Sports entertainment for children of the younger group of kindergarten with their parents "Sports Family". Scenario

Larisa Ivashkina
Scenario for fun with parents “I love physical education, I run to physical education!”

Target: To consolidate knowledge and ideas about a healthy lifestyle and positive impact classes physical exercise for human health.


Development sporting qualities - agility, courage, strength, flexibility.

Endurance development.

Promoting children's health.

Progress of entertainment

A march sounds. Participants enter the hall.


For warming up on the track

Let's stretch our legs.

We're starting the game

Let's have some fun for the kids.

Moms, dads, stand in a circle,

Hold hands together.

"Birds in a Cage"

Adults stand in a circle, hold hands, forming "cage". Children - "birds". They run between the adults to the music. With the end of the music, adults lower their hands down - "close the cage" trying to catch "birds". Caught "birds" become links "cells". The remaining three children are the winners. Then adults and children change roles. The game repeats itself.

Doctor Aibolit enters:

Hello! Did you call the doctor?

Well, kids, how are you?

Is your heart beating steadily?

Head, leg, tummy, tooth

Doesn't it hurt by any chance?

Children (in unison). No!

Educator. Hello, Doctor! We are all healthy. Our children and adults know that a sick person cannot come to kindergarten. This is dangerous because you can get sicker yourself and infect others.

Doctor. And I brought everything necessary for treatment (shows the bag).

Educator. It's good that you have cures for all diseases. But our children try to do without them. They are engaged physical education, harden up, sleep after lunch, walk a lot during the day fresh air.

Doctor. How can you manage without medications at all? Medicine is a serious science. It is recommended to use various drugs to treat diseases.

Educator. Or you can try to organize your life in such a way that you don’t need medications. And now our guys will tell you about it.


1. I wash my face early in the morning,

I rub myself with a towel.

And from you, friends, not I'll hide:

I brush my teeth and wash my ears.

2. Exercise is useful for everyone,

Everyone needs charging.

From laziness and illness

She saves us.

3. To be healthy and agile,

I eat carrots for breakfast.

Soup and meat for lunch.

And for dinner - vinaigrette.

4. You all need to try

And make a habit

Do physical exercise,

To grow healthy!

Doctor: If everything is in order with you, we will start charging.

Acupressure + finger exercises

Rub the wings of your nose - one, two, three

And wipe it under your nose - one, two, three

Eyebrows need to be combed - one, two, three, four, five

Now wipe the sweat from your forehead - one, two

Put earrings on your ears, if you have them.

Pin your hair together - one, two, three

Find the button on the back and fasten it

Beads need to be tried on, try them on and put them on.

And here we’ll hang a brooch, a multi-colored nesting doll.

And here are bracelets, beautiful cuffs.

Girls and boys, get your fingers ready.

That's how nice they worked and dressed up beautifully

All that's left is to rub our feet and we won't get sick

Doctor. And now we are starting our competition, in which yours will also take part. parents.

Contest "Kangaroo"

(Teams line up in two columns, the children are on their dads’ chests, clasping their necks with their arms and their torsos with their legs, and the dads are also holding a hoop with tulle, your task is to run to the landmark and back).

"Jumping competition"

Assignment for parents: jump in shorts to a landmark and return back with the child.


Our guests want everything

See guys brave

Healthy and strong

The most athletic!

So, the next competition!

Contest "Proud Heron"

On one side of the hall there are adults, on the opposite side there are children. Children step over obstacles with a bag on their heads, passing it parents. Parents repeat the same thing until they change places.

Doctor. There are times in life when you need to evacuate urgently. (carry, take to safe place) of people. For example, in case of fire, flood, explosion, etc. In these cases, we call the rescue service. Now our dads will be rescuers. And our dads will save their children.

Contest "Don't get wet"

Educator. Adults line up in two teams on one side of the hall, and children line up opposite. The adult puts on galoshes, opens the umbrella and walks to the landmark, avoiding the puddles (bumps where the child is waiting for him) and carries the child to the start.

Educator: And now there is a musical break.

Do children sing ditties?

1. We are sports ditties

Prepared for you.

They were composed on the fly,

Let's do it for the first time.

2. Oranges help with colds and sore throats

Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it’s very sour

3. Remember the simple truth, only those who see better

who chews raw carrots or drinks carrot juice

4. We are at any sports festival

Let's give you a hundred points head start!

Shouldn't be in our group

Sloppy weaklings!

5. So that develop muscles,

Exercise physical education.

Train, jump,

Jump your legs more!

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day!

7. I love physical education,

On I go to physical education.

Physical education helps,

Protects my health.

8. If you work,

You can achieve a lot.

Who is persistent, loves sports,

He won't disappear anywhere!

Doctor. Indeed, guys, in order to be healthy, you don’t need be lazy: study physical education, do exercises in the morning, toughen up, play outdoor games, run, swim, skate and ski, play hockey and football - in general, lead a healthy lifestyle!

“Whose car is faster?” (the adult holds the child by the legs, the child moves in his arms)

"Kangaroo"(jumping with a ball between the knees)

"Tunnel" (children in a column, the last one gets up first, in a stream on their knees) 4 "Spiders" (with ball on chin)

Dance with parents"Lambada"


We had a lot of fun

We became very close friends,

We played, we jumped,

Everyone around became friends.

Be friends with sports

And then you won’t care about boredom.

And we end our holiday

We wish you health, success and happiness!

Scenario physical entertainment together with parents of children in older groups “Let’s Play!”

Author: Butova Yulia Viktorovna, physical education instructor, teacher MKDOU for children garden No. 6 “Yagodka”, Kirov, Kaluga region.
Description: this material will be useful for kindergarten teachers and physical education instructors.

Physical education for older and older children preparatory groups"Let's play" with parents

Target: Establishing emotionally positive contact between parents and children in the process of joint motor and play activities.

1. Strengthen the ability to perform movements on command, develop motor skills.
2. Raise psycho physical qualities in children.
3. To promote in parents and children a feeling of joy and pleasure from joint motor and play activities, to form a healthy lifestyle.

Families of children are invited to the celebration. The hall is festively decorated. In the corridor there is an exhibition of photographs of fathers, grandfathers, and children’s drawings - “a portrait of my father.”

Presenter- We dedicate today's holiday to the dearest, kindest, strongest - our dads.

Children sing the song “Daddy Can.”

Children read poetry:
1 child -
I love, I love dad
His long stride
Dad's mighty voice
Both hands and jacket.
And how beautiful the sky is
In the winter sunshine!
How much fun I have at home
When my father is with me!

2 child
My daddy has kind eyes!
If dad is home,
There are miracles in the house!
If dad is nearby,
I'm not lonely!
Dad will play
And it won’t let you be sad!
I feel good with dad
To live in this world!

3 child

It happens that mom is not at home...
Who's going to cook dinner for us?
Who will cook a delicious berry compote?
Who will put you to bed and sing a song?
Who will tell us a fairy tale or read a book?
Of course dad, he knows everything about household affairs!

Presenter- Today, my children and I invite you, dear parents, to take a break from worries and household chores and play with the children - remember your childhood.

"Dance Competition"
The presenter gives dance attributes to all participants - handkerchiefs, tambourines, ribbons. Music is playing, parents and children are dancing.

I suggest you play -
We need to stretch our legs!

Game "Find Dad"
Dads (parents) make a big circle. Children run around their parents like a snake to the music, the music ends - they run to their dad (mom).

Presenter- Children, I suggest you prepare a festive pie, but we need help, dads and moms come out - help.

Apple Pie Relay
Two teams are selected (children and parents in each), to do this you need to choose from the proposed ingredients those that will be needed for this pie.

Presenter“There’s a lot of trouble in the family—we need to wash the dishes, sweep the floors, and wash the clothes.” Do you children help your parents at home? Now let's check what kind of helpers you are.

Relay race "Cleaning"
Children play in two teams of 3-4 people. Competition with brooms, plastic cubes and hoops. Children use a broom to scoop up the cubes onto the scoop and carry them into the hoop, then give the move to another participant.
Then you can give the parents the opportunity to play.

Presenter- The holiday continues, the dancing begins.
A dance is performed to a Russian folk melody.

Presenter- Sometimes it happens that dads are left at home alone with their children. Now we will find out how dads cope with household chores.

Game with dads "Lingerie"
2 children are selected, each with their father (grandfather). The rope is pulled. There are handkerchiefs in the basket different colors. At a signal, children select handkerchiefs of a certain color from the basket before the game, and dads attach them to a rope with clothespins. Who can hang up the handkerchiefs faster?

Presenter- Our dads are daredevils, in a word – well done! All the housework is done, it's time to go for a walk. You need to quickly and correctly dress your children for a walk. Children will tell you what to wear first and what to wear last.

Game "Dress the Baby"
Dads, while we play music, put sweaters, pants, hats, scarves, boots and jackets on their children.

Now let's play
It's time to take the cheerful tambourine!

Game "Merry Tambourine"
You run, run, run,
Our cheerful, fast tambourine,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.
Who has a funny tambourine?
The one who had a tambourine in his hands at the time of the question, raises it up and goes to the center of the circle, dances to a Russian folk melody (you can use 2-3 tambourines).

Presenter -
All mothers love fruits and sweets
Yes, and no one is indifferent to flowers either!

Relay race “Gifts for Mom”
2 mothers are seated on chairs, 4 fathers (2 per team) run, take one gift each (flowers, candies, fruits) and give it to the mothers.

Presenter -
Our guests stayed too long
They looked at the kids.
Come on, come out
Dance with us.
The Lavata dance is performed

Presenter- Dads always have to work hard so that everything is fine in the family.

Game "Field of Miracles"
Children and adults play. There are large keys (made of cardboard for safety reasons) on the floor, the players run in a circle to the music, when the music ends - you need to take the key in your hands, the one who does not get the key is eliminated from the game.

The winner comes up with the key to the cardboard machine and “opens” it, finds it there gifts for children.

Presenter- What a pity to leave, but it’s time for us to say goodbye.
The general dance “Boogie-Woogie” is performed,
Children and parents leave the hall for tea.

Leisure sports evening “We love sports!”

among children and parents of older groups.

Target : Promotion of healthy lifestyles. Involve parents in active participation in the sports life of preschool educational institutions.


    Contribute to the creation of sports family traditions, warm relationships in the family.

    Create a friendly atmosphere and a cheerful sports mood among children and their parents.

    Expand the motor experience of children, develop the emotional and moral sphere of the child.

    Provide children with the opportunity to be active and take initiative in action.

    To foster a warm moral climate between children and parents.

    Strengthen the health of children and adults through physical education. To foster a healthy lifestyle in children and adults.

Integration educational areas:

Health: maintaining and strengthening children's health, forming initial ideas about healthy lifestyle.

Communication: development of free communication between adults and children.

Safety: ensuring the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health children.

Socialization : development of friendly relationships, enrichment of ways of gaming cooperation with peers and interaction with adults, development of social feelings, emotional responsiveness, goodwill.

Music: development of MR activities, physical qualities.

Equipment: music center, music discs, small hoops, two fitballs, two cheesecakes, soft modules "Alma", ice sleds, landmarks,

Preliminary work : drawing up a script for a sports festival, learning poems about sports and health and MRC, decorating the hall with children’s drawings on the theme “Winter sports”, “Healthy lifestyle”, posters and balloons; reading works; examination of illustrations, healthy lifestyle, about physical education and sports.

Main activity : physical development.

Form : sports and games.

Age: older children

The expected result of integrative qualities in students :

Physically developed : shows interest and activity in performing physical exercises.

Having mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers: accept a common goal and conditions, act in concert, and express a keen interest in the overall result.

Emotionally responsive : understand correctly emotional condition other people, actively express their willingness to help, and show sympathy.

Curious, active : independently act, and play activities.

Able to manage one's own behavior : shows patience, perseverance, ability to restrain.

Organizing time. The sports hall is decorated with balloons, children's drawings on the theme: "Sports", posters with winter sports depicted on them, on the wall hangs a poster: "We love sports", on both sides of the hall there are fans of senior groups sitting on benches, at the jury table 3 people.

A short move. To the music of the march, the competition participants enter the hall and take a lap of honor: a child in front, an adult behind, everyone in sportswear.

Leading . Dear children, parents, our guests! We are pleased to welcome everyone to our leisure sports evening: “We love sports!” Today we are not having ordinary competitions, but family ones. Adults will compete alongside the children. Our the holiday will pass under the slogan: “Sport is life! We are for a healthy future!” Exercising is useful, and physical exercise is doubly fun. The mass character of sport is the key to the family’s labor victories, Have a good mood and excellent health.

WITH greetings Our methodologist will speak to our participants. (Greeting).

Parents are such people

They rush to make excuses for being busy

Everyone needs to play sports

But to set records for everyone,

And forget about hospitals,

Over adults in matters of sports

The children decided to take patronage.

Leading . Guys senior group prepared poems:

1 . Boys and girls

And also their parents

In the bright sports hall,

Hurry up!

2 . Welcomes the kindergarten cheerful guests,

Warm smiles make the room brighter.

3 . Dad left work today.

And mothers forgot their big worries,

We put on our sneakers and took the kids,

Come to the sports festival today as soon as possible.

4 . There will be competitions here

Children, fathers and mothers,

Who will be the winner

Then we'll tell you.

5 . And with pride everyone can say,

What closer to family can't find anyone!

Our sports fans - hurray!

Leading. Just like in real sports competitions, the jury will evaluate the results. (Jury Presentation). For winning the competition, a team receives one point. Additional points will be awarded for fan activity.

Leading . Fans of both groups will cheer for our participants. Let's applaud them.

Leading . Teams of children and parents of senior group No. “Fidgets” and senior group No. “Zvezdochki” take part in our competitions.

Leading . Teams, get ready to welcome!

Team “Fidgets” and team “Stars” line up and greet each other.

Captain of the "Fidgets" team. Greetings.

"We'll eat more porridge

All medals will be ours!”

Captain of the Zvezdochki team. Greetings.

“We are brave guys!

They are rich in Russian power.

We dream of getting a prize

Hey enemy, watch out!

Leading. So our teams met. We wish them success in the competition. And now we invite everyone to a fun warm-up. A good warm-up strengthens and helps with hardening.

MRK "Barbariki". At the end, the teams sit down in their places.

Leading . It's time to start our competition. Teams to start.

1. Relay race: “Together on a cheesecake.”

2. Relay race: “Snowball”.

Leading. While our participants are resting, the fans will play.

P/N “One, two, three” to music for attention.

Leading . And now we find out why we need to do physical education and sports?

The guys from senior group No. 8 will tell us about this.

Children read poetry.

1 . Do not be afraid, children, of rain and cold,

Come to the stadium more often.

Who has been friendly with sports since childhood,

Always healthy, handsome and agile and strong.

2 . Long live the nets, balls and rackets,

Green field and sunshine!

Long live rest!

Fighting and marching!

Long live joy

Sports victories.

3 . Illuminated by the bright sun,

The stadium welcomes us!

By training we grow

We are stronger every day.

4 . We love to play football -

Score a goal into the goal.

We love to jump high

Swim quickly and easily.

5 . Fast running argues with the wind -

We run the fastest

And the skates shine on the ice -

We are flying in a race.

3. Relay race: “On a sled.”

4. Relay race: “Snow Maze”.

Leading . And now the game is for the fans.

« Which team will collect the balls in the baskets faster?

Leading . And now the riddle competition. I suggest you remember winter views sports

1 . There's a game in the yard in the morning,

The kids were playing around.

Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -

So there's a game there -…(Hockey)

2 . There is such a sport in the world,

It is popular in winter.

You're running on runners

You rush after your opponent.(Ski race).

3 . A figure skater dances on the ice

Spinning like an autumn leaf.

He's not wearing a fur coat, he's lightly dressed.

And now the duet is on the ice.

Eh, good skating!

The hall held its breath

The sport is called...(Figure skating).

4 . My question is not easy,

What do they call it,

When athletes are on a sleigh

Do they slide down the gutter?(Bobsled).

5. It's very difficult to be, don't argue,

The most accurate in this sport.

Just race down the track

And then hit the target,

Lying supine, with a rifle.

And your target is not an elephant,

The variety is called...(Biathlon).

6 . I've heard a lot about this sport

Aerial acrobat on skis.(Freestyle).

7 . Like a giant miracle

There is a springboard among the mountains!

This is a wonderful picture -

When they jump from a springboard! (Ski jumping).

5. Relay race: “Snow Fortress”.

Leading . While the jury sums up the results of our competition, we will rest. Games "Mousetrap" round dance game"We dance together"

Leading . And now I will ask everyone to line up to sum up the results of the competition.

The jury's word.

Family teams are awarded certificates of honor and prizes.

Leading . Ours has come to an end sport competitions. We wish you in the future sporting success and we will be glad to meet you in the future.

1 . Now the moment of farewell has come

Our speech will be brief:

We say to everyone: “Goodbye! -

See you happy next time!”

2 . Let your family starts be remembered,

May all adversity pass by,

May all your wishes come true,

And physical education will become native.

Leading . Let's welcome our members once again and finish our celebration with a cheerful dance.

MRK "Dance of the Ducklings" with all participants of the competition.

Competitors take a victory lap to cheerful music.

State budget preschool

Educational institution

Kindergarten No. 57

Combined type

Kolpinsky district

St. Petersburg

Sports evening with parents

in older groups

"We love sports!"

Physical culture

Krotova G.V.

St. Petersburg Kolpino. 2015

In every little child,

Both in a boy and in a girl.

There are two hundred grams of explosives,

Or even half a kilo.

He must jump and jump.

Grab everything, kick your legs,

Otherwise it will explode

It is unknown why.


Draw parents' attention to physical abilities child, its development physical abilities, the nature of relationships with other children;

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle;

Promote mass physical education and sports activities among children and parents;

Give children the opportunity to compete, express themselves, and bring a feeling of joy from communicating with each other and with their parents.


Raise physical activity and the performance of the child’s body;

To develop physical qualities in children: agility, speed, flexibility, speed-strength qualities;

develop mental and communication qualities;

Disclose Creative skills children in various types activities;

Bring up positive attitude to physical education and sports;

Foster collectivism, a sense of community, the ability to work in a team, and the will to win;

Create a joyful mood from joint play activities with parents.

Equipment: Cards for the games “Let's say hello”, “In numerical order”, 2 large lungs balls, 6 pins, 6 hoops, 2 baskets with 30 small balls, 20 scoops, 2 large pyramids, 2 mirrors, 20 mittens, 2 pairs of non-standard skis, 2 jumping balls, 2 jump ropes, 2 landmark cones, whistle.

Venue: gym

Progress of the event.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you in this hall! We hope there are no indifferent people among you. This means there will be fans and spectators today! The month of November is famous for a large number of holidays, both Russian and world! Congratulations to everyone present on the past Tolerance Day (be tolerant and tolerant of each other), Greetings Day (may the smiles of your students and their parents always greet you and charge you for the whole working day!), Black Cat Day (let the black cat bring only good luck) and many other holidays. But the most interesting thing is that the month of November brought together three great days, in honor of which our event today! This is World Men's Day (November 2), this is World Children's Day (20) and Mother's Day of Russia (24). Today in our gym there will be a meeting of the two strongest teams “Firefly” and “ The Scarlet Flower"! Our cheerful, fit, invincible competition participants will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, and speed! And of course they are worried! Let's support and greet them with applause!

(A sports march sounds, two teams enter the hall(children and parents) ) .

If you want to become skillful,

Strong, dexterous, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Hoops and sticks.

Never be discouraged

Hit the target with the balls.

That's the secret of health -

Hello to all friends, physical education!

Sports, guys, are very necessary,

We are very good friends with sports.

Sport is a helper!

Sport – health!

Sport is a game!

Physical training!

There is no better recipe in the world

Be inseparable from sports

You will live 100 years -

That's the whole secret!


Attention attention!!!

Let's start the competition!

Unusual competitions

Different from others!

Your moms, your dads,

At the start with you.

Now it's time to meet the participants of the holiday.

Representation of teams (name, motto)

Team No. 1.

Title: “The Scarlet Flower.”

Motto: Not a step back, not a step in place,

But only forward and only together.

Team No. 2.

Title: "Firefly".

Motto: Always shine, shine everywhere,

And help friends in trouble.

Leading: The teams are already ready and now we will find out how the athletes feel before the start of the competition (answers from children and adults). We welcome you too, dear guests and fans! Fans, show yourself! To cheer everyone up and get to know each other better, will the children teach you to say hello in a different, more interesting and fun way than usual? Dear parents, now the children will show you their greetings to each other, and then you will try it too!

Communication game “Let's say hello!”

(Children in a circle listening to musicin 1 minutegreet with elbows"cheeks""noses""heels", "knees", "backs". Then it is givenI have 2 minutes for general greetings). So we wished each other health like this in an unusual way. Now don’t leave, there’s a warm-up waiting for you!

Mmusical warm-up “Forward 4 steps”»

Four steps forward

Back four steps.

Our round dance is spinning and spinning.

Let's clap our hands.

Let's stomp our feet,

We move our shoulders,

And then let's jump!

The warm-up is over, the competition begins! I wonder who will win today! And to start the competition, I will introduce you to the jury, which will evaluate the results of the competition.

(____________________) believes that he is the best family holiday– this is a sport.

(____________________) still can’t understand which one to have

health to become a real fan!

Jury member: Doing physical exercise is useful, and having fun is doubly so. Every minute devoted to sports extends a person’s life by an hour, and to fun sports by two. Don't believe me? See for yourself! So, good luck!


Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle,

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

he will win in battle.

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. The team that completes the first task receives 2 points, the second - 1. After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last stage, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points based on the total of all relays wins. We wish the competition participants success. So, the competition begins!

Relay No. 1. "Who is faster?"

The first participant takes hands light the ball, throwing it in front of itself, runs to a certain mark, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 2. “Set up the sentries.”

3 hoops lie on the floor at an equal distance from each team. The first participant receives three pins and, on command, carries them, placing one pin in each of the hoops, runs to a certain mark, runs back, passes the baton to the next participant. The next participant collects pins from hoops, runs to a certain mark, runs back and passes the pins to the third participant. The third participant places the pins again. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


We are not afraid of any difficulties,

We can do all sorts of things,

Because the forces are young

We always strengthen ourselves with sports!

Relay No. 3."Vacuum cleaner".

If you scatter the balls on the floor, you need to collect them with a scoop, without helping yourself with your hand or feet. The ball needs to be pressed against something so that it rolls onto the scoop. The caught balls are collected in a basket.

Relay No. 4."In numerical order."

Two teams of 10 people line up in rows facing the audience. I have in my hands two sets of cards of different colors with numbers from 1 to 10. I mix the cards and attach one to the back of each participant. No one should know what number is written on it. Everyone can find out this only from their neighbor. At the signal, you must change lanes in order.

Relay No. 5."Caterpillar".

The 1st and 2nd players of each team take the position " Caterpillars": 2nd player puts left hand on the left shoulder of the 1st participant standing in front. At a signal, they begin to move forward, run around the landmark and return to their team. A 3rd player joins them and in this composition they continue to move. This happens until all players join the “Caterpillar”. The winner is the team whose last person in the column crosses the starting line faster under the condition. That all players will maintain a “caterpillar” position while moving.


While the jury sums up the results, we will take a little rest! Fans! I read the poem, and you take turns finishing it.

To avoid swimming with fat,

Don't look bad

On weekends, during the week

Raise quickly…..(dumbbells).

If you want to lose weight,

Have a thin waist

So don't eat soup with pork -

Spin it... (hula hoop).

If you want to be too

Looks like Schwarzenegger

If you don't mind the strength -

Then sit down with an oar in…..(kayak).

You don't want to be like a bear

Have thick legs -

You can’t hear the wind in your ears, -

You roll down the hill on….(skis).

Do you like to kick the ball?

They'll hit the goal,

So I came right

To play….(football).

Kohl from fast movement

You get pleasure

Take the helm, fly to victory,

On your own... (bicycle).

To be healthy in winter

And don’t drink the mixture in the future,

We're racing,

On our feet... (skates).

Relay No. 6.“Assemble the pyramid correctly”(for children(5) and adults(6)).

At a distance from the children, disassembled rings from the pyramid lie in a plate. The children begin the relay race. At the signal, players run up to the rack one by one and string one big ring. The next one is smaller. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins!.

Relay No. 7."Magic Mirror" (for adults).

The players each have a small mirror in their hands. Their task– reach the mark with your back, looking only in the mirror and avoiding obstacles (2-3 pins are laid out on the floor). Then run back and pass the mirror to the next player.

Relay No. 8."Find a match." Parents and children are given mittens with different snowflakes. The winner is the team whose children quickly find a pair for their mittens in the hands of adults.

Relay No. 9."Two of us skiing." Teams stand in pairs (adult and child). On command, the first pairs put on their skis and run on them to the mark and back, passing the skis to the next pair. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 10. "Who is faster?". Children on jumping balls and adults on jumping ropes cover the distance, passing the baton.

Dear Guys, Dear Parents! You competed well today, and your fans cheered for you well, and this undoubtedly gave you strength. Let's turn and greet our fans and all together, in unison, tell them “Thank you!”

Our competition has come to an end, but no matter what the results are, we will assume that “Friendship!” has won today.

The jury speaks, the results of the competition and awards are announced.

Leading: Our competition is over. And may the world of movements give you vigor, health, happiness in everyday communication with physical culture and sports.


Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Outdoor games for preschoolers.

Bocharova A.G. 500 wonderful children's games.

Grishkov V.I. Children's outdoor games.

Gromova O.E. Sport games for children

Davydova M.A. Sports events for preschoolers...

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Minskin E.M. From play to knowledge.

Filipenko E.V. Unboring holidays.

Abstract: It is no secret that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and interest in physical education and sports are laid in the family. That’s why I bring to your attention a summary of physical education and recreational entertainment shared with adults. This summary is addressed to physical education instructors, teachers working with younger children preschool age V conditions of the preschool educational institution and the system of additional education.

Scenario sports entertainment for children of primary preschool age with parents" Sport family".

Target: Formation of motivation for physical education and sports.
healthy image life, responsibility for their health and the health of their children.
1. To form in parents an interest in a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and the health of their children.
2. Develop cooperation skills between children and parents; promote their emotional rapprochement.
3. Evoke a positive emotional response in children joint activities with an adult.
Equipment: sports equipment - hoops, balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, boxing gloves, swimming circles, fins, etc., multimedia board (projector and screen), emblems.
Preliminary work: making emblems, learning musical warm-ups with children.
Children and parents are given emblems in advance. The team captain is an adult and receives a motto.
Instructor: Hello, dear parents! Hello - simple, but true kind word. Hello - we wish each other health! Agree to feel pleasant, healthy, vigorous and cheerful. No wonder they say: “In healthy body - healthy mind!”, and health is based on movement, I invite you to go towards health together with your children.
To the hall under musical accompaniment children enter.
Instructor: Hello guys! Today we will go with you to a meeting to health together with your families, dads and moms. Sport will help us find health.
1 Child:
Adults and children know
What is most important in the world -
Mom, dad, you and me -
Together a friendly family.
2 Child:
Family is joy, warmth and comfort,
Family is a home where you are always welcome.
If there is peace and friendship in the family,
Everyone will be proud of you.
Instructor: Exercising is beneficial, and fun physical activity is doubly beneficial. So, good luck!
Let's walk happily together Walking
We raise our legs higher.
Get up on your toes, Walking on toes
And get down on your heels. Walking on your heels
Let's walk like kittens Crawling on all fours
Well, if you get tired.
Then we'll rise higher Crawling with support on palms and feet
How bears go into the forest.
We'll cross the bridge Walking sideways
Carefully and sideways.
The leg moves to the side,
And the other one is catching up.
We'll gallop along the path Jumping
Let's train our legs.
They ran after each other Run
We are not at all tired!
We raise our hands up
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose. Exercise to restore breathing.
Children stand in a circle, the adult stands behind the child.
Instructor: To play sports, we need to train! Early in the morning, in order - get ready to exercise!
Musical warm-up “Exercise” (Kukutiki)
Interactive warm-up for showing characters on a multimedia board.
The instructor sets up two stands with emblems.
Instructor: Teams take their places according to their logos.
Team greetings
Instructor: Two teams will participate in our competition:
Captain of the "Sun" team:
Our motto:
We are a sports family - dad, mom and me!
We never lose heart and we always win!
Captain of the “Friendship” team: Our motto:
Dad, mom, I are our friendly family!
We live together in harmony.
And we dance and sing!
We are strong for each other - don’t stand in our way!
Instructor: Today there will be a strict but fair jury to evaluate sports training, agility and dexterity!
1 relay race “It’s fun to walk together”
Instructor: We don't care about barriers
If we go together!
Children stand with their feet on their parent’s feet, if one child has two parents, then the child stands with one foot on his mother’s foot, the other on his father’s foot. At a signal, participants walk to a landmark and return back.
2nd relay race “Sports family portrait”
The path to health achievements
Needs a lot of inspiration!
On family signal standing first they run to the sports equipment (dumbbells, pom-poms, skis, fins, balls, etc.) laid out in a hoop, select any objects and pose with them for the “photographer” - teachers.
3rd relay race “Riddles”
There are many types of sports,
You can’t even count everything.
Let's play now
Name sports equipment.
Reads riddles to the teams in turn.
1. Sonorous, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
(The ball) jumps loudly in the yard.
2. I twist it with my hand,
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist it at the waist,
And I don’t want to drop (the hoop).
3.Two wooden horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow (skis) with my poles.
4. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And shiny... (skates).
5. I took two oak blocks,
two iron skids.
I filled the bars with planks
Give me snow. Ready... (sleigh).
6. I see - the champion has
A quarter ton barbell.
I want to become the same
To protect my sister!
I'll be in the apartment now
Lift big...(weights).
7. On a clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my... (bicycle).
8. Take me in your hands,
Start jumping quickly.
One jump and two jumps,
Guess who I am, buddy? (jump rope)
4 relay race "Jump rope"
Instructor: They did a great job with the relay races.
Running fast is common to everyone.
Now, let's jump, friends,
Let's find out who is our most jumping team?
At the signal, one participant from each team performs jumping rope.
5th relay race “Crossing”
Instructor: Come on, daddies, don't yawn!
Don't lag behind your mothers!
The first couple in the team is two dads, holding hands (if there are more dads in the team, then they form several pairs and carry the children and mothers in turn). At a signal, the child (then the mother) climbs into their arms. Participants are transferred to the opposite side of the hall.
Instructor: Our competition has come to an end, and the jury gives the floor!
Teams are formed to sum up the results. The jury announces the results of the competition. The teams are awarded.
Instructor: And in conclusion, I really want to tell you:
Athletes - faithful friends both summer and winter.
Let every family be a sports family!
