How to get shiny stains out of dark clothes. The best ways to remove iron marks on dark and light fabrics

Ironing linen and clothes requires accuracy and care. After all, it’s only worth being distracted or not adjusted temperature regime like a favorite thing is ruined. But do not be upset: if the iron did not burn through the fabric, but left a scorch mark, a chance to return things original view eat.

If you are faced with the problem of tanning - a “burnt” stain from the iron, it is easier to take the damaged item to dry cleaning. But sometimes there is no time for this or dry cleaning is far away. And there is such a case that this thing is needed today. There are also special chemicals to remove stains from clothes - instant stain remover-pencil "FASTGO", "Vanish" or "Amway". But such funds are not always available in the house. What to do in this case? Take advantage folk ways, with which you can remove stains from any fabric. To remove burn marks from the iron, the following tools are used:

  1. Sugar and lemon. You need to cut the lemon into two halves, inside rub yellow spot so that it absorbs well. After treatment with lemon, sprinkle the stain on top with sugar or powdered sugar, completely covering the yellowness. Wait until the thing dries, then wash it.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. This product is used to clean fabrics. light colors as the peroxide will damage the paint. Hydrogen peroxide is applied to problem spot. Wait until the stain clears up. This usually happens within 10 minutes. If the yellowness still remains, repeat the procedure, after which the item must be washed.
  3. Onion juice. Cut the onion into two parts and rub inside tan. Wash item in warm water.
  4. Spoiled milk. A thing with a tan from an iron is soaked in yogurt for an hour, after which it is washed.
  5. Salt and water. A slurry of these products is applied to the tan. After the mixture dries, you need to clean the stain with a brush.

Important! If the stain is brown, it cannot be removed. In this case, you can stick or sew applications on this place, which are sold in the textile departments.

Removing stains from various fabrics

There are ways to remove stains from a particular type of fabric. The composition of the fabric from which the clothes are sewn is on the paper label.

For white cotton fabric a solution of 5 grams of bleach powder and a liter of warm water is suitable. The resulting solution is applied to the stain for several minutes. This procedure can be repeated again if the stain does not disappear.

Product wool can be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. These funds are mixed in equal parts. Also, a stain on a woolen item can be removed with a razor or a nail file, carefully cutting off the villi from the surface.

stain on clothes viscose removed with denatured alcohol. It is necessary to wet a piece of sponge with industrial alcohol and soak it thoroughly trouble spot. Denatured alcohol should be well absorbed into the fabric.

Silk things get rid of tan marks with soda and water. A thick mixture of these products is applied to the stain, after complete drying, the item must be washed in warm water.

After you have applied one of the methods for removing burn marks from the iron, you need to thoroughly steam the fabric. You can use a steamer or iron the fabric through damp gauze.

How to remove tan marks on synthetics?

Synthetic fabric is very sensitive, so it is very easy to leave a tan on such clothes. Stains can be removed using the following universal ways: lemon juice, onion, vinegar, salt and soda. White and light-colored things are cleaned with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

With the help of a solution of borax, a stain from an iron on clothes made of colored synthetics is removed. Dilute one teaspoon of borax in a glass of water. Wipe the damaged area on the clothes with the resulting solution. After the fabric is dry, wash and iron.

You can not iron things until the tan is removed. After repeated ironing, the stain cannot be removed.

How to remove iron marks on black?

Black clothes are present in the wardrobe of both men and women. Pants, skirts, jackets are an integral part of the wardrobe of a person who works in the office. Therefore, it creates a very unpleasant situation when a shiny iron stain remains on a black fabric. And on black fabric, tan marks are especially noticeable! There are several ways to remove stains left from a hot iron:

  1. Solution laundry soap. In this solution, gauze is wetted and the damaged area is ironed through it. It is important to iron without strong pressure.
  2. Acetic acid. It is necessary to make an acetic solution by adding one teaspoon of acid to a glass of water. A cotton swab or sponge is wetted in the solution and the tan is carefully wiped. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  3. Newspaper sheet. If you iron the problem area on the clothes through a sheet of newspaper, the stain will disappear.
  4. A piece of pumice. This item is used in the fight against rough skin on the heels, but it can also be used when removing the lasa. If you rub a pumice stone on the area affected by the sole of the iron, the shine will fade.
  5. Office eraser. Surely, this item is in your child's briefcase. If the stain is not too big, the eraser can rub it off.
  6. Black tea. It is necessary to brew strong tea, moisten gauze or cotton cloth in it and iron the damaged area through it.

Many practical advice can be gleaned from the video blogs of ordinary people - in a short video, the author explains why lasses appear on black fabric, and gives one simple way to get rid of them.

Causes and prevention of tanning on clothes

The reasons for the appearance of tan marks on the fabric are always the same:

Of course, it is easier to prevent a problem than to look for a solution later. Therefore, when ironing, follow simple precautions that will help to avoid scorching on your favorite things in the future.

  • Before ironing, carefully read the information on the clothing label: it indicates the composition of the fabric and the allowable temperature.
  • Iron the inside out, the marks will stay inside.
  • Iron the clothes through the damp gauze.
  • If you iron a lot of clothes at once, then start ironing with delicate fabrics. A heated iron will not harm heavier fabrics.
  • If you have ironed your laundry, but you still have an unironed silk item, turn off the iron, let it cool down, and then turn it on again.
  • Keep the soleplate clean.

You can visually get acquainted with the rules of ironing things in the video. The author shows by his own example that proper ironing using some tricks will keep the quality of things for a long time.

Thus, we can conclude that, despite the fact that housewives have on the farm modern irons with a ton of features, it doesn't always protect clothes from scorching. But following the rules of ironing, and using home remedies will help to avoid unpleasant spots on your favorite things.

A common result of an incorrectly chosen ironing regimen is a brown stain from the iron. No doubt it spoils appearance clothes and upsets any hostess. Fortunately, there are ways to help get rid of the problem. How to remove a stain from an iron? Let's figure it out.

Bleach or detergent

With white linen and cotton fabric, a scorched stain can be removed with a weak solution of bleach. First, rinse the item in water - this will prepare it for subsequent cleaning. Now dilute 1 tsp. funds in 1 liter of water. Soak the fabric for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally to help absorb the liquid.

If you use other bleaching agents, carefully read the instructions for their use. Remember that if the material is badly burnt, then such aggressive compounds can completely destroy it.

Alternatively, you can use detergent. Pretreatment involves rubbing the cleaner into the stain with your fingers. Then you should wait a few minutes until the detergent penetrates into the fibers of the fabric. You can replace it with a powder diluted in water. After processing, machine wash. When choosing a washing mode, be guided by the composition of the fabric and the instructions on the sewn-in label. The last step is to dry the clothes in the sun.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide also helps to remove traces left by the iron. Soak a small piece of gauze with this product. Lay the damaged fabric on a flat surface and apply dampened gauze to the stain. Top with a dry towel. Now gently go over with a hot (but not too hot) iron. During ironing, periodically moisten the treated area with the composition. The heated peroxide will penetrate deep into the fibers and erode the stain. You can also replace it with ammonia.

For removing stains on white cotton, linen and other natural fabrics use the mixture prepared according to the following recipe. Dilute in 0.5 cups of water 5-7 drops of 10% ammonia and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. Wipe the stains with a cotton pad or gauze soaked in the resulting composition. Leave everything like this for a few minutes, and then rinse the thing in cold water and iron again.

Lemon juice

Remove fresh iron stains with lemon juice. The advantage of this method is that it is suitable for both white and black and dyed products. The cleaning procedure is as follows: squeeze the juice from the fruit, apply evenly on the stain, and then place in a container with hot water. After 15-30 minutes, wring out the product and rinse it under the tap.

However, it is better not to use this cleaning method for clothes made of silk, wool and other fabrics that are “afraid” of bleaches.


This tool is able to remove even old traces of the iron. Treat the scorched area with half an onion. You can also grind the vegetable to a fine pulp and apply it on the stain. For greater effectiveness, soak the onion mass on the fabric for several hours. Next, soak the stained item in cold water, and then wash at the recommended temperature. Washing will help get rid of the characteristic smell of onions.


The trace that was left on the dark thick fabric, can be removed with acidified water. Dissolve in a glass of water 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar. Dampen a sponge or piece of cloth in the resulting composition. Gently wipe the burnt area.

This method can completely remove the stain left on colored wool clothes. Also, with acidified water, you can remove the shine left by the iron on a synthetic product made from bulky fibers. The only caveat - do not use apple or vinegar. These compounds can completely ruin the thing.


Fresh and not very large iron marks are removed by soaking the fabric in milk. Once the marks are gone, wash and rinse thoroughly with warm water. If desired, milk can be replaced with yogurt.

mechanical method

If the fabric on your clothes is thick, then iron marks can be removed. mechanical action. Walk carefully over the top layer of fibers razor. Be very careful not to damage the fabric. More safe method- treat the stain with a nail file or a pilling machine. The general meaning of the action is to remove the burned part of the material. It will become smooth and without visible defects.

If the stain is on a product made of fine fabric then go over it with a soft brush dipped in vinegar. After that, the matter must be moistened and ironed through gauze with wrong side. Gently sand large scorch marks with fine sandpaper.


Mode of application kitchen salt very simple: sprinkle it on a burnt mark and pour water on top. For light-colored clothes, instead of water, it is better to use lemon juice. Drip it on top of the salt and do not rinse until the mixture dries. Then rinse the clothes under running water.

Boric acid

Hot iron stains are removed with a solution of boric acid. Dilute in 1 liter of water 2-3 tbsp. l. substances and apply to the problem area. When it fades, wash the item ordinary soap or powder (preferably in warm water).

Iron marks (burn marks) are burned fibers of the fabric, and not a reaction of the fabric to metal, as some people think. You can remove them, especially if the spots have yellow. Harder to withdraw brown spots although this can be dealt with. In our review, we will look at several effective ways removal of scorch marks, depending on the color and material of clothing.

Removing iron stains on white clothes

What can help:

  • laundry soap
  • lemon juice
  • borax (sodium tetraborate, available at pharmacies)

If the stain has just appeared, and it is yellow, not brown, try washing the item with ordinary laundry soap. If this method does not help, you can soak the tan area with warm water and sprinkle with salt. When the fabric dries, it needs to be cleaned of salt with a brush - along with the crystals, the stain should also disappear.

Another method is to dilute 30 g of borax in 1 liter of water and moisten the marks with it. After that, wash and iron the thing.

Good for removing marks from whites lemon juice With salt. First, the fabric in the place of the stain should be sprinkled with salt, and then poured with lemon juice. Wash the fabric after drying.

Removing iron marks on colored items

What can help:

  • lemon juice
  • bulb
  • curdled milk

Fresh tan can be removed with yogurt. To do this, you need to soak the fabric in it, and then wash it - right in this product. After rinsing, there should be no stain if it is fresh. For old stains this method not effective. Another “natural” way is to wipe the tan with lemon juice, leave to dry and rinse.

An effective method is to grate the onion on a fine grater and apply the resulting slurry to the tan. After 2-3 hours, the stain should disappear. It remains only to wash the fabric from the smell of onions. Attention: not to be used this method in relation to silk.

Getting rid of shiny spots on black clothes

What can help:

  • laundry soap
  • vinegar

On black fabric, tan marks look like glossy spots. You can remove them with a solution of ordinary laundry soap. In it, you need to wet the gauze, and iron the shiny places through it with an iron. After the fabric dries, there should be no stains.

Another way is to use vinegar. It should be soaked cotton pad and wipe the stains. Then iron the item through a thin fabric.

How to remove iron marks from various types of fabrics

Linen and cotton

To remove tan marks from linen and cotton fabrics, a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is suitable (take the ingredients in equal amounts). You need to moisten a cotton pad in it and then treat the stain. After 10 minutes, wash the item with laundry soap.

If a stain appears on light-colored trousers, it can be removed with boric acid. In just 5 minutes, the tan area will become invisible. After that, it remains only to rinse the little thing in warm water.


If a stain has formed on a light silk product, it is worth preparing a gruel from baking soda and water, rub it on the tan. The thing should dry with this mixture. Clean the remaining soda with a brush, and wash the product in cold water.

In general, it is difficult to remove tan from a silk product, so care must be taken when ironing it. It is best to iron a silk item from the wrong side, with a minimum of iron heating.

Viscose silk

Burn marks from colored viscose silk are easily removed with wine alcohol. They need to treat the stain and let things dry in the sun for an hour. After you need to rinse the product in cool water.


Stains on wool can be removed by peeling off the top burnt layer. This can be done with a razor or a nail file. Then the fabric must be rubbed with your hands, as when washing. During these actions, it is important to be careful not to accidentally stretch the tissue at the site of damage.

Synthetics (polyester and similar fabrics)

To remove stains from synthetic clothing you will need boric acid dissolved in water in a ratio of one to one. Apply the resulting product to the tan and wait about 15 minutes. Then wash the item.

Preventing iron stains

  • Always check the composition of the product on the product label and read the manufacturer's recommendations for the care of the item.
  • Remember to follow the ironing mode and set it according to the type of fabric. If the iron sticks to the fabric, and does not slide on it, check the ironing temperature, you may have set the mode incorrectly.
  • If you are distracted, try to eliminate all distractions while ironing. Be careful and careful.
  • Observe ground rules ironing. For example, most things are best ironed from the wrong side. Clothes made of delicate fabrics - silk, viscose, tulle, etc. it is recommended to iron through gauze.

There is nothing better feeling crisp, warm, freshly ironed shirt. On the other hand, there is nothing worse than a sudden feeling when you realize that you left an iron on your clothes while you were letting a guest in! If, by chance, you know how to remove iron stains, you need not worry! Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correct tan marks, but for mild cases (especially on fabrics such as cotton and linen), there is a surprising number of ways to eliminate them.


Pre-treatment and washing

    Act fast. Like many ordinary species stains on clothes, iron stains are easier to remove immediately after they appear. This article presents several various ways removal of marks left on clothes. Regardless of whether you use the method from this section or any other, you should immediately remove scorched cloth away from a harmful heat source and start cleaning as soon as you notice a scorch mark.

    • Don't delay stain removal until after ironing - time The one you use to start remediation can make a big difference in the success of the result, which in turn can lead to complete elimination of the tan instead of the lingering irritation that dark spots on your clothes bring.
  1. Wash the affected area with warm water. To begin preliminary training things or fabrics should be with a quick rinse. Rinsing is necessary for two purposes. First, rinsing helps prepare the fabric to absorb the detergent that will be applied in the next step. Secondly, it allows you to wash an indefinite area of ​​singed material, which will give you an opportunity to assess the severity of the damage.

    Apply detergent to the stain. Gently rub with fingers washing powder in the stain left by the iron. Leave the item in this state for a while, this will allow the detergent to penetrate the stain and increase its effect before you wash the entire item. On this stage do not use bleach or other specialized cleaners - you will still have the opportunity to use them.

    In some cases, soaking in water with bleach is applicable. If the item's fabric is made of materials that bleach can be safely applied to, you can go deeper into stain removal. Leave the item in the bleach solution for 15 minutes. Use one to two caps of bleach for every 5 liters of water. To ensure even absorption active agent, stir the solution from time to time.

    Wash. After finishing the fabric pre-treatment, place the garment in the washing machine and run suitable mode. In other words, use the wash cycle according to the instructions on the label. You can also add other items that need washing if set mode and used detergents suit them.

    • As mentioned above, during the main wash, you can use fabric-safe bleaches or other cleaners.
  2. Hang to dry under straight Sun rays. Take the item out washing machine and check the condition of the singed area - most likely, the stain will become less noticeable. You may need to repeat the wash several times to achieve the perfect result. To dry the fabric, it is better to use direct sunlight, in the presence of favorable conditions. weather conditions. The sun's rays are good at lightening all types of dark and unsightly stains on fabrics, including iron stains.

    • Do not leave the item in the sun for more than one day. With prolonged exposure, the sun's rays can not only fade the colors, but also gradually weaken the fabric, making it more susceptible to damage.
  3. Assess how irreversible the damage is. Unfortunately, burn marks, especially serious ones, can remain even after repeated processing. In this case, you should try to cover the stain by cutting out the damaged area and applying a patch, or stop using it altogether and throw the item away. Alternatively, you can find another use for this product and use it for other purposes.

    The use of hydrogen peroxide

    1. Apply a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide to the stain. This unconventional trick can work surprisingly well, making it the most popular among internet stain removal experts. First, find a piece old fabric and wet it with hydrogen peroxide. Place the item to be treated on the work surface, avoiding the formation of wrinkles, and apply a cloth moistened with peroxide to the damaged area.

      • Hydrogen peroxide has a mild bleaching effect, which is why it is good decision when trying to eliminate the traces left by the iron. Peroxide can be purchased for very affordable price in pharmacies or grocery stores.
      • If you had on hand ammonia, you can use it. Sprinkle the damaged area with a few drops of ammonia. Although ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can be used together (unlike ammonia and bleach), it is highly undesirable to mix them orally and allow direct contact with the face. As a precaution, after using peroxide and ammonia, wash your hands thoroughly.
    2. Cover the treated area with a dry cloth. Then apply a dry cloth over the peroxide-soaked cloth. As a result, you should get a three-layer stack of fabrics. The bottom layer, adjacent to the surface of the table, is a burnt thing, the second layer is a fabric impregnated with hydrogen peroxide, and the third, topmost layer is a dry fabric.

      Iron on medium temperature. Preheat the iron to a relatively hot state (but not very hot). Start gently ironing the top layer of fabric. Heat will gradually spread through the layers of folded fabrics and reach the damaged product. Heat activates the hydrogen peroxide, allowing it to penetrate the fibers of the fabric and remove the stain. Please be patient when using this method - the process may take some time.

      Add active liquid as it dries. During ironing, the condition of the stain should be checked from time to time. For light to medium stains, you should already notice a uniform improvement after the first ironing. If you notice that the middle layer is drying out, remove it and moisten it with peroxide. Likewise, if you initially chose ammonia, and during the ironing process noticed that the middle layer was dry, sprinkle it with a few drops of ammonia. By checking and periodically wetting the layer with the selected active substance, you will achieve the most effective result.

      Using improvised means

      1. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice. If the above methods did not bring the desired result, do not despair - some Internet resources offer many alternative ways elimination of burn marks. While they don't guarantee results like the approaches above, they won't harm your clothes. To begin with, squeeze a sufficient amount of juice onto the damaged area, the juice should be absorbed evenly over the entire area of ​​the stain. Place the product in a container of hot water and leave for 15-30 minutes. Then you can simply squeeze and dry in the fresh air.

      2. Rinse with table vinegar. Another trick to remove iron marks is to soak a sponge in vinegar and rub the burnt area. After saturating the stain with vinegar, leave the product for 10-15 minutes, then rinse in cold water. Dry normally.

        • Use exclusively white table vinegar - never do not use red wine or Apple vinegar, as well as other types of vinegar, as they can leave new, stubborn stains.
      3. Soaking in ice water. Some Internet resources recommend treating fresh stains by soaking the product in ice water before using any other methods. Maintain low temperature water while the damaged product is soaked in it, add ice or place the entire container in freezer. For achievement best result leave the product in cold water for at least an hour.

        • If you use this method and soak the item in cold water and place the container in the freezer, be sure to get it out in time - although freezing usually does not damage the fabric, it can still slow down the stain removal process.
      4. For serious proplines, sanding paper can be used. Serious damage and stains from the iron can be completely resistant to any cleaning products. In any case, you can try to lessen or eliminate the stains by using a gentle abrasive (like sandpaper or sandpaper) and sanding the burnt layer of fabric. Unfortunately, this is not a 100% guarantee, and rubbing too hard can cause holes in the fabric. However, compared to the possibility of throwing the thing away, this option can be a good alternative, and the risk of getting holes becomes justified.

        • It is not necessary to use exactly sandpaper- any mild abrasive (e.g. sanding paper) can work.
      • Always check what fabric your clothes are made of and adjust the iron settings accordingly. It will be easier to sort things into piles with the same characteristics and not constantly change the settings of the iron.
      • In this method, the sun acts as a bleach.

Many housewives are faced with the appearance of unwanted stains from the iron, as a result of which the product becomes unwearable. Damage to your favorite shirt or blouse occurs by different reasons whether it's viewing interesting movie or entertaining telephone call. In any case, for inattention, you have to lay out a tidy sum in dry cleaners. To avoid this, you need to have basic cooking skills. folk remedies and strictly follow the instructions.

How to remove iron stains from light-colored clothes

  1. Laundry soap. The method effectively removes dark marks only in cases where the stain has been left recently. For the correct use of the composition, rub the product with a bar of soap so that a characteristic shade appears Brown color. Wait 20-30 minutes, then spend hand wash and inspect the damaged area. If the soap worked badly, repeat the manipulations, but increase the exposure time to 45 minutes. If desired, you can use a product based on tar ( tar soap concentration from 60 to 72%).
  2. Salt. Type in a saucepan 5 liters of water, add 120-130 gr. chopped salt, put on medium heat, bring to a boil. After a quarter of an hour, place the product in the solution, leave for 10 minutes. Take out the clothes, dry them so that they remain damp. Mix 30 gr. salt with 20 gr. soda, add some water. Spread the mixture on the iron stain, leave to soak for 20 minutes. Go over the surface with a soft toothbrush, removing excess compound. After that, send the thing to be washed in the machine, pour in the conditioner.
  3. Lime chlorine. Prepare a solution of 220 ml. warm water and 1 teaspoon of bleach, mix. Put on gloves, lay the product on a flat surface, moisten a sponge in chlorine. Wet the places from the iron with it, rinse after 3 minutes and evaluate the effect. If necessary, carry out repeated procedure, and then charge the machine. It is important to understand that this method is not suitable for processing delicate fabrics.

How to remove iron stains from colored clothes

  1. Lemon. The composition is universal, it is suitable for processing clothes of any color and fabric structure. Squeeze the juice from 1.5 lemons, set aside half. Moisten the iron stain with a generous amount (can be increased to 2.5 lemons), leave until partially absorbed. After 30 minutes, cover the damaged area with fine salt, wait another 10 minutes, then gently brush off the excess with a brush. Now take half a lemon, rub the pulp on the trace of the appliance, then immediately send the clothes to the machine or do the procedure manually.
  2. Kefir. Dairy products help to get rid of fresh spot, which you set 10-30 minutes ago. Combine in one mixture 100 gr. rustic cottage cheese (fat content not more than 5%), pour in 100 ml. curdled milk, rub with a fork. Apply the product evenly on the stain, wait at least 2 hours. Then remove the rest paper napkin, soak a cloth in the acidified solution. To prepare it, dilute 50 ml. table 6% vinegar in 4 liters of filtered water, place a thing in a basin and rinse. Finish with machine or hand wash.
  3. Onion. Take 2 large onions, remove the husk and pass through a meat grinder (you can chop in a blender). Add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the onion to neutralize any odor. Place a piece of polyethylene under the treated area, spread the composition on the stain and wait a quarter of an hour. Remove excess, go over the surface with a medium-hard toothbrush, wash the thing in a typewriter.
  1. If you accidentally leave a mark on viscose silk, use tartaric acid. Dilute 10 gr. powder in 150 ml. water, moisten a cosmetic swab and wipe the stain several times. After that, hang the product on Fresh air, wait until it dries completely and rinse the thing cold water. Silk is a thin and delicate material, the iron will damage the structure of the fibers, so the shape of the product may change after the stain is removed.
  2. To get rid of iron marks on woolen products, try to remove the top burnt layer with a nail file, razor or nails. Gently scrape the surface, being careful not to stretch the fabric. If the result is not complete, please purchase sewing shop a machine from spools (cost about 150 rubles), it will cope with the task in a short time.
  3. There are frequent cases when in the process of ironing dark clothes appear on it shiny footprints from the iron. Will help solve the problem vinegar compress. Moisten a gauze cloth in a 6% solution, having previously folded it into 3 layers. Then cover the stain and go over it with a slightly warm iron. After that, rinse the thing with your hands, if necessary, repeat the manipulations. Vinegar can be substituted if desired. soapy water: dilute 20 ml. baby soap fragrance-free in 150 ml. warm water, moisten the cloth, attach and iron the product.
  4. To remove the stain from the iron on linen products, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help. Mix the drugs in equal amounts, moisten the sponge and cover the damage with this composition. Leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and repeat the steps again.
  5. It is necessary to deal with damage to silk fabric and chiffon with soda. Mix 30 gr. product with water, spread the mixture over the stain and wait for it to dry. Scrape off the excess foam sponge wash clothes by hand.

Iron stains are considered difficult to remove, but this does not mean at all that it will not be possible to achieve a 100% result. Based on the color and type of fabric, choose the option you like and go for it. AT next time try to prevent such an outcome by ironing through a piece of gauze.

Video: how to remove shine from trousers from an iron
