Thematic week "Golden Autumn has come to visit us." Calendar-thematic planning of the week "Golden Autumn" in the first junior group

child and the world: "Autumn has come to visit us"

(lesson in the 1st junior group)

Target: Learn to see the beauty of the world around; educate aesthetic

feelings in children positive attitude to natural phenomena and

To form in children knowledge about nature through positive emotions.

Fix the characteristic signs of autumn.

Consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables (recognize and name vegetables).

Stimulate motor and cognitive skills through play

children's activity.

Vocabulary work: Sad, sad, dull, golden, lethargic, bright.

Material: Slides depicting a golden and dull autumn;

natural vegetables and models;

car (toy).

Equipment: Gymnastic bench;



Lesson progress:

(The teacher dressed in the costume of "Autumn" meets the children).

Educator: Come on guys. Look how beautiful we are. How many colorful leaves. This is because I came to you in autumn and brought a lot of colors. I painted the leaves on the trees, what colors?

Children: "Yellow, red."

Educator: “It’s true in yellow, red. Anyuta tell a poem.

Anyuta: "Autumn has come,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

Burning gold."

Educator: “Look guys how beautiful it is in the park (slide show).

shines bright sun. The leaves on the trees glitter with gold.

What is this autumn?

Children: "Golden, bright, cheerful, joyful."

Educator: “Look what a beautiful carpet covered the leaves

The child recites a poem.

Child: “Leaves are falling, falling

Falling leaves in our garden

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Educator: "Well done ...! And our leaves fell, fell and formed

colorful carpet. Take one leaf, let's

Let's show how they circled and fell.

(children perform movements to the music).

Blowing, blowing wind, blowing, blowing (tilts to the sides)

It plucks yellow leaves from the tree.

And the leaves are flying, circling along the path, (circling)

Leaves fall right under our feet (sit down).

Educator: “Guys, look what kind of autumn is shown here: the sun

you can’t see it, it’s raining, a cold wind is blowing, we’re sad.”

(we look at the slides of a dull autumn).

Children: "Dead, sad, sad, sad."

Educator: "Tell a poem about such an autumn."

1 child: “Summer has passed

Autumn has come.

In fields and groves

Sad and depressing"

2 child: “The birds have flown away

The days got shorter

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights."

Educator: "Well done! Children ripen vegetables in the garden in autumn.

What vegetables grow in the beds?

Children: "Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, etc."

Educator: “I also have a garden, and I invite you to my garden.

On the way, guys, we have a river, and a bridge is thrown across it, along

which we must pass."

(walking on the gymnastic bench).

Educator: "Oh, children, it's raining"

(game "Rain and sun")

Here comes the rain. How many puddles formed after the rain!

Guys, we need to jump over them so as not to wet our legs.

(jumping on two legs through the "puddles")

Here we come to my garden.

But here we are waiting for another obstacle, the gates. Gotta under them

crawl up. (children crawl through the gate)

Look how many vegetables are growing in my garden.

What is this guys?

Children: Carrot.

Educator: - What is this?

Child: - Beets, etc.

Educator: - Help the guys to harvest my crops, Vovochka, what do you have

Vova: - Luke.

Educator: - You have Ira, what kind of vegetable?

Ira: - I have a cucumber, etc.

Educator: - So we harvested. They put everything in the car.

And for such joy we lead a round dance.

"We have a garden

Carrots grow there

Here is such a height

Here is such a low

Here are the dinners

Here's the width.

Hurry up carrot

Dance with us."

Educator: - Guys, for the fact that you know the signs of autumn well, read

poems about autumn and helped me harvest in the garden, I

prepared a treat for you (apples).

Now get in the car. (children stand next to each other)

We're going home.

Signal "B-B" (child "chauffeur")

"We're going, we're going home

By truck.

Open the gate for us

The harvest is coming from the field.

And potatoes and onions

Cucumber and zucchini.

(children repeat the words with the teacher).

Educator MBDOU No. 9

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1 THEME WEEK "WHAT AUTUMN BRING US? VEGETABLES" cognitive development Conversation about vegetables in the younger group THEME WEEK "WHAT AUTUMN BRING US? VEGETABLES" 2 junior group Annex to calendar plan in the 2nd junior group, September, week 2 Site - The teacher brings in a picture of a garden and invites the children to consider. The guys in the picture draw a garden. What grows in the garden? Children list (tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes) Educator: right, in a word, these are vegetables. Vegetables grow in garden beds, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, they need to be looked after, regularly watered and pulled out weeds. Let's get acquainted with vegetables? But before we continue our work, we will have a short physical education minute. Guys, go to the middle of the group. Educator: Our physical education is called "Garden". Our garden is in order, We dug up the beds in the spring (imitation of work with a shovel) We weeded the garden (tilts, reach the floor with our hands) We watered the garden (show how we watered) In small holes, not thickly We planted cabbage (squat down, clasp your knees with your hands ) All summer she got fat, She grew in breadth and up (slowly rise) And now she is closely poor She says: “Step aside!” (stomp foot at the end of the phrase) Now let's spread out the pictures with vegetables and

2 let's see what kind of garden we got (children call vegetables in the pictures). Guys, I suggest you solve riddles about vegetables, you listen carefully and guess. The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears. - Children (bow) A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street. - Children (carrots) What kind of creak? What's the crunch? What is this bush? How can I be without a crunch, If I am Children (cabbage) Educator: well done guys, now let's play? The game is called "Harvesting" On the floor, vegetables are mixed with fruits, your task is to arrange the vegetables in one vase, and the fruits in another. This must be done as quickly as possible. (a cheerful melody sounds) Educator: well done guys laid out everything correctly! Do you want our vegetables to be preserved in winter? To do this, they must be preserved in banks. Sit down quickly at the tables and fill the jars with vegetables. Guys, what vegetables are we going to preserve? - Children (tomatoes and cucumbers) And which tomato? (round, juicy, red) And what kind of cucumber? (green, long, fresh) At the end, the children review their work. Guys today we met with various vegetables and I would like to read you a poem: To be healthy, strong. Gotta love vegetables. All without exception All without exception There is no doubt about that! In each there is a benefit and a taste And I don’t undertake to decide: Which of them is tastier, Which of them is more important! Speech development Didactic games on the topic "Vegetables" 1. "Wonderful bag" Purpose: to fix the names of vegetables, their colors. Equipment: bag, natural vegetables or dummies. Move. Before playing, the child is introduced to vegetables and their properties. The kid takes out one by one from the "wonderful bag "vegetables, names them. Then he answers the adult's questions about the color, shape, size of vegetables. If the child finds it difficult, the adult helps him. 2. "Riddles of the Hare" Purpose: to teach to identify an object by its features, to activate the vocabulary on the topic. Equipment : toy "Hare", a bag, natural vegetables or dummies. Move: An adult explains to the child that the bunny wants to play with him, make riddles: "The bunny will find some vegetable in the bag and tell you about it, and you have to guess what it is." Bunny riddles: "Long, red (carrot). Green, long (cucumber). Round, red (tomato)", etc. 3. "One - many" Purpose: to teach how to form the plural of nouns.

3 nouns. Equipment: ball. Move. The adult names the vegetable in the singular and throws the ball to the child. The child calls it in the plural and returns the ball to the adult. For example: "Cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes, turnip - turnips." 4. “Call it affectionately” Purpose: to learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes. Equipment: subject pictures depicting large and large vegetables small size. Move. An adult shows a child a picture of a large vegetable, such as a tomato, and asks what it is called. Then he explains: “This tomato is big. And how would you affectionately call a small such vegetable? Demonstrates a picture (tomato.) Other vegetables are considered similarly (cucumber - cucumber, turnip - turnip, carrot - carrot, onion - onion, potato - potato). A non-speaking child is asked: “Show me a tomato. Now show me the tomato. 5. "Which vegetable did you miss?" Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on the topic, development of attention and visual memory. Equipment: toy "Hare", natural vegetables or dummies. Move. An adult shows a hare to a child and explains that it is his birthday today. Guests came and brought many gifts. An adult lays out vegetables-gifts in front of the hare, listing them. One vegetable is not named. The child must guess which one. He calls or shows him depending on the level of speech development. 6. "Cook" Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on the topic, teaching the correct use of nouns in the accusative case. Equipment: pictures of vegetables or natural vegetables. Move. The adult asks the child to “prepare” a treat for him (shchi or salad). The child chooses the right vegetables for the dish, names them. Then he explains how he will prepare this "treat" (take, wash, clean, cut, cook). Poems about vegetables In our garden there are no more beautiful radishes. How juicy, red, round, Do not look that it is small. The turnip went well too. yellow sun lit up. Well, is a bow bad, In a hundred clothes, an old man? N. Nishcheva Rain V blue sky clouds roam, the yellow ray of the sun goes out. The red tomato is angry: - Why doesn't the sun burn? Happy green cucumber: - Wow, I'll finally get drunk. You are transparent water, Rain, wash my cheeks. E. Stekvashova

4 finger game"Lariska has two radishes" Lariska has 2 radishes (we bend two fingers) Alyosha has two potatoes (we bend 2 more fingers) Earrings - a tomboy - Two green cucumbers. (we bend our fingers) Vovka has two carrots, and even Petka has two tailed radishes. (we bend our fingers) The tale of an ill-mannered little mouse There lived one ill-mannered Little Mouse in the forest. In the morning he didn't tell anyone" Good morning". And in the evening I didn't tell anyone." Good night". All the animals in the forest got angry with him. They don’t want to be friends with him. They don’t want to play with him. They don’t treat them to berries. The Mouse became sad. Early in the morning the Mouse ran to Masha and said: Masha, Masha! How can I make peace with all the animals in Masha said to the Mouse: In the morning you should say “good morning” to everyone. And in the evening you should say “good night” to everyone. mother, and grandmother, and grandfather, and the little Hare. The hares smiled and gave the Mouse a carrot. The Mouse ran to the squirrels. He said good morning to all the squirrels. And to dad, and mother, and grandmother, and grandfather, and even little Squirrel. The squirrels praised the Mouse. The Mouse ran for a long time through the forest. To all the animals, large and small, he said "good morning." The Mouse ran to the Forest Bird. The Forest Bird made its nest at the very top of a tall pine tree. Good morning! shouted the Mouse. The Mouse's voice is thin And the pine is tall, tall. The Forest Bird does not hear him. Good morning! Mouse shouted with all his might. Still the Forest Bird does not hear him. Nothing to do. The Mouse climbed onto the pine tree. It is difficult for the Mouse to climb. Clings to bark, branches. The White Cloud passed by. Good morning! shouted the Mouse to the White Cloud. Good morning! White Cloud answered softly. The Little Mouse crawls even higher. The plane flew by. Good morning Airplane! shouted the Mouse. Good morning! The airplane roared loudly. Finally the Mouse reached the top of the tree. Good morning Forest Bird! Mouse said. Oh how long it took me to get to you! The Forest Bird laughed: Good night. Mouse! Look, it's already dark. The night has already come. It's time to say "good night" to everyone. The Mouse looked around and the truth is: the sky is completely dark, and there are stars in the sky. Well then, good night, Forest Bird! Mouse said. The Forest Bird stroked the Mouse with its wing: How good you have become. Mouse, polite!

5 Physical development The mobile game "Sun and Rain" Purpose: to perform actions at the signal of the educator. Adult instructions: - The sun is shining, we have a lot of fun and we rejoice. When it rains, we must hide! The teacher raises the figurine of the sun. Sunshine, show yourself! (children run, spin) Red, show yourself! (rejoice) Children rejoice, Cheerfully dance. The teacher raises an umbrella. Children sit down. Fizminutka "Harvest" Oh, what a harvest, (children stand facing in a circle) Hurry up and collect. ( right hand perform a grasping movement and lower their hand to the other side) Dig up potatoes from the garden, (imitation of digging a garden) So that everything is in order. Pick cucumbers quickly, (bend over, with your right hand) To eat them quickly. ("pick a cucumber" movement of teeth with closed mouth) Cut the cabbage, salt, (bend your right hand at the elbow, clench your fingers into a fist, move your hand from right to left) Treat mom and dad. (take hands alternately to the right to the left) Pull out carrots, radishes, (imitation of pulling out vegetables) Bow low to their waist. (tilt the torso forward, move the right hand away from the chest to the right) Oh, what a harvest, (put your hands to your temples, tilting your head) You load it into the basket. (hands spread apart, directing their movement towards you) P.i. "Bunnies are jumping on the lawn" Movements correspond to the text Bunnies ran across the forest lawn, Here are some bunnies, bunnies - running around! The bunnies sat in a circle, the bunnies dig the root, These are the bunnies, bunnies - runaways! Here is a fox running, a red fox Looking for where are the bunnies, bunnies - runaways! Bunnies ran across the forest lawn. Here are some bunnies, bunnies - runaways. The movements correspond to the text Game with the fruits of the nut I roll my nut On the palms from the bottom up. And then back, To make me happy. I roll my nut to make it rounder than everyone else.

6 Here is a pod - a huge house, The brothers settled in it. Each brother is a buffoon, And this pod is ... peas A family lives underground: Dad, mom, children are dark. Just dig it a little bit - In a moment there will appear ... a potato Sleeps on a bed under a leaf, Moreover, it snores. Sees the fifth sweet Dreams Sluggish-... squash Our lilac gentleman Among the vegetables alone. He is a French Count De Jean And in Russian -... eggplant Who sprawled among the beds, Who does not like to play hide and seek? Here is Emelya the simpleton, White-sided... tavern Baba sowed peas Victor Kudlachev Behind the village near two roads, Oh-oh-oh. Baba sowed peas, Oh-oh-oh. Onions came up, not peas, Oh-oh-oh. Yes, thistles, Oh-oh-oh. Baba spread her hands, Oh-oh-oh. It can be seen the memory failed, Oh-oh-oh. What did the woman pickle? Galina Rukosueva What did the woman pickle? Maybe baby crocodile? Crocodiles dived, Deftly arched their backs. Or are there some very strange frogs in the tub? They swam in the water, were silent, Only the tails stuck out. Guessed? Well done! There were cucumbers in the tub. Cucumber Galina Rukosueva Under a green leaf Cucumber found its home. He hid from the sun, He covered himself with pimples, He did not go for walks. Maybe it's a crocodile Turned green like a cucumber? He is afraid of becoming salty. Eggplants Natalya Kapustyuk We get Eggplants from under the leaves like babies! “How similar you are with your dark skin to the natives!”

There lived one ill-mannered Mouse in the forest. He didn't say good morning to anyone in the morning. And in the evening I didn’t say “good night” to anyone. All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. do not want to

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Organize the children of the first junior group (1.5–3 years old) for joint activities is a methodologically difficult task. However, pedagogical practice has found several fixed by the Federal State educational standard(FGOS) ways of interacting with children, allowing to solve educational goals and objectives. One of these methods is conversation.

Goals and objectives of the conversation in the first junior group on GEF

An organized conversation with a group of children or individually on a particular topic is called a conversation.

In the first junior group, the mission of this kind of work is to:

The tasks of conducting conversations in the first junior group are:

  • theme development educational material(for example, while working on the topic “Getting to know”, children in a conversation in the form of a game “ Snowball", calling their name and repeating the names of their comrades, remember the names of the guys in the group);
  • development of a guess (for example, in a conversation on the topic “Pets”, to start a conversation about a cow, the teacher shows a cow with his fingers, pronounces the sound “mu”, and the children guess who they are talking about);
  • help in remembering the norms and rules of behavior (group and individual conversations on the topic of cultural and hygienic skills (KHS), in particular, how to hold a spoon, wipe your hands, use a potty, etc.);
  • stimulation of observation (regardless of the topic and methods of work, the entire educational process in the first junior group is accompanied by visibility, which is necessarily discussed in a group conversation at the level of the questions “What is shown in the picture?”, “What are the children doing?”, If the illustration shows the execution order hygiene procedures after returning from a walk).

Methodological methods of organizing a conversation

Basic technique for working with younger preschoolers- a game. In addition, when conducting a conversation, the teacher uses:

Card files of conversations of different types for the first junior group

GEF defines the types of conversations practiced in kindergarten with children 1.5–3 years old. This classification is determined by the principle underlying it. However, for this age category conversations are not separately defined by the content of the material, based on the educational and practical experience of the kids, that is, cognitive - these components, in fact, are present in every (!) conversation.

Table: card file of conversations by type in the first junior group

Principle View Relevant goals for the first junior group Example (topic, tasks) Content, techniques
For didactic purposes introductory
  • familiarization with the content of the studied material;
  • identification of experience in a particular area.
Get acquainted with the sign of spring - a drop.
The teacher reads a poem to the children:
I dissolve the buds into green leaves. I water the trees. Full of movement My name is spring!
The teacher asks a question about what time of year it is and what signs of spring the kids know. The children answer. Then the teacher introduces the kids to the poem:
  • April, April, it rings in the yard, drops. Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads. Soon the ants will come out after the winter cold.

The teacher talks about the drop, accompanying the material with a video or pictures.

  • generalization of the studied material;
  • identification of gaps in the memorization of information.
  • consolidate knowledge of modes of transport;
  • learn to move in a column one at a time, slowing down or speeding up the pace of movement.
The teacher shows a toy train, a car, an airplane and asks to name these items in one word. Then the teacher asks what these modes of transport are for. Focusing on the fact that transport helps people travel, the teacher offers the kids to take a ride by taxi, train and plane using the vehicles of the same name.
By number of participants group Presentation of the block of information to the whole group of children. "Family"
  • learn to answer questions;
  • get an idea of ​​​​close relatives;
  • cultivate respect for your family members.
- Guys, what do you think the word "family" means.
- This is mom, dad, me, sister / brother, grandmother, etc.
- That's right, it's loving friend other people. The family can be big or small, just mother and child. But the main thing is that there is love in the family.
  • Physical education: Who lives in our apartment? One two three four. (Clap hands) Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place) One, two, three, four, five. (Jumping in place) I can count everyone: (walking in place) Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap your hands) Cat Murka, two kittens, (Tilts to the right and left) My cricket, goldfinch and I - (Turns of the torso to the right -left) That's my whole family. (Clap hands).
  • clarification of a particular issue to a child who missed a segment of the educational process;
  • conducting educational work with individual children in need of special attention(usually "fighters", "crybabies", etc.).
"How to properly wash your hands"
Explain how to properly hold soap, wash hands, wipe them.
The teacher asks a question about why you need to wash your hands. Then he tells the procedure for performing the procedure, commenting on the process of soaping hands as follows: “First, we will stroke the soap from all sides, then we will put it in the soap dish and stroke our palms - one another, now we will make a “hedgehog”, crossing our fingers.” After that, the adult shows how to wipe your hands.
By time morning
  • relief from separation from parents;
  • creating a positive atmosphere in the group;
  • getting to know the plan for the day.
"How I Spent My Weekend"
  • activate the vocabulary on the topic (weekend, fun, friendly, interesting);
  • learn to answer the questions.
The teacher asks the kids in turn about how they spent the weekend, talks about their weekend and offers to play the outdoor game "Bubble" (the children hold hands, push the boundaries of the circle in which they stand, then the bubble "bursts", the kids open their hands and sit down).
“What I saw on the way to kindergarten”
Activate vocabulary on the topic.
The teacher asks the kids to talk about what they saw on the way to kindergarten (many cars, yard, children, buses, etc.).
Situational (the same type includes an evening conversation, which, as a rule, arises as a result of a precedent after dinner, sleep or a walk. The objectives are similar to individual conversation, but conducted with the whole group or in mini-groups. "How to Get Acquainted"
To teach children (usually shy, having difficulty in the beginning of communication with other children) to introduce themselves correctly when meeting.
The teacher invites the kids to listen to the poem:
  • I met a wild boar in the forest An unfamiliar fox. He says to the beauty: “Let me introduce myself!” I am a boar! It's called Oinky-Oinky! I love acorns!" The stranger will answer "Nice to meet you!"

Then the teacher and the children discuss whether the boar introduced himself correctly and determine the order of acquaintance: give your name, ask the name of the interlocutor and end the acquaintance with the words: “Nice to meet you!”

By the nature of educational activity On the development of speech
  • activation of children's speech;
  • purposeful replenishment of vocabulary;
  • explanation of the meaning of a literary work.
"Favorite toy"
  • understand the essence of the work of A. Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor”;
  • develop a sense of empathy;
  • bring up careful attitude to toys.
The teacher asks why the bear lying on the floor is sad. The children answer: because his paw came off. The teacher asks what needs to be done to make him happy again. The kids answer: sew on a paw. The teacher reads a poem by A. Barto and, putting on white bathrobe, sews a paw. Then the guys find a place for the bear on the shelf in the group and agree not to offend the toys.
Acquaintance with the surrounding world Expanding children's ideas about the world around them. "Winter"
Systematize knowledge about winter, identifying typical weather, precipitation, features of wintering of birds and animals.
The teacher reads a poem about winter to the kids. For example, I. Surikova:
White snow, fluffy In the air whirls And quietly falls to the ground, lays down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow, As if with a veil, Everything clothed him.
The teacher asks what time of year it is. Asking questions:
  • What are the winter months?
  • "What changes in nature in winter?";
  • “How do trees, birds, animals hibernate?”;
  • "How do people take care of nature in winter?".
Physical Education
  • familiarization with the rules of safety in the classroom;
  • introduction to healthy lifestyle life.
"My health"
  • talk about health as a core value;
  • select a list of conditions for maintaining health.
The teacher makes riddles related to healthy lifestyle:
  • I have no time to get sick friends, I play football, hockey. And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health ... (sport);
  • Svetka is not lucky today - The doctor gave bitter ... (pills).

Then the teacher tells what health is, asks the kids about what helps to maintain it.

For artistic and aesthetic development (in music, drawing classes)
  • explanation of the rules for handling materials;
  • familiarity with the sequence of execution creative tasks(for example, first we open jars of gouache, then we wet the brush, then we apply a smear, wash the brush before dipping it in a different color).
"How to listen to music"
To acquaint the children with the rules of conduct when listening to music (we sit quietly, do not spin, do not interfere with our comrades).
The teacher tells a fairy tale about the "Old Crow". “A long time ago, in a forest, there lived a Raven who was very fond of music. But then he grew old, became deaf and could hardly hear his favorite music of birds, the sea, and the forest. And then sparrows settled on his tree, which chirped so much that they drowned out other sounds. Raven began to feel sad. And then his girlfriend Tit decided to help him: she asked the sparrows not to make noise. The birds listened to her and were themselves surprised at what beautiful music of nature they heard. And Raven began to recover, and at least he couldn’t hear better, but all sounds died down near his tree, because there you could hear the music of nature.
After listening to a fairy tale, children answer the question: how should one behave when listening to music.
According to KGN (in some sources these conversations are called conversations on valueology)
  • acquaintance with the group, the organization of the kindergarten, the rules for staying in the group;
  • fixing the norms of personal hygiene (using a spoon, napkin, washing hands, feet, washing, dressing order, etc.).
"Learning how to properly hold a spoon"
Continued work on teaching kids to hold a spoon correctly.
The doll Katya “comes” to the group, which constantly stains the dress because she cannot bring a spoonful of soup to her mouth without spilling it. Children “calm down” the guest by repeating the nursery rhyme “Ladushki-okladushki” for her. Then the teacher invites the kids to arm themselves with magic spoons and show Katya how to eat the soup. At the end, Katya thanks the guys for the lesson.

This is interesting. The type of conversations is also distinguished depending on the person organizing this type of work. In the first junior group, this can be a group or individual conversation with a psychologist (for example, if children in a group constantly fight, bite), that is, a conversation on a narrow specialization, which also has a precedent character.

Conversation in mini-groups and individually is also aimed at eliminating gaps in children's knowledge

Author's card files of conversations in the first junior group

Familiarize yourself with the card ethical conversations in the first junior group

Example of a file cabinet situational conversations with children 1, 5–3 years old can be seen in the publication of Usacheva O.V., educator MBDOU Kindergarten No. 111, Sochi, can be seen

The card file of conversations on valeology is end-to-end, that is, they are partially repeated from year to year, so it is more convenient for the teacher to compile a general block of conversations on universal themes. In other words, topics such as “We love porridge” are about the importance balanced nutrition, “Our workers” about people of different professions, etc., in an age-friendly interpretation will be relevant both in the first junior, and in the middle or senior groups. The teacher selects the topics he needs and makes adjustments based on the level of development of the kids. An example of a general card file of conversations on valeology with children in a preschool educational institution, compiled by Mashneva S.I., teacher of MDOBU kindergarten 126, Sochi, can be seen

Structure and timing of the conversation

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a conversation with kids 1.5–3 years old is based on:

  • 1–2 introductory questions from the audience;
  • explanation of the material by the teacher;
  • conducting a game or dialogue to consolidate the material.

All these types of work fit into 5-7 minutes and make up three stages of work, respectively:

  • introductory (about 1 minute);
  • main (about 3 minutes);
  • final (up to 3 minutes).

The conversation has a three-part structure.

Planning conversations in the first junior group

Conversations with children 1.5–3 years old are held 1–2 times a day, with the exception of situational or individual species, having a precedent character and periodically recurring (for example, a conversation about polite words rules of conduct at the table). When drawing up a conversation plan, the teacher is guided by common theme educational activities, trying to include different types of conversations in the list.

Table: an example of planning conversations in the first junior group for September (fragment)

date Name Target
Theme: “Autumn. Natural Phenomena»
Second week "About Autumn" To form a generalized idea of ​​​​autumn, including knowledge of autumn phenomena in inanimate nature(precipitation, air temperature, soil, water conditions), about the state of plants in autumn and its causes, about the features of animal life.
"A Miracle Beside You"
  • arouse cognitive interest;
  • to teach to see the unusual in the usual;
  • evoke feelings of surprise and admiration.
How to dress in autumn To give children the knowledge that it gets cold outside in autumn, so you need to dress warmly so as not to get sick.
  • form a generalized idea of ​​​​autumn;
  • viewing pictures of autumn.
"Leaf fall" To form a generalized idea of ​​autumn, the state of plants in autumn and its causes.
Topic: “Garden. Vegetables"
Third week "About the labor of people in autumn"
  • to form knowledge about the work of people in the fall: harvesting, preparing food for the winter, warming the dwellings of domestic animals;
  • to teach to establish the reasons for the change of labor, to compare them with the labor of people in the summer, to draw conclusions about the direction and significance of labor.
"About vegetables"
  • to form generalized ideas about vegetables (vegetables are parts and fruits of plants that are grown in the garden for food);
  • clarify ideas about the diversity of vegetables.
"Gifts of Autumn" Talk about vegetables and their health benefits.
"How to behave at the table"
  • to form CHP in children;
  • to acquaint with the norms of behavior at the table;
  • learn to eat carefully, use a napkin;
  • reinforce the ability to eat with a spoon.
"Magic Words" Formation of politeness in children (thanks for the help, say goodbye and hello).

Compiled by: teacher

Mikhailova M.V.

Target: to summarize the knowledge of children about autumn.


  • To develop knowledge about the signs of autumn, changes in nature;
  • Clarify knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the fall;
  • Develop emotionality, responsiveness;
  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;
  • Develop the ability to listen to the instructions of the teacher;

Dictionary: autumn, autumn, gloomy, overcast, rainy, gray sky, low, cold, drizzle, harvest, hibernation, flock, lair.

Equipment: Narrative pictures on the theme "Autumn", an old man-forester, dummies of vegetables and fruits, pieces of paper (oak, maple, birch), a basket, task cards, a simple pencil.

Lesson progress:

Guys, an old woodman came to us today. Let's say hello to him. He wants to invite us to visit his forest. But to go to this forest, you need to solve the riddle. Listen:

Who comes with yellow paint

Leaves paint everything.

No needle and no thread

Sews them festive outfit. (autumn)

Who guessed what it is? (answers) That's right, it's autumn. Today we will talk about autumn, and the old forest man will help us and play with us.

Didactic game"Leaf fall"

Look what is it? (leaves cut out of paper lie on the table: birch, maple, oak). (answers)

Where did these leaves come from? (fell from trees in autumn) What happens to trees in autumn?

What is the name of such a phenomenon? (answers). Of course, leaf fall.

Let's help the old forest man collect the leaves in a basket. Take them. What kind of leaf do you have, from what tree? (birch, maple, oak)

Well done.

Also an interesting autumn lesson for the 2nd junior group:

Didactic game "Autumn walk"

Well, now we are waiting for a walk in the autumn forest, in a clearing. Let's get together. What are we to wear? Maybe panama and sandals? No? Why?

Of course, it's cold outside in autumn. What else can you say about the weather in autumn? (cold, cloudy, rainy, windy, gloomy)

What signs of autumn do you know? (it's raining, it's cold, the grass is withered and withered, the leaves have turned yellow, the wind is blowing...)

And in such weather you need to dress warmly, in autumn.

Let's choose the clothes that you need for a walk in the fall. (children choose cards with clothes)

Well, we got here. Let `s have some rest.

Physical education:

We stomp our feet, we clap our hands.

We raise our hands, we lower our hands.

And then we circle.

Sit on the chairs guys.

Shh, let's hear what's going on in autumn forest. But guys, I can't hear the birds, where are they all, what do you think? (They gather in flocks and fly south.)

Why are they flying away? (answers)

That's right, because it's cold in winter, insects disappear and birds have nothing to eat.

Oh, and who is the redhead among the trees:

Red little animal

Jump up and down the trees.

He does not live on earth

And on a tree in a hollow. (squirrel)

That's right, squirrel.

Guys, what do animals do in the forest in autumn? How are you preparing for winter? (answers)

Well done.

Guys, do you know poems about autumn? Let's please the old forest man and tell him a poem. (children read poetry)

Well, does anyone know proverbs about autumn? Which? (answers)

Didactic game "Harvest"

Guys, what else does autumn bring? What do people do in autumn? (harvest)

What kind of crops do people harvest? (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms)

Let's and we will harvest in a basket, we will give the old man-forester.

(Children collect vegetables and fruits in a basket)

Hold on, old woodman, this is a gift from us and the guys for you. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.


The bus goes to kindergarten.

The guys are sitting in a row.

They sit side by side.

And they look out the window.

Didactic game "Connect with a line"

We're back in kindergarten, guys. And we have one last task.

Take the chairs and sit down at the tables.

Take a pencil and draw lines from those items that are needed in the fall. And then I'll see who did the right thing.

(See the application card with the task)

Well done, we coped with everything today, and visited guests, saw a lot of interesting things. Thank you for your work.

Title: Abstract autumn lesson for 2 junior group "Autumn"
Nomination: Kindergarten / Lesson notes, GCD / development of ideas about the world and about yourself

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 15 "Joy"
Location: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Complex-thematic planning theme "Autumn" 1 junior group

Igolkina Elena Konstantinovna, teacher 1 MBDOU d / s No. 7 "Polyanka"
This material will be useful for educators when writing a plan for every day.
Mon Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic "autumn phenomena" purpose: to provoke the desire of children to talk
2. Finger game "Boat". goal: development fine motor skills
3. Observation of the weather. Purpose: To introduce a set of signs characterizing the weather
4. Preliminary work ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT - looking at the pyramids
NOD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
2. Cognitive development
FAMILIARIZATION WITH THE FEMP ENVIRONMENT - Lesson No. 1 “What rolls, what does not roll?” Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: a cube, a ball I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina "FEMP with children 2-3 years old, 2015 (p. 11)
1. Gymnastics after sleep goal: to instill in children a healthy lifestyle
2. Solving riddles about animals. Purpose: to teach children to identify an animal by signs and characteristics of behavior.
3. Outdoor game "According to flat path". Objectives: to develop coordination in the movement of arms and legs; teach to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop a sense of balance, orientation in space
4. Didactic game "Seasons" Purpose: To learn to distinguish from pictures different times of the year
5. Independent activity children in drawing Purpose: to interest children in colored pencils
Individual work By
Tue Morning 1. Conversation "Why do we say hello?" Purpose: To develop speech and verbal - logical thinking, cultivate politeness.
2. Dramatization game "Autumn" Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the world around them; learn to convey emotional condition in facial expressions, gestures, movements, to develop the ability to empathize, imagination, coordination of speech and movements.
3. Construction from LEGO. Purpose: To develop the desire to build buildings according to one's own design
4. Outdoor game of the middle ground: "From bump to bump." Objectives: continue to teach to bounce on two legs; jump off high objects, land softly, bending your knees; improve jumping skills.
5. Preliminary work on DRAWING - remember with children what a dandelion looks like, look at pictures of a dandelion.
Individual work ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT goal: to form the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball
DRAWING "Wonder Wands" Purpose: continue to learn to hold a pencil with three fingers, without squeezing much, hold a sheet of paper with your left hand; support attempts to compare the depicted with familiar objects
2. Physical development
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep
2. Labor in the corner of nature. Watering and loosening indoor plants. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for indoor plants
3. Reading x / l at the request of children, looking at illustrations. Purpose: To continue to form interest in books, to cultivate the ability to listen to works, to empathize with the characters. Familiarize yourself with the content of the illustrations. Develop related speech.
4. P / s: "Get in the circle." Objectives: to improve the ability to act with different objects; develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands; develop eye, coordination of movement, dexterity
5. Children's independent activity: play in the living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figurines
Wed Morning 1. Conversation with children "What I saw on the way to kindergarten" Goal: Develop observation, connected speech
2. Didactic game for the development of auditory attention "Sun or rain?" Target. To teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine. Teaching children the ability to switch auditory attention
3. Game low mobility"Who's under the covers?" Purpose: To develop visual memory
4. Preliminary work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH - talk to the children about what we have in the group.
Individual work DRAWING goal: to learn to hold a sheet of paper with your left hand
GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 1 Reading the German folk song “Three Merry Brothers” goal: to form in children the ability to listen to a verse text, pronounce onomatopoeic words, perform the movements referred to in the text of V.V. Gerbov “The development of speech in children /s” 2015 (p.37)
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE (in a group) Lesson No. 1 Purpose: to teach children to start walking on a signal, to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) (allowances: 2 long ropes 2.5-3m, doll) S.Ya.Laize " Physical education for kids» p.73
2. The outdoor game "Birds in the nests." Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; act quickly on the signal of the educator, help each other
3. c / r game "Book Hospital" Purpose: Carefully observing the actions of the educator, cultivate a careful attitude to books, a desire to repair the torn one.
4. Independent activity of children sub. games Purpose: to encourage children to play independently

Thu Morning 1. Conversation with children on the theme of the role-playing game "Library" Purpose. Creating interest in working in the library. Acquaintance with the rules for using the book. Awakening children's interest and love for books, fostering a caring attitude towards them.
2. С / р game “Let's sing a song for a bunny” Purpose: To develop emotional responsiveness to songs different nature(lullaby, perky, etc.)
3. Game of medium mobility "Pass through and don't knock down." Purpose: To develop the coordination of movements of the arms and legs, to teach to walk and run in small groups, the whole group, in a column one by one, to develop a sense of balance, dexterity, courage, orientation in space.
4. Preliminary work on Lepka. - show the kids finished work older children
Individual work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH goal: to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, willingly fulfill

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING "Let's feed the birds" Purpose: to introduce the properties of plasticine, to teach how to pinch off pieces and put them on the board.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lesson No. 2 Purpose: to teach children to start walking on a signal, to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) (allowances: 2 long ropes 2.5-3m, doll) S.Ya. for babies» p.73
2. D / and to develop the power of the voice. "Echo" Purpose. Developing the ability to use a quiet and loud voice. Teach children to speak loudly and quietly.
3. Learning the nursery rhyme “Kitten, kitty, kitty” Purpose: To learn to read a short poem by heart with the help of an adult.
4. Examination of reproductions of paintings depicted autumn scenery. Purpose: To enrich children's ideas about art.
5. Independent activity of children with / r games goal: to involve children in a game situation

Fri Morning 1. Conversation with children “What I saw on the way to kindergarten” Purpose: To develop observation, connected speech
2. The game of medium mobility "Pass through and don't knock down." Purpose: To develop coordination of movements of arms and legs, to teach to walk and run in small groups, the whole group, in a column one at a time, to develop a sense of balance, dexterity, courage, orientation in space
3. Mobile game "Find your house!" Purpose: to develop motor activity children, attention, ability to act on the signal of the teacher
4. Labor in the corner of nature. Watering plants, rubbing leaves. Purpose: To cultivate a caring attitude and desire to care for plants, to consolidate knowledge of names
5. preliminary work on the development of speech.
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
2. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 2 d / and “Instruction” D / U “Up-Down” Purpose: to improve the ability of children to understand the teacher’s speech; help children understand the meaning of words up and down, teach them to pronounce them clearly. V.V. Gerbova "Development of speech in preschool children aged 2-3 years", 2015 (p. 37)

1. Gymnastics after daytime sleep
2. Role-playing game“Pick up dishes for dolls” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge different types dishes, to form the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose, to cultivate resourcefulness, attention, speech.
3. Examination of the painting "Forty white-sided" Purpose: To teach to consider plot picture answer questions from an adult. Develop connected speech


Mon Morning
1. Conversation with children " autumn vegetables» Goal: know vegetables, show them in pictures
2. P / game "Sun and Rain" Purpose: to teach children to act according to the text
3. D / game "Guess what is drawn" Purpose: to develop in children a holistic perception of the subject
4. Wild and domestic animals lotto game Purpose: develop attention, distinguish animals, show pictures

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC LESSON (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT “Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly ...” Purpose: to form the ability to determine the weather by outward signs O.A. Solomennikova "Introduction to nature in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old" 2016, (p. 21)

2. FKGN - exercise with a bear “Let's comb the doll with her comb.” goal: to instill accuracy and neatness
3. D / game "Name the parts of the clothes" Purpose: to enrich the children's active vocabulary with the names of the parts of the clothes
4. P / game " Big feet walked along the road." Purpose: to teach children to act on the signal of an adult
Individual work Drawing - learn to hold pencils with three fingers

Tue Morning
1. Conversation about the world around: what the child saw on the way; natural weather changes. Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children, observation
2. MP / and “On the path” Purpose: To develop coordination, learn to move along a given trajectory, wait for your turn. Learn not to step on the drawn lines, to move without bumping into each other
3. FKGN Purpose: to teach to hold a spoon in the right hand, to chew food thoroughly
4. D / game "Find the biggest sheet" Purpose: to teach children to navigate in size
5. preliminary work on drawing - prepare desired material

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING “Grass for bunnies” Purpose: to learn to draw grass with short strokes, to freely place strokes over the entire surface of the sheet, to introduce green.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 3 Purpose: teaches children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. S.Ya.Laize "Physical education for kids" p.74
2. Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to encourage children to help each other when dressing, to keep order in their appearance
3. P / I “Who walks how Purpose: to develop the motor activity of children
4. Board-printed game "Cut pictures" Purpose: to develop in children a holistic perception of the subject, to learn to distinguish between leaves by color.

Individual work MUSIC

Wed Morning
1. Conversation with children on the topic "My favorite fairy tales" goal: to develop creative imagination, promote the development of figurative actions, recall familiar fairy tales
2. D / I "Collect the beads", goal: the formation of the ability to compare objects, designate the result with words
3. KGN - game situation "Who has the cleanest hands?". goal: to make it clear that clean hands are the key to health
4. Labor assignments Cleaning toys in their places Purpose: to arouse the desire to work in a team
5. preliminary work physical culture.
GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 3 reading the fairy tale "Turnip" d / y "Who eats what?" “Say “a”” goal: to remind children of the fairy tale “Turnip”, to arouse a desire to tell it together with the teacher, to clarify the children's ideas about which animal eats what. V.V. Gerbova "development of speech in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old" (p. 38)
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 4 Purpose: teaches children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. S.Ya.Laize "Physical education for kids" p.74

2. Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to teach children to put themselves in order after a daytime sleep; get dressed, straighten clothes in front of a mirror, comb your hair
3. Role-playing game "Treats" Purpose: to develop in children game plan

Individual drawing work

Thu Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic "Signs of Autumn" Purpose: to expand children's ideas about autumn, to teach them to give an answer in a detailed sentence
2. Listening to familiar songs Purpose: to encourage children to independently perform dance movements
3. Construction of buildings, playing out Develop imagination Purpose: to learn how to use the simplest circuit during construction
4. MP / I "Snake" Purpose: to exercise in walking between the cubes
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING "Sticks" Purpose: to learn to tear off small lumps of plasticine from a large one, roll them in length between the palms

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lesson No. 4 Purpose: teaches children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. S.Ya.Laize "Physical education for kids" p.74
1. Gymnastics after sleep complex Purpose: health promotion
2. FKGN Let's comb our hair after sleep goal: to form self-service skills, accustom to neatness
3. Role-playing game "Dolls" Purpose: to fix the name of the clothes with the children
4. Didactic game on ecology "Guess my riddle" Purpose: to learn to guess riddles about autumn natural phenomena

Individual work on physical education. - Teach children to walk and run by changing direction to a specific signal

Fri Morning 1. Etude "In the autumn forest" Purpose: removal emotional stress
2. Outdoor game "Run - do not hit" Purpose: to exercise in walking and running without touching the cord
3. Didactic game according to r.r. " wonderful bag Goal: To teach children to distinguish between vegetables and fruits
4. FCGN and self-service skills: Game situations“We undress with the doll Katya”, goal: to teach how to undress on their own and hang clothes correctly
5. preliminary drawing work to prepare the material
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 4 D / I “Assignment” “Horses” goal: to teach children to listen to the task to the end, comprehend it and perform the corresponding actions of V.V. Gerbov “speech development in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old” ( p.40)
1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep
2. Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table. Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of behavior during meals
3. Role-playing game "Pick up dishes for dolls" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of different types of dishes, to form the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose, to cultivate resourcefulness, attention, speech
4. Children's independent activity P/I goal: to encourage children to play in groups
Individual work on physical culture. - develop the ability to crawl

Mon Morning
1. Conversation with children on the topic “Respect for wildlife” Purpose: To cultivate a respect for nature; to teach without a reminder to feed birds in winter, not to break branches
2. Outdoor game "Run - do not hit" Purpose: to exercise in walking and running without touching the cord
3. Didactic game for the development of speech "One - many" Purpose: to exercise in the formation of plural nouns to activate speech
4. Labor in the corner of nature. Watering and loosening indoor plants. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for indoor plants
5. preliminary work on familiarization with the environment.
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC LESSON (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL FEMP Lesson No. 2 Purpose: to form: the ability to distinguish objects by shape: a cube, a ball; the ability to perform actions with objects, trace the shape of an object with a palm, roll, put I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina “FEMP with children 2-3 years old, 2015 (p. 12)
1. Gymnastics after daytime sleep Purpose: health promotion
2. F KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to teach children to dress themselves after sleep on their own, to help each other
3. Role-playing game "Airplane" Purpose: to develop in children the ability to assume the role of an object
4. Games with cubes. Purpose: To develop in children mindfulness, visual memory, fine motor skills of hands
5. Independent activity of children with sounding toys goal: to arouse interest in musical instruments.
Individual work on the development of speech - to teach children to listen to the task to the end

Tue Morning
1. Conversation with children on the topic "I want" Purpose: to develop the ability to evaluate one's desires, to contribute to the formation of volitional qualities of a person
2. Outdoor game "Listen to the signal" Purpose: to continue to form the ability to act on the signal
3. Reading the nursery rhyme "Mice lead a round dance" Purpose: monitor intelligible pronunciation, cultivate intonational expressiveness
4. Didactic game for the development of speech "I will guess and you guess" Purpose: to teach children to name plants
5. preliminary work on drawing - prepare the necessary material, consider illustrations from the image. rain

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING “Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip” Purpose: to learn to draw short straight lines with a pencil, fill the entire sheet.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 5 Purpose: to teach children to follow the indicated direction while walking and running, to teach them to run in different directions without interfering with each other S.Ya.Laize "Physical education for kids" p.75
1. Gymnastics after sleep complex
2. FKGN and self-service skills: Game situations “Putting clothes in a locker?” Purpose: to teach children to order
3. Didactic game "Tram" Purpose: to promote the development of movements, emotions
4. Role-playing game "Shop" Purpose: to teach children to use substitute toys in the game
5. Independent activity of children in the art corner - arouse children's interest in pencils

Individual drawing work - learn to draw short straight lines with a pencil, fill the entire sheet.

Wed Morning
1. Conversation with children on the topic "What I saw on the way" Purpose: to activate children's speech, encourage them to make stories from personal experience
2. Exercise with massage balls"Football" Purpose: development of fine motor skills
3. Raising a culture of behavior at the table. Goal: continue to teach children the rules of table manners during lunch
4. Didactic game on ecology "Fold the picture" Purpose: to teach children to put together a whole from parts
5. preliminary work of speech development - let the children see a book with illustrations
GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 5 Reading the story of L.N. Tolstoy “The cat was sleeping on the roof” goal: to teach children to listen to the story without visual accompaniment, to exercise in a clear pronunciation of the main sounds I, A and IA V.V. Gerbov “development of speech in d /s with children aged 2-3” (p. 41)
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 6 Purpose: to teach children to follow the indicated direction while walking and running, to teach them to run in different directions without interfering with each other S.Ya.
1. Gymnastics after sleep complex Purpose: health promotion
2. Didactic game on ecology "When does this happen?" Purpose: to consolidate with children the signs of the seasons
3. Game for the development of color perception "Pick up by color" Purpose: to fix the names of the primary colors
4. Role-playing game "Builders" Purpose: to teach children to use substitute objects
5. Independent activity of children in sports corner- arouse children's interest in playing with balls
Individual work on the development of speech - to teach children to listen to a story without visual accompaniment

Thu Morning 1. Conversation with children: "What did you see on the way to kindergarten." Purpose: To cultivate observation, develop connected speech
2. Observation from the window of the state of the weather Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristics, identify and name the state of the weather
3. d / i What did autumn give us? Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the plant world, where what grows
4. p / game "Stomped with legs" Purpose: to develop dance movements
5. preliminary work on modeling - examination ready-made crafts plasticine old children
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING "Ladder" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to roll plasticine with direct movements between the palms. learn to lay rolled sticks one on top of the other

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lesson No. 7 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction S.Ya.
1. Gymnastics after sleep complex Purpose: health promotion
2. Labor Theme: help the doll undress, put away clothes Purpose: teaches children to help babies, know the order of undressing and dressing
3. round dance game"Bubble" Purpose: To exercise the ability to play a game with text accompaniment
4. Reading Russian folk tale at the request of the children. Purpose: To develop the ability to listen to a fairy tale, follow the development of the action, empathize with the characters
5. Independent activity of children with table games - to arouse interest in table games
Individual molding work. - Learn to roll clay with direct movements between the palms
