Angelina Jolie's favorite cosmetics. In fact, there are no secret beauty secrets.

Angelina Jolie is recognized as one of the most beautiful women planets. I must say that the actress does not overdo it with makeup and is not afraid to appear in public without it. She knows that she is very attractive and has nothing to be ashamed of, so she skillfully uses all the female features to attract attention.

If Angelina does makeup, then it is always flawless and very natural and feminine. Let's try to understand all its secrets.
1. Minimum makeup
it main secret actresses - use cosmetics in minimal quantities and only when necessary. She takes care of her skin and tries to keep it healthy, so foundations and powders only mask imperfections. You will never see a thick layer of foundation on her face.
To follow Angelina Jolie's advice, take a good look at yourself. If you stand facing natural daylight and look in the mirror, everything problem areas, imperfections and flaws will be clearly visible. It is on them with fingertips that you need to apply masking agents: tone cream and powder.

2. Emphasize dignity
Oh yes, there is something to emphasize on Jolie's face: plump lips, expressive big eyes. Although Angelina's eyes are beautiful even without makeup. However, it is on them that her everyday makeup is mainly built. She loves to focus on the eyes.

Please note that the actress very rarely makes her eye makeup aggressive and rarely uses shadows. dark shades. But pastel shades and brown shades shadows, as well as glitter and mother-of-pearl are her favorites.
Smokey eyes and makeup cat eyes”Also favorite tricks of Angelina Jolie. Arrows are never big and bold. The line is thin, gradually widening towards the outer edge. Thus, the actress emphasizes the shape of her eyes. Take note.

3. Correct accents in makeup
As we have already said, Angelina never focuses on her lips in her makeup. Maybe in vain? She sees better. After all, the actress owes such popularity to her lips. She is constantly on the list of the most beautiful or sexy women peace.

4. Natural shades of lipstick - the technique that she most often uses. Lips are first tinted, for this Jolie uses foundation. For permanent make-up lips need to be powdered.
To preserve the contour of the lips, a pencil of the same natural shades. By the way, Angelina has another secret: light colors make lips look fuller. The final touch is a transparent lip gloss.

Angelina Jolie is the ideal of beauty and a living legend. Millions of people are convinced that Jolie is naturally beautiful and does nothing to remain the first beauty in cinema. Of course, the actress was lucky with her genes, but Angie herself admits - "to be beautiful - great work which is not visible to others.

So the most beautiful actress on the planet regularly visits the gym, takes care of her skin, is interested in the latest in cosmetology and tries them on herself. True, the actress almost does not tell glossy magazines about this, preferring intellectual conversations.

Not so long ago, Angelina Jolie admitted that there was a period in her life when she didn’t like herself (“I hated my body!” the actress admits), because of this, she brought herself to hungry faints with the help of diets and exhausting workouts in gym. Severe postpartum depression was the actress after the birth of the twins.

Angie's complexes and the struggle for perfection

A perfectionist in life, Angie was unable to afford to slow down in her pursuit of perfection. According to Brad Pitt, Angie had complexes, and every time she went out to the public she was afraid to disappoint people who always expected from her only perfection and impeccable style.

The complexes were caused by those doubts that she could not continue to be the best in everything. Proudly bear the title of beautiful actress Hollywood and the sex symbol of modern cinema. And, besides, Jolie gnawed herself for the fact that she could not be the best mother to her children.

“The world thinks that Angelina is perfection, and she was just lucky to be born so beautiful. This puts a lot of pressure on her. She does not want people to know how much work it takes for her to maintain her appearance and always be on top. To match the image, Jolie has to work very hard on herself, ”- wrote in a magazine Cosmopolitan according to her husband Brad Pitt.

“Hours of battle with her own body completely exhausted the actress,” wrote Now magazine, according to a source close to the star. - She is forced to be torn between six children, filming and gym where he spends five or six hours a day. Working on her own body has turned into an endless war and dissatisfaction with herself, which eats the actress from the inside.

She trains like a man possessed, not enjoying her workouts, and is even more convinced that her figure is simply disgusting.

Jolie believes that she has a loose belly, she is worried about stretch marks and loose skin. But this period in the life of a star, fortunately, is over. After a course of psychotherapy, Jolie learned to accept herself and not reproach for her little human imperfections.

“When she gave birth to her first child, she was so happy that own body she was practically uninterested- tells an informed source - But after the birth of the twins, Angelina realized that she could no longer ignore her own physical neglect. Jolie's greatest concern is her breasts, which, according to the actress, have shrunken and sagged, and a flabby stomach.

And yet, Angelina did not make a single plastic surgery. Once Jolie admitted that she would never again act in films naked or in a bikini, and because of the imperfection of her stomach, she would not wear open swimsuit. Until now, the paparazzi have not been able to catch the actress in a bikini, as the actress appears on the beach in closed swimsuits or even a wetsuit that completely covers her body. The more intrigue around her name.

And here are some facts about superwoman beauty secrets.

During the filming of Lara Croft, Angelina was on a protein diet and engaged in martial arts.

Angelina Jolie admits that despite her thinness, she has cellulite. In her youth, when she abused alcohol, smoked and drank sweet soda, " Orange peel' was very noticeable. The actress has been leading for a long time healthy lifestyle life, so cellulite no longer bothers her. However, Jolie does not allow herself to drink sugary carbonated drinks, uses special preventive creams and massages, prefers to drink green tea.

The actress's favorite drink is ginger tea, which she became addicted to during her second pregnancy.

The protein diet of an actress from the time of Lara Croft:

Breakfast consists of an omelette with cheese, cherry tomatoes and coffee with cream (but without caffeine and sugar). For lunch - a steak (200-250 g), a salad of green lettuce and onions. For dinner - a small piece of salmon or another grilled or steamed fish with vegetables. Instead of sauce for fish - the juice of half a lemon.

Now the actress almost does not eat meat (which is noticeable in her figure, almost devoid of muscle mass), preferring green vegetables and vegetable soups. At the gym, she does yoga and Pilates.

Imperfections of Angelina Jolie, subject to cosmetology:

Angelina is very worried about the swollen wreath on her forehead, as well as the prominent veins on her hands (the press has repeatedly written that her hands look like the hands of an old woman). Instyle magazine wrote that the actress uses a $400 sturgeon caviar cream.

Also one of fashion magazines reported that Angelina uses the Dracula method as an anti-aging therapy. The method is based on the use of the patient's own blood. This technique based on positive effect, which is exerted on the skin by platelets contained in the blood. These blood elements stimulate the production of collagen in the cells, which provides the skin with a healthy and radiant appearance. The procedure should be repeated regularly.

Angelina Jolie is the ideal of beauty and a living legend. Millions of people are convinced that Jolie is naturally beautiful and does nothing to remain the first beauty in cinema. Of course, the actress was lucky with her genes, but Angie herself admits that "being beautiful is a lot of work that is not noticeable to others."

So the most beautiful actress on the planet regularly visits the gym, takes care of her skin, is interested in the latest in cosmetology and tries them on herself. True, the actress almost does not tell glossy magazines about this, preferring intellectual conversations.

Not so long ago, Angelina Jolie admitted that there was a period in her life when she didn’t like herself (“I hated my body!” the actress admits), because of this, she brought herself to hungry faints with the help of diets and exhausting workouts in gym. Severe postpartum depression was the actress after the birth of the twins.

Angie's complexes and the struggle for perfection

A perfectionist in life, Angie was unable to afford to slow down in her pursuit of perfection. According to Brad Pitt, Angie had complexes, and every time she went out to the public she was afraid to disappoint people who always expected from her only perfection and impeccable style.

The complexes were caused by those doubts that she could not continue to be the best in everything. Proudly bear the title of the most beautiful actress in Hollywood and the sex symbol of modern cinema. And, besides, Jolie gnawed herself for the fact that she could not be the best mother to her children.

“The world thinks that Angelina is perfection, and she was just lucky to be born so beautiful. This puts a lot of pressure on her. She does not want people to know how much work it takes for her to maintain her appearance and always be on top. To match the image, Jolie has to work very hard on herself, ”- wrote in a magazine Cosmopolitan according to her husband Brad Pitt.

“Hours of battle with her own body completely exhausted the actress,” wrote Now magazine, according to a source close to the star. - She is forced to be torn between six children, filming and the gym, where she spends five to six hours a day. Working on her own body has turned into an endless war and dissatisfaction with herself, which eats the actress from the inside.

She trains like a man possessed, not enjoying her workouts, and is even more convinced that her figure is simply disgusting.

Jolie believes that she has a loose belly, she is worried about stretch marks and loose skin. But this period in the life of a star, fortunately, is over. After a course of psychotherapy, Jolie learned to accept herself and not reproach for her little human imperfections.

“When she gave birth to her first child, she was so happy that her own body practically did not interest her,- tells an informed source - But after the birth of the twins, Angelina realized that she could no longer ignore her own physical neglect. Jolie's greatest concern is her breasts, which, according to the actress, have shrunken and sagged, and a flabby stomach.

And yet, Angelina did not do any plastic surgery. Once Jolie admitted that she would never act in a movie naked or in a bikini again, and because of the imperfection of her stomach, she would not wear an open swimsuit. Until now, the paparazzi have not been able to catch the actress in a bikini, as the actress appears on the beach in closed swimsuits or even a wetsuit that completely covers her body. The more intrigue around her name.

And here are some facts about superwoman beauty secrets.

During the filming of Lara Croft, Angelina was on a protein diet and engaged in martial arts.

Angelina Jolie admits that despite her thinness, she has cellulite. In her youth, when she abused alcohol, smoked and drank sweet soda, the "orange peel" was very noticeable. For a long time, the actress has been leading a healthy lifestyle, so cellulite no longer bothers her. However, Jolie does not allow herself to drink sweet carbonated drinks, uses special preventive creams and massages, and prefers to drink green tea.

The actress's favorite drink is ginger tea, which she became addicted to during her second pregnancy.

The protein diet of an actress from the time of Lara Croft:

Breakfast consists of an omelette with cheese, cherry tomatoes and coffee with cream (but without caffeine and sugar). For lunch - a steak (200-250 g), a salad of green lettuce and onions. For dinner - a small piece of salmon or another grilled or steamed fish with vegetables. Instead of sauce for fish - the juice of half a lemon.

Now the actress almost does not eat meat (which is noticeable by her figure, which is practically devoid of muscle mass), preferring green vegetables and vegetable soups. At the gym, she does yoga and Pilates.

Imperfections of Angelina Jolie, subject to cosmetology:

Angelina is very worried about the swollen wreath on her forehead, as well as the prominent veins on her hands (the press has repeatedly written that her hands look like the hands of an old woman). Instyle magazine wrote that the actress uses a $400 sturgeon caviar cream.

Also, one of the fashion magazines reported that Angelina uses the Dracula method as an anti-aging therapy. The method is based on the use of the patient's own blood. This technique is based on the positive effect that platelets contained in the blood have on the skin. These blood elements stimulate the production of collagen in the cells, which provides the skin with a healthy and radiant appearance. The procedure should be repeated regularly.

What makeup does the actress use? How much is her beauty worth? BeautyHack reveals the secrets of the most talked about actress.

1) Angelina Jolie drinks a lot of water (at least three liters a day) to improve her metabolism. She prefers pure spring water, sugar-free juices and ginger tea.

2) Figure Hollywood star actively discussed in the media, accusing her of being too thin. Despite this, the actress admits that she just sticks to proper nutrition- eats a lot of raw vegetables, steamed fish and light soups.

3) Low-carb, protein-rich foods are Jolie's main preference. They help strengthen muscles and give the actress energy for a long time.

4) Angelina devotes a lot of time to sports: in addition to traditional Pilates and yoga, she is engaged in kickboxing and rowing. The actress's favorite exercise is twisting lunges.

5) At least once a month, Jolie visits her beautician - Dr. David Colbert. Her favorite procedure - "Triad Facial" - includes micro-resurfacing of the skin, laser exposure, peeling with lavender acid and light therapy. The cost of one procedure is $800.

6) The actress never uses scrub and facial soap, preferring to clean her skin with natural soft lotions.

La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream

7) Swiss cosmetics La Prairie is Jolie's favorite and her favorite cream is Skin Caviar Luxe Cream. It perfectly complements cosmetic procedures and helps the 41-year-old actress keep her skin youthful and smooth.

Oil Belly Butter, Bella Mama

8) During and after pregnancy, the star used the luxury brand Bella Mama. According to Angelina, Belly Butter oil helps to moisturize the skin and avoid stretch marks.

9) plump lips- the most recognizable feature of Angelina Jolie. Apparently, but the actress takes care of them very simply - in the morning and in the evening she applies healing balm Blistex.

Veil Fluid Makeup Foundation, Hourglass and Secret Camouflage Concealer, Laura Mercier

10) Everyday makeup Jolie is also simple: sunscreen, Veil Fluid Makeup by Hourglass, Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage, and translucent powder. The actress never wears blush.

11) Jolie takes good care of her hair, but prefers to use a small amount of products so as not to overload them. Loves shampoos and conditioners organic brand Aveda and always put some oil on the ends.

12) Angelina has changed a lot of make-up artists - she, like many other famous actresses, did not manage to avoid make-up mistakes. Now she adheres to the principle “the simpler the better” and is increasingly appearing in public with natural makeup and only occasionally with Smokey Ice.

13) More recently, the actress became the face of the new Mon Guerlain fragrance, Guerlain. Read about how the star inspired the perfumer.

Text: Anastasia Speranskaya

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Angelina Jolie is a frequent guest of David Colbert

Angelina Jolie and after forty continues to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. That's the only reason I want to sign up with her. personal cosmetologist from Manhattan for an audience and ask in detail what he is doing with her face. David Colbert is now taking in the clinic New York Dermatology Group and can be proud of not only working with Jolie: among his clients are Naomi Watts, Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Middleton. Not surprisingly, his "anti-aging" revelations caused quite a stir. Celebrity beauty guru believes that beauty and youth are the work of not only cosmetologists and plastic surgeons but also their own.

David Colbert

Beauty rules for radiant skin:

Use daily sunscreen- this will protect the skin from pigmentation.

Quit with bad habits: giving up smoking and alcohol will make the skin supple and smooth, and the complexion healthy.

Go in for sports: physical exercises and walks on fresh air help normalize metabolism, maintain harmony and natural glow ( read 10 Ways to Force Yourself to Exercise in the Morning.

Drink: two liters clean drinking water per day - a guarantee of beauty and youthful skin (and well-being).

Use special night cream after 35 years ─ this will help prevent the appearance early wrinkles and make your face look fresher and younger.

Always remove makeup, wash your face and never rub your skin: gently blotting your face after washing will prevent irritation and dryness of the skin ( checking ourselves─ “6 myths about skin cleansing”).

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However, achievements modern cosmetology cannot be discounted. The modern beauty industry promises to help everyone look young and well-groomed. There are a few simple rules and manipulations, by practicing which, you can keep your face and figure in good condition for quite a long time ─ Colbert did not forget about them either. And we asked dermatologist and cosmetologist Elena Kovtunova to comment on the statements of her overseas colleague in order to honestly say whether the achievements of modern cosmetology can make her look as luxurious as celebrities.

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First of all, the secret to the beauty and radiance of Angelina Jolie's skin lies in proper diet. Colbert sincerely believes that the secret of youth is not hidden on the surface of the skin, but deep inside, and adhering to a certain diet, you can keep fit and look younger with age. An ardent opponent of Botox, David advises starting the day with a jar of natural Greek yogurt.

“Sour-milk products normalize the functioning of the intestines, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin ─ apparently, this is the secret. Balanced Diet also includes foods that contain antioxidants and Omega 3-6-9 - fatty fish, olive, linseed oil and nuts. Vegetables orange color and kelp will give the face a healthy shade. Vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen, which contributes to firmness, smoothness of the skin and less wrinkles: it is found in sauerkraut, rose hips, citrus fruits, grapes and lentils. Green tea prolongs skin youth and improves complexion: it slows down oxidative processes in the body that affect aging,” comments Elena Kovtunova.


But the aging process is inevitable, and only useful products don't stop him. In this case, cosmetology comes to the rescue. David Colbreth says that before very important events, clients come to him for a three-step skincare routine. It includes microdermabrasion (removal of the layer of dead skin cells), laser correction (elimination of pigmentation and simultaneous stimulation of collagen production) and soft chemical peeling. Elena Kovtunova agrees with Colbert and notes that this type of care has long been loved by Russian women: “Hardware dermabrasion completely renews the top layer of the skin. - Then different maniples are used, with the help of which the epidermis is saturated with serums and hyaluronic acid from the inside, after which the skin is noticeably tightened, and the face looks fresh and young. If you immediately remove pigmentation with a laser and fix the result with peeling, then even tone and beautiful colour persons are provided.

Hardware and laser cosmetology experts refer to a number of "quick" anti-aging procedures, which, thanks to a short rehabilitation period very popular among the stars (and, by the way, not only female). Such manipulations almost do not injure the face, so they can be done literally a few days before the publication. “The combination of hardware and laser cosmetology with injection is especially effective,” Kovtunova notes. - After 35-40 years, the skin, one way or another, loses its elasticity. At this age it is necessary to deliver hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen into the deep layers of the epidermis and stimulate the cells that produce these substances. Therefore, after 35-40 years, you need to include in the care injection procedures when, with the help of injections, the skin is nourished from the inside essential substances, fats and moisture.
