A gift for the boss for the New Year. Master class “Ship for sweets and champagne”

By the end of the year, any work team has to decide what to give the boss as a birthday present. New Year. Choosing a surprise for your superiors is not an idle question. You need to try to get the gift right, because everyone knows that a satisfied boss is good boss, he will let you go home early, and will order a bonus to be written out.

Before you start choosing a gift for your boss for the New Year, you need to remember the traditions accepted in the company, as well as the leadership style that a particular director adheres to. Someone adheres to democratic management methods, so they will enthusiastically accept a “cool” gift. Someone, on the contrary, tries to keep their distance and strictly adheres to corporate ethics.

You need to decide whether a New Year's gift will be given from the team, or whether each employee will congratulate you personally. Of course, a lot depends on the number of people who work under the leadership of the boss. For example, if there are no more than five people, then you can give small souvenirs from each employee. If the team is large, then it is better to fold and buy one gift. However, even in small departments, employees, as a rule, prefer to make general gifts, since in this case it is possible to buy more expensive thing and there is no risk that several people will purchase the same type of gifts.

If the leader is conservative

If your boss strictly follows corporate ethics and adheres to traditions, then you should not risk buying for him funny gifts. He may not appreciate humor and think that his subordinates are making fun of him, which, naturally, will not contribute to improving the working environment in the team.

Such a boss should be presented only with traditional things. Here are some New Year gift ideas for a conservative boss:

  • Desktop office set. Of course, for the boss you need to choose an expensive and stylish thing. As a rule, these devices are multifunctional; a clock, barometer, thermometer, etc. can be built into them.
  • Book. Should choose deluxe edition, the topic can be selected according to the company profile. But if subordinates know about their boss’s hobby, then you can give them a book on the topic of the hobby.
  • Painting for the office. This is a fairly traditional option. gift for boss of which everything is. Of course, we are not talking about cheap reproductions, but about original paintings sold in art salons. You should choose a painting with a neutral subject - a landscape or something abstract.
  • Elite alcohol. Such a gift on New Year's Eve is quite appropriate. So, a male boss can be presented with cognac or whiskey. Additionally, you can give a set of whiskey glasses or cognac glasses. But a female boss should buy other types of drinks. It is customary to give ladies martinis or sweet liqueurs. On New Year's Eve, good champagne will be a good gift, especially if it is presented in a special bucket with crushed ice.

If a leader keeps up with the times

Your boss is real modern leader? Is he energetic, full of ambition and assertive? Then it's worth choosing original gift to the boss for the New Year, listed above traditional options are unlikely to delight him.

You can choose something to decorate your office - for example Japanese garden miniature stones or a stylish interactive aquarium. Or you can choose a gift that will help your boss relax a little during his moments of relaxation. For example, the game of cabinet golf.

If the boss is not only ambitious, but also has a sense of humor, then you can present him with his own portrait, where he is depicted in the costume of a tsarist general or an important official. To order such a portrait, you will need a photograph of your boss.

You can also give the head of the department an office souvenir for the New Year, symbolizing the rise career ladder. According to ancient Feng Shui, talismans for a successful career are:

  • Sailboat. This souvenir symbolizes movement towards good luck.
  • Turtle. This symbol does not at all mean that movement up the career ladder will be carried out at a snail's pace. On the contrary, according to the ancient Chinese, it is a symbol of wisdom, support of people in power, and financial success. This souvenir must be made of heavy materials - stone or metal.
  • Indoor fountain. It is a well-known symbol of good luck and attracts money.

If you have chosen Feng Shui talismans as a gift, then advise the recipient to place the gifts in the northern sector of the office or apartment. It is this sector that is “responsible” for business success, and a souvenir installed there will activate it.

If the leader is democratic

Bosses who always delve into the problems of employees are highly respected. And for the New Year you can give your beloved boss the most various gifts, these can be useful things for decorating your office or for work, or comic surprises.

For example, why not give your boss an indoor telescope? When presenting a gift, you can say that at night this device will help him observe the stars in the sky, and during the day - to ensure that everything is in order in the department entrusted to him.

You can give a board game - souvenir chess or backgammon. An office minibar can be a good gift; it can be made in the shape of a globe.

Another option interesting gift– certificate for adventure. Of course, when choosing an option, you should take age into account, physical fitness and the interests of the recipient. For example, not everyone will be delighted with the prospect of making a parachute jump. And here group games many people like it, you can offer your boss a game of paintball in the company of employees, a joint trip to a recreation center, etc. Such joint adventures help strengthen the corporate spirit.

Gifts for heads of other departments

Do you want to congratulate not only the head of your department, but also the heads of related departments? In this case, it is best to purchase traditional office gifts– diaries, stationery sets, etc.

So, for the New Year you can, for example, give the head of the HR department useful souvenir- perpetual calendar. It can be used to find out the days of the week of dates falling in both past and future years.

If it is not customary to give gifts in a team

The company's traditions must be respected. If it is not customary in the team to give valuable gifts to the manager, then the boss is unlikely to understand the “noble impulses” of his subordinates. He may even think that the employees are thus giving him a veiled bribe, hoping for a more loyal attitude.

In this case, you can please your boss with an inexpensive, but pleasant surprise. For example, you can make a calendar on next year. Photos to decorate the pages should be taken in advance, filming various working moments in the life of the department. It’s easy to make such a calendar with your own hands in digital format, and then order it printed in the salon.

Personal gifts

A personal gift to the boss can be made by his deputy or his secretary. The choice of gift largely depends on the relationship. So, if the boss and the deputy are connected not only by a working relationship, but also by friendship, then you can choose as a gift an item related to the recipient’s interests and hobbies.

A gift from a secretary should not be too expensive. Inexpensive, but quite original, you can congratulate the chef if you purchase a “male” chocolate set. It includes symbolic portions alcoholic drinks in chocolate bottles.

A different approach to choosing personal gifts should be if they are chosen for the boss-lover for the New Year. When choosing a gift, you need to remember that your lover has a wife, so too intimate gift options should be discarded right away. It’s good if you can choose something that he will use every day, remembering his favorite one. It could be an expensive pen, a solid briefcase, or a stylish souvenir for the office desk. Such gifts will not arouse suspicion among your wife, and your lover will be very pleased to receive them.

To choose the right gift for your boss, you need to use your imagination and not forget about your sense of tact. The gift should not demonstrate a familiar attitude, even if the boss adheres to democratic principles of leadership.

The head of a company is a person on whom its functioning, and therefore the career and income of the team, depends. Therefore, you always want to please a good boss with congratulations and gifts. If you have not yet decided what to give the director for the New Year, be sure to use our advice. Perhaps the future prosperity of the company depends on this New Year's present.

How to choose the right gift for the director

When choosing a gift for your boss for the New Year, you shouldn’t forget about business etiquette. Any violations can completely ruin the impression of the gift. Therefore, we remind you of the main rules:

  • Always remember tact and modesty. The gift should not be too expensive, especially if you decide to congratulate the director on your own behalf. At the same time, it must be of high quality. Too cheap trinkets and counterfeits of well-known brands are not allowed.
  • If you give a gift on your own, it should be done during non-working hours without unnecessary demonstration of your loyalty. But it’s better to congratulate the manager on behalf of the entire team.
  • The main task of your gift is to lift the mood of the recipient, make him happy and smile, and not put him in a uncomfortable position, as can be the case with an overly expensive gift.
  • You should not allow familiarity and familiarity, unless such relationships are normal for your team.
  • It is imperative to take into account the age of the director when choosing a gift for him.
  • It is usually not recommended to give sweets to men and alcohol to ladies. But, if you know for sure that your director has a sweet tooth, or your manager collects wine, such a gift is allowed.
  • It is not recommended to give the manager gifts intended for use at home, for example, kitchen utensils And household appliances. This looks like an invasion of privacy on the part of subordinates.

You also need to be careful about gift packaging. It should not be too bright and catchy. Even if the gift is intended for a lady, caramel pink shades and an abundance of bows are not welcome. It is better to give preference to neutral shades and neat, strict packaging.

TOP 10 gifts for the director for the New Year

  1. Quality stationery
  2. Leather briefcases, purses, etc.
  3. Sets of several types of coffee or tea
  4. Books
  5. Items for decorating the interior of the office
  6. New Year's composition
  7. A set of quality wines or strong spirits for men
  8. Antiques
  9. Comic gift
  10. Desk calendar with photos of all employees

Universal New Year gifts for managers

There are conditionally universal gifts, which can be given to the director for the New Year if the relationship in the team is not too close and you know little about his preferences. These include:

  • Stationery. Various pens, notebooks, desk organizers, etc. will always be useful to the manager.
  • Leather briefcases, wallets and business card holders. These are constant attributes of business style, and they suit both men and women equally well.
  • A set of good coffee or tea. This is very useful gift, especially if you know what drinks your boss likes.
  • Beautiful desktop or wall panel with a good quote about a wise leader. If you don’t yet have such a decoration in the director’s office, you should definitely give it as a gift.
  • Elite alcohol for a man or good candies woman. This is a good and non-binding gift, great option, if you just need to show a sign of attention.
  • Book. This could be something related to your company's specialization or a collection of quotes about business. Under no circumstances should you give manuals or collections of advice, for example, “How to become good director"or "How to achieve success in business." This will look like a hint of professional failure.
  • Souvenirs. This is not the best option for a present, since over time they accumulate too many. But if the director’s office is still empty, you can give him a beautiful figurine or bonsai made of stones.
  • New Year's composition. Basket with champagne and festive chocolate, decorated spruce branches and tinsel – this is thematic and nice gift, which definitely won’t put anyone in an awkward position.

To really choose good gift director should take into account his tastes and interests. It’s better to get together as a team and discuss, then the chances of finding something worthwhile will increase significantly.

New Year's gift for a female director

Choosing a gift for a lady leader is not easy. On the one hand, the gift must be respectable and emphasize the high status of the recipient. On the other hand, you should choose something feminine and gentle, because even when occupying a high position, women always want to feel attractive. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything and try to avoid pitfalls.

One of the classics women's gifts- flowers. But on New Year’s it’s better to replace them with a themed one. festive composition. If you do decide to give a bouquet, choose something chic, but not too huge. Large bouquets They are often given as gifts for anniversaries and in honor of retirement. The best option is a beautifully decorated medium-sized bouquet of the director’s favorite flowers or an original plant in a pot, for example, a rare orchid.

If your boss is superstitious, it is better not to give her lilies and potted plants. It is believed that the land is a gift - bad sign. And lilies in many cultures are positioned as a mourning flower, appropriate only for funerals.

The most good options gifts for a female leader:

  • Elegant figurine from natural stones with engraving. Such a gift will be an excellent decoration for your office and will remind you of the holiday.
  • Business folder made of expensive leather with original design. You can choose a handmade product.
  • Designer box for jewelry or other small items.
  • A set of good scarves for the neck. Although it is usually not recommended to give clothes as a gift, such a gift would be quite appropriate.
  • Chic Notebook. Women are more likely than men to record everything on paper, so such a gift will definitely not be superfluous.

Women are generally discouraged from giving alcohol as gifts. But if it's a set good wines from a well-known manufacturer and a set of glasses to go with them, such a gift is completely acceptable. It can also be supplemented with elite chocolate and other luxurious sweets.

What to give a male director for New Year?

The choice of men's gifts for directors is traditionally wider than women's. Depending on the number of people in the team and their income, the gift may cost more or less. But he must be suitable to the boss in character and preferably fit into his office. Successful gifts are a barometer or an air humidifier for the office, a wall-mounted fireplace, a massage cover for a chair. If you are sure that the director will approve such a gift, you can present a hookah or a folding barbecue, a table for playing chess or backgammon, or a portable planetarium.

Classical men's gift- weapon. A true connoisseur should be given truly valuable collectibles, while an amateur will love a beautiful souvenir weapon to decorate his office.

Any gifts for relaxation will also be useful, for example, a classic office decoration- stand - Newton's balls or a miniature rock garden in Japanese style. If the manager’s office is spacious enough, you can decorate it with a custom waterfall.

Original New Year's gifts for the director

If you want to give the director something unusual for the New Year, you will have to try. For example, you can find some antique decoration for your office - an antique mirror or clock. Also interesting solution decanter and glasses from semi-precious stones, globe bar or vintage telephone. Young and an ambitious person You will definitely love the mini golf table or the monogram designed specifically for it.

If the director loves sports, but often refuses to train because of work, he will like a compact exercise machine or sports equipment that can be placed in the office.

A good gift is an unusual cake. You can order something with the company’s symbols or for good luck - in the form of a bag of money, a gold bar, etc. Also, the cake can reflect the manager’s hobbies and repeat the shape soccer ball, a camera or a luxury car.

If your team is warm enough and friendly relations, you can present something humorous, for example, a large inflatable hammer for meetings or a large soft bat for “employee training.” You can also order a funny caricature of the director from the artist or write a comic song.

One hundred percent unique present– a costume show based on your own script. And at the end of the “performance,” you can present the boss with a group photo of the employees in fancy dress.

If you still have time to prepare a presentation, you can order the director Wall calendar with photographs of all employees and, of course, the manager. One more good present– an adventure in the company of colleagues. You can go to paintball or an ice skating rink. Everyone will receive a lot of impressions and such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time. Try to please your beloved boss and end the year on a pleasant note. Then in the next year the company will definitely prosper thanks to skillful leadership and well-coordinated work of the team.

There are people who, although not relatives to us, have a huge impact for life. Such people include our superiors. You can treat your boss in different ways - respect or fear, trust or consider him a friend. But in any case, he should be congratulated on the holidays and it is advisable to do this with gifts. And we will tell you what you can give your boss for the New Year 2019 to please him and improve the work environment.

How to choose a gift for your boss

The manager must choose a present very carefully, because this may determine how the relationship in the team will develop in the future. The gift should emphasize the status of the recipient, hint at his positive traits. Even if your boss is a simple person and treats everyone as an equal, you should not give something that could humiliate him. Remember that he is your boss, who can seriously ruin your career.

It is very important to remember the recipient's preferences when choosing a gift. If your boss often talks about his hobbies and favorite pastimes, you can choose a gift related to them. If the manager hides his preferences, it is better to pretend that you do not know about them and choose a gift for work. But it must also suit the tastes of the recipient.

Advice If your team has recently formed and you don’t know your boss’s preferences, choose universal items designed for the office.

2019 is the year of the Pig, and you can link your gifts to your patron animal. In addition, we must remember that Pig or Pig prefers practical gifts. So try to make sure your gifts have some use. Also a gift for the boss new year holidays may be humorous or funny. But we must not forget about subordination. In no case should the gift offend, ridicule, or hint at shortcomings. Also unsuccessful gifts would be:

  • Very personal things. This list includes cosmetics and shaving accessories, as well as lingerie and other clothing.
  • Too expensive or cheap things. Very valuable gifts can look like an attempt to bribe, and colleagues will be unpleasant to spend too much money. And a cheap present looks like neglect.
  • Animals. This bad present in almost any situation, since you can only give a dog, puppy or other animal to your child or another very close person.
  • Money. This is one of the worst options, since it is the boss who pays you the money, and not vice versa.

You should not choose gifts that your boss could interpret as an offensive hint. If your boss is trying to quit smoking and is already starting to worry about his powerlessness, under no circumstances should you give ashtrays or other smoking-related items. To a person who is unsuccessfully struggling with overweight and suffers because of it, bad gift will be a gym membership or weight loss items.

Attention You should not give your boss New Year's gifts personally. This is too similar to an attempt to curry favor, suck up, bribe. Such an act can turn not only the entire team against the donor, but also the recipient himself.

Business gifts for male boss

Work related gifts are one of the best ideas. They will definitely be useful to the boss, will be appropriate and will not violate chain of command and etiquette. You can choose something original or classic form, depending on what the recipient prefers. Good ideas:

  • or other interesting decor. A respectable business person will definitely like it.
  • Desk organizer. This classic gift managers, so you can give it only if the boss doesn’t already have such an accessory.
  • Chic diary with leather cover. It can also be decorated with unique embossing. Such a gift will definitely come in handy for planning important things.
  • Nice pen. It is advisable to decorate it personalized engraving and presented in a beautiful case.
  • Tie organizer. Most managers have to wear ties due to dress code, so such a gift will be necessary and useful specifically for work.
  • Tie clip. This is one of the few accessories that can be given to your boss without violating the rules of decency. Choose from a stylish sword clip, rhinestone, company logo, or unique engraving.
  • Flash drive with original design. You can choose something related to your company’s field of activity, or just something interesting, for example, a gold bar or a vehicle.
  • Leather briefcase or folder for papers. Take a closer look at what suits your boss’s style best, and feel free to give it as a gift.

Surely you know the situation in your boss’s office well, so you can try to find something to improve the interior. This can be a compact and unusually designed bar, for example, in the form of a globe or an elegant chest. You can also find a painting or an original wall map.

Interesting The listed gifts are only considered more masculine; in fact, many women will also be happy to receive such useful things.

Gifts for a male boss for leisure time

In many teams, fairly close relationships break down. In this case, you can give your boss a gift for the New Year 2019 for his leisure time, recreation and hobby. Such a gift will certainly lift your spirits ahead of the long weekend and will please your boss. The best gift ideas:

  • Set for your beloved board game . It could be chess, checkers, backgammon, poker - anything that helps the boss relax and get distracted. Choose a good set from quality materials. You can put your initials on a box or other hard surface.
  • Picnic items. Most men enjoy outdoor recreation, so skewers with a personalized engraving, a folding grill, unbreakable dishes or a flask with shot glasses included will seem like a good present.
  • . You can even play it in your office during your lunch break. If your boss likes this game, he will probably appreciate your gift.

  • Book. Choose something not related to work, but just good fiction or a fashion bestseller.
  • High quality thermos. It's winter outside, and no matter what entertainment your boss chooses, besides a trip to warm regions, he will need a warm drink with him. By the way, you can complement such a gift with several types of good tea or coffee.

Gifts for work for a female boss

If your company is run by a lady, this does not mean that choosing a gift for the New Year 2019 will be much more difficult. On the contrary, a woman can be given almost all the same work-related gifts as a male boss. We will only replace the tie clip with a strong brooch, but without excessive vulgar shine, and the tie box a beautiful box for documents.

Purely business gifts we have already considered. But it should be taken into account that women are usually more emotional and often take work problems to heart. And they are also much comfort is more important in the office. Therefore, there are several gifts that a female boss will like more than a male boss. Although stronger sex they can also be given as gifts. This list includes:

  • Elegant coffee set to enjoy delicious coffee during your lunch break.
  • , which can “live” in the office, delighting its owner.

  • Rock garden– an original interior decoration that allows you to relax a little and meditate.
  • Jewelry flash drive. It will be useful in work and will decorate your desktop and office.
  • Stylish vase with name engraving. Surely your boss is often given flowers, now there will be a place to put them.

Important Never give your female boss household and kitchen items. Surely, like everyone else, she cooks and cleans at home, but this does not concern her colleagues food processor, a frying pan and dishes will not be the best gifts.

Gifts for boss for leisure

You can choose gifts for relaxation only if you know well about the boss’s interests, and she does not hide them, sharing successes with employees. In such a situation, you can give hobby items, such as craft supplies or books on the topic. A master class based on her hobby would also be a good gift. You just need to choose it after consulting with the recipient so that both the date and the activity suit her. Another option is a certificate for a master class with an open date.

From more or less universal material gifts good choice will become:

  • Stylish multi-tiered jewelry box;
  • Hand-painted silk scarf;

  • Original portrait of the recipient, for example, in the form of a photo mosaic or a painting in the pop art style;
  • Unusual lamp, for example, 3D, in the form of a flower or a lightbox.

If you don’t know what your boss likes, but want to please, you can give gift Certificate from good store cosmetics or perfumes or from a spa. The certificate itself, like any other gift, is important to pack beautifully.

Purely New Year's gifts

Although we are looking for a gift for the boss for the New Year 2019, all the proposed options are quite universal and can be suitable for any other holiday. There are purely New Year's ones, symbolic gifts, which it is advisable to give only on this day. The best options:

  • . Of course, these should not be simple Chinese plastic toys, but something more impressive, for example, glass balls with hand painting.

  • New Year's composition on the table, door or window. Usually, before the holidays, very worthy products from famous manufacturers or interesting author's creations.
  • Gingerbread house. This is a traditional New Year's and Christmas treat, which will immediately create festive mood, and it also looks stunningly beautiful.
  • New Year's candles with candlesticks. Surely there is a place for them, if not at the boss’s house, then in the office.
  • Holiday basket. You can add champagne or other drinks and delicacies to the recipient’s taste into the finished composition with fir branches.

In companies where the boss is part of the team, you can present something more personal, for example, a warm blanket with a Scandinavian pattern or New Year's drawings, funny socks for gifts, a set for making mulled wine with cool mugs included. You must also sign beautiful postcard from the entire team with the signatures of each colleague. And to make it more fun, you can dress up in carnival costumes or New Year's hats and congratulate the boss like that.

New Year's gifts for a female leader. Ideas

Traditionally, on New Year's Day people give each other gifts, and it is customary to present them not only to their friends, family and loved ones, but also to work colleagues and superiors. It is not often that managers are among the people loved and respected by employees. Of course, situations are different, but it is necessary to take into account that, according to the regulations of corporate ethics, giving a gift for a holiday is desirable.

The question of what to give a female leader for the New Year is, as a rule, one of the main items on the agenda and is decided thoroughly. New Year's surprise must be done taking into account the woman’s age, her tastes, preferences, habits and wishes, if any. You should approach the choice of a gift seriously, because the “wrong” gift can ruin not only the very feeling of the holiday, but also the relationship between employees and boss.

As a rule, a gift is given to the manager on behalf of the entire team. Although, if you wish, you can congratulate your boss in person, this option is usually possible if you are united not only by one place of work, but also by common hobbies, friendly relations And so on. In other cases, the issue of purchasing a gift for a female manager is decided by the employees through joint efforts.

First, you need to decide on the amount for which the gift will be purchased. This factor is one of the most important in in this case. The guideline should be kept at the amount of contributions that each employee can afford. True, sometimes you have to rely on the cost of the present itself, which has already been chosen in advance.

There is an opinion that for a female leader it is necessary to give expensive gifts for the New Year, but this is more a myth than a reality. Of course, for the New Year you won’t be able to get away with some small change from the nearest store; such a gift can hardly be called worthy of a leader. But cost is not the defining characteristic of a New Year's gift. Here the appropriateness of the gift and its style will be more important, besides, not every boss will accept an overly expensive gift. This may be considered a bribe of some kind, especially if the gift is given personally or from a small group of employees rather than from everyone.

It is believed that the gift should be unusual, because women are capricious by nature and difficult to please. But this is not the ultimate truth; when choosing a gift you just need to follow a few general recommendations. This approach will allow you to choose best option New Year's present.

Every woman devotes a lot of time to her appearance and health. In order for the boss to feel good in the workplace, she should be introduced to the world of essential oils. As a New Year's gift, you can give several bottles of aromatic compositions that can be used for a variety of purposes at home and at work. Essential oils will be an excellent element of relaxing baths, cosmetics, masks for hair and body. The boss will be happy to accept a gift of an aromatic lamp, several pendants with different flavors. Such a gift will help her always remain beautiful, healthy, and increase her performance.

Can be presented various boxes for storing jewelry and jewelry. Today you can choose the most amazing and elegant things, ranging from the simplest to exclusive models from rare breeds wood with inlay.

The soul of a woman is a mystery, but some gift options can be found if you are more observant and attentive. For example, a manager loves coffee, then for the New Year she will gladly accept good coffee or an elegant coffee set as a gift. Fans of antiquities and antiques will be pleased with gifts that have a lot of history behind them. For those who like to spend evenings at home in warmth and comfort, you can safely give a handmade bedspread or blanket.

Beautiful items capable of charming a lady of any age. It is recommended to present interior items for your home or office as a gift. A woman’s heart will be melted by beautiful painted dishes, crystal, and cutlery made from wood. Employees can give Gzhel, Khokhloma, unusual wooden dishes, a spectacular vase of Bohemian glass or crystal in a certain style, an interesting antique.

To organize your workspace, you should consider gifts in the form of paintings, panels, original wall or desk calendars. It would also be appropriate to give small figurines and vases. The office will be perfectly decorated with a well-chosen tree - decorative lemon, orange, rose. If space allows, you can think about purchasing a palm tree or ficus. A special water fountain pouring out of a jug or murmuring thanks to a miniature mill wheel will add harmony to the workroom environment. When choosing such things, you should study the interior of the office so that the gifts fit into it successfully and tastefully.

When choosing a gift for a female leader for the New Year, you should pay attention to items for arranging the desktop space. A good option would be a beautiful one writing set, original stationery, laptop stand, photo frame. If for the New Year it was decided to present an expensive pen from famous brand, then it must be decorated with engraving.

Any representative of the fairer sex will gladly accept the gift of “pleasure”, we are talking about such gifts as: a trip to a beauty salon, a massage, or spa treatments. The manager can choose an appropriate gift certificate so that she can relax, unwind, have a pleasant and useful time. This option will be good if employees are sure that their boss likes to visit establishments for beauty and relaxation.

If we consider symbolic gifts for the New Year for a female leader, then they can be no less successful. For example, this could be an original photo collage from photos together and success of the company, a specially prepared letter of congratulations, a newspaper issue. Such gifts must be complemented with a good sweet treat and a spectacular bouquet of flowers. If the boss prefers potted plants, then it is better to present her with another indoor plant. It is advisable to first find out what kind of flower she wants to get into her collection.

Money would not be the best option as a gift for the boss for the New Year. Employees should be aware that New Year's present should be a specific thing that was selected specifically for the leader. IN as a last resort, you can choose the option to purchase a gift certificate for the collected amount. It is optimal if this is a certificate for a perfume and cosmetics store, costume jewelry or jewelry salons.

When choosing a gift for your manager for the New Year, you need to be completely sure that the gift will bring joy. If you are not so sure, then you should continue searching for a suitable one. New Year's gift. You shouldn’t give a gift just for the sake of giving something; this option is obviously a lose-lose and inappropriate.

A gift for a female boss is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is better to focus on beautiful things for the office, home interior, on vacation and pleasant impressions. Not the best option the New Year's gift will be things that are too personal, with incomprehensible and inappropriate overtones.

The cute Dog of 2018 will very soon completely disappear into the jungle of history, and a beautiful yellow pig, the mistress of the New Year 2019, will proudly ascend to the captain’s bridge of controlling human destinies. New Year's bustle is everywhere, someone is looking for a Christmas tree, someone is making a guest list and thinking about it. New Year's menu. Many people are planning New Year's trips out of town or even abroad, but we are all united by the desire to find good gifts for family and friends. With relatives everything is simpler, we know their preferences and interests well, but with close people this is not always the case. Especially if you are giving it to him for the first time, and even more so if he is your boss. Our article is about that. What interesting, unusual, original and useful can you give your boss for the New Year 2019?

Top 10 gifts for the boss for New Year 2019

When you don’t have enough money to buy an expensive and valuable gift for your boss for the New Year, you should try to give him an inexpensive but good gift that will be a reminder of you to him. Sometimes it is better to buy your boss an original gift for the New Year that will not only be useful, but will also surprise the man. Our top 10 gifts for your boss for the New Year 2019 will help you quickly make your choice.

  • A flash drive, or a flash drive with a joke, is a thing that should be at hand.
  • The boss simply must have good pen- this is a reflection of his status.

  • You can also buy a tie, which is a good gift option.

  • Cufflinks with engraving are suitable for a man who prefers business style clothes. Any man will be pleased with such an unusual and beautiful gift.

  • A figurine or souvenir will decorate it workplace, and will warm his memory of the New Year 2019 and his employees.

  • A personalized whiskey glass will also be an original gift for your boss.

  • The USB lamp is a very original and fashionable gift. It will be useful not only at work.

  • If you know your boss’s preferences for elite alcohol, then you have the green light.

  • If there is no secretary, then a coffee machine can replace her. You can enjoy a cup of coffee without much effort or wasting time.

  • Business men's briefcase, or bag for documents and other accessories.

Top 5 DIY gifts for your boss for New Year 2019

Also, you can surprise and please your boss by making a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands - it will be unique, cool and inexpensive gift who will leave good impression in addition to the main one!

  1. Picture of coffee beans. Original and unusual options gifts and painting decorations are obtained from ordinary coffee beans. To make it, you will need a base for the picture, for example, cardboard, a drawing, coffee beans, glue. Glue coffee beans along the contour of the picture. To create such a picture you will need a minimum of time and materials.

  1. What could be more pleasant than drinking your favorite drink from an exclusive mug? A beautiful plain mug, oil markers, a little imagination, one or more interesting templates made of cardboard - and your original and unique gift is ready.

  1. Do you love oranges? Then you have a great opportunity to combine business with pleasure and make an original gift with your own hands. To do this, cut off the top of the orange and remove all the pulp. Cut out various diamonds, rectangles, stars on the sides and place a small candle inside. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, you can also enjoy the citrus smell that will fill the whole house.

  1. Funny sock bunny. Sewn toys from unnecessary socks or from those that only have one left in stock will delight not only children, but even adults. And make it like this funny gift very simple. You need to take a bright sock, turn it with the heel towards you, and cut the top into two strips and sew them together. These will be the bunny ears. Fill with cotton wool or padding polyester and sew on eyes using buttons.

  1. This gift frame looks very stylish and beautiful. It is necessary to make a frame consisting of two parts from thick paper or cardboard. Make a hole for the photo. Glue various shells, sparkles, beads, and then cover them with varnish.
