Puppet therapy as a means of influencing a child within the framework of correctional pedagogy. Doll therapy for children

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

city ​​of Kaliningrad child development center - kindergarten № 53
Development personal qualities preschoolers with puppet therapy

teacher speech therapist Strelchenya Valentina Vladimirovna

defectologist teacher Sazanovich Anna Viktorovna

Kaliningrad 2015
Children with disabilities are children with speech disordersand, as a rule, many of them need psycho-corrective help. If these are children low level development of attention and mental processes, then the systematic execution of specially selected game exercises allows you to celebrate positive dynamics in development cognitive sphere. Much more difficult is the situation when a child needs to overcome his insecurity, timidity, excessive stiffness, unfounded fears, that is, everything that interferes with his successful personal growth, social development. Many years of practice in organizing correctional and developmental work with preschoolers allows us to identify the most effective methods based on vigorous activity the children themselves.

Preschool is special world, the world of games and fantasies, the world of fairy tales. In our view, a preschool child is always surrounded by toys. Children love to play with toys-images of people and animals, sometimes they come up with different stories, what happens to them, but most often they play episodes from their lives: “Let's play with you”, “Giraffe does not want to eat soup”, “Elephant and dog are not friends with him”, “The kitten is sick. Where are his friends?” "They don't know anything. Who told them?" and others. They sing songs and jokes. But children do not just play certain actions, they think and reason why it is necessary to act in this way, and what others will answer me if I do it differently. Among the toys of preschoolers, dolls are given special role in the development of the ability to be aware of one's relationships with other people, one's feelings and moods. And most importantly, it becomes possible to repeatedly lose certain situations and options for one's behavior.

As the maintaking corrective action V doll therapy used doll as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult. The child gladly "gives" her his better feelings forgetting about problems and fears, discovering hidden reserves in yourself. It is in this amazing reincarnation that the basic principle of puppet therapy lies..

The puppet therapy method is based on the processes of identifying a child with a favorite character (fairy tale, cartoon, etc.), it is based on three basic concepts: “game” - “doll” - “ puppet show". Play is to a child what speech is to an adult. It is a vehicle for expressing feelings, exploring relationships, and fulfilling oneself. Children's play is full of meaning and important for the child, because through the game those areas where it is difficult for them to find words become available. Children can use toys to say things, to do things that they themselves are embarrassed to do, and to express feelings that others might disapprove of. Thus, the child's world is a world of action and activity, and puppet therapy, without embarrassing or injuring the child, makes it possible to enter this world and combine the child's own interests with the correctional tasks of the teacher.

As the main method of corrective influence in doll therapy, a doll is used as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult. Putting a doll on his hand, the child "transmits" to her with joy his best feelings, forgetting about problems and fears, discovering hidden reserves in himself. It is in this amazing reincarnation that the main principle of puppet therapy, the principle of "transfer of the dominant" lies.

The following functions that puppet therapy performs can be distinguished:

Communicative - establishing emotional contact, uniting children in a team;

Relaxation - removal of emotional stress;

Educational - psycho-correction manifestation of personality in game models of life situations;

Developing - the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, etc.), motor skills;

Educational - enrichment with information about the world around.

Dolls help to enrich vocabulary, develop forms of monologue and dialogical speech. With their help on speech therapy classes numerous corrective tasks:

Automation and differentiation of sounds ("Sound houses", "Sound tracks", "One - many");

Development of coherent speech;

Development and improvement of general and fine motor skills of hands;

Development of memory, attention, thinking;

Development of coordination of movements;

Spatial orientation;

Communication skills, emotional attitude.

Develop children's speech, express emotions, feelings, state, movements, compare them with the character of the character (doll), which in ordinary life for some reason, the child cannot or does not allow himself to manifest;

master moral values: good and evil, what is good and what is bad, honesty, dignity and lies;

Puppet therapy as part of play therapy It has great opportunities in working with children in order to prevent maladaptive behavior. Such a correction, as researchers note (A.I. Zakharov, 1986; A. Spivakovskaya, 1988, Osipova A, 2003, etc.), is achieved by playing on dolls in a pair with parents or peers of typical conflict situations in which the children are.

The doll has a special meaning for personal development children. Thanks to the will and imagination of the child, she "behaves" exclusively in the way that is necessary in this moment to her owner. The child experiences with his doll all the events of his own and someone else's life in all emotional and moral manifestations that are accessible to his understanding.

For modern child The doll is above all a cute toy that can be turned into a symbolic play partner. The child experiences with her the events of his own and someone else's life in emotional and moral manifestations that are accessible to his understanding. doll or soft toy- a substitute for a real friend who understands everything and does not remember evil. Playing with her, the baby learns reflection, emotional identification.

In individual speech therapy classes I use the technique- One-man theatre. The child chooses a doll and has a dialogue with it. Children pronounce words more confidently, tell poems, nursery rhymes, mini-tales, participate in staging an ordinary fairy tale. Games with dolls help the child not only overcome speech difficulties, but also improve themselves, becoming sociable, emotional, adequate in the gaming field. Dolls help develop natural abilities, creative thinking, memory, emotional sphere.

Puppet therapy with glove puppets can be used in the development of children's speech preschool age. He also uses glove puppets in his work as a speech therapist. The child manipulates this doll behind a screen, which allows him to hide and reveal himself. So, even if he is afraid to speak, stutters and blushes, then behind the screen he calms down, begins to speak more confidently - it's not he who speaks, but his hero. The doll distracts the child's attention from speech difficulties. The development of speech is very important in the puppet theater. The "artist" must remember the text, pronounce it in time simultaneously with the movement of the doll and at the same time convey emotions.

Glove puppets, skillfully used in the classroom, help to evoke positive emotions or gradually weaken nervous tension in children. A doll on the hand of an adult or a child, acting as an interlocutor for him, concentrates his attention on himself, helps to freely enter into a conversation, encourages active speech actions, providing an opportunity to feel relaxed.

With the help of a doll, a teacher can vary the requirements for speech and behavior of children in the classroom, which contributes to the development of freedom of speech communication. For example, if the child cannot start the phrase, you can say it along with your favorite doll ( help in disguise adult). When one of the children is distracted during the lesson and starts to play pranks, a doll may appear on the teacher’s hand, which will sternly say: “ Somersault while charging, now do business! Such a playful remark, as a rule, works much better than a call for silence and moralizing.

Fan doll.

At the heart of such a doll is a fan made of paper. On the central part of the fan in expanded form is drawn fairy tale hero. The child can do this work both on his own and with the help of his mother or a psychologist. There is a special magic in such a doll. The fan unfolds - and it turns out a doll with which you can play, play out a fairy tale. You can cover your face with a fan - and this is already a fabulous mask. It is good to store such dolls, as the folded fan takes up very little space. If you have a desire to make such dolls to work with a specific fairy tale, all fan dolls will fit perfectly in a candy box on which the name of the fairy tale is pasted.

Stock puppet (cockerel, ducklings, dog, bear, etc.).

These dolls are driven with one or two rods (sticks). They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills, which contributes to the development of speech in children. These dolls also develop the flexibility of the fingers, hand and wrist. Working with children younger age dolls on one stem are used. The teacher teaches to hold the doll with all fingers (in the fist). The doll moves due to the movements of the brush. Older children control puppets on two rods. To manipulate such dolls, you need to teach children to hold the sticks only with their fingertips.

And other types of dolls not complicated in terms of the way they are made, they will bring joy and pleasure to children, add variety to corrective classes.

When playing with a doll, it is impossible to play silently. The child comes up with a plot, pronounces it, voices the doll, pronounces her experiences. The child absorbs the richness of the Russian language, expressive means of speech, various intonations of the doll and tries to speak correctly and clearly.

Playing with dolls provides an indirect and imperceptible comprehensive treatment educational impact and helps to gain a sense of success in precisely the area in which the child feels most vulnerable. Playing with a doll gives children the opportunity full disclosure individual features. In the game - the words of the child should revive the dolls and give them a mood, character. Playing with dolls, the child reveals his hidden feelings not only verbally, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

/  Doll therapy for children

Art therapy methods are gaining more and more popularity among child psychologists. The direction implies the use different forms artistic activity to stimulate development and solve problems. We decided to talk about puppet therapy - a method of art therapy, which is often used by psychologists when working with young patients.

In the article we will talk in detail about the method of puppet therapy in psychological work with baby. In addition, we will find out how good this technique is.

What is the technique?

Communication with toys milestone in the development of each a full-fledged personality. That is why direct communication with puppets as a method psychological help and correction of the child's behavior is very effective.

It is worth noting that, as mentioned above, art therapy is now used by both adults and children's specialists. Most likely, you have seen coloring books for adults on the shelves of stores, which, according to the creators, help relieve stress or distract from daily problems. Playing with dolls is no worse: with the help of such a game, a confidential conversation with an object that the child animates and endows with special properties, one can achieve excellent results. Indeed, the puppet therapy method helps to relieve stress, stimulates the development of the baby and even corrects behavior in certain cases.

“On the one hand, the child through the doll feels responsible for her actions, behavior, finds expression for emotions, feelings, state, on the other hand, the adult indirectly carries out educational influence, which is not perceived by the child as an indication, assignment and does not cause resistance in children.”

When a child plays with a doll, he creates his own reality by imitating the situations around him. And since the game is the most natural process for a child, using it as a method of psychological assistance and correction is perhaps one of the softest, but effective ways.

What problems does it solve?

Any psychological technique is aimed at achieving certain goals: behavior correction, removal of clamps, stress, determination social role, assistance in self-improvement, development, etc. The undoubted advantage of puppet therapy is that this method psychological child quite variable, so it can be the key to solving a whole range of problems child education, development and behavior.

First, puppetry helps to establish emotional contact with a child or between children (if the technique is used in a group). In addition, very often, with the help of it, a psychologist or teacher can easily rally children's team or help in its natural formation.

Secondly, a confidential conversation with a doll, playing or making a doll together, which then “comes to life”, is a helping hand in relieving emotional stress.

Thirdly, puppet therapy promotes the development of attention, artistic perception, long-term and short-term memory.

Fourthly, puppet therapy is infinitely diverse, which means that this method can also include an educational function. You or a specialist will be able to enrich the baby with information about the world around him.

Fifth, psychological games help with puppets social adaptation child. This is important in kindergarten, school or other institutions where the baby spends time in a team.

Sixth, puppet therapy sessions with professional psychologist can help to cope with, and emotional trauma.

“Puppet therapy is applied to children of almost any level of development, since the psychologist necessarily establishes an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance, aimed at meeting the needs of each child.

The psychologist treats the abilities of each child with respect, accepts the latter as he is, establishes restrictions only necessary to consolidate the effect of therapy in real life and so that the child is aware of the measure of his responsibility in the relationship.

The only thing that Russian and foreign experts do not recommend is the use of the method with very aggressive children, since such children require a strictly regulated system of behavior and restrictions, which is unusual for this art therapy method.”

Elena Andrienko, higher education teacher qualification category, psychologist at the Children's Development Center "Skazka"

Mode of application

How does a puppet therapy session take place? If we talk about the methodology in general terms, then together with the child, the psychologist plays with the help of a doll (dolls) a story in faces that helps the child understand the causes of stress, behavioral deviations and other realities of everyday life (we talked about this in the previous paragraph).

Since doll therapy is, first of all, an art technique, the method of conducting sessions may vary depending on the professionalism of the psychologist and the characteristics of the character of a particular child.

For example, it can be a puppet theater, when a child looks at the situation from the side and independently or with the help of a specialist does correct conclusions that influence further behavior in ordinary life.

This can be a confidential conversation on a certain topic with a child with the help of one or more dolls. Sometimes it’s easier for a baby to reveal the most intimate not to adult uncles and aunts (even if it’s mom and dad), but to a soft animal or fairy tale character. During the conversation, the child talks about the most important thing, this allows you to find out real reasons stress, clamps and other psychological problems that can occur at any age.

It should also be mentioned that a wide variety of puppets can be used in this method of art therapy: individual characters of the cartoon world, the kid’s favorite toy, theatrical puppets (puppets, mitten puppets, life-size and finger puppets) and others. An experienced specialist will easily determine what exactly to use in the process of puppet therapy, because, as you understand, it is individual for each child.

For example, finger puppets (you can draw on your fingers, make them from caps, paper or balls) can be made with the child and used for quick diagnosis emotional state.

Another option is cardboard flat dolls. The faces of paper characters can be changed depending on the emotional state, such “theatricality” as a technique helps children with personality formation problems.
Glove dolls allow you to use several characters during an art therapy session: a psychologist can play a performance that will point out problems in the development and behavior of the baby or correct existing problems.

Stages of doll therapy

Of course, puppet therapy can be used by a psychologist as an applied method of psychological support, to identify the problem that the psychologist has to work on. However, if we talk about doll therapy as a complex phenomenon in the correction of behavior and solving problems of child psychology, then it is worth highlighting several stages.

The first step is to make the doll. If in the course of therapy the psychologist uses dolls that he can make with the child (finger, paper, drawings on the palms, etc.), then in the process of joint creativity, the specialist can establish contact with the child. The kid begins to trust the psychologist, so in future sessions it will be easier for him to open up to a stranger. This is especially important when working with preschool children.

The second stage is the "revival" of the doll. At this moment, the psychologist can ask the child about his doll: what is she, what is her name, why does she look like that, what does she love, who is she friends with. Answering the questions will help the specialist to understand the personality of the child, reveal his essence and find places that influence the behavior of the baby.

The third stage is direct fairy tale therapy in the forms we spoke about above.

“As one of the methods of art therapy, puppet therapy develops the ability of emotional self-regulation, prevents the development of neuropsychic pathologies in children - relieves internal tension, anxiety, distrust of the world, corrects behavioral problems develops creativity.

Despite the fact that the development and active use of art therapy techniques, in this case, puppet therapy, has been observed in recent decades, it should be noted that this technique somewhat similar to the old folk games and fun, which had a very great educational potential.

Elena Andrienko, teacher of the highest qualification category, psychologist at the Skazka Children's Development Center

In Krasnoyarsk, many child psychologists use puppet therapy. Every year this kind of art therapy is becoming more and more popular, as it combines the classical techniques of psychology, traditions and individual approach. Look in to find an experienced child psychologist which can help you solve problems with the development and upbringing of your baby.

We are sure that we were able to give you at least a partial idea of ​​puppet therapy. We are sure that you will not encounter serious children's psychological problems, and you will bypass all the bumps and bumps that arise on the way of raising and developing your baby. Patience and health to you, Dear Parents!

Tatyana Belousova

In this project, there is OO integration: « cognitive development”, “Social communication development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "," Physical development”, “Speech development”.

Pedagogical technologies: project method, research methods, information and communication technologies, modeling method. game methods, mnemonics, puppet therapy, cooperative learning.

Project type: group, information-cognitive, creative.

Project participants: children of group No. 10 (preparatory, senior and average age, defectologist, parents, educators.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions for development creativity children, their musicality, cognitive and speech development.

Project objectives:

1. Activate cognitive interest children.

2. Develop visual, auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking.

3. Remove tightness and stiffness.

4. Cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

5. Develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.

6. Develop plastic expressiveness.

7. Develop speech breathing and correct articulation.

8. Develop diction.

9. Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.

10. Introduce theatrical terminology.

11. Cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.

Expected result:

1. Children know how to act in concert.

2. They are able to relieve tension in individual muscle groups.

3. Remember the given poses.

4. They know how to pronounce words, phrases at different tempos, loudly and quietly.

5. They know how to build a simple dialogue.

6. Familiar with the basics of puppetry.

7. Know the history of the puppet theater.

The use of puppets lexical topics weeks.

Vegetables. - Mouse

Fruits. - Monkey

Berries. Mushrooms. - Hedgehog

Autumn. - Wise Owl

Trees. - Squirrel

Wild animals of our forests. - Bear

Wild animals of the southern, northern countries. - Hippopotamus

Pets- Cat

Domestic birds. - Rooster

Family. - Grandfather

Our town. Our edge. - Grandmother

Russia is my homeland. - Ivanushka

Winter. Winter fun. - Ivanushka

Wintering birds. - bullfinch

New Year. - Snowman

Toys. - Robot

Dishes. Food - Fedora

Cloth. Headwear - Masha

Shoes. - Puss in Boots

Defender of the Fatherland Day. - Bunny hare

Furniture. - Three Bears

Mom's holiday. - Masha

Professions. - Ivanushka

Tools. -Three piglets

Spring. - Cloud

Migratory birds. - Owl

Space. - Dog

Human. - Fixik Nolik

Fish. - Gold fish

Victory Day. - Grandfather

Insects. - Butterfly

Joint activities of an adult and a child, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Cognitive development Speech development

Conversations on the topic

"How did the first doll come about?"

"The First Puppet Theater"

"Favorite dolls from different countries"

Examination of maps of Russia and the world.

Compilation of creative stories:

"The Story of a Doll"

"My trip to the theater"

Compilation of verbal descriptions

"Guess what the doll is?"

"My favorite doll" (using mnemotables)

Writing scripts for mini-plays.

Russian reading folk tales, stories and poems for children.

Working with parents in the framework of the project:

Design of the album "Theatre and Children"

Advice for parents "Puppet theater in your kitchen"

Joint visit to the theater

Making dolls from waste material

Final stage: puppet show for parents and guests.

Related publications:

The use of puppet therapy techniques in the work of a psychologist Summary of classes with children topic: “Doll North Bereginya - Travnitsa” Prepared and conducted by: teacher - psychologist Sapogova O. V. Orenburg,.

Abstract of the GCD lesson on the topic: “Slavic ritual dolls". Manufacturing folk doll» Participants: children of senior preschool age.

Play is very important for a preschool child. Special meaning for the development of children have dolls that are a symbol of childhood, nursery.

pedagogical project. "Dolls from a grandmother's chest" (dolls - amulets) Topic: "Dolls from a grandmother's chest" (dolls - amulets). “Whoever did not play with dolls did not see happiness” ( folk wisdom) Explanatory.

Informative - research project "What the dolls are silent about" The theme of the project is “What the dolls are silent about” Project authors: A group of pupils middle group No. 2 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 40-TsRR", Tobolsk Head.

Type of project: information and educational, creative. Duration: short term. Project participants: children of the preparatory group,.

Doll therapy is a method of treatment with the help of dolls. The possibilities of puppet therapy allow solving various important correctional tasks, for example: expanding the child's self-expression repertoire, achieving emotional stability and self-regulation, correcting relationships in the child-parent system.



Municipal state preschool institution

Kindergarten №30

Krasnouralsk, Sverdlovsk region

puppet therapy

in work



educator MKDOU for children garden №30

Shishkina Tatyana Borisovna

IN modern psychology the role of puppets is considered in various aspects. Dolls are an attribute of childhood, children's culture. With a doll, a child quickly and easily masters communication skills (it is easier to talk with a toy);
Doll therapy is a method of treatment with the help of dolls. The possibilities of puppet therapy allow solving various important correctional tasks, for example: expanding the child's self-expression repertoire, achieving emotional stability and self-regulation, correcting relationships in the child-parent system.

Puppet therapy is widely used to resolve conflicts, improve social adaptation, in corrective work with fears, stuttering, behavioral disorders, as well as in working with children with emotional trauma.

People have long believed that the doll has a mysterious mystical power and supernatural abilities. They used dolls in rites to exorcise diseases. For example, in Japan there is famous rite, during which the ailments of its sick owner are “dumped” onto the doll. After that, the doll is planted in paper boat and let them sail. Over time, the boat gets wet, and the doll, along with all human diseases, sinks. The peoples of Russia have similar rites.

In Rus', a rag doll was given to a newborn to protect from evil spirits, a bride leaving her mother's house, from infertility. The doll was placed in the bed of a woman in labor to facilitate childbirth.

In puppet therapy, such variants of puppets as puppets, finger puppets, shadow puppets, rope puppets, plane puppets, glove puppets and costume puppets are used.

The glove puppet theater is also called the "Petrushka theatre". Puppets are used to dramatize fairy tales. IN puppet shows guys are worried and "lose" life situations, try on the roles of the offender and the offended, the strong and the weak, the caring and the indifferent.

Children's favorite type of theater is finger theater. He creates favorable emotional background, provides finger training. It is used to develop the expressiveness of speech, playing sketches, staging poetry

The puppet is a good remedy self-expression for overly shy children. Also, puppets can be used in family therapy as a means of playing conflict situations and images of the desired future.

Puppets for the shadow theater are made of black or dark cardboard. They are mainly used to work on children's fears.

Rope puppets are multifunctional. They are effective for working out in children the problems of identification, communication, increased anxiety.

A planar doll is a model of a doll carved from thick cardboard or thin plywood. As a rule, the doll's arms are attached to hinges or buttons and are free to move. Such dolls are used to work with children who have problems in communication, behavior, with a violation of the image of "I". Such a doll can have an interchangeable set of facial expressions that correspond to different emotional states.

Volumetric dolls are traditionally used to play role playing. These are ordinary toys the size of a person.

Making a doll is healing, as is any act of creative expression.

In our work, children and I often make dolls from different shreds. This is the Day and Night doll - dolls-amulets of the home, Vepska doll, Spin doll, Cleansing doll.

Dolls are used for independent games V free time. Children preen, talk with them, laugh, rejoice and give to friends and relatives.

A toy made by a child with the help of an adult is not only the result of labor, but also a creative expression of his individuality. A doll that has passed through the hands of a child becomes especially attractive. The thing on which he worked, putting fiction, fantasy and love into it, comes to life in his hands, bringing joy to the child and others

Dolls are one of the most amazing and mysterious creations of man.

Many peoples have myths about how gods from different materials made dolls, they turned into people. According to these myths, the dolls appeared before people. So, one of the ancient Chinese legends tells that the goddess Nuwa sculpted little men. I sculpted a figurine of a little girl and gave her the name Zhen - "man". Scientists believe that dolls are almost with a person. Like it or not, but the union between a person and a doll was concluded in time immemorial: a doll is the image and likeness of a person.

Dolls imitate the adult world, preparing the child for adult relationships. Since the doll represents a person, it performs different roles and acts as a partner to the child. He acts with her the way he wants, forcing her to fulfill her dreams and desires. Playing with dolls performs a serious social and psychological function, embodying and shaping a certain ideal, giving vent to hidden emotions.

Most likely, this is the basis of such a method of therapy as puppet therapy (treatment with puppets), which is one of the most commonly used methods in working with children. Undoubtedly this method, like other methods corrective therapy, is also used when working with adults.

Dolls are used in play therapy and art therapy. Therefore, there is no clear definition of this type of therapy, as well as fairy tale therapy, yet. Because, if already used ready dolls, we can talk about play therapy, but if the dolls are made by ourselves, then art therapy.

Puppet therapy allows you to help a child with a variety of psychological difficulties. Especially effective in working with children. A favorite doll is important and means a lot to a child, so using one can go a long way in helping a child cope with fear (for example, you can convince a child that he is brave and should protect a doll that is actually afraid).

A doll is an image of a person in a “miniature” that has existed since primitive times, hence it becomes possible to accept a doll as a carrier of an archetype, i.e. our unconscious, which structures the understanding of the world, ourselves and other people.

L. Voitsekhovich

The child's favorite puppet can be used in a small performance, the script of which is directly related to the child's problem and ends well. Thus, through a doll, you can teach a child to act differently, give him a way out of his difficult situation. Dolls are very understandable to children, with the help of dolls, children can say things that they could not say with words. In the same way, with the help of a puppet game, an adult can convey to a child what the child will not understand in words.

How does puppet therapy help?

1. Psychodiagnostics.

Playing with dolls, the child can tell more accurately than words about what is happening in his life, what he feels, how he treats others, while the doll, and not himself, is responsible for everything said. "A child's play is its language, and toys are its words."

2. Ability to manage emotions.

It is possible to use any theatrical puppets here.

3. Self-expression.

4. Acquisition of important social skills.

Playing with dolls - heroes of fairy tales - becomes a kind of school social relations, since such dolls carry a moral character.

The solution to this problem is possible with any kind of dolls.

5. Development of communication skills.

Puppets, finger, miming, parsley puppets are used.

6. Development of self-consciousness.

7. Development of gross and fine motor skills.

Finger puppets and puppets are used)

8. Resolution of internal conflicts.

A rag doll is used.

9. Development of speech.

With a doll, a child quickly and easily masters communication skills - it is easier to talk with a toy. Dolls are now used to treat stuttering.

10. Correction of relations in the family.

11. The formation of the psychosexual identity of boys and girls.

12. Prevention and correction of fears.

Shadow theater puppets are more often used, but work with finger puppets also gives good results.

13. Restoration of the musculoskeletal system.

Children and adults suffering various diseases of this type (for example, cerebral palsy), with the help of puppets in the process of rehearsing puppet shows, they are gradually rehabilitated.

14. Search for internal mechanisms of disease resistance.

People have long believed that the doll has a mysterious mystical power and supernatural abilities. They used dolls in rites to exorcise diseases. For example, in Japan there is a well-known rite, during which the illnesses of its sick owner are “dumped” onto the doll. After that, the doll is put into a paper boat and set sail. Over time, the boat gets wet, and the doll, along with all human diseases, sinks.

There are similar rituals among the peoples of Russia. There is a legend that one winter in a peasant family living in a forest hut, a child fell ill. The boy faded away and kept asking when summer will come. The father, in order to alleviate the suffering of his son, carved birds from pine trees and hung them around the hut. The son saw them, asked for food and began to recover.

The puppet therapy process takes place in two stages:

1. Making dolls.

Sometimes it is enough to create a doll - and subsequent work with it turns out to be unnecessary.

2. Subsequent therapeutic work with her.

The process of making dolls is also corrective. Being carried away by the process of making dolls, children become more calm, balanced. Making dolls is a kind of meditation. Both in adults and in children, when they themselves make dolls, thanks to this process, the arbitrariness of mental processes develops, fine motor skills hands, imagination, ability to concentrate, perseverance.

In addition, dolls play the role of those objects to which the instinctive energy of a person is shifted: a person attributes his own thoughts, feelings and behavior to a doll, allows him to lighten the load of his emotions and work out his feelings, tell a doll something that cannot be told to others, a person identifies himself with more a strong or significant personality (so boys try to be like their fathers, girls try to be like their mothers).

A year ago, I first met on the Internet with rag dolls. I became so interested that I decided to make some of them. The first was given with great difficulty, but then it gets easier and easier. But what feelings I experienced when, going into the kitchen, where they stood on the cabinet, I looked at my creation! And I looked at every call ... Every time I had a desire to take the doll in my hands, press it and kiss it. Feelings are akin to feelings experienced for a child.

It would be great if every city had its own " Dollhouse”, where children and adults can come, create dolls together, compose fairy tales, learn to hear and understand each other and the world around them ...

L. Voitsekhovich

In puppet therapy, such variants of puppets as puppet puppets, finger puppets, shadow puppets, rope puppets, plane puppets, glove puppets, costume puppets are used. Let's consider them briefly.


Such a doll consists of a head and a dress with sewn-in sleeves, it is very easy to control: one thread is used to control the head, the other - the arms. The doll can have one face or interchangeable faces (which allows the child to simulate different emotions), or it can be without a face (which allows the child to fantasize what mood the doll's hero is in).

Working with a puppet allows you to improve fine motor skills hands and general coordination of movements; to show through the doll those emotions, feelings, states that the child for some reason cannot or does not allow himself to show. "Reviving" the doll, the child for the first time in his life feels adult responsibility for the actions of the doll, for its "life"; can be aware of causal relationships between his actions and changes in the movements of the doll; learns to find an adequate bodily expression for various emotions, feelings, states; develop voluntary attention and the ability to concentrate.

Finger puppets.

Most simple option finger puppets are ping-pong balls or empty egg shells, on which various facial expressions, various characters are drawn. Finger puppets can also be made from thick cardboard in the form of small cylinders, the size of which is selected according to the size of the child's fingers.

Shadow puppets.

Shadow puppets are used to operate shadow theater and are made from black or dark cardboard or paper. Such dolls are mainly used to work on children's fears. Playing with such a puppet in the shadow theater, the child gains experience in solving his problem.

Usually fear is invisible. Realizing fear in the form of a doll, the child masters the situation, and the fear materialized in the doll loses its emotional intensity, its frightening component. The child can do whatever he wants with his “doll-fear”, up to complete destruction.

This is the corrective meaning of the shadow theater and shadow puppets.

Rope puppets.

Rope puppets are multifunctional. They are effective for working out problems of identification, communication, and increased anxiety in children. Such a doll can be the size of a child's height. It is easy to make: the outline of the doll is assembled from the rope, the head of the doll is fastened to the child's shirt by the loop, and the child's finger is threaded into the loops on the doll's palms. Thus, the child imitates the movement of the doll along with their own movements.

Flat dolls.

A planar doll is a model of a doll cut out of thick cardboard or thin plywood. As a rule, the doll's arms are attached to hinges or buttons and are free to move. Such dolls are used to work with children who have problems in communication, behavior, with a violation of the image of "I". Such a doll can have an interchangeable set of facial expressions that correspond to different emotional states.

Glove puppets.

Glove puppets are traditionally used for children's puppet theaters, various dramatizations, images of fairy tales.

Volumetric dolls.

Volumetric dolls are traditionally used to play role-playing games. These are ordinary toys the size of a person.

Reviving the doll, the child sees that his every movement is immediately reflected in her behavior. Thus, he receives prompt non-directive feedback on his actions. This helps him independently adjust his movements and make the doll's behavior as expressive as possible.

Parents and caregivers can play an important role in puppet therapy. They can provide all possible assistance to the child in making a doll, through a doll they can help evaluate his actions, find a way to solve a difficult situation. A puppet theater created at home can become environmentally friendly to develop social confidence.

Sources: A.Yu.Tatarintseva "Children's fears",
L.G. Grebenshchikova "Fundamentals of doll therapy"

A.Yu.Tatarintseva "Childhood fears"

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