Sensory development of toddlers - what is it? A little bit about “sensory toys. Proper development of babies

Each person, having just been born, is already ready to perceive the world around him: he is able to see, hear, feel heat and cold.

The system aimed at the perception of the surrounding world is called sensory, and the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding world is sensory education. Its main task is to help the child gain an idea of ​​the color, shape, size of objects, etc.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, at all stages of its development, the problem of sensory education occupies one of the central places. A child in life is faced with a variety of shapes, colors, sizes and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items. The baby is surrounded by nature with all its sensory features - multicolor, smells, noises. And, of course, every child, even without purposeful upbringing, one way or another, perceives all this. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without competent pedagogical guidance from adults, it often turns out to be superficial, inferior. But sensation and perception are amenable to development, improvement, especially during the period of early preschool childhood. This is where sensory education comes in.

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception, the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. Meaning sensory development at a younger preschool age is difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

Outstanding foreign scientists in the field of preschool pedagogy (F. Fröbel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly), as well as well-known representatives of the national preschool psychology and pedagogy (E.I. Tikheeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N.P. Sakulina and others) rightly believed that sensory education, aimed at ensuring full sensory development, is one of the main aspects of preschool education .

IN kindergarten the child learns to draw, sculpt, design, gets acquainted with the phenomena of nature, begins to master the basics of mathematics and literacy. Mastering knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external and internal properties of objects. So, in order to obtain in the drawing a resemblance to the depicted object, the child must quite accurately capture the features of its shape, size, color, material. Designing requires a thorough study of the shape of the object (sample), its structure and structure. The child finds out the relationship of parts in space and correlates the properties of the sample with the properties of the available material. Without a constant orientation in the external properties of objects, it is impossible to obtain objective ideas about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, in particular about their seasonal changes. The formation of elementary mathematical representations involves familiarity with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparison of objects in size. plays an important role in acquiring literacy phonemic awareness- accurate differentiation of speech sounds - and visual perception of lettering.

Child's readiness for schooling largely depends on its sensory development. Studies conducted by psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children face in the course of primary education is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception. As a result, there are distortions in the writing of letters, in the construction of a drawing. Inaccuracies in the manufacture of crafts in the lessons of manual labor. It happens that a child cannot reproduce patterns of movements in physical education lessons.

But the point is not only that a low level of sensory development drastically reduces the possibility of a child's successful learning. It is equally important to keep in mind the significance of a high level of such development for human activity in general, especially for creative activity. The most important place among the abilities that ensure the success of a musician, artist, architect, writer, designer is occupied by sensory abilities, which allow capturing and transmitting the finest nuances of form, color, sound and other external properties of objects and phenomena with special depth, clarity and accuracy. And the origins of sensory abilities lie in general level sensory development achieved in early childhood.

The basis of mental education is sensory education, which ensures the development and enrichment of the child's sensory experience, forms his ideas about the properties and qualities of objects.

sensory parenting It is a purposeful development of sensations and perceptions. The word "sensory" comes from the Latin word "sensus" - "feeling", "sensation", "perception". Sensory education is aimed at teaching children to perceive objects accurately, completely and dissected, their various properties and relationships (color, shape, size, location in space, pitch of sounds, etc.).

Psychological studies show that without such training, the perception of children remains superficial, fragmentary for a long time and does not create the necessary basis for general mental development, mastering different types activities (drawing, designing, etc.), the full assimilation of knowledge and skills in the primary grades of the school.

The importance of sensory education was well understood by prominent representatives of preschool pedagogy: F. Froebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroly, E. I. Tikheeva and others. A variety of games and exercises aimed at improving vision, hearing, and touch were created for children. Among them there were many successful discoveries, but their authors did not know the true patterns of the development of perception in children and therefore could not develop the content and methods of sensory education that corresponded to these patterns. Systems were created based on modern pedagogical and psychological knowledge about the sensory education and development of the child, about the place of didactic games and exercises in common process sensory education. The application of the system will be successful only if the teacher deeply understands the principles of selecting and complicating tasks, understands the features of their connection with each other. To do this, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main provisions of the theory of sensory education of preschoolers, developed by Soviet scientists, and with how this theory was used in the selection, development and systematization of games and exercises.

Further, the study showed that the development of perception is a complex process, which includes, as the main points, the assimilation of sensory standards by children developed by society, and the mastery of methods for examining objects. Sensory education should be aimed at providing these moments.

Sensory education in the classroom is the basis for organizing the sensory experience of children. It is in the classroom that all conditions are created for the systematic management of the formation of sensations, perceptions and ideas of children. Teaching children the perception of various objects and phenomena, it is necessary to clearly explain to children the meaning of their actions. This meaning becomes especially clear to children if they then use their ideas in practical activities; in this case, the perception of children becomes more conscious and purposeful: after all, if you look at the object poorly, then it is difficult to depict it or construct it.

In the lessons of drawing, modeling, appliqué, we teach children various types of images: subject, plot, decorative. Sensory development of children is provided in any of these activities. Classes of subject content are most often carried out on the basis of an examination of objects, their parts, the structure of objects, their position in space.

First, children are introduced to the basic position of an object in space at rest. And in the first images, children reflect precisely these provisions. Gradually, it is necessary to bring children to an understanding of the variability of the spatial state of things and living beings, to enrich their ideas about the world around them.

Successful implementation of practical actions depends on the preliminary perception and analysis of what needs to be done. Therefore, improvement sensory processes in the classroom should be mostly carried out before the start of practical activities.

We call the specially organized perception of objects in order to use its results in one or another meaningful activity. Examination is the main method of sensory education of children. In the process, his children master the ability to perceive such properties of objects and phenomena as size, shape, spatial relationships, color, features of human speech sounds and musical sounds. All these properties make up the content of sensory education. The examination of the subject began to act as a necessary link preceding the actual performing activity. Children developed the ability to divide the specific task of constructing an object or its image in a drawing into more frequent tasks and establish their sequence.

Despite the differences in the examination of subjects, depending on the subsequent productive activity, it is possible to single out common main points that are characteristic of many types of examination:

1. Perception of the integral appearance of the object

2. Isolation of the main parts of this subject, the definition of properties.

3. Isolation of smaller parts of the object and the establishment of their spatial arrangement in relation to the main parts.

4. Repeated holistic perception of the subject.

This method of examination can be applied to the analysis of any form of a wide variety of objects, so it can be called generalized.

Another character is the examination in the process of labor in nature. One of the main conditions for the successful activity of children is Teaching them the ability to act depending on certain properties of the soil, plants, etc. For example, when planting seeds in loose and dense, wet and dry soil, when weeding plants - to distinguish the stems and leaves of cultivated plants from weeds. In accordance with this, the orientation of sensory education in the labor process is determined, and methods for examining the properties of soil and plants are selected. For example, when examining the soil, it is important to pay attention to its color, consistency, moisture content. When examining any cultivated plant, it is important to highlight several characteristic features of the stem and leaves and organize the children's perception of these features of the stem and leaves. Thus, the methods of examination used in sensory education are diverse and depend, firstly, on the properties being examined, and secondly, on the objectives of the examination.

Survey training should take into account age differences children. Thus, young children should be offered objects that are simple in shape and structure for examination, so that the process of isolating parts and establishing their relationships is easier.

Preschool age - the period of initial acquaintance with the surrounding reality; At the same time, at this time, the cognitive forces and abilities of the child are intensively developed. The child learns the objective world, as well as natural phenomena, events of social life that are available for observation. In addition, he receives information from an adult verbally: he is told, explained, read. Both of these ways of knowing are closely related.

It is well known that knowledge acquired verbally and not supported by sensory experience is unclear and fragile.
Sensory education - education aimed at developing children's perception of the external properties of objects - should be built taking into account the patterns of this development studied by psychology.

In its centuries-old practice, mankind has created a certain reference system of sizes, shapes, and color tones. Mastering this system, the child, as it were, receives a set of standards with which he can compare any newly perceived property of an object and give it a proper definition.

It is necessary to pay attention to the repetition of games-classes. The period of childhood is characterized by an unusually rapid pace of development, and each age microperiod must be approached differently.

It must be remembered that the sooner the child starts to engage in the education of sensory culture, the faster he will develop after, the better he will study at school.

At present, a person has many means at his service that allow him to get acquainted with phenomena not in their natural form, but through photographs, diagrams, drawings, drawings, models, with the help of literature and cinema. At the same time, reality appears before us in a dissected, dissected or, conversely, in a generalized form.

Does this mean that there is no need to develop the ability of perception aimed directly at natural phenomena, at objects and their complexes created by human hands? Of course not: the life of modern man, his activities in the field of science, art, technology, production, Agriculture requires a well-developed ability to perceive, in many cases a quick reaction to impressions, an action response to the information received.

Fine developed ability perception is necessary for a modern person, creating conditions for the formation sensory experience, the most important task of the timely and full development of the child is being solved.


1. Avanesova V.N. Didactic games and activities in the independent activities of children // Sensory education in kindergarten. - M., 1981. -185 p.

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3. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology/ Ed. V. V. Davydova. - M.: Pedagogy - Press, 2009.

4. Endovitskaya T.V. Some questions of the psychology of sensory education. //Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 10 - p.4-9.

5. Zaporozhets A.V., Neverovich Ya.Z. “On the methods of visual perception of the shape of objects in early and preschool childhood. On Sat. “Development of cognitive and volitional processes in preschoolers”, ed. A.V. Zaporozhets and Ya.3. Neverovich, M., “Enlightenment”, 1965.

6. Morozova O.E.I. Tikheev. Preschool age: sensory development and education // Preschool education. -1993. - No. 5. - pp. 54-55

7. The program of education and training in kindergarten. / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Terbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007.

8. Pilyugina E.G. Sensory education classes with young children: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - M., 2009.

9. Plekhanov A., Morozova O.M.M. Manaseina: sensory development and parenting preschool age// Preschool education. -2010. - No. 7. - pp. 31-35

10. Sensory education in kindergarten: A guide for educators. / Ed. N.N. Poddyakova, V.N. Avanesova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.

Summary: Sensory development of young children. Development of tactile sensitivity. Development of tactile sensations. Sensory development of the preschool child. Development of perception in children

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.

The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

A child's readiness for schooling largely depends on his sensory development. Studies conducted by child psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children face in the course of primary education (especially in the 1st grade) are associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

There are five sensory systems through which a person cognizes the world: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

In the development of sensory abilities, an important role is played by the development of sensory standards - generally accepted samples of the properties of objects. For example, 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric shapes, metric system of measures, etc.

To develop sensory abilities, there are various games and exercises. In this article, we will sequentially consider games for the development of each of the five sensory systems.

Games for the development of touch (tactile perception)

Touch refers to tactile (surface) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.).

To develop the child's tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects that differ in surface structure. Let's baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy. While bathing, you can use washcloths and sponges of different hardness. Lubricate the body of the child with cream, do various types of massage. Let the baby play with a brush, pompom from knitted hat, a ribbed ball from a pet store. Colored washcloths for dishes are also of great interest! You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene, wrapping paper from flowers, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper and much more.

Interesting for the child to play with foil. You can first crumple it, making a ball out of it, then smooth it again.

Play with cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: dip the handles into the box and look for a hidden small toy. It can be advised to play with pebbles, dry and wet sand, with clay, potions, plasticine, flour and salt dough.

You can read more about sand and earth games at the links:

Pay attention to cold snow or juice from the refrigerator and hot tea, hot batteries, fire on the stove. When bathing, draw the attention of the baby to the temperature of the water in the tap and bath; you can pour warm water into one basin, cool water into another and alternately lower the arms or legs.

Since the general sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is useful for the child to receive interesting sensations with the whole body. It is good to wrap it entirely in a woolen blanket; you can wrap your baby terry towel, put a fur coat directly on panties and a T-shirt, tie a knitted scarf around your back and stomach.

The sensations of gouache paint on the handles, stomach, and back will be very interesting for the child. It is especially great if the bathroom has a mirror, and you can look at yourself from all sides.

Sensitivity should be developed not only for small hands, but also for legs. Let children run barefoot on grass, sand, wet clay, river or sea pebbles as often as possible in the summer. At home, you can walk on peas, beans, roll rubber ribbed balls with your legs.

Useful self-massage and mutual massage of the arms, legs, back with the help of massage brushes, terry gloves, wheel massager, massage roller for legs, etc.

Additional educational games:

"Catch the Pussy"

The teacher touches soft toy(pussy) of different parts of the child's body, and the child with eyes closed determines where the pussy is. By analogy, other objects can be used to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

"Wonderful bag"

Objects of various shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is offered to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item.

"Handkerchief for a doll" (definition of objects by the texture of the material, in this case definition of tissue type)

Children are offered three dolls in different scarves (silk, woolen, knitted). Children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and put in a bag. Children by touch look for the right handkerchief for each doll in the bag.

"Guess by touch what this object is made of"

The child is offered to determine by touch what various objects are made of: a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.

By analogy, you can use objects and materials of various textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

"Recognize the figure"

Geometric figures are laid out on the table, the same as those that lie in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same one out of the bag.

"Recognize the object by the contour"

The child is blindfolded and given a figure cut out of cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). They ask what it is. They remove the figure, untie their eyes and ask them to draw it from memory, compare the drawing with the outline, circle the figure.

"Guess what the item is"

On the table are various voluminous toys or small items(rattle, ball, cube, comb, toothbrush, etc.), which are covered on top with a thin, but dense and opaque napkin. The child is offered to identify objects by touch through a napkin and name them.

"Find a Pair"

Material: plates covered with velvet, sandpaper, foil, velveteen, flannel.

The child is offered blindfolded to the touch to find pairs of identical plates.

"What is inside?"

The child is offered air balloons containing various fillers inside: water, sand, flour with water, peas, beans, various cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc. You can use a funnel to fill balls. Balls with each filler must be paired. The child must feel by touch to find pairs with the same fillers.

Additionally, you can place a small amount of each filler in plates. In this case, it will also be necessary to correlate each pair with the corresponding filler, i.e. determine what is inside the balls.

"Guess the number" (letter)

On the back of the child, the back of the pencil (or finger) writes a number (letter). The child must determine what the symbol is. More detailed description for this exercise, see the link >>>>

Very useful also for preschoolers and students elementary school(especially the first class) games with letters from rough (velvet, sandpaper, etc.) paper: "Detect by touch", "Find the desired letter", "Show the letter". The child repeatedly runs his hand over the letter, feels it and calls it. At the same time, not only the form is remembered, but also the way of writing this letter, which are associated with its name. Children who wish to immediately write this letter should be given the opportunity.

Games of this type are recommended to be carried out with gradual complication: from learning groping actions under the guidance of an adult to independently completing the task by the student, moreover, with his eyes closed. By analogy, different numbers can be used.

"What is this?"

The child closes his eyes. He is offered to touch the object with five fingers, but not to move them. By texture, you need to determine the material (you can use cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

"Collect the Matryoshka"

Two players approach the table. They close their eyes. In front of them are two disassembled nesting dolls. On command, both begin to collect their nesting dolls - who is faster.


Children (2-5 people) sit at the table. They are blindfolded. Before each pile of seeds (peas, seeds, etc.). For a limited time, the seeds should be disassembled into piles.

"Guess What's Inside"

Two are playing. Each playing child has an opaque bag filled with small items: checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher calls the object, the players must quickly find it by touch and get it with one hand and hold the bag with the other. Who will do it faster?

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Sensory development of a child is the formation of perception about the properties of objects, their shape, color, size, spatial position, their inherent smells, tastes, as well as the accumulation of sensory experience.

The basic ideas about the world around us are laid before the age of seven, so the role of sensory development in infancy is fundamental.

Teachers and psychologists unanimously argue that without timely sensory education, it is impossible to form the mental abilities of a child.

The sensory development of children from birth to a year is at a rapid pace, so it should be given maximum attention from the very first days. With the development of basic sensory perceptions, the path to a talented, successful future of the baby begins.

newborn babies

The most correct idea of ​​a newborn is the idea of ​​a small, but still a person, and not just as an object of care. In works on preschool psychology, G.A. Uruntaeva noted that from the moment of birth, the baby's sense organs function, however, the sensory development of young children (0-1 years) does not occur simultaneously with the development of motor skills.
The timely start of the development of the baby's sense organs is the key to its successful development in the future.

Therefore, the first weeks and even days are extremely favorable for the start of sensory education of the crumbs. The simplest games and important routines such as gymnastics or relaxing massages are the best sensory development exercises for newborns. Let us consider in more detail the potential of a recently born baby, as well as the possibilities of sensory development of newborns at home.

Movements and actions

A feature of the sensory development of a newborn is that vision and hearing develop faster than, for example, hands. Therefore, parents who want to speed up the cognitive abilities of their child, it is important to offer the baby games for the development of motor skills. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the development of general and fine motor skills of the newborn, because physical activity is an indicator of the psycho-emotional development of the baby. Scientists have proven that the movements of the fingers of the crumbs have positive influence on the cerebral cortex and the formation of speech zones.

Kinesthetic, kinetic and spatial factors are responsible for the free possession of your body. Kinesthetic and kinetic development in newborns is a sense of the position of one's body in space, the efforts produced by the muscles in the process of movement or certain actions, as well as a set of body movements (including facial expressions) used during communication. The role of kinesthetic and kinetic development in newborns was singled out by I. M. Sechenov, who believes that muscle feeling is not only a regulator of movement, but also the psychophysical basis for seeing space.

Consolidation of understanding in the child's brain of all postures and movements occurs at three levels:

  • visual, that is, in the process of observing the movement of other people;
  • verbally - the child pronounces actions for himself or commands others;
  • motor - with independent performance of actions.

To help the child concentrate on his feelings, you can use games for kinesthetic and kinetic development:

  • change in the position of the body (stretching up, then complete relaxation);
  • change in the quality of movements (first sharp, then smooth);
  • movement in different directions(up-down, left-right).

Fundamental to the development of spatial relationships in newborns is awareness of one's own body, beginning with muscle tension and relaxation. A newly born baby does not yet know where his body ends and the world around him begins, so the development of spatial relationships in newborns directly depends on his ability to hold his head, and subsequently sit and walk. It is with the development of these skills that the baby receives the first awareness of himself in the world around him. Excellent games for the formation of spatial relationships can be invented during massage and gymnastics.

The development of tactile-motor sensations in newborns occurs primarily through bodily contact with the mother. Therefore, take the baby in your arms more often, practice periodically sleeping together or taking a bath. Make or buy a developmental mat from materials of different textures for games to develop tactile and motor sensations. Laying the baby naked on it, he will feel the materials not only with his hands, but also with his legs and tummy, developing tactile and motor sensations. Hang a carousel with toys of various shapes and materials over the crib and periodically change them for others. It is desirable that the toys are also different in size and colors, then this will also have a positive effect on the development of the newborn's vision.

Develop vision, hearing and taste

Babies who are born still see very poorly, so try to play games for the development of vision from time to time: show the baby a bright rattle or simple pictures, but do not remove or move them too quickly, let the baby see them. To avoid the development of strabismus, do not bring your face or various objects closer than 30 cm to the baby. Study with the baby his reflection in the mirror and landscapes outside the window.

Babies perceive many sounds from birth, so parents should use music therapy to develop hearing in newborns. Turn on calm classical music with the participation of different instruments for your baby - this will help develop not only hearing, but also musical ability, good melodic taste and will have a positive effect on the nervous system.

To calm the kids, Vivaldi compositions are good (for example, “Winter” from “The Seasons”), lullabies, especially if their mother sings them. To raise the mood and activity of the crumbs, include the works of Bach or Brahms, Tchaikovsky's waltzes, Beethoven's sixth symphony. Also, kids love the compositions of Chopin or Mozart. Scientists have found that when listening to the music of the latter, the entire cerebral cortex is activated and called this the “Mozart effect”. Constantly talk to the baby using different intonations and timbre of the voice, this will also help the development of hearing.

Taste buds in humans are formed early. Studies aimed at the development of taste in newborns have shown that from birth, the baby has its own taste preferences, and some scientists believe that they are laid down at the prenatal stage. Let your baby try water with different flavors: lemon, sweet and fennel. Such games will help develop the sense of smell, and parents will check the taste sensations of the baby.

Two months to a year

Scientists have proven that the most favorable development of the baby proceeds under a well-thought-out plan for the upbringing and education of parents who take into account age features crumbs.

Let's talk a little about the sensory development of a child up to a year at home.

Actions and movements

The richer the experience of sensations in the baby, the smarter and more active he will become growing up.

To diversify the sensations of the crumbs, use various games to develop tactile and motor sensations. Make a variety of footprints from paper, cardboard, cloth, cotton and bandages, inviting a barefoot child to stomp on them, and very small crumbs can be held under the arms.

Pour different cereals, peas or buttons into the bags and let the baby try them by touch. This will be a very exciting game for a young discoverer (just check the strength of the bags so that the baby cannot break them). Organize water procedures for toys by placing them in a small inflatable pool or basin - kids love water games very much.

The development of general and fine motor skills in a child up to a year is an important, but quite feasible task for parents. For very young children, you can offer a small puppet theater in which the main participant will be the baby. Make or buy fairytale heroes which can be put on the fingers of a child. This fun game will keep your little one interested and will make them want to manage them better. Play nursery rhymes with fingers and palms.

Slightly older kids can already be offered modeling from plant-based plasticine (PlayDoh or Artberry) or from dough. It's not scary if the baby tastes plasticine. It is made on the basis of a natural test and is therefore absolutely safe. The material has a bright palette of colors and is ideal for the first steps in mastering the techniques of modeling and modeling.

Do not forget about games with improvised items: fasteners and buttons on clothes, boxes and jars. Also, modern stores offer a huge range of toys for the development of general and fine motor skills in a child up to a year and older. These are various pyramids, rattles, developing centers and rugs. Of course, it is important for mothers to remember that one of the main organs of the baby's knowledge of the world is the mouth, so the baby needs to taste any object. Based on this, all toys must respond age category baby, not have small parts, and all its small parts must be securely sewn or attached to the base.

Kinesthetic and kinetic development in a child up to a year progresses especially rapidly in the second half of the year. Now more and more hand movements are regulated, which become more confident every day. Muscles receive a "signal" to action from the brain, as well as from the peripheral senses (tactile, visual and auditory) about achievements, as a result of which the brain and central nervous system give more accurate "commands". Kinesthetic and kinetic development in a child reaches a high level by the age of one, and the baby can already take an object without hitting the surrounding things.

Drawing can be attributed to quite suitable games for kinesthetic and kinetic development, helping to develop imagination and coordination, even for such small ones. When the child reaches 10 months of age, you can start drawing with the little one using Finger paint. Such paints are designed for small artists: they have wide jars that fit tiny fingers comfortably. They do not contain harmful components, therefore, if they enter the mouth in small doses, they will not harm the health of the crumbs.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Maria Gmoshinskaya has developed a technique for drawing babies, according to which to acquaint the baby with artistic creativity it is possible from 6 months, the main thing is that the child knows how to sit confidently. Fingers, palms, and both hands can participate in the drawing process. You should not force the baby to draw by force, since the essence of the technique is based on developing it natural qualities. Also, do not interfere creative process peanut. Being a little aside and keeping everything under control, you will give the baby freedom of action.

The development of tactile-motor sensations in a child up to a year occurs when you touch an object, and the mastery of a subtle movement of the hands is carried out under the control of vision. The associations arising from tactile sensations and visual perceptions were very accurately and simply expressed by the Nobel laureate I. P. Pavlov: “The eye “teaches” the hand, the hand “teaches” the eye.”

Use games to develop tactile and motor sensations - place toys of various shapes and textures in a bag and invite the baby to get them one at a time, slowly, groping with his hand. Do not forget about safety and in any case do not give your child objects and toys containing small parts!

It is widely believed that playing with, for example, beans or other grains is safe, but doctors will tell you many accidents when a child swallowed such a “toy” and either suffocated or the beans sprouted in the esophagus. Therefore, when using natural materials in games, give preference to larger objects. Suitable, for example (pre-washed), walnut in shell, Pine cones, seashells.

Develop hearing and vision

Continue to practice music therapy for hearing development in children under one year old, as its positive effect has been proven time and again by scientists. It is useful for restless and excitable babies to listen to melodies at a slow pace. Usually these are the second parts of classical sonatas and instrumental concertos, for example, the 2nd part of Mozart's Little Night Serenade, the duet of Lisa and Polina from the opera The Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky. For inactive kids, and crumbs with a syndrome of oppression, waltzes from Tchaikovsky's compositions, marching melodies, "Spring" from the seasons of Vivaldi are useful. Also, scientists have noted that a melody with words affects children more than a melody without words, and singing live is several times better than singing in a recording.

One of the best backgrounds for babies is the sounds of nature. The surf, the chirping of birds and the rustle of foliage favorable influence on the nervous system and the development of hearing. A child up to a year old has a very sensitive hearing aid, so do not forget that the sounds around him should not be loud. It is worth noting that the most simple exercises with a rattle, bells and musical instruments are indispensable games for the development of hearing. Remember that such a harmless event also has contraindications (predisposition to convulsions, intracranial pressure, otitis media, the baby’s serious condition with diseases).

The development of vision in a child up to a year is not only a natural process, but also partly dependent on the baby's parents. It is best if bright colors are present in the environment of the crumbs. contrasting colors, items different forms and sizes, for example, multi-colored bedspreads, vases, flower pots. You can also hang small mirrors around the crib, bright toys, photos and pictures. For example, photos of parents printed on A4 sheet and hung on the wall by the crib will calm the baby and create a safe space for him. Scientists have proven that a person's face is what Small child loves to look at most, and remembers the faces of his parents from birth.

It is very important that the baby's crib (or playpen, where the child will be most often) is in the very bright place. The development of vision continues 9 months after birth, and the eyes need exposure to light in order for the formation to complete correctly. Otherwise, deviations in the development of the child's vision are possible.

A favorable effect on the development of vision up to a year has a frequent laying out of the baby on the tummy in the first months of life. Play with your baby in games for the development of vision: in game form try to concentrate the gaze of the little one on yourself. When feeding, put on multi-colored beads or a colorful scarf, draw on one side paper plate a cheerful face, and on the other sad and swap them. The child will watch this process with interest, and offer a little grown-up kid a game of “repeats” - smile with your mother, show your tongue, clap your hands.

On the Development of Taste and Spatial Relations

The development of taste in a child up to a year is also an important aspect of perception for a growing man. If the baby has the right taste orientation for healthy foods he will be healthy and full of energy. Taste sensations are quite multifaceted and are influenced by many factors: the smell of food, its texture, appearance.

The structure of food depends on age, therefore, for the correct development of taste in a child under one year old, there is a special calendar for the introduction of complementary foods. Introduce complementary foods correctly and make the baby's menu varied.

Use various games to develop taste - learn smells with your baby. Offer to smell the aroma of cocoa, coffee, soap, spices, and in summer the fragrance of flowers and herbs, be sure to pronounce the name of the object under study. An older baby, whose age is approaching a year, can be offered the “find a pair” game. Offer the toddler three pairs of boxes containing, for example, mint leaves, coffee beans, or a sponge soaked in citrus shower gel, and ask them to find and show which boxes smell the same.

The development of spatial relations in a child up to a year is just beginning to take shape. Spatial representations, although they arise early, are more complex process than the difference in the properties of objects. The child does not own any reference system, therefore, uses a sensory system based on the sides of his own body. There are many didactic and outdoor games for the development of spatial relationships in children.

It should be noted that games for the development of spatial relations in children under one year old are based on the method of developing the ability to navigate on their own body, that is, this is a kind of preparation stage when the child learns the names of parts of his body. An adult, in the process of communicating with the baby, pronounces the actions: “Let's wash the right hand, wash the left hand”, “put on the right (and then left) sock, a hat on the head”, and with an older child plays didactic games - “dress the doll”, “the doll is being washed”, we show and name parts of the body together.

Sensory development of children under 1 year old is an exciting activity for both the baby and the mother. The main thing is to remember the safety rules and carefully monitor the baby during the games, then the classes will be interesting, fun and useful. Protect your child from toys that have small parts and sharp corners, as well as ropes and ribbons that the child can get tangled in. There are many methods for the sensory development of children under 1 year old. However, before choosing a particular development method for a child, you should carefully study each one and highlight all the pros and cons.

Methods of early child development

Doman technique

Doman Methods - a series of restorative and educational exercises for both healthy children, and for babies with developmental delays, aimed at activating the brain through learning.

The essence of the techniques is that the child is shown cards with large red letters, dots, pictures and words on a short time. Children under one year old are shown cards with different drawings and the names of the objects depicted on them are pronounced aloud.

Each card should be shown for 5 to 10 seconds. Classes last no more than a minute, but should be repeated several times a day, with a gradually increasing number of cards. Education according to the Doman method has achieved amazing results - children with mental retardation have learned to read fluently, and kids who have been studying according to the program from early childhood have become Nobel laureates. Moreover, lagging behind kids caught up with healthy children not only in mental, but also in physical development!

Lupan technique

Inspired by the ideas of Doman, loving mother Cecile Lupan decided to develop her daughter based on his methods. However, over time, I came to the conclusion that training should be based on other principles. In particular, on what to learn, the child should be easy and interesting, and classes should bring joy to both the baby and parents.

The main idea of ​​the Lupan technique is that the child needs attention-interest, not attention-care, so as not to drown out creativity baby and not cause a feeling of violation of personal boundaries. Lupan came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop the innate abilities and interests of the crumbs, and not train him according to strict rules and schedules.

Cecile described her successes in the development of her daughters and methods for achieving them in the book “Practical Guide“ Believe in Your Child ”, while developing a series of games and exercises for the development of children.

According to the author, an important place in the development of the child is occupied by the first year of his life, during which it is necessary to develop the five basic feelings of the baby.
To do this, you need to take him in your arms more often, show him everything, talk about everything and, most importantly, support him. body contact: hugging, kissing and stroking. It is important to speak to the child of his and his actions.

For the development of vision, build funny grimaces, for hearing, listen to classical music, sing children's songs and tell nursery rhymes.

An important place in the Lupan methodology is occupied by the physical development of children up to a year. It is necessary to create the maximum comfortable conditions to encourage the child to crawl and then walk. Cecile also highlights the effect of water exercises and, in particular, learning to swim. Some mothers are afraid to teach their newborn babies to swim, but in vain, because babies up to 6 months old, in addition to sucking, also have a breath-holding reflex. Therefore, in the Lupan book there are a number of exercises for diving babies, such as "Torpedo", "Shower on the face" or "Spitting water".

For children up to a year old, it is especially important that any training takes place in the form exciting game, says Lupan. So, for example, she suggests teaching the baby new words or the alphabet in the form funny song, and the account - through their own answers to comic and funny questions(for example, “how many elephants do you have in your pocket?” - “zero”, “how many big bears do we have on the sofa?” - one, etc.)

Zheleznov's technique. Growing up with music

One of the most effective methods early development of hearing is considered the Zheleznovs' technique "Music with Mom", the principle of which is to present educational material in a playful way. For classes with a child using this technique, mothers should only deal with their child to cheerful melodies, songs and nursery rhymes.

Play, sculpt, draw, dance and even fall asleep to the music and you will discover the extraordinary abilities of the baby, which you did not even know about. The technique includes a series of lullabies, nursery rhymes and finger games.

For the smallest, there are such collections as "First Lessons" - for babies from 2 months to 2 years old, which include songs with an element of the game. To this music, the baby will clap his hands together with adults, dance with his mother in her arms and do gymnastics. For children from 6 months, a collection of "Mom's Lessons" has been developed, which will become an indispensable assistant in communicating with the baby. Funny songs-games will help mom feed a little gourmet, dress, bathe, put to bed, have fun and provocatively spend time with her beloved little one.

Ibuka technique or after three it's too late

One of the pioneers in the study of the direction of early childhood development was Masaru Ibuka, a Japanese entrepreneur and one of the founders of Sony.

Masaru Ibuka believed that the mental abilities of a child develop only in the first three years of life, and it is during this period that the baby absorbs any information like a sponge. According to the Ibuka method, up to three years old, a child can be taught to write, read, and even play the violin.

Having delved into and studied this topic in more detail, Ibuka wrote the book "After Three It's Too Late", in which he detailed his theory that "no child is born a genius and no one is born a fool."
It all depends on the stimulation and degree of development of the brain, which directly depends on what the parents laid in the baby from birth.

The book does not give practical advice about parenting, but rather answers the questions "why is early development necessary and why is it important for the future." So, what to play with a child up to a year old? Yes, whatever! Ibuka believed that a large number of toys does not allow the baby to develop correctly, therefore, as entertainment, the Japanese suggested using any items that are at home (of course, which cannot harm the child). Offer the baby a blanket or, for example, a small pillow and the baby will be happy to find a use for them, developing their imagination. Ibuka also recommends drawing with the baby with your fingers, but not with paints on paper, but simply with your fingers on buckwheat, rice or semolina. The child will enjoy this activity, and during the game, motor skills and tactile sensations will develop.

Tyulenev's technique. Read before walking

The teacher and sociologist Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev, who developed the “Methodology for the Intellectual Development of the Child” (MIRR), puts parents in an even tougher framework.

The Tyulenev MIRR technique is a system accelerated learning covering all areas of development. Tyulenev considers the age from 0 to 1.5 years old to be early development, from 1.5 to 2 years - the average development, and the age from 2 to 3 years he calls "late early development". If the child has reached three years of age and is not yet ready for school, then, according to Tyulenev, he is pedagogically neglected.

The teaching material for the methodology is proposed to use the educational games and manuals created by the author, as well as the special alphabet of the MIRR. It should be noted that the training of children according to this method is planned literally by the hour and developments begin not only from the moment of birth, but even at the perinatal age.

For children up to a year, Tyulenev developed the following series of exercises:

  • a baby up to 2 months old should be shown pictures with letters, figures, ornaments, and parents should name what is shown in these pictures;
  • from two months to add images of animals and mathematical symbols to the pictures;
  • from four, according to Tyulenev, the baby can already be introduced to the laws of physics by throwing toys of different sizes on the floor;
  • from five months, mother and baby must learn to make sounds from musical instruments, for example, to beat with sticks on a xylophone;
  • at 6 months, the baby should be offered a variety of postcards. The kid will look at them with interest, and the mother will tell him about what is depicted on each.
  • from the age of seven months, parents begin to study letters with the baby and compose words with a magnetic alphabet.

Thus, the principle of the technique is to prevent the baby from needlessly wasted time.

The Nikitin system is an exam tested by life

The Nikitin system is aimed at educating healthy, intelligent and independent people. The main idea of ​​the system is "Irreversible Extinction of Opportunities for Effective Development of Capabilities". Nikitins believed that every child is born with colossal abilities for all types of activities. However, for effective development mind and body needed certain conditions and if talents are not realized in time, then their potential will fade away.
Therefore, the main goal of parents, according to the Nikitins, should be to help the development of the child. The main principles of the Nikitins' methodology are freedom of creativity and parental indifference to the successes and failures of the child.

There are also two extremes of parenting that should be avoided. This is, first of all, the “abandonment” of the child: the communication of parents with the crumbs is reduced only to the fulfillment of needs - to feed, wash, clothe - and its opposite extreme - when all the baby’s free time is occupied with exercises, entertainment, games and the child does not have time for himself .

Nikitins have published a number of books in which they describe in detail their development system, as well as the mistakes made in education. The most popular game for babies up to a year according to the Nikitins' method is "Frames and inserts", consisting of frames and inserts in the form of various geometric shapes. You can play it from 10 months, and it’s worth starting training with a small number of figures (2-3), gradually increasing the number. The kid is invited to choose a frame for each figure. The game is not exhaustive and allows you to change tasks as the child grows up. By the way, Nikitins advise not to show him correct solution, and give the opportunity to find the right option on their own.


1. Chuprikova N.I. Mental development and training: Psychological foundations developmental education - M .: JSC "Century", 1995 - 192 p.

2. Bauer T. Mental development of the infant. Per. from English. A.B. Leonova. –2nd ed. - M.: Progress, 1989. -319 p.

3. Pilyugina V.A. Sensory abilities of the baby: Games for the development of perception of color, shape, size in young children: Book. for kindergarten teachers and parents. -M .: Education: JSC "Educational. Met ", 1996. - 112 p.

4.I.M. Sechenov "Reflexes of the brain"

5.Galiguzova L.N., Smirnova E.O. Stages of communication: from one to seven years. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992 -142 p.

sensory developmentpreschool children

Sensory development (from the Latin sensus - feeling, feeling) involves the formation in the child of the processes of perception and ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Sensory education creates the necessary conditions for the formation of mental functions that are of paramount importance for the possibility of further learning. It is aimed at the development of visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic and other types of sensations and perceptions.

At preschool age, sensory experience is enriched through the improvement of the work of various analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile, motor, musculoskeletal, olfactory, gustatory, tactile).

The child's knowledge of the surrounding world and its objects, their fundamental geometric and dynamic properties, the laws of space and time occurs in the process of practical (cognitive-research) activities.

Assimilation of sensory standards - a system of geometric shapes, a scale of magnitudes, a color spectrum, spatial and temporal orientations, a pitch range, a scale of musical sounds, a phonetic system of a language - is a complex and lengthy process. Mastering the sensory standard means not just correctly naming this or that property of an object: it is necessary to have clear ideas for the analysis and selected properties of a variety of objects in a variety of situations. Therefore, such great importance is given to sensorimotor actions. To get to know some object practically, you need to touch it with your hands, squeeze it, stroke it, roll it, smell it, etc.

The movements of the hands included in the examination of the object organize the visual and kinesthetic (motor) perception of children, contribute to the refinement of visual representations of the shape of the object and its configuration, and the quality of the surface. Acquaintance with the shape, size, spatial and other characteristics of objects is impossible without the integration of hand and eye movements.

A child encounters in life with a variety of forms, colors, with a work of art, music. But without pedagogical guidance assimilation occurs spontaneously, so I consistently, systematically introduce children to sensory standards (color, shape, tactile, taste and auditory perception. To enrich the sensory experience, I use didactic games, where the educational and educational value does not appear openly, but is realized through a game task. The value of these games lies in the fact that the child gets the opportunity to act on his own, to feel the results of his mental and practical efforts.

Any information comes to the child through the senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, body surface. Each organ receives a specific type of information for it.

The process of smell perception consists of many stages. Some aromas get used to it faster, others constantly affect the psyche and cause stress, which means that aromas have both positive and negative effects. negative impact. Children learn why they need a nose, get acquainted with the external signs of this organ of smell. In didactic games, the skills of distinguishing the smells of objects are consolidated, which ultimately contributes to the differentiation of objects of the world around us with the help of smell:

    Identify the object by smell;

    Remember how they smell;

    Boxes with smells;

Children distinguish the taste qualities of objects by tasting them. Thus, they get acquainted with external signs and functionality tongue as an organ of taste. Children learn to determine the taste characteristics of objects and use the information received in Everyday life. Taste sensations are divided into salty, bitter, sour and sweet. As children develop their sense of taste, they learn that the same food can be pleasant for some and unpleasant for others.

    Taste it."

    Flavor jars.

    Name the taste of the food.

The ability not only to hear, but to listen, to focus on the sound, to highlight it characteristics is a very important human ability. Without it, one cannot learn to listen attentively, to listen and hear another person, to love music, to understand the voices of nature, to navigate the world around. The system of phonemes (from the Greek “sound”) are also sensory standards, without mastering which it is impossible to master the semantic side of the language, and hence the regulatory function of speech. The properties of sounds cannot, like varieties of form or color, be represented as objects with which various manipulations are performed. The child drinks, pronounces speech sounds and gradually masters the ability to change the movements of the vocal apparatus in accordance with the characteristics of the sounds heard. Sound perception games give children an idea of ​​rustling, creaking, squeaking, gurgling, ringing, rustling, knocking, birdsong, train noise, animal cries, loud and soft sounds, whispers.

    Quiet and loud."

    Guess what it sounds like."

    Let's walk and dance."

    High and low sound.


    Noisy boxes.

    what is heard."

The hand serves as the organ of touch, and the main efforts are aimed at developing the sensitivity of the hand receptors. To this end, I use various activities that contribute to the development of tactile and motor sensations:



    Application molding.

    Construction from paper, constructor.


    Sorting small items.

Practical activity causes positive emotions in children, helps reduce mental fatigue. I use finger gymnastics with elements of massage, which undoubtedly contributes to an increase in tactile sensitivity.

    Great bag."

    Feel it by touch."

    Get to know the figure.

    Guess what's inside."

At preschool age, there is an acquaintance with the main standards of form (circle, oval, square, triangle); sizes (long - short, thick - thin); colors (primary colors of the spectrum, white, black) in the process of practical and gaming activities I use sensory aids - pyramids, inserts, a logic cube, collapsible toys, etc., which significantly increases the efficiency of all work. Children better remember the colors of the spectrum and especially their shades if they got them on their own (for example, when mixing paints) or in games such as:

    Find a flower for a butterfly.”

    Put the flowers in a vase."

    Caught a fish".

    Collect the beads."

By introducing children to geometric shapes, I teach them the technique of outlining.

The value is considered as the size, volume, length of the object, i.e. these are the parameters that can be measured. Size is a relative concept, based on only two words: big and small. When comparing objects in size, the eye develops:



    Put it in order."

Visual perception is hard work. Special attention I give the child's exploring hands and eyes. Hand-eye coordination effectively develops when performing various motor exercises, throwing at the target. Children receive the bulk of information about the world around them through vision:

    What changed?"

    Find differences".

    Split pictures.

At present, the sensory culture of children is at a low level, so it must be developed and supported in every possible way. The most optimal period for this is an early age. Sensory education must begin from the first month of life. Everyone knows that babies absorb the information provided to them much faster than, for example, older children. Therefore, experts recommend starting to work with children as early as possible, so that in the future it will be easier for them to adapt to society. Today, as part of our article, we will look at what sensory education is, why it is necessary, and also find out how to apply it correctly.

Why should you work with young children?

Sensory education is the key to the baby. This foundation will be necessary for him in the future for successful adaptation in general education school. If the child does not perceive objects enough, he may have difficulty with writing and performing various products in labor lessons.

The main tasks of the sensory development of children in are:

  • formation good conditions For general development child;
  • promoting the development of the sensory and psychomotor environment in children through the knowledge of the world, colors and shades, as well as the sizes of various objects;
  • selection effective games, exercises, classes on general development;
  • involvement of fathers and mothers in the development process;
  • the use of illustrated textbooks;
  • creation of a sensorimotor corner in the educational preschool group;
  • compiling a card file of games on general education.

Preparatory activities

The development of the baby is directly dependent on how the playroom in which the child lives is equipped. The task of mom and dad is to provide convenient, comfortable and safe place in a house where a small person will feel calm and protected. The baby should have his own corner in the room, fully equipped for outdoor games and good rest. With the help of parents in children's preschool institutions activities such as:

  • replenishment of the group with game and sensory materials;
  • acquisition additional sets for conducting experiments in water and sand, containers of various shapes, objects-tools for transfusion of liquids;
  • purchase of insert boards with forms, sets of voluminous bodies, educational games;
  • updating the music corner with toys that make different sounds;
  • purchase of a safe plastic constructor;
  • production of board and didactic games.

Where does sensory development begin?

While introducing children to various items classes were used both in a group and individually, games were held for the knowledge of surrounding objects, which give impetus to the study of the world around. For the development of sensory motor skills, it is necessary to acquaint kids with such properties of objects and phenomena as:

  • color spectrum;
  • configuration;
  • size;
  • quantity;
  • location in the environment.

It is necessary to carry out work aimed at teaching children the perception of objects in general, their assimilation of sensory standards, such as a system of geometric shape, a scale of magnitude, a color spectrum, spatial and temporal orientations, a phonetic system of language, which is a rather complex and lengthy process. In order to get acquainted with any object, the child needs to touch it with his hand, squeeze, stroke, roll.

Introducing children to objects

At the time of familiarizing children with the quantities and consolidating knowledge about them, the following methods and techniques are used:

  • matching several objects during the game by applying them to each other;
  • the use of specially designed toys in the form of pyramids, nesting dolls, liners, and so on.

In the course of such games, which are aimed at developing a tactile function, babies learn to grab, pinch and feel. The use of balls for massage gives a pretty good result.

Lessons for the development of tactile functions

Fingers protrude, and the most important forces are thrown into improving the susceptibility of their receptors. To do this, use a variety of types of activities that contribute to the improvement of tactile and motor functions. These activities are:

  • modeling;
  • application;
  • applique molding;
  • formation from pieces of paper and a designer;
  • drawing;
  • sorting small items;
  • formation of figures from objects of various kinds.

Once a week, you can conduct classes aimed at mastering exercises to develop tactile sensitivity and complex coordinated hand movements. Improved sensory perception is currently the basis for improving all areas of modern human activity.

Tasks for improving the child's sensory motor skills

In order to achieve maximum results, specialists have done a great job. For improvement sensory perception the following tasks were set:

  • selection of materials for development;
  • diagnosing the degree of sensory development in babies.

Sensory education is the ability in practice to navigate in various parameters, such as configuration and size, to absorb the shade of an object, to form an integral object. All this is mastered gradually. A big obstacle to achieving this goal is early age. Sensory education needs to be planned and aligned with mainstream education in order to this species works did not turn into Additional session. That is, a successful unification of activities for the knowledge of the size, shape and color of an object is possible only if there is a certain physical layer child development.

In the development of sensory, an important role is played by the mobility of the hands during the implementation of actions for placing objects. Teachers should pay attention to how the child plays with mosaics, draws with paints, and sculpts from plasticine. Comparison of sensory and motor skills is considered the most important condition mental development child. Separate attention requires a thorough analysis of the training.

Sensory education is the conduct of games and exercises, taking into account the specific characteristics of each child. Classes should begin with tasks that involve the joint actions of parents and the child. In the future, an adult can change his location: be close to the baby, sit opposite him. Any movement of the child in this case must be commented and voiced.

Sensory education is milestone in life little man which affects:

  • normal functioning of vision, touch, hearing, smell;
  • elimination of muscle tone and mental emotional stress, which is achieved in a relaxed state and comfortable well-being;
  • incentive to autonomous and experimental activities.

Sensory in toddlers

Sensory education of young children is a technique designed to arouse interest in a toy, some kind of cognitive aid, which is made of wooden material. These can be nesting dolls of large and small sizes, pyramids, insert cubes, boards with holes of various sizes or shapes, with a set of tabs, mosaic tables, and so on. Specifically, toys made of wood are very important for the development of sensory skills in a child, because they have a good texture, are stable during manipulation and performing the simplest movements with them.

How to do sensory education? The development of young children depends on their environment. Everything that is around the baby affects:

  • normal functioning of vision, touch, hearing;
  • functionality of motor functions and stimulation of activity mobility;
  • elimination of muscle tone and mental emotional stress, which is achieved with a relaxed state and comfortable well-being of children;
  • the formation of a positive psycho-emotional background and an increase in the child's ability to work;
  • activation of such processes as thinking, attention, perception and memory;
  • an increase in the motivation for autonomous and experimental activities of children.

Proper development of babies

Why is sensory education so important? From the very first months of life, children of preschool age perceive the environment with the help of smell and touch. For this reason, from birth until the fourth month, it is necessary to emphasize these sensory systems specifically.

The beginning of the formation of the visual system of the baby is an early age. Sensory education by six months includes exercises that train the motor activity of the child. For this purpose, there are the simplest, but rather important methods:

  • Touch - constant physical contact with mom, sleeping with her, laying out crumbs on various non-allergic surfaces, finger exercises that can be started already with three months, carrying the baby in her arms, joint bathing of mother and child.
  • Smell - the child must perceive the smell of the body of his mother, because of this, a woman does not need to use perfume during close physical contact with the child. At the end of six months, it is necessary to give the children to smell soft and pleasant smells.
  • Vision - do not bring your own face too close to the baby so that he does not develop strabismus. It is necessary to show white, black and plain objects from the age of two months, demonstrate multi-colored and bright toys, help to study your own reflection in the mirror, observe the landscape outside the window, talk, listen to pleasant music and much more.
  • Taste qualities - after the introduction of the first complementary foods, it is necessary to diversify the menu.

At this stage, there is no sensory development of children through play activities. It is more like a demonstration, study and observation. Perception of the world through games begins from the age of one.

Development from one to three years

Sensory education of preschool children is a purposeful improvement of all channels of perception. At the same time, everything happens at a very fast and intense pace. Main activity at this stage of development is considered subject. It aims to attract various colorful objects. At this age, very important point is sensory education. The development of children through play is considered only additional action, although it is impossible to do without it. A distinctive feature of this period is that the child's sensory system develops rapidly. It is necessary to give children such items: a pyramid, a sorter, a frame insert, magic pouches to memorize the text.

The child must during this time:

  • learn how to take off and put on rings of different sizes on the rod;
  • getting out of pockets and folding back objects of various sizes;
  • be able to identify furry, soft, smooth and rough surfaces;
  • know such geometric shapes as square, circle, cube and sphere;
  • by the age of three, distinguish the taste of the main products and give individual preference;
  • dance to the music.

Orientation to objects at this stage of life is considered the main one, because it has a great influence on the improvement of personality and mental state child.

Children from 4 to 6 years old

The most important role is played by preschool children, because during this period assistance is needed in preparing for the newest stage of life - study. Now the games that are considered the most entertaining and very effective come to the fore. At the same time, the child not only masters the simplest toys, but takes part in role playing. It should be noted that the kids are very interested in such activities. Didactic sensory education games are aimed directly at ensuring that children can easily adapt to the proposed conditions.

The value of sensory development of a child in preschool age

So, we continue to consider sensory education by age. Preschoolers should be able to form an idea of ​​the external property of an object, distinguish its shape, color, size, position in space, smell, taste, and much more. It is difficult to underestimate the meaning of sensory development during this period. Such skills form the foundation of the overall mental development of the child. From the moment of perception of objects and phenomena around, knowledge begins. All other forms of it, such as memory, thinking and imagination, are formed on the basis of perception. For this reason normal development intelligence is impossible without full perception.

In kindergartens, children are taught to draw, sculpt, design, familiarize with natural phenomena, conduct games on sensory education. Future students begin to learn the basics of mathematics and grammar. Gaining knowledge and skills in these areas will require close attention to various properties of objects. Sensory education is a long and difficult process. It is not limited to a certain age and has its own history. Sensory education of children from an early age is a technique that helps to correctly perceive certain objects in space.

Let's summarize briefly

  • In the first year of life, the child is enriched with impressions, namely, following the moving beautiful toys, which are selected precisely for such an early age. Sensory education lies in the fact that the baby, grabbing objects of various configurations and sizes, learns to perceive them correctly.
  • At 2-3 years old, children are already trying to independently highlight the color, shape and size of objects, accumulate ideas about the main types of shades and configurations. Also at this age, didactic games for children on sensory education are held.
  • From 4 to 6 years old, children develop specific standards of sensory. They already have a certain idea of ​​colors, geometric shapes and the ratio of objects to each other in size.

Work with your children, and they will definitely delight you with their success in the future!
