The best stain remover for clothes. A good stain remover: an overview of funds, types, purpose

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with the need to remove stains placed on clothes. To remove contamination and preserve the fabric, you need to know certain rules and "professional secrets".

Before removing a stain on a fabric, you need to find out a few things for sure:

First, the composition of the fabric. A stain remover that is suitable for cotton, for example, is not suitable for synthetic fabrics. Some solvents can also destroy fabric fibers.

Secondly, it is necessary to know the origin of the stain. Some fresh stains can be easily removed with regular laundry soap or others by organic means. For dry, stubborn stains, you may need to use chemical stain removers.

When starting to remove stains, try the product on an inconspicuous area. If the fabric does not change color and texture, you can begin to act. It is better to remove the stain with a not very concentrated remedy. The stain that did not disappear after the first attempt, treat again. Do not hurry. Too much aggressive agent will damage your item permanently.

To work, use a cotton pad or a piece of white cotton napkin, and if the stain requires a tough cleaning, use an old toothbrush. Apply the product to small spot you can use a pipette or a stick made of wood.

So that the stain does not increase when cleaning, movements should be directed from the edges of the contaminated area to the center. And so that a halo does not appear around the stain, first, sprinkle the edges with talc or starch. If this is not possible, at least moisten the edges of the stain with water.

Cleaning stains should be carried out in a room with good lighting. Optimally - daylight natural light. The room should be well ventilated in order to completely get rid of unpleasant and harmful volatile substances after completion of work.


  1. Synthetic fabrics cannot be cleaned with solvents.
  2. Removing stains put on artificial silk, do not use acetone, acids (acetic, citric, oxalic), hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Cotton fabrics and linen cannot be cleaned with products containing various acids.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for colored fabrics. This tool may discolor the drawing.
  5. For removing stains from artificial leather you can only use warm soapy water. Gasoline, alcohol, acetone should not be used.

Stains from various oils

This is one of the most common types of stains. The main rule in case of any greasy stain is to act quickly. Necessary sprinkle the stain with salt, chalk, tooth powder, talc. All these substances absorb fat, and you will only have to wash the soiled thing.

Grease stain can be removed by placing the soiled area between layers of white blotting paper (you can use paper towels) and ironing it with an iron (make sure it is not too hot). You need to change the paper and repeat the procedure until there is no trace left on the paper.

If the stain has not disappeared after previous manipulations, it must be wipe with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline. Gasoline must be good quality. Then the treated stain must be sprinkled with chalk or talc and left to act for several hours.

Vegetable oil on the fabric is well removed with kerosene. Then the thing should be washed with soap in warm water.
If you act quickly, then fresh spot from fat can be removed with a bread crumb, shaking a lump of bread over the stain. The crumb needs to be changed several times.

Did the stain disappear right away? Use a salt solution with the addition of ammonia. The saline solution must be sufficiently concentrated: 3 parts water mixed with 1 part salt and 1 part ammonia. You will need to apply this mixture on the stain and let it dry, then ventilate well, shake off the remaining salt and wash.

Also fermented milk whey will help get rid of an old oil stain on the fabric. Soak the area of ​​fabric with a stain in the serum, and then wipe it with a mixture of salt and ammonia, observing a one-to-one ratio. Then the thing is completely washed.

Fat from fish is removed with a weak vinegar solution.

Drink stains

  • Tea stains any fabric very quickly and strongly.. But dealing with such stains is easy. The easiest way is to quickly sprinkle the stain with sugar, leave for one hour, then wash.
  • On a white fabric (napkin, tablecloth), the tea stain will discolor lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide. Do not forget to wash things after such exposure.
  • Remove old tea stains on white fabric stronger oxalic acid. The acid is used in a diluted form: dilute half a teaspoon of acid in a glass of water. Then the thing must be washed with the addition of ammonia, observing the proportion of 1 liter of water - 2 teaspoons of ammonia. Special attention give a good rinse.
  • Brown spots often upset coffee lovers. Ammonia diluted halfway with water will help remove such a stain. If you pre-treat the contaminated area with gasoline, positive effect will be guaranteed.

  • Thin silk fabrics require a more delicate approach. A coffee stain on such a fabric should be treated with slightly warmed glycerin and after ten minutes rinsed thoroughly under running warm water.
  • For removing coffee stains on plain white fabric you can use hydrogen peroxide.
  • Also, the coffee stain disappears if the item is washed in warm water with salt. and then rinse thoroughly in cold water.
  • Juice stains will go away if they are treated with a vodka solution of glycerin. Glycerin and vodka are used in equal parts.
  • positive result can be achieved rubbing stains from vegetable and fruit juices with ammonia, which should be diluted in half with water.
  • Stains left by spilled red wine, it is necessary to sprinkle with common salt as soon as possible and wash in soapy water. If you have ammonia at home, wipe the stain with a cotton pad dipped in 5% ammonia, and then rinse the product.
  • On cotton items red wine stains can be removed by treating with milk that has been brought to a boil.
  • Champagne and white wine also leaves stains. They must be wiped with a cloth moistened with heated glycerin. Then rinse under running warm water.
  • Beer stains usually disappear after washing in a solution of soap or a good laundry detergent.
  • For guaranteed result treat the beer stain with slightly warmed ammonia.


The main rule for removing blood stains is not to wash or soak contaminated clothing and linen in hot water. It is contraindicated in case of such contamination.

  1. If the stain is fresh, wash it cold water and then wash with soap.
  2. Before washing, the product can be soaked in cold salt water and then washed as usual.
  3. If the stain is old and does not want to be removed from the cotton or linen fabric, then it is worth removing it again with the help of one of the most potent stain removers - ammonia (1 teaspoon of ammonia per glass of water is enough). Ammonia, if necessary, can be replaced with borax.
  4. If the blood stain formed on tissue white color, use hydrogen peroxide - this is by far one of the most effective options.
  5. When the stain is too old and very strongly ingrained into the fabric, and all of the above methods remained powerless, and the thing must be saved, use bleach.

    Make a mixture of bleach and soda and keep the item in the solution until the stains disappear. Then rinse the item several times. When rinsing, add a little vinegar to the water.

  6. If the stain is fresh, wash it with cold water, and then wash it with soap.
  7. Product before washing can be soaked in cold salt water and then laundered as usual.
  8. If the stain is old and when washing does not want to be removed from cotton or linen fabric, then it is worth removing it again with the help of one of the most potent stain removers - ammonia (1 teaspoon of ammonia per glass of water is enough). Ammonia, if necessary, can be replaced with borax.
  9. If a blood stain has formed on a white fabric, use hydrogen peroxide - this is by far one of the most effective options.
  10. When the stain is too old and very strongly ingrained into the fabric, and all of the above methods remained powerless, and the thing must be saved, use bleach. Make a mixture of bleach and soda and keep the item in the solution until the stains disappear. Then rinse the item several times. When rinsing, add a little vinegar to the water.

green spots

  • Stains from leaves, grass and various other plants are classified as difficult to remove. It is recommended to wipe a fresh stain with cologne.
  • natural fabrics from cotton, linen and silk should be washed in salt water 50-60 degrees, and then wipe off the remaining traces with soap. saline solution should be sufficiently concentrated, a tablespoon of any salt available in the household is taken per glass of water.
  • Treat old stains with a mixture of cologne and ammonia in a ratio of three to one.
  • Old stains with linen and cotton clothes, tablecloths, sheets are removed with an aqueous solution oxalic acid. Half a teaspoon of oxalic acid is dissolved in a glass of water, heated to 60-80 degrees and the stain is treated. Then the item is rinsed well.
  • On a white fabric, grass stains can be removed with 3% hydrogen peroxide by adding a few drops of ammonia to it.
  • Fresh herbal stains are removed with vodka, and if you have denatured alcohol, it is better to use it. Then the product is rinsed.

Sweat spots

Sweat stains are very upsetting and spoil the look of any product.

You can get rid of them by wiping the stain with saline solution (pour a tablespoon of salt into a glass of water). Salt solution can be replaced with hyposulfite solution (photographers know what it is). Also, the yellowness will disappear when the stains are treated with a solution of vinegar or natural lemon juice. Wash the item after treating the stain.

  • To remove stains from cotton or linen, use more strong remedy. Mix ammonia, borax and table salt one teaspoon of each substance and dilute in a glass of water. Please note that this method is not suitable for silk fabrics.
  • Sweat stains on light-colored silk can be removed by mixing ammonia and mineral spirits equally.
  • A mixture of white spirit and ammonia (2:1) removes sweat stains on woolen products.

Other common stains

  • For cotton, linen, wool suitable solution heated to ninety degrees acetic acid. Pour two tablespoons of acetic acid into a glass of water - the desired solution is ready! After the procedure for directly removing the stain, the product is rinsed in water, to which you need to add a little ammonia.
  • Rust from white fabrics is removed with a solution of hydrosulfite. It must be heated to seventy degrees, lower the area with the stain there for five minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.
  • Solvents such as turpentine, acetone, kerosene will help remove the paint.
  • water-based paint removed with a cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of vinegar (taken in equal parts).

    Often, with careless use, stains from perfumes and colognes remain on the fabrics. On silk or wool, such stains are removed by wiping them with wine alcohol or glycerin, and then with acetone. You can use white spirit.

  • Lipstick stains it is best to treat with alcohol.
  • Hair dye often remains on a towel or bed, sometimes even on clothes. A solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help to discolor it. The solution must be heated to sixty degrees before use.
  • Nail polish stains remove acetone.
  • Sprinkle an egg that has broken on clothes, sprinkle with salt and moisten with water. After a while, remove the salt with a brush. Product, stained with egg only need to be washed cold water. Hot water worsens the situation, the stain becomes yellow and it is more difficult to remove it.
  • Product with milk stain you also need to wash in cold water with soap, ammonia can be added.
  • Stains left by a ballpoint pen, removed with denatured alcohol, vinegar or alcohol. Wash traces of the felt-tip pen in fresh or sour milk. ink stains remove with lemon juice, vinegar, a mixture of ammonia and baking soda in water (it is recommended to take one teaspoon of the substance per 1 glass of water).
  • Rust spots do not look very aesthetically pleasing, while they are dangerous because they become larger over time and can burn through the fabric to holes. The easiest and most pleasant way to get rid of rust is to take a piece of lemon, wrap it in cheesecloth, press it against rust stain and iron with a hot iron.
  • stains from various candles (wax, paraffin, stearic) are removed with turpentine or refined gasoline. Carefully scrape off the drops from the candle with a knife.
  • chewing gum stuck to clothing, place in freezer. Through certain time chewing gum will become hard, and then you can easily remove it from the product without any additional means.
  • Spots whose origin you do not know, wipe with mixture wine vinegar, turpentine (or other solvent) and ammonia. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

If the thing is dear to you, and you do not know how to deal with the stain on it, take it to a dry cleaner and trust
professionals. In all other cases
Our tips will help get rid of even the most problematic stains.

Stains on clothes appear quickly, and removing them is a task that is difficult to cope with. Especially if it is an expensive or favorite thing. However, you can remove even the most difficult stains and return the item to its previous state if you use a quality product. Now, a stain remover for clothes meets a variety of needs, in stores you can find: liquid, powder, solid products. Their composition is also adapted and suitable for removing stains on a wide variety of fabrics.

There are many reputable brands on the market that produce the most different types dirt removers.

Universal products fight a wide variety of stains; they are based on enzymes designed for any type of fabric. They are produced in the most different variations, and it is most economical to use a pencil, which is why they are the best stain removers for clothes.

Targeted products are products that fight only certain stains. On sale you can find a stain remover for the skin, preparations for removing greasy and other stains.

Top contaminant removal products:

  • Ace oxy magic. The powder is used as universal remedy for both color and white linen. It gives whiteness to white fabrics, and cleans colored fabrics without harming the color. Washes the product even in cold water, it can also be added when hand washing.
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra. This is a stain remover greasy spots, brilliant green, resin and other complex contaminants. The cleaner is activated best at a water temperature of 60 degrees. It can also be used as a furniture stain remover due to its unique composition, which contains acids and nonionogens.
  • Astonish OXY PLUS. The best stain remover for colored linen, is safe even for children. The composition of the stain remover is different in that it consists of baking soda and sodium carbonate, while it is fast acting.
  • Sarma Active 5 in 1. This a budget option, which removes impurities even in cool water and returns fabrics previous view. Reviews say that it helps best with prolonged soaking.
  • Bos plus Maximum. It's an easy-to-use stain remover that quickly returns whites to their original look and smells fresh after washing.
  • Baby soap eared babysitter(economic). It is a stain remover for rust on clothes and old food stains. With colored fabrics, you should be careful.
  • Faberlic (Edelstar). It is very convenient to use a stain remover, especially on vacation, it quickly removes fresh stains. To do this, just wet the thing and apply a cleaning agent.
  • Amway PreWash Spray. Spray stain remover for clothing is very easy to use and quickly removes fresh stains thanks to acidic and bleaching trace elements.
  • Vanish OXI Action. One of the most popular products is a stain remover from ballpoint pen, wine, and other old stains.

Stain remover - folk methods

It is not necessary to buy an effective fabric cleaner, a stain remover can be prepared at home using improvised means.


Aspirin can also be used as a stain remover. This method is used to remove dirt from white and colored fabrics. For cooking, you need a package of aspirin, it should be crushed and dissolved in boiling water. It is best to soak the laundry for 12 hours, and after that it must be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

Lemon juice

Rust, red wine, and traces of fruits and vegetables can be quickly removed with citric acid. To do this, you need medical alcohol and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

However, care must be taken with this mixture and used in cold water, and if necessary, repeat the procedure. But you don’t need to completely fill the thing, as alcohol can ruin the fabric.


To quickly remove dirt from a colored or white item, you will need toothpaste. Apply it in a thick layer on the stain. Then leave the paste to harden. After that, it is necessary to wash the item by hand with laundry soap to completely remove the contamination. If you don't have toothpaste on hand, you can use shaving foam.

Valerian tincture

Ink stains can be quickly removed with valerian tincture. Valerian is good because it does not adversely affect the tissue. Cotton pads must be moistened in tincture, and put on the contaminated area for 15 minutes, after that, it is necessary to gently wipe off the dirt. And then the thing must be thoroughly rinsed to get rid of the smell.

Before using a dirt remover, make sure it interacts with the fabric. A hem or spare piece of fabric is perfect for this. When removing a stain, it is best to use a weak concentrate so as not to spoil the thing. Strong concentrated products can cause the fabric to be damaged.

Grease stains are easy to "plant" on clothes, and difficult to remove from it. By at least, normal washing is not enough here. Manufacturers provide housewives with a wide selection of stain removers of different consistency. Powder, liquid, gel-type stain removers, and those made in the form of a pencil, will certainly help to remove the stain from your favorite jeans. But how do you choose the best the best option among such diversity?

The success of an enterprise depends on the type of stain

Today you can buy a stain remover, both very cheap and expensive. These chemical products differ not only in packaging, but also in compositions, as well as in the principle of action. To understand which stain remover will cope with pollution, you need to understand the following:

Modern technologies allow to fight with the most difficult stains. If earlier a T-shirt with a blueberry stain was simply thrown away, then in the present there is a chance that the item can be used further.

Such different stains: removal from different fabrics

For correct use stain removers, follow the tips below:

These simple rules help you avoid fatal mistakes when removing stains. Let your things serve you for as long as you want.

On the shelves of stores you can see not only standard bottles with stain removers, but also find aerosol stain removers and products in the form of napkins. There are also special solvents for scrubbing artistic paints.

Cheap formulations are in every supermarket. "Udalix", "Minute", "Antipyatin" and similar products do a good job with fat, but they smell quite sharp. At the same time, against difficult spots they are powerless.

Products that are safe for health are produced by Amway, Faberlic, Frau Schmidt. They are not cheap, but they remove stains efficiently and quickly. They are bought in online stores and from distributors. For baby clothes popular "Eared nanny". This option not only removes stains from children's underwear well, but is also hypoallergenic and safe for children's skin.

Colored laundry can be treated with oxygen stain removers. Such as "Vanish OXI Action" or "Faberlic EXTRA OXY". Active oxygen in them penetrates between the fibers, pushing the dirt out.

Stain remover pencils are convenient to take with you on a trip. Among the different companies can be identified: "Multi PROFESSIONAL", "EDELSTAR", "Unimax". One pencil can process up to a meter of fabric.

Grease stain removal step by step guide

Grease stains are easily removed if the following instructions are followed:

  • Remove dirt and dust from clothes with a brush. Work with chemistry open window. Before work, do not forget about rubber gloves. Test the stain remover on a small and inconspicuous area;
  • Wet the stain with warm water. On the other hand, put unnecessary white cloth. Apply a stain remover with a cotton pad, lightly rub the composition;
  • Set the item aside to dry. Once the stain is gone, wash the clothing immediately. If it was not possible to remove the contamination from one time, repeat the procedure again.

Good stain removers should remove dirt, not paint, from clothing. Quality compositions do not harm tissue fibers. After the end of the application, when using the correct stain remover, there are no streaks and chemical smells.

To remove stains from various fabrics, ordinary powder is not enough. Tough stains cannot be removed in the usual way, but this does not mean that they cannot be washed off at all. There are many ways and means to help overcome the pollution of the different nature. In this article, we will describe the products that are used to clean and wash clothes.

Everyone knows that pollution can be complex and not very, many even have fragmentary information about the removal of various stains. But we decided to start with something else. What should not be done in order for a difficult stain to be removed without problems?

Important! Some types of stains can be absorbed immediately while they are fresh by covering them with salt.

We remove stains with what we find in the kitchen

From stains on things, the most common household chemicals that can be found in the kitchen of any good housewife can help. Let's see what kind of chemistry it is, and what kind of pollution does it help to cope with?

Note! It is necessary to use the above components for washing things in certain proportions and strictly according to the recipe, since there is a risk of damaging the fabrics.

Look for a good stain remover - look in the first aid kit

Stain remover can be found in your first aid kit, and you don’t have to run to the hardware store for an expensive stain remover - everything you need is already at hand. What are we in this case do we mean?

Important! In addition to “kitchen chemicals” and medicines from the first-aid kit, gasoline, acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit, and so on are used to reduce difficult stains.

In conclusion, we note that the most common substances that can be found in every home are often suitable for removing stains from things, without even having to apply extra effort. Folk remedies usually cost mere pennies, and the result from their use is equal to the cost of the spoiled old stain things. Good luck with your experiments!

It is not always possible to keep a new blouse or skirt in its “original” form. Accidentally spilled coffee, a lipstick mark or a drop of red wine - all this happens in life and leads to disappointment, especially if the outfit was new or loved.

But do not rush and throw the thing away - you can try to get rid of the stains.

Option one. Run to the store and rake off the counter all the intensively advertised products that will remove the stain and turn the thing into a new one.

And if there is no desire to once again resort to aggressive household chemicals, even if the label proudly stands “Without phosphates”, “Without surfactants”?

Option two. There is folk remedies, tested in practice by our grandmothers, which perfectly remove difficult stains - even medical gowns with stubborn stains can be washed!

First of all, deciding to try out any of the recipes, you should not forget to check the label textile product- Is processing allowed? hot water, alkalis or acids.

Means are different, and each of them is suitable for certain types of stains. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to establish the “origin” of pollution.

wine stains

It is especially difficult to remove traces of red wine - sometimes even special powders do not help. There are several options:

1. The thing must be placed in hot whey or milk for 30-40 minutes. Then wash with laundry soap.

2. Treat the stain with hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon per glass of water). But this method is not suitable for colored fabrics.

3. Mix raw egg white and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1, rub this mixture into a red wine stain and leave for several hours. Wash clothes later.

If possible, you should immediately pour salt on the “fresh” stain and hold it on the fabric for half an hour. Then wash the item in hot water.

Lipstick stains

Lipstick can stay on clothes forever, especially if the makeup is waterproof. But it is worth trying the following methods:

1. Treat the stain with hydrogen peroxide or turpentine. After that, the product should be washed.

2. Put a napkin on both sides of the material, pour a little talcum powder, iron it with an iron. Finish off the lipstick stain removal process with a wash.

Grease stains

Grease spots if they don't help special means can be removed at home. Good result shows the following method - treat the stain with acetone or turpentine, cover with a napkin, iron.

Complex fabric can be processed in this way - heat potato flour and sprinkle it on the stain. After half an hour, remove the flour. Repeat the process until the dirt disappears.

Coffee and chocolate stains

If coffee or chocolate stains are found on clothes, you can also try to remove them using folk methods.

1. Heat the glycerin to about 35°C, soak cotton pad and wipe contaminated areas. Launder clothes.

2. Mix in equal proportions water, a solution of ammonia (ammonia) and glycerin. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area, leave for a day. Then wash normally.

Using the old, proven methods to remove various stains with clothes, you can keep the outfits clean and beautiful.
