DIY magic snowflake craft. Snowflake made of textile napkin

Of course, the most popular material for making snowflakes is paper, but with a little imagination and a little ingenuity you can make this type decor from other available materials, for example, wire, beads, felt fabric, plastic bottles, cotton swabs and much more. Today we will tell you what to make snowflakes from for home decor. You can decorate with ready-made snowflakes New Year's tree, curtain rods, door handles, ceiling chandeliers, and wall sconces.

What can you make snowflakes from or how to make snowflakes with your own hands.

Such snowflakes can be collected from a wide variety of pasta, V in this example shells and bows were used. Place the future snowflake on the table, hot glue gun or use polymer glue to glue all the pasta together, and finally paint the product acrylic paint. You can read more about making such snowflakes; various examples of pasta snowflakes are also presented there.

Snowflakes made of wire.

We take a long piece of wire, wind one of the ends into a spiral, string a transparent bead, create a loop, followed by two more loops, twist the ends with loops. Let's move on to the next part of the snowflake, thread the bead, create long loop, press it down with your fingers, create two more such loops next to it, twist all three loops one at a time. We do the same with the next parts of the snowflake. From the remaining piece of wire we create a cobweb in the center; to do this, we lead the wire from one ray of the snowflake to another, each time wrapping the ray at the center. You can tie a silver thread to the finished snowflake and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles.

Cut off the bottom with a knife plastic bottle, take a thin brush and use acrylic paint to paint a snowflake on the cut-off part of the bottle. Finally, using an awl on top, we create two holes into which we thread a rope to hang the product.

Snowflakes made from paper towel tubes.

Slice stationery knife slightly flattened tube from paper towels, into rings 5-7 mm wide. We lay out a snowflake out of them on the table (the product can be supplemented with elements of their paper), glue all the parts with polymer glue or Moment glue. Cover the top of the snowflake with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with small sparkles.

Felt snowflakes.

We cut the felt fabric into circles (you can try using cotton pads), sewing machine, use colored threads to draw out the outlines of the snowflakes, then use scissors to cut out their outlines.

Snowflakes made of beads.

Snowflakes can also be made from beads; the entire process of weaving snowflakes and beads is shown below.

Snowflakes made of beads.

To work, you will need three pieces of wire; they must be soldered or glued together with a glue gun in the center. String beads of different sizes onto the sections of the future snowflake, and so that they do not fall off at the ends, you need to create rings with pliers or treat the last beads with transparent polymer glue.

Snowflakes made from cotton swabs.

Cut out circles from thick colored cardboard and place them on them. cotton buds, forming the outline of a snowflake, glue all parts of the sticks to the base of the circle.

Snowflakes made of woolen threads.

On a sheet of parchment or a piece of film, draw a snowflake with a marker (photo below), grease the surface of the snowflake thick cream for hands. Cut off the short part wool threads, soak it in PVA glue and apply it to the drawn parts. When all parts of the snowflake are pasted over, use the spout of a bottle of PVA glue to draw the snowflakes piece by piece, covering them with adhesive film. Then we dip the brush into blue gouache and paint the applied layer of glue. We leave the snowflake to dry; when the product is dry, carefully separate it from the parchment or film.

Snowflakes with a hot gun.

We grease a sheet of parchment with rich hand cream, use a glue gun to draw the outline of a snowflake, after the snowflake has hardened, we grease its surface with PVA glue and sprinkle it with glitter. WITH reverse side Use a glue gun to glue the hanging thread.

Snowflakes made from toothpicks.

We lay out two identical lattices from toothpicks, gluing them with PVA glue, then we wrap each of them at the joints with thread. Then we lay one lattice on top of the other, slightly mixing it clockwise, gluing it to each other with transparent polymer glue or Moment.

Snowflake made of matches.

On a piece of paper, draw with a pen and measure out the shape of a snowflake with a ruler. Then we take several boxes of matches and light each match to give them the desired color. Then we glue the matches to the surface of the shape cut out of cardboard. The length of the matches can be adjusted by cutting off the excess with scissors.

Snowflakes made from PVA glue.

Cover a sheet of parchment with a layer of hand cream, then draw the outline of a snowflake with PVA glue, sprinkle the product with fine glitter, and leave to dry completely. Then we carefully separate the frozen snowflake from the surface of the parchment (a video is presented at the end of the article).

Volumetric snowflake made of paper.

On a sheet of paper we draw six squares, in each of the squares we draw three more squares. We cut out large squares and bend each one in the middle. Using scissors, we do not completely cut along the lines. We unfold the square, fold the first row of strips, gluing them together with PVA glue or connecting them with a stapler. Turn the square over and connect the next row of strips. Then turn the square over again and connect the next row of strips with glue or a stapler. The same should be done with the next five squares. When all the parts of the snowflake are ready, they need to be connected together, pinned with a stapler.

Snowflake made of textile napkin.

Such a snowflake will greatly decorate festive table, namely the guest's plate. We take a square textile napkin, bend all four corners to the center, and also bend the newly formed four corners to the center. Turn the napkin over, bend the corners towards the center, holding it with your hand. We pull the corners out, carefully straightening them with our hands; between the rays of the snowflake we also straighten the corners outwards. Place the snowflake on a plate, and place a large rhinestone or cone in its center.

DIY paper snowflakes.

Paper snowflakes can be glued to the glass of a window, hung on a fishing line from the ceiling, chandelier or sconce, and also decorated with them New Year tree. To create a snowflake you will need square sheet paper, bend it in half, bend the corner of the left formed part to the right bottom, now bend the right corner to the left bottom, fold the resulting part in half. Cut off the excess part with scissors. Well, then you need to cut out the snowflakes using scissors according to the templates presented below.
How to fold paper correctly to create a snowflake.

What to make snowflakes from? Made from PVA glue.

As you can see, making snowflakes with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially since you can use absolutely different materials. We hope that after this review, the question of what to make snowflakes from will no longer bother you.

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Crazy rhythm modern life doesn't always allow you to feel festive mood before New Year. Therefore, we try to decorate the room to create the appropriate atmosphere.

To decorate a room, you don’t have to buy decorations in a store. But it will be more pleasant to decorate the room with your own hands. It’s enough to get the whole family together on a day off and start preparing for the New Year.

The simplest element holiday decor- this is a snowflake. IN Soviet times children folded a piece of paper several times and cut it out geometric figures. When unfolded, the result was a snowflake with openwork patterns.

With development modern technologies, there was an opportunity to learn about various methods production of design elements.

In today's article we will look at several options for making a popular New Year's attribute.

Making a beautiful Christmas tree is quite simple. To cut out a snowflake we will need scissors and a sheet of paper. Follow the step-by-step instructions with photos and you will definitely succeed.

Prepare a square sheet of paper (15 cm). First of all, we fold it diagonally, as shown in the photo below.

Then we connect both ends of the triangle and smooth the fold with our hand.

We continue to bend the sheet and cut off the excess, as shown in the image below.

Now we need an item round shape, for example, a pencil with glue. We use it to draw two circles on the workpiece.

The next step is to cut out the paper along the drawn circle, and we should get this figure:

As a result of these actions, we created a snowflake around the edges. Now let's take care of the center. To do this, cut out a semicircle on one side of the workpiece.

In the end, we got this craft.

For variety, you can experiment, just cut out different shapes.

Step-by-step instructions for making three-dimensional snowflakes

You can decorate the room with 3D decorations. There are many ways to make such decor. We will look at one of the simple options for creating a large snowflake.

First we need to make from rectangular sheet paper is a perfect square. To do this, fold it as shown in the photo below, and then cut off the excess part.

Fold the triangle in half. We make sure that all the lines are straight and the ends match.

From the edge where the ends meet, we make notches with a pencil in 2 cm increments. And we draw lines, leaving about one centimeter from the edge.

Now we make cuts along the drawn lines with scissors.

We carefully unfold the workpiece so as not to damage it.

In the next step we will need glue. Starting from the center, we begin gluing each pair of strips.

Then we turn the workpiece over and glue the next pair of strips on the other side. Thus, we prepare six parts of the future snowflake.

All that remains is to fasten the blanks with a stapler, first in the center and then along the edges.

You can use glitter to decorate the decoration. Painted edges also look beautiful. Go for it!

How to make beautiful New Year's snowflakes

Want to do beautiful decoration for your apartment? Nothing could be simpler. Just have some paper and scissors ready. In just one minute you can cut out a snowflake with your own hands for the New Year holidays.

Here's the final result:

We take a regular A4 sheet. From the corner we bend one side to the other to make it triangular shape. Bottom part We don't need it, so we cut it off with scissors.

The next step is to fold the workpiece in half.

Now we bend one side slightly obliquely, and bend the opposite side on top, and turn the workpiece over. The actions are shown in the image.

The appearance of the finished snowflake will depend further on the design. Here you can show your imagination, but first use ready-made option, and then experiment.

All that remains is to cut out the decorated element according to the drawn template.

All that remains is to deploy our workpiece and evaluate our results. If you do everything according to the instructions, then you will definitely succeed.

DIY snowflakes using quilling technique

Making snowflakes using this technology will require perseverance and a lot of patience. Because the work is quite painstaking. But the result is worth it, the decoration turns out very beautiful. Young children may find this method difficult to use, but parents and students may enjoy it.

To understand the essence of this method, watch the corresponding video:

Try to make one craft, if you have enough nerves, then continue the creative process.

Stencils of New Year's snowflakes

It is not necessary to use special technology or folding paper and then cutting it out. You can decorate your house with snowflakes, which are easy to make from ready-made templates. All that remains is to download the patterns and cut out the decorative element using them using a stationery knife or scissors.

I offer several interesting options, which you can print or download to your computer:

We cut out these stencils, paint them if necessary, and stick them on windows or other surfaces that we want to decorate.

You can print all these patterns using the icon below:

As a result of the click, a new window will open in which you should click on the “Printer” shortcut and configure printing.

Snowflakes for the New Year in the form of a ballerina (templates and diagrams)

As you already understand, snowflakes can be given the most different shapes, structure and volume. But if you want to diversify your decorative elements, then use ballerina templates.

I have selected several options. If you wish, download them or print them; after the stencils there will be a PDF file label with all the images.

Click on the PDF file shortcut and download the templates.

If you know how to draw, then try making a stencil yourself. You will succeed.

Step-by-step master class on creating snowflakes for beginners

If you have never made a paper snowflake with your own hands, then I offer you a step-by-step and detailed instructions. This method is one of the simplest.

We will need A4 paper, you can use colored material. To make an equilateral square, you need to connect the top side to the side. And then cut off the bottom part.

Fold the resulting triangular blank in half, then smooth the corners.

To ensure that all edges and corners are even, we will mark points for further production. We unfold the triangle so that the square is folded only diagonally.

Now top corner connect it to the center of the base and smooth the bend with your hand to mark the point.

To create the next point, bend the base to the first bend.

Then we connect the upper corner of the triangle to the previous bend.

Now we need a ruler. Bend the triangle along a line that runs from the end of the upper segment to the center of the base. We do the same on the other side.

We fold the workpiece along the side lines. Carefully iron the bend lines.

Cut off the excess paper along the fold line.

As a result, we get a hexagonal blank, from which we will then make a snowflake.

We fold the workpiece along the lines again and fold it in half.

We will need to draw some kind of pattern. To get started, use the ready-made option in the photo below, and after that you can experiment with the drawings.

Cut according to the template.

Carefully unfold it and we should get something like this snowflake with 6 rays.

The main thing is to remember all the steps, and then the whole process will take you no more than one minute.

An easy way to cut out paper snowflakes for kids

Involve children for New Year's decoration premises. This process will be exciting for them. Look at the video how a girl makes a simple but beautiful snowflake in just a couple of minutes.

It is possible that the first couple of attempts will be unsuccessful, but then you will not notice how for a long time Are you making New Year's snowflakes?

Turn on yours creative imagination and come up with original crafts together with your children.

Useful tips

Many have already learned how to make snowflakes from paper.

You can decorate windows, a house and a Christmas tree with such snowflakes, and snowflakes can be the most different colors and sizes.

But there are difficult snowflakes that look very beautiful and are made a little differently.

Some of them original snowflakes It’s not easy to do, but if you succeed, you will be convinced that your efforts were not in vain, since complex snowflakes are sometimes very beautiful and unusual.

Unusual snowflakes for the New Year: a simple three-dimensional snowflake

You will need:

Paper of any color


Glue (if necessary)


1. Prepare 6 squares of paper.

* If the snowflake is small, use plain paper, and if it is large, use thick paper or cardboard.

2. Each square must be folded in half diagonally.

3. Place the resulting triangle in front of you, draw stripes with a pencil and ruler as shown in the image (not reaching the fold) and make several cuts along the lines.

4. Lay out the square and bend the first row of strips into tubes. You can secure them with glue or a stapler.

5. Turn the square over and fold the second row.

6. Repeat this process (remembering to rotate the square) until all the strips are bent into tubes.

7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the remaining squares.

8. Using a stapler, first connect 3 blanks into one half of a volumetric snowflake, and then 3 more. After that, connect both halves. You need to connect in places where the workpieces touch.

* The stripes can be made wavy, then the snowflake will turn out even more original.

Making a three-dimensional snowflake (video)

How else can you make a 3D snowflake (video)

Unusual paper snowflakes

You will need:

White or colored paper


Double-sided tape or glue


1. Take a sheet of paper and start folding it like an accordion. If there is a little sheet left after the last fold, cut off the unnecessary piece.

2. Use a stapler to secure the paper accordion in the center.

3. Draw a simple pattern on the accordion and use scissors to cut it out.

4. Open your accordion and connect the ends using double-sided tape, creating half a snowflake.

5. Repeat the entire process to create the other half and connect both parts into one beautiful snowflake using double-sided tape or glue.

Unusual DIY snowflakes for the New Year: snowflakes in the shape of Star Wars movie characters

Here you will find the necessary templates for snowflakes Star Wars.

You will need:



Stationery knife

Print them out, cut out a circle, fold (preferably like an accordion) and cut out the gray area from a snowflake (you can use a utility knife).

The entire set of Star Wars themed snowflakes can be found .

How to create an unusual snowflake (video instructions):

Unusual DIY paper snowflakes: spirograph snowflake

What does the diagram mean:

- - - (dash-dash-dash) bend the ends of the paper upward. It's called a valley fold.

- . – (dash-dot-dash) bend the ends of the paper down. It's called a mountain bend.

You will need:

Square sheet of paper




* The paper must be either very thin or large in size, as it will have to be folded many times.

1. Fold in half diagonally to form a triangle.

2. Fold the triangle in half again.

3. Rotate the shape 45 degrees (see image).

4. Use a protractor to make marks at every 18 degrees.

5. Starting with the open side, fold the top layer along the markings, maneuvering between the mountain fold and the valley fold. It should look like an accordion.

6. Turn the figure over so that the accordion is on the bottom. Fold the end of the figure in the same way as in step 5, using the already folded accordion as a template.

7. Press down the entire structure well.

8. Using scissors, cut off the top and some of the bottom of the folded accordion.

9. Cut a small triangle as shown in the picture.

10. Expand the figure, and you should get a very unusual and beautiful snowflake.

Complex snowflakes with characters from the series "Doctor Who"

You will need:

Pencil and eraser


Stationery knife.

1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half diagonally. Next, fold the resulting triangle again and then again.

2. Draw one of the suggested designs on the side and carefully cut it out.

* Use a utility knife to cut out the inner parts of the workpiece.

* Since everything that is drawn will be mirrored on the other side of the paper, it is worth drawing only half of the drawing (half of the face or half of the building).

* Cut small parts It’s not easy, so be patient and carefully cut out the paper with a utility knife or scalpel.

A few more options:

Traditional, familiar and beloved room decoration for New Year's holidays These are paper snowflakes. They can be large and small, voluminous and flat, single and in a garland. There are a lot of options, everyone will choose the right one for themselves, and in the article we will look at the most basic ways to make snowflakes on New Year do it yourself from paper with detailed description and photographs.

For work we will need 1 A4 sheet; it can be colored or white. Fold it exactly in half lengthwise, then into an accordion. The edge of the accordion is two centimeters. Unfold and cut in half along the fold line. We received 2 identical accordions.

On the outside of the accordion we draw the outlines of a snowflake, as in video 1, and cut it out. We draw the second accordion and cut it out in the same way.

We glue openwork accordions together and fasten the middle with glue. We received a beautiful carved snowflake.

Huge snowflakes made from paper bags

Let's try to make three-dimensional ones with our own hands for the New Year; step-by-step photos with descriptions are given below. These paper snowflakes are very unusual and interesting.

They turn out to be voluminous and beautiful due to the fact that they need to be made from paper bags, which you can buy or pre-glue yourself.

For this work we need (for 1 snowflake):

  1. Paper bags 30 * 9 cm.
  2. Cardboard strips 20 * 9 cm and 20 * 1 cm.
  3. A simple pencil and a ruler.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Glue or thin double-sided tape.

We make a snowflake like this:

  1. On cardboard 20 by 9 cm, draw a template of one repeating part and cut it out.
  2. We transfer the template to bags and cut it out. For 1 snowflake you need to use 10 bags, from which we will get 10 rays of a snowflake.
  3. Next, in the center we glue each ray with the neighboring one. To do this, spread a strip of glue or glue double-sided tape or adhesive tape.
  4. We unfold our volumetric snowflake and also fasten the outer rays together.

Any snowflakes can be lightly smeared along the edges with glue and sprinkled with glitter, or brushed over them with a dry brush, with a small amount of paint of any color, this way you can shade the snowflake.

Star - snowflake

For this amazing and unusual, bright star - a snowflake, we need:

  1. Colored paper. Sheets 11 by 16 cm. Six sheets of different shades.
  2. Glue and scissors.

We roll each sheet into a tube and glue it, then fold it in half and cut it into 2 even parts. We glue all the parts, placing them on top of each other.

Cutting off top part the entire stack onto a sharp corner on both sides. Unfold the stack and glue the ends together. The result was a star with sharp tips.

Children will really like these stars - snowflakes. They are bright and unusual, voluminous and large. They can decorate the entire room.

Large and colorful beauties

Let's see how to make colorful ones big snowflakes made from paper with your own hands for the New Year. These beauties are quite easy to make, and they look bright and beautiful. They are good for decorating children's rooms, kindergarten or school. Of course, they can be made plain white, as is customary, for this you can use office paper.

For creativity we need:

  1. Colored paper of any shade, preferably double-sided. For 1 snowflake you need 2 leaves.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.

Let's start creating:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper into a triangle at an angle, cut off the excess.
  2. Fold in half again straight from the top.
  3. Next, bend the corners of the triangle into different sides to the middle.
  4. Draw a line from the center to the corner and cut out a droplet.
  5. Mark with a pencil and make cuts to create a snowflake openwork.
  6. Unfold the snowflake and bend the strips of rays to the middle, glue them.
  7. Make 1 more similar layer and glue them together in the center so that the rays of the top layer fall into the spaces between the rays of the lower layer.

That's all. You can hang a snowflake on a ribbon and decorate your room with it.

Snowflake using modular origami technique

Origami - creation technique amazing figures from modules made from squares of paper. You can also make a snowflake using this technique. It will be unusual, beautiful and stand out from the flat and voluminous snowflakes we are used to. To work on a modular snowflake we will need:

  1. Squares of single-sided blue paper 10 by 10 cm - 8 pieces.
  2. Glue.

We assemble the snowflake from 8 modules. They all add up the same way:

  1. Bend the square diagonally with the blue side facing out. Fold in half again and unfold
  2. We bend the long side to the vertical center line and bend the corner up. Fold the other side in the same way.
  3. Open the paper square.
  4. Using the folds, we assemble the module in the other direction, as in video 2.
  5. We do all 8 modules in exactly the same way.
  6. Now we add the modules. We put the white triangle of one module into the pocket from the other module and secure it with glue.

This is how we connect all the modules. We attach the braid and the snowflake is ready.

Snowflake - fluff, made from paper squares

You can make beautiful fluffy and voluminous snowflakes for the New Year with your own hands from squares of paper. Colored squares can be cut out from double-sided colored paper or take office paper to write in the shape of squares. 1 snowflake will take 6 squares.

To work you will need:

  1. One and a half sheet of colored double-sided paper, from which we will make squares.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.

We make a snowflake like this:

  1. Cut out 6 squares, or use ready-made squares.
  2. Fold them diagonally into a triangle.
  3. Cut into strips 0.5 or 1 cm wide towards the center so that the center remains uncut.
  4. These will be fluffy rays of a snowflake. Now we glue each ray one by one at the ends, then in one direction, then in the other.
  5. Now let's connect 3 rays each, and then glue all three together in the center.

The main thing is to do everything carefully and follow the instructions. The snowflake will turn out to be joyful, fluffy and cheerful; it can decorate a nursery or any other room.

Shining fluff

This type of fall snowflake is similar to the method of making carved snowflakes from paper, which you can easily and quickly make with your own hands for the New Year. But we will sprinkle it with sparkles, and it will begin to shine. For one snowflake we again need 6 squares, one for each ray.

We make a snowflake according to the description given above. We use squares for snowflakes for recording or cut our own according to your size and any color. Then we make glitter. We take tinsel and cut its terry finely onto a sheet of paper. Then coat the snowflake rays lightly with glue and dab them into glitter. Attach the braid to the snowflake and safely hang it on the Christmas tree or wall.

New Year's fluff

Now let's figure out how to make beautiful snowflakes - paper fluffs with your own hands for the New Year. These are fluffy and weightless creatures, they will create amazing winter, Christmas mood in the room. They are easy to make; all you need is paper, scissors and glue.

For 1 fluff we need to make 3 squares different sizes. They should have a side of 20 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm.

We fold these squares diagonally into a triangle three times, cut out a ray and cut them, forming fluff. Then we unfold them and glue them together, placing smaller ones on top of the largest layer.

That's all, the fluffs are ready. They can be mounted on the wall, on curtains, and so on. You can sprinkle them with glitter or make them colorful using double-sided colored paper.

Snowflakes in an unusual technique

To create a big fluffy snowflakes You can use napkins and trimming techniques. To do this, you need to cut out a large snowflake template from thick paper. It should be very simple, just 8 rays from the center. Next, prepare the napkins by cutting them into squares. Take any shade of napkins you like.

Now we do this:

  1. Coat a piece of beam with PVA glue.
  2. We twist 1 square of napkin onto a stick and attach it to the surface coated with glue. So we fill the entire snowflake, attaching each subsequent square quite tightly.
  3. The closer the napkin pieces are to each other, the fluffier the snowflake will be.

This snowflake should be hung on a ribbon or placed on a table or shelf. It can be decorated with sparkles or any small decorative elements, supplement with artificial spruce branches.

To visualize how to make some other types of snowflakes for the New Year with your own hands from paper, watch the video on the topic.

On the eve of the New Year 2017, it is customary to decorate homes, offices, kindergartens and other institutions. Beautiful paper snowflakes are one of the traditional New Year's attributes, the creation of which requires a minimum of consumables, as well as a little patience and perseverance. Thus, many still remember from their “Soviet” childhood snowflakes cut out with their own hands from plain paper(as a more “elegant option - from thin “cigarette”) - using nail scissors and a simple pencil. Today, you can make your own paper snowflakes using the techniques of conventional or modular origami, quilling, as well as three-dimensional 3D products. How to make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands step by step? Today we will study the best master classes With step by step photos and a video on cutting out New Year's snowflakes in different techniques. We offer interesting ideas, as well as ready-made original templates and patterns of paper snowflakes - you will find all this on our pages. Creating large and small New Year's snowflakes with your own hands using photos and video tutorials is quite accessible for children in kindergarten or primary school. So, let's start creating New Year's “miracles”!

Do-it-yourself voluminous openwork paper snowflake for the New Year - step-by-step master class with diagrams, photos, videos

Usually, last days We dedicate the outgoing year to preparing our home for a series of New Year and Christmas holidays. How to beautifully decorate your home or workplace for the New Year? Light airy paper snowflakes, made by yourself, will be an excellent element New Year's decor in any room. And most importantly, when making these wonderful winter “flowers” ​​you can move away from the usual “flat” shapes and make a three-dimensional three-dimensional snowflake. We bring to your attention an interesting step-by-step master class with diagrams, photos and videos for making a voluminous openwork snowflake with your own hands from paper. For greater effect, you can use paper of two or three shades - it will turn out unusual and beautiful.

Materials and tools for making voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands:

  • squares of the same size made of white paper - 6 pcs.
  • scissors
  • pencil and ruler
  • stapler

How to make a voluminous snowflake out of paper with your own hands - step-by-step master class instructions:

  1. To create our three-dimensional snowflake, you will need to first prepare a special stencil - in the form of an equilateral triangle, according to which we will make the details of the product. We draw six lines on this triangle (three vertical and three horizontal) at equal intervals. Vertical and horizontal lines should be placed at right angles to each other, but not intersect (the distance between the cuts is approximately 1 cm).
  2. Fold a sheet of colored paper in the shape of a square in half diagonally.
  3. We make three cuts along the lines of the stencil.
  4. The resulting square must be unfolded and the corners of the square located inside folded. We glue them together with glue or fasten them with a stapler.
  5. We turn the sheet over to the other side and also fasten the folded corners of the inner square.
  6. Now you need to turn the product over again and do the same manipulations. As a result, the smallest square will be inside the larger square.
  7. At the end, turn the craft over again and fasten the corners of the largest square. It turns out to be a blank for a future three-dimensional snowflake - it’s very easy to make them with your own hands, even children can handle this task.
  8. We make five more such blanks. Then we fasten 3 parts together - we get two halves of a snowflake.
  9. We connect the two halves into one whole and “snap” it properly with a stapler - the structural parts should adhere well to each other.
  10. For extra strength, we fasten all the elements of the snowflake with brackets at six points.
  11. Everything turned out original volumetric snowflake made of paper, assembled from several individual parts. The craft can be used as a decoration for a Christmas tree or window.

Alternatively, you can take pine or spruce branch, decorate it with such snowflakes, shiny “rain” and tinsel - and the elegant New Year’s composition is ready.

A simple and beautiful DIY paper snowflake - cutting master class, diagrams, templates, photos

In kindergarten or school before the New Year, children make paper snowflakes to decorate windows - it’s festive and beautiful! We offer the easiest option for creating paper snowflakes with your own hands, as well as diagrams and photos. So, we invite you to master our master class on cutting out paper snowflakes with your own hands for the New Year.

List of materials and tools for cutting out snowflakes from paper yourself:

  • paper - white office paper or multi-colored napkins
  • manicure scissors
  • simple pencil

A step-by-step description of making a paper snowflake with your own hands:

DIY Christmas snowflake made from paper strips for children - simple master class, photo

Cutting out New Year's snowflakes from paper with your own hands is extraordinary exciting activity. Especially if you have the opportunity to use many templates and diagrams that make it extremely simple this process. We have prepared a simple master class with photos on how to make it yourself for children and adults. paper snowflakes from strips. Take advantage of our lessons and you will quickly master all the intricacies of this ancient art.

List of materials and tools for making your own snowflakes from paper strips:

  • A4 sheet of paper – 1 pc.
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • stapler
  • PVA glue

How to make a New Year's snowflake from paper step by step with your own hands:

  1. We mark seven strips along the width of a sheet of paper, each 3 cm wide.
  2. Now you need to cut the paper along the lines of the strips.
  3. We place the resulting strips on top of each other and bend them exactly in the center - in half.
  4. At the bend we punch the strips with a stapler.
  5. You need to apply a little glue near the bracket and, folding part of the top strip in half, glue it.
  6. Now we bend the glued strip upward and again apply a drop of glue at the bend.
  7. Then we glue the next strip - similar to the top one.
  8. Now you need to smooth out the folded strip.
  9. In this way, we continue to glue the strips to the end - we get a blank of 14 parts of the future paper snowflake.
  10. We cut each strip of the workpiece into three equal parts (width 1 cm), not reaching the middle by 3 cm (the distance between the end point of the cut and the center of the workpiece). You can cut several strips at the same time - both more conveniently and quickly.
  11. The result is a cute base for a snowflake.
  12. We move the ends of the side strips slightly to the sides, bend them and press lightly.
  13. We repeat the same action and “process” all the other strips.
  14. That’s it, the beautiful New Year’s snowflake made from paper strips is ready – as you can see, it’s as easy as pie to do it yourself. For crafts, you can use paper of different colors, and then decorate a room or other room with such snowflakes.

DIY New Year's snowflakes made of paper using the "Modular origami" technique - detailed master class, photo, video

Manufacturing New Year's decorations DIY is one of children’s favorite activities on New Year’s Eve. And if the cutting simple snowflakes many have long mastered paper, then with the technique " Modular origami"We just have to get acquainted with it. Indeed, in the origami style you can create amazing volumetric crafts– animal figurines, fairy tale and cartoon characters, Easter eggs and baskets. Today we will study detailed master class with photos and videos on creating New Year's snowflakes from paper using the Modular Origami technique. Try it - and you will get wonderful and original elements New Year's decor.

We stock up on materials and tools to create our own paper snowflakes in modular origami style:

  • paper – white and blue
  • scissors
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step description of making paper snowflakes with your own hands in origami style:

DIY New Year's snowflakes made of paper - original master class with photos

New Year and Christmas are always awaited with impatience and faith in miracles. In anticipation winter holidays It’s customary to decorate your home with various New Year’s paraphernalia - pine branches, paper snowflakes, animal symbol figurines coming year. We offer you interesting master class on making paper snowflakes with your own hands, and with the help of photos the learning process will become clearer and easier. For this craft, it is better to choose gold or “silver” paper - such a snowflake will turn out beautiful, shiny and festively elegant. Although white paper snowflakes look great in New Year's compositions, lifting your spirits and causing a unique feeling of a fast New Year and carefree fun.

Necessary materials and tools for making snowflakes with your own hands from paper:

  • paper – double-sided cardboard
  • scissors
  • double-sided tape or glue gun

How to cut snowflakes from paper with your own hands - step-by-step guide:

DIY paper snowflake using quilling technique – master class with step-by-step photos and videos

Quilling is a technique that allows you to create light air crafts from twisted paper “rollers”. If you are not familiar with quilling, we suggest you learn unusual master class With step by step photos and a video on making your own paper snowflakes for the New Year. Of course, the process of “producing” individual parts of the craft will take several hours. However, the result is worth it - a snowflake in the quilling style will become exquisite decoration New Year tree or an element of festive decor of the office workplace.

Materials and tools for creating a snowflake with your own hands from paper using the quilling technique:

  • strips of white paper – 5 mm wide
  • scissors
  • quilling tool
  • lumograph

We make a New Year's snowflake out of paper with our own hands in quilling style - step by step:

  1. To begin, cut strips of paper of the specified width - from an A4 sheet. You will need a lot of strips, so you will have to devote some time to this work stage.
  2. We select six strips 14 cm long and bend them in half.
  3. Now let's start twisting the “rollers” - we will need six strips (length 27 cm). We twist the strips one by one and make compact parts for the snowflake.
  4. We leave the resulting “rolls” “alone” - during this time the part will straighten out a little. Then you need to glue the tip of the “roll”. All finished “rolls” must be the same size, which is checked using a lumograph.
  5. We press the paper “rollers” on one side with our fingers - the part takes on a beautiful teardrop shape.
  6. Each resulting “droplet” must be glued into the middle of a folded paper in half. paper strip. We connect all the elements together and glue them together - we get the core of a snowflake with “rays” in different directions.
