Ointment for healing abrasions on the face. Treatment of abrasions with folk remedies

Wounds on the face: how to speed up healing

However, healing of facial wounds has a high regeneration potential due to increased blood supply and good innervation in the facial area.

What can you do at home so that the wound on your face heals as quickly as possible and does not leave behind unaesthetic scars?

How to speed up wound healing

Uninfected wounds (pimple or scratch) heal quite quickly and do not damage the face, so it is enough to follow certain rules to care for them. First of all, they should not treat wounds on the face with undiluted medical alcohol and iodine.

Undiluted iodine and alcohol can leave burns and irritation on the skin in the form of indelible dark spots, so always give preference to diluted medications

Drugs that accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions

  • More details

More complex wounds on the face (for example, after tattoo removal) should be treated with special means for wound healing, which stimulate tissue regeneration and improve their nutrition. The rapid healing process means that rough scars on the skin are formed much less frequently and there is no need to remove scars. Such products may be recommended to you either at the clinic where you had your tattoo removed, or at the pharmacy.

To speed up the process, you should use wound healing agents that improve tissue nutrition and stimulate cellular metabolism. If recovery is active, rough scars are much less likely to form. At the same time, you should take multivitamins and eat vegetables, fruits and protein foods.

How to heal wounds on the face

Means for these purposes come in the form of jelly and ointment. The first is applied to a wet, oozing wound and creates an antibacterial film, due to which healing occurs much faster. Dry wounds are lubricated with ointment, fat base which helps to successfully complete the regeneration of facial tissue.

At the first stage, the wound should stop being wet, which is what the jelly contributes to, and after it becomes dry, the tissues should be moisturized, and ointment is more suitable for this

How to speed up wound healing?

Damage is called a wound skin and underlying body tissues. Such damage can be caused primarily by mechanical stress, as well as by the influence of excessive temperature or chemical factors. The wound healing process is absolutely physiological and occurs independently: the body, with the help of natural mechanisms restores the integrity of tissues and integuments, thus protecting internal organs. The only thing that can ensure faster wound healing is stimulation of regeneration processes and the elimination of the development of complications.

A thermal burn is a specific injury to the skin and (sometimes) underlying tissues due to exposure to high temperatures. Sources of thermal effects can be both solids and liquids, as well as steam or gas. As a rule, contact with a carrier of excess heat occurs as a result of a violation of safety standards for working with its sources or as a result of an accident. Also partially attributed to thermal and sunburn. They arise due to the combined effect on the skin and mucous membranes of both ultraviolet rays, which themselves have a destructive effect on the body, and the thermal energy of solar radiation.

Each of us has repeatedly received superficial skin wounds - abrasions and scratches. Such wounds are frequent companions of people leading active image life, athletes, travelers, as well as the inquisitive younger generation. As a rule, scratches and abrasions most often occur in warm time years when people wear light clothes, and the skin becomes maximally vulnerable to injuries of this kind.

How to quickly heal an abrasion - this question worries people of all ages. Despite the fact that an abrasion is a relatively harmless injury, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and complications.
To prevent infection through an abrasion and avoid inflammation and suppuration, the following recommendations must be followed:

1. The abrasion must be washed to remove dirt under running warm water. If the wound is quite dirty (for example, if you fall off a bicycle in the forest), it is permissible to use a weak soap solution to wash it.
2. If the abrasion is bleeding intensively, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying a tight bandage. You can make a bandage from a bandage or improvised means - a handkerchief or any other clean fabric.
3. To disinfect the wound, it is necessary to treat it with a non-aggressive antiseptic, for example, Sulfargin ointment. This product contains silver ions, which are a natural antiseptic that does not cause allergies, does not sting, does not dry or irritate the skin. The gradual release of silver ions will provide a long-lasting antibacterial effect and will also promote rapid healing of the abrasion.
4. To avoid damage to thin skin, which will gradually heal the abrasion, it is advisable to seal the wound with a plaster with a soft base, preferably with antibacterial impregnation.
If you notice that the pain in the area of ​​the abrasion is gradually decreasing, the redness and swelling are disappearing, the wound is healing and slightly itching, then things are getting better.
On the contrary, increased swelling, pain and pus on the abrasion are alarms that the wound has become infected! In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
The specialist will examine the abrasion and prescribe treatment appropriate to the severity of the injury. As a rule, this is a complex treatment, including an antibiotic (internally or externally), dressings with an antiseptic and subsequent monitoring of the patient’s condition until his complete recovery.
Abrasions, like any other injury, are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, while on vacation or engaging in active sports, try not to lose vigilance, remaining extremely careful!

The most unpleasant injuries are wounds on the face that cannot be covered with clothing and hidden from prying eyes. They spoil the appearance, force you to wear a bandage and are fraught with the formation of scars that can remain for life.

To prevent this from happening, you must initially contact a surgeon in time to properly treat the damaged area and undergo a course of treatment. It is especially important to use ointments that prevent further scar formation. The more competently you care for injured skin, the faster and without consequences the healing will occur.


Because of anatomical features The faces of the wound have specific characteristics that in one way or another affect the treatment. This is due to active facial expressions, which involves a large number of muscles. Besides this, there is very thin skin and a relatively small fat layer.

It is for these reasons that injuries on the face do not heal quite the same as those on other parts of the body.

  1. Severe trauma can cause wound dehiscence, which slows healing. Facial muscles especially suffer from damage.
  2. Even a small injury causes heavy bleeding, since on the face the vessels are located too close to the surface of the skin.
  3. You will have to endure a lot of inconveniences: discomfort and pain when smiling, communicating, facial expressions, eating, etc.
  4. High risk of infection due to careless handling or improper care. It is this factor that determines the use of antibiotics in the treatment of such injuries.
  5. Wounds on the face are usually accompanied by severe swelling, which greatly spoils the appearance.
  6. Healing occurs much faster than in other areas of the body. This is explained by the fact that the cells here have an increased potential for regeneration, and the blood supply to this area is enhanced.
  7. Sutures on the face can be applied even 36 hours after the injury, while on other parts of the body this interval is only 24 hours.
  8. There are areas where healing is facilitated and accelerated due to the specific structure of the tissues - in particular, this is the mouth area.

Everyone wants to quickly heal a wound on their face so that they can go out into the world and not be embarrassed by bandages and scars. But for this you will have to take a number of measures and undergo a course of treatment.

This is interesting! At proper healing the wound itches very much because not only new cells grow there, but also damaged nerve endings. It is this process that causes itching.


If you receive an injury, it is advisable to see a surgeon as soon as possible. He will take the necessary measures: he will professionally process the edges, apply stitches (if necessary), give an injection against infection, talk about the rules of care, and most importantly, prescribe the appropriate treatment and explain how to quickly heal it with the help of medications and even folk remedies.


Facial injuries should not be taken lightly. They won't heal on their own. Damaged tissues need to be helped to recover as quickly as possible so that recovery takes place without consequences and side effects. This is possible thanks to medications, appointed by the surgeon after examination.

  1. Do not treat the edges of the wound with alcohol or iodine. Tender and sensitive skin after that it will take too long to heal. To avoid irritation, they must be diluted with water.
  2. It is much more effective for this purpose to use a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or boric acid and other antiseptics. Competent processing on initial stage will significantly speed up healing.
  3. Multivitamins will help the body quickly cope with injury and avoid infection.
  4. To finally heal a wound that has not healed for a long time, antibiotics may be prescribed.

You can stimulate the regeneration process using pharmaceutical ointments(for dry skin) or jelly-like preparations (if the injury becomes weeping or festering), prescribed by a doctor. Only he will explain what to apply to the injured area and recommend certain remedies:

  • Actovegin is an analogue of Solcoseryl, this fast-healing ointment is applied under the bandage;
  • Baneocyon - powder for weeping wounds and ulcers, ointment - for more dry ones;
  • Bepanten;
  • Dermatix is ​​a silicone gel that ensures rapid healing of wounds and prevents the formation of scars;
  • Contratubeks - regenerating ointment for healing wounds on the face from a German manufacturer;
  • Xeroform;
  • Levomekol - best ointment antibacterial action (also helps with);
  • Levosin;
  • Doctor;
  • Malavit;
  • Panthenol - the best remedy in the form of a spray (about this drug as cosmetic product, read);
  • Sinyakoff;
  • Solcoseryl - gel for fresh wounds, ointment - for dry ones;
  • Rescuer;
  • Sulfagin;
  • Cycaderma;
  • Eplan is an anti-infective agent; wound healing cream, solution and gauze wipes- therapeutic and antiseptic.

Keep in mind. It is not advisable to smear fresh, weeping wounds with anything, so as not to cut off the access of oxygen to the tissues - this will slow down the recovery process.

If you want to use natural remedies, you can consult your doctor about using wound-healing herbs at home.

Folk remedies

Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, promoting rapid tissue regeneration, painkillers - such herbs can be used in the treatment of wounds on the face. But! Only with the doctor's permission, so as not to accidentally introduce an infection or cause an allergic reaction.

  • Aloe juice

Squeeze juice from the lower fleshy leaves of aloe, moisten small pieces of a bandage folded several times in it, and apply to the damaged area for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

  • Ointment with plantain

Grind plantain leaves in a meat grinder, mix with Vaseline, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 5. You will get a very effective healing cream. homemade. Apply three times a day.

  • Kalanchoe juice

Squeeze a few drops onto the damaged area fresh juice Kalanchoe. You can make lotions similar to those described above with aloe juice.

  • Horsetail

Grind dry horsetail into powder and sprinkle it on the injured area.

  • Calendula

Mix 10 grams of crushed calendula flowers with 50 grams of butter (vaseline). Lubricate several times a day.

You can also use it at home.

If, when using folk remedies, a wound on the face does not heal within 7-10 days, it should be shown to a doctor, stopping the use of herbs. Perhaps it’s not about them at all, but about insufficient care for injured skin.

In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Well, be more careful when handling the wounded surface.

It turns out that... For the treatment of superficial wounds of a small area, the use of hydrogen peroxide is not justified. It damages tissues and cells adjacent to the injury, but remaining healthy and intact. This increases the healing time. It is advisable to use this product for cleaning only very complex wounds from pus, dirt, and blood clots before introducing an antiseptic solution.

Rules of care

To speed up healing, it is not enough to use only ointments prescribed by a doctor. It is very important at any stage of restoration of damaged tissue to properly care for the skin. This will avoid aggressive, irritating factors and will promote rapid cell regeneration.

  1. Washing the affected area. If no dirt gets into the wound, it will be enough to direct a stream of flowing water into it. clean water. If it happened heavy pollution, you will have to use antiseptic solutions. If pharmaceuticals If you don't have it on hand, use regular soap.
  2. Next, a bandage is applied to protect against new contamination and stop bleeding. For this, a sterile bandage and cotton wool are used.
  3. Do not stick the patch on, because when removed it will tear the edges of the wound even more.
  4. You can leave the area open to help it heal faster, but this increases the risk of infection.
  5. If healing is successful, the bactericidal patch can only be used after 3-4 days. It will need to be constantly changed.
  6. Hide injured skin from temperature changes, frost and ultraviolet radiation.
  7. Before her complete healing do not visit solariums, baths, swimming pools.
  8. If the wound remains unhealed within 2-3 weeks, infection has most likely occurred. You will have to see a doctor and undergo a course of antibiotic treatment.
  9. Food should be enriched with vitamins and proteins. Consume daily fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, nuts, greens.
  10. Keep the surface perfectly clean.
  11. You cannot treat wounds on the face yourself, only folk remedies. Remember: your appearance will depend on this. You should consult your doctor about using even aloe juice.

If damaged skin is provided with proper care, most likely everything will work out without consequences for beauty and health. This requires patience so as not to give up and despair every time you look in the mirror.

Bandages, dressings, plasters and ointments will soon run out if done correctly. Otherwise, you will have to face complications.

Wow! In America, Indian tribes used soldier ants, which had well-developed powerful jaws, to heal wounds. They launched insects onto the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, and with their jaws they tightened the edges of the wound, preventing them from moving apart.


If the wound does not heal well, it may become infected. In this case, it will fester and take too long to heal. You can’t do without antibiotics, and they are known to kill the immune system and disrupt the intestinal microflora. In addition, the consequences of injury can be:

  • colloidal scar;
  • scars;
  • damage to the facial nerve, which can lead to necrosis of the damaged area;
  • loss of sensitivity.

If it is small in size and area and was quickly processed by a professional, tissue restoration occurs in up to 10 days. Residual effects in the form of scars and cicatrices, while they are still fresh, can be eliminated (help in selecting the necessary cream for this can be found in ours).

It’s a different matter if too much of the face is affected, if the edges of the wound are too far apart or if dirt has gotten into it. Treatment will require time and patience.

IN Everyday life various things can happen unpleasant situations, which can lead to possible injuries. The most extensive and painful of minor household injuries are abrasions. They can be obtained, for example, from a fall. They are most common in children, but adults are also not immune to falls. This is especially unpleasant if you have to go to work the next day.

To get into proper shape before work, you need to know how to get rid of abrasions. To prevent infection, you need to treat your hands with disinfectants and the wound with an antiseptic. A sterile wipe is used to dry the wound and the skin around the wound, and then a bandage with antiseptic ointment is applied to the wound. Another gauze bandage is applied on top and secured with a plaster or bandage. This method will allow you to get rid of abrasions faster.

Oddly enough, not everyone knows how to treat an abrasion. First of all, you need to wash it clean water, and then pour hydrogen peroxide, then treat the edges of the wound and the wound itself with brilliant green. Zelenka dries the abrasion. You can apply tetracycline ointment to the abrasion and bandage it with an antiseptic bandage. Under no circumstances should a fresh wound be smeared with iodine, as this can lead to burns and prolonged healing.

Most unpleasant in aesthetically and by pain- these are abrasions on the face. Therefore, there are often questions related to how to remove an abrasion on the face. Naturally, first of all, the abrasion needs to be washed with clean water and disinfected. After this, it is dried with antiseptic wipes and a product is applied that helps restore the epithelium. These are mainly products that contain provitamin B-5. If the epithelium has not fully recovered, but needs to come out, then you can use Foundation, but in moderation so as not to cause irritation.

Many people ask questions about how to remove abrasions using folk remedies. Tinctures of calendula or celandine are suitable for this. To make a calendula tincture, you need to fill a jar with its flowers and add sunflower oil, and then expose it to the sun for 10 days. Celandine tincture can be made with oil and water by pouring boiling water over a tablespoon of dry celandine. You need to insist for about half an hour. The use of such tinctures quickly heals wounds without leaving marks.

Along with questions about hiding marks, questions about how to treat abrasions are very common. The wound heals faster if it is not covered with a bandage. In addition, the dressing may cause bleeding if it becomes dry. The wound is regularly treated with an antiseptic. For faster healing, you need to use products that restore the epithelium. These include, for example, Panthenol or calendula ointment. If the wound is deep and does not heal for a long time, then you need to contact a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

And if tomorrow you have to go to school or begin professional duties, and a noticeable injury appears on your face, do not despair. Research on the Internet how to get rid of facial abrasions in short term and act immediately.

You may not be able to quickly cure facial abrasions, but you can significantly shorten the recovery period.

This means that you will start work fresh, rested and full of energy.

Treatment of facial abrasions - what is an abrasion?

Abrasions form on the skin as a result of falls, bruises, blows, etc. mechanical influences, violating the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis. A red spot forms on the surface. Due to damage to the skin, blood may bleed and ichor may appear. Trauma is characterized by tissue swelling.

Treatment of facial abrasions begins with antiseptic treatment of damaged skin. This is done to prevent infection from entering the body.

Considering what is happening, it is worth using clear antiseptic preparations. Zelenka and iodine are an excellent substitute for hydrogen peroxide, which is always included in the kit for your home first aid kit.

It is possible to treat facial abrasions at home if the resulting injuries are minor. But if, as a result of tissue trauma, severe bleeding began, the temperature rose, chills and fever appeared, this is a reason for immediate appeal to the clinic.

There is no universal answer to the question of how long it takes for facial abrasions to heal. But there are means by which you can quickly get rid of the unwanted “fellow traveler” that is comfortably located on the skin of the face.

Treatment of facial abrasions at home - life hack from professionals

In cases where the treatment of facial abrasions is supposed to be carried out at home, expert advice will come in handy.

These are simple manipulations that will make your face cleanse and take on a fresh look:

If the question of how to get rid of abrasions on the face is still relevant for you, resort to the help of special creams.

How to get rid of abrasions on the face - folk remedies

Facial abrasions require immediate attention.

Injuries are located in the visible area, and this significantly spoils the appearance and complicates communication and social contacts.

IN folk medicine there are plenty of recipes on how to quickly remove abrasions on the face and regain old look. Among the main products based on natural components:

  • Oil balm- in Rus', abrasions on the face were removed with this fatty substance. They were treated with it non-healing wounds so that they heal faster and disappear from the surface of the skin. To make a balm, take equal parts butter and chopped pine needles, which are thoroughly mixed and placed in a cool dark place. To remove abrasions on the face, apply balm to them up to 3 times a day, gently massaging the damaged area.
  • Will help you quickly get rid of facial abrasions aloe juice. The herbal bactericidal agent seems to have been created to provide emergency assistance. How to quickly heal a facial abrasion using aloe?
  • How to quickly heal a facial abrasion with badger fat? It is necessary to lubricate abrasions on the face with a thin layer of fat. In addition to the healing effect, the balm has a rejuvenating effect. When figuring out how to heal abrasions on the face, keep in mind that results can only be expected from natural product brought from the north. What to do with abrasions on the face if there is no access to northern supplies of badger fat? Use another remedy and tips on how to quickly heal an abrasion on the face from specialized resources on the Internet.
  • How long does it take for a facial abrasion to heal if you use pork fat and bloodroot juice? IN fat based(2 tbsp.) you need to dissolve a teaspoon beeswax and a tablespoon of goose cinquefoil. If you are interested in how to remove redness after an abrasion on the face, this recipe will give you a sure-fire solution.
  • You can ask the doctor, how to quickly heal an abrasion on the face and what means to use to rehabilitate the injury. This is especially true if the abrasion is deep and extensive.

Do not ask in vain how long an abrasion on the face lasts and whether it leaves a mark on the skin. The term depends on individual characteristics body, age, ability of tissues to regenerate, immunity. The restoration of the skin depends on how many days the abrasion on the face takes to heal.

If the period of tissue restoration is prolonged, do not, under any circumstances, remove the crust that has formed from the wound. This contributes to scarring on the skin.

The magical power of natural ingredients - Astroderm cream

If the question of how to quickly heal an abrasion on the face is relevant for you, but you don’t want to collect herbs and prepare homemade creams, give preference to dietary supplements that contain natural ingredients.

Experts have developed an effective cream formula, organically mixing healing substances in it to neutralize abrasions, bruises, burns, wounds, cuts and scrapes.

To the question of how to quickly treat abrasions on the face, there is an answer: with Astroderm cream! The cream restores protective functions skin, accelerates cell regeneration, promotes hydration of the dermis. The product was created not only so that you can learn how to quickly remove an abrasion on the face, it has a powerful preventive effect and provides protection from wind, frost, and dampness.

The following substances are noted among the components of Astroderm cream:

  • Vinylin- envelops the abrasion, reliably protecting the body from the penetration of infections, viruses, bacteria and other pathological microorganisms. Anesthetizes, heals, relieves inflammation.
  • D-panthenol and vitamin E- activate cell self-renewal processes, trigger tissue regeneration, promote the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Yarrow and calendula extracts- have a bactericidal, healing effect, relieve itching, redness, irritation.
  • Allantoin- moisturizes and acts as a local antiseptic.

If you receive an abrasion on your face, do not be upset. Use Astroderm cream, applying it 2 times a day to the area of ​​injury, avoiding contact with an open injury. Contributing fast healing damage to the skin, the cream will provide fast recovery fabrics and return to you blooming appearance. Be healthy!
