Engraving on a wedding ring. Engraving options on the ring

Engraving on wedding rings is gaining its former popularity again, and it is not surprising, because it is so romantic to leave a message that will symbolize your love for many years to come. For some, putting inscriptions on rings is a relic of Soviet times, when they tried to engrave their wish on any gift or souvenir.

Modern technologies make it possible to make an inscription on the wedding ring, both in Russian and in English language or even in Hebrew or Latin.

The phrase for the inscription on the wedding rings that you want to immortalize should be short and easy to read. Most often for engraving I use names, important dates or aphorisms in Latin. But in spite of everything, it is worth considering the text carefully - after all, this inscription can no longer be changed and it will be seen for the rest of your life. So step up to this issue very seriously. It is not necessary to engrave before the wedding, it can also be a wonderful gift for each other on their wedding anniversary.

Photo engraving on wedding rings

Phrases for engraving on wedding rings

If you don't know what to write in wedding rings then our examples are beautiful and original phrases can help you.

Deus Nos Iunxit (lat.)God Joined Us- God united us
Semper Amemus (lat.)Let Us Love Always Our love will last forever
Semper Fidelis (lat.)Always Faithful— Forever devoted
Amor Vincit Omnia (lat.)Love Conquers All- Love conquers all
Mizpah (Hebrew) - God watch between us when we are absent from one another (English) God watches over us when we can't take care of each other
Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li (Hebrew) - I Am Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine (English)- I love and I am loved)
Il Mio Cuore e il Tuo Per Semper (Italian) - My Heart is Yours Forever (English)- My heart is forever yours
Amour Mio (Italian) - Mon Amour (French, 15th century) - My Love (English)- My love
Por Tous Jour (French, 15th century) - For All Days - (English)- For centuries
A Vila Mon Coeur Gardi Li Mo (French, 15th century) - Here is My Heart, Guard it Well! (English)“Here is my heart, keep it!”
Autre Ne Vueil (French, 15th century) - No One But You (English)- No one but you
Une Dezir (French, 15th century) - My One Desire (English)- My only passion
Mon Coeur Est a Vous (French, 15th century) - You Have My Heart (English) You are the ruler of my heart
Par Grant Amour (French, 15th century) - For My Greatest Love (English)— My great love
Je T'aime (French, 15th century) - I love you (English)- I love you
Myn Genyst (German) - My Heart (English)- My heart
forever- Forever and ever
Love is Eternal- Love for ages
Never to Part- We are one
Be Mine- be mine (mine)
My Beloved- To my beloved (beloved)
A die- from this day
A solis ortu usque ad occasum- Sunrise to sunset
Absque omni exceptione- Without any doubts
Ab imo pectore- With full sincerity, from the heart
Abhinc- From now on
Ab ovo- from the beginning till the end
Ad infinitum- To infinity, without end
Ad finem saeculorum- Until the end of time
Ad futuram memoriam- For the long memory
ad manum- At hand
Ad memorandum- For memory
Ad multos annos- For many years
Ad usum proprium- For personal use
Ad vitam aut culpam- For life or until the first guilt
Aeterna historia— Eternal history
Age quod agis- Do what you're doing
Alea jacta est- The die is cast; irrevocable decision made (Julius Caesar)
alter ego— My doppelgänger, another me
Amantes-amentes- insane lovers
Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur- A true friend is known in trouble
Amor non est medicabilis herbis- Love is not cured by herbs
Amor apasionado(Spanish)- ardent love
Amor vincit omnia- Love conquers all
Amor omnibus idem- Love is the same for all
Amor tussisque non celantur You can't hide love and cough
Ani ldodi vdodi li (Heb.)- I love and I am loved)
Argumentum ad oculos- visual proof
Ars longa, Vite brevis- art is long-lived, but life (of a person) is short
Audacesfortunejuvat- Fate helps the brave (Virgil)
Autbene,autnihil- Either good or nothing
Beati posidentes- happy to have
Benedicite!- Good afternoon!
Bene sit tibi!- Good luck!
Bene placito- of good will
Voña mente- With good intentions
Bonum factum!
- For good and happiness!
Caritas et pax— Respect and Peace
Con amore- With love
Consensu omnium- With common consent
Consortium omnis vitae- Fellowship of all life
Credo— I believe!
D.D.D.-Dat. Dicat.Dedicat. (lat.) - Gives. Dedicates. Honors. Ancient gift inscription.
De die in diem
- From day to day
Dei gratia- by the grace of God, thank God
Detur digniori- May it be given to the most worthy
Dixi- Said; everything is said, nothing to add
Dum spiro, spero- While I breathe I hope
Ego plus quam feci, facere non possum- More than I did, I can not do
- Long live!
ex animo- from the heart
Ex consensus- by agreement
Ex dono— As a gift
Fac fideli sis fidelis- Be loyal to the one who is loyal (to you)
Fata viam Invenient You can't escape fate
fiat voluntas tua- Thy will be done
Fortiter ac firmiter- strong and strong
Gens una sumus We are one tribe
Grata, rata et accepta- Any, legal and acceptable
Gratulari- to rejoice (to one's happiness)
Hoc erat in votis- It was my wish
Hoc erat in fatis- so it was destined (fate)
Ibi victoria, ubi concordia- There is victory, where there is consent
In aeternum- forever, forever
In saecula saeculorum- Till the end of time
Jure— By right
Lex fati- Law of Destiny
Liberum arbitrium- Freedom of choice
Lux in Tenebris- Light in the dark
Mane et nocte- Morning and night
meliora spero-Hoping for the best
Merito fortunae- by luck
Mon amour (French)- My love
Natura sic volume- That's what nature wanted.
Ne varietur- Not subject to change
Nil nisi bene- Nothing but good
Non dubitandum est- No doubt
Non multa, sed multuin- Not much, but a lot (the motto of scientists)
non-solus- Not alone
Nunc est bibendum!- Now let's feast!
Omnes et singulos- Together and separately
Omnia mea mecum porto- I carry everything with me
Omnia praeclara rara- Everything beautiful is rare
Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori
- Love conquers all, and we submit to love
Omnium consensus- With common consent
Optima fide- With full confidence
Ore uno- unanimously (literally: with one mouth)
Peccare licet nemini!- No one is supposed to sin!
Per aspera ad astra- Through hardship to the stars!
Pia causa- good reason
Pia desideria- Good wishes, cherished dreams
Placeat diis- If the Gods will
Pro bono public- For the common good
Pro memory- For memory, in memory of something
Pro ut de lege- legally
Probatum est- Approved
Proprio motu- at your own request
Rari quippe boni- Good people are rare
Quilibet fortunae suae faber- Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness
Quod erat demonstrandum- What was required to prove
Salva Venia- if allowed
Sancta sanctorum
- holy of holies
Sapienti sat- Enough for someone who understands
Sed semel insanivimus omnes One day we all go crazy
semper idem- always the same
Semper virens- eternal youth
sensus veris- feeling of spring
Si fata sinant- If it were fate
Sic erat in fatis- It was meant to be
Sic fata voluerunt
- So it was fate
Sine dubio- Without doubt
Sint ut sunt, aut non sint- Let it be as it is, or let it not be at all
Sponte sua- voluntarily, voluntarily
Sua sponte- of your own free will
Sub specie aeternitatis— From the point of view of eternity
Sursum Corda!- Raise your head!
Suum cuique- To each his own
Tale quale- such as it is
Tantum cognoscitur, quantum diligitur- We know as much as we love
Tempus fugit, aeternitas manet- Time flows, eternity is unchanged
Tertium non datur- There is no third
Te amo (Spanish)- I love you.
Ubi concordia - ibi victoria Where there is agreement, there is victory.
Vale et me ama— Be healthy (s) and love me
vestra salus - nostra salus Your good is our good
Vires unitae agent- Forces work together
Vive valeque- Live and be healthy
Vivere est cogitare To live is to think!
Volente deo- With God's help.

Inscriptions on the rings in Russian with humor

  • Game Over…
  • STOP - busy (busy);
  • Be good boy(good girl);
  • To be continued…
  • I bewitched him (he bewitched me);
  • Goodbye freedom!
  • Put it back on;
  • We will be together for another 999 years and 999 days.

Lyrics from songs

  • I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston)
  • My Love is Your Love (Whitney Houston)
  • Mad About You (STING)
  • I've Got You Under My Skin (Frank Sinatra)
  • Corazon Espinado (Santana)
  • I Keep On Fallin' Love In You (Alicia Keys) and others

Looking for beautiful inscriptions to engrave on wedding rings? We will tell you whether it can be done and what techniques for creating inscriptions are. Here you will also find many ideas for interesting phrases in Russian, Latin, French. The article contains the best quotes from films about love and phrases from the songs of popular artists. Everyone can find a suitable option for themselves! In addition, you will find out approximately how much it costs to engrave an inscription on a wedding ring.

If we are talking about signs, then it is undesirable to make inscriptions on wedding rings - they should be smooth, without various decorations. They say it helps keep family bonds and avoid problems along the way.

There are also rumors that one should not give the "symbol of love" into anyone's hands, including the engraver. If you decide to do this, give him the product after the wedding. Approaching the issue from a purely practical side, engraving allows you to emphasize the significance of marriage and relationships. But there is one inconvenience - after applying any phrases to the surface of the decoration, it will be quite problematic to reduce or increase it.

Types of engraving on wedding rings

There are several types of engraving:

  • manual;
  • diamond;
  • laser;
  • shtikhelnaya;
  • photoengraving.

The highest quality and most popular is laser technology.

The inscription can be done both on the inside and on the outside of the product. The first option is the most common, since the engraved phrases are very personal for the spouses. This is especially true when the beginning of the word is on one ring, and its continuation is on the other. It is also convenient to make an inscription on the inside because it is less exposed to factors environment. This allows it to remain in perfect condition for a long time.

Now about the sizeOptimal length phrases - about 20 letters. Their width and height are selected individually, according to the size of the ring.

And last momentlanguage on which the inscription will be made. The most common variant is Latin and English. Russian is welcomed in Russian-speaking countries.

Another important point- finance; read in another article about. You will be able to calculate the wedding budget yourself, find out what it costs and what not to save on, and much more.

Don't like platitudes? Then why not?. Here you can find detailed script celebrations.

Have you already chosen the day when the ceremony will take place? It's time to take care of the right way. This article tells you if weekends are paid and how to legalize everything.

Lettering Ideas

Below are the most interesting options for phrases that can be written on any rings, even on church ones (for a wedding).


Here are a few positions:

  • the names of the groom and the bride;
  • the initials of the spouses;
  • date of marriage registration;
  • day, month or year of the first date/acquaintance;
  • affectionate nicknames or nicknames (this is a great solution for those who met on the Web).

Names of the newlyweds


Here are some ideas:

  • place of acquaintance;
  • phone number, her/him;
  • phrases from your favorite movie;
  • lines from a song that both liked;
  • excerpts from books;
  • the name of the place where the marriage proposal was made or the first kiss happened.

What to write in Russian

Here are a few, albeit banal, but touching examples:

  • one heart for two;
  • I am in you;
  • You are inside me;
  • I breathe you
  • live with you;
  • I am you;
  • the whole world is in you;
  • drown in you;
  • always yours;
  • I `m nothing without you;
  • together forever;
  • My joy;
  • you are my happiness;
  • your muse;
  • happiness is where you are;
  • you are in my heart.

English with translation

Here's what you can write:

  • Be mine - be mine (s)
  • God joined us - united by God
  • Happy to love you - I'm happy to love you
  • Te amo mi angel - I love you my angel
  • yes
  • I promise - I promise
  • Come on and kiss me - come here and give me a kiss
  • Together Forever - together forever
  • In peace and harmony - in peace and harmony
  • My own human - my own person
  • My Heart is Yours Forever - my heart is always yours.

Variants in Latin

Here is the list:

  • Nostra est aeterna - our love will be eternal
  • Cum tu aeternum - forever with you
  • Semel - once and for all
  • Hoc solum observabis ut - only you
  • fatum - fate
  • Nose est in votis - that's who I want to be with
  • Sic volo - I want it that way
  • Ad finem saeculorum - until the end of time
  • Amor Vincit Omnia - love conquers all
  • Infinite - to infinity
  • Mutari non potest - not subject to change
  • Sic erat in fatis - it was meant to be.

Beautiful examples in French

Here are some options:

  • Por Tous Jour - for the ages
  • Autre Ne Vueil - no one but you
  • Je T'aime - I love you
  • Por Tous Jours - for all time
  • Ex animo - from the heart
  • Fortiter ac firmiter - strong and strong.

Interesting phrases from movies and songs

If some phrases are long, they can start on one ring and end on the second.

  • I swear I will come back for you. I promise that in no case will I leave you ("The English Patient").
  • You're the first one I've kissed, so be the last one ("Stylish Things").
  • You do not have to understand, you just need to believe in fate ("Intuition").
  • I love you, I don’t know how, why or even from where (“Healer Adams”).
  • I want to kiss you every day, every hour and every minute (“Lucky”).

For long phrases, paired rings are ideal.

And here are the lyrics from foreign songs:

  • Thomas Anders
  • White Snake
  • Beatles - I love her
  • Elvis Presley - Love me tender
  • Scorpions
  • Engelbert Humperdinck
  • Michael Jackson

How much does it cost to do

Putting an inscription on one gold piece (on one side) costs about 500 rubles. If the shape of the product is complex, you will need to pay 300-600 rubles more. Engraving on rings with stones costs 1000-1500 rubles. If we are talking about base metals, you will need about 400 rubles.

If you are not afraid to ruin the ring and it is inexpensive, you can try to engrave yourself at home. Here interesting video with a detailed plan of action, only here the inscription is made on a spoon:

It doesn't matter what you write on the rings, the main thing is that it will bring you even closer!

Engraving on a ring is an amazing way to express your feelings, thoughts, desires, or to perpetuate memorable event. Our company offers professional services on drawing inscriptions, images, patterns on any metal accessories. By creating the highest quality product, producing an exceptionally excellent product, we delight our customers and their loved ones by giving them the very best.

Examples of engraving on rings

Ring engraving is a great gift

give yourself and close person a worthy gift - engraving on wedding rings, which is in the greatest demand, and has already become an integral attribute of a wedding celebration, must be done the best way. For this, at your disposal big choice popular symbols, patterns, phrases, including those in other languages, and of course, skilled craftsmen who accurately perform their work on the most modern equipment.

Engraving options on the ring

At the moment, engraving on the ring can be done in two ways. Both have their own advantages and properties. Employees from GraverLux master them perfectly, which allows the customer to enjoy all subtle features appearance of such creations. However, it is up to you to choose which direction to go...

Laser engraving on the ring- a modern version that appeared in the 20th century. At the moment, this is the most economical and popular way to create inscriptions and drawings on different surfaces. Laser engraved rings are distinguished by the perfection and precision of the lines, which makes it attractive to many people. A similar effect is achieved due to the minimum participation of a person in the application process - the machine does everything accurately and with mechanical superiority. As a result, you are guaranteed to receive a product, as if descended from the pages of a fashion magazine.

Laser engraving on the ring is not only a great decoration, but also has an additional number of advantages over the classical method. A focused beam of light is able to penetrate even into hard-to-reach places, which allows you to realize even the most complex ideas. Again, by automating the process, the cost becomes more advantageous.

Advantages of laser engraving:

  • High application speed;
  • Favorable cost;
  • Perfect line accuracy;
  • The ability to draw even in hard-to-reach places;
  • Production of lines of any thickness, up to the thinnest;
  • Drawing images and inscriptions of any complexity.

Diamond engraving on the ringclassical method, characterized by high decorativeness. The appearance of the final product is truly exquisite and unique, because every corner, every millimeter has its own individuality, created by the master's hand. Unlike the laser technologies described above, this requires professionalism and experience. Engraving on the ring the classic way, even despite modern technology, compare to art, and people who have mastered it can be safely called artists.

The appearance of the products at the exit from the workshop looks amazing. Patterns and inscriptions shimmer in a special way in the rays of light, giving them a stunning look. Of course, due to its aesthetic properties and the complexity of implementation, the method of diamond deposition of information on a metal surface is more prestigious and expensive. Engraving on wedding rings of this class is perfect way perpetuate your spiritual feelings on a material object.

Advantages of diamond engraving:

  • Stunning aesthetic and decorative properties;
  • Due to the complexity of the process, every detail of the image has a personality;
  • This method considered more prestigious and solid;
  • A true master works on your product, putting his soul into it.

What engraving on the ring to choose - options for inscriptions and locations

As a rule, the most popular place for drawing a picture is back side rings. Engraving on wedding rings is an intimate affair, hidden from prying eyes. Often, newlyweds choose the inner part of the product, because apart from them, no one will be able to see the sacred meaning located there. The same approach is often used by young people who decide to add meaning to the process of wearing an accessory, ring, ring or other.

Thanks to modern technologies, engraving on the ring can be applied in almost any part of it, regardless of whether it is flat, convex or concave. The same can be said about the difference between metals - gold, platinum, steel, monogram, etc., all of them are subject to our skilled craftsmen, who carefully transform simple thing into a work of art.

Engraving on rings, inscriptions and drawings are inseparable things. Today, you can choose the design of the font, as well as how to engrave, in-depth or embossed. From the name of this or that type, it can be understood that in the first case, the letters are cut inside the metal, forming a recess, while in the second, everything is the opposite - the material around the image itself is removed. The result that appears after applying both methods differs only in appearance - this is just a matter of your personal taste.

Attention! After engraving, the product is no longer able to undergo changes in size, therefore, it is necessary to make sure in advance that the accessory fits you.

Reliability, quality, professionalism, speed - we work at the highest level

In our assortment there is not only engraving of gold rings, but also many other accessories made of various metals. We provide our valued customers with high quality service. A lot of thankful reviews only confirmed that the company is moving in the right direction. When you need truly reliable partners who can bring you value without making you feel uncomfortable, turn to the best in the business.

If engraving is required on a ring, it is essential to pay attention to the skill level of the people performing the this work, after all experienced master will not only provide a stunning, updated look to your accessory, but also ensure that it is not damaged during the processing process. Our company always takes responsibility for what it does - our customers always get the best, just enjoying the result.

Catalog of inscriptions - choose or invent yourself

The site already has a catalog of inscriptions that can be applied to products - as a rule, these are well-known phrases in Latin, famous for its magnificence. Of course, our craftsmen can easily use your own blanks. If you still have not chosen which engraving on the ring is right for you, then just contact the consultant by phone - a professional will advise the most proven and effective solutions for different cases, because we earn by bringing benefits to people.

Working with experts is always beneficial

When a person wants to get engraved silver, steel, gold rings, he turns to us, expecting to receive high-class service, fast service, and, of course, high-quality work, the cost of which will be beneficial to him. We believe that in the conditions of modern competition, it is possible to make a profit only by providing the customer with everything necessary and doing it better than others. We create quality for you. Place an order, enjoy the excellent result.

Previously, the bride and groom had a tradition: the exchange of engraved rings upon marriage. Nowadays, this custom is being revived. However, modern newlyweds face a difficult choice: what kind of engraving can be done on wedding rings? After all, there are many memorable words for these wedding accessories, each of which has its own sacred meaning. Inscriptions on wedding rings will add spice wedding celebration, but what phrase to engrave?

The meaning of the inscriptions on wedding rings

For newlyweds, the presence of any expressions on a wedding accessory is of great importance. Even in ancient times, the bride and groom sought to capture their common life credo. Subsequently, this engraving helped them to stick to the chosen path. By historical information, wedding rings have even been passed down from generation to generation as heirlooms. The descendants of the couple were destined to follow the advice that was immortalized on the decoration.

Modern newlyweds strive to make an inscription on a wedding accessory so that their love remains eternal. Future spouses can independently choose a suitable expression from the proposed options or come up with their own. Thanks to the unusual inscriptions on traditional wedding rings, the couple will be able to immortalize their feelings forever. Besides, beautiful phrases in Latin, English or Russian, the eccentricity of the newlyweds, as well as their individuality, will be emphasized.

As a rule, a couple leaves oaths and declarations of love on wedding accessories (“I love you”, “Together forever”, “You are the meaning of my life”, “My happiness”). However, it is possible to cement your relationship with various popular expressions that can carry not only love, but also religious meaning. These include such expressions as: “God united us”, “Eternal history” and many others. Also when choosing suitable phrase humor is welcome: “Goodbye freedom”, “Game over”, etc.

If you choose to give in modern fashion and create a wedding accessory with a verbal saying, you must carefully read the recommendations for choosing it. Use a few tips to help you express your desires very clearly when you go to a master engraver:

  • Decide on the location of the selected text. Remember that it can be both outside and on the inner surface of the product. In the second case, the phrase will be hidden from the eyes of others, and you can keep it secret among yourself for the rest of your family life.

  • Decide on the type of engraving. There are only three of them: convex (extra layers of metal are removed, as a result of which an inscription is formed on a gold wedding ring), in-depth (the phrase is cut out with a clove) and free (the letters are connected by two arcs). It is worth choosing the type of creation of the inscription, based on your preferences.
  • The phrase should be short but relevant. Winged Latin proverbs are the best fit for decorating the main wedding accessory, as they do not take up much space.
  • Calculate the time. As a rule, a professionally created verbal saying on the ring is not completed in one day. Keep this in mind when preparing for your wedding. By miscalculating the time, you run the risk of being completely left without the main symbol of the wedding. To prevent this from happening, be sure to ask the master how long it will take to complete the order.
  • Prepare smooth, slightly rounded accessories for the procedure - then the inscription will turn out to be as neat and beautiful as possible. If the products are decorated with rhinestones and pebbles, engraving is best done inside.

  • You can choose decoration made from the following materials: gold, silver, steel, platinum and others. But in most cases, it depends on what kind of inscription you want to engrave. Therefore, when choosing a product, consult with the master.

Engraving inscriptions on wedding rings is done manually or using laser technology. As a rule, manual work is much more expensive than laser work. But she looks more attractive and neat. When choosing the type of engraving, be guided by your budget. A video on how an engraving is created using a laser machine will help you better understand this:

Phrases for engraving on wedding rings

When choosing an inscription, you should look at many examples of phrases that are used to create an engraving on a wedding accessory. It is considered popular latin phrase: "Sic erat in fatus" (So it is destined). In addition to any popular expressions, you can engrave your names or wedding date. Inscription in traditional wedding decoration can be both in Latin and in native Russian.

in latin

Even in ancient times, newlyweds sought to strengthen the bonds of marriage by engraving any catchphrase on your wedding accessory. Previously, Latin expressions were extremely popular, because this language was the main spoken language for many states. And in our time there is a tradition to decorate wedding jewelry with Latin expressions.

In Russian

Nevertheless, the majority of Russian-speaking newlyweds prefer to decorate the main attributes of the wedding with Russian inscriptions. In this case, the bride and groom will definitely not forget the meaning catchphrase. Moreover, in Russian there are many good inscriptions that are suitable for the ring. You can see examples of popular sayings below in the photo.

Good day, everyone passing by, visiting, adding friends, signing updates! All good mood! We have already talked about what are associated with wedding rings, what kind of rings there are. Today I will try to expand my reasoning on the topic of engraving options on wedding rings.

There is a certain sacredness in this sacrament. This, in my opinion, is the broadest topic for discussion. There is no beginning, no end. But I will try to highlight the most pressing questions for you and find answers to them.

What for what? Hockey with a ball!

If the idea of ​​engraving on wedding rings has crept into your mind, then for sure there were many questions. Such as:

  1. What is the price?
  2. What to write?
  3. Which side is best? From the inside, so that the most important words are closer to the owner, or from the outside, so that everyone can admire the intricate hieroglyphs and puzzle over what such a message means.

I think it's time for us to sort out all these issues. So let's go.

Technology - where without them?

Well, even children know what engraving is, it makes no sense to specify. But how it is done, not everyone knows. Even if that's all, I'll still tell you, because it's interesting! There are several ways to apply inscriptions to jewelry. Diamond or laser engraving can be done either manually or on a special machine.

Just imagine, a stone, one of the most durable materials on earth - a diamond that could be an addition to finished decoration, with great effort scratches hard metal. As for the laser, it's generally like in a science fiction movie.

There is another way with acid. But it's not pretty, so let's omit it. The process of applying the most tender words to hard metal is very unusual and bewitching, but the result most often exceeds all expectations.

What will determine the price of the inscription? From the material from which the rings are made. The harder the metal, the harder it will be to do, the more effort you need to make, the higher the cost. If the question of money is not a question for you, you should think about which inscription to choose, because there are not even a million options, there are billions of them!

Don't know what engraving to do?

The simplest and most common option is the wedding date or the name of your rug. Always up to date! Especially for men. There is always a hint on the hand when to give flowers, fur coats and cars and what is the name of your beloved. In any incomprehensible situation, I took it off, looked, remembered! This is, of course, a joke, but in every joke there is a share of a joke ... But there is a practicality in this. There are all sorts of cases in life, and this, it seems, is not only an amulet-protector, but also an excellent distinguishing mark, if anything.

Love languages

If you decide that you will never forget the day when you sat down at the wheel of this ... not from this movie! If the numbers and dates are not for your rings, and you know exactly what the text should be, then you should pay attention to the language. After all, it does not have to be our familiar and native. Perhaps the phrase is in French or Spanish it will be exactly what you want! So, a small hit parade of languages ​​​​for cherished words on wedding rings:

When choosing a phrase for engraving, remember that the text should not be too long. Short, capacious, gentle and memorable, such that it looks beautiful and fits all on a small surface, and is easy to read.

Before making inscriptions, make sure that the rings fit perfectly on the finger. , after the engraving is applied - it is inappropriate, the message can not only be erased, but change the meaning, which, in my opinion, is much worse.

Very rarely, Chinese or Japanese characters are used, in view of the fact that it is quite difficult for the master to make the character correctly, and as you know, one wrong line and “victory” turns into “trouble”. And in no case should a family ship be allowed to sail with that name!

Let's hit religion

Where without humor?

Our lives are filled with little annoyances. Wow, what a start! But that's just the way it is, rain outside the window, dust on the bedside table, work on Monday, traffic jams, tight shoes, a torn sock. There are people like that, right? And there are those who think: “Oh rain, great! It will be fresher!”, “Dust on the nightstand? “Class, I have a nightstand!” same with work! And if they also pay there, it’s generally fine. Traffic jams? So you have money for a car. tight shoes? No one is to blame, I bought these myself! Broken sock? - it's good that they are not REPNULI pants.

Personally, I consider myself to be the second type of people! You can always find a reason to smile. When I ride the subway and another such thought comes to my mind, people around me look at me with apprehension: rush hour, crush, closeness, a friend is standing and, to put it mildly, “smiling” for the whole car. Let them say thank you for not laughing out loud. Sometimes you have to hold back a lot. So I told you about myself, now back to the rings. You can be original and make a cool or even funny inscription on your rings. What? Here is what I found for you:

  1. "Friends & Lovers", which translates as Friends & Lovers
  2. "My Miracle", I advise you to write with a translation and add: “My miracle is in feathers!”
  3. "It's just the sex!"- It's just sex!
  4. My Knight in Shining Armor my knight in shining armor
  5. "My Little Buttercup..."- my little Buttercup (everyone understood to the best of their depravity, but the idea is clear)

Another great option is if you somehow call your soulmate, not just a bunny, a fish, a pussy, but, for example, Boo-boo. Then the inscription might look like this: "My little Booboo". The nickname with which the person is related is also very suitable. Come up with your exclusive version.

There is a small minus, such rings cannot be passed on to your children and grandchildren as a family heirloom, but on the other hand, we do not observe so many traditions now, maybe in 20-30 years, we will fly in cars and instead of gold jewelry, make tattoos on finger with a laser. Let's reduce the number of divorces. You can’t remove the rings, you’ll have to live until the end of your days, and then you look, and they changed their minds about dispersing.

See for yourself, but I strongly recommend that you treat this issue with a bit of humor. Then, when you walk old, along the gray rainy streets, looking at your hand, you will remember your stormy youth, how you joked, hooligans, fought with pillows, hid in closets, rode motorcycles, you say, I love you, my little Boo Boo and kiss your already wrinkled hand.

It's all?

If the thought crept into you that these are all original ideas from my luggage, then no! This is just the beginning. I suggest considering the black engraving option. I know, I know, already someone says what? On engagements? Black? Gloomy, mourning color! Enough negativity! It is necessary to look more positively, black is the most elegant color. The combination of gold and black looks not just beautiful and unusual, but chic, rich and unique. Do not delve into how they do it, a complex system may be more expensive than usual, but it will also look 100%. And come on, strain your memory and tell me, have you seen this? BUT? how's the idea?

If this idea is not to your liking, for those who don't want to, I have a trump card in store - relief engraving on wedding rings. This option is more suitable for rings (which also take place in a number of engagement ring options) and the inscriptions are made on the outside. What is written in this case? The most popular option is the initials.

Want to add. In every culture, at all times, there have been symbols that were considered the protectors of family happiness. Nowadays, few people remember this, everything is lost, but you can “study literature”, search and rummage around the Internet and find unusual Egyptian symbols, ancient Slavic, runic and Vedic symbols and signs. Upon request, the global network will give examples of inscriptions, examples of drawings and even examples of fonts. I will stop for a moment on one symbol, which is considered mathematical today and is known to everyone.

“I guessed the sign ...” - Zemfira

Infinity. Of course. How much in this symbol ... the universe, space, love, eternity. On the other hand, how little. Second, drop, share. We don't know anything about infinity. Every part of our life has a beginning and an end! Each! Except for love. Everything is born and everything dies. And only true love appears out of nowhere and never disappears. There are many examples of eternal love.

But we cannot define this feeling, because everyone experiences and feels it in their own way. For one, this is a bouquet of flowers, for another, breakfast in bed, for someone rare phone call waiting with a warm dinner. Warm socks knitted with your own hands. Children's laughter. Warm, fluffy, purring lump. Spring rain. Baby smile. Birdsong. Rainbow. Wedding photo.

If you accidentally opened and saw this particular section, then you probably think that a person writes simply short sentences. But read it again. Every word is love. A person who is happy loves everything around him. Infinity in his soul! I think that this simple symbol in the form of an inverted eight, which we drew in algebra lessons, is the best suited not for a lesson, but for a wedding, or rather, for a small detail (small in terms of size).

unexpected thought

I'll tell you my little secret. Before starting to write each article, I try to carefully think over any detail, draw up a plan, think over expressions and phrases. But this thought came very unexpectedly, when the article was already in work, and I was distracted from it for a walk to breathe fresh air and unwind a little. What is the most famous engraved ring? We think, we think, friends!

Of course, the "ring of omnipotence" from the famous book, and later in the film. If only someone could make such beauty and for good purposes. Just imagine! There is an inscription, but only spouses can see it. And if one of them was going to wag to the left, an eye like that once, on the sides, and the ring pulled back home, the finger burned and that’s it, the stupid act was not committed. Although, I'm sure that our "Kulibins" carried a radar detector in their pocket if necessary. But still the idea is interesting, do not find it.

Why it came to me, I don't know. And I think that neither in 2017, nor in 2018, nor the next 5-7 years will there be such rings, but if we take it as a basis, then I am sure that an original and useful little thing can turn out. As the saying goes, trust but verify! And so, you know that the hubby can easily track the location, and you won’t get on the rampage, out of harm’s way. So you see, then a monument will be erected to me for the idea. Of course, I'm joking and, for sure, wedding rings with GPS beacons already exist.

I think this is stupid, because trust in the family is the most important thing. Why connect your life with a person you doubt? If you have chosen, decided, then you need to appreciate what you have. But I will say that I have not seen such super-fashionable rings. But complex jewelry with a lock and hidden engraving it was possible to meet - the design is complex and interesting, but the work turns out to be beautiful and expensive.

TOP 12 best inscriptions in the world

You and I will never know what is written on the ring of omnipotence, because none of us knows the ancient elvish language. Surely the author of the work knew what kind of inscription was manifested by fire, but decided to keep this secret. And I, in turn, offer the TOP 12 of the most-most in my opinion cool inscriptions in different languages ​​of the world, different subjects, length. Why exactly 12? But this is how I am non-standard and original. So let's go:

  1. « …and they lived happily ever after…» 3 years happy and 67 long... The second part is, of course, a joke. This phrase should be written, in my opinion, only in Russian. We all heard it hundreds of times in childhood, when fairy tales were read to us. Therefore, this phrase is the best fit.
  2. « Together and forever". This is a great motto for family life! Why not memorialize it?
  3. « Loved, love and will always love". Past, present and future whole life in one sentence.
  4. « Crazy for you(English I'm crazy about you). As you understand, I do not write the most common ones, such as I love you. Although, this option is very, very often used. This also applies to Russian phrases. I present the phrases that are closest to me, I advise you to choose from them.
  5. « alter ego"(lat. Second self). A short but very capacious expression.
  6. « Ad vitam aut culpam”(lat. For life or until the first guilt). Despite the fact that this phrase is written in Latin, there is both a deep meaning and a rather sharp and subtle feeling humor. Look, about the meaning. If you love a person with all your heart, then you do not want to cause him discomfort and will do everything to make him happy. Well, humor is on the face: either for life, or until you “screw up” ...
  7. « A die"(lat. From this day) or" ad dinc"(lat. From now on). Great point of reference
  8. « Ad infinitum"(lat. To infinity). This phrase can be the end of the previous one. Or you can break the inscription like this: on one ring "Ad dinc", on the second ring " Ad infinitum". It turns out, From now on, to infinity.
  9. « Deal, there's a deal», « Not subject to return and exchange», « Resistance is futile". There are many more options here. But I singled out the brightest ones for you and saved one for a snack. It is a masterpiece. Catch!
  10. « Please return the ring with the man you found it on.". I agree that the phrase is long, but you can shorten the inscription by removing the notes of politeness, or show this inscription to the master, I think he will find a way to place this masterpiece on a piece of jewelry.
  11. « As long as there are stars(eng. As long as there are stars). It's very romantic.
  12. « A Vila Mon Coeur Gardi Li Mo!(French: Here is my heart, keep it). Someone will say: “Well, vanilla has gone?”. I will answer the question with a question: “And where without it? Where without romance?

let's discuss

I tried to write unusual options, you can come up with your own version, in different languages ​​and for any, even the most sophisticated request. Write your options below in the comments, wake up your imagination.

Now, let me summarize. In this article, I showed you different options, gentle and funny, funny and mysterious. The decision whether to apply it for yourself, of course, remains with you. May this decision satisfy your couple as a whole. Engraving on the rings, their color or even the presence is very important, but not the most important thing!

The most important thing is the feelings that, when combined, form a new family. Carry these feelings with pride all your life, cherish them, appreciate and protect them from envious people and enemies.

And on this warm note, I say goodbye to you. I wish everyone Have a good mood. Click the social media buttons below, share this article with your friends if you liked it. Come back and read the new articles I work on regularly. Subscribe to the news of the site and offer friendship, I will be very pleased with this! Bye Bye!
