Estelle paint who is the manufacturer. What is the success of the Estel brand

It's no secret that the path to and recognition is long and thorny. Geniuses are not born - they are made. Sleepless nights, hard work, numerous failures that follow retries- the underside of success, invisible at first glance. And this doesn't just apply to people. It takes decades for a small firm to become a well-known and recognizable corporation. high reputation and people's love not easy to earn, especially in the face of fierce competition. Why Estel Professional, founded a little over ten years ago, is now so popular? And not only in Russia. In the Baltic and CIS countries, millions of people also use the products of this brand. Let's imagine ourselves as Sherlock Homes (the heroine of Daria Dontsova, because Miss Marp is not in trend) in order to understand what is the matter here? Why did the brand manage to become a leader so quickly?

How it all began

It all started back in 2000. It was then that the Russian company Unicosmetics LLC began the production of professional hair cosmetics. And just as writers and singers take pseudonyms, the company's specialists came up with a sonorous name: Estel Professional. Correct and smart decision. Agree, Unicosmetics is too simple and ordinary. Doesn't cling. The word "Estelle" is a completely different matter, it is like a French name, easy to pronounce, immediately remembered and caresses the ear.

But one skillfully chosen name for the prosperity of the company is not enough. In Russia, there are thousands of much more euphonious firms that have not achieved even a hundredth of the success of Estel. We continue the "investigation" further.

A large assortment

To date, the company produces a huge range of products. Initially, the entire range was limited only to professional hair cosmetics. But styling products, shampoos, conditioners, masks, hair dyes and balms have become so popular that the developers decided to expand production.

Now a variety of products with the Estel Professional logo has exceeded seven hundred. These are hand creams, permanent waving products, DVDs, T-shirts, hairdressing bags, towels and much more. There is also a series designed specifically for children - MY ANGEL. It included mascara with a neon glow, shower gel, hypoallergenic shampoo and bath foam.

One thing is still not clear. Why did the products manufactured by Estelle fall in love with the Russians, fed up with all kinds of offers?

After the collapse Soviet Union when the iron curtain fell, we were overwhelmed with a variety of goods. Thousands of foreign firms entered the domestic market; Like mushrooms after the rain, our own enterprises sprang up. In general, Russians no longer wear the same clothes, they don’t stand in line for doctor’s sausage, and chewing gum is no longer a marvelous marvel, accessible only to foreigners. God bless.

But what does this have to do with the popularity of Estel Professional? After all, cosmetics are produced by many companies. What distinguishes the brainchild of Unicosmetics LLC?

Competent marketing

This is the main reason for the prosperity of the brand. In conditions of fierce competition, when the market is oversaturated with offers, what stands out is valued. This can be applied to any area of ​​life. So, journalists win creative articles, with a non-standard point of view; in a clothing store you immediately pay attention to original clothes- knowing this, sellers hang such models on mannequins. Hairdressers who, thinking outside the box, create extravagant hairstyles and haircuts, often achieve honors. For example, the glamorous barber Seryozha Zverev, an ardent individualist. (By the way, he cuts hair much better than he sings). The line of reasoning is clear.

Estel Professional has several differences or competitive advantages. Firstly, the company has its own research and production base. Its employees develop products together with specialists from the State Technological Institute and the St. Petersburg branch of the Academy of Hairdressing Art "Saint Louis" (France). The joint work of the luminaries Russian science and created recipes that have no analogues.
Betting on quality, the company is very scrupulous in the choice of raw materials, carefully selecting components. The equipment is accordingly state of the art. But a similar approach is available for other brands, foreign production.

It's about the price. Since production takes place in Russia, the company does not spend money on transportation and customs clearance of goods. This allows it to reduce the cost at a similar level of quality. Estelle professional products are cheaper than those of foreign companies. This is the main reason for popular demand.

Competent marketing is an effective thing. The brand made a bet: professional hair care should be available to everyone. The price / quality ratio is a win-win move, which led to the success of Estel Professional. This is confirmed by numerous awards received by the company at various all-Russian and international specialized competitions. In addition, as a result of a census of salons in 16 Russian cities (with a population of over 500 thousand), it turned out that Estelle paint is used in every third hairdresser.

Are you expanding production?

- We do this all the time, as far as Estel can remember, every year more than the previous one. Six years ago, the company acquired a large production site [in Kolpino - approx. ed.], we have successfully launched it and we have great prospects in this regard.

- Which?

- I am not ready to disclose these plans yet, because the plans are of interest not only to customers, but also to competitors.

— By how much do you plan to increase revenue in 2016?

- In 2016, revenue without VAT will obviously exceed 6 billion rubles [in open sources there are company data for 2014: revenue amounted to 3.9 billion rubles. - approx. ed.]. And what profit will turn out, the accounting department will calculate.

— Due to what growth? Have more customers or expanded the line?

- Both.

— In 2008, the share of foreign brands in the Russian hair dye market was over 70%. What is Estel's share now?

— More than 50%. Competitors leave the market. I assumed that foreign companies would behave in a standard way. And so it happened - our direct competitors, for example, reduced their marketing budgets by about 30%. And Estel increased by 20%. But for us main fight not here. We understand that about 80% of women dye their hair at home and only 20% go to salons. It is also clear that the economic situation in the country does not increase the proportion of women in salons. We need to try to change this balance.

- You said that the economic situation in the country does not increase the proportion of women in salons? What does this mean for you in practice?

- Women in 2015 slightly increased the interval between staining, but so far not very critical. According to my estimates, the market capacity in 2015 fell by about 10-15% compared to 2014.


Unicosmetics LLC, which produces cosmetics under the Estel brand, was founded in St. Petersburg in 1999. According to, the company's owners are Elena Mitskevich (35.1%), its CEO Lev Okhotin (12.1%), as well as Valery Panteleimonov, Anatoly Dubynin and Andrey Mitskevich (17.6% each). The company's revenue for 2014 amounted to 3.9 billion rubles, net profit - 642 million rubles.

The company owns two production sites in St. Petersburg (on Piskarevsky Prospect and in Kolpino).

Success Secrets

- How do you manage to increase income in such a situation?

- Let me explain with an example. At one time, perfumers had the question of how to increase the volume of perfume sales. And they came up with - to find a way to make men their clients. The fact is that earlier than a man did not use perfume. It was considered, let's say, a female subject. If a man uses a woman's thing, then this is perceived, excuse me, as castration. And then, in order to encourage men to use perfume, marketers came up with an illusory division into women's and men's perfumes. The idea turned out to be successful and the market received a powerful impetus for development.

This example shows that the obvious, standard way of developing a business - copying what competitors are doing - does not bring much success. It is much more productive to open up new opportunities for people - for your customers and partners, even with old products, or to do completely innovative things. Although they rarely do.

— What did you come up with that is so innovative for the market?

Estel entered the professional cosmetics market back in 2005. Then in St. Petersburg, 40% of hairdressers did not work for a professional brand. They dyed their hair with the dye that the client brought with him.

Our first task was to provide the salon master with an opportunity to use professional paint and open up new professional opportunities for him. True, for this the craftsmen had to be trained, because they did not know how to use professional paints. And we started with training, and global. We are engaged in training, and not only for salon masters, but also in educational institutions countries that produce great amount hairdressers. Engaged in educational and outreach programs.

That's how we won about 30% of the market. And the rest, of course, snatched from our beloved competitors.

- How?

- Of course, the master must be taught how to paint, and cut, etc., but in general, you need to go a little to another level. The point is not only how well the borscht is cooked, but also how it is served.

— That is, clients come to you for service?

- Certainly. A woman can go to the store, buy paint for 200 rubles, and paint herself at home. But 20% still go to the salon and pay a thousand for painting. Overpay 800 rubles. Why? Because masters have learned to paint better than a woman can do it at home. Learned how to pitch.

How the business works

- What does the salon mainly earn on?

- If the salon will only shorten the hair, it will be in a deep financial hole. If he paints, he will get out of it. And if it allows the client to purchase products at home, then he will be a great financial success. That is, it is necessary not only to recommend, but to allow to acquire. For a service that is done with care, the client is willing to pay. Selling cosmetics is a service. Not only get a haircut, color, but recommend what the client really needs.

— Your products are sold in specialized stores. Are you planning to open your stores?

No, we are not interested.

- Why?

- Because in the mass market there are very few people, human and a lot of system. There is no direct contact with the consumer. The consumer communicates only with the store shelf.

- You raised the price of cosmetics?

Yes, they raised it, but not in proportion to the devaluation of the ruble.

— Are the components of Estel products Russian?

- To my deepest regret, there are no Russian cosmetic raw materials for the production of hair dye. I hope to live to see the time when organic synthesis in Russia at least reaches the Soviet level. The Soviet Union not only had quality chemistry but also a very good practical application of its products. Unfortunately, then everything fell apart, so we are forced to use raw materials from all over the world.

— Many paints are more expensive than Estel. What are you saving on?

— On the purse of our breadwinner. Of course, price matters. But there are many brands that are much cheaper than Estel, but they are not as popular.

- How do you still manage to keep prices? All raw materials are imported, and the dollar has doubled ...

- There are costs that depend, and there are those that do not depend on the volume of production. Since the volume of production has increased, we have been able to reduce specific gravity that depends on the volume of production. Logistics - time. Advertising two. We managed to increase labor productivity - three. Rent four. We have managed to cut costs while production is growing.


— Can you tell us about upcoming projects?

- They talk about plans to attract an investor, sell a business or brag. To brag means to play in favor of competitors. Estel does not have a task of either the first, or the second, or the third. Our clients will definitely learn about it after the fact. For example, Estel invested in the opening of the production of lightening hair powder.

— How many own salons do you plan to open this year?

“Now we have four of our own salons, and a fifth one will open soon at Liteiny. And that's it. We will no longer open our own salons. For us, this is not a business, but platforms where we work out various business models, test new services, technologies for working with a client, etc. To then recommend them to our partners - both in Russia and abroad.

Estel only in Russia cooperates with 50 thousand salons. And it also has about 10 thousand partners abroad - from Kazakhstan to Germany. Now we plan to discover new territories, new regional markets. For example, go to Mexico and Iran.

— When are you planning?

— In 2017.

- Can you name the approximate amount of investments?

- Several million.

— Do you plan to open factories in new markets?

- At first, of course, we are not talking about factories, let's start with distribution.

business for people

- Do you see interest in other business?

I am not a fan of diversification. Although they say that “you should not put your eggs in one basket”, I believe that you should do what you love. And the love of money is not the most best love. You have to love people and do something for them. Maybe they will vote for it. Therefore, I invest in Estel. Why scatter? If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. If we are chasing a hare, then the fattest.

And when some people from Wall-street say that money makes money, it's sad and sad. Still, between money there must be either a service or a product. After all, it is not the machines that acquire all this, but people.

Founder and permanent CEO of the company ESTEL- highly qualified chemist Lev Okhotin. Before opening his own enterprise, Lev Okhotin worked in a group of managers for a large entrepreneur who invested in various projects and their development. One of these projects was a perfumery and cosmetics factory, which a year later, thanks to the efforts of Lev Okhotin and his colleagues, got out of the crisis. It was then that Lev Okhotin thought about the possibility of creating his own company for the development and production of cosmetic products.

The idea was simple: to develop and market a domestic product High Quality and by reasonable prices. In 2001, a series of hair dyes for home use, consisting of 15 shades, called " ESTEL ».

The brand was quickly noticed not only by buyers, but also by professionals in the beauty industry. In May 2005, the company prepared and released the first professional line of ESSEX dyes, which consisted of 67 shades, shampoos and balms. By the end of the next year, the ESSEX palette had almost doubled in size. The novelty was a success with specialists and their clients, and in ESTEL it was decided to develop and offer salons the maximum wide choose domestic products for hairdressers by developing and releasing in a record short time a huge assortment of excellent domestic professional cosmetics for hair, and subsequently for the body.

Production history ESTEL started with just 1000 sq. m leased. After a short time, the company needed something more reliable and large-scale. In 2004, production was launched, here the dreams of a significant increase in production from 1 million to 2 million pieces of products per month became a reality.

Today, the brand's dealer network includes more than 150 organizations in Russia, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia and other countries of the near abroad. Opened in 2011 official representative ESTEL-Ukraine, ESTEL-Europe in Germany. The first sales started in Poland. The company plans to enter other markets of Central and Western Europe.

The strongest link of ESTEL is hair dyes: DE LUXE has 134 tones, ESSEX - 114, DE LUXE SENSE - 68. In the near future, it is planned to expand the palette, including towards more light colors. ESTEL closely cooperates with hairdressing salons and strictly monitors not only the quality of products, but also the correct use of them.

The company sees its mission in a significant development and increase in the profitability of the hairdressing industry as a whole.

What is the secret of the success of the young Russian professional brand? Main resource ESTEL These are people, their potential and belief in success. The work experience of many is equal to the age of the company itself, and this says a lot. After all, things were not always the way they are now. There were very difficult times of formation, entry into the market, but, nevertheless, these people remained true to the cause that they built together. And now, when ESTEL has become a reputable company with a name, with big plans, vast geography, people still remain the most important and expensive in it. Here all patriots in the full sense of the word. As Lev Okhotin himself says, “we are all infected with the same idea in ESTEL!”.

Estel Professional is a well-known name in the field of professional cosmetics. The brand belongs to a manufacturing company from St. Petersburg Unicosmetics LLC.

The history of the brand began in 2000 after the release of Estel gel hair dye, and in four years the company began to offer more than 100 types of various cosmetics.

Currently, the name Estel Professional is familiar to every professional in the field of hairdressing, styling and makeup. Years of dynamic development, the conclusion of partnership agreements with enterprises around the world have made it possible to achieve success measured by results:

Large geography of sales

Over 900 products

· Own scientific laboratories

Leadership in paint production

· Training in the field of coloring, care and make-up.

Competitiveness of Estel Professional products - the main objective a company that cares about quality, innovation and customer feedback. To do this, on the basis of LLC "Unicosmetics" organized their own factories that produce products. All developments are exceptionally innovative, and the support of the State St. Petersburg Technological Institute ensures their high efficiency.

Estel Professional is modern cosmetics!

Compliance with international standards, verification of quality and results in elite class salons, leadership in the field scientific developments- all this expands the geography of the use of Russian-made professional cosmetics.

CUREX: well-groomed hair and beauty for every day!

Professional tools restore and improve appearance hair, providing care or healing effect. Estel Professional cosmetics are suitable for daily use and solving special problems.

The professional approach of Estel Professional is concentrated in the series CUREX, which combines effectiveness and affordability in lines designed to cleanse, protect and restore, maintain color vibrancy and care for winter time. All the nuances are taken into account in a huge palette of assortment.

Volume - purity, splendor and radiance for every day

The motto of all products in the series is this: to add volume, you need to work on the structure. In addition to intensive and delicate cleansing, dry and oily hair will receive comprehensive care against damage, restore shine, lightness and healthy look. Peach oil and provitamin B5 have combined into a repair and care complex to make combing easier. Chitosan nourishes with moisture and vitality.

Classic - active support for naturalness and beauty

Classic care is based on cleansing, moisturizing, toning. Wheat proteins, lecithin, vitamin complexes and oils work together in every product. Estelle's developments in the Classic series are tonic formulations that actively nourish with moisture and beneficial enzymes that maintain shine and health every day. Eliminate dandruff, stimulate growth, give volume and create an antistatic effect.

color Save - support for each shade

After paints, permanent and peroxide, urgent rehabilitation is required. Color Save offers to envelop each hair with the care of micropolymers, to protect with the help of Kandila wax from the influence of the external environment, to straighten the cuticle. Relying on Sodium PCA, a color fixing innovation, the series restores shine and renews the look of hair day after day. Vitamin complexes and vegetable oils nourish and saturate the hair with a silky shine - a sign of strength!

Color Intense - brighter, more intense, more attractive

Keeping the acquired shade rich and fresh is a real art. It is achievable by everyone thanks to fortified formulations. Color Intense products play two roles: restore hair, restore moisture to it, and at the same time nourish the power of one of the shades. Owners of beige, brown, copper and cold shades can enjoy the radiance and elasticity of curls.

Curex Gentleman - care for male beauty

Men need advanced technologies aimed at a certain result. Products from the Gentleman series act purposefully: they accelerate hair growth, eliminate dandruff and oiliness, and bring a cooling effect. The entire line meets the requirements of men who love to take care of themselves. Lupine extract improves blood flow to the scalp, provitamin B5 returns freshness and comfort, allantoin adds strength to hair.

Therapy: comprehensive treatment and protection

Therapeutic action is based on individual approach to oiliness, dryness, damage. Easy combing, elimination of damage and split ends - all this is collected in means for every day and in products for intensive (quick) care Therapy. natural glow returns under the influence of keratin, panthenol, avocado and jojoba oils, vitamin E and other components. Therapy compositions will be needed after dyeing, waving, highlighting, for regeneration after frequent styling and holidays.

Winter - don't give up on winter!

The line is designed for protection and enhanced nutrition in winter, when special care is needed. The protein is separated into cationic derivatives to improve the structure of the hair, siloxanes work for the benefit of smoothness, and panthenol protects against low temperatures and wind. Each product of the series has an antistatic effect, which is useful in cold weather, when hats spoil the hair. Proper hydraulic balance is best care and outer beauty.

Brilliance - radiance and silkiness

Siloxanes are the basic component that covers the hairs with a radiant film, but does not weigh them down. Glitter and flawlessness are achievable. Although gloss products are usually considered special care, Brilliance products can be used every day due to their softness and gentle effect. Pro-vitamin B5, present in the composition, will give well-groomed hair.

SUN FLOWER - take beauty with you on vacation!

Holidays and tanning salons give you the luxury of a tan, but your hair suffers from ultraviolet radiation no less than skin cells. Powerful UV filters form a protective film around the hairs, and siloxanes make them shimmer more actively in the sun. Beauty is doubly revealed! Moisturizing the scalp achieves hydrobalance, which is important for growth and strengthening.

OTIUM - all facets of professional care

The Estel Professional cosmetics line - the Otium series - professionally cares for dyed, laminated, long and curly hair. Solves skin problems, creates shine and volume.

Innovative hydration from Aqua

Hydrolipidic balance is the foundation of a healthy scalp and hair. True Aqua Moisture Complex is added to every product in this series. Hair saturated with moisture is easy to comb, exudes shine and well-groomed. After comprehensive care even the driest hair becomes smooth. The split ends are carefully glued together, brittleness is eliminated.

The lightness of butterfly wings in the Butterfly series

A voluminous, flying hairstyle is possible only after filling the hair with strength, flexibility and elasticity. Otium Butterfly offers delicate care for oily and dry hair, and also adds splendor with an intense complex of substances.

Discover all the facets of gloss with the Diamond complex

To the touch - silk, in appearance - a shining diamond, and in sensations - exceptional lightness, elasticity. After washing the hair with the Diamond & Mirror component, the hair becomes airier and acquires a diamond charm. Means tame curls and curls, create an attractive mirror surface with silk components, envelop each hair and add magical overflows. All cosmetics can be purchased in a set.

Full length revitalization with Flow

Long hair needs moisture and nutrients. The renewal brings the Flow Revival Complex, restoring energy and strength while delivering hydration that is the foundation of attractiveness and strength. Hair is smoothed, awakened to the very ends.

Homme is the solution to all men's hair problems

Four shampoos with innovative ingredients at once eliminate dandruff, tone up and bring a pleasant effect of cool freshness, and most importantly, activate growth. They fit perfectly in gift set along with shower gel.

iNeo - even more shine after lamination

iNeo is two technologies in one for perfect lamination results. The capabilities of the Otium iNeo series are designed to maintain health, clean clean, keep smooth. Unleashing the potential of any hair, giving elasticity, volume and shine - all this meets the versatility of the goals of the Otium iNeo complex from Estel Professional.

Miracle or the real magic of cosmetics Estel professional

Moisturizing and nourishing to the full depth and along the entire length are the advantages intensive care. Restore freshness, purity, gloss and silkiness of hair with significant damage, take care of sensitive skin heads, start the process of regeneration from the inside, and literally in one night give comfort and saturate with everything necessary for radiance throughout the day. The products help eliminate brittleness and dryness, covering the hair with a protective veil, restoring health to the tips.

Pearl - special care for blondes

Glitter is dignity bleached hair radiating natural power. Keratin and panthenol restore health to natural light curls with warm or cold shades. Natural Pearl complex fills with sun glare warm blonde. The potential of platinum shades is opened by the Golden Pearl component. The funds offer express help to brittle and clarified strands, form an irresistible gloss.

Twist to manage thick and curly hair

The combination of active care and styling in each product for fat and curly hair. The uniqueness of the pantolactone component ensures smoothness and softness even obstinate curls. The Twist series helps support strength from the inside, increase density fine hair, provide control over unruly curls. Silk proteins revitalize tired and weakened strands. Curls are easy to comb - any styling becomes easier!

Unigue - rehabilitation and rapid growth

Deep recovery starts from the roots, which are located in the sensitive scalp. Milk proteins and lactose provide nutrition for growth, while zinc and allantoin relieve dandruff. Special Care needed when combined oily skin and dry hair - the No fat complex normalizes nutrition and maintains vitality. Unigue means control the work sebaceous glands. A bonus will be a gel with milk proteins for thick eyelashes!

Blossom - amazing color fastness after staining

Bloom of color, splash bright colors and active protection - these are all the advantages of Estel Professional cosmetics of the Otium Blossom series. The silk proteins in the Blossom Care & Color Complex, cocoa butter, color-fixing and shine-enhancing cocktails gently support the structure of each hair and maintain color.

Styling secrets from professionals Estel professional

Well-groomed hair is, first of all, neat styling. Estel Professional equips stylists with a large arsenal of tools to satisfy client whims and create fabulous images for fashion shows. The Airex line is represented by varnishes, gels and mousses with strong, normal, extra strong and elastic hold.

Airex 3D cream holds hair in a bizarre shape, while Airex modeling clay supports plastic fixation. Any design can be done with the help of Stretch-gel, and the elastic tool is prepared for creativity and special effects. Additionally, heat-protective styling sprays and milk to improve pliability are useful.

Cosmetics for little fashionistas!

For small clients Estel company Professional has provided not only hypoallergenic products designed for easy combing curls, as well as complexes for body hygiene Girls will be fascinated by the shades of colored mascara and the shine that Star Rain leaves behind. The "Most Beautiful" line helps to teach a girl to choose high-quality cosmetics, take care of her hair properly and always take care of herself.

Estel Professional color palette - a professional approach to hair coloring!

Estel De Luxe professional hair dye line - time to be different!

The De Luxe series offers a creamy hair color with a palette of hundreds of colors basic shades. The ruler belongs to the business class, gives deep color, hair softness and attractive shine. The opening of the series is a chromo-energetic complex for restoring and adding shine.

Coloring products are not only dyes, but also a range of products that allow you to create new images. Cream-corrector Corrector DE LUXE is available on the basis of ammonia and without it, provides an accurate selection of clarifier, eliminates unwanted shade, used for illumination.

Estel Sense De Luxe - gentle achievement of the desired shade

Sense De Luxe - the softness of getting a new color. The role of semi-permanent dyes is natural tone-on-tone coloring, gentle toning and care. The ammonia-free color palette consists of basic shades and correctors for playing with halftones. The dye formulations are saturated with avocado oils, olive extract, panthenol for moisturizing and nourishing. The structure of the hair is supported by a complex based on keratin. Natural hydrobalance of the scalp, elasticity and life shine These are the advantages of the De Luxe line.

The purpose of Anti-Yellow effect creamy hair dyes is obvious - to remove annoying yellow tint to give a vibrant glow.

Estel De Lux e Silver - luxury gray coverage

Estel De hair dye works against gray hair Lux Silver, each shade of which is relevant and saturated. soft and shiny hair shimmer deep color with subtle nuances. The shimmering pigment facilitates the application of dye to the hair, and the result is 100% eliminates gray strands and roots.

Professional hair dye Estel Essex- creativity for hair coloring

The Essex series paints everything and for a long time. With state-of-the-art formulas for dyes (K&Es molecular system) and Vivant System care, the line is considered affordable and affordable. The main palette of colors, brightening line, red tones, creative tones, color highlights and proofreaders are ready to embody the most original ideas in hair coloring.

Better results with additional hair color products

Estel Professional professional coloring relies on a number of secret helpers:

1. Estelle's activators allow for intensive and tint toning, they correspond to the two main series of dyes.

2. Oxygens are needed for coloring, highlighting and decapitation. For various purposes, the manufacturer produces formulations with 3,6,9,12% peroxide.

3. Bleaching powder brightens up to 7 tones, works without dust, is used for highlighting and decapitation.

4. The technical group of Estel Professional products includes emulsions, lotions for removing paint from skin and hair - all this makes the work complete and perfect.

Beautiful eyebrows - expressive face!

Estel Professional devotes the line of Enigma paints with an ultra-soft formula to coloring eyebrows. Popular shades are ideal for the color of eyelashes and hair. Long-term results and ease of use are the advantages of the series.

Always on top with styling Always ON-LINE

The scientific discoveries of Estel Professional's own laboratory and German chemists underlie ESTEL series always ONLINE. Varnishes are fixed for a long time, multi-layered, complex hairstyles are laid, they fix even very long curls. After treatment, the hair looks natural, remains mobile and elastic. Provitamin B5 and vitamin E provide care and volume in mousses.

Sun Flower: tan and active care behind the skin

The perfect tan all year round is achieved with the help of activators and bronzers, the result of which is a natural tone. Creams do not clog pores, care, meet the needs of the skin different type. Esters of citric acid leave a pleasant aroma. Caring, protective, anti-cellulite complexes work for different parts of the body. Moisturizing and cooling are indispensable after sunbathing. achieve persistent sunburn, remove redness and get rid of peeling will help the Sun Flower line.

Estel Professional cosmetics is the choice of professionals

Estel Professional back in 2010 was recognized the best company at the Russian International Exhibition "Intercharm", and now continues to improve products that meet modern requirements:

Improvement of dull and lifeless hair.

Active moisturizing and saturation with vitamins returns shine and silkiness.

UV protection and high temperatures while drying with a hair dryer.

· High efficiency and simplicity in application by masters and in house conditions.

Convenient division into series, comprehensive care for hair and scalp.

Estel Professional cosmetics are aimed at beauty salon professionals who know how to choose optimal solutions for clients. The attractive price of each product, along with the use of high-quality raw materials and advanced technologies, will allow you to master new products and make an individual approach to each hair.

All women, without exception, always want to look young and beautiful, well-groomed and irresistible. And in everything that concerns hair, cosmetics can help. Simply coloring the curls in a new shade or an unexpected color will help the lady look and feel in a new way, give strength and mood. But what paint is better to choose to get desired result and not hurt yourself?

Paint "Estelle"

One of the most famous lines of professional hair cosmetics "Estel" is created by Russian company"Unicosmetics" and the best specialists of the Technological Institute of St. Petersburg. It is thanks to such an alliance that the Estel Professional manufacturer has developed a serious scientific and production base and has the opportunity to use the most advanced scientific and technical technologies and methods, the best raw materials and, of course, equipment. The result is products that meet the world's leading quality standards and are loved by customers.

How attractive is this paint?

"Estelle" - hair dye, reviews of which are mostly positive. It provides a very stable coloring and toning of curls, gives a bright, saturated color And healthy shine, easy to use - has a delicate texture and therefore easy to apply. The gentle composition protects the hair during the coloring procedure, moisturizes, makes it more elastic, silky and soft. In addition, the Estel paint (the photo shows a wide one lasts a long time, perfectly paints over gray hair and mixes well (if you want to take different tones). By the way, it is worth noting that the price is quite democratic for professional cosmetics.

The advantages of the composition

"Estelle" - hair dye (reviews confirm this), which does not harm the curls, but has a beneficial effect on them, not only coloring, but also making them healthier. This effect is achieved thanks to peach oil, an extensive complex minerals, green tea extract, PP vitamins. They nourish the bulbs, protect against the harmful effects of both the paint itself and environment, accelerate growth, give shine and silkiness. This paint does a great job with the gray hair that upsets so many women, thanks to the ylang-ylang extract and fruit acids.

How to use paint

Presented by the manufacturer is so diverse that even the most capricious beauties will be able to find exactly what they want. "Estelle" - hair dye (reviews also mention this), which will suit everyone without exception and satisfy the most refined taste. In addition, when she dyes the hair of a representative fair half mankind receive exactly the color that they see on the package.

Well, the use of paint is very simple. First you need to choose the best shade for yourself, but do not buy more bright hues than natural hair color. Now all the paint components need to be mixed, after reading the instructions in the box. The mixture should be applied along the entire length of the hair and hold for no more than half an hour. Wash off better with warm water. In the interval between staining, experts recommend using various means caring for curls, preferably of the same company as the paint. Thus, we can say with confidence that Estel is a hair dye (reviews confirm all consumer expectations), which will provide lasting coloring and gentle care.
