How to get rid of sweat stains. How to Remove Sweat Stains from Clothes

In the article we discuss how to wash yellow spots on the armpits. You will learn why such marks appear and how to remove them on white, colored and black clothes.

How to remove yellow stains on white clothes

Sometimes, due to excessive sweating under the arms, specific yellow spots appear on clothes - traces that sweat leaves when mixed with bacteria on a person’s skin and deodorant.. These spots have unpleasant aroma, and getting rid of them is quite difficult. Especially if it is old pollution.

Start washing as soon as possible, fresh stains are easier to remove

The best way to remove yellow stains on armpits on white, colored and black clothes is their prevention:

  • use aluminum-free deodorants;
  • Apply them only to dry, clean skin;
  • Do not put on clothes until the deodorant has dried.

If it's hot outside or you find yourself in... stressful situation when you sweat a lot, wash your clothes in the evening without waiting for yellow spots to appear.

Fresh stains are difficult to remove with regular stains washing powder . Strong stain removers are often required. These should not include the following:

  • hot water at a temperature of more than 30°C - fixes the stain in the fibers of the fabric;
  • chlorine, chlorine-containing liquids, acetone - lighten the color of clothes;
  • salt and nitric acid, gasoline - spoil the texture of the fabric.

The most popular means for removing yellow stains from sweat on white are oxygen stain remover, washing dishes, soda-saline solution, citric acid, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide and home boiling.

Regardless of which method you choose, prepare your clothing for processing:

  • Study the product label and washing information. Each fabric has its own recommendations for washing temperature and technology.
  • Wet the stain on the clothing with warm or cold water. Place the cloth under running water or go over it with a damp sponge several times.

Stain remover

Buy oxygen bleaches and stain removers to treat yellow spots under the arms. They should not contain chlorine as it may react with chemical reaction with proteins in sweat secretions and darken the stain.

How to remove sweat stains under the arms on white clothes with stain remover:

  • Pour the solution onto the dirty area.
  • Wait 15 minutes.
  • Wash by hand or in the washing machine.

Dishwashing liquid

The easiest way to combat yellow sweat stains is with dishwashing detergent. You can use it to prepare a thick paste for removing fresh stains or supplement it with a special soap solution if the stains are already embedded in the fabric.

How to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes at home:

  • Mix dishwashing detergent with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply to the fabric with the stain, going beyond its borders.
  • Rub the product thoroughly into the fabric with a toothbrush.
  • When it is absorbed, apply the solution again and leave for 30-60 minutes.
  • Wash your clothes in the warmest water possible.

If the dirt is very ingrained, apply dishwashing detergent to the product in the same way. Then put the clothes in a basin and fill with warm water. Add a little more product, stir and soak the product overnight.

Soda-salt solution

Removes fresh yellow spots under the arms well concentrated solution soda For clothes made of delicate fabrics - silk, chiffon, wool, only baking soda is suitable. More thick fabrics can be treated with soda ash.

How to wash yellow armpits on white clothes with soda:

  • Dissolve 4 tbsp. soda in ¼ glass of water.
  • Apply thick layer mixture onto the stain and leave for 1-2 hours.
  • Wash the product by hand and dry at room temperature.

Soda-salt solution is a homemade bleach that can handle even stubborn stains on white clothes. Use fine table salt for washing. Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with liquid soap.

How to whiten white T-shirt from yellow spots with soda-saline solution:

  • Prepare a paste with 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the consistency of sour cream.
  • Apply the paste to the sweat-stained area and scrub with a brush.
  • After 30 minutes, wash the clothes in hot water.

Lemon acid

Lemon acid- an equally effective home bleach. It gets rid of not only sweat stains, but also traces of wine and even rust. The most important thing here is not to overdo it with concentration. Even if the dosage is slightly exceeded, the clothing material may become thinner.

How to remove old sweat stains under the arms on white clothes:

  • Dilute 1 sachet of acid in 1 glass of warm water.
  • Soak the fabric with sweat stains in the lemon solution.
  • Leave clothes in a cool place. Do not allow the product to come into contact with direct Sun rays, otherwise dirt will become embedded in the fibers of the fabric.
  • After 2 hours, send the item to washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to remove sweat stains from white clothes with hydrogen peroxide:

  • Dissolve 1 tbsp. products in 1 liter of not hot water.
  • Dip the stained item into the liquid and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Wash as usual.
  • Rinse clothes thoroughly and dry away from sunlight.


Acetylsalicylic acid- Not only medicine, but also a popular way to combat yellow sweat spots. It breaks down fats and proteins that cause yellow tint impurities, and literally dissolves all traces of sweat.

How to remove yellow armpit stains on a white T-shirt with aspirin:

  • Crush 2 aspirin tablets into powder.
  • Dilute it with 50 ml of warm water to a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste to the armpit area and scrub with a toothbrush.
  • Leave for 1 hour and wash by hand.

How to remove yellow stains on colored clothes

After using any product, wash the item with powder

Yellow stains on colored items are more difficult to remove than on white clothes. Many household bleaches can ruin the color, so only gentle methods are suitable here. One of these products is laundry soap and vinegar.

Laundry soap

Regular laundry soap with a fat content of 72% removes sweat stains even in bright light. wool sweater. It is suitable for both synthetics and natural fabrics. If the clothes are light, treat them with soap with a whitening effect.

How to remove sweat stains under the arms on colored clothes with soap:

  • Lather the stained cloth thickly and soak in warm water.
  • After 1-2 hours, wash and rinse the product.
  • Repeat the procedure until the stain disappears.


If you have stained clothes made of colored synthetic or mixed fabric, diluted 6% vinegar will help you. A more concentrated solution will damage the fabric.

How to remove underarm sweat stains from colored fabric with vinegar:

  • Dilute vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Soak the stained area with the solution.
  • Wait 15-20 minutes and wash the clothes.

If sweat marks are not completely removed, try another recipe:

  • Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and pour vinegar on top.
  • Bubbles will begin to appear on the fabric, releasing dirt from the fabric.
  • After 1 hour, wash the product in warm water.

How to remove yellow stains on dark clothes

On black clothes, sweat mixes with deodorant and leaves not yellow, but white stains. As with colored fabric, there are no methods for removing yellow sweat stains from a white shirt under the armpits. Citric acid, peroxide, aspirin or oxygen stain remover can leave light stains.

To save the product from underarm sweat stains, treat them with vodka, ammonia or concentrated saline solution.


Small salt copes well with dirt on dark delicate fabrics- silk, chiffon, viscose, linen, wool, polyester and lycra.

How to delete White spot from sweat on a black silk shirt:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. in 1 glass of warm water.
  • Generously soak the stained cloth in the resulting solution.
  • Leave the product for 2 hours, then wash.


Ammonia will help to treat clothes made from natural fabrics. Do not confuse it with ammonia. In the first case, it is a 10% solution of ammonium hydroxide, that is, an aqueous solution of ammonia, which effectively dissolves stains from sweat. In the second case, ammonium chloride powder, which is used as food supplement or fertilizer and which is completely useless in fighting stains.

How to remove white stains under armpits on black clothes with ammonia:

  • Add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. ammonia.
  • Moisten cotton pad in the solution and wipe away the dirt. Move from the edges of the stain to its center. Repeat the procedure until the contamination disappears.
  • Wash your clothes as usual.


Pure alcohol solutions are also good at removing deodorant and sweat stains. Enzymes contained in vodka or 96% alcohol quickly penetrate the fabric fibers and separate stubborn dirt. Gin, cognac and whiskey in in this case unsuitable.

How to remove yellow underarms on black fabric with vodka:

  • Dilute vodka with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply the solution to the stained area and wipe over its entire area.
  • Leave the clothes for 1-2 hours and wash.

If 96% alcohol is used instead of vodka, follow the same procedure, only dilute the product with water in a 1:2 ratio.

For more information on how to remove yellow stains, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Sweat stains on white clothes are usually yellow color, and on colored and black products - white.
  2. To remove yellow stains from white clothes, try oxygen bleach, dishwashing liquid, soda-saline solution, hydrogen peroxide, citric or acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. White stains on colored clothes can be easily removed with laundry soap and vinegar.
  4. Black clothes must be washed with salt, vodka or ammonia.

We all try to lead healthy image life. We go to training or play some kind of sport. Especially in our age of computerization and sedentary lifestyle, everyone needs to think about this. But very often, after physical activity, increased sweating appears. This is typical for both men and women. During hot periods, especially in summer, this problem plagues us constantly. And stains remain on all clothes.

Removing sweat stains is a very difficult process. And it is almost always impossible to get rid of old, extensive stains. The stained fabric changes its original color, it becomes faded, often yellowish. We advise you to start removing stains from the inside out; this will cause less damage to contaminated items. To choose necessary advice on breeding dirty spot, it is necessary to determine the composition of the fabric used and its quality.

Silk fabric

If the silk is dirty delicate thing, then we need sodium hyposulfite, that is, its solution. It is sold in photographic stores. Take one teaspoon and dilute it in a glass of water. We wet a cotton swab or a rag and wipe the dirty area. Then we wash the item in running water.

Also, use a solution of denatured alcohol or a solution of ammonia and dilute it with clean cold water, one to one.

If the thin light lining is dirty, then we will need hydrogen peroxide, soap and oxalic acid. Stir ten ml of peroxide in one hundred ml of water and leave for five minutes. We prepare a solution of soap and apply it to the contaminated surface of the fabric. After this, apply the peroxide solution. We wait a couple of minutes. Rinse in cool clean water and soak in the solution oxalic acid.

Wool fabric

If a warm woolen product gets dirty, we need kitchen salt and alcohol. Per 100 ml cold water add 100 gr. salt and stir. We wet a piece of cotton wool or a bandage and wipe the dirty area. We apply alcohol and take it outside to air. Let it dry and wash as usual.

Cotton fabric

In summer, we mainly try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Therefore, cotton items always get dirty and everyone needs advice on removing stains. We take baking soda, moisten it with water, and get a mixture like a paste. Apply to contaminated areas using any brush. We wait approximately 40-60 minutes. We wash as usual.

You can also use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Add one teaspoon per liter of water. We wet the problem areas. Leave for an hour. After this, wash in warm water.

If your collar, sleeve or cuff is dirty, we will need an ammonia solution, laundry soap and gasoline. Mix all ingredients in a one to one ratio. Rub into contaminated areas. Then rinse in clean water with vinegar (proportion three to one).

You can use an iron to clean colored fabrics. It needs to be heated and turned over. After that dry colored fabric Place it on the iron and rub it with dry laundry soap or any other soap without dye. We take a clothes brush or any other, moisten it and clean our stain. We wash as usual.

In 100 ml of cold water, dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia solution and a spoon kitchen salt. We treat contaminated areas with the prepared solution. After this, rinse in warm water.

For quick disposal from fresh stains sweat, we recommend washing things with an ammonia solution added to the water. For one liter of water we take one teaspoon of alcohol.

You can get rid of sweat with chicken egg yolk. Break the egg, separate the yolk from the white. Pour the yolk into any glass or porcelain container and shake. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated surface. Let it dry and, using a clean knife, use a non-sharp edge to scrape off the egg mixture from the fabric. Rinse in cool water. We remove the remains of dirty marks on clothes with glycerin, after heating it to 20 degrees.

With help hydrogen peroxide you can get rid of stains on multi-colored and plain bright things. Apply a 3% peroxide solution to the fabric. Leave the item for an hour. After this, rinse in water at room temperature.

Old, yellowed stains are very difficult to remove. We try to remove them with ordinary kerosene, denatured alcohol and ammonia solution. Prepare a solution in a one to one ratio. Take a clean cotton swab or cloth napkin, dip in the solution and apply to the contaminated fabric. Leave for a few minutes. Rinse many times in clean warm water.

Little tricks

  • You must not use force when working with things, rubbing them too hard, crushing them, stretching them, squeezing them. Thus, you can damage the integrity of the fabric itself and harm its coloring;
  • All your movements with a clothes brush should be soft, neat, and precise. We clean the item from bottom to top.
  • We try to remove sweat stains while they are fresh, since old stains are very difficult to remove, almost impossible;
  • Let's not forget about our hygiene. Preventing stains from appearing. For this we use individual means to combat increased sweating. These products can be selected for any skin type, as well as for different colors fabrics.

Video on how to remove sweat stains

Sweat stains on clothes are not actually sweat stains. Unpleasant yellow marks are left as a result of the interaction of antiperspirants that contain aluminum with our body. When washing in a machine, even at the highest setting temperature conditions, for some reason these spots stay in place. Is this really forever? No. It turns out there are ways to revive your beloved white thing. And you don't need expensive bleaches for this. Enough conventional means, which you already have in your kitchen.

Laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar and salt work well with yellowness on fabric. We tell you what to mix and with what to bring life back to a white shirt.

7 surefire ways

Method 1

Your chief assistant- soap. Despite its not very pleasant aroma, it will perfectly cope with sweat marks. You need to soak the item in soap and water and wash it after 15 minutes as usual. The spots will disappear before your eyes - but only if they are fresh.

Method 2

The following composition is no less effective: mix three tablespoons of liquid soap with soda and salt - a tablespoon each. Apply the mixture to the stain, leave for half an hour, and then wash as usual.

Method 3

Another option is baking soda with added water. Dilute baking soda with water to make a paste, spread the mixture on the stain, wait 15 minutes, and send the item to the wash.

Method 4

Take hydrogen peroxide and pour it into a flower spray bottle or any other spray bottle. Spray the yellow spots and leave the item to “marinate” for 15 minutes. After washing it will be like new.

Stain guide: how to remove 30 types of stains

  • More details

Method 5

If the stain is old, you can use gasoline or ammonia. You need to wipe the stains with them, then rinse the clothes in warm water and soap.

Method 6

Salt will help remove the stain. To do this, you need to prepare a solution - dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a tablespoon of water. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe away the dirt. Then rinse the item in warm water. The method is suitable for clothes made of wool and silk.

Method 7

Let's use heavy artillery. First, dilute the vinegar in warm water in a ratio of one to two. Soak the shirt in this solution for at least 20 minutes. Then mix half a glass of soda with a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything into a paste. We take the shirt out of the vinegar, wring it out and spread the soda paste on the armpits. Leave for another 20 minutes. After this, shake off the excess soda from the fabric and send the item to the wash.

The choice of method must be approached carefully so as not to further damage the item. You can try applying the selected product to wrong side clothes. This way the item will be saved from damage. If no reaction occurs, the method can be safely used. At making the right choice Using the bleaching method, you can return your clothes to their original appearance.

Well forgotten old

If all this does not help, there is only one thing left. We'll have to resort to the old method - boiling. It can only be applied to clothes made from natural cotton.

You need to pour water into a large pan, add soap (cut into small pieces), lower the item and put the pan on the fire. This hellish soup needs to boil for 2-3 hours. After this, wash the clothes with added conditioner.

Sweat stains are one of the most unfavorable and difficult to remove stains on clothing. Whatever the stain, you should get rid of it quickly and effectively.

Otherwise, your favorite things will lose their attractive appearance, and you will have to say goodbye to them very soon. To avoid this, you need to consider several important advice and cleaning rules.
Below are some of them.

Typically, the stain is caused by a reaction between sweat and aluminum, which is found in most deodorants and antiperspirants. Protein, which is part of sweat, combines with aluminum to form a yellow spot. Since the stain contains protein, upon immediate contact with hot water the stain eats into the fabric.

However, hot water is best for removing stains. After you have wetted your clothes with cold water and applied the necessary product, it is recommended to wash the item in hot water to wash away any remaining dirt.

Cleaning with laundry soap

The best solution for cleaning sweat stains is, first of all, Antipyatin soap. Rub the stain with anti-stain, leave for 15 minutes, wash the problem area and the stain is gone.
Also suitable for washing regular laundry soap. Despite Strong smell and not really presentable appearance It handles even the toughest stains very well.

Available in stores today big choice a variety of stain removers and bleaches. Of course, you can use them if the stain is still fresh. But such a remedy will no longer be able to cope with old ones. And here drastic measures are already necessary.


This method was also used by our grandmothers. But boiling is only suitable for 100% cotton fabrics!

Pour water into an enamel bowl and add grated laundry soap or, better, white soap. Place things there and put them on the fire to boil. It should be boiled for at least 2-3 hours.
Then wash the items thoroughly, preferably using fabric softener.

There are several ways to get rid of yellow spots. Yellowed clothes can be washed with simple household products.
When choosing an option, you can proceed from the reviews of friends or online, as well as the availability necessary means in your closet:

  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Vodka
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • White vinegar
  • Crushed aspirin

Preparatory stage

✔ Mix water and cleaning agent in a separate container. It doesn't matter which of the above products you decide to use, as the cleaner must be mixed with warm water to activate it. The proportions and mixing conditions for all products are described below.

  • Vodka, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar and dishwashing detergent should be mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  • Mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 3 to 1.
  • Aspirin tablets must first be crushed. Take 3-4 tablets and mix them in a bowl of warm water.

✔ Mix until the product is completely dissolved in water in liquid or paste form. The solution will take its final form only after the product has completely dissolved.

  • The baking soda will turn into a paste.
  • Vodka, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar and aspirin will dissolve in the liquid. You will need to saturate the item or stained area with the mixture, so make sure you have a generous amount of cleaner ready.
  • Dishwashing detergent should be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can also make a paste using detergent in a ratio of 3 to 1.
    Some people prefer to use a paste because they believe it works better on stubborn stains.

✔ Pre-wet the stain with cold or warm water. Wet the stain thoroughly - pour water on the fabric or use a damp sponge.

Removing stains with a paste

For this method of removing sweat stains we will need: liquid soap, soda and salt(it is better to use “Extra” chalk). Mix all ingredients until smooth.

No less good effect you can achieve ordinary baking soda. To do this, take baking soda and add a little water. Stir. The mixture should turn out thick, the consistency will be similar to sour cream.

The same operation can be done with aspirin tablets instead of soda. In both cases, the result will certainly please you.
Acetylsalicylic acid is considered not only wonderful remedy for headaches. The active components that make up aspirin will help get rid of hated stains on colored clothes that arise due to sweating.

In order to get rid of sweat stains, you need to crush 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder.
It is desirable that the resulting substance does not have any lumpy pieces, otherwise the product may not be fully effective. Next, you need to take half a glass (50 ml) of warm water and stir the resulting aspirin powder mixture.

It is necessary to mix thoroughly so that the powder is completely dissolved in water.
Important! Do not mix crushed aspirin with cold water. It will not dissolve in water, and therefore the product will not work.

Apply a thick layer of paste to the stain. Be sure to cover the entire area of ​​the stain with the paste.

✔ Rub the paste thoroughly into your clothes using a toothbrush or nail brush. Can be applied additional quantity paste as it is absorbed by the tissue. The stain will begin to disappear right before your eyes.

  • Baking soda works well on its own for removing stains, but you can also try pouring vinegar on the stain. The vinegar will immediately begin to bubble, so proceed with caution.
  • Baking soda is a base and white vinegar is an acid, so combining the two results in bubble-shaped flare-ups.
    The abrasive properties of this reaction help remove residual dirt, and the bubbles separate contaminants from the fabric.

✔ Leave the paste-like composition on the items for one hour. This will allow it to be absorbed into the fabric and separate chemical substances which lead to discoloration.

✔ Repeat steps if necessary. Severely ingrained stains may not disappear after the first time. Apply the paste to the stain again, leave for an hour and wash until the stain is completely removed.

If using a paste of dish soap, try applying liquid liquid to the stain as well. In this form they fight stains even better.
Follow the tips in the next section.

Removing stains with a liquid solution

For very stubborn stains, use a paste composition in combination with a liquid solution.

  • Mix baking soda or dish soap or crushed aspirin with water to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stain with a toothbrush or nail brush as described above.
    Leave for an hour.

Pour the liquid solution into a bucket or other container large enough to hold the entire item. Of course, you only need to soak the area with the stain, but you can soak the entire thing.

  • If the stain is small, then soaking the item is not necessary. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it to the stained area of ​​the fabric. Do not be stingy with the solution and let it soak into the fabric before washing normally.
  • If you have sensitive skin, then for next steps It is better to use rubber gloves, as cleaning products contain caustic chemicals.
  • Do not use bleach as it oxidizes the dye and may cause the clothing to fade.

Leave the clothes to soak in the solution. Impregnation time usually depends on the color of the stain. For light spots 15-30 minutes will be enough, while dark ones will require several hours or even the whole night.

  • Watch your clothes. If the stain begins to disappear quickly, remove the item from the bowl. If almost nothing has changed in an hour, then leave the clothes in the solution overnight.
  • If the stain has appeared on clothing for a long time, it will be more difficult to remove. Try to remove such stains from clothing immediately after they appear.

Wash the item in the warmest water possible, the temperature of which is acceptable for the fabric.

  • Some materials react poorly to heat, causing clothing to shrink or discolor. Always read washing instructions on labels.

The Proven Way to Remove Sweat Stains

Hydrogen peroxide - great helper when fighting sweat stains. It will help get rid of both fresh and old stains on your clothes.
Pour peroxide into a spray bottle. Spray it on yellowed areas of clothing. After leaving for 15 minutes, you can dull it for washing.

I have been helped more than once by the method presented in the video for removing yellow sweat stains from white clothes. The method is effective, proven in practice. Mix, rub in and be amazed at the effect :)

You will need:

You can do it like in the video. But for old stains It’s better to apply the mixture to the stain, scrub vigorously with a clothes brush, leave for a couple of hours, then wash as usual.

How to remove yellow spots on collars and armpits

Preventing stains

Use deodorants and antiperspirants that do not contain aluminum.

  • Typically, the stain is caused by a reaction between sweat and the aluminum found in most deodorants and antiperspirants. Protein, which is part of sweat, combines with aluminum to form a yellow spot.
  • Before buying a deodorant, always pay attention to the composition.

Use less deodorant or antiperspirant. A large number of Deodorant on clothing will only make things worse, so use it wisely.

Take preventive measures. Before putting the item on after washing, turn it inside out. Sprinkle your armpits generously with baby powder and go over with an iron. This method works best for cotton fabrics.

Wear inexpensive undershirts. To prevent stains from appearing on your formal weekend clothes, you can wear undershirts, which will become a kind of barrier between sweat and outer clothing.

Remove yellow stains before each wash. Wash clothes with yellow stains immediately after wearing them and soak them in a special solution to remove such stains.

  • New stains are much easier to remove than old ones. Treat stains regularly with the solution to keep your clothes clean and prevent stains from penetrating into the fabric.

If yellow sweat stains appear on your white clothes, spoiling the appearance and quality of the clothes, do not rush to get rid of them. Use these tips and you will enjoy your favorite clothes for a long time to come.

Sweat glands are constantly working, so even on winter clothes you can replace stains on clothes with armpits. With severe hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to use antiperspirants, but sometimes even expensive and quality product does not help, especially on a hot summer day.

The result is yellow, difficult-to-remove stains on clothing. They appear due to the interaction of the secretion of apocrine glands with substances.

How to remove sweat stains from underarms and stay fresh?

Laundry soap

72% laundry soap - universal remedy. It is used to remove marks from white and colored things, as well as from.

Laundry soap can be applied to any type of fabric. It can solve the problem if it arose on a delicate item or. It is not contraindicated to treat wool with it.

How to remove sweat stains from clothes using this product:

  1. It is necessary to lather the yellowish mark with soap, leave it for half an hour and wash it off. Then you need to wipe the stained area with a solution of oxalic acid, which is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. acid is diluted in a glass of water. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  2. Traces of sweat from woolen products Laundry soap used in this way will clean: it is foamed in hot water and the items are soaked for 90 minutes.

This product is also used for digestion. But only natural fabrics can be subjected to the procedure.

Boil things with yellow traces for 3-4 hours over low heat. Add ½ cup of grated laundry soap. The laundry must be stirred constantly. Boil until completely bleached.

Baking soda

Soda is another one good method fight if the pollution is old. Not only does it help remove yellow spots, it the best remedy for stubborn marks.

This food product is used to remove traces from wool, natural and synthetic fabrics.

Sweat stains under the arms - how to remove:

  1. You can get rid of such contaminants using this method: 4 tbsp. l. soda pour 50 ml of water. Using the old toothbrush With soft pile, the mixture is applied to problem areas. Wash after 90 minutes.
  2. To implement this method you will need liquid soap and salt. A tablespoon of baking soda is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. salt and add soap to obtain a mushy consistency. To completely remove yellow stains from sweat, apply the prepared mixture for half an hour. Finally, wash with regular powder.

These products can be used for products made from natural fabrics.

For silk and synthetics, the exposure time for soda is reduced to 15 minutes. The algorithm of action is the same. After the manipulation is completed, the item is washed in a machine on a delicate cycle.

Saline solution or the grains themselves can be used to remove marks from wool, silk, linen and cotton. That is, this product can effectively remove sweat stains from both natural and delicate products.

How to remove sweat stains:

  1. 200 g of salt are diluted in 1 liter of water. The product is poured into a plastic basin and a silk shirt is placed in it. Make sure the salt is completely dissolved. The blouse is left for a quarter of an hour. After the time allotted for soaking has ended, old stains can be removed by simply rubbing the item.
  2. If you decide to get rid of sweat from white clothes made from natural fabric, then the method is slightly different. A tablespoon of salt is diluted in a glass of water and applied to the spot. After 120 minutes, the clothes are washed.
  3. To remove marks under the arms from black things you will need to add 1 tsp. salt in 200 ml of warm liquid and pour 1 tsp there. ammonia. The solution is applied to the contaminated area. After 15 minutes you can wash it.
  4. You can also remove marks from a black leather jacket using salt. It is poured onto the armpit area and left for a while. Then the clothes are washed in accordance with the temperature regime.

Sodium hyposulfite should not be used to get rid of traces of sweat on clothes made from natural fabrics. It can be applied to silk and synthetic products. This product will remove only fresh stains.

How to wash:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp in 200 ml of water. hyposulfite. Buy it in the photography department.
  2. How to clean: wipe the mark with damp cotton wool using the prepared solution.
  3. After achieving the desired result, the clothes are washed in warm boiled water.

You can also add ammonia or denatured alcohol to the hyposulfite solution. The effectiveness of the method will increase several times.

Just be careful with the dosage. You can ruin the thing.

How to get rid of yellow sweat stains?

Options for removing contaminants:

  1. Traces from light-colored items are removed in the following way: vinegar is diluted with water in equal quantities and the solution is poured into a spray bottle. Using a spray bottle, the product is sprayed onto problem areas.
  2. You can also remove sweat stains from under the arms with this remedy: add 50 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water to the washing machine. Wash clothes according to the instructions on the label.
  3. First, the dirty product is soaked in a vinegar solution. It is prepared according to this scheme: ½ tbsp. l. products for 5 liters of water. After half an hour, rub the product with 4 tbsp. l. soda mixed with a glass of warm liquid. After 15 minutes you can wash it. Stain removers cannot be used. Sweat stains on white clothes may darken. It is better to repeat the manipulation if necessary.

This product should not be used on delicate materials. Vinegar is an aggressive product. If you wash silk fabric, you will most likely have to throw it away.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the trace big size, it can be easily removed with ordinary hydrogen peroxide. The product is prepared independently from hydroperite tablets or ready-made 3% liquid.

How to remove sweat stains:

  1. The dirty shirt is laid out on a flat surface. Peroxide is poured undiluted onto sweat stains on a white item. 5 minutes after the fabric has been soaked in the solution, rinse the clothes.
  2. Removing sweat stains is not difficult if you use this product: take soda, peroxide and a little detergent. How to remove yellow marks: you will need to mix 2 tsp in a basin. soda, ¼ bottle of peroxide and 0.5 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergent. The mixture can remove yellow stains from sweat on a white item; it is applied to problem area and rub in a little. After 2 hours your favorite shirt is sent to washing machine. Washed items are hung out to dry. Fresh air, but away from direct sunlight.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove sweat stains from white items made from any type of fabric.

You can return things to their original cleanliness using medical product- Acetylsalicylic acid.

With the help of Aspirin, you can remove stains from sweat, blood and other organic matter. These tablets act like regular bleach sold on store shelves.

Aspirin will also eliminate unpleasant odor due to hyperhidrosis. Can be used on any type of fabric.

How to remove sweat from clothes:

  1. You will need to grind two pills and then combine them with 1 tsp. water.
  2. Apply a thick paste to the problem area.
  3. After 180 minutes, hydrogen peroxide is poured over this mixture.
  4. After waiting 10 minutes, you can wash the product.

Removing sweat stains this way takes a lot of time. Use it if the item is not needed urgently.


If a couple appeared washable traces due to the fluid secreted by the subcutaneous glands, Urotropin will cope with this problem perfectly. Removal of traces must begin immediately after they appear.

How to remove sweat from clothes:

  1. Initially, you need to thoroughly wash the armpit area with laundry soap.
  2. After which you can lubricate the contaminated area with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution.
  3. In the morning they carefully wash the item.

Formidone is used similarly to Hexamine.


Ammonium hydroxide solution also works great for unsightly yellow marks under the arms. It can be used for any dark or light fabric.

Ammonia is used for both natural and silk fabrics, only the dosage of the product is changed.

How to remove yellow stains?

Getting rid of traces using ammonia:

  1. A glass of water is mixed with 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. salt. The mixture is applied with a soft brush. After 30 minutes, the product is washed.
  2. You can replace salt with denatured alcohol. Quantity - 1 tsp. The liquid is also applied to things and washed off after half an hour.

How to remove old traces? Ammonia can also solve this problem. Ammonia and gasoline will help remove yellow stains from sweat that have become embedded in the fibers.

First, the trace is thoroughly treated with gasoline, and then with a solution of ammonia. Particular attention should be paid to the contours; do not be afraid and rub them more actively. After the contamination has disappeared, wash the clothes and hang them to dry in fresh air so that everything unpleasant odors disappeared.

Egg yolk + denatured alcohol

This product is suitable for removing fresh and old marks from colored clothing.

It is necessary to prepare a product consisting of a 10% solution of denatured alcohol and the yolk of one egg.

How to get rid of sweat stains on clothes:

  1. First, we clean the old dirt with a soft brush, and then remove the dirt.
  2. Lubricate the stained area with the prepared mixture and wait for the yolk to dry.
  3. Take a spoon and scrape it off. You can heat 1 tsp. glycerin, pour it onto the yolk and wait until it softens.
  4. At the end, we wash the clothes with powder and conditioner.

After using this method, things are well washed from the ill-fated secretions of the apocrine glands.

To get rid of heavy sweating you need to visit a doctor. If the cause is not a disease, and the processes in the body are not disturbed, all that remains is to regularly use home remedies.

Also, do not forget about deodorants against sweating. You can use antiperspirants even if you sweat during the cold season. This cosmetic product It should not leave your purse even on a hot, sultry day.
