Traveling with a one-year-old child. Features, tips, personal experience

Travel will give you great opportunity spend time with the whole family. Parents can devote themselves entirely to communicating with their children, because they no longer need to be distracted by household chores.

When planning a vacation with kids, it is important to consider that the interests one year old child different from the hobbies of toddlers preschool age. In this article we have prepared for you useful tips and life hacks that will help you prepare for traveling with children of different ages.

Planning a trip with a 1 year old child

Where to go?

Beach holiday – best option for a one year old baby. He will surely enjoy all the delights of such a trip. Sea air and swimming in salt water will strengthen the immune system and nervous system crumbs will give you a good mood and deep sleep. Sand, pebbles and shells will help develop fine motor skills.

When planning a vacation at sea, it is better to choose travel from summer to summer or make a trip during the “velvet” season. In this case, the baby will tolerate acclimatization more gently.

We should not forget: the smaller the child, the more difficult it is for him to tolerate jet lag and temperature changes. Pediatricians do not recommend traveling during the peak tourist season and in extreme heat.

In most cases, parents prefer to relax with their one-year-old children on sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea. The most popular places for such a trip– Mediterranean resorts (Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc.), Crimea (Evpatoria, Feodosia, Balaclava, etc.), the Adriatic coast (Italy, Montenegro, etc.) and others.

Don't limit yourself to just swimming in the sea and staying at the hotel. You can explore the sights of the city with your child. Bring a stroller, the baby will be interested in looking at new landscapes. Combine such a walk with your child's sleep. Karapuz after water procedures and a hearty breakfast, you will fall asleep right in the stroller, and you can continue your promenade.

Remember the safety precautions: do not walk during the hours of maximum solar activity, offer your baby water more often, use sunscreens, insect repellents, try to stay in the shade more. A mosquito net and a special sun cover for the stroller will help your baby sleep comfortably right outside.

Going for a walk, find out the UV index reading. This can be done using a regular application or viewed on a weather website. Even if it's cloudy and cool outside, the UV index can be high (more than 3). In this case, it is necessary to use sun protection.

What to go to traveling with a one-year-old child?

The most convenient and fastest option is traveling by plane. You will reach your destination after just a couple of hours of flight. However, traveling by car and train is also quite popular among parents traveling with young children. Each family chooses the type of trip according to their taste and capabilities.

Children under 2 years old are provided with a free plane ticket, but in this case you will have to hold the baby in your arms during the entire flight. It is unlikely that you will enjoy such a trip. Better reserve your seat in advance crumbs, paying a small percentage of the cost of an adult ticket. If the plane is not completely full, when checking in for the flight, you can ask the airport employee not to seat other passengers in the seats next to you.

A one-year-old baby is already stomping his feet and showing interest in the world around him. Such children really like to splash in the water and play in the sand. The child will not be bored on vacation. Many hotels are equipped with everything necessary for an interesting pastime for families with children.

If you have chosen beach holiday, you will find the following tips useful.

  • Use sun protection.
  • Don't forget about hats.
  • Do not leave children unattended.
  • If you decide to bathe your baby in the pool, use a special diaper. After swimming, wash your baby in the shower with soap.
  • Try to prevent your child from swallowing sea water.
  • Avoid hypothermia. The baby should swim in the sea for no more than 5-7 minutes.
  • At the end of the water procedures, wipe the baby with a towel and let it warm up.
  • Do not bathe your child immediately after eating.

What to take with you?

When traveling you will need: documents; hygiene items; food, water; clothing and shoes; first aid kit; beach accessories; stroller; toys; useful little things etc.

We are planning a trip with a child 2 years old - 3 years old

Where to go?

If you are planning a trip with 2 summer child or a toddler 3 years old, pay attention to tours to Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Spain, Cyprus, Italy - the most popular countries for family holidays.

If you are going to stay in a hotel with your baby, carefully prepare for its choice. Give preference to hotels with their own well-groomed beach with a gentle entrance to the sea. Don't choose noisy youth resorts. Before booking, study reviews and ratings, use recommendations from friends.

What should a hotel have?

  • Private beach.
  • Gentle entrance to the sea.
  • Animation for kids.
  • Swimming pool for children.
  • Children's dishes on the menu.
  • Availability of cots and a high chair in the room.

What to go with?

Many children will enjoy traveling by train or car. However, you should understand that kids at this age are restless. You need to come to terms with this.

To make the trip go smoothly, prepare toys and entertainment for the little one on the road. Some airlines may offer little passengers on the plane coloring with crayons, watching cartoons, etc. In addition, you can take hand luggage with you on board and put your baby’s favorite toy, as well as food, water, towels, etc. in it. Audio tales will help you pass the time on a road trip or train ride.

How to entertain a child on vacation?

Such a child will appreciate not only a beach holiday, but also some entertainment. The child will be interested in going to the zoo, the aquarium, playing with the animators, and going on children's rides.

What to take with you?

On vacation you will need a first aid kit, documents, clothes and shoes, warm clothes, beach clothes, food and water, hygiene products, toys, travel accessories, travel utensils, etc.

If you have a long trip ahead, wipes with xylitol (a substance that prevents tooth decay) will help you clean your baby's teeth on the road without using toothpaste or a brush.

IMPORTANT! To help get used to a new place smoothly and to avoid problems with falling asleep, take a “piece of home” with you on your trip. This could be a favorite toy, blanket or pillow.

We are planning a trip with a child aged 4, 5, 6 years

Where to go?

Not only beach resorts are suitable for holidays with children from 4 to 6 years old. Preschoolers are very inquisitive; they will be interested in visiting places with attractions and entertainment for children.

Cities such as Vienna, Valencia, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Prague and others are well suited for these purposes.

What to go with?

Each family can choose transport for their trip according to their taste. Some people prefer to travel by car or train, while others prefer to travel by plane.

You can combine several vehicles in one trip. Many parents pre-book a car with a car seat for their child in the city they are going to visit. You can get into the car a few minutes after arrival. Please remember that in some countries you will need international law. Using a navigator with a special application will help you not get lost on such a journey.

How to entertain a child on vacation?

Children from 4 to 6 years old will happily spend time on the beach, but they won’t get bored in cities without the sea either. There are many interesting places, where you can go with your little ones. The whole family recharge positive energy. Many parents become children again and get genuine pleasure from such a vacation.

You can visit an amusement park, a performance, a children's themed exhibition, an interactive museum, an animal farm, try local delicacies, etc.

What to take with you?

The packing list for traveling with children is standard. You will need a first aid kit, hygiene products, documents, food, water, clothes, toys, etc.

REFERENCE! Don't forget to take your camera and its charger with you on your trip. It will help capture best moments your vacation. Reviewing photos from your trip will warm you up with warm memories even in the cold winter.

Modern tourism provides many opportunities for have a nice rest with kids. Pick up cultural program, you can book a hotel without even resorting to the help of a travel company.

There are so many interesting things around. Traveling as a family, you get the opportunity to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, enjoy communication with each other, and get a lot of positive emotions.

Useful video

Is it difficult to travel with a child? Video story from experienced travelers about holidays in Spain.

Adviсe experienced mother how to plan a trip with a 1 5 year old child

So, you have decided to fly with your baby. The most important thing is not to set your expectations too high, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how well your child has overcome this challenge.

What does “good” mean in these circumstances? This means behaving in such a way that the passengers sitting next to you do not ask the flight attendant to transfer you somewhere further away from them. Very important point is the choice of route, airline and ordering tickets for special seats.

Carefully study the layout of the seats in the aircraft cabin. This will help you do right choice when ordering tickets. Reserve a seat at the front of the salon. Then you'll have the extra space in front of you that you'll need to sort out your bags, food, and toys.
Of course, the seat should be close to the aisle, since during a long flight you and your baby will have to get up and walk around the cabin more than once.

Always try to choose direct flights without transfers to other aircraft.

Departure time is also very important. It is better to go on a long flight in the evening, then your baby will sleep most of the way, and if you are lucky, then the entire flight. Usually the roar of engines puts children to sleep.

Make sure your baby has his own place and not on your lap. Even if he is not yet two years old, “you are not obliged to pay for a separate place for him. Your expenses will bring benefits - they will contribute not only to improved well-being, but also to flight safety. All safety experts agree that in areas of high turbulence, seat belts provide poor protection for children sitting on an adult's lap, which can cause the baby to be thrown up to the ceiling.

This can be prevented by using a child car seat, which should be taken with you and secured to the adult seat using belts. In addition to these belts, the child must be fastened with all the belts that are provided. Car seat. In addition, the baby will get used to sitting faster. The child already knows that when he sits in a chair, he is forbidden to get up, so he will less often try to slide out of the seat.

Many airlines offer special child seats.

Food for the baby. It may well turn out that your child will not like the dried peanuts and tiny glass of mineral water served as a snack on airplanes. Here are recommended foods that take up little space and don't require refrigeration: breakfast breadsticks, dried fruit, bananas, rice crackers, cheese, or anything else your baby can't live without.
Also, if you don't want everything around you, including your and your baby's clothes, to be wet, don't let your baby drink from fragile plastic cups, which are given on the plane. It’s better to take with you, for example, small boxes of milk and juice, equipped with a straw, or pour what they offer you in the salon into a sippy cup, tightly closing it with a lid with a spout.

The air on an airplane is very dry, and in order to feel comfortable, the child needs a lot of fluids. Take more water and feed the baby with it. Offer him something to drink more often. Just be mindful of the consequences and make sure you put your baby in a diaper.

Limit the amount of carry-on luggage. Since space on airplanes is limited, you can only carry two bags in your hands. Take only what you need. Surely it will be ladies handbag, bag with diapers, bag with toiletries. If your baby is already 2 years old, he can easily carry his own backpack. You can put toys there (just not guns, knives or collapsible toys consisting of small parts), some food, birth certificate.

Make sure you have fun.

What can a child take on a plane?

rotating "puzzles" - something like children's version Rubik's cube;
books to read aloud;
paper and wax pencils for drawing;
coloring books;
books with stickers. Look for one that has stickers that can be re-applied so your child can create entire scenes, then remove them from the page and start again;
With the permission of the airline, you can take on board a personal CD player and spare discs that your baby loves most.

Don't limit yourself to just the suggested remedies. A few days before departure, go to children's store and buy your baby new ones interesting toys. You'll see how happy your baby will be! He will deal with them most of the way or, if you are lucky, the entire flight. Just don’t take toys with small parts on your trip. Otherwise, the whole road will pass in search of them. And doing this on an airplane, as you understand, is a very dubious pleasure.

About a week before you take off on a flight (especially a long-haul flight), call to confirm your reservation, and then call again the day before departure to make sure the flight will take place at the scheduled time.

Cost of a child's plane ticket:

The cost of a ticket for a child under two years old on a regular (regular) flight is 10-20% of the adult fare. If you fly on a charter, your little one will most likely accompany you for free. If the child is 2-3 years old, then a ticket for regular flights will cost you 50% cheaper full cost. For charter flights, prices vary, but they do not exceed these percentages. These rules apply to almost all airlines.

Airline selection:

- When booking a ticket, ask what services the airline can provide for your child. Find out if there are individual television receivers with a children's channel on the back of the seatbacks. You can’t imagine how happy your baby will be when characters from his favorite TV shows appear in front of him, as if by magic.

When purchasing a ticket, you can order special set for child care during the flight, if provided by the airline.
The ship's crew can offer children a whole program of entertainment, from children's magazines, albums, pencils to cartoons. The list of services may even include a tour of the cockpit!

Ask if there is a special baby food or child-friendly snacks. Will you be allowed to board ahead of the queue?

For the convenience of parents, some airlines offer an in-flight baby care kit. This includes disposable diapers, disposable diapers, a portion of dry baby food, pacifier, napkins.

On board, special seats may be provided for small children, which are located next to the parents' seat (if paid children's place at a special rate).

Preparing a child for a flight:

About two weeks before your flight, start talking to your child about the upcoming trip. About how you will go to a distant country, fly high in the sky on an airplane that looks like a bird. Explain to him what an airport is, why during takeoff and landing his ears are blocked and the ground is not visible. Prepare your child for the fact that at the airport he will be X-rayed, his things will be searched, and sometimes he himself will be searched. Then the journey will arouse his interest, not fear.

Avoid flying with a child who has a cold. If necessary, call your child's doctor and find out what measures you must take to keep your baby's ear and nasal passages clean.

In addition, if your baby suffered from otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear, then before flying by plane, be sure to consult with an ENT doctor.

What to do with a stroller for a baby?

You can check the stroller as baggage not with all the other things, but right at the plane's steps, having first pasted a baggage pass on it.

How to survive takeoff and landing easier?

On an airplane, passengers usually experience stuffy ears during takeoff and landing. This problem can be avoided by swallowing frequently! Give your baby a lollipop. I think he will like this solution to the problem.

How to avoid motion sickness on a plane?

To prevent your baby from getting motion sickness, take it from home special means. When choosing a drug for motion sickness, make it with the help of a doctor. Distract your child from unpleasant sensations.

What to do with a child on a plane?

Toys and games;
Read a book to your child;
Tell stories;
Don't allow your baby to wander down the aisle alone during the flight;
Take advantage of beauty air travel: show your baby landscapes, city skylines, clouds - everything that will be visible through the porthole.

Select quiet time during the flight, when the aisle is not occupied by food carts, so you can walk around the plane with your baby. He will undoubtedly get tired of sitting, so he will need to stretch his legs. It just seems that there is nothing special around, but the child thinks that he has found himself in a new wonderful world, where there are so many unfamiliar objects and people behave somehow strangely. Take your time, give your child the opportunity to look at everything carefully, try to explain as clearly as possible the purpose of objects unfamiliar to him.

Remember that your child is learning about the world and your task is to help him with this. Let your child ask about everything on the plane, and you try to answer questions based on his level of understanding. Kids listen to such stories with much more interest than fairy tales or poems. During these walks, your child will begin to turn his attention to the passengers traveling with other children. Believe me, this is also an invaluable life experience!

It is during these spring days that many people plan their summer rest and develop routes for road trips with children. And some will hit the road in a week - spring break is ahead. If you have never traveled further than your dacha with your baby, but are looking with interest at your friends who have traveled half of Europe, let’s figure it out: are children, vacations and a car compatible? Our tips will help you plan a trip with children and not forget anything.

Child's age

If the baby is healthy and the parents are confident in themselves, in a month or two You can go on your first short vacation. Babies under six months often turn out to be comfortable passengers: they quickly fall asleep and sleep for a long time in a car seat.

A little more difficult with older children from six months to one and a half years: they learn to crawl, walk, run, but have no intention of sitting still. At the same time, they still don’t really know how to play, and they don’t really understand fairy tales. It’s easier to limit yourself to short trips - in good weather and with frequent stops.

At two years old The child already listens to books, knows how to play with dolls or cars, and shows interest in what is sculpted or drawn for him. Parents will have to constantly entertain such children, but a trip to nearby Europe will become a reality, albeit with numerous stops.

Then it's easier. Four year old a child can easily withstand the daily Moscow-Berlin run. And the average five year plan and he himself will entertain his parents. Of course, if you put your child in a car seat for a long time for the first time, he will perceive it as imprisonment. You need to get used to wearing seat belts gradually: on the way to a museum, to friends, to a dacha, to a neighboring town.

Older children you need to inform in advance the purpose of the trip: a visit to the castle, a trip to the sea, an overnight stay in the mountains, a city where they can ride bicycles - talk with enthusiasm about the simplest plans. Focusing on the child’s temperament, you can promise upcoming feats or trials and, of course, assure that it will be great!

Road trip: vote against

Children get tired- Sitting for a long time is boring and physically tiring, they need mobility.

Parents are getting tired- unlike an airplane, here it is necessary not only to entertain children, but also to keep an eye on the road.

Waiting at the border— sometimes it takes more than one hour to cross the border, but platforms and game rooms at border posts, unlike airports, it is not provided.

Traveler Safety— the risk of getting into an accident in a car is much higher than in an airplane.

Auto repair— in Europe, even minor damage requires repair, which takes time and money. But you definitely can’t drive there, like in Russia, with a crumpled fender and dimmed headlights.

Road trip: vote for

Saving— for children over two years old, air tickets cost 90% of the adult fare.

Flexibility in planning and - you can decide to go on a trip in the morning and leave in the evening without looking for promotions and special offers.

Clear conscience— if a child cries the entire flight, jumps on neighbors or throws toys around, parents may worry both from the discomfort caused to others and from the fact that it is impossible to stop the plane and calm their beloved child.

Luggage volume— with the advent of a child, the number of things grows exponentially, and literally everything can be loaded into the car, from a folding bed to a bicycle.

How to plan your moves

Planning movements directly depends on the child’s character. One thing is for sure: more stops will be required than when traveling with an adult group. Therefore, it is necessary to have a reserve of time - to complete the route or evacuate.

There are children who need short stops every hour or two: to run around the car, go with a parent to a gas station store, chase pigeons. Other kids, on the contrary, will get excited in a few minutes and will not be returned to the car. Stop less often, but for an hour or two. Find out about cafes, playgrounds, and parks along the route.

Very convenient when children sleep in the car. Leave early (5-6 am) if the children can sleep morning hours. You will have a reserve of time at your disposal when the roads are empty and the car is quiet, and then a few more hours of daytime sleep (depending on the age of the child). In the evening, plan to leave an hour before falling asleep (in the car this moment occurs a little earlier than at home) and continue driving until you feel comfortable behind the wheel. At one or two in the morning, simply carefully move the babies into a motel bed, tent, or their folding cribs.

There is another controversial option - night travel. If there are two drivers in the car and they are willing to take turns driving all night, or if the only driver can get enough sleep the night before and does not experience discomfort in night highway conditions, drive into the night. In 10-12 hours you can cover long distances, stopping only for gas. Stock up on an exciting audiobook (the music makes you sleepy), energizing food and drinks. Make your children comfortable sleeping area(car seat with a “sleep” position, put things under it so that the legs do not hang). And remember: in the morning you will want to sleep, and the children will want to go for a walk. Consider a plan of action.

Climate change on such a trip is not catastrophic: you can’t go to another hemisphere, unless you can take your children from the end of the Moscow winter to the spring Crimea - and isn’t that what you need a car for?

What to take with you

Improve the car for family needs, for example, buy trunk "box" on the roof: an extra 300-500 liters of volume will make getting ready more comfortable.

Check serviceability air conditioner: sweating and sitting in a draft alternately is not very healthy for a child.

Special tables attached to the car seat are convenient for placing toys, but take up space: you can come up with bags with pockets or something else.

Warm socks, favorite toy and blanket - sleep should be comfortable. If the rear windows are not tinted, you will need sun curtains (these are built into infant car seats of group “0”).

Car inverter turns the cigarette lighter into a regular socket, into which you can plug in a kettle, an iron, or a bottle sterilizer. Useful for charging all gadgets.

Kettle: better than a regular one, complete with an inverter - it will also come in handy in a hotel. Or powered by a cigarette lighter.

Cooler bag: this way the food supply will better survive the move, and the child will receive familiar and safe food.

Food: take small containers: jars of baby food, juices and cereals in packs. Sippy cups are convenient for babies. Carry warm food and drinks in thermoses.

Hygiene products: wet and regular wipes, diapers, antibacterial gel, travel potty.

First aid kit: anti-sickness remedies, as well as the medications your child needs and a standard traveler’s first aid kit, including mosquito repellents, sunscreens, colorful plasters, etc. A car allows you to move away from pharmacies, so necessary set you need to take it with you.

Always keep it in your car 5 liter bottle of water: Children drink a lot and get dirty a lot.

Garbage bags: Otherwise, cores, skins, leftovers and packaging from new toys may end up on the floor.

Few children will wake up and stare out the window for hours. The car entertainment kit is almost the most important point in preparing the parent-driver for the trip. Here is a sample range:

  • cartoons - on a tablet or computer, consumption should be limited due to damage to vision;
  • audio fairy tales in the player or on a CD for the radio, although books read aloud by parents are very popular;
  • food. Stock up on fruits, vegetables (gnawing carrots, for example, is long and healthy), dried fruits;
  • musical toys. A car is not an airplane, any noise level is acceptable here: but still spare yourself (and don’t forget spare batteries);
  • finger and hand puppets;
  • magnetic drawing boards;
  • books with stickers and tasks.

They still take it on the road small boxes with games on cards or magnetic elements. And, of course, your favorite toys. An enthusiastic child is the key to a parent’s peace of mind.

What to prepare for when traveling with a child

Physical fatigue. On the one hand, everything is simple: you need to stop more often and stock up on a pillow and a blanket. On the other hand, you don’t always want to stop. In this case, entertainment comes to the rescue, helping the child to forget that he is tired of sitting.

Moral fatigue. A small child cannot do one thing for more than 10-15 minutes. Alternate games with stories and snacks.

Quarreling. If there is more than one child in the car, quarrels are almost inevitable. This is due to fatigue and confined space. If possible, do not place children in adjacent seats.

Overheating and dehydration. Monitor the temperature in the car and how your child is dressed. He should not be hot - this, on the one hand, threatens overheating, on the other hand, getting out of the car wet, he will catch a cold more easily. A running air conditioner constantly dries the air. Give your children water more often (preferably water, not juices or compote). Remind, offer water yourself.

Nausea (sickness). Make sure that the car interior is not stuffy and that there are no unpleasant odors. Constantly entertain your baby and buy curtains for the windows (flickering objects increase nausea). Check to see if his chair is too high - maybe his head is just hanging around too much. Citrus fruits, candies, carbonated drinks will help with motion sickness. mineral water. Before leaving, it is better not to feed a baby who is sick. Knowing that your child gets sick in the car, regularly dedicate some time to exercise him vestibular apparatus: take you to the trampoline, carousel, attractions.

Safety on the road

The car seat is selected depending on the age, height and weight of the child. At first it will be a cradle of group “0” for children weighing up to 9 kg. Then follow groups “1” - up to 18 kg, “2” - up to 25 kg, “3” - up to 36 kg. In reality, groups of chairs are designated by several numbers, for example, “1/2/3” means that the chair is suitable for children from 10 to 36 kg.

After the cradle, it is preferable to buy a chair suitable for children weighing from 10 to 18 kg (that is, up to four years). This is not as economical as the “1/2/3”, but this chair can recline well for sleeping. Closer to the age of four, buy the “2/3” group, this will be a seat from which, when the child reaches a weight of 25 kg, you unfasten the backrest, leaving a booster, sitting on which the child is fastened with a standard car seat belt.

Don't try to save money, for example, by putting a small four-year-old on a booster. In the event of an accident, the seat will not protect the baby due to incorrect position belt due to vertically challenged child.

Besides age group The chairs differ in the way they are attached. They can be secured with standard belts or the Isofix system. The disadvantages of Isofix are its high price and greater weight. Advantages: greater safety, easy installation, increased strength (usually metal frame).

It is preferable to choose an Isofix chair that can be installed using standard belts(fastenings are retracted into the body of the chair). Thus, you will purchase a universal device suitable for any car - yours, a rental car, or for traveling with friends in their car.

Not all children adapt easily to car seats. A child may cry and ask to be held: traveling in the arms of a mother is much more pleasant. Make stops, sit near your child, sing songs, travel at night, give up traveling for a while. But don’t be fooled by fastening one adult seat belt between two people and promising yourself to “keep it tight.” Don't hold back. The seats really save you, don’t risk your most valuable passenger, even if he’s crying with resentment.


It's actually great to travel with your family by car. Especially when you have children at the age of “why, why, and for what.” The little one is now 5 years old, we are planning to go to Sochi in August. We went last year too. We are from the Moscow region. The route was laid out in advance, everyone knew and prepared. We have a good car, BMW X5. My husband and I love driving around cities, and our daughter is happy too. I prepare in advance for the train, when we plan the route, I immediately study which local attractions, etc. In general, last year we drove through Voronezh to Rostov and from there through Tuapse to Sochi. So, to make it more interesting for my daughter, I decided to find out what attractions there are in the vicinity of Tuapse. there are dolmens and a waterfall. Let's get ready and go. We bought food and clothes at a local shopping center - Red Square, the locals sent us there, took everything and left in the morning. And in the evening in the same shopping center, by the way, we ate after the hike, as we were very tired. Yes, there are some nuances when traveling by car, sleeping is not comfortable, etc. But somehow more soulful. Then, after Tuapse, we went to Sochi, where we already rented a house and practically moved around on our own two feet. YES, the baby has more impressions, we eat with her, I tell everything, I explain. Well, we don’t embarrass other people on the road, you never know when they get capricious and throw a tantrum. In general, I am all in favor of traveling by car with a child, the main thing is to approach it thoroughly and make sure it is to your liking.

A car seat is without a doubt the first choice if you are traveling long distances with a child.

Our whole family traveled around Europe by car just this summer. At first it was scary to travel with children, a lot of questions immediately arise: “how will the children cope with the journey”, “what to do with them on the way”, “how will we all fit in the car along with our suitcases” and so on. Before the trip, we bought a developmental mat for our youngest, called the playgro active center, and decided to test it. The fact that it was compact in terms of transportation was captivating. The baby definitely liked the brightness of the colors and the variety of textures; he could rustle and tug at everything. An excellent educational find. When we stopped to rest or have a snack, we put insulated sportswear underneath. a rug under the bottom, and placed the center on top and sent the little one to crawl, stretch its arms and legs. I want to tell you that the thing is great! We take this center with us all the time, especially when we travel. Now we ride with children more often; in principle, we are in favor of active recreation.

28.11.2016 18:10:55, Elena Smirnova

Very interesting article! I agree with all points. But I would also supplement it with the fact that you also need to provide for the possibility of the car itself breaking down on the road and think through methods for solving such a problem. For example, write down in advance in the phone book the contacts of an auto electrician who could come to the rescue. Everything happens on the road, so it’s better to try to protect your children from unwanted car breakdowns or do everything to ensure that the repair takes place as quickly as possible.

We just started traveling by car. The 1st trip was carried out in September: Moscow-Rostov-on-Don-Krasnodar-Goryachiy Klyuch-Dzhubga-Adler-Nizhneimertinskaya Bay-Novomikhailovskoye-Moscow. Children are 11 years old and 1 year old. Only the most positive impressions remained from the trip. In November we went for 3 days along the route Kalyazin-Uglich-Myshkin-Martynovo. We plan to expand the geography of travel by car, because... 1) significant savings on air and train tickets, we have three children - the savings are decent))) 2) a lot of sights can be seen on the road + constant change of pictures (landscapes, architecture, hotels, people) 3) things are not you need to carry it with you. In September 2015 we are planning to go to Abkhazia and take in several sights along the way. We are looking for like-minded people!

We like to travel by car, it’s cheaper and more mobile, you can see more and take more things with you. There is no need to carry suitcases, be in a crowd, you are in your own schedule and mode.
It’s just physically difficult, but it’s a matter of proper route planning.
It’s just a pity that my husband can’t always join us, it’s a bit boring together.

On long distances I wouldn't risk going with children.

In my opinion, taking a train is much more comfortable and safer; you can also plan your trips yourself. Let’s say you can still ride in sparsely populated European countries with a 5-year-old child, although not with everyone, and in Russia this is a deadly event, look at the statistics of deaths as a result of road accidents.

Comment on the article "Travel with children by car: pros and cons. What to consider?"

Karelia with a small child. Preparation. Independent travel. Independent organization of recreation: booking hotels, buying tickets, renting a car and housing, excursions and attractions. We have returned from Karelia!. On vacation with children. Tourism packages.


If you travel by car, then distance from medical institutions is not a problem. Especially in boarding houses. In Karelia, people also live with small children.
It's more difficult with mosquitoes. During my student years, we went to Karelia at the end of June and ran away because of mosquitoes every other day. That same year we returned to the same place in early August. There were much fewer midges, and in open areas the wind blew away all the mosquitoes. We were also lucky with the weather.

Traveling with a child by car: safety, packing list, trip plan, entertainment. Holidays with children: on holiday - by car. Car repair - in Europe, even minor damage requires repair, which takes time and money.


We just returned from a road trip between Romania and Bulgaria. Absolutely delighted. For novice road travelers, this is just the thing. Actually, this was our first such trip. We visited a lot of interesting places in Bulgaria (mostly not the coast) and Romanian castles (unlucky with the weather, we didn’t see everything we wanted) We had very diverse impressions: castles, fortresses, monasteries, mountains and mountain lakes, old towns, sea and capital, of course... My daughter is just 9 years old

On vacation with a 10 month old baby. Good afternoon Please tell me, has anyone gone to the sea with a small child under 1 year old? On vacation with children. Tourism packages. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa, passport, ticket...


I traveled by train to Crimea as a savage without my husband with a 5 year old and 2.5 month old - normal

We were in Hungary with a 4.5 month old - for a month, everything was normal (including the plane + 3 hours and then another trip in the car). And we also went to Austria with him for 3 days.
But I won’t say about 2 months - I don’t know)))

On vacation with children. Tourism packages. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa, passport, ticket, tour operator, travel agent. Since birth, my children and I have been driving by car, so far the longest road was from Moscow to Anapa and back, for the first time...


My three-year-old son just drove 2000 km from Moscow to Murmansk with his grandparents. We drove slowly, with 2 overnight stays. All OK.
We listened to audio stories and watched a DVD player.

Since birth, my children and I have been traveling by car, so far the longest road was from Moscow to Anapa and back, the first time my daughter was 9 months old. She endured it wonderfully, yes, the journey took longer than usual, because... I had to stop more often. This year she turned 8 years old and everything went even easier.
They took my three-year-old son around - there was no need to even entertain him, he sat, looked out the window, listened to fairy tales, slept, ate, and played with toys.
Yes, all trips are carried out by children exclusively in seat belts.

by car with a child. On vacation with children. Tourism packages. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa Do you have air conditioning in the car? Do not turn it on too much so that there is no sharp difference from the street. I sat on the potty in a shallow way right in the car, I...


If a child, in principle, likes to drive a car, then yes, but that’s okay!!! Last year we drove near Tuapse - 1000 km a day, two stops. My daughter was 2.7. Slept on back seat no problem - I put on a cotton diaper so I wouldn’t sweat. Is there air conditioner in the car? Do not turn it on too much so that there is no sharp difference from the street. I sat on the potty in a small way right in the car, then I closed it with a lid and put it under the seat. Must have in the car wet wipes, garbage bag. In the trunk there is a five-liter bottle of water to wash your hands/butt. Baby gotta take a bunch small toys and give them out one at a time. Our daughter happily tinkered with the dishes: she fed all the dolls and bears, then put them to bed, then showed them something in the window. From food - a lot of water, juice, fruit. Cookies are not welcome in the car due to the crumbs. At the stops they not only ate, but also RUNNED and played with a ball. We definitely stopped at some clearing. I kept 2-3 sets of cotton T-shirts/pants in the cabin because it was hot and my daughter was sweating.
Have a good trip!

We went when our sons were 3 and 2 years old. We really liked it, we didn’t stop anywhere for the night, we took turns driving the car with my husband, I even liked driving at night more - there weren’t many trucks, it wasn’t hot. At the age of 2, they took him Semper jars, bagels, cookies, fruit, yogurt (we put perishable foods in a bag - like a refrigerator), for breakfast I took Max porridge in a jar. But it’s better to buy a boiler or car kettle, and make this porridge right in the car. We ate in the cafe ourselves - barbecue, potatoes, vegetable salads. Max rode in his seat, buckled up, stopped for pee-stops and to eat mostly, didn’t make long stops. So go ahead and don't be afraid of anything! If you have any questions, you can write to me by email.

On vacation with children. Tourism packages. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa, passport, ticket. We constantly travel by car to St. Petersburg - a couple of times a year. The first time was when the child was 6 months old. In principle, there are a lot of cafes on the highway now...


We constantly travel by car to St. Petersburg - a couple of times a year. The first time was when the child was 6 months old. In principle, there are now a lot of cafes on the highway that serve home-cooked food. I can’t recommend them - they change often. But we do this - we stop, go in, look. If there is something we like that is suitable for the child, we stay. But you can ask them to prepare them specially. We usually stop by Valdai - there is a cafe there in the city, closer to the lake, and it’s nice to stretch your legs there. You can also go to the Iversky Monastery - it’s a small detour, but there is a dirt road - it depends on the weather.
With you in Lately(except for book toys) take water, fruit, cookies. AND! a can of gasoline. Because there are a lot of gas stations, but they 1) are uneven (every 5 km, sometimes every 50) and sometimes there is not exactly the gasoline that you need. But this is rare. It’s just that God protects those who are careful.
We also take wet wipes and water to wash our hands. Because the food in the cafe is delicious, but sometimes it’s too bad. there is no water. And in general - he’s a child :))) And before we went with a potty.
If you have any more questions, ask.

We traveled with our one-year-old son, but not to St. Petersburg, but to Jurmala... I really hoped that the child would sleep on the road, but that was not the case :-) At most, twice for 30-40 minutes. The rest of the time they played and looked at books. He was traveling to child seat. We stopped to “warm up” three times. On the way, I ate crackers and so did we. Take sliced ​​fruits, cookies, drink plenty of hot drinks and water/juices. We ate more substantially during stops (twice “in the clearing” and once in a cafe - but our road was longer), at the same time we performed “toilet procedures”. On the highway, really follow the speed limit in populated areas and do not overtake on solid roads. We went to Valdai in winter (the same route), traffic cops are especially “fierce” in the Tver region, they can jump out of any bush:-(We didn’t get caught, because my husband strictly follows traffic rules on such trips.

It’s realistic to survive Even five days in a car with two children of that age, or two days with children five years and two months old - there are living examples. We were just now discussing this problem, our people go on vacation with their children by car every summer, and only this year the road was opened; previously it took about 15 hours to travel on a ferry, where there is no toilet. I don't mind saving 5 thousand rubles. will not force you to spend more than a day in the car :))

I am a working mother from Minsk, a sociologist by profession, who enjoys photography. I am raising my daughter Miroslava, who is currently 2 years 10 months old. I travel a lot with my child, because... I am convinced that this contributes to development.


Barcelona. City-mood, city-impression, city-delight. These are seagulls and a refreshing sea breeze, absolutely incredible creations of Gaudi, busy streets and squares. These are food markets where the eyes run wild from huge amount seafood, sweets, cheese and wine, and the smells of chocolate, smoked meats and fresh herbs simply drive you crazy. These are street performers, huge bubble and the smiles of passers-by. Barcelona is fun for a child good fairy tale, for an adult – bright holiday and a dream come true. It’s not enough to see it – you have to feel it. Barcelona is a state of mind

We spent a wonderful April week in the southern capital. Our cozy girl group consisted of three people, including me, my little Miroslava (she was just over two years old at the time of the trip), and my friend, who also loves to travel. I’ll probably start my story with a brief background on my previous trips with my daughter and share my views on traveling with children in general. Before our Spanish holidays, my child had the opportunity to visit quite a few countries (including quite exotic ones). We started taking her on trips quite early: for the first time, Miroslavka left her native Minsk at the age of 3 months; the location of our family vacation was then Istanbul. My daughter is used to moving, easily adapts to new conditions, loves planes and airports and simply loves meeting new people. In addition, I am of the opinion that travel is a very powerful stimulus for the development of a child, and not only intellectually ( small man instantly assimilates new words and concepts, masters skills), but, no less important, emotional. When traveling, a child should a short time, is immersed in a cultural and linguistic environment that is completely unfamiliar to him, he learns to understand and accept something different, different, different from what he himself is used to. He becomes more tolerant, flexible and generous, more collected and organized, more open and communicative. In general, for me personally, traveling with a child has more advantages than disadvantages, and my answer to the question of whether it is worth traveling with small children is a definite “Yes”. Therefore, without hesitation, I decided to fly to Barcelona when the opportunity arose. And, looking ahead, I will say that I have never regretted it. But first things first.

It all started when, while studying the spring offers of airlines, I came across inexpensive option flight to Barcelona and back, and since this city had long been on my list of must-sees and was interesting to my then potential companions, there was nothing special to think about. We bought tickets for one of the April flights and started looking for accommodation. After several weeks of comparison different options accommodation and correspondence with the owners of the apartments we liked, we settled on a two-room apartment in the city center next to the main food market Boqueria and a short walk from La Rambla, the main pedestrian street of Barcelona. After we dealt with the main issues that an independent traveler has to solve - how to get to the destination and where to stay - we relaxed and began to make plans for our vacation. Previously, we determined for ourselves a list of places that we ourselves would like to visit in Barcelona and where Miroslava would be interested. This compromise list included the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Casa Mila, the aquarium, the singing fountain show, the Pedralbes Monastery, the funicular on Mount Tibidabo and the Port Aventura amusement park. In addition to visiting these attractions, we planned long walks around the city and at least a superficial acquaintance with Spanish cuisine.

So, all preparations are completed, and here we are in Barcelona. I must say that the weather for an active exploration of the city in April is the most optimal there: sunny, dry and quite warm (daytime temperatures fluctuate between +20 and +24), which made us very happy. The apartment had everything we needed: two bedrooms, a good kitchen where you could cook and eat, a fairly spacious hallway or living room, and a bathroom. The presence of a child in our company significantly influenced how we organized our time. Since Miroslava needs naps during the day, we divided the day into two parts. In the first half of the day, we visited some attraction (we spent 2-3 hours on this, since we got up quite early, and the favorable location of our accommodation allowed us to save time on moving), then returned home, having previously run to the food market and bought ready-made food there. grilled seafood, fish or chicken, cheese and fresh vegetables. We had dinner at home (since you can buy high-quality and relatively inexpensive ready-made food at the market, we spent almost no time on cooking) and put the child to bed. Towards the evening, when my daughter woke up, we again went to explore the city and returned quite late - around 21:00 - 22:00. Miroslava went to bed at about the same time as at home, so her sleep and wakefulness patterns were not affected during our vacation. At first, I was a little worried that because of my daughter’s nap, we would lose a lot of time that could be spent exploring the city. But then we really appreciated this two-hour break in the middle of the day, since it gave the adults the opportunity to communicate and discuss what they had seen, and the child - to rest and recuperate. As a result, everyone won, and until late evening the participants in our trip were in good mood and were full of energy.

So, why did we like Barcelona so much? Firstly, because of the wonderful atmosphere of lightness and celebration that reigns there even on weekdays. Secondly, because there really is where to go and what to do for the whole family, and it will be interesting and educational for both adults and children. Thirdly, Barcelona people are smiling and hospitable, and they love children very much. Miroslava bathed in attention everywhere and often received small gifts from completely strangers. Fourthly, the weather there in spring is very comfortable, and this certainly enhances positive impressions from visiting Barcelona. Fifthly, we liked simple, tasty and relatively inexpensive food that you can safely offer to your child.

Well, and finally, a small photo report about our trip.

Boqueria food market- not only the largest in the city, but also the oldest: the first mentions of it date back to the 12th century. Of course, it is worthy of attention along with other attractions of Barcelona. From Monday to Saturday they sell fish, meat, seafood, cheese, wine, vegetables and fruits, handmade sweets, olives of all possible varieties in any marinades, fresh bread, spices, dried fruits and souvenirs. I highly recommend immersing yourself in this incredible kaleidoscope of smells, sounds and shades for an hour and a half. In addition, the market has small snack pavilions that offer various dishes from products purchased here at the market. The service is fast, the food is high quality, and the prices are quite reasonable.

Plaza Catalunya became the center of Miroslavka's Barcelona. Pigeons that peck grains directly from hands, sit on shoulders and are not afraid of people - the child was ready to spend the entire vacation there.

You can also chase pigeons, and there is nothing more beautiful in the world.

Barcelona waterfront We really liked it too. There are many beautiful yachts moored along the pier, and seagulls walk along the wooden decking.

Park Guell- one of incredible creations Gaudi. We were delighted with the absolutely incredible architectural forms and stunning mosaics. Gaudi is, first of all, a mood, just like Barcelona itself. When you see his creations, you experience some kind of childish delight. It’s as if you’re 6 years old again, it’s your birthday, and you’ve been given the very gift you’ve been dreaming about for a long, long time. By at least, that's what happened to me.

The child appreciated the most “ gingerbread houses", which are located right at the entrance to the park. By the way, Gaudi was inspired to create them by the opera “Hansel and Gretel” based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.

House Mila- another of Gaudí's masterpieces. The wavy roof, the wavy facade of the building, absolutely stunning chimneys of bizarre shapes, made of glass, ceramics, mosaics and concrete. And all this together looks harmonious and complete. In general, both adults and children were fascinated.

Museum-monastery of Pedralbes. Very elegant Gothic, 14th century. A must for everyone who is interested in iconic architecture and simply loves finding quiet corners in noisy cities.

And once you get to Barcelona, ​​it’s impossible to resist visiting these magical places:

National Palace- the same palace on Mount Montjuic, against which a show of singing fountains is shown. Come here about 40 minutes before the show starts to admire the view of the palace at sunset.

Singing Fountains. And here are the fountains themselves, singing and dancing, almost alive. During the performance, we were right next to them, so the refreshing water spray flew right towards us, and the child received unique opportunity dance along with the fountains to your favorite Queen music. My daughter’s dance steps extremely touched the respectable audience. Happiness to my beloved little man there was no limit.

Tibidabo– a mountain where you can climb by cable car. And it's definitely worth it: at the very top there is a very impressive temple, topped with a statue of Christ with outstretched arms, and a Ferris wheel from which beautiful view to the city. It is best to go there at sunset, because Barcelona in the rays of the setting sun is something amazing. And one more detail that will be of interest to parents traveling with children: next to the Ferris wheel (which you will have to take turns riding, since children under 110 cm in height are not allowed there) there are several carousels that will undoubtedly delight your children.

Barcelona aquarium relatively small: we managed to fully examine it in about an hour. The adults were not too impressed, but the children watched with interest the colorful fish in the beautifully illuminated aquariums and enjoyed several rides on the moving track through the tunnel passing through a huge pool with sharks.

Port Aventura– an amusement park, which is located an hour and a half by train from Barcelona. The road is quite long, so you need to go there for the whole day. This day was the only one during the entire trip when the child was left without a full day's sleep. To somehow solve this problem, we used the stroller rental service that the park administration offers its visitors. The stroller turned out to be more like a wheelbarrow with a roof and quite uncomfortable: although the child was still able to sit in it, he could not lie down normally. As a result, Miroslavka slept briefly and poorly, and by the end of the day we ended up with a very tired little girl.

As for the attractions in Port Aventura, there are quite a lot of them, they are quite diverse, and among them there are very extreme ones, for example, Shambhala - an attraction that is one of the ten most extreme in the world (if I’m not mistaken, the height from which visitors descend in open cabins is something like 70 meters). But if you are planning to visit the park in the company of a small traveler, you need to immediately mentally prepare for the fact that he will simply not be allowed on most of the attractions, and someone will have to stay with the child while other members of your company enjoy extreme sports. We got out of this situation like this: while, for example, my friend was riding an attraction for adults, Miroslavka and I spent time on the playground, then I left my daughter with a friend and rode myself. Thanks to such a simple scheme, we all had a good time and managed to try out almost all the attractions that interested us.

My short conclusion from all that has been said and shown is that Barcelona is truly beautiful and definitely worth a visit with children, so have a great family holiday in the delightful southern capital.

November 7th, 2013 , 10:44 pm

Traveling around the world is very pleasant and interesting. Always curious to discover something new, communicate with local residents and try national food. For me, the most important thing when traveling is my family. I really love traveling with my husband. How nice it is later winter evenings remember the flight trip and plan your further voyage. It wouldn't be so great alone. A couple of years ago, a new family member was added to our travels - our beloved baby. Traveling remains just as enjoyable for us, but it also adds a little hassle.

Today I will share my experience and tell you how to organize your first traveling with a 1.5 year old baby. Perhaps my advice will be useful to parents who want relax with a small child, but don't know where to start. The first part of the note will be about the flight. I want to repeat that these are my personal, introductory tips. For more accurate and detailed information you need to contact the airline’s website, the embassy (to obtain a visa) or the Federal Migration Service (if the question concerns a passport).

What you need to do before your trip.
Now international passport issued from birth. The passport is issued for 5 or 10 years standard procedure, to the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration. There were no problems with the Schengen visa; it was issued at the Spanish Embassy (for a stay in Spain).

Having read a bunch of reviews online before the trip, I stocked up on everything necessary documents per child. I took my birth certificate and power of attorney with me.
Birth certificate may be required at the border to establish your relationship with the baby.
Power of attorney(notarized) I needed it to obtain a visa. Having collected whole package I didn’t need any documents at the border; no one simply asked me for them. As soon as we approached passport control, Petya began to smile at everyone around him with a radiant smile of 12 teeth). But I still strongly recommend taking all the documents with you. Just in case.

During the flight.
Check-in and boarding. Having a small child in your arms is a big plus. Queues for inspections, registration and passport control immediately disappear. With children they let you through without any problems and at the same time they smile. During check-in, you can ask for the very first row in the aircraft cabin. Some provide space in front of the first row where you can attach a special cradle for infants, and there is more legroom there. But it is better to clarify such details with the airline before departure. We were unlucky with all these advantages; our Petya was 1.8 years old at the time of the flight, so we stood in line like everyone else.

In airplane. For children under 2 years old, the air ticket is free without a seat (or with small fees, you need to check with the airline). From 2 to 12 years old, tickets are sold at a discount, but you also need to check. We decided to take a separate place for the baby, which we have never regretted. During takeoff and landing, you will be asked to hold your baby in your arms, but the rest of the time, the extra space is a real lifesaver. The child could lie down quietly (even sleep) and go about his business without any problems.

If you don’t want to spend extra money, then a sling can be a very convenient thing for you. But again, this is for those kids who are familiar with him. It is very comfortable to hold the baby on the mother’s chest, feed him and he sleeps much better this way. And mom’s free hands will always come in handy for other things. Petya grew out of a sling, so I already forgot about him.

Because the Small child does not know how to regulate intracranial pressure, it is recommended to give him water or food during takeoff and landing so that his ears do not get blocked. We have no problems with this, since Petya was on breastfeeding. I just sat him on my lap and hugged him tighter. Several other children older than Peter were flying not far from us, they were so capricious during takeoff and landing. And babies generally tolerate the flight well. Petya's first flight was very successful and calm. I hope the next ones will be the same.

Advice! If possible, buy tickets on a daytime flight. Night ones are cheaper, but less convenient. Don’t expect that your child will sleep the whole time; he will be distracted by a new place, people, noise, light and other little things that adults don’t notice. And if the child does not get enough sleep, then sleep disturbance and Bad mood provided for a couple of days. It’s not for me to tell you about this. Be sure to take this fact into account when traveling long distances and changing climate zones. The best thing is to choose the optimal flight for your baby’s schedule.

What to take with you.
Nutrition. As I wrote above, Petya on natural feeding, because food is always with me, and therefore with the baby. You can easily bring water, baby food, juices and other baby food into the aircraft cabin. Perhaps there are some restrictions on the volume (you need to look at the airlines’ websites), but having a child in your arms removes all prohibitions. Since we don’t eat formula, I only had water, juice, cookies and fruit. The flight lasted only 4 hours and there was enough food for this time.

For nursing mother nutrition is more important for herself than for the child. So better take some food for yourself. Even if you feed your children formula, you can take all this with you. It is advisable to take an extra bottle/pacifier with you in case it falls and needs to be replaced quickly. Don’t forget to put cottage cheese and other dairy products in special refrigerated containers or bags.

Clothes and more. It is necessary to take a couple of sets of spare clothes in your hand luggage (in case of unforeseen circumstances), as well as diapers, a bib and wipes (wet and dry). You may also need a kit warm clothes, socks or blanket. It can sometimes be quite chilly on the plane. All we needed from the above were wipes and a couple of diapers.

If there is a line for the toilet on the plane, then you and your child will probably be allowed in without it. But this is provided that there are few children on the plane. During the summer months and popular destinations, this advice is not relevant; everyone flies there with children. If your baby is already out of diapers, it is very convenient to take a travel potty with you, such as Potette. A very convenient thing and takes up minimal space in hand luggage. We then took it with us on road trips.

Toys/books. It is better not to take many toys into the cabin of the plane. The baby will quickly get tired of them, and why do you need the extra load. I recommend taking only your child’s favorite toys and books. And he will be calmer, and you will have a few minutes to relax. Our Petya really loves books with stickers. A trouble-free flight was ensured; the child could play with stickers for up to half an hour. True, provided that I took part in the process. Petya also loves to look at family photos and travel photos. He can look at them and comment on them for a very long time. It's very funny to watch and communicate in this way. Here's a developmental method for you. Many children at this age love to draw and listen to audio fairy tales and watch cartoons. In this case, you need to stock up on pencils, a player or a tablet. In this case, you are also guaranteed a quiet flight.

Baby carriage. There is no need to check the stroller as luggage; you will still need it after checking in for your flight. If the baby is capricious, then it is enough to put him in it and calm him down. Walking with a child for 1.5-2 hours before landing in your arms will be very difficult. When entering the plane, the stroller must be folded and given to the flight attendants. You can pick it up either upon exiting, or along with your luggage, or in a separate place near the luggage. They will tell you where exactly. Before the trip, we specially bought light stroller Maclaren.

That's probably all the main ones adviсe for air travel with a small child. Nothing complicated, right? If I forgot to write something, tell me in the comments.

And the most important thing during the flight, and throughout the entire journey, is probably the peace of mind of the parents. Don't be nervous, act natural and everything will go fine. Let your first trip with your baby be the beginning of a joyful and interesting life for you.

In the next post I will tell you what is better for a child - accommodation in a hotel or apartment and how to properly relax at sea.

Stay in touch!
