Debunking a church marriage procedure. Divorce and re-wedding, what is needed for this

Even in childhood, many heard the expression that marriages are made in heaven and that everyone has their own soul mate and must be responsible for it before God. But what to do if a church wedding is bursting at the seams and people can no longer live together? For this purpose, there is a debunking in the Orthodox Church, the rules of which must be known to those who are getting married. Carrying out this ritual is more difficult than getting a divorce in the registry office, but there are several reasons why you need to resort to such a ritual. This is how he looks at debunking and in what cases the priest carries it out on people.

Wedding and debunking in Orthodoxy before the revolution and in the modern world

IN pre-revolutionary Russia When the church was one of the state institutions, people got married once and for life. It was believed that the other half is given only higher powers and until the end of her days she had to be examined, no matter how the circumstances developed. It was accepted that an unsuccessful spouse is a cross that every Christian must bear until the end of his days, and only the death of one of the spouses made it possible to remarry or remarry. This has been explained by many historical facts, including the fact that a woman, left without a husband, could not independently get a job and feed herself and her children, unless she had rich and influential relatives. Therefore, there was no such thing as debunking, and the priests were in no hurry to debunk couples. Therefore, at all costs, people sought to preserve church marriage in order to give their children the opportunity to grow up and bear their cross to the end.

Today times have changed. The family, which was previously considered a small church, became simply a union of two people, and the church began to live a separate life from the state, so people began to get dethroned. However, not everyone knows about this ritual, and it is not always performed, only in exceptional cases. However, today this can be done, although there are certain nuances. Here's what you need to know in order for a priest to dissolve your church marriage, if there are grounds for doing so.

What is needed for this

Debunking in the Orthodox Church, whose rules are quite strict, is always a last resort. Therefore, you should be prepared for the priest to say that there is no such rule or that there are insufficient grounds for carrying out the ceremony, since his task is to save the family. Usually in case of any disagreement and severe cases he tries to reconcile the spouses, and conducts a conversation with each separately. This is necessary because after debunking, you cannot get married again with your spouse, and the wedding ceremony itself can only be performed 2 times during your life. Therefore, the reason must be very compelling. Usually such a reason is considered to be adultery of a spouse, drunkenness, marriage in another temple, conversion to another religion, missing person, incest, serious mental disorder, as well as hiding heavy venereal disease one of the spouses.

To apply for a ceremony, you need a divorce document, strong evidence (and documentary evidence too) of immoral and criminal behavior. Then, on this basis, the priest will debunk you, but you should think carefully before doing this. After all, if the debunking, the rules of which are set out in detail on the Orthodox website, takes place, there is no turning back. And you should think carefully before deciding to take such a step.

In this case, it is necessary to have medical documents confirming such dependence.

  • An abortion that was performed without the knowledge of the husband can also serve as a reason for debunking.
  • The presence of an unnatural vice in one of the spouses (homosexuality, bestiality, etc.).
  • The procedure for the so-called debunking How does the debunking process take place? In order to receive a blessing for a second church marriage, it is necessary to submit a petition for disunion to the Diocese. You can find out how to do this in any church, where they will help you and answer all your questions. However, it must be remembered that the petition is submitted only after the divorce in the registry office. But as such, the debunking procedure is not carried out and no documents are issued confirming the termination of the previous church marriage. In the Diocese, only a blessing is given for a second wedding.

How to debunk a church marriage: procedure, reasons, grounds


The Church allows only three weddings; all subsequent marriages cannot be approved by the Orthodox Church. What is necessary to receive the blessing of a second wedding ceremony besides a petition?

  1. Certificate of divorce from a previous marriage.
  2. Passport or identity document.
  3. A document confirming the conclusion of a new marriage.
  4. There are no reasons why the church can refuse a second wedding ceremony (marriage between spiritual and blood relatives and other reasons).

One of the spouses can file a petition. If you receive a blessing for your second wedding, you can go to any temple and get married.

If the reason for the marriage was infidelity, then in this case the blessing for a second wedding is given only to the spouse who is not the culprit of the divorce.

Rules for debunking in the Orthodox Church after divorce

Church divorce Let us speak frankly: if you think that a civil divorce exists, this does not mean that the dissolution of a church marriage is also possible. Such a procedure simply does not exist. There is no such thing as a church divorce. However, if your family is still destroyed, and you decide to get married again in a church with a new spouse, you should not contact the nearest church.

An ordinary priest has no right to give permission for a second wedding. You need to contact the nearest Diocesan Administration, the address of which will be given to you in any church. Please note that before a new wedding you must be a registered civil marriage with your second spouse.
When contacting the Diocesan Administration, you must have with you a Wedding Certificate of your first marriage, a document on the dissolution of your first marriage from the Civil Registry Office and a Certificate of Registration of a new marriage.

How to get divorced after a divorce: procedure

  • Is it possible to get married in church after a divorce and is it necessary? possible reasons
  • The procedure for debunking a church marriage
  • Ritual of debunking in the Orthodox Church
  • How to get divorced after divorce
    • Is it possible to get married without the consent of the husband or wife?
    • What you need: what documents, where to apply, how much to pay and wait
  • How many times can you get married?

How does a church marriage get debunked? Under what conditions Orthodox man can divorce her ex-spouse, is there such a church ritual? Let's talk! Is it possible to get married in church after a divorce and is it necessary, possible reasons? If irreconcilable differences nevertheless arise between the spouses and it was decided to divorce, then you need to contact the registry office, where the formal procedure for divorce will be completed.

Debunking a church marriage, reasons

What you need: what documents, where to apply, how much to pay and wait If you decide to dissolve the previous union and remarry and go through the wedding procedure a second time, then you will need the following list of documents in order to correctly submit the petition:

  1. Passport,
  2. Certificate of divorce from first marriage,
  3. Church marriage certificate,
  4. If the divorce occurs due to the fact that the spouse has lost his legal capacity or is sick with an incurable disease, then medical documents confirming this must be provided, as well as a death certificate if the first spouse has died.

Along with these documents, you must submit a request to the Diocese for permission to perform a second wedding ceremony. Sometimes a petition for debunking is filed instead.

Is it possible to debunk a church marriage?

Despite the negative attitude of the church towards divorce, priests periodically allow their adherents to re-marry. If the reasons mentioned above are present, it is possible to get divorced after a divorce even without the consent of the husband or wife. In all other circumstances, everyone specific case is considered individually.

It is likely to be refused if the priests consider the grounds insufficient. In what order should you act? After the married husband and wife have officially divorced, you need to contact the church and go through the procedure of dissolving the already church marriage. determined by the Russian Orthodox Church established order debunking, which can be completed within 2-3 weeks.
First of all, in order to get debunked, you need to visit the parish where the wedding took place, you need to try to communicate with the priest who performed the sacrament.

Is it possible to dissolve or debunk a church marriage?

  • 1 The procedure for debunking established by the church – is it there or not?
  • 2 Does the church allow divorce at all?
  • 3 Is it possible to remarry a former spouse?
  • 4 Is it possible remarriage?
  • 5 Who can get married?

After a divorce in court or in the registry office, many former spouses have the question of how to debunk a church marriage. Of course, those who got married in church ask this question. It must be said right away that the Russian Orthodox Church does not provide for the procedure for debunking a church marriage.
Marriage is sanctified by the church, but divorce is not encouraged by it in any way, so you can get a legal divorce, formally separate, but you cannot get debunked. In the church dictionary there is no such word at all - debunking.

How to go through the debunking procedure?

So, is it possible to get divorced after a divorce or not? The procedure for debunking established by the church – is it there or not? Various kinds wayward interpretations church rules mislead people. Various forums even describe the debunking procedure. But these provisions do not correspond to religious reality.


The church is not a registry office or a court. It does not allow spouses to return to their previous “premarital” status. Therefore, it is not correct to apply the concepts of “divorce” and “dissolution of marriage” to church marriage. It is believed that God brought the marriage together, which means that only God can break the marriage ties, having removed one of the spouses in due time.

And even a priest - a man - is not given the opportunity to destroy what was created and held together by God. Does the Church allow divorce at all? The Church does not encourage divorce and, as a rule, it is impossible to receive a blessing for this.

Debunking a church marriage: possible or not


On the list necessary documents, attached to the petition, the following are distinguished:

  • divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • if one of the spouses lives in a new marriage, you need a certificate of its conclusion;
  • wedding certificate;
  • consent of the second spouse to debunk, signed by him personally and legally certified;
  • documents confirming the reasons that the spouses want to dissolve the church marriage.

Please note that only copies of documents need to be submitted. The originals must always be in the applicant's hands. Is it possible to hold a wedding ceremony after a divorce? The Orthodox Church provides for a second wedding without any censure only in one case - the death of one of the spouses. In all other situations, priests have a negative attitude towards such a question as how to get dethroned in a church.

Debunking a church marriage: procedure and reasons

Anything can happen in life. And sometimes married couples understand that they family boat collided with the reefs and fell apart irrevocably. Moreover, this happens both to those who lived in a civil marriage, and to those who went through the Sacrament of Wedding. And if official divorce does not cause any special problems, then debunking a church marriage is a rather complicated thing.

When connecting our lives with our soulmate, any of us is sure that this will be forever. But it also happens that in life everything does not work out the way we want. Often, not so long ago loving friend friend of the heart, who swore an oath of allegiance before God, now diverge in different sides, becoming completely strangers. What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to debunk a church marriage or church divorce? Is it possible to get married again in church with another spouse?

Union of two loving people, blessed by heaven, is considered eternal, because this is a special rite, a special church Sacrament. Therefore, before young people get married in a church, they need to think it over very carefully; this is a very responsible decision, because the church condemns divorce. Hence, in the Orthodox religion there is neither a church divorce nor a rite of dissolution of a church marriage. However, despite the disapproval, Orthodox Church in some circumstances, he may be lenient towards “sinners” and agree to a second church wedding (more on them below). Only in one case do church canons, without censure, allow a person to be re-connected in a sacred wedding with another chosen one - in the event of death ex-spouse(spouses), that is, widowers or widowers.

To conduct a second wedding ceremony for the couple, after ordinary marriage in the registry office, with a certificate in hand, she must apply with a petition to the regional Diocesan administration, since the priests are unable to do this again without the consent of the Diocese (bishop), they do not have the appropriate authority to do this. The address of this department can be found in any temple at your place of residence. But even in this case, the Diocesan Administration issues a blessing to repeat the ritual church wedding, no right to dissolve (debunk) a church marriage is issued. In addition to the marriage certificate, to submit a petition to the diocesan administration, you will need an identity card and a certificate of divorce from the previous spouse. In addition, there should be no canonical obstacles to the ceremony. One spouse has the right to submit a petition; the presence of the couple is not required. When you have permission from the Diocese for a second church marriage, you can go to any church and go through the wedding ceremony there a second time.

The re-wedding procedure is somewhat different from the original one. If both spouses are married again, then the ceremony is carried out in what is called the “second rite,” that is, without laying crowns. In the case when only one of the spouses undergoes the ceremony again, the ceremony is carried out according to all the rules. The rite of an Orthodox church wedding (marriage) cannot be performed more than three times.

Reasons for re-marriage.

  • Having leprosy, syphilis or AIDS.
  • Creation by one of the spouses new family(marriage).
  • Change of faith by one of the spouses (falling away from the Orthodox faith).
  • Incapacity for marital cohabitation that arose before marriage, either intentionally or accidentally.
  • Intentional abandonment of a spouse or prolonged unknown absence of one of the spouses.
  • Condemnation to punishment.
  • Unnatural vices (sodomy, fornication, bestiality).
  • Attempt on the life or health of a spouse or joint children.
  • Incurable mental or other illness (including drug addiction and alcoholism), medically certified.
  • Inability to procreate.
  • Wedding of relatives or canonical minors (15 years old for men, 13 years old for women).
  • Wedding in the presence of a legal spouse.
  • Marriage against the will of one of the spouses.
  • A wife committing an abortion against her husband's will.
  • Snitching or pimping.
  • Adultery (betrayal) of one of the spouses.
Reasons such as “we don’t agree with the spouse’s character”, “we don’t get along with relatives”, “the husband’s inability to financially provide for the family”, etc. are insufficient to dissolve a church marriage.

According to Byzantine law, adultery was not a reason for divorce if both parties were guilty of it, if the spouses had mutually forgiven each other, or if the period for filing a complaint had expired (five years). Blessing of the bishop on rerun Only a spouse who is not involved or guilty of adultery will receive church rites. Persons guilty of divorce will be able to undergo the ceremony again only after repentance and performing penance (pilgrimage, fasting, alms, etc.). If this is the third case of marriage, the period of penance is increased based on the canonical rules.

Consider the mistakes of your first marriage and don’t make them in your second. Be patient, maintain a feeling of love and tenderness for each other, make compromises. Try to make your Christian family existed forever.

Today, the wedding ceremony is very popular among young couples. It becomes more of a tribute to fashion than a deliberate and serious step. But then the moment comes when the spouses decide to divorce. They may reasonably ask whether there is a procedure for debunking, what rules there are, and how it happens.

You should get married only when you are completely confident in the correctness of your actions and trust your spouse. At the same time, it is necessary to weigh everything and approach seriously this issue. It is worth remembering that marriage in a church is a very serious step. It is not so easy to dissolve, unlike a union registered in the registry office. The Church has an extremely negative attitude towards divorce, which is why the dissolution of a church marriage as such does not occur. But she can give a blessing for remarriage, for which there must be appropriate reasons.

Reasons for the procedure for debunking a church marriage

In the Orthodox Church there are reasons why a dethronement can be carried out, or more precisely, consent can be given to the re-conclusion of a church union. The list of these reasons was established at the beginning of the 20th century, and in 2000 it was supplemented:

  1. The very first and most serious reason, according to the church, is treason (adultery).
  2. If one of the spouses has renounced the Orthodox faith.
  3. Remarriage of one or both spouses.
  4. Serious illness of the husband or wife (AIDS, syphilis, leprosy, etc.).
  5. Debunking is carried out when one of the spouses is considered missing and has been absent for more than five years.
  6. A death threat made by a husband or wife that is directed toward the other spouse or their children.
  7. Serious and incurable mental illness, in which one of the spouses does not give an account of his actions and actions.
  8. If the spouse is engaged in pimping.
  9. The imprisonment of a husband or wife is also good reason for the dissolution of a church marriage.
  10. Inability to have children (infertility) on both the part of the woman and the man.
  11. Presence of drugs and alcohol addiction. In this case, it is necessary to have medical documents confirming such dependence.
  12. An abortion that was performed without the knowledge of the husband can also serve as a reason for debunking.
  13. The presence of an unnatural vice in one of the spouses (homosexuality, bestiality, etc.).

How does the procedure for debunking a church marriage work?

How does the debunking process work? In order to receive a blessing for a second church marriage, it is necessary to submit a petition for disunion to the Diocese. You can find out how to do this in any church, where they will help you and answer all your questions. However, it must be remembered that the petition is submitted only after the divorce in the registry office.

But as such, the debunking procedure is not carried out and no documents are issued confirming the dissolution of the previous church marriage. In the Diocese, only a blessing is given for a second wedding.

The Church allows only three weddings; all subsequent marriages cannot be approved by the Orthodox Church.

What is necessary to receive the blessing of a second wedding ceremony besides a petition?

  1. Certificate of divorce from a previous marriage.
  2. Passport or identity document.
  3. A document confirming the conclusion of a new marriage.
  4. There are no reasons why the church can refuse a second wedding ceremony (marriage between spiritual and blood relatives and other reasons).

One of the spouses can file a petition. If you receive a blessing for your second wedding, you can go to any temple and get married.

If the reason for the marriage was infidelity, then in this case the blessing for a second wedding is given only to the spouse who is not the culprit of the divorce. If the second spouse (those responsible for the divorce) also wants to undergo a second wedding procedure, then he needs to perform penance ( certain conditions), the duration of which cannot be predicted in advance.

Before getting married a second time, you should be sure that the decision is correct. It’s better to wait a while and take a closer look at your new spouse to avoid another mistake.

The second wedding is somewhat different from the first ceremony. If the spouses were already married in the past, then the wedding is held without laying crowns (by the second rite). But if one of the spouses is getting married for the first time, then the ceremony is carried out according to all the rules.

After concluding a second church marriage, you should take your family as seriously as possible and family values. It is necessary to take into account the mistakes of previous experience and try to avoid them in new relationships.

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The wedding ceremony is inherently very beautiful and incredibly a solemn ceremony. Icons, along with candles, sacred prayers and all other attributes are increasingly attracting interest and are increasingly attracting children who have firmly decided to unite themselves by marriage. Often many people simply chase stunning photographs, interesting impressions, beautiful video footage, without understanding the full responsibility. Appearing before the altar is a sacrament that should only be performed by people who believe and are completely confident in themselves and their chosen one. Nowadays, church marriage has gradually begun to turn into a fashionable ritual, and after a divorce, questions arise like “is it possible to debunk a church marriage” and whether it will be possible to obtain the consent of the church in the future.

What can you do, the family boat could not stand it and crashed into everyday life. Of course, there are a huge number of reasons for divorce, but in this case the important consequence is that people who once loved each other decided to separate forever. Although it seemed like only yesterday they were in full swing preparing for wedding celebration, were the happiest on the planet on their wedding day and boldly took the oath of fidelity in church.

Now this issue is gaining relevance at a crazy pace. The main reason for this trend is not at all the increased number of divorces, but the fact that with the new fashion, newlyweds, immediately after completing registration at the registry office, run as hard as they can to church for the wedding ceremony. At the same time, not many people think about the fact that church marriage, in its essence, has always been and remains to this day a very responsible sacrament. All guys, without exception, should think a dozen times before deciding on it. It is always necessary to remember that your union is blessed in heaven and is eternal, so you should not hope for a quick dethronement in the temple. By at least, this is exactly what the oath sounds like.

In the event of a wedding ceremony, the church marriage is also debunked. But this seems logical only to us, residents of the 21st century. For the church itself, the process of debunking, as it turns out, does not exist. The reason for this incident lies primarily in its negative attitude to the divorce itself, due to which there is simply no such thing as a “severance of sacred bonds.” In any temple they will tell you that family is not a game that you were interested in for some time, and after you got tired of it, you decided to leave it and get a divorce. However, the Orthodox Church is more lenient towards the sinful souls of its parishioners and from time to time allows the process of re-wedding, without ceasing to reproach them for tossing between wives or husbands. The only case when the church will not prevent you from coming to the altar again is the death of your married spouse.

A couple who has expressed a desire to reunite their bonds in heaven must submit a corresponding application for dissolution of a church marriage using a special form. This kind of application must be sent to the Diocese office immediately after receiving a new marriage certificate. Make sure you have your divorce document and passport with you at this moment. It should also be remembered that you can submit a petition using the above sample, and it is not necessary for both to be present.

Remember: the priest cannot personally allow you to get married again after a secular divorce. But immediately after receiving official permission from the diocese, usually several weeks pass before this, you need to boldly go to the temple of your choice to perform this sacrament. At the same time, the procedure will differ from the original one. If both spouses undergo the ceremony not for the first time, then the wedding will be performed in the “second order”, i.e. no crowns will be placed on you. If only one of the spouses was at the altar before, then the ceremony is carried out according to all the original rules.

In fact, many people forget that it is not enough to get a divorce and know the methods that allow you to carry out the procedure for dissolving a church marriage. You should always be aware of the possibility of a refusal. The church has a whole list of reasons according to which a marriage can be dissolved and, as you probably already guessed, the column “they just didn’t get along” is not there.

Reasons for termination

As mentioned above, such a ritual is possible for several reasons, established back in 1918. These include the following:

  • Adultery is rightfully considered one of the most significant reasons.
  • Departure from the Orthodox faith or adoption by one of the spouses of any other faith
  • Entry into a second marriage by one of the spouses or both at once.
  • Impossibility life together in view of self-mutilation of a husband or wife.
  • Availability of such serious illnesses, like syphilis, leprosy, etc.
  • Long-term (more than five years) absence of one of the partners (missing people).
  • Attack on the life of a family member.
  • Snitching and pimping.
  • Discovery of an incurable mental illness, as a result of which the partner cannot be responsible for his actions.
  • Conviction and imprisonment of one of the partners.
  • Infertility.
  • Absence legal grounds for marriage, including the presence of other spouses or an alliance between close relatives.

However, in modern world life is developing so rapidly that in 2000 the church had to revise this list a little and add a few more items that allow for debunking in the church. From that moment sufficient reason The following reasons can be considered for debunking after a regular divorce:

  • Alcoholism, drug addiction or AIDS infection, which were confirmed by a special medical report.
  • An abortion performed without the consent of the husband. In this case, exceptions are situations where there were medical indications or pregnancy could further pose a threat to the life of the expectant mother.

At its core, a church divorce and the process of debunking itself are fundamentally different from its secular counterpart, in which case no one will stop you from getting a divorce. Debunking in the church and its main goal is to bless the second marriage due to the recognition of the previous one as unchristian or without grace. Sometimes a third marriage in the church is allowed, however, all subsequent unions and divorces in the church will be considered quite grave sin. In this case, only the partner who was innocent in previous divorces will be able to obtain the right to re-marry. The person whose actions caused the destruction of the family will first have to repent and perform penance, the duration and nature of which is almost impossible to predict.

Many people forget that in addition to the need to get a divorce, they now face a debunking procedure. However, for true believers this issue receives maximum priority. Some people at this moment feel dependent on ex-husband or wife until this procedure occurs. Moreover, in the future, when creating a new family, very serious problems, if we neglect this issue.

Debunking procedure and individual approach

Remember: every church divorce is inherently very individual and requires special approach. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all regulation for the debunking process. If one of your acquaintances or relatives managed in the past to achieve dethronement in the church and, accordingly, receive the blessing of a new marriage, this does not at all mean the success of your idea. Even many priests are different different opinions and attitude towards this delicate issue. Correct advice You can only find out how to proceed in the regional diocese. You should also immediately prepare for the fact that almost from the very beginning they will try to reconcile you, try to put you on the right path, convincing you of the eternity and inviolability of sacred church bonds.

Many also wonder “what to do with wedding attributes?. As you know, after a wedding, newlyweds can most often find icons and even wedding candles, which in most families are customary to carefully store and honor them as family heirlooms. But, as soon as the debunking has set in, some people feel uneasy about keeping these things in the house. In this case, the clergy recommend not to bother your head with mystical or even superstitious ideas regarding wedding items. According to them, no icons can bring grief into the house, and candles can either be burned independently or lit in the temple. If you are superstitious, then simply do not pass them on to anyone else.

The rite of debunking - how to move on?

Remember, if all your efforts to save family hearth were not successful and you left your married spouse, you should begin to seek salvation in prayer. Pray often that God will give you a worthy partner. Only then will you be able to meet a person with whom you will find happiness again and be able to start a new happy life. Always try to analyze all your past mistakes as carefully as possible so as not to repeat them again. Try to be more patient with the shortcomings of your new married husband or wife and keep love in your heart. In this case, you will be able to carry this feeling through the years and you will not have to think about debunking again.

It is always necessary to be soberly aware of the degree of seriousness of the wedding sacrament. Non-believers should also not perform a ritual in which they cannot fully believe. At the moment when the guys came to the temple and asked to organize a ceremony, the priest would definitely have a long conversation with them, thus determining the degree of their faith, baptism and willingness to honor each other and remain faithful in a church marriage. Also, it is in the temple that young people will be able to learn all the information about both the ritual itself and the unique process of preparing for it.

In fact, not everyone is ready to undergo a wedding ceremony, so before doing so, it is recommended to think carefully about everything and carefully analyze it several times. Try to listen to yourself - do you feel inside the desire and need for confinement? family union in the church, is it worth burdening both yourself and your partner with additional obligations, because it is the married marriage that in the future may turn out to be the heaviest burden if family life it didn’t work out, and your joint boat sprung a leak.

After the breakup of a marriage in heaven, life does not end at all. Many in the future will definitely find their soul mate again, with whom they will gladly unite their destiny.

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