful action toxic substances on tissue cells. Without the participation of antioxidants, the body is not able to get rid of excess free radicals.

Vitamin P added to creams helps antioxidants work and reduces the permeability of small blood vessels.

Also, creams after 20 years may include the following components:

  • Phytoestrogens– plant compounds of non-steroidal structure. Their use is justified in the presence of acne, oily skin. Phytoestrogens also prevent skin aging.
  • Bioflavonoids– water-soluble natural compounds that can neutralize free radicals.
  • Fruit acids– stimulate collagen production.
  • Extracts from plants(oats, wheat, seaweed, ivy, grape seeds, aloe, chamomile) - help soften and moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity.
  • Oils: jojoba, olive, grapefruit, tea tree. Oils have antiseptic and softening effects.
  • Dexpanthenol– heals microcracks in dry skin.
  • UV-filters– protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The degree of protection is determined by the SPF factor - the higher its digital value, the better the skin is protected. Filters are included in all daytime face creams; If you are going to be in the sun for a long time (for example, on the beach), use special sunscreens.
  • Honey, wax– beekeeping products have a beneficial effect on the condition of skin cells, saturating them with natural nutrients.
  • Salicylic acid– its use is justified in products for oily skin.

Eye cream

The skin around the eyes is exposed age-related changes First of all, at the age of 20, wrinkles appear due to squinting, animated expression of emotions. Special creams have been created to care for the skin around the eyes; they cannot be replaced with regular day or night skin care products.

Eye creams are not divided into day and night; their task is to simultaneously nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. Their texture should be light, allowing the cream to be quickly absorbed. Creams for young skin around the eyes usually contain floral acids, vitamin E, and plant extracts (echinacea, soy).

Cream recipes

At home, you can prepare a face cream that is suitable for skin from 20 to 30 years old:

  • Will be needed beeswax, carrot juice, olive oil in a ratio of 1:3:1 and two egg yolks. The wax is melted in a water bath, the ingredients are mixed. The cream is applied at night. Store the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Cream mask: grind a tablespoon of fresh rowan berries into a paste, add a tablespoon butter, one yolk chicken egg, a teaspoon of honey. The components are mixed, the resulting mass is applied to the facial skin for half an hour. The peculiarity of using the cream mask: it is not washed off, but removed half an hour after application using a napkin. This cream is prepared immediately before use; during storage it loses its beneficial properties.

Homemade face creams may contain a high concentration of active ingredients, so it is better not to use them for sensitive skin.

Frequent use of homemade face creams is not recommended due to the fact that fixed oils, included in their composition, can cause acne.

The advantage of using homemade creams is: natural composition, availability and low cost, the possibility of individual selection of components depending on the condition of the skin.

Young girls should remember that their skin is naturally beautiful, so you need to take care of it and preserve its natural properties. Excessive passion for decorative cosmetics, smoking, alcohol, wrong mode the days leave their mark; Taking care of your skin is not just a choice good cream, but also healthy image life.

The largest human organ, the skin, needs systematic replenishment with water. Moisturizing makes it elastic, smooth, protects from premature appearance wrinkles and fading.


“Recommend a good and budget moisturizer!” - a request that consultants in cosmetic departments of supermarkets very often hear. And you won’t even be able to get it instantly. Choosing this “simple” product requires knowledge of your skin type, age and tendency to experience allergic reactions.

Dryness and flaking, sagging and loss of elasticity are the consequences of insufficient water content in the cells. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, but this is unlikely to replenish the moisture content of the epidermal cells. But what cosmetics will really help solve the problem and will it really inexpensive means are in no way inferior to premium analogues. It’s easy to find on the shelves, and they will already saturate the skin with the necessary moisture.

Signs of dry skin

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How to make the right choice

As already noted, individual selection moisturizing cream depends on several components:

  • person's age;
  • skin type;
  • general health.

When purchasing a product, it is better to base it on the indicators of a specific person, eliminating the factor - “the cream suited my friend, so it will suit me too.”

Hydrant creams belong to the category of basic products. Their job is to bring water to the inner subcutaneous layers and prevent cells and subcutaneous tissue from drying out.

Purified water is the basis for maintaining skin tone. No hydration nutritional composition will not cope with the problems of withering and aging. Moreover, you should not count on help decorative cosmetics. should also be of good quality.

There is a French saying: “ best cosmetics the one that is not visible” has not yet been canceled or challenged. Makeup should be the finishing touch perfect image well-groomed modern woman. Work on your appearance you need to constantly select the right means care, observing balanced mode nutrition. Yes, most often it is not presented on the market, but this does not mean that it is of poor quality.

Garnier Invigorating Hydration

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By skin type and age

Moisturizing creams are designed to different categories consumers. They are maximally adapted to age-related changes and skin type.

Facial moisturizing creams should match the person’s skin type and age.

Flabby, dry skin requires active moisturizing. In such difficult cases, it is better to pay attention to pharmacy cosmetics. She works more intensely. The effect of these drugs is more medicinal than cosmetic. This is exactly the effect they are trying to achieve.

La Roche-Posay Hydreane Legere

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TOP 9 best

The modern cosmetics industry is constantly working to develop new skin care products.

Domestic and foreign companies present moisturizing creams designed for various categories of consumers.

Russian moisturizing products meet high quality criteria at lower prices.

Hiding imperfections correctly - . And it will help hide dark circles under the eyes.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal

  1. Let's present a list of the most effective products: Moisturizing cosmetics– a universal new generation development that is suitable for all ages and skin types. Absorbs well and does not leave a greasy sheen on the surface. There is a hand cream with similar properties.
  2. Vichy Aqualia Thermal. The basis of the series creams is the famous French thermal water, which is unique in its properties and effects on the dermis. Moisturizes the skin, eliminates flaking.
  3. Skinniks Hydra Protector. Night moisturizer recommended for women over 25 years old. Well moisturizes and nourishes. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  4. Garnier Invigorating Hydration. , very popular with consumers. Famous brand created a good cream hydrant, which is part of the series comprehensive care behind the face.
  5. Uriage AquaPRECIS– recommended for girls over 18 years old. Works well with young skin, softens, removes flaking, does not leave an oily sheen. Quickly absorbed.
  6. Clean line– a popular domestic series for facial care. Inexpensive, but at the same time quite high-quality drug. Made from natural raw materials, suitable for all ages. It is well absorbed and has a light texture.
  7. Deep Restore The product is not cheap, for those who do not save on themselves. Has a pronounced anti-aging effect. Suitable for ladies who need to moisturize aging skin.
  8. L'Oreal. Relatively inexpensive, but quite high quality product. The famous company has developed a series of comprehensive care products. Moisturizing cream has become one of the representatives of this series. It works well for moisturizing; for an ideal effect on the surface of the dermis, it is advisable to purchase other creams from the general group.
  9. White Mandarin. Actively works with the skin. Counts remedy, sold in the pharmacy chain. The disadvantages include its rather high cost.

When choosing a face cream, you must carefully read the composition. Highest value have the first 5 items in the composition. Glycerin, water and chia seeds are some of the leading ingredients if a lady is interested in active hydration.

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Uriage AquaPRECIS

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Prices and customer reviews

To purchase the cream today, just press a button on your computer and place an order. On the other hand, in a regular store you can smell the product and choose the consistency you like best.

“Clean Line” – rich hydration

Many women actively use moisturizing cosmetics. They all agree that hydrant preparations are necessary for skin care:

  • Victoria, 19 years old, Smolensk:“I never thought that moisturizing cream would help me take care of my skin so well. After using it, my face became softer and more elastic.”
  • Ekaterina, 34 years old, Krasnodar:“Light moisturizer saved me in the summer heat. At first I didn’t have much hope for positive result, but a friend persuaded me to buy such a cream. I’m glad I agreed to try the cream.”
  • Veronica, 29 years old, Moscow:“I have been using face moisturizing creams for a long time. They are light, absorb well, and soften the face. Of course, I use an expensive product, but I don’t want to save on myself.”

Moisturizing creams are necessary to maintain the dermis in good condition. The moisture that the drugs deliver inside is needed for the elasticity and youth of the face.
