How to stretch leather shoes. How to stretch tight shoes made of faux leather and eco-leather

How to stretch shoes at home? After all, you, like most owners of a new, but cramped pair, had to look for an answer to this question? What helped in the end - ice, steam, newspapers, castor oil? We will talk about the most popular ways to fit shoes, sneakers, boots on the leg.

how to stretch shoes

Even at home, they help us stretch our shoes professional tools. Available for sale a large assortment foam and sprays softening the skin and helping to increase the size of tight shoes.

Each tool is accompanied by instructions, following which you can achieve the desired result. Special pads for stretching are also sold - in the form of a foot, made of wood. Instead of breaking in shoes on your own foot, you can use such a block. The special design of the shoe allows you to adjust its length and width.

Ways to stretch shoes

How to stretch a shoe depends mainly on the material it is made from. With leather shoes, there are the least problems - it is more susceptible to all kinds of deformations.

How to stretch leather shoes- We offer several proven methods.

Ice stretch

If you have not tried this method yet, it may seem quite exotic. But it is based on the laws of physics, and its action has already been tested by many. So we recommend.

In a pair of tight shoes we put two plastic bags where we pour the water. It is necessary to fill the bag with liquid so that the water is along the entire length, from the toe to the heel of the shoe. We tie the bags and put the pair of shoes in the freezer - preferably at night.

In the morning we take out the shoes, let them thaw, take out the bags and try on a pair.

Usually the stretching effect is achieved after the first freezing. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

This method is also suitable if you are faced with a problem of how to stretch winter shoes.

And experts say - ice helps disinfect and prevent bad smell of shoes.

Steam and boiling water

Ice and fire - how can you not remember this expression. In contrast to the "ice" method of stretching shoes, there is also the opposite - using heat. But - we warn you: only genuine leather is able to withstand the method of stretching with boiling water.

The method is somewhat extreme, but for those who are ready to try it, we will tell you how it is done: pour boiling water inside the pair, drain it, let the pair cool a little and put it on your feet. We walk with shoes on until the shoes cool down.

Another "hot" method is to hold a pair of shoes over the spout of a kettle in which water has been boiled, requiring an increase in size. Then put on shoes and walk around the apartment in these shoes or sneakers (depending on what you break in).

You can stretch the shoes to size, if they are made of leatherette, in this way: you need a powerful hair dryer, you can even use a building one. We heat the inner surface of the shoe with a hairdryer, and in order not to melt the material, it is better to do this: place a damp cloth inside the shoe and then heat it with a hairdryer (you will get hot steam that will not allow the material to melt).

Warm shoes should be walked around until they cool down. It was not possible to stretch a tight or narrow pair at a time - repeat the procedure.

If you suffer for a long time...

In general, the natural wearing of tight shoes is considered the most the best option. Especially if you think about the question - how to stretch suede shoes. It is softer and stretches faster than shoes made from other materials. A few nights spent at home in a new pair of suede can be enough to make the shoe comfortable and take the shape of your foot.

But the method tried by many, how to stretch leather shoes at home (it is considered quite effective) - we use alcohol, vodka or cologne - we process our pair inside with some of the above means, put on socks, put on shoes and walk in the apartment for a couple of hours, wearing a tight shoes.

If you have shoes from natural nubuck, which is a bit small, then you can walk around the apartment in it for a couple of hours a day, having previously applied stretching foam for nubuck inside the pair and wearing thick socks.

How to stretch shoes a size larger - some more tips people have tested on personal experience we bring to your attention.

We use the softening method: we treat the inner surface of the shoe with one of the following products: petroleum jelly, glycerin, castor or vegetable oils. After an hour and a half, we put on our shoes and walk in a close pair around the apartment - we break them in. It is better to do this at least a couple of hours. If there is not enough time or patience, then repeat the procedure several times.

By the way, useful advice Note: If your shoes squeak when you walk, then lubricate the soles with oil: vegetable or castor oil, and let it soak in before putting on a pair.

You can try moistening the inside of the shoes with vinegar and walking around the house in them. It helps if the couple presses in the fingers.

There is also such a way as using wet newspapers. You need to tightly fill them with a tight pair and wait until the filling dries. You just need to make sure that the shape of the shoes is not damaged, and you need to dry the pair in vivo without overheating.

If you do not risk stretching the shoes yourself, then in the shoemaker's workshop they will help you do this with the help of wooden blocks. And if the houses stretch new shoes in length is quite problematic, then professionals will be able to cope with the task.

Is it worth the risk?

With different ways how to stretch shoes at home, you met. But before you decide to take such a step, consider a few important nuances:

  • There is always a risk of ruining a pair of shoes, and when you paid a lot of money for it, is there any point in taking risks?
  • If it is possible to exchange a close pair, simply return it to the store - isn't it better to do so?
  • Still decided to stretch the shoes yourself? Start with more gentle methods - the usual break-in, if it doesn't help, try more radical ones.
  • Do not forget that suede shoes stretch faster, and nubuck shoes are very sensitive to impacts and require a careful approach. The lacquer pair often cracks due to temperature changes.
  • Some artificial materials cannot be stretched.

When choosing a way to stretch shoes at home, consider the recommendations and experience knowledgeable people. And when making family purchases, choose shoes, boots and sneakers carefully and slowly. After all, it is better to spend time trying on than on fitting tight shoes.

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Surely many are familiar with the situation when, during the fitting in the store, the shoes fit perfectly, and after the first wear, the legs hurt unbearably. Uncomfortable shoes or boots cause discomfort when walking, contribute to the appearance of corns. But there is no need to worry too much - everything is fixable. To get rid of the inconvenience, you have to stretch your shoes. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase it by several sizes, but it is quite possible to add a centimeter. How to stretch shoes at home? To do this, it is enough to use folk remedies.

How to stretch leather shoes at home?

Leather is a fairly flexible material, so right approach stretching it is not difficult.

On a note! The easiest way to stretch leather shoes is with thermal effect.

You can stretch leather shoes by the following means:

  • alcohol or vodka;
  • boiling water;
  • ice packs.
It is worth considering each method in more detail in order to put it into practice.

Alcohol or vodka

To stretch leather shoes, boots or sneakers, you need to moisten them inside and out with alcohol or vodka, as in the photo. After that, the shoes must be put on and worn for several hours. The stretching process occurs due to softening of the skin and fitting to a specific leg. This method of stretching will help when you need to increase the shoes by one size.

Boiling water

The next option for stretching tight leather shoes is exposure to boiling water. To stretch shoes or boots, you should put them in the sink, and pour boiling water over the inside. endure hot water a few seconds and then pour it out. After wetting the moisture and waiting for the shoes to cool from the inside, you need to put them on your feet and walk around the house or apartment for several hours. If you need to stretch the shoes far enough, it is recommended to put on socks first.

On a note! If you do not want to wet your shoes, you can collect boiling water in bags and put them inside.

ice packs

Although exposure to heat helps to stretch tight shoes, ice gives the same effect. Stretching occurs as follows. Two bags should be filled with water, filling them with liquid by a quarter. Then polyethylene containers must be firmly tied and placed from the inside of the leather shoe. After that, install the resulting structure in the freezer and wait until the water completely freezes. Then the ice packs must be removed. Despite the effectiveness this method, it should be used with caution, since not all skin will withstand such a test.

On a note! These methods can also be used to stretch leather winter boots. However, it is not recommended to wet the fur from the inside too much. Drying will be long and thorough.

How to stretch faux leather shoes?

Unlike genuine leather, artificial material stretches much worse. Most often, it loses its shape, or even begins to crack. However, there are still ways to help stretch faux leather shoes at home. For this, they are used the following means:

  • fat cream or vaseline;
  • newspapers;
  • swollen cereal.


To stretch artificial leather shoes, you need to lubricate it from the inside with a greasy cream, oil or petroleum jelly, wait at least two hours and wear it for 30 minutes. Stretching occurs due to the softening of the material after the absorption of the cream or petroleum jelly. If the product is absorbed for a long time, you should wear shoes for more than half an hour.


The method with newspapers is familiar to many. It helps to quickly stretch tight shoes. The essence of the method is to stuff shoes or boots with wet newspapers and leave at room temperature until completely dry. But do not be too zealous, trying to fill as many newspapers as possible, as this will cause deformation of the artificial leather.

On a note! It is undesirable to use a hair dryer or other devices to speed up the drying process of newspapers. This can ruin the artificial leather.


Next the way is fine for those who set out to stretch the narrow top of their boots. It is necessary to pour small cereals into bags, insert them inside and fill with water. The stretching procedure occurs due to the swelling of the cereal, as a result of which the top of the boots or boots gradually expands. However, the grain inside the shoe will have to withstand at least 8 hours.

How to stretch suede shoes?

To stretch suede shoes, it is advisable to use special products in the form of a cream or spray, which are sold in the store. They are designed specifically for this purpose, so the material will be intact and safe. As a rule, such funds are often used in cases where it is necessary to stretch the shoes in a certain place. It is enough to apply a small amount of it from the inside in a specific area, put on warm socks, and on top tight shoes or other shoes. It is advisable to wait for the product to dry completely, and then you can take off your shoes. All the time while the stretching process takes place, you should walk around the rooms in shoes without stopping.

hair dryer

Another option is to put on socks, then shoes, turn on the hair dryer and point at your feet. It is necessary to act with heat for at least half an hour.

On a note! It is strictly forbidden to use methods in which you need to act on the outer part of the suede. Perhaps this will help stretch suede shoes, but the material will be irreparably damaged.

wet paper

You can stretch suede shoes with wet paper. This method has already been described above. A similar effect is achieved when wearing shoes, putting it on wet sock. This method is considered quite gentle, since it does not involve physical and temperature effect.

Interesting! A paraffin candle will also help stretch the shoes, which you need to rub it from the inside, and then leave it for 12 hours.

How to stretch patent leather shoes?

Stretching patent shoes is quite difficult, because there is high risk damage top coat. Rough handling can cause patent leather shoes to crack or lose their shine. Reduces the risk of damage The presence of soft and thin skin under varnish. If the shoes are made of just such materials, you can safely proceed to stretch them.

The following tools will help:

  • alcohol diluted with water;
  • cream or vaseline.


Alcohol is mixed with water in a ratio of 2:1. Then the resulting solution is moistened with socks, which are then put on the feet. Shoes must be worn on top. It is enough to walk in them for at least an hour, and preferably two. Socks must be completely dry. You can use a hair dryer for this.

Vaseline or heavy cream

If you decide to use petroleum jelly or a greasy cream to stretch tight patent leather shoes, you need to treat the shoes from the inside with these products. You should especially take care of applying the heel and toe cream, since it is in these places that the shoes usually pinch the most. Next, you need to insert the pads into the shoes. In the absence of pads, you can use the old proven method - put on socks and walk around in shoes for a couple of hours.

How to stretch rubber shoes?

Most likely, it will not be possible to stretch strong classic rubber. But if the shoes are made of PVC, common in recent times, it will not be difficult to do this.

On a note! To check what material the shoes are made of, you need to use an awl and a lighter. It is necessary to heat the material and touch it to the surface of boots or shoes. If the material does not melt, it natural rubber. If the melting process has begun, the shoes are made of PVC and can be stretched.

To stretch such shoes, you will need:

  • boiling water;
  • dishes with ice water;
  • warm socks.

Boiling water is poured into shoes and wait about 5 minutes. Later specified time the material will become much softer and more pliable, the water is poured out. Now it remains to put on warm socks (terry or woolen) and shoes. You need to walk in it for several minutes, and then remove it and place it in a basin of ice water for an hour. Then you need to remember to dry your shoes properly.

On a note! By stretching rubber shoes in this way, you can fit them to the shape of your foot. However, it is recommended to wear it after two days. This time will be enough for the material to completely harden.

How to quickly stretch shoes in width?

No matter what material the shoe is made of, it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase it by more than one size. All of the above methods help to stretch shoes, boots or boots in width. In addition, shoes can stretch naturally, by prolonged wear.

New shoes can be broken in without the use of special or improvised means. It is enough to wear it often and wear it at home. This will allow the material to stretch.

An effective way is to use potato peels. They need to stuff the shoes tightly from the inside and leave for about 10 hours.


If you wear tight shoes, it will immediately affect your feet. Calluses are not only unpleasant, but also quite painful. It takes a little effort to make shoes comfortable and comfortable to wear. Stretching tight shoes or boots is easy at home using available tools. It is important to choose safe methods so as not to harm your legs.

To learn how to stretch shoes at home, you can watch the video, which clearly shows the main methods.


A situation familiar to many: shoes that fit perfectly on the foot when buying, rub, press and cause discomfort on the very first day. But do not despair: today there are many effective ways to stretch leather shoes at home.

Genuine leather - quite soft and elastic material. Stretching leather shoes with affordable home remedies is not difficult

We have prepared for you an overview of simple and available methods that anyone can master.

army way

An effective and perhaps the easiest method to stretch leather shoes.

Take thick cotton or wool socks, soak them in hot water and wring them out to remove excess moisture. Put on a pair of shoes that require stretching and walk around the house until your socks are dry (or until you get bored). After that, dry the shoes with paper or newspapers. Ready. The skin under the influence of moisture will stretch, take the shape of the leg, and the shoes will no longer press.

In the army, according to rumors, this method is used a little differently - in socks and tight shoes, they stand right under a hot shower. But this is an extreme option for harsh men.


To stretch leather shoes in width, it is not necessary to wear them in for a long time and endure pain. You can use a more gentle way.

Take two strong plastic bags, put them inside the shoe and carefully pour water so as to fill the entire interior from toe to heel. Tie the bags tightly to keep water from escaping and place the shoes in the freezer. Leave to freeze for 6-8 hours.

As the water cools, it expands and stretches the skin. After the time has elapsed, remove the shoes from freezer, let the ice thaw a little and carefully remove the bags. Don't try to remove the ice right away - you could scratch or tear your shoes.

The freezing procedure can be repeated if the skin is not stretched enough the first time.

hot way

There are two options for stretching shoes in a hot way: using a hair dryer and boiling water.

To stretch leather shoes with a hair dryer, put on thick socks, put on shoes and squeeze your feet, as if stretching the shoes from the inside. Turn on the hair dryer and send warm air to the areas where your shoes are tight. Do not bring the hair dryer too close to the skin and try not to direct hot air on taped seams. After the end of the procedure, walk around in shoes until it cools down.

After drying with a hair dryer, lubricate the shoes special cream to restore the balance of lost moisture. If there are no professional products, you can use a regular hand cream or petroleum jelly.

Stretching shoes with a hair dryer, do not overdo it: you can dry out the skin and achieve the exact opposite effect.

An effective way to stretch leather shoes is to use boiling water. Before you start stretching, be sure to remove the insoles from your shoes. Under the influence of boiling water, the insoles are severely deformed, lose appearance and begin to bring discomfort when walking.

Boil water, put your shoes over a container and carefully pour boiling water inside. Leave to act for just a few seconds and pour out the water. Blot the moisture, wait a couple of minutes for the shoes to cool slightly, and put them on, after putting on thick socks. Walk around in your shoes until they are completely cool. The hot water will soften the skin and as it cools it will mold to the shape of your foot. This method will help stretch leather shoes to size.

If you are afraid of damaging the inside of the shoe, you can place a bag inside to create a spacer between the boiling water and the material.

Do not use boiling water to stretch faux leather shoes - only natural material withstand heat and moisture.


Soak the inside of the shoe with an alcohol solution (water and alcohol 1:1) or vodka. For convenience, you can use a spray bottle. Put on thick socks and walk around in shoes for about an hour. Strong smell after the procedure, you can eliminate it with soapy water (or just leave the shoes in the air). Alcohol dries out the skin; after stretching, lubricate the shoes with a special cream or petroleum jelly.

The alcohol solution can be replaced with an alcohol-based window cleaner or cologne.

Be careful when using alcohol-based liquids on colored shoes. Pre-test the paint for durability by treating an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with alcohol


You can stretch leather shoes from both natural and artificial materials using oils. For this purpose, castor or other vegetable oil, as well as petroleum jelly (can be replaced with a fat cream).

Remove the insoles from the shoes, lubricate with oil or petroleum jelly those areas where the shoes are tight (both the inside and the outside can be treated), and leave to act for several hours. After that, thoroughly wipe your shoes, put on thick socks, put on shoes and walk around the house. The oil softens the skin, it becomes more supple and stretches to fit the shape of your foot.

The oil will help stretch not only new shoes, but also tidy up a rough pair of shoes that you haven’t worn in a long time.

Lubricate with oil those areas where the shoes are tight. Let the boots sit for a few hours. Then wipe your shoes thoroughly, put on thick socks, put on shoes and walk around the house

Folk methods

To soften and stretch leather shoes, it is often used vinegar. The smell, of course, is unpleasant, but it quickly disappears in the fresh air.

Moisten with table vinegar (3-9%) the inside of the shoes in those places where it is tight, put on thick socks and walk around the house for about an hour. The pungent odor from vinegar can be eliminated with soapy water (or by airing your shoes).

Be careful when using vinegar on colored shoes. Pre-test the paint for durability on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

To stretch thin leather or delicate suede, you can use beer. The technology is the same: soak the shoes from the inside, put on thick socks, put on shoes and walk around for a couple of hours. To get rid of the smell of beer, air your shoes in the fresh air.

One of the most common ways to stretch leather shoes is to fill them with wet newspapers.

Newspapers or sheets of paper are cut into very small pieces, they are tightly stuffed with leather shoes and filled with water. From moisture, the paper swells and densely fills the inner space. Dry shoes with paper naturally away from heating devices (about 2 days). This method has been tested by time, but it is not recommended for light shoes - it is more suitable for boots or boots.

cowboy way

To stretch leather boots, in the Wild West used grain. They filled shoes with it, filled it with water and left it overnight. The grain absorbed water, swelled and stretched the skin. In the morning, the shoes were freed from the filler, wiped and worn in until dry.

This method has the right to exist today. However, it cannot be used for shoes with lining.

Modern chemistry

Today on store shelves is presented worthy choice special means for stretching shoes: foams, sprays and aerosols. From a rich assortment, you can choose the option that suits your pocket. How to use the selected tool, read the manufacturer's instructions.

For expensive shoes made of thin leather, it is better to use modern foams or stretching sprays - all other methods can damage the delicate material and ruin your shoes

Mechanical stretch

Today it will not be difficult to buy a special mechanical stretcher in a shoe store. It is a wooden (or plastic) block, which is equipped with a screw mechanism for force expansion. In the kit, as a rule, there are spray and special pads various shapes, which will help stretch the shoes in certain areas (if there is a bone, curvature of the fingers, calluses and other orthopedic indications).

Mechanical shoe stretcher can be purchased for home use. Its cost is relatively low, and the effectiveness is obvious

Professional approach

If finances allow, then you can use the services of professionals - this is the fastest and most effective method get rid of problems with new shoes.

By the way, there is an opinion that it is impossible to stretch leather shoes in length. In general, this fact cannot be refuted, but today professionals can offer a solution to such a problem. As a rule, the skin in the fore part of the shoe is denser, and, due to the complex effect mechanical stretching, spray, special nozzles and electric heating, this area of ​​the skin can be stretched to give the fingers more room.

Check the availability of shoe stretching services in the workshops of your city

Finally, some more helpful tips:

  • buy shoes in the afternoon, when the feet are slightly swollen, in order to avoid problems with the size later;
  • do not put on new shoes for the whole day at once, break them in gradually;
  • pre-glue frequently rubbed areas with adhesive tape. This will avoid the appearance of corns;
  • if rear end rubs the shoe, lubricate it with paraffin or soap;
  • buy shoes for important events in advance, keep in mind that you will need time to stretch. For information on how to quickly break in new shoes, read our other article.

If you have already tried the listed methods or own your own shoe stretching technique, share your experience and tips with us in the comments.

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She graduated from the author's physical and mathematical lyceum and art school. Received a higher economic education in the direction of "innovation management". Freelancer. Married, actively travels. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transsurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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Alena 08.03.2018 09:14

It is not uncommon for a new pair of shoes in the store to feel comfortable and comfy, but when worn, it begins to squeeze and rub. Also, new boots or shoes can shrink and shrink if they get too wet. In this case, stretching is required.

It can be done different methods. The most effective and safest will be contacting a shoe shop. In this case, the craftsmen will stretch the shoes using a special stretcher block, which is selected according to the type and material of the product.

However, in shoe stores, shoes are mainly stretched only in the instep and shaft, i.e. in width. Pulling a pair in length is very difficult. Besides, in this case product may be damaged or deformed.

Masters do not recommend stretching shoes made of all materials other than genuine leather. But many try to distribute and make products a size larger on their own. In this article, we will look at how to stretch shoes at home quickly and safely.

Before stretching leather shoes to size or products made from other materials using folk remedies, try using special professional tools. This is a stretching spray or aerosol that is sold in shoe stores, salons or departments. The agent is selected for the type of material, sprayed inside or outside the product according to the instructions. Then .

If professional remedies do not help or you do not want to use this spray, you can try folk methods. The technique is also selected according to the type of material from which the products are made. Let's look at how to stretch the tops of boots and boots. Learn what to do to stretch sneakers and shoes.

Stretching leather shoes with freezing and boiling water

Genuine leather shoes are much easier to stretch than other materials. Genuine leather under aggressive influence various external factors stretched both in length and in width. To adjust your shoe size slightly, dampen a thick wool sock and wear it with your shoes. Wear a pair for two to three hours a day. However, this is not very fast way as it will take seven to ten days.

To stretch leather boots at home, boiling water is often used. Pour hot water into boots or boots and pour immediately. When the products have cooled slightly, put on a pair of thick, dense woolen or knitted sock and walk until it is completely dry. If you are afraid to pour boiling water inside the shoes, you can hold the pair over boiling water and then spread it.

Freezing is extreme, but effective method. Fill two plastic bags half or 1/4 full with water, tie tightly, and place inside each shoe. The shoes are then placed in the freezer overnight. When water freezes, it expands and increases in volume. As a result, this puts a lot of pressure on the skin and stretches the material.

You can put one bag in the area that is tight, or put one bag in both the heel and the toe. And if you need to stretch the top of the boot, another bag is placed in this place and the boot is fastened with a zipper. After the procedure, remove the shoes from the freezer, wait until the water has melted a little, and remove the bags. Dry shoes, sneakers or boots thoroughly in natural conditions.

Vaseline and alcohol for stretching leather shoes

Another way to stretch is castor oil and petroleum jelly. By the way, such products are quite safe for natural skin. As a result of this processing, the shoes are stretched by one or two sizes. It acquires a beautiful shine and aesthetic appearance. In addition, Vaseline will help mask cracks and scratches.

Mix vaseline and castor oil in half, spread generously inner part and place a block of plastic or wood. You can buy such a last at a shoe or hardware store. Leave the product for a day, then remove the stretcher and the remnants of the product, remove with a cotton pad.

Alcohol, vodka, cologne or even common remedy for washing windows and glasses will soften the skin. To do this, mix the selected component halfway with water and lubricate each product inside and out. Treat the heel most carefully. To prevent alcohol from drying out natural or artificial leather, treat the material with warm Vaseline. How to polish leather shoes to a shine, read.

Five Ways to Stretch Faux Leather Shoes

  1. Soak woolen, knitted or terry socks in water, wring out well and put on your feet. Put on your shoes and walk like this until your socks are completely dry. Repeat the procedure daily for a week;
  2. FROM inside Lubricate faux leather shoes with Vaseline or liquid cream. When the cream is absorbed, after two to three hours put the pair on a cotton sock. After that, shoes need to be broken in within half an hour;
  3. Wet paper or newspaper and stuff leatherette shoes tightly, but be careful not to overdo it so as not to deform the pair. Let the products dry naturally away from the battery and heater. Do not use a hair dryer to dry electrical devices! When the paper is dry, pull it out, the products should stretch slightly;
  4. Take cereals or grains that swell when interacting with water. To do this, place bags in the product and pour grain into it so that it occupies the entire internal space. Then pour water into the boots and leave overnight. When the cereal or grain swells, the artificial leather will be stretched;
  5. To stretch boots or boots made of leatherette in the top or instep, carefully dried products are treated inside with hot paraffin or laundry soap. Then you should break the shoes into a thick and tight sock for two days. As a result, the artificial material expands and the seams stop rubbing. After processing, carefully remove the remnants of paraffin or laundry soap with a knife, and grease the surface with petroleum jelly, or vegetable oil.

How to stretch suede and nubuck shoes

Suede is elastic and pliable, so if necessary, the material can be stretched. To do this, use the common method of wearing products on a wet thick sock. For this material do not use alcohol, vodka or cologne, otherwise it will crack!

In addition, oil stains and stains will remain on suede. Aggressive ways with the use of boiling water and frost are also not suitable, as they deform the material and irrevocably spoil the appearance of the products.

In addition to the classic break-in, you can use the method with crumpled newspapers or paper. Stuff tightly paper materials tight shoes. While the newspapers will straighten out, the shoes or boots will stretch. Do not wet the newspaper with water or alcohol!

How to stretch patent and athletic shoes

  • To stretch patent leather shoes at home, you can use a solution of alcohol and water in the proportion of two parts alcohol to one part water. Dip socks in the prepared composition, put them on your feet and put on shoes. Walk like this until your socks are dry. Instead of alcohol, you can take vodka, cologne or vinegar;
  • can be wrapped in warm damp terry towel and leave it like this overnight. Then the products are put on and worn out until they are completely dry;
  • Lacquered new shoes with leather trim inside can be treated with lard or goose lard. To do this, lubricate the inside of the shoe with the product and leave to dry completely. The remaining fat is removed with alcohol. As a result Polished leather becomes elastic, soft supple and stretches, ceases to creak;
  • Warm up patent shoes with a hair dryer and grease the inside with petroleum jelly or a fat cream. Then put on a tight and thick terry or knitted sock. Walk for one or two hours and again lubricate the inside with petroleum jelly or cream. Leave the products overnight;
  • For patent leather shoes you can also use methods with freezing or boiling water. After processing the product, it is important to dry it thoroughly and lubricate it with a special cream, polish or balm;
  • To stretch sports shoes, for example, natural fabric or leather sneakers or sneakers, take a potato and peel it. Put the tuber in the sock of the product and leave for several hours. Potato juice will make the material elastic, resulting in summer, demi-season or winter sneakers stretch out.

Features of stretching shoes

Warm products with fur inside do not wet the inside too much. By the way, to spread and stretch winter boots or boots, sometimes it is enough just to remove the insole. Do not stretch the shoes with hammering! Any procedures can be carried out only with clean and dried products.

Rubber boots made of PVC can be stretched by filling each product completely with boiling water. After five minutes, when the rubber has softened, pour out the water and wipe dry. Put your boots on a thick terry or woolen sock, walk for a few minutes and put in a bath or basin with cold water. Leave for an hour and then dry.

Shoes made of genuine, patent or artificial leather can be worn by a person with big size legs. But this method is not suitable for suede products, otherwise overstretching will occur, and the suede pair will become large.

A universal stretching method that is suitable for different materials, is considered vinegar. Mix the product with water and thoroughly saturate the inside of the products. Then break in boots or shoes for a tight and thick sock for one to two hours. Bad smell vinegar can be removed with soap solution. However, this method must be used carefully to suede shoes because suede doesn't like moisture.

After processing products from any materials, dry the shoes thoroughly in natural conditions and process shoe polish, polish or spray. In addition, you can also apply folk remedies. For example, for natural skin suit petroleum jelly, for artificial - vegetable oil, for rubber boots - glycerin.

To speed up the drying process, fill the steam with crumpled paper or newspaper. When wet, change the paper to a new one. Detailed rules how to dry your shoes quickly and safely, you will find at the link.

The shoes I just bought are pleasing to the eye and seem to fit perfectly. But after the very first walk along the street, it turns out that they either press, or rub, or crash into the rise. I don't want to go back to the store at all, especially since they look amazing with a new raincoat. What to do? This article will show you how to stretch your shoes a size larger at home. Some folk ways will not only make your shoes a little bigger, but also soften the skin.

What shoes can be stretched?

Before you start rummaging through your closets for stretching materials, take a look at what your shoes are made of. You can stretch shoes if it is made:

  • leather;
  • from leatherette;
  • from suede;
  • from nubuck.

But rubber boots or plastic beach slippers do not always stretch. However, this is usually not necessary, because these are cheap shoes that you can safely give to a neighbor or even throw away.

Basic Rules

The shoes you are about to stretch must be clean. If you have to solve this issue, read our articles:

Also, do not mix different ways stretch marks - such actions can lead to backfire or damage to products.

Important! Even if the shoes are made from a material that lends itself well to stretching, it should be remembered that it can be stretched one size, in last resort, for two, but no more.

Professional shoe stretching

In some cases, the most the best option- contact the workshop. For example, if the shoes are expensive and you don’t want to take risks. In the workshop, shoes will be stretched for you on special blocks, using branded materials. The only downside is professional stretching can be quite expensive, so it does not always make sense to contact the workshop.

Semi-professional stretching

There is also a semi-professional way - stretching shoes on blocks with the help of special tools. To tell you how to stretch leather shoes a size larger at home, you can use the instructions that you will find on a jar of stretching spray. You can buy this spray at any reputable shoe store.

Sellers usually call it that - "stretching". It is very easy to use such a substance - just do as it is written on the package. The standard instruction is as follows:

  1. Spray generously on problem areas your new couple.
  2. Wait a couple of minutes for the product to absorb.
  3. Try pulling the material with your hands or lightly tap it with a hammer if you need to soften the material. If you use a power tool, be sure to lay a piece of cloth so as not to make dents.

Important! If you need to stretch the shoes a size larger at home, then after applying special means dress a new pair on your feet with a sock and walk in it for about half an hour around the apartment.

Folk remedies

However, if you wondered how to stretch shoes at home by 1 size at a time when there is no spray at hand, and there is nothing to run to the store, it does not matter. There are a few folk ways, which give results no worse, and sometimes even better, than industrial aerosols.

You must have everything you need:

  • thick woolen socks (one or two pairs);
  • 2 plastic bags;
  • alcohol, vodka or cologne;
  • petrolatum:
  • Castor oil;
  • freezer.

Shoes made of natural and artificial leather

Mistresses most often have to face the problem of how to stretch shoes made of genuine leather at home. There are several ways.

Option 1

Put on the thickest woolen socks you have in your closet. However, it is not necessary that the socks are woolen - you can take cotton, terry or acrylic. The main thing is that they are thick.

So put on your socks and then your shoes. Walk in this form around the apartment for two or three hours, until the shoes are broken. This method is the most gentle for shoes, but it may not seem very pleasant - the shoes still press, and not everyone likes to walk in thick socks around a warm apartment.

Important! This method cannot be obtained desired result the first time. You may need to repeat the procedure daily for a week.

Option 2

For this method, any substance with great content alcohol. You can take medical alcohol, vodka or cologne - you need a little of them.

How to stretch leather shoes a size larger at home using these tools:

  1. Pour the substance into the shoes.
  2. Put on your shoes.
  3. Moisten the outside of the shoes with the same substance.
  4. Walk around the apartment for 1-2 hours.

Alcohol stretches the skin, and letting the shoes dry on the feet will give them the shape they need.

Important! You can purchase or order special pads. The main thing is that they fit exactly in shape and size.

Option 3

Sometimes very good effect gives the use of the most common cosmetic cream. A greasy cream is suitable - and it does not matter at all whether it is intended for legs, hands or face. Spread the cream liberally on the outside and inside of the shoes, as well as on the feet. Put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for a couple of hours. After that, the excess cream must be removed.

Only for genuine leather

There is a way that only natural leather shoes can be stretched - artificial or suede will not withstand such aggressive treatment. For this method, you need a kettle, water and a basin.


  1. Boil the kettle.
  2. Pour boiling water over shoes or boots.
  3. Put on shoes or put shoes on the blocks.
  4. Let the skin dry properly.

Important! Boiling water can sometimes stretch rubber or plastic shoes. The mode of action is the same as for the skin.

Other ways for different materials

In this section, we offer you methods that can be suitable for both natural leather and other materials.

Vaseline and castor oil

If you want to stretch expensive shoes from very quality leather, use castor oil or petroleum jelly. Stretching shoes is better on the blocks, but if they are not, you can also on your feet.

Lubricate the shoes well inside and out with petroleum jelly or castor oil, put on the shoes, leave for about a day. Castor oil, by the way, is suitable not only for stretching, but also for caring for leather shoes, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Grain will save you

People have been wearing leather shoes since ancient times, and therefore, methods for stretching them have also been invented a long time ago. Now some methods may seem very exotic, but they give an excellent effect, especially when it comes to thick leather boots.

Important! For this method, you need grain - any, but large is better. The American farmers who pioneered this method used what grew in their fields - wheat or corn.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak the grain.
  2. Put it in plastic bags.
  3. Place the bags in the boots.
  4. Put your boots in a warm but not hot place.
  5. Wait approximately 12 hours.

Important! The soaked grain will begin to gradually swell, stretching the shoes. It just needs to be pulled out in time.

Shoes can be frozen

You can stretch shoes a size larger at home using the most ordinary water:

  1. Pour water into plastic bags.
  2. Place the bags in the boots.
  3. Expose the shoes to frost for 12 hours.
  4. Bring your boots into the room.
  5. Wait until the ice in the bags begins to melt.
  6. Take out the bags.

Important! If these are shoes and it’s summer outside, put them in the freezer of your refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Artificial leather: there are nuances

How to stretch faux leather shoes at home? Some methods that are used to stretch natural leather shoes are also suitable for artificial leather boots.

Of course, there will be no harm to shoes if you walk around in them, wearing thick socks. The trouble is that artificial leather is less elastic than natural, so such a gentle method may not work right away. Get ready to break in your shoes for several days. To make the process go faster internal surfaces lubricate with vaseline.

But stretching with alcohol is an almost universal method.

How to stretch shoes made of fabric, suede or nubuck

Shoes that are not made of leather or leatherette can also be stretched at home. However, methods with alcohol or petroleum jelly in this case are clearly not suitable. But unnecessary newspapers can be very useful. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Wet your shoes.
  2. Crumple up newspapers.
  3. Stuff shoes with paper.
  4. Leave the shoes to dry in a warm but not hot place.
  5. Remove paper.

In addition, suede and fabric shoes can be soaked, put on the lasts and dried.

Important! Suede on its own does not tolerate water very well, so after drying the shoes will need to be treated.

How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Stretching shoes is not a very difficult task, but it is better to do without it. For this, all you need is to choose the right shoes in the store. This is especially important if you are buying shoes online.

Important! In an ordinary store, the main thing is to try on shoes well. If the shoes are squeezing somewhere or too tight (for example, in the instep), put this pair aside and choose something else. It is also necessary to refuse a purchase if the skin seems too hard.

If you are going to buy shoes from an online store, you must accurately determine your size.

  1. Lay a sheet of paper on the floor.
  2. Put your foot on it.
  3. Circle your foot.
  4. Measure the length of the foot between the most prominent points of the heel and big toe.
  5. Round up the resulting size to the nearest 5 mm.
  6. Look at the store's website for the correct size.

Important! To buy shoes in an online store, it is very useful to know the completeness. Measure it with a tape measure along the most convex points in the bow. Keep in mind that manufacturers do not always take into account completeness, they sometimes use medium sizes. If your foot is wider than average or your instep is larger, try to choose models that indicate fullness.

You can also use a little trick - try on the same model in a “real” store, and then buy it online, since it may be cheaper.. More detailed advice and secrets, read the article "How to choose the right shoe size?"

We hope that you were able to solve the problem that suddenly arose and stretch the shoes a size larger at home. From now on, be more careful, try to go shopping in the evening, when the leg is already slightly swollen, then all these methods will no longer be useful to you.
