Dolce & Gabbana brand, fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana - the history of the brand and the biography of the creators. fashion encyclopedia


Stefano Gabbana was born on November 14, 1962 in Milan. His mother, before the birth of her son, was a very beautiful, but unsecured woman working as a laundress. She had an affair with a famous and very wealthy Milanese stylist-designer. As a result of this relationship, she had an illegitimate son, who was named Stefano. However, the famous father did not abandon the boy and provided him and his mother with financial support. He even took them to Milan so that they were closer to him, but, in principle, did not take part in raising his son. In a word, Stefano had a fairly wealthy childhood. He grew up to be a tall, well-built young man, well versed in fashion and developed his own unique style. This was primarily facilitated by the atmosphere that prevailed in the capital of Italian fashion. Every resident of Milan knows about fashion trends here.

childhood memories

Stefano Gabbana was born with the genes of a designer inherited from his father, but his mother also had a great influence on the formation of his tastes. She was a very stylish woman and liked to dress fashionably. Fortunately, she no longer had any financial difficulties. Stefano will always remember her vivid image: elegant two - cropped jacket and flared trousers bright red. Together, beautifully dressed, they went shopping and made purchases. Having matured a little, Stefano liked to go to parties, where he cast appraising glances at women.

Favorite brand

Stefano Gabbana chose a boutique in Milan and at the beginning of each season he bought fashionable clothes for himself there. The money allocated to him by his father allowed the young man to always look stylish and fashionable. He was most attracted to the models exhibited in the Fiorucci store (designer Elio Fiorucci). These were mostly bright and outrageous outfits suitable for the wardrobe of teenagers. In those years, the guy, although he liked to dress according to the latest fashion trends, did not even think about what he would once create fashion trends and dress other people.

First steps into the world of fashion

As a child, Stefano drew very well. Teachers said that he had an artistic gift. All your own free time the boy devoted himself to drawing. As a result, he had a whole collection of huge paintings and miniatures, portraits and still lifes, etc. After leaving school, he went to study at an art college, where he began to study graphic art. Finally he finished it educational institution with a diploma of a creative director, but did not begin to work by profession, but got a job as an assistant in one of the Milanese fashion ateliers. It was here that he met his future partner, with whom a brilliant future awaited him and the creation of a world famous brand Dolche & Gabbana (Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana).

Childhood Domenico

Our hero's partner was from Sicily. He was also a fairly wealthy young man, though not rich. His father ran a garment factory and his mother ran a lingerie boutique. However, unlike Stefano, who did not see strict upbringing on his father's side, Dolce grew up under the close supervision of his parent. He rarely bought toys, and then fashionable clothes. At the age of 6, his father brought him to the factory and involved him in labor activity. Over time, he became a virtuoso in the art of sewing, and was also considered the best needleworker in the factory. For his virtuosity, he was nicknamed Mozart.

The more he got involved in the work, the more he liked this craft. From scraps, the boy made tiny dresses according to his own sketches. Everyone was sure that he further fate is a foregone conclusion, and he, like his father, will work in a factory all his life. However, Domenico wished to go against fate and entered the university, but after some time the love of art took over, and he continued his studies at an art school. After that, the guy got a job in the very studio where Stefano Gabbana came after him, and Domenico soon became friends with him. After some time, the young men, so different and at the same time very similar, decided to unite and, in tandem with each other, make a breakthrough in the fashion world.

Dolce & Gabbana

Their joint firm was founded in 1982. For her, they rented a tiny studio. Young people began to organize the first shows and invested all their money in it. They did not even have enough money for food. However, the models they created were a great success, and two years later the collection from the fashion house "Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana" hit the Milan Fashion Week (Milano Collezioni). The products of young fashion designers who were present were delighted. The main thing in the collection was that they seemed not too avant-garde, but not too conservative. In a word, the guys managed to find a compromise, and everyone liked this idea of ​​theirs.

Expansion of activities

After 3-4 years of work, the men decided to produce the Pret-a-Porter collection. As models, they chose the images of the most beautiful Italian actresses - Gina Lollobrigida and the inimitable Sophia Loren. In 1989, fashion designers ventured to create collections of lingerie and swimwear, which also had great success and sold out in the shortest possible time. Since 1990, in addition to women's clothing, they also began to create and male images, and in 1992 a new feminine fragrance of this brand and immediately received recognition from the guild of perfumers. Created in the early 2000s by Light Blue (for both women and men) long years was considered one of the most popular, by the way, it does not lose its relevance to this day.

The next step for fashion designers was to open a jewelry line. It was they who introduced the fashion for wearing crowns with large stones, massive earrings with pendants, wide bracelets, buckles for belts and shoes. Today, this brand is associated with luxury. That's why they became favorite designers Oriental women- wives of Arab sheikhs, possessing untold wealth.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana: personal life

With the beginning of the new millennium, the topic of homosexuals has become more than relevant. If before that the news that this or that man had a non-traditional sexual orientation shocked the public, especially women, then with the beginning of the 2000s it became the order of things and no longer surprised anyone. Of course, many were interested in what kind of relationship are famous designers who always and everywhere appear together. In 2000, Domenico openly announced that he was gay, while Stefano Gabbana, whose personal life was also shrouded in mystery, remained silent.

However, it has become obvious to many that they are not only business partners, but also a couple in the truest sense of the word. However, soon the men declared that they were opponents of the legalization same-sex marriage and "artificially" born children. Stefano also announced publicly that he wanted to create normal family and wants to have a child who will have both a mother and a father.

I really want to call them sweet couple"- and not only because the name Dolce is translated as" sweet. Rather, no one, including themselves, simply cannot imagine them without each other. Not without reason, even having stopped connecting them for more than twenty years romantic relationship, they remained the closest friends and business partners. They introduced the fashion for artistically torn jeans, dressed a woman in men's suit over lace underwear and in an elegant bustier dress. They order Madonna clothes, Victoria Beckham and Isabella Rossellini. They own a network of boutiques around the world and sell under their own brand not only clothes and shoes, but also perfumes, interior items, accessories and even exclusive car models. They are very different - both externally, and in character, and in origin, but they also have a lot in common, and last but not least - a sense of humor. So, for example, instead of being annoyed at being confused all the time, they simply began to wear belts with personalized buckles - one with the initials DD, and the other with SG: Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana.

They were born with a difference of four years in the same country, but, one might say, in a completely different worlds, because Northern and Southern Italy are two different civilizations, united only by language. The eldest, Domenico Dolce, was born on August 13, 1958 in the small town of Polizzi Generosa, located in Sicily near Palermo. Sicily, as you know, is a place where traditions, patriarchy and blood ties are still zealously honored, and children are destined to follow in the footsteps of their parents, inheriting family business. In the case of Domenico, things did not work out quite like that. On the one hand, he is already early age began to adopt his father's tailoring art: his father was the owner of a small garment production. At the age of seven, Domenico could sew a jacket on his own - and it seemed that his future as a successor to the family business was predetermined. He has always said that it was his father's profession that was the main reason he chose designing as a way to express himself. But as he grew older, he realized that a place in a tailoring factory ready-made clothes- by no means the limit of his dreams. He was drawn to creativity.

After studying for only a year at the university, he left it for the sake of an art school, where he studied fashion and design, and after graduation, to the disappointment of his parents, he did not return to his hometown, but went to the center of Italian fashion - Milan. There, Domenico got a job as an assistant in a local clothing design studio. He instantly felt that this was what he needed. In an interview, he later shared: “Design turned out to be a way to do what I dreamed of. It's like the job of a psychologist. As a designer, I capture what people feel, translate it into the language of fashion, and even ensure that their desires come true before they know what they want.”

It was in this design studio in 1980 that he met the still very young Stefano Gabbana, who, in parallel with his studies at the university, decided to graphic design try your hand at fashion. Stefano's childhood passed in a completely different environment. He was born on November 14, 1962 in Venice, but in a completely young age moved with his family to Milan. As a child, he did not even think that he would ever connect his life with the creation of clothes. Fashion interested him only as a consumer: as a teenager, he became a passionate fan of the Fiorucci fashion house, which produces bright and stylish clothes for young people, and whenever possible bought all their new items. Stefano's mother still keeps a collection of Fiorucci branded bags, which her son once collected, and Stefano himself regularly invites Elio Fiorucci, his childhood idol, to Dolce & Gabbana fashion shows. His mother also influenced his perception of fashion - Stefano still recalls how, despite her modest position in the laundry, she loved to “make a marathon”, dress up in a red suit, consisting of short jacket and flared trousers, and go shopping with my son. But still, his main passion in childhood was drawing, and he did not even think about the career of a fashion designer. The meeting with Domenico changed everything.

“I was lucky because the designer took me under his wing and helped me understand the world of fashion. It was Domenico who taught me almost everything about fashion. And the more I learned, the more I fell in love - with design, with creating clothes, with dressing people, ”Stefano later recalled.

Did they realize at first glance that they were made for each other? Hardly. Here's how both describe their first impressions of meeting. “He looked like a monster to me. Seriously, he looked so ridiculous - like a priest, all in black, pale, with a shaved head. It wasn’t very impressive,” Stefano recalls. And here is what was preserved in Domenico’s memory: “Stefano was such a Milanese to the marrow, with his long hair and in a Lacoste T-shirt. But the initial mutual dislike very quickly grew into sympathy, and later into something more. Young people, getting to know each other better, realized that, despite the obvious difference in appearance, character and upbringing, they have a lot in common. As it turned out, both of them love the Baroque era and Italian neorealism - the films of Rossellini, De Sica, Visconti; adore classic film stars - Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Anna Magnani. In addition, it turned out that although Stefano grew up in Milan, he was also familiar with the culture of Sicily, spending many months of vacation on this island; and sincerely admired her. It is in the Sicilian aesthetic, with its black widow dresses and shawls, gangster costumes stripes and fedora hats, they began to draw their inspiration. By the way, one of their most famous outfits - a man's suit worn over a woman over lace underwear - came from Domenico's childhood impressions: this is exactly how his mother walked around the house when she was doing household chores: she took her father's old suit, which was not a pity, because sports jersey for a Sicilian woman was unacceptable to wear.

But at first it was far from success. For the first few years, future multi-millionaire fashion designers jumped at any freelance offers to feed themselves: often there was not enough money so that they had to live on milk and pasta. They started in 1982 with a tiny studio in the center of Milan, where they designed their first models. “I remember our very first show,” Dolce recalls. “We spent it in a small Milan apartment. They organized it themselves, together with Stefano, without any PR, without anything. The guests were met at the door by my brother and sister.

Their friends agreed to work as models for Domenico and Stefano, the shows were held anywhere, one even took place in an eatery - a cafe fast food- where the customers themselves looked like hamburgers. However, even such a modest beginning attracted public attention. They started talking about young fashion designers, and already in 1984 they took part in the Milan fashion week, and in 1985 they made their real high-profile debut in the Milano Collezzioni show, after which, in March 1986, the first women's collection came out - even then they understood that in order to be successful, the main focus should be on women's clothing, and demonstrated clothes for real woman- "stylish, beautiful, but not perfect."

“A Dolce & Gabbana woman is a strong personality: she likes herself and knows what others like. She is cosmopolitan and travels all over the world, but she remembers her roots, ”says the fashion designers. And they add: “A woman cannot be sexy just because she wears this or that clothes. Sexuality is something more: her attitude to life, her individual demeanor. And clothing can only enhance this trait. Sometimes a woman does not even realize how sexy she is until she wears our models. And then, standing in front of the mirror in the fitting room, she suddenly realizes - I have a beautiful body!

What is the uniqueness of their models and the secret of success? This question was partly answered by Isabella Rossellini, who has been wearing Dolce & Gabbana almost since their appearance in the fashion world: “I first saw them a long time ago at fashion week in Milan. I remembered that one was called Dolce, the second somehow else. But their collection amazed me - I was amazed at how they managed to combine two absolutely incompatible things in one space - Sicily and innovation. I am Italian and I know perfectly well what Sicily is. it old world, where ancient traditions are still sacredly revered: virgins, vendettas, widows who remain faithful to their dead husbands. And fashion is inconceivable without seduction, bright colors, vanity fairs - everything that the old Sicilian rules condemn. But these two still found a way to connect the two worlds. The first model I bought from them was a white blouse. Very chaste, with hand-embroidered collar. But this blouse, tailored in a special way, so enlarged her breasts that it seemed as if she was about to explode. For men, this blouse, or rather, I used it wild success. Much later, we met in person - I had the feeling that we were old friends.

And here is another secret - in addition to uniting the worlds of tradition and innovation, fashion designers managed to combine feminine and masculine principles in their clothes, without resorting to a dull unisex leveling: in their women's collections graceful dress can be combined with army boots, and in men's - a formal suit with a frivolous pink scarf. They themselves claim that this has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it’s just that in all women there is a piece of masculinity, and in men there is femininity, and fashion designers believe that it’s very cool to look deeper into yourself and find this piece. After all, in the 17th century, men wore high heels and used makeup - and at the same time were in many ways much more masculine than the modern representatives of the stronger sex.

The unique “combination of incompatibilities” of their models is explained quite simply: “We have different tastes, which means that we are groping for a combination of different aspirations. Sometimes we can create something more in the spirit of Gabbana, other times - in the spirit of Dolce. But everything we do is the result of a certain compromise.”

After the resounding success of the very first collection, the Dolce & Gabbana creative union began to conquer new heights. In 1989 they opened their first boutique - in Japan, and soon in Milan; in 1990 they released the first men's collection; in 1994, a new D&G brand appeared, with more affordable prices. Partners covered both youth and children's audience; Without stopping there, they entered into many licensing agreements for the production of a wide variety of fashion products, including glasses, perfumes, home goods, even two models of Citroën cars, the interiors of which are decorated with Swarovski diamonds. In just ten years, an obscure little atelier has grown into an international fashion empire, with Dolce&Gabbana and D&G branded stores now open in more than eighty countries around the world.

Of course, the creations of the Italian duo did not ignore celebrities. Sting, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Bryan Ferry, Demi Moore, Beyoncé, Angelina Jolie, Selma Hayek, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Victoria Beckham - these are just a few names, it is simply impossible to list them all. But the couple's most beloved client, as well as their source of inspiration, has always been Madonna. Both of them, her devoted admirers, could not believe their happiness for a long time, when in 1993 she herself offered them cooperation. They needed to sew 1,500 costumes in the shortest possible time for herself and the group The Girlie Show accompanying her on a world tour. Fashion designers worked tirelessly, and the pop diva was more than satisfied with the result. True, she did not pay them money for the work, because they forgot to stipulate the amount in the contract. However, Domenico and Stefano did not remain offended by her at all - besides the fact that they still received twenty-four thousand dollars for her bra, which was sold a few years later at auction, the main thing that they achieved thanks to this stellar collaboration is a grandiose surge in popularity. Now they are recognized by those who have never even heard of Dolce & Gabbana before. Cooperation continued in the future, and is not going to stop, because both parties are in complete delight with each other. In one of the many interviews, fashion designers were asked: if they became heterosexual for one night, with which of the women would they want to spend it, and both blurted out without saying a word: “With Madonna!”, After which they burst out laughing together. "There are many in the world beautiful women, but she is the best,” Stefano clarified.

Now it is difficult to say what happened before - their love for each other or the beginning of joint creativity. Most likely, this happened at the same time, and the personal relationship of the couple was closely intertwined with the creative. Not without reason, the release of their first collection coincided with the vows that Stefano and Domenico made to each other, pledging to protect and love each other - this was in 1986. Although these vows were not accompanied by any formal ceremony - and this was not possible at that time - for the next nineteen years they considered themselves married. The difference in character did not bother them at all. “We love spending time together, but at the same time we value and respect the freedom of everyone. No housekeeping! Domenico stated. - For example, I prefer to spend my free time at home, cooking all sorts of delicacies, and Stefano Gabbana loves parties, nightclubs, noisy companies. And we are not trying to impose our lifestyle on each other - we just know how to appreciate all its aspects.

The couple lived in Villa Volpe, a chic 19th-century palace in the heart of Milan with red sofas, animal prints on the walls and huge amount church candles- the furnishings of the house visibly demonstrated the difference in the tastes of its owners.

The only thing they seemed to lack for happiness was children. And both of them really wanted, however, they disagreed about the possible ways to find them. So, Domenico would very much like to adopt, and more than one child: he himself grew up with his brother and sister and always believed that a normal family is a family with many children, with noise, fuss and the sound of spoons on the table. But Stefano believes that a child should not grow up without a mother, so he would prefer that the baby be born to him by a woman he trusts, through artificial insemination, and then took part in his upbringing.

However, all these plans still did not come true - both the laws of the country and the separation of the couple, which occurred in 2005, interfered. Because of what it happened, they do not say, but they willingly talk about how they survived this difficult period And what kind of relationship did they end up with?

“When Domenico and I broke up, I was very upset about it. I love money and luxury, but when I was in my beautiful house in Portofino, its beauty did not help me cope with sadness. The mood was not changed either by a luxury yacht or a private jet. I'm a person, not just a designer fashion clothes", - this is how Stefano recalled that difficult period in his life.

“On a professional level, we are still partners and we love each other. true love. Domenico is part of my life, but now both he and I have a new boyfriend,” Gabbana explains the situation. “There were a lot of problems at the very beginning,” adds Dolce, “but we wanted to show people an example that you can save after a breakup. a good relationship. At the deathbed, we would like to see each other.

Sometimes they think about what awaits them in the future. “If you look at the artists and designers of the past, each of them had a period of upsurge in creativity, but it is also important to understand when it is time to leave,” Domenico answers the question about possible care to rest.

“But it will be almost impossible for us to stop,” Gabbana interrupts him. – We created our brand from scratch, it is our brainchild. I think I'll die if I stop doing this. Yes, I'm definitely going to die."

“These two people managed to combine two incompatible things in one - seduction and bright colors, without which it cannot exist modern fashion, and the "old world" of Sicily, where ancient traditions are sacredly honored - fidelity, vendetta and so on.
Isabella Rossellini, Italian actress.

"Your clothes are very sexy and humorous - just like me!"

Dolce & Gabbana is not just a famous and iconic brand in the fashion world, it is also a duet. Duet of two talented Italian fashion designers- Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. South of Italy and North. Conservatism and freedom of morals. Strict black dresses that women of the south of Italy love to wear so much and rampage bright colors. They are so different and at the same time together.

Domenico Dolce

Dominico Dolce was born in southern Italy. Conservative, mafia, true to tradition, distrustful of outsiders south. His father was the manager of a sewing studio, his mother was the manager of a lingerie store. But the family lived quite poorly, his father did not bring much income, and, as Dominico himself recalled, his mother wore old clothes father.

From childhood, Dominico helped his father in the atelier, already at the age of six he skillfully held a thread and a needle in his hands, as a child he loved to sew petite dresses and suits. But, however, after graduating from school, he did not go to work in his father's workshop, as his father himself probably expected, but entered an institute where he did not study for a long time, study seemed boring to him. And having studied at an art school behind him, Dominico went to conquer the capital of Italy, and one of the capitals of world fashion, Milan.

Stefano Gabbana

Things were much better for Stefano Gabbana, he was born in the northern part of Italy, in a fairly wealthy family. Stefano's parents did not spare money for their son, he always had enough pocket money, loved to go to clubs and noisy parties, and still loves it, unlike Dominico, who was brought up in conservative traditions. Stefano loved fashion and nice clothes, he could afford to buy clothes from Fiorucci, a rather expensive brand that produced clothes that were very popular among Italian youth - bright, catchy.

Stefano loved to draw from childhood and, having learned to be a "creative director", he went, like Dominico, to conquer Milan.

There, in Milan, they met, initially working as assistants to designers, in 1982 they will open their own studio. At first, the joint business of Dolce and Gabbana experienced significant financial difficulties, and therefore their first show took place in one of the city cafes. But the clothes of Dolce and Gabbana were interesting and are gradually becoming popular. So in 1985 they were invited to the Milano Collezioni fashion show in the category of young talents. At the show, they presented clothes for Real Women - a businesslike, successful, but not ideal woman.

After the Milano Collezioni show, Dolce and Gabbana become popular. In 1987, their studio moved to a new, better location. In 1989, their first collection of lingerie and swimwear was released. In 1992 they released their first. And in 1993, this fragrance receives an award from the International Academy of Perfumery. They are engaged in both accessories and the production of clothing for men, and in 1996 they release their first men's perfume.

Since 2006, Dolce&Gabbana have been wearing the Italian national football team. Celebrity clients of Dolce & Gabbana are Kylie Minogue, Beyonce, Victoria Beckham, Sting and Madonna, for whom they managed to work almost for nothing.

It so happened that when Madonna, who has always been an idol for Dolce and Gabbana, ordered them dresses for her tour, the fashion designers forgot to discuss the price with happiness. Suits, whose number was 1500 pieces, they sewed in an extremely short term- two months. Later, Dolce and Gabbana said that: “Perhaps we do not think about the cost of our labor because we have already earned much more money than they can spend."

In addition to the creative duet Dolce and Gabbana, until 2004, they were practically married couple, my gay they did not hide. Since 2004, their duet has remained only creative.

Dolce and Gabbana, so different not only in their upbringing, but even outwardly, are united by their love for Italian films of the 1950s and 60s of the twentieth century. They draw their inspiration from the Mediterranean culture.

Men are designers who no one shares anymore, constantly talking about them as something whole, about a creative union.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana: biography

Stefano was born in Milan, a city where everything is saturated with fashion and where it is impossible not to love it. family history Stefano is very curious: his mother raised him alone, and his father was a famous and incredibly rich italian stylist who provided, but did not raise his son.

Thanks to financial wealth Stefano could afford to follow fashion trends and every season he bought a trendy item in the Fiorucci store. By more the boutique sold bright and even outrageous outfits for teenagers. Stefano liked to dress fashionably, but he never thought that someday he would dress others himself.

Since childhood, Stefano had an artistic talent. He painted very beautifully and did it all the time. Of course, that is why he graduated from the Art College, where he studied graphic art. Having received a diploma of a creative director, he did not work in his specialty for a day. But soon he got a job as an assistant in one of the studios in Milan.

Domenico Dolce, a future ally in sewing business.
Italian designer Dominico was born in Sicily. His father, although he was not a rich man, was the manager of a small garment factory, and the mother took care of the well-being of the family and ran a lingerie store.
The strict morals of the father were reflected in the upbringing of the boy: the child was not spoiled, rarely bought toys or nice clothes, and from the age of 6, Domenico worked with his father at the factory.

The boy immediately mastered the art of sewing and was a first-class needleworker. Among his acquaintances, he received the nickname "Mozart" - for his amazing skills and even genius. And it doesn't matter that it's not in music, but in sewing. The child liked the craft so much that even in his free time he did not run around with the rest of the guys, but made tiny dresses from the remaining patches. Fate promised him to continue his father's business and work all his life at the factory, but Domenico decided to argue with this, so he entered the University. Two years later, he realizes that he does not need this education and begins studying at an art school.
Completely different and absolutely identical at the same time - they immediately realized that life would connect them. Then they decided that they would try to enter the world of fashion together.

In 1982, the tailoring craft partners open a small studio in Milan and begin to actively work on the creation of the first collection. Financial difficulties did not break fashion designers, and their talent and inexhaustible imagination led to the debut collection. True, the show was held in one of the capital's cafes - in order to save money.

Just three years after opening their own studio, fashion designers were invited to take part in the Milano Collezioni show. The collection specially designed for the event was a success. Fashion designers demonstrated clothes for real women - brave, strong, confident, but not perfect.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana: collections

And in 1986, the partners present new collection on the Real Woman show. Fashion designers tirelessly draw sketches, design and sew unique outfits.

Just a year later, they release their first knitwear collection. And in 1989 - a collection of swimwear and underwear.

In 1987, friends and colleagues opened a showroom, and a couple of months later, a whole store.
Success preceded all undertakings of the partners, and in 1988 they signed a contract with the Onward Kashiyama group, thanks to which they conquered the Japanese market. In the same year, the Genny group offered help, which decided to inject its investments into a rapidly growing company of partners. Soon Domenico and Stefano opened boutiques in Singapore, Hong Kong and Seoul.

In 2006, the partners were asked to design uniforms for the Italian football team. The offer was accepted.
Constant work led to a stunning success and in just 10 years from a small studio in the center of Milan, their business has grown into a world famous company under the Dolce & Gabbana brand.
A little later the fact was revealed personal relationships between partners. They publicly spoke about their connection in 2000, which shocked, but did not turn away the world public.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana: personal life

Unique, bold, creative - combining best qualities they were able to climb the fashionable Olympus and stay there forever. Their names are already written in world history fashion, but they continue to develop their talent, generate ideas and bring beauty to the world in their interpretation.

Stefano Gabbana

Fashion designer Date of birth November 14 (Scorpio) 1963 (55) Place of birth Venice Instagram @stefanogabbana

Stefano Gabbana is one of the founders of the fashion house Dolce & Gabbana. His name carries great weight in the field designer clothes. The collections, in the development of which he participated, invariably cause a stormy delight of the public. Although sometimes this couple creates quite provocative clothes. Stefano found his place in life, successfully developing his business. He had and big love that accompanied him for a significant part of his life.

Biography of Stefano Gabbana

The future fashion designer was born in Venice, but grew up in Milan. The child was illegitimate, and the father was famous fashion designer, and the mother herself ordinary woman. The father, despite the unequal connection, did not refuse the child and helped him financially.

From early childhood, the genes of the parent spoke in the child - he invariably noticed the details of the wardrobe of those around him, and after that he fell in love with dressing in things famous designers. Most of all, the teenager singled out Elio Fiorucci.

True, initially Stefano wanted to devote his life to art and began studying at an art college, where he received a diploma confirming his specialty - "Creative Director". Then Gabbana got a job in a fashion studio as an assistant. There he met Domenico Dolce. The young men began to communicate closely and gradually came to the decision to conduct an independent business.

In 1982, the Dolce & Gabbana studio opened in a small studio in Milan. At first, things were not going very well, the profit from the work was scanty. In 1984, fashion designers took part in Milan Fashion Week, and at next year debuted at Milano Collezzioni. This gave them a chance to draw attention to themselves. The couple was well received by critics.

In 1988, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce presented their debut women's collection pret-a-porter. They told reporters that they were inspired by the images of Lauren and Gina Lollobrigida to create this line. In 1989 they fashion house released a collection of lingerie and swimwear. And a year later they took up men's clothing lines.

In 1992, the company began developing perfume compositions under the brand name of your house. In 1994, in addition to Dolce & Gabbana, the D & G line appeared. They merged in 2011.

Also in 2011, the couple took up the release jewelry. On the this moment Dolce & Gabbana is a huge corporation known all over the world. Stefano is still busy developing collections, participating in fashion shows, he is filmed for television shows and gives interviews for various publications.

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Rich Russian children Instagram: know ours, or the crisis will not affect them The perpetrators of the scandal themselves were surprised by such a reaction from the public and apologized to everyone who was hurt by their words. However, Dolce and Gabbana did not give up their opinion: “Perhaps I really should have used other words ... Scandals of the year: foreign stars

Personal life of Stefano Gabbana

In addition to the business sphere, the names of Dolce and Gabbana have been inextricably linked in their personal lives for over 20 years. For a long time their relationship was carefully hidden. But, 15 years after the beginning of their relationship, the norms of society became less conservative and the couple was able to openly declare their love.

Despite this duration, love relationship ended in 2004, moving into business cooperation. Gabbana and Dolce continue to cooperate and only talk about each other good words over which the shadow of the past hovers.
