What is the difference between faux leather and faux leather? Video: eco-leather - what kind of material is it

Leather furniture in the house is always beautiful. It emphasizes the status of the owner, looks very respectable and makes the room more comfortable. But genuine leather furniture is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. Therefore, two types of “leather-like” upholstery are presented on the furniture market: artificial leather and ecological leather (eco-leather).

Leather furniture at home or in the office has always been and is a certain indicator of status, because it is always expensive, elegant and beautiful.

Today, manufacturers offer the most diverse eco-leather, the price of which depends on production technologies.

Previously, leatherette was used in the manufacture of almost all types of products, since it is cheap and relatively durable. However, it has one significant drawback: leatherette is a fabric base on which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other chemical additives are applied. In addition, it is not breathable and a sofa made of such artificial leather is unsafe for human health. Everything changed when leatherette was replaced by leather made of polyurethane with a cotton base, eco-leather.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the high cost that very few can afford furniture upholstered in genuine leather.

At the same time, in some of its characteristics, individual samples of this material are superior even to natural leather.

This is a new material, the manufacture of which uses 100% cotton, coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) without any harmful impurities. Eco-leather furniture, unlike artificial leather furniture, does not have an unpleasant odor, has excellent breathability (due to the large number of pores contained in the structure of the material itself), hygroscopicity and is absolutely hypoallergenic, so it is safe even for children. Eco-leather sofa does not get very hot in direct sunlight and does not freeze in the cold.

The most unpretentious material for upholstered furniture in care is eco-leather.

The material is durable, smooth and pleasant to the touch, so it is difficult to distinguish it from genuine leather. It does not have the disadvantages that are inherent in natural leather:

  • uneven thickness,
  • irregularity in color and texture,
  • minor flaws.

Thanks to modern technologies, eco-leather material has appeared today, which can be bought for upholstery of any furniture.

Therefore, it is worth buying it if you want to install upholstered furniture in the country, in the kitchen, in rooms where contamination is possible.

There are not many types of eco-leather on the market. The main ones are Oregon, Alba, Companion and Dollaro.

  1. Oregon: 70% cotton with high abrasion resistance. This is the most popular material among all types of ecological leather, has the best price-quality ratio and accurately reproduces the pattern of natural leather with a fine texture.

There are also varieties of Oregon: Oregon Antique (has a glossy surface) and Oregon Royal (the surface is even and shiny).

  1. Alba: also a fairly popular material that is able to perfectly pass air and steam. It is resistant to light, temperature changes, minor damage and wear.
  2. Companion: more wear-resistant and durable than Oregon, it also differs in its structure - PU film is applied on polyurethane foam with a pile fabric backing.
  3. Dollaro: very high quality eco-leather for furniture upholstery. It contains all the best qualities of eco-leather. Imitation of classic matte leather in different colors (a wide range of colors is presented: from emerald to scarlet).

Eco-leather combines the advantages of natural material - the ability to breathe, strength and durability, and the main advantage of artificial materials of the past generation - an acceptable price.

Thanks to unique technologies and innovative developments at the heart of production, these products have no analogues on the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of eco-leather

Ecological leather upholstery, as an option to replace expensive natural and cheap leatherette, has both its pros and cons.

The pluses include

  1. High strength of the material to wear, abrasion, scratches and bends. Minor damage can easily be tightened due to the special arrangement of the polyurethane mesh cells.
  2. Environmentally friendly, absolutely hypoallergenic and safe for humans and pets.
  3. Almost indistinguishable both to the touch and visually from genuine leather, but the price of eco-leather is much lower.
  4. Good breathability and hygroscopicity due to the high pore density of the material and the breathable properties of cotton.
  5. Non-toxic and the complete absence of an unpleasant odor, which is characteristic of artificial leather.
  6. Simplicity and ease of care: in order to remove dirt from the surface of the eco-leather sofa, it is necessary to first wipe the stain with a wet cloth, and then quickly wipe it dry so that the dirt does not absorb.

Pleasant to the touch, it really looks like natural leather.

The surface material of eco-leather is polyurethane.

Such a number of advantages of eco-leather furniture over furniture made of artificial material is certainly impressive. But this type of upholstery has its drawbacks.

  1. This is still fake leather, although it is very close to it. So for those who are important to emphasize the authenticity of the goods in all respects, it is better to opt for furniture made of genuine leather.
  2. If there is a cat at home, then you should refrain from buying furniture made of ecological leather, since cat claws can penetrate the structure of the material so that the fabric base becomes visible, which then will not drag on.
  3. It gets dirty pretty quickly and it’s hard to remove marks from felt-tip pens, ink and gouache from its surface.
  4. Poor quality eco-leather is cold and heats up for a long time. In the cold season, such poor-quality upholstery will have to be covered with a bedspread so as not to freeze while sitting on the sofa.

So the composition of the base can include natural materials - cotton, genuine leather, or artificial polyester.

Looks very good.

Until recently, the only analogue for natural material was artificial leatherette, the external characteristics and performance properties of which left much to be desired.

How to choose the right eco-leather furniture

If all the pros and cons of this material have already been weighed and the go-ahead has been given to buy a sofa made of ecological leather, then the problem remains only in its choice, because stores offer a huge amount of upholstered furniture of different textures and colors.

Additionally, in order to give external decorative effects or improve the properties of the material, an external coating is used, which is applied to the polyurethane surface of the eco-leather.

Not expensive compared to genuine leather.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and the reviews of other buyers about it. Indeed, in the store you can find many models at a similar or better price, which in fact will be ordinary fakes made of artificial leather, which will peel off after a year of continuous use. Since such interior items are not bought every year, you should opt for well-known stores, about which many reviews have been written on the Internet.

Thanks to a special coating, eco-leather is resistant to direct sunlight, has water-repellent properties, while perfectly breathable.

The sofa looks expensive and prestigious.

Modern eco-leather has elasticity, color stability and does not crack.

This sofa would be great to have in a guest room.

Eco-leather sofas are a great inexpensive alternative to genuine leather sofas that will last for many years and will remain in the same condition as on the day of purchase.

In addition, it is the most practical and easy to care for and use material!

The production of artificial leather is absolutely justified, because it saves the lives of innocent animals. The most perfect example of materials of this kind is eco-leather. What properties does it have, and how does eco-leather differ from artificial leather of other varieties? This is discussed below.

What do the materials look like?

The above-mentioned products are used for the manufacture of things for various purposes: upholstery for home furniture, car covers, clothing, as well as accessories in the form of handbags and wallets. An example of using eco-leather:

Eco-leather cases

And this product is made of fake leather of a different grade:

Leatherette jacket


The materials discussed are united by one characteristic - water resistance. They consist of a base, often fabric, and a polymer coating. This top layer determines the difference between eco-leather and artificial leather of other samples.

Eco-leather has a polyurethane film on the outside, which has a microporous structure. Therefore, such material "breathes". Other non-natural analogues have a coating that air does not pass through. In many cases it is polyvinyl chloride.

Ecological leather (expanded name) is so called because it does not contain components harmful to health. Polyurethane that does not emit toxins is safe for the environment. Produced things in this case do not have a sharp, unpleasant odor. In turn, there are some undesirable additives in the rest of the leather substitutes. They improve certain product properties.

However, despite the impurities, ordinary artificial leather has disadvantages, and significant ones. First of all, she's pretty rough. The contact of such material with open areas of the body is not very pleasant. This artificial leather does not tolerate stretching, and even without such an impact, it wears out relatively quickly. The coating begins to crack, fall off in pieces, untidy islands appear on the product.

Meanwhile, real eco-leather is elastic and retains its integrity for a long time. She feels warm. In addition, unlike other analogues, this material does not tan in the cold and does not become brittle from low temperatures. What is the difference between eco-leather and artificial leather of any other kind? The fact that it is closest to the product of natural origin, although it is cheaper compared to it.

Per last years A lot of synthetic materials have appeared in the world, designed to replace natural materials. The skin was no exception. All kinds of leatherettes, leather substitutes, PVC, etc. were created. And recently another term has appeared - eco-leather. Let's try to figure out what it is

What is eco-leather?

At its core, eco-leather or eco-leather is just one of the variations of artificial leather. However, as close as possible in its properties to natural. The difference with previous artificial materials is simply huge. Outwardly, it is not so easy to distinguish real leather from eco-leather.

The composition of eco-leather includes a number of components, both natural and artificial origin. Cotton is used as the base, on which polyurethane-type polymers are applied. Making eco-leather is a rather complicated process, but the results fully justify it.

Eco-leather is characterized by a huge number of micropores, which are large enough to allow air to pass through, but too small for water to penetrate. That is, the material "breathes", and even better than genuine leather that has undergone acrylic treatment.

The polymers used to create eco-leather are distinguished by their ability to repair damage resulting from deformations. Of course, the cut itself will not grow together. But the “scar” formed at the site of the fold may well smooth out after a while.

What are the benefits of eco-leather?

Eco-leather has a number of advantages, not only over other artificial materials, but also over natural leather. First of all, it is completely non-toxic, non-flammable, odorless and hypoallergenic. Despite the fact that genuine leather can smell strongly and cause allergic reactions.

It is reliable in operation - it easily tolerates sudden temperature fluctuations, it is not so easy to break it. Yes, and with regard to wear, everything is in order, not without reason, because some manufacturers give a guarantee for several decades (up to 70 years). Eco-leather furniture can be safely placed under an air conditioner or next to a steam heating battery.

Eco-leather looks expensive, just like the real one, and it can be difficult to distinguish them by touch. At the same time, manufacturers have the opportunity to create products in almost any color scheme. Not afraid that bright colors will fade in a few years. It is breathable, but does not let water through. Sitting on eco-leather furniture is much more pleasant than on natural leather furniture - open areas of the body will not sweat profusely.

And finally, eco-leather is very economical. Not only is it cheaper than natural, it also does not need any special care using expensive products. To remove stains, you can use an ordinary soapy solution, and dust is easily removed with a simple damp cloth.

And the main advantage, eco-leather is a synthetic material. To create which do not kill animals. For many consumers, this can be a deciding factor in making a purchase. In the world, and this cannot but rejoice.

Eco leather products

It can be decided that eco-leather goods began to be produced quite recently, no more than 10 years ago. In fact, their production was established in the early 60s of the last century. It was then that the first materials based on polyurethane polymers appeared, which were used for upholstery of automobile elephants. But it took several decades before it was possible to achieve the highest quality of materials, diversify the color range and convince buyers of the merits of such a material.

Today, eco-leather is used almost everywhere. She is still upholstered in car interiors, bags and clothes are sewn from her. And eco-leather is an indispensable material in the manufacture of furniture. It is used wherever the use of natural leather is unreasonably expensive, while ordinary leatherette, on the contrary, is unacceptable due to the lack of prestige.

Eco-leather is actively beginning to be used by various popular designers. For example, Stella McCartney, who, being a member of PETA and a staunch vegetarian, never uses fur and leather in her work. Instead of them - eco-leather, vinyl and plastic.

What to pay attention to

Remember that today, under the guise of eco-leather, unscrupulous businessmen sometimes try to give out some ordinary PVC leatherette. Moreover, not every consumer is able to notice the difference. So, in a furniture store, you can be shown samples of the material they use, without naming its manufacturer. Or naming only the dealer.

It is best to contact trusted salons, use the services of companies that you trust. If you are making a purchase for the first time, it is best to look for information about suppliers and manufacturers in advance. For example, find reviews of customers who already have experience of such communication.

But is it possible to immediately distinguish a PVC product from eco-leather? Unfortunately, this is not that difficult to do, but somewhat difficult. You can try to make it feel - eco-leather is much more pleasant and warm than PVC. But this method does not give any significant guarantee. Especially against the background of the fact that the Chinese have learned to make very high-quality fakes here too. It seems that you have eco-leather in front of you, but the service life is negligible.

There is another, much more accurate method. It's just that it doesn't always apply. It is necessary to apply a little vegetable oil on the surface of the material and leave it like that for a day. If it is PVC, then a hardened area will appear in place of the oil, looking like a small dent. Eco-leather (as well as genuine leather) will endure such an “execution” without harm to themselves.

And finally, you should be confused by the too low cost. For example, a set of car seat covers made from quality material simply cannot cost less than 10,000 rubles.

Recently, a lot of new synthetic materials have appeared on the modern market that are trying to compete with genuine leather. This is how products made from a new universal fabric marked “eco”, which means ecological material, appeared. It is a hybrid of natural-based leather and upholstery material. In this article, we will consider what is better - eco-leather or artificial leather, and how to care for such products.

What is eco-leather, artificial and natural leather?

Before considering which is better - eco-leather or artificial leather, you need to understand the difference between them, and the difference compared to natural material.


Researchers have developed leatherette, leatherette, PVC leather, which are synthetic materials. Any version of artificial leather consists of a film polymer coating based on knitted, woven and non-woven fabrics.

Important! Polyvinyl chloride is the most common polymer that forms a film. The top layer of PVC does not allow air to pass through. Very often vinyl upholstery is used for seats of trains, buses, trams, cafes, clinics.


For the production of genuine leather, it is necessary to process the skin of an animal. Such a process consists of several stages - the procedure of soaking, ashing, tanning, dyeing and chemical treatment.

More recently, most people preferred to have things made of genuine leather, since they are distinguished by a sufficiently durable material that can withstand large temperature changes. Easy care of products made of such material maintains a presentable appearance.


For a long time, genuine leather had no competitors, and recently eco-leather appeared on the modern market. She collected all the advantages of natural and artificial material.

Important! Eco-leather is elastic, perfectly breathable, does not cause allergic reactions, it does not have a nasty smell of leatherette.

Eco-leather is the latest technological development of artificial leather. The composition of this material has a layer of polyurethane on a fabric basis, consisting of 100% cotton, and resembles natural leather.

Important! These materials are very similar, and even experts are not always able to find differences.

For eco-leather, polyurethane is used as a film coating. It has a more complex synthesis mechanism than PVC. All desirable properties are formed due to the chemical synthesis of the polymer, and therefore there is no need to use additional plasticizers. G

Important! The main property of such a material is air permeability, which is achieved by the formation of many micropores penetrating the film. Due to this, air and water vapor pass through, and water does not pass through.

During operation, the polymer film does not emit anything, this is how the name of such a material arose - ecological leather.

Important! Artificial leather is divided into several types:

  • haberdashery pu-leather;
  • leather for making clothes;
  • shoe material;
  • upholstery options;
  • skin that has a technical purpose.

Advantages and disadvantages of eco-leather

In order to understand what is better - eco-leather or artificial leather, consider the advantages of using eco-leather products:

  • ideal ratio of price and quality of products;
  • the pattern imitates natural leather - in order to compare these two fabrics, sometimes you need to turn to the wrong side;
  • available in a wide variety of sizes, which is very convenient in the manufacture of furniture, when you need a huge solid piece;
  • the production procedure is less costly, environmentally less dangerous and humane with respect to the animal world;
  • a wide range of colors;
  • has a low hygroscopicity, which improves the performance of finished products made of eco-leather;
  • characterized by excellent elastic properties;
  • has a high stable ability to sunlight - a black eco-leather product can be in the sun for a long time and does not undergo a fading process at all;
  • has excellent frost resistance - at minus temperature regime perfectly preserved and does not “dube”;
  • characterized by remarkable pliability - in the manufacture of products, the fabric has no problems with cutting out and sewing;
  • products made from this material are well worn and resistant to abrasion;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • this type of fabric is a practical and durable material:
  • the presence of micropores allows matter to breathe, unlike leatherette tissue;
  • the presence of a fabric base - contributes to a quick response and elimination of minor deformations;
  • easy care of products from this type of skin.

Important! Due to a number of advantageous properties, eco-leather is a very popular material.

The benefits of using the latest canvas are obvious, but there are also negative points:

  • in case of accidental cutting of the material, its fabric base is visible;
  • for many people, genuine leather products symbolize prestige and wealth, while eco-leather does not give such a feeling of chic.

Which is better - eco-leather or genuine leather?

Consider the distinguishing points of eco-leather material from natural-based leather in order to understand what is better eco-leather or genuine leather:

  • These materials require different sources of raw materials. So, for a natural type of skin, processing of animals is used, and eco-leather is made from polyurethane.
  • The use of genuine leather causes allergic reactions in some people. Its artificial substitute has hypoallergenic properties, which is completely safe for any consumer.
  • The material feels warm when touched. But if a person sits in an eco-leather chair, then his open parts of the body will be less susceptible to the effect of sweating.
  • Eco-leather materials are very pleasant to the touch, unlike natural-based leather, which is coated with acrylic emulsions. But if the skin has an aniline finish, then the artificial analogue is inferior to it.
  • Eco-leather fabrics have better breathability compared to natural materials coated with acrylic emulsions.
  • Wear resistance, frost resistance, the ability to “self-heal” deformations is also a hallmark of both eco-leather and natural-based leather.

Important! Despite minor differences, both materials require careful and gentle care.

Where is eco-leather used?

To understand what is better - eco-leather or artificial leather, you need to take into account the range of materials used. So, eco-leather is widely used in many areas:

  • In the furniture industry in the manufacture of coverings for sofas, armchairs and other upholstered parts.
  • In the haberdashery industry in the production of various bags, briefcases, purses, purses.
  • In light industry when sewing jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses, gloves and footwear. It is possible to combine pu-leather with other fabrics, which allows you to create fashionable options for stylish clothes.
  • In the manufacture of covers and seats for cars.
  • Eco-leather is widely used for door upholstery.

Important! This version of the material is used for interior work. Many designers very often use eco-leather elements as a decor for a variety of additions to the interior.

Eco-leather car covers

Owners of expensive and prestigious foreign cars use artificial suede, genuine leather, alcantara covers for their cars. Car covers made of eco-leather are simpler, but based on the feedback from motorists, they have a number of positive points:

  • Covers made of such fabric do not rub or crack.
  • When using such covers, the interior of the car interior from an aesthetic point of view looks much more comfortable and attractive.
  • In hot weather, there is no sticking effect to the car seat.
  • It is much more pleasant to sit on seats made of this material.

Eco leather bags

  • Since polyurethane is characterized by excellent wear resistance and frost resistance, pu-leather bags have the same qualities and are in great demand.
  • In addition, such products look very presentable, since the cotton base allows you to realize the most incredible, crazy ideas of designers.
  • Pu-leather material is characterized by pliable properties, due to which the fabric bends perfectly and is able to acquire the necessary forms.
  • And the most important is the psychological factor, in which there is no need to destroy the animal in order to show off with a prestigious handbag.

Eco leather shoes

Shoe supermarkets offer a huge range of eco-leather shoes:

  • The main advantage of these products is the environmental friendliness of the material, since no harmful polymers are used in the production.
  • Pu-leather is able to "breathe" and not let moisture through, and therefore such shoes contribute to a comfortable state of the feet in any weather.
  • Caring for eco-leather shoes is quite simple and does not require complex manipulations.

Important! When compared with genuine leather, eco-material is not as warm and frost-resistant. Many fashionistas prefer eco-leather shoes, as a significant difference in price helps to balance this disadvantage.

Eco leather for furniture

The modern furniture market is characterized by a wide range of upholstered furniture made of pu-leather. In the manufacture of furniture, this material is used for upholstery of both soft and hard interior elements. The production of upholstered furniture elements is approached more carefully, since the skin is constantly exposed to external influences, and it must also be soft and elastic.

Important! A variety of textures and a wide range of colors allow you to easily make a choice of both a children's sofa and an office chair. The market offers various styles of eco-leather furniture, ranging from Modern to Classic.

Benefits of using eco-leather furniture:

  • exact imitation of genuine leather;
  • the presence of a large range of colors, which contributes to a great design;
  • good breathability;
  • ease of care for the finished product;
  • affordable price factor;
  • good manufacturability, so this material fits perfectly when upholstered;
  • environmental friendliness of the fabric contributes to the absence of allergic reactions;
  • the presence of frost resistance;
  • high tactility of the properties of matter - the presence of elasticity, warmth when touching bare parts of the body;
  • resistance to abrasion and tearing;
  • good water vapor permeability.

Eco-leather furniture has some disadvantages:

  • When contaminated, pu-leather fabric cannot be treated with water, as stains or stains may remain.
  • The material helps to absorb paint from clothing fabrics, so it is preferable to choose armchairs and sofas in darker shades.
  • The surface of upholstered furniture always remains cold, so in winter it is better to cover it with a blanket.
  • Pets can leave marks on an armchair or sofa, so if there are beloved animals in the apartment, it would be wiser to refuse to purchase upholstered furniture made of pu-leather.

Important! When choosing an eco-material, one should take into account the degree of load on the surface of upholstered furniture. So:

  • In office premises where there is a constant load, it is preferable to use material with increased strength properties for the production of armchairs and chairs.
  • In the manufacture of interior items for household use, such a criterion is not at all necessary, the indicator of comfort plays a more important role here.

Eco-leather clothing

Which is better - eco-leather or genuine leather? Pu-leather material is widely used in the tailoring of women's and men's jackets, dresses, skirts, trousers, gloves.

Important! The thickness of the fabric is selected depending on the conditions under which it is planned to use such a fabric.

The material is also used as a decorative element. When combining pu-leather with other materials, unique, inimitable products are created that have a presentable appearance and are sold, as a rule, in single versions.

Characteristics of eco-leather clothes:

  • Unlike other leather substitutes, eco-material clothes do not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Winter and summer clothes made of eco-material are characterized by a variety of color options and sizes.
  • It is very comfortable to wear pu-leather clothes because it has high breathability. The presence of a large number of micropores in polyurethane contributes to the regular process of air circulation and at the same time the fabric “breathes”. Most natural-based leather clothing does not have this property.
  • The clothes are very pleasant to the touch and have elastic properties. Contact with human skin does not cause any irritation. Such clothes are ideal for people with sensitive skin and allergic reactions.
  • Products made from eco-material have a unique property: in winter it is warm in such clothes, and in summer it is not hot. The presence of the hygroscopic property of the fabric allows you to remove excess body moisture, while creating a comfortable microclimate. If moisture gets on the matter, it immediately evaporates.
  • Sewn down jackets and jackets made of such synthetic material are frost-resistant and do not tan even in the most severe frosts.
  • Clothing made of eco-leather does not deform during wear, is resistant to damaging external factors, and retains its unchanged appearance for a long time.
  • Pu-leather is resistant to sunlight, so both winter jackets and down jackets, and summer skirts and dresses do not fade in the sun.

How to care for eco-leather?

Caring for products made of eco-leather does not cause any difficulties at all. During operation, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations, the use of which will allow you to keep products made of such fabric in excellent condition for a long time:

  • If a fresh dirty stain appears, then using a damp cloth, it can be easily eliminated. You can also use a soft cloth for leather on a natural basis, moisten it with solutions of special products.
  • In cases where the stain is poorly cleaned, it is possible to wipe the contaminated area with a solution of alcohol and water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • To prolong the service life of products made from this fabric, they must be impregnated with a special composition of water-repellent agents.
  • After the cleaning procedure, this product must be wiped with a dry, clean, soft cloth.
  • As you can see, in general, eco-leather is definitely better than artificial leather and even surpasses natural material in some respects. And then, based on the information received, it is up to you to decide whether shoes, furniture, clothes made from this material are worthy of your preference.

Today, a fairly large number of opponents of the use of genuine leather. However, despite all the protests, genuine leather is used almost everywhere. Made from genuine leather:

  • shoes,
  • furniture,
  • clothes, etc.

Animal rights activists call for the use of artificial leather, but such leather does not have some of the properties that are characteristic of natural leather, although it attracts at an affordable price.

More recently, a new material has appeared called « » . Eco-leather looks very similar to natural leather.

Let's see what's the difference?


Productioneco-leather is carried out by applying a polyurethane film to the woven surface. In the process of using such material directly for its intended purpose, it does not emit any harmful substances. Therefore, this material is called ECO-leather. The method of production of eco-leather involves the formation of through micropores through which air passes freely. In other words, eco-leather "breathes".

Leather- This is the skin of an animal processed in a special way. As a rule, the skin has irregularities and a heterogeneous texture, which is also reflected in the leather product.


eco-leather products, as mentioned earlier, outwardly very similar to leather. The texture of eco-leather repeats the pattern of natural leather. Due to the fact that Eco-leather is very durable and wear-resistant, it is quite durable. Eco-leather is perfectly adapted to temperature extremes. In the cold, eco-leather does not stiffen, and in the heat it does not overheat. Eco-leather is absolutely safe, hypoallergenic and homogeneous. It is fairly easy to process. Therefore, eco-leather is a material from which you can make a product of any shape and configuration.

Leather has a number of unique properties inherent exclusively to it. For them, people have valued it since ancient times. These properties include, for example:

  • strength,
  • elasticity,
  • good breathability,
  • resistance to temperature changes.

But, as a rule, the quality and appearance of genuine leather directly depends on the life of the animal, because the skin is constantly exposed to external influences. Often, genuine leather has heterogeneities and flaws, which, in principle, can be eliminated with proper processing.


The main advantage of eco-leather is its ease of care. Ordinary dirt and dust can be easily removed from the surface with a damp cloth. In order to eliminate more serious pollution, the use of ammonia is acceptable. It is also possible to use a natural leather care product. However, the use of bleaches and heat treatments is strongly recommended to be avoided.

Genuine leather needs more painstaking care. In order for the leather not to lose its color, elasticity and integrity, it should be cleaned from time to time with special products for genuine leather, the range of which is very wide today.
