Glycerin from corns for heels. Glycerin and ammonia for tender heels

Glycerin is an excellent moisturizer that can and should be used to treat cracked heels. This substance is sold in small glass jars 25 milliliters each with a price of 10-14 rubles (depending on the region).

If the cracks on the heels are not deep, then only 1-2 treatments per day for 5-7 days will significantly improve the condition of the skin, make it softer and “fresher”.

But the main advantage of glycerin is that it can be used together with other components, the action of which is aimed at softening dead skin particles and removing cracked heels.

The most popular recipe is glycerin and ammonia. It is done quite simply, but when working with ammonia (and this is a 10% ammonia solution), you should be careful that the liquid does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes.

This recipe is effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. Treatment with glycerin and ammonia is not recommended for deep cracked heels, as there is a risk of damaging the deeper layers of the skin. More information you can read about this recipe and the features of its use from this article -.

Ammonia and table vinegar

Another popular folk recipe from heel cracks - a mixture of ammonia and ordinary (9% table) vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1.

Be careful not to confuse 9% vinegar with 70% essence, as you can cause very serious damage to the skin and provoke an inflammatory process.

Before applying vinegar with glycerin, wash or. This will help cleanse the pores of dirt and only speed up the treatment.

The mixture is applied to all cracks on the heels in a uniform, thin layer and slightly rubbed into the skin. Next, you need to put on the leg plastic bag and a cotton sock so that nothing in the house gets dirty.

The treatment procedure is best done a few hours before bedtime. In the morning, the compress is removed, the legs are steamed in warm water and the cracks are treated with pumice. At the end of the procedure, the feet should be treated with a moisturizer.

Important! It is advisable to treat heel cracks using vinegar not every day, but every other day.

Glycerin and tea tree oil

Another good recipe for problematic skin on the legs - a mixture of glycerin and oil tea tree in a ratio of 1:1. The prepared mass perfectly softens keratinized skin without damaging healthy skin. After just a few procedures, you will feel and see the first results. In total, it may take up to 2 weeks for cracks to be removed.

Tea tree oil treatments can be done every day according to the same principle as described in the previous recipe.

For many women, the issue of hand skin care at home is acute. Not always expensive, advertised products help get rid of dryness, age spots on hands. One of the folk remedies that has proven its effectiveness and that any housewife can do on their own for their own hands is a mixture of glycerin with ammonia.

Benefits for dry skin

Glycerin stimulates the hydration of epidermal cells, helps restore skin elasticity, cleanses pores. With the help of glycerin useful material vitamins and microelements are better absorbed.

Protects well skin covering, promotes the healing of microcracks from drying out of the skin. Maintains the smoothness of the skin, preserves it water balance. Regular use helps fight skin aging.

Ammonia has excellent antiseptic, antibacterial properties. Protects against various pathogenic bacteria. That is, it has an antiseptic property, your hands will always be clean!

Liquid for hands from the USSR

The liquid for hands familiar to many women of the older generation, which was produced in the USSR, contained glycerin and ammonia in its composition. A popular hand softener has passed into the category of folk recipes.

The main advantage of this mixture is natural ingredients, low price, availability of components. Any woman can make herself nourishing mask for hands, buying necessary elements in a pharmacy.

  • liquid glycerin. For external use, it is sold in dark glass bottles. Volume 25 ml. Prices vary from 15 to 25 rubles.
  • Ammonia (ammonia). For external use - bottles of 40 ml. The cost is from 22 to 30 rubles.
  • Antiseptol (Alcohol solution). For external use - 100 ml. 27 - 35 rubles.
  • Distilled, boiled or filtered water.

Step-by-step instruction

Recipe 1: Glycerin Hand Liquid

  1. Take in equal proportions glycerin, ammonia, antiseptol or other alcohol solution for external use, distilled water.
  2. Move carefully.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a clean bottle, preferably with a spray bottle.
  4. Apply the product to clean skin hands
  5. Can be applied daily.
  6. Keep refrigerated.

Recipe 2: Chatterbox

  • Take 1 part glycerin and 1 part ammonia. The parts must be equal.
  • Shake gently.
  • Apply the resulting mass overnight on the skin of the hands, you can use a brush.
  • Wear cotton gloves to enhance the moisturizing effect.
  • Chatterbox is done 1 - 2 times a week.
  • Keep refrigerated.

The only downside is Strong smell ammonia. It is worth waiting a few minutes, and the smell of ammonia will disappear.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product. Before making a hand mask, it is worth checking for the presence of allergic reaction for the ingredients. To do this, a little glycerin or ammonia is applied to the skin. If no reaction followed, then this tool can be used in the care of the skin of the hands.

Application results

At regular use the following results can be achieved.

  • The water balance of the skin on the hands is restored.
  • The skin stops peeling.
  • Rough areas of the skin become soft, smooth, pleasant to the touch.
  • Small wounds, cracks, scratches heal.
  • Pores are cleansed.
  • The appearance of wrinkles is prevented.
  • Age spots disappear.
  • Hands are protected from harmful natural influences: frost, dust, hot sun.
  • Removed inflammatory processes.

IMPORTANT: Incorrect dosage of ingredients can lead to dehydration of the top layer of the skin.

Regular use of products with glycerin will help to avoid early aging hand skin, get rid of pigmentation. It will give your hands a well-groomed, healthy look!

Rough heels- the problem is not purely female. Cracks on the heels, corns, yes, and corny dry skin of the legs - the difficulties are poisonous and men's lives too.

We propose to talk in more detail about rough heels and the corns and cracks that appear on them.

Cracks in the heels - the causes of formation:
- infections (often fungal type);
- dry skin on the heels.

What contributes to dry skin on the heels:
- long pastime on legs (standing work);
- Incorrect foot care. Cracks on the heels appear if you use a cream that does not match the type of skin, roughly remove the keratinized epidermis, wear low-quality socks (low-quality synthetics, paint, etc.);
- prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
- violation of metabolic processes. For example, metabolic processes can slow down, and this happens when a person overcomes the age threshold of “40 years”. The condition of the epidermis after this noticeably worsens, and as a result, a person can get rough heels if he does not devote time to them;
- chronic diseases– obesity, diabetes etc.;
- beriberi.

Calluses on the heels can also form due to the use uncomfortable shoes and walking barefoot. As for the “wrong shoes”, there are now many models that are devoid of heels. With each step, due to the structure of such shoes, it turns out that it pats on the heels. As a result of active mechanical action, the skin of the legs quickly coarsens, and corns and cracks appear on the heels.

Knowing the causes of rough heels, the formation of cracks and corns, you need to learn that foot care in advanced cases requires time. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove cracks on the heels in such cases in a day. Therefore, tune in to painstaking work, but after a week or two (depending on neglect), corns on your heels will remain in the past for you ...

Proper foot care
- before each exposure to the sun, even if the heels are not rough and the skin of the legs is not dry, the feet still need to be treated with moisturizers;
- periodically massage the heels using oily creams. This procedure is carried out in order to improve the circulation of the legs;
- regularly care for the skin of the feet.

Foot care, heels in particular, consists in using:
- cleansing procedures;
- baths;
- masks, creams.

Preventive foot care:
If now the heels look decent, but you do not want cracks and corns to cover them over time, then it is advisable to use a proven remedy at least occasionally - for preventive purposes. We are talking about a mixture of glycerin, vinegar (70%) and alcohol (ammonia). The components are mixed in an arbitrary sequence, but in the same ratio.

Baths for the prevention and removal of cracks, corns on the heels

Soap bath for rough heels:
* water (a liter is enough);
* a couple of teaspoons of soda;
* tablespoon of soap (preferably liquid).

Soda and soap dissolve in water (the temperature of the latter should be 40-60 degrees). The second step in the preparation of the bath is to whip the foam. When a sufficient amount of foam has formed, the legs can be lowered into the finished drug for 20 minutes. After, using a pedicure brush, it is necessary to remove corns on the heels and generously lubricate the skin of the feet with a fat cream.

Bath with apple cider vinegar for cracked heels:
* a couple of tablespoons of vinegar;
*liter of water.

Vinegar is added to warm water. The legs are lowered into the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes. After that, using a heel grater, massage the soles of your feet, paying attention to rough heels. Then put your feet in cold water seconds, so, for 10, and then wipe the skin of the legs and smear it with cream soundly.

Starch bath against corns on the heels:
* a couple of tablespoons of starch (preferably potato);
*liter of water.

In a glass of cold water, you need to dissolve a spoonful of starch. Next, the resulting mixture is diluted with the remaining water, but already heated (60 degrees will be enough). In the resulting drug, you need to hold your legs (20 minutes). After completing the procedure, dry your feet thoroughly and with gentle movements using a heel grater, treat the corns on the heels.

How to overcome corns and cracked heels using vinegar and glycerin:

Variation one
Open the purchased vial of glycerin and top it up with vinegar (vials are sold not completely filled). Every morning, lubricate the skin of the legs - feet, including fingers and heels, put on socks and go on business. Rough heels get beautiful view already for 3-4 days, if you are dealing with cracks and corns on the heels, then the transformation of the skin of the legs will last a little longer.

Variation two
Vinegar and glycerin are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting drug after a shower must be lubricated on the skin of the legs.

We remove corns on the heels using ammonia:
Again, glycerin, again in equal proportions, must be mixed, but with ammonia. The resulting drug should be carefully rubbed into the skin of the legs, but this must be done after the feet are well steamed.

Most female care behind the legs with corns on the heels:
No matter how unexpected it may sound, lipstick (hygienic) can help in the fight against rough heels, corns and even cracks in the skin of the legs. So, it is enough shortly before bedtime to carefully lubricate the heels with lipstick. This procedure requires daily repetition. There are a number of positive feedback about this technique.

Foot care with honey:
* tablespoon of honey;
* a couple of tablespoons of flour.

In order to forget about cracked heels, mix flour with honey (until a dough-like mass forms). The resulting dough must be divided into a couple of parts. In order to remove cracked heels, you need to soak your feet in the hottest water for you for at least 15 minutes. Then dry your feet thoroughly and place a honey cake under each heel.

Important: rough heels, under which cakes are placed, must be wrapped with plastic wrap and put on socks. This procedure is performed before going to bed, in the morning the cakes are removed, and the feet are rinsed with cool water. By the way, you should not throw out the cakes - roll them into a ball, wrap them in a film and put them in the refrigerator until the evening. After all, in the evening you will have to repeat this procedure. Often 5-6 times are enough for rough heels with cracks and corns to become attractive in every sense.

Paraffin against corns on the heels:
Take an ordinary, but colorless candle and rub it or break it. The resulting paraffin must be mixed with approximately the same amount of butter (butter). Put the paraffin-oil mixture on the stove in order to melt the paraffin. When the drug has a uniform appearance, it can be removed from the fire. Wait until the mixture has cooled to “tolerable temperature” and immediately pour it on rough heels, and then wrap your feet in polyethylene and put on socks. This ritual should be repeated every evening until recovery.

Homemade ointment for corns on the heels:
* yolk (egg);
* vinegar (st.spoon);
*vegetable oil).

To overcome corns and cracks on the heels, it is necessary to prepare a home-made ointment, and for this it is enough to combine a tablespoon of oil with yolk, then add vinegar and mix everything well. It is advisable to apply this ointment on fairly steamed skin of the legs, after which the legs should be wrapped in polyethylene and put on socks. The procedure is performed at night, in the morning the socks and polyethylene are removed, and the heels are treated with a heel grater without much diligence.

Homemade ointment for cracked heels:
*100 ml. oils (olive);
* wax (bees);
* a teaspoon of glycerin;
* a teaspoon of oil (sea buckthorn).

Olive little, you need to warm up to 40 degrees, doing it in a water bath. When the oil is heated, wax is added (a piece is required, in size, equivalent to half matchbox). Wax must be completely melted in oil, then add glycerin. Everything is thoroughly mixed and then added to the resulting mass sea ​​buckthorn oil. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. This homemade ointment is most effective when applied to rough heels that have been steamed in hot water.

Difficult to manufacture, but proven in action, ointment for cracks and corns on the heels:
*rough heels, corns on the heels, cracked heels, foot care
* 200 g butter (butter);
*200 g. acetic acid(enough 70% solution);
*chicken egg).

To prepare this homemade ointment, it is advisable to use a homemade egg, and not a store-bought one. So, the latter must be thoroughly washed and put in a container that needs to be filled with acid (the egg must be completely covered with acid). It is advisable to move this container to a cool place (a refrigerator is not suitable). The egg should be in acid for 7 days, then it must be carefully removed and mixed with oil. To mix better with a fork up to the formation of a homogeneous ointment mixture. Apply this ointment before going to bed, doing it every day until the rough heels take on an attractive appearance.

Soap - worst enemy heel cracks:
Rough heels with cracks can be cured with ordinary soap (it is advisable to use household or hard tar soap). Foot care comes down to the fact that 2 linen rags are moistened in tea leaves and well lathered. It is necessary to wrap the heels with soapy rags, wrap the feet with polyethylene and put on socks. This procedure is performed before going to bed, in the morning the rags are removed, and the feet are rinsed with cool water.

Getting rid of cracked heels quickly:
In order for cracked heels to heal quickly, completely disappear and rough heels become smooth, pink, psyllium roots are required and only 25 minutes / day. Pure plantain roots are poured with boiling water. As soon as it is possible to dip your feet into the resulting infusion, do it immediately, and keep them there until the infusion has cooled. This procedure is relevant before going to bed, the legs do not need to be lubricated. Rough heels after a few days begin to become smoother and softer, and with each subsequent day the situation improves up to perfect condition feet.

Cabbage compress will relieve the deepest cracks on the heels:
The first thing to do is to steam your legs well, then carefully grease them with light honey. When the feet are smeared with honey, they must be wrapped cabbage leaves by doing this in 2 layers. Outside, the compress is wrapped in polyethylene, and socks are put on. This kind of foot care is performed at night, in the morning the compress is removed.

Glycerin (Glycerin) is one of the most famous and frequently used components in cosmetology. Such a trihydric alcohol in the form clear liquid- first aid to replenish the fluid of the human epidermis, especially the skin of the heels.

In order to tidy up the legs at home, to give them beauty, smoothness and health, several generations of women keep liquid glycerin for the feet in first-aid kits. Combined with vinegar, ammonia or olive oil(there are many recipes) it helps with rubbing, peeling, cracks no worse, and sometimes even better than expensive spa treatments.

The rise in popularity of inexpensive folk remedies due to the high percentage of patients cured. Beneficial features glycerin for the skin of the heels are known, these are:

  • Hydration. It attracts water molecules from the air and absorbs them into the skin.
  • Skin softening. After exposure to the product, the cleansing of the keratinized areas of the feet is easier and faster.
  • Antiseptic. After the procedures, the legs sweat less, the pathogenic flora is destroyed, harmful bacteria, fungus and viruses die.
  • Strengthening, regeneration of the skin.
  • Healing of cracks, small wounds.
  • Prevention of dehydration and the appearance of new cracks, corns, calluses.

Recipes with glycerin from cracks

Bringing the proper form of the legs if desired is easy. Using the recipe and having the ingredients at hand, a woman at home is able to make the necessary mixture.

For application to the skin, glycerin in pure form not used. Beauticians dilute it with at least water.

For amplification medicinal properties mixtures with the product are prepared with the following components:

  • 9% table or Apple vinegar.
  • 10% ammonia.
  • Ammonium chloride.
  • Essential oils (peach, almond).
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, corn).
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Boric acid.
  • Vinegar essence.
  • Lemon juice or essence.
  • Fruit.
  • Healing herbs.
  • Vitamins A, E.
  • Water.

Before starting the treatment procedure, you should do a pedicure, prepare your feet. Feet are steamed in hot water for 15 minutes, after which they rub problem areas pumice stone or grater. Only after cleaning and removing keratinized areas, prepared products are applied.

If deep cracks have formed on the heels, it is impossible to rub them with a pumice stone or a grater.

Using Vinegar

There are a lot of recipes for the treatment of heels based on the remedy. Glycerin with vinegar for feet is the most common, and therefore effective. To get the desired result, to give dry heels and feet a “second youth”, it is important to observe the necessary proportions and conditions during the preparation of the product.

Recipe #1

  • Table vinegar 9% or apple cider vinegar - 25 g.
  • Glycerin - 25 g.

On steamed dry heels cotton pad spread the prepared remedy. Next, the feet are covered with a film, after which cotton socks are put on. A solution of glycerin and vinegar for the heels should remain on the feet for at least 3 hours. The compress can be left on all night. After the end of the procedure, thoroughly rinse the feet with warm water and lubricate the feet with cream.

Heels, toes and toenails require treatment with the mixture. Harmful bacteria that cause bad smell, itching, live and multiply on the entire foot.

Recipe #2

  • Acetic acid or vinegar - 50 g.
  • Formic alcohol or boric acid- 50 g.
  • Glycerin - 25 g.

The mixture is used as in the first recipe. If not required amount time for wrapping, you can apply the product on the coarsened areas of the feet, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off the residue with warm water and apply cream.

Recipe #3

  • Vinegar - 10 g.
  • Glycerin composition - 50 g.

This ratio of ingredients is typical for the treatment of heels with old corns, deep cracks. A compress is prepared using gauze. It is smeared on problem areas, legs are wrapped with a film and cotton socks are put on. It is more correct to carry out the procedure in the evening, and leave the compress all night.

It is dangerous to apply mixtures to cracks, causing pain. In such cases, consult a doctor.

Recipe #4

  • Glycerin - 1 jar.
  • Acetic essence ≈ 50 g.

it prophylactic for rubbing heels, it is prepared elementarily: essence is added to a jar of glycerin, shaken. Rub for a few minutes after taking a bath or shower.

With ammonia

Ammonia for dry heels with this component in its features and method of application is an analogue of glycerin with vinegar. Ammonia has a disinfectant property, eliminates itching, kills some types of fungi, and reduces pathogenic flora.

Recipe number 5

  • Glycerin - 50 g.
  • Ammonia - 50 g.

Before applying the mixture must be infused for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. A compress is applied to the pre-steamed and pumice-treated heels with the help of gauze. Wrap your feet in cling film and put on socks. The compress is left overnight.

In the morning, the legs will need a warm shower. In especially difficult cases, it is possible to treat the heels with pumice after the compress. Completion of the procedure - lubrication of the feet with a moisturizer.

With other components

In addition to vinegar and ammonia, other components are also used in solutions: peroxide, oils, fruits, and so on. These components are endowed with healing, moisturizing and soothing properties.

Before using the mixture, the legs will need a bath (it is possible with the addition of sea salt). Only after the feet treated with pumice is the prepared product applied in the form of a mask or compress.

Recipe #6

  • Hydrogen peroxide - 50 g.
  • Glycerin - 50 g.

This compound is applied in the form of a compress. To obtain positive result, the agent should remain on the legs as long as possible. This is followed by a foot shower. If the heels require additional treatment after removing the compress, problem areas should be rubbed with a pumice stone. The final step is the application of the cream.

Recipe number 7

  • Any vegetable oil(preferably olive) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Glycerin - 10 drops.

The product is used as a mask, applied to the heels and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes.

Recipe number 8

  • Glycerin - 20 g.
  • Oak bark - 30 g.
  • Pharmacy chamomile - 30 g.

To create this mixture, you need to brew oak bark and chamomile. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and add glycerin to it. The resulting product is used in the form of a mask, and is also used during a foot massage.

Recipe #9

  • Glycerin - 10 g.
  • Water - 20 g.
  • Apple pulp (lemon, kiwi, grapefruit) ≈ 100 g.

The fruit pulp is beaten in a blender until gruel, water and glycerin are added and applied to the heels. The tool is used as a mask or compress.

Recipe number 10

  • Glycerin - 20 g.
  • Honey - 20 g.
  • Cosmetic oil (optional) - 20 g.
  • Water - 40 g.

For best effect the mixture should be used as a heel compress and left on the legs all night.

Recipe #11

  • Glycerin - 50 g.
  • 10% ammonia - 50 g.
  • Vitamin A (Retinol) and vitamin E (Tocopherol) - 2-3 drops each.
  • Olive oil - 50 g.

After softening the skin of the heels, the product is applied in the form of a compress, the feet are wrapped cling film and put on warm socks (not synthetics!).

Recipe #12

  • Glycerin - 20 g.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 20 g.
  • Olive oil - 20 g.

A compress or mask is applied to the calluses for the whole night.

The skin on the legs can crack from a number of factors. As a preventive measure, to let it breathe, you should cook it once a week softening baths. A simple bath recipe: 2 liters of hot water, 2 teaspoons of glycerin, lemon juice. With this procedure, feet, heels, fingers receive moisture and a fresh smell.

Get rid of edema, calluses and bad smell a bath with the following components will help: hot water- 2 liters, soda - 1 teaspoon, glycerin - 1 teaspoon.

Rules of use and proportions

If you decide to try one of the recipes with glycerin for heels, you need to remember the proportions for making the solution and the rules for using the prepared mixture. Let's figure it out step by step:

  • It is important to observe the correct ratio of glycerin to other components. Most of the ingredients listed in prescriptions are from drugstore shelves. These are medicines that misuse harm human health.
  • All procedures - masks, massages, compresses - are carried out on clean, steamed, pre-treated feet.
  • After removing the mask or compress, the legs should be washed under running warm water and a moisturizer should be applied.
  • If, after the compress, dead, keratinized skin remains on the heels, it must be removed with a grater or pumice stone.
  • The very procedure of applying the product to the heels is best done with rubber gloves. Vinegar or alcohol gets on small wounds on the hands and causes pain.
  • If the solution comes into contact with the face, rinse the skin thoroughly with plenty of water.
  • One-time use of glycerin for heels will not bring desired result. To get the desired result (soft and healthy skin), a woman will have to be patient. Only a series of sessions will bring success. Depending on the condition of the feet and heels, the number of procedures varies from 7 to 15.


Medical reviews of glycerin are only positive. It is considered one of the safest cosmetics. However, the human body may react differently to the proposed mixtures.

There are few contraindications for use, but they are:

  • Women with allergies to one or more components of the mixture should refuse procedures with glycerin for heels.
  • If suppuration appears on the soles of the feet, cracks hurt, general state legs worsens, then the procedure should be stopped. The skin cracks, coarsens not only from uncomfortable shoes. Some diseases are behind the described symptoms. Only a doctor can help you heal.
  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to use glycerin for cosmetic purposes on their own. Pregnancy - important time for expectant mothers, therefore, without the consultation and approval of the doctor, the procedure cannot be started.

Women are proud of well-groomed feet, heels, nails, do not hide from prying eyes and take a photo of them. “Love for yourself is the first necessity,” Levi once said, forgetting to add that to love yourself is also to work on yourself. Both internally and externally. Love yourself, take care of yourself. And the stars will fall to your beautiful and healthy legs!

Hello friends!

If you have heel problems, glycerin will help you.

In this article, I have collected the most effective recipes using glycerin to restore your heels, and solve problems with them.

So, how to use glycerin for heels correctly and effectively, read on...

From this article you will learn:

Glycerin for heels - the secrets of effective use

What woman does not dream of havingheels like a baby?

I want to flaunt such legs, pacing in open shoes, which can not be said about rough heels with cracked skin.

To avoid this, more attention should be paid to the heels, moisturize them daily with cream, do foot baths, and get rid of keratinization in a timely manner.

It should be noted that not in all cases rough skin on the heels is formed due to lack of care.

All the fault can be some kind of disease or failure in the body. At the same time, one cosmetic care will not be enough, and therefore be sure to consult a doctor.

What are the benefits of glycerin for heels?

To soften your heelshas long been used by cosmetologists.

The tool extracts water molecules directly from the air, so glycerin is the best moisturizer.

In addition, the product is characterized by excellent antiseptic abilities, which makes it an excellent prophylactic against the development of pathogenic flora.

It instantly restores the skin, provides it with softening.

If you list the useful abilities of glycerin, then these will be:

  • moisturizing;
  • softening;
  • restoration and regeneration;
  • removal of dead particles;
  • preventing the appearance of corns and corns.

Treatment of heels with glycerin - methods of application

Usually donemasks for softening heels with glycerin.

The result will be evident after application, however, in order to achieve best results, the product should be applied with stubborn constancy.

Even for preventive purposes, stability should be adhered to:

  1. Before applying the product, the legs are steamed in the basin, for which hot water with sea ​​salt(a teaspoon per liter of liquid).
  2. The basic principle is that the water is really hot. The temperature should be such that you can withstand it and not get burned.
  3. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes, after which the keratinized particles are removed with a pumice stone (If there are cracks on the heels, then you should not rub your feet), and the heels are lubricated with glycerin.

Glycerin with bite for heels

Vinegar not only softens and relieves dryness, but also combats fungus, And this is very important in foot care.

Ordinary vinegar can be replaced with apple cider vinegar, as it is considered more useful.

On prescription cooking, you should take two large spoons of glycerin and the same amount of vinegar.

The liquid is applied to a small piece of gauze, which is applied to problem areas.

Polyethylene is stretched from above, and socks are put on.

Heel cleanser with glycerinit is washed off within three hours, but you can leave it until the morning.

The result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

Such a mask will be effective even in the most severe cases, after allglycerin for cracked heelsis the best remedy.

Glycerin for heels at night

Not everyone likes to sleep through the night withglycerin to soften the heels, but the result really justifies any expectations. Already after the fourth procedure you will notice the effect.

You will need the main product discussed in this article; chamomile and oak bark, which you need to buy at the pharmacy.

Step by step action:

  • herbs must be poured with boiling water in proportions 30 grams per glass of water;
  • the resulting broth should be filtered and mixed with a tablespoon of glycerin;
  • the product should be rubbed into the feet, after which cotton socks are put on;
  • in the morning everything is washed off with warm water.

Oak bark - beautiful antiseptic and chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, glycerin will make the heels soft .

Glycerin and ammonia

Before making a mask, the legs are thoroughly steamed. After that, proceed to the applicationglycerin to soften the heels.

  • Take the two ingredients in equal proportions and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Moisten the cheesecloth with it, which needs to be folded in layers.
  • Make a compress, put a plastic bag on top, put socks on your feet and go to bed.
  • In the morning, we remove everything and wash it off, clean our feet with a pumice stone.

Do this several times a week until your heels are smooth.

For prevention, such actions are performed once every two weeks.

Glycerin and hydrogen peroxide for heels

Peroxide and glycerin for heelsare used in much the same way as in the previous case.

A mixture of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide, mixed in equal amounts, is applied to the steamed, cleansed skin, a gauze bandage is applied, the sock is pulled on and they go to bed.

In the morning, the place is vigorously rubbed with a pumice stone. Do not use a blade or other sharp object to cut off dead skin. Thus, you will only harm yourself.

And then apply the cream.

Manipulation is performed every three days until your legs are soft.

Precautions for use

It is necessary to use glycerin for cosmetic purposes only if there are no contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the masks;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Sometimes the cheapest simple products turn out to be the most efficient. You should strictly follow the recipe and dosage, because otherwise you will achieve reverse result: Dry skin.

The described masks and compresses will return smoothness to your heels, eliminate keratinization, and relieve cracks.

But this requires constant care, the use of special peels and scrubs.

If your problem is caused by the appearance of the fungus, be sure to consult a doctor and do not start treatment at home without his approval.

Well, here is the information, friends!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!
