How do Italians take care of themselves? Renaissance ideals

female beauty- this is one of the eternal topics discussed at all times. Each era has its own canons of female beauty, which are dictated by modernity.

Every woman wants to be beautiful, regardless of age. Women's beauty has been the subject of admiration for men since the time when a man appeared next to a woman.

Although for most people there are generally accepted concepts of beauty, you must admit that for one it may be beautiful, for another it will be ugly. Therefore, beauty depends, first of all, on the perception of a person.

Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Ornella Muti, Isabella Rossellini and Claudia Cardinale- the beauty of these Italian women admired by the whole world. Even now, when they are all over 50, their beauty is still fatal, and many modern young beauties envy them. So what's the deal? How do they manage to maintain such wonderful skin, youthful slenderness and youthful sparkle in their eyes?

Today each of these incredible beautiful women share your beauty secrets with us.

Monica Bellucci

The famous Italian tours a lot and managed to develop her own set of rules for skin care on tour:

Drink plenty of water during the flight. Do not drink alcohol or junk food on the plane.
In a cosmetic bag, there must be cream-pencils with the effect of intensive moisturizing.
Upon arrival at the hotel, you must immediately make a moisturizing mask.
To be in shape before filming, you need, firstly, to get enough sleep. Therefore, try to go to bed before 23:00 and sleep for 7-8 hours.
Secondly, you should not drink at night, so that there is no swelling.

In the morning after the flight, Monica Bellucci always takes cold and hot shower and rubbed his face with ice cubes.

“I'm not one of those women who wakes up at 6 in the morning to run to the gym. To get in shape before filming, it’s enough for me to give up my favorite pasta for a few days. I can't live without cakes and pasta. I can even afford a glass of red wine and a cigarette. Here's my advice to you: eat well, drink well, have sex and laugh a lot, ”Monica once said.

“Beauty is indeed power, but only if you know how to use it. It's like having a Ferrari: if you don't know how to drive for real, you don't need it, ”Monica is sure.

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren always goes to bed at 9pm and gets up at 6am. In order for her skin to always shine and be moisturized, as well as for normal metabolism, the star drinks at least 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water in a day.

Sophie excluded junk food from her menu - fast food, fatty foods and high-calorie sweets. From bad habits- just a glass of wine, no strong drinks and cigarettes! Every day, the star eats yogurt and a spoonful of brewer's yeast - according to her, this is the secret beautiful skin and shiny hair.

Once every 2-3 months Sophie makes fruit fasting days- For two days she drinks fresh juices and eats fruits. According to the diva, this cleanses her body and helps normalize digestion, which, as you understand, favorably affects the figure.

Given that Sophie is Italian to the core, she loves dishes with complex carbohydrates, namely, pasta and sauces and pizza with mozzarella, tomatoes and arugula. Such dishes are quite satisfying, so they quickly satisfy hunger and do not allow it to rage again after a short period of time.

Each nation keeps its beauty secrets, which were discovered and successfully put into practice by our grandmothers as in the old days. But beauty is a loose concept, and it is different everywhere, because depending on the area, the canons of beauty change. Some men like women with more rounded and smooth forms, while others prefer wiry and fit women.

If you watch Italian women, then to an outsider they will not seem well-groomed or attractive.

Did you know that Italian women can compete with many other European women in well-groomed hair, smooth skin and a beautiful even tan?

The basis of most Italian body care products is oil olives. Sophia Loren herself uses it as a foam while taking a bath.

Other oils are also very successfully used for care, such as -

  • argan,
  • carrot,
  • almond,
  • coconut,
  • rosehip oil,
  • avocado oil,
  • lemon oil,
  • calendula oil,
  • jojoba oil
  • flax seed oil.

Hair care

The hair is business card every well-groomed and self-respecting Italian woman. And the secret lies not in heredity, but in careful work on self-care.

Most of the hair care secrets are very simple and do not require additional training, here are some of them:

  1. Italian women don't use hair dryers, they prefer natural way drying hair. And of course, a girl should always have a hairstyle or neat styling without excessive pretentiousness.
  2. Almond and olive oil- this is a component of all hair masks, as it nourishes and moisturizes the hair well, and it simply must be used for any type of hair.
  3. Hair should be washed no more than once every 5 days, and the shampoo should be diluted 1:1 with water in order to less dry the scalp.
  4. A separate place in hair care is occupied by various cosmetic masks based on jojoba oil, which has smoothing, nourishing and regenerating properties. After a month of using the products that include this miraculous oil, you may not recognize your hair, so they will become shiny, luxurious and full of strength and health.

Apart from natural recipes grandmothers, Italians do not forget about beauty salons and hairdressers, which are also necessary for the beauty of hair.

Italian women, especially those over 40, do not miss the opportunity to visit this paradise, because for them it is not only a way to put themselves in order, but also an opportunity to go out and show themselves in all their glory.

In pursuit of beauty and eternal youth do not forget that a woman blossoms under the admiring glances of others.

Skin care

The smooth skin of Italian women is the envy of many women of other nationalities.

They equally successfully use the services of beauty salons (the number of which is a record in the world), and folk remedies without chemistry.

Italian women have been taught to take care of their skin since childhood. The main secret is body masks, which, as always, are based on olive oil.

In addition to it, seniors and seniors like to add gruel made with a blender or meat grinder from local seasonal fruits (avocado pulp, peaches, orange peel). The resulting mixture is applied to all areas of the skin and nails.

Oils play an important role in skin care. Italy holds the record for their use.

1) In addition to olive oil, Italians have almond and peach oils in high esteem.

2) lemon oil used for the skin under the eyes, it successfully removes circles under the eyes and significantly reduces wrinkles, thus giving the woman a more youthful and blooming look.

3) Where without coconut oil? They are given massages aimed at pulling up and in general beneficial effect on the skin of the chest.

4) A mixture of avocado pulp and calendula oil is useful tool For delicate zone skin of the neck and décolleté. After a course of such masks, which includes 10 masks (1 time per week), you will not recognize your skin, it will become younger years by 5.

The unfading beauty of Sophia Loren speaks for itself, that Italians, like no other, know old recipes beauty and use them with success to the envy of all the women of the world.

5) Special attention sultry beauties give their slender body a tan that complements their sultry temperament. Therefore, do not be lazy once every 3 days massage movements rub olive oil into the skin. Similar procedure contributes to the prevention of cellulite - by nourishing the skin and improving blood circulation skin generally.

Following so simple rules and tricks beautiful Italian women, you will enjoy the luxury of hair and the beauty and tenderness of your body and will be able to easily attract admiring men's views and be a role model for many friends. Therefore, feel free to apply the beauty secrets that Sophia Loren herself used to maintain her unfading beauty.

There is an opinion that the inhabitants of this country from youth to maturity do not change the size of their clothes, and this despite the fact that Italy is considered the world capital of pasta and incredibly delicious pastries. We decided to find out how Italian women manage to stay slim and “forever young”, and what is the secret of their nutrition.

They only eat fresh food

In the house of an Italian woman, you will never find frozen meals or out-of-season vegetables and fruits. They also don't consume low-fat foods or diet drinks that are so popular these days. They eat a lot of simple food: fresh fish, leafy greens, eggplant, zucchini, lemons, olives, capers.

They only use olive oil

This is the only oil that Italian women use. They also don't use dressings or salad dressings - just olive oil and some balsamic vinegar. The absence of other oils in Italian cuisine, however, does not prevent their dishes from being fully revealed, while remaining not only tasty, but also as healthy as possible.

They don't snack

Dinner is sacred for an Italian. Due to the fact that they eat a balanced diet and devote a lot of time to each meal, they do not need to snack during the day. If, however, the Italian for some reason missed a full meal, she would rather eat a few nuts or pieces of fruit, rather than processed foods, and even more so chips or a nutrition bar. Such snacks among Italians are very rare.

They hardly eat breakfast

An Italian morning begins with coffee with a little milk and sugar, as well as a small croissant, biscuit or biscotti. At the same time, Italians prefer small croissants and other desserts - their size is three times smaller than traditional American croissants. And, of course, for breakfast, Italians do not eat energy bars or sweet muesli with syrup, and even more so waffles with jam. Breakfast is absolutely small event for an Italian compared to lunch, which is the most important meal of the day. That is why, knowing that they will soon have a hearty lunch, they do not need to overload the body with a hearty breakfast.

They don't diet

The main secret of Italian women's nutrition is that they have no secrets! They don't diet and don't feel guilty if they eat a bite. chocolate cake. On the contrary, they will fully enjoy the dessert. Due to the fact that Italian women regularly use simple, but so healthy foods, they do not need to sit on strict diets and adhere to strict nutritional rules.

They live in motion

Italians love to move. Walking is a common thing for them. They like to walk around the city, near the lakes, in the squares, and they really sincerely enjoy these walks and being on fresh air. Of course, such walks help Italians stay beautiful and slim, because there are whole legends about the invaluable benefits of hiking for health, digestion, figure and sleep.

They choose small portions of food

Yes, they can taste several dishes at once in one meal. However, the portion of the dishes they consume allows them to fully eat and not overeat. For lunch, they can eat pasta and another main dish at the same time - for example, fresh fish, chicken or meat with seasonal vegetables. However, the main dining rule is precisely small portions.

They are confident and happy!

The most important rule of beauty and harmony of Italian women is their self-confidence and love of life. An Italian woman will never deny herself a trip to the beach because of the sudden appearance of extra pounds. On the contrary, she will put on her best bikini and will have fun with friends. Italian women are self-confident and not obsessed with own appearance or diet - they love life and enjoy every day they live. Probably, this attitude to life makes them the true embodiment of femininity.

Italian women are famous for their juicy beauty and pride. Sophia Loren alone is worth something, and Monica Bellucci did not let the nation down. Gina Lollobrigida, Anna Magnani, Claudia Cardinale, Ornella Muti, Isabella Rossellini... fine skin, marvelous hair and a pronounced innate awareness own irresistibility. Probably, this is passed down from generation to generation, like Italian, simple and still effective, beauty secrets.


in Italian folk traditions, a pimple must be caught at the very beginning, without the naive hope that it will resolve itself. This still just nascent tubercle should be lubricated every 30-40 minutes with an incised clove of garlic or garlic juice. Italian folk legend says that after three to four hours there will be no trace of a pimple.


To get highlighted strands on your chic dark hair, Italians wet them with diluted water lemon juice and go to the beach. Then the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with water and rinsed with rosemary infusion.


Mix equal parts banana, honey, yogurt (preferably Greek) and avocado, apply until lightly dry, then rinse gently. A lighter version of this mask: yogurt alone or with any ingredients of your choice.


Italians remove makeup from their faces with olive oil, generously oil their hair with it, add it to a mixture with sea ​​salt in baths and applied to wet skin of the face and body immediately after the bath. They eat it by the liter!


If we smear strawberries only on the face, then the Italians generously rub it all over the body, achieving the famous radiance of the skin, by which it is easy to recognize them both on the cinema screen and in everyday life.

For real Italian strawberry scrub large, overripe strawberries with large seeds should be used. You can add some honey to strawberries. After using the scrub, be sure to apply olive oil to wet skin.


The recipe for this mask is attributed to Sophia Loren herself. Perhaps that is the way it is, and perhaps it is not. In any case, it’s worth taking note of the mask, it’s painfully good, and Sophia Loren herself looks very good and not even for her age, but just looks very good. Beauty, in a word.


  • 1 teaspoon gelatin
  • 100 g cream
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin,
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Cream is good for dry skin, normal milk or yogurt without additives is better. For oily skin try curdled milk, kefir, or low-fat yogurt.

Any freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice is also suitable, except, perhaps, only lemon. Here there will be no competition grape juice. From sweet grapes - for dry skin, from sour - for oily.

It might even be worth taking the wine. This is Italy! Here wine replaces milk for children. By at least, so they say. But red is still better not to use, as it can stain the skin.

Glycerin, if desired, can be replaced with olive or any other vegetable oil. Olive, of course, is preferable for the good enough reason already mentioned above.


Dissolve the gelatin in the cream, refrigerate and let it swell for 6-8 hours. Then, stirring gently, heat the mixture in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then add glycerin and honey.

Allow the mask to cool to a skin-friendly temperature and apply it on a cleansed face, neck and décolleté.

Hold for 20-25 minutes, then remove with a cloth soaked in cold milk. Wash off the rest of the mask with warm water, rinse your face with cool water.

The finished mask can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days and used every day. In the morning, it can be applied cold to “cheer up” the face, and in the evening, to enhance nutritional effect, slightly warm in the microwave or in a water bath.

Italians have long used ancient folk remedies to maintain youth and beauty. Among folk secrets- here they are called " grandmother's recipes"- olive oil for flowing silky hair, brewer's yeast against acne ... About this and much more and will be discussed today in our regular column "Muscovite in Milan".

For example, Monica Bellucci, a famous Italian actress, calls her main secret of beauty a bright lipstick.

True, according to my own observations, Italian women do not at all abuse makeup in Everyday life rather, quite the contrary. Young girls are very fond of fashion for which season smoky makeup eyes and black eyeliner, but the lips do not paint at all, except that they use a simple one in winter hygienic lipstick. But seniors in age do not shy away bright red lipstick. By the way, the majority chooses by no means branded cosmetics, which Russian women are happy to pamper themselves with if possible, but prefer inexpensive domestic (Italian, of course) brands.

But all Italians take great care of their hair. Old ladies like to visit on weekends hairdresser to style or straighten curly hair. In Italy, as probably everywhere in the world, women with curls dream of straight and obedient hair, and those whose hair does not naturally curl are about tight curls. True, now there are not so many clients in hairdressing salons: apparently, the crisis is affecting. It is not uncommon to see ads for promotions, for example, on Tuesdays a hair wash plus a blow-dry at a special price… ten euros! But at home, the fair sex does not deny themselves nourishing mask for hair with olive or argan oil, after which even the most lifeless hair regain their silkiness and shine.

Most Italians pay attention to the right nutrition and activities sports. According to a study organized by the Italian site, 21 percent of the inhabitants of the Apennines regularly visit the gym (many even manage to do it during their lunch break), and 23 percent run regularly in the morning in the park. And in the summer at sea, Italian women keep themselves in good shape, making many hours of walking along the edge of the sea in couples or small groups - a great way to sunbathe, burn extra calories, and gossip to the fullest.

With regard to care body, then here the Italians are not particularly demanding, limiting themselves to a quick shower in the morning. Many of my peers admit that they only keep shampoo, shower gel and moisturizer in the bathroom. Only a few have tonic or relaxing oils or anti-cellulite cream on their shelves.

Another secret of the beauty of local residents is a beautiful, immaculately sitting dress, regardless of the form of its owner. Italian women know how to dress wisely, so as to emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. According to the same survey of women by the site, most Italian women do not like their own legs and stomach and, on the contrary, are proud of their breasts and booty. It should also be noted that Italian women like to bathe in the rays male attention, they are flattered when they are seen off with longed-for looks or even some kind of joke or compliment addressed to them. Hence - and the ability to dress, which, however, does not apply to all residents of the Apennines without exception.

One of the main canons of Italian beauty is Tan. True, they sometimes abuse their stay in the sun, turning almost into mulattos. And if it's winter outside, then many resort to fake tan or go to the solarium.

The scourge of Italian women is epilation. Sometimes in the office in a women's company there is only talk about new creams and removal techniques. unwanted hair. Here, Italians are categorical: if there is time and opportunity, they willingly go to beauty salons for professional hair removal, and if not, they resort to using depilatory creams and machines at home.

However, despite all the tricks of the Italians, the Slavs look much more well-groomed against their background. Our girls devote more time, effort, and, to be honest, money to look attractive: a young Italian is unlikely to be able to boast of daily fresh manicure, styled hair and trendy makeup ...
