Folk remedies against skin aging. Sharp aging of facial skin, what to do? Instructions for use of retinoic ointment

Every woman, no matter what age she is, wants to attract the admiring and greedy glances of men. She wants the powerful feminine charms to work as before. She wants to be as young and beautiful as before.

But for some reason, most women do not notice that today, more than ever, the world offers them in abundance all kinds of remedies for aging skin of the face and body, diets, workouts and much more - and all for the sake of making a woman feel as long as possible. yourself young, healthy and beautiful.

I think you’ve probably met women who, at the age of 40, seem to have not been touched by all the delights of aging: on their face there are only “crow’s feet” of wrinkles, emphasizing only the cheerfulness and gaiety of their nature, their skin is smooth, clean - not a hint of pigmentation. She seems to glow from within. These women also usually have enviable hair: long, shiny and Thick hair, which they once did not cut off under the burden of worries, but kept to the envy of their friends and in addition to their own charming image. And, of course, the figure. As a rule, she is not thin, but she is so fit that she is not ashamed to walk along the beach in a swimsuit. And without a pareo!

And there are other women...

And the main difference between these two types is the presence of desire. Not in someone’s investments or personal huge expenses, but in the great desire to live my whole life brightly beautiful and healthy. With such motivation, not only willpower will appear, but also time and opportunities. And, in fact, nothing more is needed.

If you feel the seed of desire emerging, then go ahead! It's never too late to start.

Below is a selection of tips - remedies for aging skin of the face and body. After carefully studying it, you will notice that by following these recommendations, you will be able to improve not only the condition of your face and body skin, hair and nails, but you will also be able to improve your health and shape your figure. Moreover, you will notice the first results within 2-3 weeks.

or how to protect your facial skin from aging without major investments

Proper nutrition

In order for your face to be beautiful, to restore its freshness and healthy appearance, start not with masks, but with adjusting your diet. Go to the correct one and healthy diet. Always give up fast food, mayonnaise, ketchup, “universal” seasonings, fried and spicy foods. Allow yourself sweets as little as possible, add less salt to food (salt retains fluid in the body and this causes swelling).

Start baking and stewing your usual meats. Fill up your diet fresh fruit, berries, nuts and vegetables - they contain an incredible variety of vitamins and useful elements, which will very soon put your face in order. By the way, eat as much seafood as possible, as they contain natural collagen. In particular, oysters, mussels, crabs, shrimp and seaweed will be extremely beneficial for skin aging.

Take your vitamins
Make it a rule to regularly take vitamins and vitamin complexes in tablets.

To prevent aging of the skin of the face and body, it is extremely important to regularly consume vitamin E. It promotes the synthesis of substances that accelerate cell regeneration processes, i.e., its renewal, which is especially important for smoothing the surface of the epidermis and restoring its elasticity. Vitamins of groups A, B, C and D are also useful here. By the way, these same vitamins will help you improve the condition of your hair and nails.

Quit smoking and alcohol

These habits have a strong impact on accelerating skin aging. Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow, and as a result, cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. Because of this, the face acquires earthy tone or becomes covered with pigmentation. Alcohol disrupts metabolic processes throughout the body, which significantly affects the condition of the face.

Use high-quality and natural cosmetics

Use basic and essential oils. Some of them are able to smooth out even deep wrinkles, thanks to the content of a huge amount of vitamins and elements necessary for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. You can apply oil to your face as in pure form, and as part of homemade creams and masks, which will be exclusively of natural origin, without the addition of questionable elements, as is often the case with dermatocosmetics.

Discover herbs

Chamomile, calendula, hops, linden, and mint are extremely effective against skin aging. Cosmetic ice prepared from a herbal decoction is considered one of the most effective remedies for skin aging. Besides, herbal infusions used as the main component of homemade lotions and creams.

As for cosmetics, when choosing them, pay attention to the labeling
It is important that it matches the type and stage of aging of your skin.

If you are over forty, then choose creams containing antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q-10), as they effectively remove harmful substances and protect the dermis from the action of free radicals. But in the later stages of aging, use creams that contain copper-containing peptides. These substances help activate the natural processes of skin renewal, which helps smooth out even deep wrinkles and partially restore elasticity.

Drink plenty of water

In order to speed up metabolic processes, be sure to moisturize it not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Every day a woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of water. And not liquids, such as teas, coffee, juices and drinks, but water. From now on, start your morning with a glass or two of water.

Play some sports

Sport - is life. Those who play sports not only have a toned body and fresh face, but their medical records are much thinner than those of those who categorically do not allow sports into their lives.

Homemade cosmetics with anti-aging facial remedies

Nourishing anti-wrinkle mask recipe
Take 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons aloe juice, 1 egg yolk and add 3 tablespoons of milk powder. Mix all ingredients well and apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.

Mask for aging skin

1 tablespoon cosmetic Vaseline or lanolin, mix with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Boil 1 jacket potato, then peel and mash it. Add 1 tablespoon of milk and sour cream and a teaspoon of glycerin and olive oil to the potato mixture. Mix well and apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.

Take 1 teaspoon each of blue clay powder, honey, lemon juice and sour cream. Stir until smooth and apply the mask to your face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse everything off with warm water.

Aloe is the most effective home remedy for aging skin

Aloe juice has always been used by the most prominent beauties in history. That is why, proven over thousands of years, it is still the number one remedy to combat any signs of aging.

Lubricate your face with aloe juice at least 2-3 times a week, replacing your night cream. You will notice results after two weeks of this practice. In order to prepare the juice you will need several leaves of 3-year-old aloe. Place them in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, because it is at low temperatures that aloe becomes most beneficial. Remove the leaves from the refrigerator and rinse them thoroughly. boiled water, and then use a knife or something sharp to remove all the pulp and squeeze it through several layers of gauze. The resulting juice must be boiled for another 3 minutes.

Peeling is an effective remedy against facial aging

Peeling is one of the most effective means in the fight against skin aging. This procedure helps exfoliate layers of dead cells, accelerates the processes of cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin fibers. In other words, peeling restores elasticity to the skin, helps smooth out even deep wrinkles, and improves tone.

Exfoliation recipe: Take 1 teaspoon of ground coffee (already brewed) and a little of your cleanser. Massage your face with the mixture for a minute. Then rinse with warm water and apply nutritious cream. Do peeling at least once a week and then after a month you will notice the results.

It is completely impossible to prevent the process of skin aging, but it is within our power to slow it down. This is why there are various anti-aging skin products.

Youth is a person’s main resource. However, the body ages, and first of all, our face tells about our age. That is why the question of how to prevent facial skin aging is perhaps the most pressing among women.

Over the years, the body's cells retain moisture less and less, and collagen production decreases. The sun's rays have no beneficial effect on us. The role of heredity in this issue is also important. How quickly the process of fading beauty begins depends on genes.

Factors that contribute to loss of beauty:

  1. Lack of moisture. To avoid dehydration, drink more fluids, use special creams against wrinkles and aging.
  2. Ecology, natural factors. Poor ecology, as well as frost, cold wind entails negative reaction epidermis.
  3. Stress, internal state. People who are prone to worry and torment age faster. It will be more effective to fight old age if you allow more positive emotions into your life.
  4. Lifestyle. Exhausting, energy-consuming work results in chronic fatigue. The skin's response is sagging, premature aging.
  5. Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiencies. General state body and external beauty depends on sufficient nutrients.
  6. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking) are not only a bad image, but also an unhealthy complexion.
  7. Poor care. Neglecting to take care of your appearance will make itself felt quite quickly. After all, the skin of the face and hands is most susceptible to external influences.

Anti-aging products

Women have always come up with effective means to slow down aging. In the 21st century, there are more ways to preserve beauty. These include the latest drugs, salon treatments, cream, home care. The effectiveness of the products allows you to maintain feminine charm long years.

Two approaches to the inevitable fact of aging: first, sooner or later the skin will age, this should be taken calmly; the second is an active position, the goal of which is the desire to fight aging and preserve beauty by any means for the maximum period. Which one is closer is up to you, dear women!


Are among the most available means. You can use factory-made ones or make them yourself.

Masks are divided into types:

  • anti-aging;
  • from wrinkles;
  • from circles under the eyes;
  • nutritious;
  • restorative;
  • moisturizing.

The properties of their ingredients allow you to look amazing, you just have to not be lazy and try to use them. Products such as yolk, honey, cottage cheese, milk, aloe, oatmeal, and black tea have proven themselves very well in the fight against aging. Frequent ingredients in recipes are vegetable oils and glycerin.

Masks with added glycerin are very beneficial for the face, including delicate skin around eyes. This product smoothes the epidermis and fights wrinkles. You can use it to make facial toners

The easiest way is to make a mask, where the main ingredients are yolk or honey:

  1. Take 1 yolk, a teaspoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil (peach, castor, sea buckthorn, olive, almond or vegetable). Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Another simple mask. You need to take 2 yolks, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin. Stir the mixture and apply a thick layer to the face, not leaving the décolleté area unattended.
  3. Sour cream and cottage cheese perfectly support youthful skin. A homogeneous mass of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream and a small amount of salt should be applied to the face. Wash off the mixture after 20 minutes.
  4. You can add banana and sour cream to the egg-honey mask. To do this you will need half a banana, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.
  5. For honey mask take 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, milk, cottage cheese. Apply the mixture thoroughly on your face and rinse after 20 minutes.
  6. An oatmeal mask has a softening effect. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of strong tea, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped oatmeal, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. Rice flour or oatmeal can be used instead of oatmeal. You can make a simpler mask from oatmeal, for example, just pour milk.
  7. One tablespoon of brewer's yeast should be diluted with milk to a thick, homogeneous mass, then used as a mask.
  8. A mask of 2 tbsp is wonderfully nourishing. spoons of aloe, one yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Such masks are prepared from products that are almost always on hand, this is their undeniable advantage. Such miracle mixtures are a lifesaver for many women. You just need to carve out a little time for yourself to become more beautiful.


The composition of the cream determines its function. In youth and youth, the skin needs protection, nutrition and hydration. You should choose a cream based on your skin type, time of year, and working conditions. In winter, the skin needs additional nutrition, in summer it needs sun protection and hydration.

In more mature age anti-aging type of creams and serums – a mandatory component women's cosmetic bag. This is especially true after 45 years. At this age, even young-looking skin needs additional care aimed at combating aging.

The quality of care products is extremely important. Price also matters - creams created using new advanced technologies are more expensive. But good effect sometimes you can achieve it with inexpensive

Some facts about the composition of creams:

  1. If the cream contains tretinoin, it can affect the structure of the epidermis. Such drugs are often prescribed by doctors.
  2. You need to be more careful with creams containing alpha hydroxy acids, they can injure the skin.
  3. Pentapeptides and retinol in face creams stimulate the production of collagen, the loss of which leads to aging.

The cream should become usual means care long before the first signs of aging. This is especially true for the skin around the eyes; it needs to be constantly moisturized from a young age. It is important to apply the products correctly (along massage lines or patting movements).

Cosmetic procedures

Along with self-care To slow down the process of fading beauty, you need to visit a cosmetologist. Creams will not have the desired effect if the pores are clogged. Cleaning allows you to get rid of
pimples, comedones, dead particles of the epidermis. The skin is renewed, and it becomes easier for the active ingredients of care products to penetrate into its deeper layers.

Cleaning can be done at home. However, good preparation and knowledge of the process is important for this. Gloves, alcohol lotion, necessary tools– you need to approach cleansing with all responsibility. Remember, when cleaning at home, it is easier to injure the skin with your nails or cause an infection.

Today, peelings are very popular, which affect the deep layers of the skin, rejuvenating it. Effective and popular procedures are Botox injections, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy.


How to fight the aging process by eating your favorite foods? It turns out to be very simple.

Beneficial for the skin:

  • tomatoes (lycopene, found in tomatoes, protects against sun rays);
  • lemon (rich in vitamin C, which prevents aging);
  • ginger (has anti-inflammatory effect);
  • fatty fish (rich in fatty acids, omega 3, substance DMAE;
  • flax seeds (contains linseed oil smooths out wrinkles);
  • beets (contains folic acid, fiber, potassium, cleanses the blood, enriching the skin with oxygen);
  • butter (rich healthy fats, linoleic acid);
  • parsley (antioxidants in its composition protect cells from aging);
  • chocolate, cocoa (has an anti-inflammatory effect).

There are no special wisdom in nutrition for youthful skin. After all, such products are often present in the usual diet, you just need to increase their quantity. Healthy goodies improve our mood, and the seratonin produced thanks to them makes us happier, and, accordingly, more beautiful.

Vitamins that help slow down skin aging:

  • Vitamin C (helps maintain elasticity);
  • vitamin E (protects against the effects of free radicals, prevents the formation of wrinkles);
  • linoleic acid (also fights free radicals, but also restores cells).

And a few more tips:

  • Don’t forget to wash your hands often and don’t touch your face unless necessary. Women's skin very vulnerable, due to microtraumas microbes can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin easily. And the habit of often touching your face with your hands leads to the appearance of acne and inflammation;
  • do not wash your face with soap - alkali destroys the natural protection produced by sebaceous and sweat glands. Use special means for washing the face;
  • Be careful when choosing a scrub. Exfoliation is beneficial, but rough, abrasive parts can clog your oil glands. An alternative to scrubs can be cosmetic gloves;
  • For beauty, it is important not to forget to drink water.

The face says a lot about us. You need to invest in beauty long before your skin begins to age. Healthy nutrition and care habits will help maintain freshness and youth for a long time.

Even modern cosmetics cannot be completely eliminated. But there IS a way out! This - balanced diet for facial skin (and more!)

Check out the list of anti-aging facial skin products, who invariably help in careful care behind the skin and allowing it to prolong for many years.

1. Spinach - anti-aging nutrition for facial skin

Spinach contains a considerable percentage of lutein - an antioxidant that works against skin aging, improves water balance skin and giving it elasticity.

Observations by nutritionists from France indicate that 10 mg of this substance (112 g of spinach or 58 g of cabbage), if consumed daily, will rejuvenate the skin of the face in just a few months, preventing the unwanted appearance of wrinkles.

2. Legumes - nutrition for facial skin, producing hyalirunic acid

The inclusion of legumes in the mandatory diet 5+ works against skin aging, helps it, because this product provokes production in the body, with the help of which the facial skin becomes soft and its elasticity increases.

According to Nicky Hembelton-Jones, celebrity stylist and host of the popular TV program 10 Years Younger, a large percentage of hyalirunic acid is present in the skin of newborns, but it is gradually lost over time. And legumes are designed to replenish the supply of this absolutely useful and valuable substance in the body, which of course works great against aging.

It is advisable to consume at least two tablespoons of beans (beans, peas) daily. No matter how strange it may sound, legumes work great against aging not only on the skin of the face, but also on the entire body as a whole!

3. Goji berries - nutrition for the skin, promoting natural collagen production

Howard Murad, a doctor and expert in the field, claims that goji berries are highly nutritious, have pronounced anti-aging properties and are excellent against aging skin.

ONE gram of berries contains approximately 400-450 times more ascorbic acid than in citrus fruits. It increases the production of collagen, which improves the elasticity of the skin.

5. Flax seeds - nutrition for the skin, restoring facial architecture

Flaxseed - no doubt useful product! - excellent anti-aging nutrition for facial skin. , obtained from flaxseeds, can be used to season vegetable salads, as well as fruit cocktails. The recommended daily intake of this product, rich in Omega-3 acids, helps strengthen the fat layer in the skin cells, with the help of which the facial skin is supplied with necessary nutrients, is at least 1 teaspoon.

6. Prunes

Skin tissues are subject to destruction with age, being under negative influence free radicals. Antioxidants, found in significant quantities in prunes, will help neutralize this negative factor. Your facial skin will not age for a long time if you eat 6-7 prunes daily. Prunes not only improve the functioning of our gastrointestinal tract, but also are excellent against skin aging.

7. Beetroot will also help for the skin.

Nutritionist Carrie Ruxton is of the opinion that beets are a valuable source of antioxidants and a special pigment - anthocyanin, which accelerates collagen production. And cosmetologists advise drinking beet juice, which has long been famous for its refreshing effect, so that your facial skin looks beautiful and attractive longer.

8. Olives - nutrition for facial skin, to eliminate wrinkles and wrinkles

Numerous studies by Australian scientists have shown that people who regularly eat olives have smooth skin with a minimum number of wrinkles. What does it mean? - which means that olives work great against skin aging! Why?

According to renowned dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, olives and extra virgin olive oil contain oleic acid, which has the amazing effect of rejuvenating the skin from the inside out and camouflaging fine lines and wrinkles.

If before your face resembled shabby leather boots(sorry for the figurative expression :-), then thanks to the use of olive oil, it will resemble rose petals.

Use (just don’t forget - only cold-pressed ones are effective!) as a dietary and nutritional supplement to salads and various sauces, and eat olives raw.

9. Chocolate

Sweet tooths will be pleased! Such nutrition for the skin is a pleasure)) As the experiments of German scientists have shown, chocolate (in moderate doses, of course) is incredibly beneficial for us, it works not only against aging, but also produces in our body the so-called hormone of happiness - endorphin.

Cocoa, the main ingredient of sweetness, helps improve blood supply, so the blood begins to supply our skin with a significant amount of moisture and substances necessary for the body.

In addition, chocolate protects the skin surface from negative influence UV rays, and dark chocolate is extremely rich in antioxidants and helps against aging.

10. Red pepper

Like a number of other red and orange vegetables, it perfectly protects the epidermis from negative effects solar radiation, thanks to the content of antioxidants that create a strong protective layer in the upper layers of the skin.

According to medical specialist Ronald Watson, if you eat 6 servings of such products daily, your facial skin will become fresh, smooth and elastic to the touch, and a natural barrier will appear in the body that is no less effective than a screen protecting from ultraviolet rays.

So the red and orange vegetables works great against aging! These are the goodies it contains proper nutrition facial skin and the whole body as a whole! For a more detailed study of the issue, we invite you to watch this fascinating, short video, where everything is sorted out :)

Women's magazine PhotoElf " Facial skin care"wishes its readers to take advantage of the above tips and diversify their diet with the above products. If you don’t like everything on our list, that’s okay! Choose what you like. Or combine. For example, you can make a wonderful salad from beets, which few people like:

  • 100 g - grated beets
  • 100 g - prunes soaked in boiling water and finely chopped
  • 50 gr - walnuts
  • sour cream to taste (it is better to use low-fat)

An incredibly tasty salad that those who don’t like beets will also like :) it contains the prunes we need so much. For this salad he will tell you " Thanks a lot“not only the skin of the face, but the entire body as a whole. The salad works great against aging! Introduce it into your diet, eat it at least a couple of times a week and be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Our magazine “Facial Skin Care” is always on guard of your beauty and health!

As sad as it may be, the whole point is that you are no longer 22 or even 32. Wrinkles, age spots and general bruising are signs of aging on woman's face(and on men's too). If we didn't live in a world where youth has become a fetish, these signs of the times wouldn't be worth worrying about. However, in real world Willy-nilly, you will worry about seeming less valuable at work and less desirable in the bedroom.

That's why the cosmetics industry has developed a giant new product category medicinal cosmetics, designed to rid you of the signs of age without a scalpel and a needle. This fall, the number of such cosmetics has reached a critical mass - a kind of nod to the aging baby boomer generation. It should be remembered that these products fall into a gray area - they are neither drugs nor cosmetics, in other words, no one guarantees that they will provide the effect that they promise. You can buy anti-aging medicinal cosmetics from a posh brand store, where it will cost you a week's salary, or from a pharmacy near your home, where prices are much more reasonable.

Dermatologists say that effectiveness of cosmetic product and its price have nothing to do with it, so it's better to get by with cheap, reliable brands such as Oil of Olay, Aveeno, Neutrogena or Eucerin. But whatever the price, the main question remains: do these funds help?

The answer depends on what you expect from them. No product you can buy without a prescription will give you the same results that you can expect from using medications or procedures prescribed by your doctor. (If you're concerned about a new mole, it's best to see a dermatologist because it could be a sign of skin cancer.) Also, none cosmetic product will not be able to level out damage caused by two worst enemies healthy skin– sun and smoking.

Exists two factors of skin aging– internal, which depends on genetics, and external, which is associated with bad habits and environmental influences. It depends on your lifestyle which of these factors is more important. If you were bad girl, then you will pay for it later.

"Due to exposure to sunlight, pigmentation and large dark spots, and fine lines and wrinkles, says Dr. Anne Kleinsmith of Michigan, a cosmetic dermatologist and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Dermatology. – With aging caused by internal factors, wrinkles are simply fine lines. When exposed to solar radiation, they turn into wide, rough wrinkles, like those on the necks of farmers."

Smoking, she says, causes a sallow complexion and makes wrinkles more noticeable. A forty-year-old smoker looks many years older than his non-smoking counterpart.

With all that said, here are the ingredients you should be looking out for if you're looking to address specific concerns.

Dry skin and loss of elasticity

Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate again. For young women starting to notice the first wrinkles, fairly aggressive moisturizing creams and lotions are most effective, says Dr. Mark Rubin, a dermatologist in Beverly Hills, California. He suggests using cosmetics containing ceramides, triglycerides or cholesterol. “Many people have heard that these substances are bad for circulation, but they are good for the skin,” says Rubin. Products containing retinol can stimulate cell growth, which can also be beneficial.

Age spots

Also called age spots, they are flat, dark-colored areas on the skin of the face, neck, chest, and back of the arms. If you have a lot of them, you should consult a dermatologist, as this indicates that you have been exposed to harmful effects and your risk of skin cancer is increased. Among over-the-counter cosmetics, whitening products containing hydroquinone can help in this case. Combining whitening products with exfoliants, as well as creams and lotions with retinol and glycolic, will increase the impact. But you also need to use a strong sunscreen, otherwise this entire effect will be reduced to zero.

If there is no improvement within a few months, see your doctor, says Ron Shelton, a professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and director of the New York Center. aesthetic medicine. Your dermatologist may prescribe a stronger whitening product or perform peels or other treatments.

Wrinkles and bags under the eyes

Either way, wrinkles look better when hydrated, Shelton says. Again, the most expensive moisturizer is not necessarily the most effective. Retinol, alpha hydroxy acid, glycolic acid help smooth the skin. Many companies produce special products for the skin around the eyes. This controversial issue whether they are really needed. Doctors say that all cosmetic products for the face are quite gentle, and before throwing away money on another tube or jar, you can try your regular cream for the area around the eyes too.

It is more difficult to cope with swelling under the eyes. If the problem is caused by allergies or lack of sleep, then you need antihistamines or more sleep. Traditional methods counteracting this scourge, such as cucumber slices, tea bags or tightening gel, can also help if this is a temporary phenomenon. But in many cases, the cause is bulging fat bags under or above the eyes. In this case, you will have to resort to surgery. Nothing sold at a high-end store or pharmacy, including hemorrhoid cream, despite all the assurances, will solve the problem, Kleinsmith says.

Nasolabial folds and wrinkles at the corners of the mouth

Dermatologists are not impressed with commercially available solutions to this problem. Shelton recommends Botox injections, which will remove fine lines that cause lipstick to smudge.

Even if you don’t see any of the above in the mirror yet, as you get older you need to pay more attention to skin care. Dr. Robin Ashinov, director of cosmetic dermatology at University Medical Center in New Jersey, sympathizes with patients who complain that they have difficulty finding the right cosmetic product. She says that in standard set must be included sunscreen, which should be used “in winter, spring, summer and autumn.” As for the sun protection factor: "30 is better than 15." She recommends sunscreen containing micronized zinc or titanium oxide because they block all types of rays.

Dr. Robin Ashinov recommends using a gentle cleanser or some kind of soft sponge to increase the amount of time it takes for the skin to renew itself. It's also helpful to wear foundation under your makeup, especially if you have oily skin. Moisturize any areas of your skin that feel dry. And one more piece of advice: although at first glance this has nothing to do with the face, regular exercise increases blood flow to the skin, which also decreases with age.

So, the moral is: take care of your skin before a wrinkled stranger crawls into your mirror.

The face is the calling card of every woman. By taking care of the beauty of your skin, you can try to maintain its youth. Depending on your age and health, you should choose the right cosmetics for your face. The tips in this article will teach you how to properly care for young and mature skin.

With age, a person's face does not become more elastic and elastic. Surprisingly, it’s not your birthdays or the number of years you’ve lived that make you old; it’s the toxins and poisons that enter your body and leave their destructive effects that make you old. As scientists have noticed and calculated, the human body does not have cells that are older than eleven months (except for bone tissue).

Knowing in advance the stages of aging that your face can go through, you can know the features of its changes and carry out certain prevention.

It is worth noting that, according to biological indicators, the human body begins to age after twenty-five years. But everything may depend on individual characteristics the man himself, his hormonal levels, predispositions and heredity. Also, in addition to internal factors, external factors also influence the condition of the skin.

Stages of facial skin aging

Types of skin aging:

"Tired face" - This type of aging is marked by the beginning of the skin tissue to wither. Special wrinkles cannot be noticed at this stage, but the shape of the face has already changed and it does not have clear boundaries. The youthful roundness that was observed earlier has already been lost. You can also notice that in the morning the face looks much better than in the evening, especially if there were nervous and physical exercise. Distinctive feature This stage is its short duration, because it will soon be replaced by the next stage.

A few more characteristic “symptoms” of this type of skin aging: some swelling (especially in the morning), clearly pronounced fold above the lip, drooping corners of the mouth. It is interesting to know that this type of face is more common oily skin and combination skin than others.

What causes this aging? A number of factors: frequent fatigue, abundance stressful situations in life, bad habits, regular lack of rash. Such negative factors are capable of directly influencing microcirculation of the skin, aggravating its condition.

"tired face" type of aging

Finely wrinkled type of skin aging

This type of aging is already boldly characterized by the appearance of wrinkles of various sizes. This aging can also allow even the most fine wrinkles look very noticeable. The situation gets worse when a person is the owner thin skin. On such skin there can also be a very visible capillary network. Such visual signs are also complemented by dry skin, characteristic “crow’s feet” can be seen on the eyes, the upper and lower eyelids are literally “corrugated” with wrinkles, the area around the mouth also has wrinkles.

The reasons for such rapid and obvious changes in the skin are its instability with moisture retention: either there is a lot of it, or the skin completely loses it.

You can avoid the appearance of a global number of wrinkles on your face only by carefully avoiding all harmful factors: unfavorable weather, ultraviolet. In addition, the skin should be regularly moisturized and nourished with suitable cosmetic products, which consist of a complex of items.

This skin type will benefit greatly from cosmetics that contain hyaluronic acid, which can the best way retain moisture. In some cases, only injections under the skin can help.

aging facial skin, fine-wrinkle stage of aging

Hormonal skin aging, how does it manifest?

Skin aging cannot be avoided; it is a natural process that always occurs on time. It can also be influenced by some external and internal factors, which will make aging occur more progressively and globally. For example, hormonal skin aging.

In most cases, such aging of facial skin occurs to a person when he crosses the age mark of forty-five years. But it is possible that this stage cannot come earlier. This can happen because some diseases may be present in the human body.

Hormonal aging always occurs because the normal amount of a certain hormone, estradinol, decreases in a woman’s body. This is a female sex hormone that can influence the sensitivity of the skin, making it more prone to the rapid appearance of wrinkles.

In some cases, the loss of this hormone provokes the appearance of not only wrinkles, but also age spots, and also contributes to the loss of a clear facial contour.

Along with the fact that the face loses its attractiveness, changes also occur in the arms and neck. For women, such aging is invariably associated with the period of menopause, because most hormones are produced precisely by the appendages.

Unfortunately, a number of cosmetics with various compositions are powerless in the fight against this type of aging, since they are in no way capable of affecting a person internally. In such situations, you can try the use of hormonal drugs that will act on hormone receptors, causing them to work intensively. The narrow scope of action of such drugs guarantees the safety of using drugs that cannot harm the entire body.

hormonal skin aging

Deformation type of skin aging, how does it manifest?

This type and stage of skin aging has several obvious characteristic features. The most pronounced change is the ability to completely change the shape and configuration of the contours of both the face and neck. It should be noted that everything soft fabrics the body suffers deformation.

People with senile deformity are most susceptible to full face, with oily and fairly porous skin.

Such a person may not have huge amount wrinkles, as is observed in the finely wrinkled type, but nevertheless it loses its elasticity over time and is no longer able to withstand the usual load of the fat layer that is present in it. Therefore, it is deformed under the force of its gravity down to the neck. The skin flows in unsightly folds and is pulled back. Most often, you can visually notice excessively sagging cheeks.

In addition to sagging cheeks, the shape of the face is disrupted and becomes wavy, bags appear on it and sagging in the jaw area. You can also notice a double chin in the form of a small skin pouch. Changes also occur in the eye socket area: the eye sockets swell, the folds of the eyelids droop down, and bags appear under the eyes.

This type of facial skin aging also involves turning any face shape into a square one.

This situation can only be corrected if you can control your own weight. It is interesting to know that such aging can occur very quickly when a person suddenly loses weight. In addition, you should constantly monitor your facial expressions: do not wrinkle, do not crook, do not strain the folds. Botox injections can help significantly cosmetic procedures ultrasound based or plastic surgery.

In cosmetics, preference should be given to products that can have a lifting effect, which can refresh and slightly rejuvenate it. Such products promote the production of collagen and participate in the natural processes of skin regeneration.

Such cosmetic products will not give such an effect. However, they are able to resist expression wrinkles and fight heavily sagging, shapeless skin. You should also pay attention to some individual cosmetic products that contain extracts seaweed. Good action The skin will benefit from lymphatic drainage and a special facial massage.

type of aging - senile deformation of facial skin

Biological skin aging

Biological aging is the natural aging of the skin, which is invariably associated with all processes in the body. The epidermis changes and the structure of the skin changes. The older the skin becomes, the more difficult it is for it to retain moisture. In addition, protein synthesis is disrupted and the production of important substances decreases: elastin and collagen.

Aging occurs in several stages, each of which occurs in certain areas faces.

Eye area:

  • At age 25 and older, wrinkles appear around the eyes
  • By the ages of 30 and 35, so-called “crow’s feet” may appear.
  • the structure of the upper and lower eyelids changes, upper eyelid sags
  • eyebrow level sags
  • the palpebral fissures may narrow
  • bags appear under the eyes, under the lower eyelid

biological skin aging

Forehead area:

  • the appearance of folds on the forehead, or their clearer visualization
  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds between the eyebrows in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, so-called “focused wrinkles”

Mouth area:

  • loss of folds in the corners of the lips
  • clearer visualization of nasolabial folds
  • "corrugated" folds on the upper lip

Other areas:

  • The skin on the cheeks loses its elasticity
  • The skin on the neck sags
  • The oval of the face changes due to sagging
  • The appearance of folds in the ear area

Natural aging of the skin, how does it manifest itself?

We can safely distinguish two types of skin aging: natural and premature. Premature is different in that it appears when it depends only on the state of a person’s health, and not on his age. Premature aging can be affected by:

  • Harmful working conditions
  • Not following a sleep and rest schedule
  • Lack of sleep
  • Using the wrong cosmetics, not chosen for suitable type skin
  • Impact of environmental toxins
  • Presence of toxins in the body

Natural aging of the skin can begin only after a person crosses the thirty-year mark. Of course, in some cases this can be observed after twenty-five, but this feature depends on his hormonal background and lifestyle.

The signs of natural aging appear gradually one by one, starting with the appearance facial wrinkles and ending with the skin's inability to retain moisture. On the other hand, scientists note that there is a special framework for natural aging - this is 50 years!

natural aging of facial skin

The first signs of facial skin aging

You can notice the first signs of skin aging only when you know exactly their manifestations. Having identified all the signs in a timely manner, you can immediately begin to eliminate them and thereby preserve the youth of your skin.

First signs:

  • The skin becomes too dry and thin. This suggests that subcutaneous fat stops updating. This feature also contributes to the appearance of flaking.
  • The skin changes its shade, pigmentation, yellowness and grayness appear
  • Excess skin and excess tissue appear around the eyes. This happens because there is not enough collagen and elastin in it
  • Puffiness under the eyes is observed regularly or only in the morning. Bags under the eyes may have a bluish tint
  • The nasolabial fold may become more and more noticeable, and the corners of the lips gradually descend to the bottom
  • In some areas of the face a capillary network appears, which becomes very noticeable
  • Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes cease to be just facial expressions and become much deeper
  • The shape of the face changes, has a square outline
  • Lip shape changes

the first signs of aging skin on the face

Aging neck skin, how does it manifest itself?

With age, the skin on the neck loses its elasticity and ceases to be elastic. The older a person gets, the more flabby and thin it can be. To all changes one should also add the appearance of pigmentation, as well as the vascular network. Capillary mesh allows the skin to have a grayish and bluish tint.

With age, the skin on the neck is not able to retain the fat layer and, under its weight, sinks down, resulting in sagging.

aging neck skin

Facial aging after 30: signs and how to slow it down

In a growing and developing body, blood circulation is well established. After thirty years, a person’s skin ceases to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is supplied to it by blood. It is for this reason that it can fade and succumb to aging. In addition, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted and this affects the production of new cells by the skin.

You can improve the situation and avoid aging at this age by establishing a regime of wakefulness and rest. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day, avoid direct ultraviolet rays, and use suitable oxygen facial cosmetics. Choose the most suitable facial moisturizer.

oxygen cosmetics for aging skin

Facial aging after 40: signs and how to slow it down

At 40 years of age, the skin reacts not only to internal changes body, but also on the action of many external factors: harmful environment, toxins, radiation. In addition, the skin is greatly influenced by how the body works: whether it receives enough microelements, whether it gets a lot of rest. For this reason, we can conclude that normalizing nutrition and consuming a complex of vitamins is a way to prolong youthful skin into forty years.

Besides, in at this age preference should be given to skin care cosmetics that contain hyaluronic acid or collagen.

collagen cosmetics for facial skin

Facial aging after 50: signs and how to slow it down

At the age of 50, the skin already begins to suffer deformation:

Three basic manipulations can improve skin condition at age 50:

  • plastic surgery
  • Botox injections under the skin
  • cosmetics with a lifting effect and regular facial massage

Plastic surgery can remove all sagging skin, restoring youthful appearance to the skin. Injections under the skin fill sagging parts of the face, fill voids and smooth out wrinkles. Lifting cosmetics will restore tone skin, and massages improve blood circulation.

lifting cosmetics for face

Premature skin aging: causes

Premature skin aging always depends on a number of reasons, both internal and external:

  • Not healthy condition person, presence of chronic diseases
  • Availability hormonal disorders in organism
  • Harmful working conditions: toxic waste, night work
  • Not regular sleep
  • Not regular and balanced nutrition
  • Having a number of bad habits

Smoking and skin aging, how does smoking affect the skin?

Smoking can easily be called one of the most destructive effects on the skin. It is important to know that skin cells are nourished through the blood vessels. The moment nicotine enters the human body, it narrows the walls of blood vessels, thereby disrupting natural nutrition skin. Over time, the elasticity of blood vessels is lost, they become more prone to the appearance of diseases such as atherosclerosis and lead to gradual fading of the skin.

In addition, if a sufficient amount of carbon monoxide accumulates in the human body, cell respiration is disrupted to an even greater extent. but this is far from the worst thing that can happen to her. Tobacco smoke contains many free radicals that can have a detrimental effect on the skin from the inside, destroying it.

Other facts about the negative effects of smoking on the skin:

  • Tobacco disrupts collagen synthesis
  • Reduces vitamin C levels in the skin
  • Reduces vitamin A levels in the skin
  • Reduces vitamin E levels in the skin
  • Reduces skin elasticity
  • Promotes the development of lipodystrophy
  • Promotes flaking and dry skin
  • When tobacco smoke settles on the skin, it has a detrimental effect on the epidermis.

the harmful effects of tobacco smoke on youthful skin

Sharp aging of facial skin, what to do?

In order to avoid skin aging problems and improve your appearance, you should resort to some tricks. There are several ways to do this:

  • Performing regular facial massage. Such a simple massage can most in a positive way affect the skin of the face, improving blood circulation and movement through lymph tissues
  • This massage can be ordered in a salon, but it can also be easily done independently at home.
  • The main thing in facial massage is its regularity, because the procedures should be carried out every day for several minutes
  • The first changes after facial massage can be noticed after just one month of active exercises

In addition to active external influence, you should carry out regular cosmetic procedures like this: use creams, apply masks and serums.

What cosmetics to choose:

  • During the day it is best to use a light moisturizer, and in the evening apply a thicker nourishing one.
  • It is useful to use face creams with fruit acids
  • Choose a full range of cosmetics: creams, balms, serums, tonics, rich in enzymes and antioxidants

fight against premature aging skin

Natural collagen for skin aging

Natural collagen promotes active work skin cells, moisture retention and regeneration. Natural collagen is a protein that can be found in some foods. Consumption of such products helps the skin for a long time remains beautiful, retains her youth and shines.

It is collagen and elastin that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its attractive natural color. Collagen can be part of fibrillar protein. It provides strength to the skin. Collagen has a pigtail shape when viewed under a microscope. This braid can “unravel” under the influence of some negative internal and external factors. The extra collagen helps with braid repair.


Mineral oil aging skin

To maintain youthful skin, you can successfully use mineral oil. This product can serve as a kind of barrier that is present between the skin and the air. It is an effective barrier that prevents the skin from losing moisture. It very thoroughly moisturizes the skin, preventing it from aging prematurely.

Vitamins for skin aging, their effect

The presence of vitamins is vital for youth and health of the skin and the whole body. Vitamins can improve the functioning of metabolic processes in the body and participate in the process of cell regeneration. An adequate supply of vitamins helps the skin resist the effects of free radicals and toxins.

Cosmetics based on vitamin complexes and recipes traditional medicine necessary in order to prolong the youth of the skin and preserve its beauty. Every day the skin needs:

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C

vitamins for youthful skin

Tablets for skin aging, principle of action

Anti-aging skin tablets are a complex of dietary supplements. To keep your skin fresh and radiant, you should take daily:

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C
  • primrose oil
  • hyaluronic acid
  • LORA (preoral tablets)
  • Nattokinase
  • Oxin
  • Activin
  • Lesmin

Folk remedies for aging facial skin: masks

Traditional medicine recipes can have an excellent effect on facial skin. For this purpose, washing with herbal decoctions, scrubs, and using products created on the basis of natural useful components: fruits, vegetables, honey, kefir and sour cream.

Some recipes invite you to actively use your own cooking at home. Such masks will prolong the youth of the skin, restore its tone and elasticity.

Homeopathy against skin aging

Homeopathic cosmetology promotes the active production of natural collagen by the skin. It improves blood circulation, which in turn improves the metabolic processes of the skin. Homeopathic medicines You should choose it individually, based on your skin characteristics.

Such products reduce swelling, improve lymph flow and microcirculation. Also leaves vascular network and skin color improves.

homeopathic remedies promote skin rejuvenation

Anti-aging skin products

Anti-aging facial massage

Prevention of skin aging

To avoid skin changes and aging, you should adhere to the following conditions:

  • have a vitamin balanced diet
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • use quality cosmetics for face
  • apply traditional medicine recipes
  • Don't forget to remove makeup from your face at night

Video: “Types of skin aging”
