Calendar plan on the topic of my favorite toys. Calendar and thematic planning taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for children of the senior speech therapy group

Comprehensive notes

Complex thematic planning in the middle group “Toys gather for a holiday”

Aitova M.M., teacher of MBDOU D/S No. 21 “Fairy Tale”, Stary Oskol

Comprehensive thematic planning in middle group“Toys gather for a holiday” (.doc)

December (Hello, guest, Winter!)

3 week (19.12 - 23.12) Topic: “Toys gather for a holiday.”

Target: Reinforce the general concept of “toy”. Activate knowledge about the types of toys and the materials from which they are made. Raise a caring

attitude towards them. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations. Introduce winter holidays.

Final event: Exhibition “My Favorite Toy”.

Day of the week


group, subgroup


educational activities

V regime moments

I half of the day

Morning greeting, creating a joyful environment in the group.

Announcing the topic of the block.

Center "Cognition" - viewing toys in group room. Z: educate careful attitude to toys.

“Find someone as tall as you.” H: practice comparing objects by height.

Nature Center. Care indoor plants. H: to improve children’s ability to wipe the leaves of plants, to help remember the correct working techniques, to activate the names of indoor plants in the dictionary.

Center "Cognition" - Examination of illustrations, paintings on New Year theme, books to read and look at.

Cognitive development. Topic: “Water and air transport. Steamboat." H: introduce the names of species of aquatic and air transport, their components, learn to compare them; artistic word - poem, riddles, surprise moment- doll - Dunno.


Dog observations. Z: expand children’s understanding of the dog, its appearance, behavior; cultivate a love for animals; compare: what is common and what is the difference between a living dog and a toy dog.

P/n “Catch up with the plane.”

Z: learn to run quickly at the teacher’s signal, without looking back.

Develop the ability to throw snowballs accurately at the target - Seryozha, Mark, Camilla.

Cognitive and research activities: Experiment with ice. H: introduce the properties of ice (thin, fragile, can be broken with a shovel, melts from heat).

Mystery: Warms in winter, smolders in spring, disappears in summer (ice).

Work: shoveling snow around trees. Z: cultivate a desire to work. P/i "Giants - dwarfs".

Z: learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps.

Here is a bug's dog, a squiggle tail. The teeth are sharp, the fur is motley. Woof!

II half. day

Gymnastics after sleep.

Literary readings: I. Surikov “Winter”.

Z. Aleksandrova “Snowball”.

Z: maintain attention and interest in the word in a literary work.

Continue to teach children to get dressed after sleep in the correct sequence - Sonya, Timur, Vera.

KGN. "Learning to comb your hair."

Z: instill self-care skills; cultivate attention to appearance.

Center "Game" s/r "Toy Store". H: instill elements of skills social communication, develop role-playing dialogue “seller - buyer”; form positive relationships between children.


Watching the winter sky. Z: pay attention to the beauty of the winter sky; cultivate a love for nature.

P/n “Hit the target.”

Z: learn to throw the ball at a target, develop accuracy.

Game exercise “Standing jumping up” - Katya, Yura, Varya.

D/i “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous.”

Target: consolidating ideas about the sources of danger in the house, developing intelligence and attention.

"Games with Cuisenaire sticks."

Z: development of children's mathematical abilities.

P/i "From trace to trace." Z: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game.

Interaction with parents

Day of the week


Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Our musical toys.” Z: give children an idea of musical toys How they are similar and different from other toys.

Game “What has changed?” Z: develop observation, attention.

Situational conversation “Soap is our friend.” Z: educate children, the need to wash their hands with soap.

Game Center -

D/i “Where is the toy?” Z: orientation in space.

Speech development. Topic: Composition plot story from the “An Incident in the Forest” toy set. Z: encourage compilation short stories based on a set of toys; learn to correctly use the prepositions in, on, under, between; a word of art, a surprise moment - a boy doll, toys - two Christmas trees, a hedgehog and a hedgehog; pictures - beetle, giraffe, scissors, flag, dog, cube, watering can, bucket; painting "Hedgehog".


Watching the wind. Z: to arouse interest in the world around us, to form a realistic idea of ​​nature, to broaden our horizons.

P/i "Two Frosts". Z: learn to run in all directions, develop spatial orientation skills, speed.

Practice skating on an ice path while maintaining safety - Artem, Vova, Arseny.

Puzzles:- Snorts, growls, breaks branches, knocks people off their feet (wind).

Bends trees to the ground, drives up clouds, raises waves both in the river and in the sea (wind).

Bring out shovels to clear the paths of snow.

Work: clear paths to the veranda.

P/i "Cat and Mice".

Z: learn to act in accordance with words.

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Walking on buttons.

Reading poems:“Mom, look from the window...” A. Fet, “Winter” by I. Surikov.

Practice finding numbers from 1 to 5, counting to 5 and back - Seryozha, Diana, Mark.

D/i " Wonderful pouch» Z: consolidate the ability to correctly name objects lying in a bag, describe their color and shape.

Center "Game." s/r "Family". Z: promote development friendly relations, hospitality, ability to develop a plot.


Watching the snow. Z: expand your understanding of phenomena inanimate nature; teach to reason, compare, instill an interest in nature.

P/i "Sparrows", "Owl". Z: develop the ability to run without bumping into each other.

"Name winter months" - Polina, Artem, Vova. Z: learn to name the winter months using signs.

Game exercise “Smart toys”. H: to consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic of “toys”, to give an idea of ​​“smart” toys: books, printed board games, puzzles, Legos.

Creativity Center - Teaching children how to draw snowflakes (pencils, markers, crayons).

Interaction with parents

Memo “Beware of the flu.”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation “What does a toy have?” Z: to consolidate children’s knowledge about toys: their meaning.

Learning to write a story about toys - Polina, Artem, Vova.

KGN - exercise “Teach Dunno to use a handkerchief.”

Center "Game" - D/i "Which toy is gone." Z: promote the development of memory and attention.

REMP. Topic: "Rhythm" (search and compilation of patterns). C: form an idea of ​​rhythm (patterns), the ability in the simplest cases to see a pattern and compose a series of regularly alternating objects or figures; secure geometric figures, consolidate the ability to identify and name the properties of objects, and use them to solve problems.


Transport surveillance. Z: consolidate children's knowledge about vehicles.

P/i "Locomotive"

Z: teach to move at different paces, change direction. Practice pronouncing sounds.

Invite the children to draw a car in the snow.

Sliding along the ice path - Mark, Adeline, Zakhar, Ksyusha.

Memorizing the poem by O. Vysotskaya “On a Sleigh.”

The sled rolled down

Hold on tight, doll!

Be careful not to fall-

There's a ditch ahead!

We must drive carefully

Otherwise you might crash!

Remote material: shovels, buckets.

Work: shovel snow to tree trunks.

Playing with snowballs and with snow “Let’s make snowmen.”

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Walking along a ribbed path.

Reading the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” Z: conversation on the content, examination of illustrations.

Enrichment sensory experience children - Varya, Seryozha.

Game "Buttons".

Repetition of poems about toys by A. Barto “Toys”, “Bear”,

"Ball", "Horse".

Center "Game" s/r "Zoo". Z: expand your understanding of zoo workers, the ability to talk about animals.


Watching the winter sky. H: to form the ability to see the beauty of the sky, to develop creative imagination, evoke a desire to fantasize.

Game-situation “Chauffeurs”.

Z: to teach children to play together, in a friendly manner, to choose the right attributes for the game.

Invite Diana and Seryozha to put together a picture from cubes Z: to develop thinking, attention and perseverance.

Cognitive and research activities:

“How to warm your hands?”

Z: Identify conditions under which objects can become warm (friction, movement; heat conservation). Game material: Mittens are thick and thin.

Design Center - offer children Logic Cubes.

Z: develop thinking and attention.

Creativity Center - offer children plasticine, paper, pencils.

Interaction with parents

Individual conversations with parents upon their request.

At the end school year children's knowledge of different topics. In the second younger group, it is advisable to spend a week “My Favorite Toys”, aimed at enriching children’s vocabulary on the topic, strengthening the ability to draw object pictures, learning poetry and discussing works about toys. This week the teacher plans to look at paintings, take a trip to the museum, and find out what toys are made of. Detailed description conversations, a selection of poems and stories for children can be found in the appendix to the plan " Theme week"My favorite toys."

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to work on development emotional sphere children, and starts every morning with a greeting. Social and communicative development is facilitated by role-playing games, watching cartoons on safety, conversation, as well as assistance in washing and cleaning toys.

Cognitive development

In area cognitive development the teacher plans a series of observations of the sun, reinforces, organizes games on mathematical development“Doll Tapes”, “Continue the Sequence”, etc.

Speech development

Creating conditions for speech development an adult offers children developmental games grammatical structure speeches, attracts to discussion literary works and looking at the paintings “Children Play”, “Masha is Confused”.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The games “Caterpillar”, “Find the same color in the picture”, “Clap like me” contribute to artistic and aesthetic development younger preschoolers just like the application “Slide of Cubes”, drawing “Tumbler”.

Physical development

Work on physical development continues. Kids relieve eye strain with the “Curious Fly” ophthalmic simulator, repeat the games “Find your color”, “Wolf and Hares”, “Who will throw the furthest”, etc.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game-exercise “Morning greeting”. Goal: develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.Conversation with children “What kinds of toys are there?” Goal: to form a culture of behavior, enrich children’s vocabulary, expand their understanding of the materials from which toys are made.Pronunciation of pure sayings. Goal: development phonemic hearing and onomatopoeic abilities.Drawing "Tumbler". Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to draw round objects.Exercise “In the Sun”. Goal: to introduce children to relaxation techniques and develop imagination.
WalkS.r. game "It's good in our garden." Goal: enrich storylines games on the theme Kindergarten. Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features.Di. "Frogs and little frogs." Goal: to develop children's speech attention.Exercise “Colors around us.” Goal: to practice finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects.P.i. “Hares and the Wolf” develop the ability to jump and perform actions in accordance with the text. P.i. "Traps." Purpose: to introduce the rules of the game, to remember the fishing technique.
2 p.d.A conversation about how to treat toys correctly. Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards things in kindergarten.Cognitive and research activity “Drink tasty juice dolls.” Goal: to reinforce the idea that paints dissolve in water.Reading A. Barto “Toys”. Goal: to continue acquaintance with the work of A. Barto.Excursion to the Museum of Folk Toys. Goal: to remember with children ancient toys and their features, to introduce them to folk culture.Examination of the poster “The Human Body.” Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish and name sense organs.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.S.r. Game "Happy Housewarming" Goal: to develop children’s ability to independently develop a plot.Exercise “Ribbons for dolls”. Goal: to consolidate the concepts “Wider is narrower, longer is shorter.”Exercise " Magic bag" Goal: to achieve clear pronunciation of the sounds V, F, G in words and phrases.Round dance game"Cap and stick." Goal: remember words, consolidate the ability to walk in an even circle.Exercise “Throw, don’t yawn.” Goal: to teach how to take the correct starting position when throwing.
WalkObservation of plants and shrubs. Goal: to reinforce the idea that any tree and shrub is Living being, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.Didactic games at the request of the children. Goal: to encourage initiative in games.Exercise “Complete the sentence.” Goal: expand children's vocabulary, practice using nouns in the accusative case.Games with theatrical toys. Goal: to promote the development of creative imagination.P.i. "Giants are dwarfs." Goal: improve walking technique, achieve a clear, wide stride. P.i. “Who will throw further?” Purpose: to train children in throwing.

Thematic planning of the content of educational activities for a week when working with children in the preparatory group.

Getting to know a folk toy gives children a certain amount of knowledge about its history, teaches them to see and understand beauty, and fosters respect for work. folk craftsmen, allows you to understand the manufacturing technology and decorative features of certain products.

Topic of the week: " Folk toy»

1. Drawing.

Russian doll

Target: continue introducing children to the Russian nesting doll: show characteristics Polkhov-Maidan, Zagorsk and Semyonov nesting dolls; develop technical skills and brush painting skills; learn to use a poke signet in painting a nesting doll; form aesthetic taste.

Bogorodsk toys (graphics)

Target: continue to introduce children to Bogorodsk carved wooden toys. Learn to draw the Bogorodsk toy graphically, trying to convey the movement and structure of the characters. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the products of folk craftsmen and respect for their work.

2. Cognition.

Russian folk toy

Target: generalize knowledge about clay toys - Dymkovo and Filimonovsky; talk about the history of Bogorodsk crafts, about Sergiev Posad toys and the most popular wooden toy- matryoshka; teach to distinguish different techniques paintings of nesting dolls; develop pride in your family.

3. Modeling.

Bogorodsky bear

Target: consolidate the ability to convey an idea, sculpt animal figures, highlighting their characteristic features; develop a sense of rhythm in the process of designing the surface of a product; consolidate the ability to decorate a figurine using stacks; develop creativity, imagination, accuracy.

4. Application.

Dymkovo cockerel

Teamwork, made using the mosaic technique using the tearing method.

Target: develop interest in cutting techniques; learn to combine different appliqué techniques to achieve an expressive image; develop skills collaboration.

Educational area"Socialization".Didactic games

“It’s not clothes that make a man, but work”

Target: clarify ideas about various crafts, consolidate their names in speech, and develop perception.

Progress: On the table in front of the children are cut-out pictures depicting familiar crafts (blacksmithing, pottery, carpentry, carpentry, weaving, baking, shoemaking, jewelry). Participants in the game are asked to put together a picture from parts so that they get a whole object.

"I'll start, and you finish"

Target: develop auditory attention and communication skills.

Progress: The presenter throws a ball to one of the children and says the beginning of the nursery rhyme (saying), and the child, having caught the ball, must finish the nursery rhyme (saying).

“What kind of toy”?

Target: learn to describe a toy by its characteristic features and recognize them by description.

Progress: The teacher describes a folk toy, and the children guess. Then the children and the teacher change roles.

Educational area "Cognition".


1. What did they play in the North before?

2. Toys our grandmothers played with.

3. How are the toys similar and different?

Observations: examining a ray doll (bone toys); comparison of nesting dolls based on paintings.

Experience: Which material is stronger - paper, clay or wood?

Educational field "Communication". Games

“What kind of toy?”

Target: learn to name an object and describe it.

Progress: The child takes a toy out of a wonderful bag, names it, and gives its description.

"Guess the toy"

Target: to develop in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features and description.

Progress: 3-4 familiar toys are put on display. The teacher says: he will describe the toy, and the children’s task is to listen and name this object.

“Who will see and name more?”

Target: teach children to use words to designate both parts and signs appearance toys.

“Tell me which one?”

Target: teach children to identify the characteristics of an object.

Progress: The teacher (or child) takes objects out of the box, names them, and the children point to some sign of this object. If the children find it difficult to do this, the teacher helps: “This is a cube. What is he like?

Educational field "Labor"

Making a ray doll

Target: develop labor skills, form Creative skills.

Making dolls from straw and birch bark

Target: bring up positive attitude to work, to develop interest in folk toys.

Modeling a clay toy, painting

Target: continue to form a positive attitude towards work, develop interest in folk toys.

Educational field "Health"

Finger gymnastics

Target: introduce children to finger gymnastics, teach how to play it, while developing speech and evoking an emotional response; improve hand movements, developing mental processes(voluntary attention, logical thinking), auditory perception(memory, speech of children) and also fine motor skills fingers, hands.

Physical education minutes

Target: preventing children from becoming tired, switching attention from one type of activity to another, restoring mental performance.

Breathing exercises

Target: exert a targeted effect on the respiratory apparatus, increase its functional reserves; teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency and, based on these signs, the state of the body.

Educational area « Physical Culture»

1. Russian folk outdoor games (“Rasteryakhi”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Dudar”, “Geese-geese”, “Paints”, “Transporting horse” and others).

Cultural and leisure activities

1. Entertainment “City of Masters”.
2. Filmstrip (electronic presentation) “The history of the appearance of the toy.”
3. Theatrical sketch “Image of a northern toy.”
4. Playing games with toys.

Alsou Mustafina, senior educator, State Budgetary Educational Institution
"Kindergarten combined type No. 2250", Moscow

Calendar and thematic planning taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. (for children speech therapy group 5–6 years)

Lexical topic “Games and toys” (for speech therapy group 5-6 years old)

Tkacheva Natalya Petrovna, teacher of the speech therapy group of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 174", Voronezh
Presented using the example of planning a week.
(Complexes of morning exercises and exercises after sleep are repeated for two weeks) Attract children to a variety of species play activity, continue to develop and cultivate interest in games, deepen knowledge about some games and toys, through nurturing a caring attitude towards them by means of enhancing the emotional and volitional manifestations of physical development.

1.Develop interest in the game; realize social development children at play; cultivate a desire to act together with peers; teach how to conduct game dialogue in accordance with the role, interaction in the game in accordance with the plot, follow game rules; develop imagination and artistry; enjoy playing together.
2. Introduce children to Russian folk crafts, the skills of folk craftsmen, Russian folklore; talk about the history of toys in Rus'; introduce the features of Russian folk round dances, sports games.
3. Expand and clarify knowledge about toys, continuing to enrich and activate children’s vocabulary; develop fine motor skills, learn to identify (guess) a toy by touch; Encourage children to use evidence-based language to explain their point of view. Develop descriptive speech, teach to guess a toy by description; cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. To interest children in the work of toy makers; teach respect and care for the work of other people
4. Develop the ability to compare two objects “wider, narrower”, consolidate counting to two, the ability to correlate the numbers 1 and 2 with the number.
5. Strengthen the ability to use familiar outdoor games in free activity;
activate the existing knowledge and skills of children, continue to improve their health; develop motor skills, dexterity, activity; create a positive emotional mood in children from joint activities; cultivate responsibility and initiative. Continue to instill in children the ability to work carefully and put their own things in order workplace after finishing work. To instill in children a sense of respect for their people - workers, a sense of pride for their country.

Gymnastics complex No. 2.

1) I. p.: o. With. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up - look up; 3) - arms to the sides; 4 - i. p. (8 - 10 times at a pace).
2) I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest. 1-2 - jerks with bent arms back; 3-4 - jerks back with straight arms (7-8 times).
3) I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, right hand slides along the body up, the left one down; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction (8 times).
4) I. p.: the same. 1 - sit down, arms forward, look forward, back straight; 2 - stand up (10-12 times).
5) I. p.: one leg in front, the other behind, hands on the belt. For each count, jump to change the position of your legs (15-20 times).
6) Breathing exercises.
I.p.: main stand. 1-4 – standing still, imitate the movements of a skier’s hands; 5- spread your arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose; 6-8 – return to the starting position, exhale slowly through the mouth (5-6 times).

Gymnastics complex for the eyes No. 2.

Helps relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, and relax the eye muscles (i.e. standing).
1.Look straight ahead (2-3 seconds), placing forefinger at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from the eyes, look at the tip of the finger, look at it for 2-3 seconds, lower your hand (four - five times).
2. Lower your head, look at the toe of your left foot; raise your head, look at the toe of your left foot; raise your head, look to the right top corner rooms; lower your head, look at your toe right leg; raise your head, look at the upper left corner of the room (feet shoulder-width apart) (three to four times).
3.Look at the tops of the trees in front of the window; look over and name any object on the ground; find birds or a plane in the sky and follow it with your gaze, name a vehicle passing by or standing on the side of the road.

Awakening gymnastics No. 2.

I.p. - lying on your back. Stretch your whole body in bed, stretch your arms above your head, and stretch your toes down. Stretch - inhale, relax - exhale (5 times).
I.p. - lying on your back. Rub your ears until they become red and feel warm.
I.p. - lying on your back. Hands on stomach. Inhale - tense the abdominal wall, stick out your stomach. The solution is to pull in your stomach. Return to i.p. (5 times).
I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Pull your knees towards your stomach and clasp them with your hands. Reach your forehead towards your knees for a count of ten. Return to i.p. (5 times).
I.p. - lying on your back. Hands along the body. Bend your body - inhale. Return to i.p. – exhale (5 times).


Physical development with motor activity Educational activities in regime moments for implementation educational topic based on integration various types activities.
Articulation exercises.
Morning Gymnastics
Conversation "Stories about toys."
Reading “My toys” by O. Kras

D/game “Collect a flower” “Guess where we were? Board games:

Exhibition of books "Toys".
illustrations depicting toys from the Little Builder Design Center; physical education and recreation “We are athletes”
Interaction with parents/ social partners:
Children and their parents jointly compose a story or fairy tale about their favorite toy (+ illustration)
Conversation with parents about the need to play with children, about the caring attitude of children towards toys. Direct educational activities for children and adults (types of activities corresponding to forms of work) (according to the GCD schedule)

Insect observation
Issle. activity: notice that there are fewer insects. Show children where and how insects hide.
Labor: Assisting the janitor in cleaning leaves on the kindergarten site.
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work during a walk:
Round dance game “Hello, autumn! »

After sleep.

Hymn. awakening complex No. 2
Individual work By sound culture
Art. exercises.
Game situation
An evening walk. Games with outdoor toys
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work):
Board game "Checkers"
Plot- role-playing game: "Family Priority types of children's activities
Physical development with visual activities Direct educational activities for children and adults (types of activities corresponding forms of work)

Individual work on sound culture
(see notebook relationship)
Articulation exercises.
Morning Gymnastics Complex No. 2
Reading: “In the toy store” from the book by Ch. Yancharsky
Conversation: “My favorite toy

Board game “Pick it right”
D/i: “Wonderful bag”
“Who will remember the most toys?”
Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of PRS

Album “My Favorite Toys”
Experimentation Center "Young Researchers";
educational games “Young scholars”Coloring pages on the topic of toys

Involving parents in creating a mini-exhibition in the “Toys from the Chest” group.
Bring old toys from home collections to the kindergarten to organize the exhibition “What did they play before?” Direct educational activities for children and adults (types of activities corresponding to forms of work) (according to the NOD schedule)
Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities
Observation of leaf fall. Research activities: Determine on which trees the leaves begin to turn yellow faster?
Labor: Tidying up the flower beds on the site; seed collection; cleaning dry grass, leaves.
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)
Outdoor games:
"Dawn - lightning"

After sleep

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities
Massage mats Individual work on sound culture
(see notebook relationship)
Articulation exercises
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)
S/r. games “Bathing dolls”, “Toy store”. Priority types of children's activities:
Physical development with perception fiction Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities.
Individual work on sound culture
Articulation exercises.
Morning Gymnastics Complex No. 2
Conversation: “Why do we need toys?
Reading: Guessing riddles about toys by V. Shipunov “Ball”,
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work):
D/i “Guess it.”
Game: “Broken Phone”
"Find the hidden toy"
Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of PRS:
Cards with the image of fruits.
Albums, illustrations and books on the topic: “Toys”. - Coloring pages based on toys.
Theater Center "Let's Play Theater"; Center for role-playing games “We Play”;
Interaction with parents/social partners
Consultation for parents “Playing with children at home.” Direct educational activities for children and adults (types of activities corresponding to forms of work) (according to the GCD schedule)
Educational activities in special moments to implement an educational theme based on the integration of various types of activities (walk):
Observing clothes in autumn
(why people choose certain items)
Labor: preparing land for planting winter time
“Physical training” on the street “hit the target”

P/n “Find yourself a partner”, “We are funny guys”,
Ball game "Cheerful Chef".
Interaction with parents/social partners
Consultation for parents “Playing with children at home.”
Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities
Walk through ecological trail. Research activity: determine which tree has the largest leaves, conclude that the largest trees have larger leaves.
Work:. Clear paths of debris
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)
P/games: “Paints”
"We are funny guys"

After sleep.

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities:
Awakening gymnastics complex No. 2
Massage mats Educational activities in special moments to implement an educational topic based on the integration of various types of activities:
Individual work with children on sound pronunciation.
Articulation exercises
Work “Let's put things in order in the toy corner”
An evening walk. Observation of changes in the length of day and night.
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work):
Role-playing game: “Puppet theater” Priority types of children's activities:
Physical development with elements of the development of phonemic hearingEducational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities
Individual work on sound culture
(see notebook relationship)
Articulation exercises.
Morning Gymnastics Complex No. 2
Reading: L. Tolstoy “Nastya had a doll”
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)
Didactic games: “One - many”
Memory development games: “Pick up a toy”
ABOUT organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of PRS (for the whole day)
We are exhibiting A. Barto’s books “Toys”, a selection of pictures and illustrations about toys.
A selection of coloring pages - toys.
Large local nesting doll.
Center sensorimotor development"The world is at hand";
Cut-out pictures, printed board game “toys”.
Lotto "toys"
Interaction with parents/social partners
Consultation for parents “Modern role-playing games” Direct educational activities for children and adults (types of activities corresponding to forms of work) (according to the GCD schedule)
Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities
Watching the sky
Research activity: “Colorful sky.” Prove that the sky changes color when you look at it through multi-colored glasses.
Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves.
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)
Outdoor games:
"Lifesaver" "Entertainers."
After sleep
Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities
Awakening gymnastics complex No. 2
Massage matsEducational activities in special moments to implement an educational topic based on the integration of various types of activities
Individual work on sound culture
(see notebook relationship)
Labor: in the doll corner “Bathing dolls”
Articulation exercises.
An evening walk. Games with portable toys.
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)
Role-playing game"A toy shop".
D/i “Find a toy of the same color” Priority types of children's activities: Physical development with developmental elements labor activity Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities.
Individual work on sound culture
(see notebook relationship)
Articulation exercises.
Morning Gymnastics Complex No. 2
Reading: E. Shalamonova. Poems about toys.
Conversation: Why do people need toys?
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work):
D/i “Remember where the toy is”
"A toy shop"
“What does a toy tell about itself?”
Organization of a developmental environment for independent activity of PRS (for the whole day)
Booklet “Folk toy - doll”
Creative Center “Talented Fingers”;
Interaction with parents/social partners
Work with parents: “My favorite toy”, joint production of toys from various materials by parents and children. Toy exhibition. Direct educational activities for children and adults (types of activities corresponding to forms of work)
Educational activities in special moments to implement an educational theme based on the integration of various types of activities (walk):
Precipitation monitoring. The nature of precipitation in September is rain and fog.
Labor assignments: Collecting flower seeds.
Physical education on the street: Taking out equipment for the game
Individual direct educational activities of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work during a walk):
Outdoor games: “Which team will assemble faster”
"Run Quietly"

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 67
combined species of the Krasnoselsky district “Wizard”

Calendar plan
compensating group No. 10


Lanina Elena Vladimirovna

Saint Petersburg

Month November
Topic of the week: “Toys”
ETC. - Strengthen children's knowledge about toys. The history of the origin of the toy. Introduce children to species various toys. ; the materials from which they are made. Learn to compare, group, classify objects, develop tactile and visual memory.
R.R. - Train in drawing up proposals for plot picture. Activate children's vocabulary based on generalized knowledge about toys, the ability to conduct dialogue with the teacher and with peers.
S-K.R. Enrich the content of children’s games, develop independence in choosing games, involve children in playing together with adults and children
Labor - Create a desire to take care of toys, put them back in their places, repair them, use them for their intended purpose, share with friends
Safety - Continue to reinforce children’s ability to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe, wash toys, building materials.
H-E.R. Develop children's creative abilities, teach how to work with various materials (cutting on a bias, rounding corners, conveying the image of a toy in a drawing, using sculpting techniques).
F.R. Continue to train children in static and dynamic balance.
Health - Show role motor activity for human health.

Cooperative activity
Independent activities of children (organization of a developmental environment)

Title, purpose

In sensitive moments


1.P.R. Joint activities of a speech therapist with children.
"Toy World"
Goal: Expand and consolidate ideas about toys; develop the ability to solve riddles by highlighting characteristic features; develop attention and logical thinking; develop cognitive interest to the emergence of toys, careful attitude to the objects of the game.
2 H.e.r. Application "Pyramid"
Goal: To teach how to work with scissors, glue, to consolidate the skill of rounding corners, and knowledge of safety rules.
3.F.r. Physical Culture
Sets of subject and subject pictures.
Presentation "Toys"
Vintage toys from birch bark, wood, fabric.
Modern toys.
Sample work. Scissors, glue, 4 rectangles different color and size, napkins
- Consolidate knowledge of numbers 3, 4. The composition of the number with Yura, Yulia, Egor, Makar.

D/i “Name the toy affectionately” (word formation)
Fedya, Kira, Nastya, Dima.

D/i “What he does - what I do” (speed, flexibility of thinking) with Egor, Veronica, Vika V., Alesya.
Play activity
Ex. “Echo” (development of voice power)
S/r game “Kids are playing”
Game “Give me a word” (development of speech hearing and sense of rhythm)
P/n “Bull” (speech with movement)
D/i “What is it made from.”
D/i “Name a fairy tale.”
D/i "Dymka".
D/i “Lay out the pattern”, “Repeat according to the sample”.
D/i “Dress the young lady”
D/i “Recognize your toys by touch.”
D\i “Pick up a sign”: doll (which one?), ball (which one?).
Game situations: “If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so?”, “Who knows how to play by the rules?”
Conversation “Toys and games are different”, “Such various toys- useful or not" "Rules of the game"
Riddles about toys. Songs, nursery rhymes, chants “Our goat”, L. Tolstoy “Nastya had a doll”, E. Blaginina “Boats”, N. Matveeva “I sculpt from plasticine
Illustrations of “Toys” related to the plots group games, album “Merry Haze”.
Morning exercises see card index
Cognitive and research activities
Experiment “Melt the ice with your hands.”
Purpose: to introduce the properties of water and the slowing down of heat transfer through fabric.
play/motor activity
- Games for attention (Children will stomp if they hear the names of toys)
Improvisation fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”
- Associative game. “Autumn” Name the words-objects that you will remember if you hear the word “autumn”. - laying out a pattern from small pebbles, leaves
- Round dance game “Cap”
P\i “Paints”, “Kite and Mother Hen” t-running in a chain holding hands at a signal
"Birds of Passage" - running
“Firefighters in training” - balance, running
Making toys, souvenirs from different material(competition “Homemade Toy”)
- Collecting colorful leaves and branches.
Individual work
Ex. with a ball. Goal: To train children in catching and throwing a ball (Dima, Yura, Nastya, Olesya).
Game with a basketball element Goal: To develop accuracy when throwing the ball into the hoop (Fedya, Egor, Serezha, Kira, Dima).

With portable toys
Board games:
"Carousel", "Loto",
“Domino”, “What is it made of”, “Haze”, Lay out the pattern”, “Dress the young lady”, “Repeat according to the pattern”.

Cut pictures “Toys”

S/r games “Family” and “Kindergarten” - “Baby Plays”

Illustrations for the story
- coloring pages
- pencils
-sand sets
- strollers
- toys
- clothes for the seller
- books
- pictures with Russian folk toys.
-books with games.
- Drawing as desired using stencils

Games with mosaics, nesting dolls
- Game with massage balls and rings.

D\i “Select by color”
(development of color perception)

Independent work with natural material and plasticine

- “Wonderful bag” - “Find out by touch” (toys)

Playing on the poems of Agnia Lvovna Barto “Our Tanya is crying loudly”, “Bear”, “Bunny”

Games in the construction corner “Toy House”
- Stand alone games in the physical education corner


2.H.e.r. Construction page 58 Remezov “Construction according to the scheme”
Goal: To consolidate the acquired skills in constructing a rather complex construction of a truck in accordance with the graphic model. Identify parts, details, develop the ability to connect them.
3. H.e.r. Music
Cubes for each child, construction diagram

Pictures are riddles
and d/i “Say the opposite” - with Maxim R., Alesya, Nastya, Dima.
D/i “Whose? Whose?" Fedya, Kira, Nastya, Dima.


1. Joint activity of a teacher psychologist with children.
2. R.R. "Our toys" story from personal experience Ushakova str. 29 no. 3
Goal: to develop coherent speech by composing short story By leading questions– learn to describe the appearance, how you can play with a toy, what toys you have at home; replenish your active vocabulary with words of the same root; develop ZKR by highlighting the sounds [s], [z] in a word, phrase, develop the strength of the voice.
3. .F.r. Physical Culture

Compilation plan descriptive story on the topic "Toys".

The game "What's missing?" (development visual perception) with Makar, Maxim P., Serezha S., Serezha Ch.

Ex. “Clap the words” (dividing words into syllables) with Masha, Veronica, Vika V., Egor,

Explain to those on duty the sequence of actions in a corner of nature with a weather calendar.

D/i “Surprise the subject” with Maxim, Egor, Veronica


1. R.R. Joint activities of a speech therapist with children.
2. P.R. F.E.M.P. No. 7 page 29
Purpose: To introduce the ordinal value of the numbers 8 and 9, to teach how to correctly answer the questions: “How much?”; “Which one?” Practice the ability to compare objects by size (up to 7 objects), arrange them in descending and ascending order, and indicate the results of comparison in words. Practice the ability to find differences in the images of objects.
3. H.e.r. Music
4.F.r. Physical Culture

Handout. Gyenoš blocks
Number sets 1-7.

Game “Call it kindly” (formation of nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes) with Yura, Yulia, Egor, Makar.

Invigorating gymnastics See card index
C.H.L. Illustrated reading of the fairy tale “Turnip”, S. Marshak “Vanka-Vstanka”, Barto “Our Tanya”, “Goby Goby”, “Toys”, “Bear”, “Ball”, “Horse”; (evaluate the behavior of the characters: right or wrong, with the help of the teacher, draw a conclusion “how to act in dangerous situation"). Thaits “Cube upon cube”, V. Shipunova “Ball”.
Memorizing poems and round dances for New Year's party Play activity
- Children acting out the fairy tale “Teremok” with the help of toys, pantomime “Bring the toy to life”
С\р game "Toy Store" - buyers ask the seller to tell about the purchase
D\i “Complete the sentence” - word formation in plural. h.
D\i “Who remembers more words”
D/i “What’s gone?”, “What’s for what”, “Guess from the description”, “Describe, and we’ll find out, we’ll guess”
D/I “Wonderful bag”
D/I “Recognize a fairy tale from an illustration”, “Recognize the heroes of fairy tales”, “Collect puzzles/cubes “Heroes of fairy tales”, “Color fairy tale hero", "Find a fairy tale hero", lotto/dominoes "Fairy tale heroes"
Presentation of the game “Toys” on logic Video views: cartoons about toys: “ Forgotten toys", "Zai and Chick", "Mashenka's Concert", "Pink Doll", etc.
Communication: “The difference between city life and village life” summary, “What is there for children in our city”, “Who built this house?”
Behind the poplar (Kravchenko from 31) - what benefits does it bring, what harm does it cause, why it's summer"snow". Observation of seasonal changes(Kravchenko from 34)
Conversation “Rules of conduct while walking”, “What are the benefits of berries?”,
Play activity
Ball game “WHAT? WHICH? WHICH?" (to activate relative adjectives in speech, throw a ball to the child and tell him what the toy is made of; the child catches the ball, forms a phrase with the relative adjective and returns the ball)
D/I Games with sand (guess which toy is buried in the sand without taking it out, using the freed part)
P/n “Don’t get caught”, “Catch up with a couple” - running
P/i “Mousetrap”, “Hit the Hoop”
P/n at the request of the children.
Individual control for sliding and jumping (Vika, Makar, Veronica, Masha)
Independent children's activities
At the request of the children

Interaction with parents

Movable folder: “Let’s play together.”

Suggest watching the 2003 documentary “Virtual Aggression.” Director: Valentina Matveeva. This is an investigative film about cartoons and computer games.

Help in designing the collection “My Favorite Toys” from illustrative material

Invite parents to make a homemade toy with their children.

Individual consultations at the request of parents.

Ask your parents to bring fabric to make a folk rag doll.

Watching cartoons about toys: “Forgotten Toys”, “Zai and Chick”, “Masha’s Concert”, “Pink Doll”, “Steady” tin soldier", "The Nutcracker" etc.; films about toys “The Nutcracker”, “Children in Toyland”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”.


1. Joint activities of a speech therapist with children.
2.H.e.r. Drawing “Ball” from 11 Ryazanov
Purpose: To introduce in an unconventional way drawing with cotton swabs “poke”, teach sequences, convey the image of the ball. Develop skills in drawing, neatness and organization of the workplace.

work, operating room
map, sheet of paper, cotton buds, napkin, gouache, oilcloth

Ex. “Count it” (agreeing numerals with nouns)
Maxim R., Alesya, Nastya, Dima.

Ex. “Blow on a ball - air, rubber, iron” (development of the direction and force of the air stream) by Makar, Maxim P., Serezha S., Serezha Ch.
