Age difference between a man and a woman. The psychology of relationships in an unequal marriage

True love knows no boundaries and obstacles. A flap of Cupid's wings, arrows in two hearts, and the deed is done - a man and a woman are in love. But let's put aside romantic ideas about love and look at the essence of the matter in terms of dry statistics. Passion, love, fire in the eyes and languid sighs - all this passes with time. And there are quite "mundane" factors that affect the strength of relationships - for example, the age difference between partners. We’ll figure it out with experts, but is there even an ideal age interval that guarantees strong, harmonious relationship between man and woman.

Most created families The man is 3 years older than the woman. This trend is observed in all countries of the world. And this is easy to explain - subconsciously a person is looking for an “equal” and social status, and by intellectual development. And here big role plays just the age - is being worked out life experience, wisdom comes, worldview changes.

With each successive marriage, a man seeks a younger wife. “Gray hair - demon in the rib” - the saying clearly works. With age, there is a desire to see a “fresher” woman next to him.

But believe me, those unions where one of the partners is much older or younger than their chosen one are not uncommon today. And what will you think if you see such a couple - an overgrown man and a young girl? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that an “unequal” marriage has no prospects, because it is built only on mercantile interests. And the statistics are relentless - unions where the age difference is too large break up much more often than those where the age of the spouses is not so noticeable. But love is love - there are pleasant exceptions!

Ideal formula: is there an optimal age difference?

Psychologists believe that optimal difference aged between a man and a woman to create strong family- 5-6 years. At the same time, the “classic” of marriage is the situation when it is the spouse who is older.

A difference of 5-6 years is ideal in terms of the psycho-emotional development of the spouses. It turns out that he and she are on the same level - both have already gained life experience, there are relationships behind them, their decision to start a family is considered, there is material base. All this is at least some guarantee of a long-term relationship. Sociological studies show that such couples have more children.

The Chinese sages came up with their own formula for an acceptable age difference between spouses. We take a calculator. The ideal bride is selected according to such mathematical calculations - the man's age is divided by 2, and 7 is added to the result. For example, if a man is 30 years old, then his chosen one should be 22 years old. Pay attention - with such calculations it turns out that the older the man, the younger his "ideal" woman. East is a delicate matter.

Marriages between the same age - a classic in Soviet times. No wonder - in those years it was considered “right” for everyone to be equal, and the slightest deviations from the “norms” caused criticism among those around them. The outstanding difference between a man and a woman was not welcomed - either in personal or in social life. That is why the age of the spouses was approximately the same - it was accepted that way.

Marriages between peers are usually early marriages. More often, young people get to know each other in high school or at the institute, and then decide to start a family. "Equal" unions have a lot of advantages: common interests and friends, a similar lifestyle and life values. It turns out that he and she equal rights and drag luggage at equal speed family life.

But spouses of the same age cannot do without problems - they can quickly get bored with each other. If the marriage is early, problems will certainly arise against the backdrop of a lack of finances. The couple does not have a more experienced partner who is ready to extinguish storms in a relationship - and this threatens with rash acts, squabbles, betrayals.

Statistics show that in a family where spouses are of the same age, betrayal occurs more often - especially if the marriage was concluded too early. There are several reasons - one of the partners is looking for support and consolation on the side, as well as banal curiosity due to insufficient sexual experience.

A man is older than his life partner - a classic of love relationships. But it is one thing when the difference is not very noticeable (3-5 years), and quite another when the misalliance is striking.

Mature men looking for young wives are quite understandable. She is not burdened with children, which reduces " financial investments' into family life. She does not have much experience in sexual relations- you can try yourself in the role of "teacher". And a young body is more pleasant to hug. But men do not always pursue “mercantile goals” - love still wins more often.

For 10-15 years

Society is tolerant of marriages where the husband is 10-15 years older than his wife - stereotypes no longer rule. And relationships can be quite strong!

The man has already managed to build a career, does not depend on the opinions of his friends and relatives in relation to his personal life. He approaches the creation of a family responsibly - without unnecessary emotions, with understanding female psychology, no stupid mistakes. Paired with such a difference in age, there are few quarrels - the spouse has experience in relationships, he is tolerant of the shortcomings of the second half and is able to resolve emerging conflicts without unnecessary losses. The woman in the couple is also quite happy - the chosen one fully supports her, there is a material basis for self-development, "mature" pleasure in bed.

For 20 years or more

Several centuries ago, the situation when girls were given in marriage to someone who was suitable for her father was the norm. Now it only causes condemnation of the society. Only when looking at such a pair, the thought immediately arises that this is a calculation. Well, how can a young lady live with an elderly man? What is love?

In fact, such a union can be “convenient” for both her and him - a woman admires an experienced partner who knows life, and a man enjoys funny laughter and as if fueled by her energy, trying on the role of a guardian.

But here it is important to understand that some 10-15 years of marriage - and a man with a slight gray hair at the temples will turn into an old man. And the spouse will still be in full bloom - there is a risk of betrayal. A girl should leave her dreams of 3-4 children in the family - the years take their toll, and with the lifestyle of many men, the chances of conception decrease. And it's not just about physiology - by the age of 40, a man probably already has children from previous marriages. Should he carry a few more children on his elderly shoulders?

Scientists have come to the conclusion that marriages, where so a big difference aged, can shorten the life of both spouses. And all because of the stress experienced by a man and a woman - after all, they live among human gossip and gossip, public condemnation. And this negatively affects the state of health! On the other hand, a man living with a young wife suddenly begins to get younger - he seems to “drink” her youth. But a woman, on the contrary, quickly fades - subconsciously she tries to match the age of the chosen one.

It has always been believed that when paired older woman- This not normal. Even now, in times of free morals, this often causes the condemnation of society. And very in vain - statistics show that such marriages are quite strong.

If a woman is 5-7 years older than her chosen one, such a difference is almost imperceptible - especially when both partners are over 30 years old. The couple can be called ideal - the spouses walk hand in hand along the path of family life. A woman is somewhat wiser, she has experience - she gently guides her husband to great accomplishments. Strong union! Moreover, in order to match young spouse, a woman is “younger” - takes care of herself, follows the rules healthy lifestyle life. Both are satisfied.

And what tests will the couple have to overcome if the woman is much older than her chosen one?

For 10 years

Such marriages are rare. And this is easy to explain - most men at any age are looking for partners younger than themselves. Nothing can be done, this is nature - the "male" proves to himself personally and to the whole world that he is "hoo" and can conquer the youngest and sexiest. Aging ladies, of course, do not cause a stir among young guys.

To many couples where a woman older man for 10-15 years, it is possible to build harmonious love relationship. Some men are quite satisfied with the role of the slave in a pair - they admire more mature woman listen to her advice. A woman feels needed and loved.

But problems cannot be avoided. The wife often becomes overly suspicious, jealous and suspicious - there are many young rivals around who can take the chosen one away. No wonder this is a cause for concern. And with age, it becomes more and more difficult to mask wrinkles - you can’t get away from nature. Either a man puts up with the “shortcomings” of a woman, loving her immensely, or sooner or later he goes in search of a younger wife.

For 20 years and more

Every woman wants to feel attractive and desirable. This is what drives a lady when she finds a partner much younger than herself. Such a couple is a vivid example of the mother-son relationship. A woman takes care of a young man, often provides him financially.

Mature, interesting lady is quite capable of turning her head young guy. But such an alliance will obviously not be long - a man, having gained experience (in more- sexual), will soon go to the same age. And if a young gentleman lingers in the arms of an aging madam, then most likely it is either an Oedipus complex or a mercenary interest. Naturally, neither one nor the other will contribute to a happy, strong union.

The optimal age difference between lovers is a very subjective concept. And in each case, you can find both advantages and disadvantages. Take them as a warning possible problems in a relationship, not as a clear guide to choosing a partner. Let's not forget about the power of love, which all ages are submissive!

When a girl is 16 and she meets a 30-year-old man, neither her friends nor her parents like it. And here everything is clear. But over the years age difference 20- 15-10 years does not seem so frightening.

However, when a friend who is 25 is not the wind in her head introduces you to her “boyfriend”, who is suitable for her father, she becomes uncomfortable.

Then, left alone, she confesses:

You see, young people do not attract me at all ...

But oh, how you attract them, - it almost flies off the tongue, - young, successful, beautiful ... But you can’t argue with the feelings of another person, with someone else’s free will. And if a person has found his happiness, then why worry about something? And this anxiety can, perhaps, be compared with the situation when you take all your last money and buy with it lottery ticket. And then - either pan or gone. But before you know whether the ticket was happy, your heart beats wildly, your knees give way, your voice trembles ... It's the same here - here it is, a love lottery ticket. Will the girlfriend win by betting on the "adult husband" or ...?

Who has a 20 year age difference?

There can be a lot of options here. And although, according to statistics, adult men who already had families and have children are in no hurry to register relationships and continue their family with young chosen ones, of course, there are happy exceptions. Everyone, for sure, among acquaintances, friends or relatives has such couples - a young wife, a husband in years, but fit, always in shape, and their children are beloved and desired ...

But other examples come to mind faster. For example, former classmate connected her life with a man twice her age. And, a few years later, when all her friends posted photos with children on Odnoklassniki, on her page there is a photo with her beloved cat and dog. And to the indiscreet question “Where are the kids?”, She gives a short answer: “We don’t want to yet.” And you involuntarily begin to suspect that the wrong pronoun is used here. Not “we” most often, but “he” ...

After all, “he” had already experienced both diapers and the crying of a newborn at night, and chronic fatigue first wife, when she had just become a mother ... He already went through all this! And he wants peace ... And in her - unclaimed motherhood seethes. He loves more than anything to sit down with old friends over a glass of beer, and she wants to “go somewhere”, have fun, learn something new. After all, she is young! And he is an "old man".

Marriage with a difference of 15 years or more is called unequal. Among such unions, where the husband is 15-20 years older, there are many happy couples. But some of them feel the difficulties associated with the age difference. The psychology of relationship development in each couple is individual and depends on the similarity of stereotypes, common interests, love and respect, and not only on the number of years lived.

The reasons and prerequisites for choosing a partner older than yourself for many years depend on the nature and desire to have a mentor and support. Many girls who grew up without a father look for support and protection in such relationships that they did not feel in childhood. For others, an unequal marriage with big difference in age gives a feeling of reliability and material well-being. After all, a mature man of 35-40 years old is already firmly on his feet and knows what he wants from life.

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    Relationships and age

    People with a difference of 15 or more years are representatives of different generations, differing in interests and temperament. Their friends have different age, and the concepts of entertainment are very different. A couple with a large age gap is faced with the rejection of friends: for a girl, this is noticeable by the discontent of peers and relatives, and for men, with the envy of friends. On the way to happiness, gossip awaits them and unpleasant questions, because by age the groom is more suitable for the mother than for her young daughter. Someone will not be too lazy to say this, and they should be ready for words of this kind.

    Just a hundred years ago, it was quite natural to marry a girl to a man 15 to 20 years older. Marriage was concluded at the will of the parents, and such a party was considered profitable. After all, the man was rich or definitely not poor. buy material side and get better at unequal marriage also matters, but it is not always the decisive factor. A big age difference teaches to respect each other's interests and take into account the desires of people of different generations.

    A marriage union in which the husband is older is less likely to suffer from quarrels. An adult man does not commit rash acts and knows how to restrain emotions. The main thing is that he does not become a dictator and does not leave the last word behind you. A woman, feeling slighted, will seek to break off such relationships in which her desires and opinions are not taken into account.

    Psychology of a man at 40

    Why do girls decide on such a marriage

    By agreeing to marry a man 15-20 years older, the girl expects to get more advantages from such a marriage than from official relations with a peer. She is sure that she will find a reliable protector and material wealth. Young girls do not marry peers and for the following reasons:

    1. 1. The girl grew up without a father. Not having received in childhood the necessary male care and attention, a young girl begins to pay attention to men twice her age. Next to him, she finally feels affection, protection and reliability. It was these feelings that she lacked so much in her childhood.
    2. 2. Material benefit. Having reached a certain position in society by the age of forty and becoming financially secure, a man looks more attractive against the background of his peers with a vague future.
    3. 3. Interesting pastime. Girls grow up before guys and they are not interested in enthusiastic young gentlemen, computer games and hangouts with friends. An adult man can offer dinner at a restaurant and a trip to a neighboring city or invite him to rest by the sea.
    4. 4. The need for a mentor. The girl is attracted to experienced man who has a lot of life experience and can learn a lot.
    5. 5. Love. Real feeling is able to connect people on long years, and the age difference is not an obstacle for lovers.

    Before linking her life with a man much older than herself, a woman should take into account that in a few years a forty-year-old macho will not much resemble her former self. She will still have a lot of energy and desires, and he will want peace, spend more time at home and occasionally walk in the park.

    Greedy man

    What determines the choice of a man?

    A man at 40 is going through a midlife crisis and doing things that are not expected of him. And care for young girl from his wife, who went with him from the first difficulties and periods of lack of money to prosperity and success, causes condemnation of others. And yet, the man decides to marry. Among the reasons that pushed him to a second marriage to a girl 15 or more years younger than himself, one can single out:

    • simplicity and ease of seduction;
    • authority;
    • beauty and a slim body young girl;
    • desire to have children.

    On young lady easier to impress. grown woman looks at men with different eyes, realizing that they are cunning and do not tell the whole truth when they want to impress. It is easy to impress a young lady with confidence and experience, besides, the stronger sex does not like difficulties.

    Marrying a much younger girl makes you feel younger and gives you a more intense sexual experience.

    If there were no children in the first marriage, then with a young wife there is a second chance to have a baby. This is also the reason that prompted a man to marry a young girl.

    Why get married

    How to deal with a much older husband

    From time to time, the age difference will remind of itself. We must be wise and compromise more often than we would like. But a woman will have to show patience and not be capricious, since it is she who will grab something. It can be passion, entertainment and communication with peers. In any case, the distance will be felt, and you need to know some rules in order to maintain a relationship.

    1. 1. You can not make attempts to change a man. This will lead to nothing and will alienate your loved one.
    2. 2. You should not make him feel jealous. You should not flirt with other men with him, especially with peers.
    3. 3. Do not forbid him to see children from a previous marriage. Better try to find with them mutual language and make friends.
    4. 4. Look and behave according to his status. avoid too revealing outfits emphasizing young age.
    5. 5. Evolve all the time. Read, learn new skills and surprise your loved one. Mature man interesting not only outer beauty, but also inner world women. Frivolous and stupid girl suitable for the role of a mistress, not a wife.
    6. 6. Consider his opinion and listen to advice. He will definitely appreciate it, because regardless of age, every man wants to be reckoned with.

    must be taken into account age-related changes husband and not risk his health for the sake of dubious and extreme hobbies.

    Relationship with a married lover

    If a man is married, and at the same time much older, your relationship with him will depend on his intentions. If he takes you seriously, then you can safely ask him to buy a gift or take you to an expensive restaurant. A man will not refuse you this, because he has already achieved financial well-being.

    However, one should not speak disparagingly of his family or children. Even if his wife ceased to interest him as a woman, he lived with her for many years in joint marriage. If a man does not plan to break off relations with his wife, then he perceives her as close and native person. Speaking negatively about his wife, you can lose a man forever.

    You should not interfere in his family affairs, try to destroy an already established marriage. Older men can have not only children, but also grandchildren. They will not listen to your opinion, moreover, they will consider that you are putting pressure on them, trying to bring discord into their family.

    Pros and cons of unequal marriage

    The age difference leaves its mark, and the couple faces certain difficulties:

    1. 1. Former family. It will not be possible to avoid communication with children from previous marriages and you will have to put up with calls from your ex-wife.
    2. 2. Attacks of jealousy. From time to time, the husband will be jealous of his young wife and will not want to let her go to her friends or to a corporate party.
    3. 3. Reproaches. Supporting his young wife financially, a man will definitely remind her of this during a quarrel.
    4. 4. Problems in sexual life. After 30 years, women feel an increasing sexual desire, and in men after 40, on the contrary, there is a decline in certain needs.

    There are not many flaws in an unequal marriage, but there are enough of them to ruin a relationship. Among the advantages, it is worth noting such positive points:

    1. 1. Seriousness of intentions. If a man is interested in a much younger girl, it means that he has definitely made his choice and will confidently seek her favor.
    2. 2. Patience and wise approach. With a man much older than themselves, women feel more respect and admiration than with a peer. A mature husband already has patience and will not make comments on trifles.
    3. 3. Financial stability. Most of the problems of a young family are associated with a lack of finances, and marriage to an adult man protects against material problems and allows you to spend more time on yourself and your self-development.

    A positive aspect is the fact that the young wife will reach out for a husband with more experience and wiser than her, and develop all the time. She will not want to remain in the role of a little girl, so she will grow with him. So the relationship will be even stronger, and the family will become happier.

However, when a friend who is 25 is not the wind in her head introduces you to her “boyfriend”, who is suitable for her father, she becomes uncomfortable.

Then, left alone, she confesses:

You see, young people do not attract me at all ...

But oh, how you attract them, - it almost flies off the tongue, - young, successful, beautiful ... But you can’t argue with the feelings of another person, with someone else’s free will. And if a person has found his happiness, then why worry about something? And this anxiety can, perhaps, be compared with the situation when you take all your last money and buy a lottery ticket with it. And then - either pan or gone. But before you know if the ticket was happy, your heart beats wildly, your knees give way, your voice trembles ... The same thing is here - here it is, a love lottery ticket. Will a friend win by betting on "adult husband" or ...?

Who has a 20 year age difference?

There can be a lot of options here. And although, according to statistics, adult men who already had families and have children are in no hurry to register relationships and continue their family with young chosen ones, of course, there are happy exceptions. Everyone, for sure, among acquaintances, friends or relatives has such couples - a young wife, a husband in years, but fit, always in shape, and their children are beloved and desired ...

But other examples come to mind faster. For example, a former classmate connected her life with a man twice her age. And, a few years later, when all her friends posted photos with children on Odnoklassniki, on her page there is a photo with her beloved cat and dog. And to the indiscreet question “Where are the kids?”, She gives a short answer: “We don’t want to yet.” And you involuntarily begin to suspect that the wrong pronoun is used here. Not "we" most often, but - "he" ...

After all, “he” had already experienced diapers, and the crying of a newborn at night, and the chronic fatigue of his first wife when she had just become a mother ... He had already gone through all this! And he wants peace ... And in her - unclaimed motherhood seethes. He loves more than anything to sit down with old friends over a glass of beer, and she wants to “go somewhere”, have fun, learn something new. After all, she is young! And he is an "old man".

... Five years later, she still calls him "friend", embarrassed by the wording " civil husband". They wander through rented apartments. They have a small dog in a sweater and collar with decorations. And no children. Although she is already 30 and it seems to be the time. Moreover, from the constant experiences of his “disorder”, health begins to fail. And he is 50 and recently became a grandfather. Therefore, he often leaves for the weekend to visit his daughter, to babysit his grandson.

So happy if the girlfriend pulled out a ticket? If the age difference is 20 years or more..

Everyone knows the phrase "All ages are submissive to love." Many believe that you can meet a person of your soul, your heart both at 20 and at 50 years old. Spouses, whose age difference exceeds a 10-year milestone, look at us with happy eyes from the screen of blue TVs. But any girl real life, having decided to connect her life with someone who is twice, three times older than her, she really risks. Let's try to figure out what such a risk lies in and what should be the optimal one.

While the girl is 20, and he is 40, it seems that everything is fine: he, just like you, is full of love, desires and strength. But time takes its toll and what will happen when you have 40 on your birthday cake? And why, regardless of the apparent difficulties, girls in love climb into the pool with their heads, closing their eyes to the fact that there is a big age difference in their marriage?

  1. Mercantile reasons are sometimes fundamental in this type of marriage. Yes, man middle age is a fairly wealthy person, able to provide not only himself, but also his wife. Often such an alliance is similar to a business contract.
  2. If the girl was not enough paternal love in childhood, then the option is not ruled out that it is in a boyfriend of this age that she will see the man of her dreams.
  3. There is a category of men who willingly play the role of a mentor in family life, and women, in turn, are students. Now, if these two hold themselves together family responsibilities, then it is likely that married life will be successful, despite the fact that age difference plays an important role in these relations.
  4. Psychology does not exclude such an option that two lovers truly experience real feelings for each other and this case the difference in their age played a cruel joke.

Best Age Gap

It is important to note that studies conducted by the American Sociological Institute for the Study of Family Relationships, in which was attended by about two thousand women and men, showed that, unfortunately, only 1% of respondents believe in existence with men who are younger than their wives. 40% noted that for them the optimal age difference is 4 years, and 30% are of the opinion that 5 or 6 years. The experts analyzed all the answers and came to the conclusion that the best age difference is 4.4 years.

Yes, if you remember star couples, the age difference between which is 4.5 years, immediately comes to mind good example royal couple Elizabeth II (87) and her husband Philip Mountbatten (92).
