What Turkish men love. Russian wives for Turkish men


Turkey is a paradise for foreign tourists. Good service and moderate prices make Russian women want to visit this country again and again. But the shores of the sunny peninsula give memories not only of a pleasant stay, but also of local temperamental men. It's hard to resist the beauty of these burning and tanned brunettes. But it's one thing to twist a holiday romance, and quite another build a serious relationship with a Turk.

How to please a Turkish man?

In Turkey, there is an opinion that all Slavic women prostitute. This is due to the fact that in the 90s of the last century a stream of Russian "moths" poured there. There were probably many Natashas among them, because Turks used to call all Slavic tourists Natasha. Naturally, such an appeal has a contemptuous connotation. In addition, real propaganda against Russian girls has unfolded in the Turkish media.

However, not all Turks have a bad opinion of foreigners. Many of them dream of meeting a good Russian girl. But in order to, you need to show all your best qualities and hide imperfections as much as possible. Remember that Turkish men are only having fun with easily accessible young ladies.

Of great importance is where the Turkish guy was born and what kind of upbringing he has. Turkey is a unique country located on the verge of European and Asian civilizations. Residents of big cities are strongly influenced by Western culture, so they can be considered modern people. It is better to look for just such a Turkish man. But if your friend comes from a small town or village in the east of the country, you will have a hard time. In the Turkish outback, people are still faithful to the old strict customs.

If you want to please a Turkish man, do not dress too provocatively, do not open your chest and legs above the knee. Of course, the exception is the beach, where everyone relaxes in swimsuits. For such an "outfit" the Turk will not condemn you, but when you go on a date with him, dress more decently. Even at the beginning of the acquaintance, it is important to show yourself on the good side, as well as to find out true intentions cavalier. After all, many Turks are simply looking for beautiful mistresses.

Turkish men in relationships

Turks- those are still storytellers. They know how to hang noodles and give compliments. But everything you heard from the Turkish guy should be divided by eight. It is better to find out the real level of his income, because if a man is not rich and does not have his own home, then you will most likely have to live with his parents.

There is a big gap between the rich and the poor in Turkey, but every Turk tries to appear richer than he really is. In addition, Muslim men look older than their years. For example, a high school graduate may look like a senior student, and a young specialist after university can look like a respectable groom. This fact is often used by the Turks to seduce foreign girls.

Turkish men they know how to look after beautifully, they like to give gifts, treat them with sweets. In Asia, relations are dominated by a man, but if we compare Turkey with other Muslim countries, it is certainly the most democratic. No one will force you to wear a veil, but get ready for the fact that a guy will accompany you everywhere, and in the future - a husband. Of course, no one will forbid a girl to go shopping or walk around the city herself, but in Turkey it is not customary for women to visit restaurants or entertainment centers without their men. Therefore, you will have to change some habits.

Are Turks Jealous?? Highly! But if you do not give rise to suspicion, your man will worry less. It is important not to stumble upon a family despot, because it is in the genes of the Turks to dominate a woman. Therefore, study your chosen one well before tying the knot. Keep in mind that the Turks are very persistent. If a Turkish man sets out to win your favor, he will definitely achieve this. But getting rid of the courtship of an annoying gentleman will be extremely difficult. Sometimes Russian girls have to literally run away from a sunny country.

Turkish family

As already mentioned above, best option For you - wealthy man who saved up for his apartment. Getting along with a relative of a Turkish husband will not be easy. AT parental home often not only the father and mother live, but also the unmarried sisters of the guy, and his younger brothers with wives. Turkish women, although they behave with restraint in dealing with men, still like to sort things out among themselves. Their "intra-harem" passions can be safely compared with those that were in full swing in the series " Magnificent century". Be prepared for the worst - your husband's relatives can boycott you and literally survive from home.

Your boyfriend must be a bachelor. It's another one important condition happy relationship with a Turkish man. Many married Turks promise fabulous love and carefree love to naive foreign women. family life. But by "family life" they mean the maintenance of a woman, and not a legal marriage with her. Turks rarely get divorced, because it is ... unprofitable. The fact is that, according to the legislation, a Turkish man is obliged to pay alimony not only for children, but also for the unemployed. ex-spouse. And most of the women in Turkey do not work.

For a beautiful Russian mistress, a Turk can even buy a separate apartment. He will visit from time to time to satisfy his romantic and passionate aspirations. And of course, he will provide the woman with money. Many Russian girls are quite satisfied with such relationships.

But back to legal marriage. Turkish husband- a real provider and protector. But part of his income will go to help relatives. Turks love children especially girls. In Turkey, boys are more attached to their mothers, and daughters are more attached to their fathers. If it comes to divorce, the children will be given to the mother. But if the husband proves that she behaved unworthily, the court will take his side. After the divorce, the Turk will help the children, even if they leave with their mother to another country. Turkish men cherish family traditions, abandoning a child is low and shameful for them.

Swarthy, dark-eyed Turkish men are liked by many Russian girls. Moreover, they are romantic, they know how to look after beautifully and for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman, feeling like an oriental princess, agrees to marry and move. At the same time, many happy brides do not realize that they are going to live in a completely new country, the way of life in which, traditions and customs are strikingly different from ours.

Of course, having moved to live in modern Turkey, they are unlikely to have to face the reality over which the multimillion-strong female audience of the country of the Soviets sobbed while watching the famous TV series "Korolek - a singing bird." Surely then, many who watched the series seemed wild Turkish customs betrothal between relatives from the very early childhood marriages only at the will of the parents of the bride and groom, without taking into account the feelings of the young people themselves; strict laws, according to which a woman who opened her face below eye level was condemned and shamed by society. All this once really took place, but these customs are already in the past.

Turkey, under the influence of the West, has largely become modern country. And yet there are things that need to be known to those who want to marry a Turk. The forum on the site, a site where those who entered into an international marriage write their stories, will help with this.

First of all, you should understand what will differ depending on where you will live: in a large city, for example, Istanbul, or in a rural area. In the city, a woman does not wear a veil, she can study and work. There she has equal rights with men. As for the countryside, the medieval way of life has largely been preserved here. Turkish women in the villages are completely subordinate to the man, receive no education and, in most cases, do not work, unless with the permission of the husband. Here, wives often wear a veil and the most closed clothes.

There are also differences across regions regarding the institution of marriage. According to the laws of Islam, the national religion of Turkey, polygamy is the norm. And although the modern government has banned polygamy, it is quite common in rural areas, especially since the clergy, if they do not encourage this centuries-old tradition, certainly do not oppose it. Therefore, by marrying a Turk from the countryside, you can get into a small harem. It all depends on his financial condition. According to unspoken laws, a Turk has the right to have as many wives as he can support.

An interesting fact is divorce in Turkey, according to Islamic traditions, is not prohibited, and is quite simple - it is enough for the husband to say three times that he is getting a divorce, and the procedure is completed. But there is a caveat - a Turk can divorce his wife only when they have no children, because he cannot just leave the woman who bore him a child. But this, again, applies mainly to rural areas, where until now marriages are concluded not in administrative buildings, but in mosques, according to Islamic traditions. In large cities, such marriages without civil registration are not recognized as valid.

But in both cases, it is very important for the bride to please the relatives of her future husband. Because, according to Islam, the opinion of elders is fundamental in any Turkish family. However, it is not necessary to convert to Islam yourself. One can remain a Christian simply by respecting local traditions and national characteristics Turks: do not expose parts of the body, do not argue with men and elders. After all, if relatives oppose the Russian bride, then it is likely that turkish fiance he will obey his parents and, despite love, will part with his bride so as not to anger his mother, because according to the Koran this is - terrible sin.

Regardless of whether it is a city or countryside, Islam and all the laws of the Koran are revered everywhere, there is a clear hierarchy in the family, the rite of circumcision for boys, and the tradition is not to eat pork. All these points also need to be respected. Of course, you can pretend that you are not local and are not aware of these rules, then you can earn indulgence, but mixed with disdain, because respect from the Turks will appear only in response to respect for them and their country. Naturally, in this country there are practically no extramarital affairs on the part of women, because this is a terrible sin and is punishable by shame on the whole family of a traitor.

Dec 29 2015 Details

Many women dream of marrying a Turk. What are Turkish men like? Most of us have stereotypes about Turkish guys. Of course, generalization is not the best way to judge someone. It all depends on individual features man, however, let's try to figure out what is fiction and what is reality in creating the image of a Turkish man.

1. All Turks have higher education.

Many girls are sure that all Turkish men have higher education. However, statistics say that about 50% of Turks completed only 9 classes. If you consider yourself an educated girl, you will soon get bored with such a chosen one. Therefore, before deciding to move to another country, get to know your future spouse well.

2. Turkish men are independent.

Yes, this is absolutely true. Turks are quite independent while they are away from home. However, next to their family, they turn into sissy. The Turk will not make decisions on his own, because the mother is the main one in the family and he will always consult with her in order to please her.

3. Turk - honor family and wife.

I don't know where it came from. But many girls believe that the Turks are an example of an ideal family man. In fact, statistics say that everything is far from it. Domestic violence and infidelity on the part of the spouse is what Turkish women face. There is an opinion among the Turks that it is better to kill a spouse than to divorce her, since it is difficult for a Turkish man to come to terms with the fact that someone after a divorce will hug the mother of his children. If the murder of a woman was due to namus, the husband receives a shorter sentence. Namus is the preservation of the honor of the spouse after the betrayal of the wife. This does not mean that all Turks kill their wives, but such tragedies happen in this country more often than in any other European state. Of course, many men divorce their spouses if something does not suit them in family life, but divorce proceedings in Turkey it is a long and tedious procedure. In general, before marrying a foreigner, you need to find out just in case about the rules of divorce abroad, namely in the country where you plan to leave.

4. Religiosity of Turkish men.

Religiosity Turkish men recent times becomes slightly exaggerated. The latest statistics show that more than 60% of the Turkish population no longer adheres to strict religious views. Religion now comes down to following Islamic traditions rather than observing Muslim laws. Now it is very common to see Turks drinking alcoholic drinks, smoke and seduce foreign tourists, even eat pork meat, that is, they do what Islam forbids. However, meeting a deeply religious person in Turkey is real even today.

5. Sex for a Turk is almost love

This is the most important stereotype that women have come up with for themselves. Yes, Turks love sex with hot Europeans. However, they marry strictly virgins. Many of them explain this by the fact that having a pure wife, you protect yourself from the fact that in a fit of anger someone can reproach you that someone else slept with your wife. In addition, parents are unlikely to accept a vicious girl into the family, especially if this is the first marriage for their son. good sex- this is not yet an indicator that the Turk plans to marry you. However, there are 10% of men who will turn a blind eye to such prejudices and marry you, while hiding from the public that he is not your first.

When choosing a man for yourself, be it a Turk or a representative of any other nation, listen not only to the call of your heart, stereotypical opinion, but also to common sense. And also look closely at the actions of your chosen one. Actions speak for themselves.

Turkish grooms are one of the most popular in the world. Among Ukrainian women they are also very popular. AT Last year more and more of them come to Kyiv. And although Turkey is not so far from Ukraine, and life in the country is just as chaotic, riots and explosions are frequent in the capital Istanbul, corruption in power is rampant, from Ukrainian - and even more so European men Turks are different. About what to expect from these men, what kind of women they are looking for, how they look after and what they are like in family life, we asked the manager of the marriage agency Tomorrowlove Elena Sokolenko.

How Turkish men differ from Ukrainian

The mentality of a Turkish man is very dependent on what region he is from. Especially since some of them are Christians. Big cities and resorts are more secular, and those that are further away from them are less. In Istanbul, men are more advanced and earn more because it is a big city. That's why they get married here after thirty. But there are cities in the country with strict religious customs. And you can find these already two hours drive from the capital. Most of the women there wear closed clothes and a headscarf, and it is better not to walk in a miniskirt and high heels. The wife here is often chosen by the family.

If a man is from a resort town, then most likely, as a partner in a relationship, he is unreliable and, despite all the promises, will not marry. These are easy to meet on social networks, where they usually invite girls to come and relax by the sea. Many of them may pretend to be rich to impress. Although it cannot be denied, there are different cases, but in most of them this is not the case. By the way, men of this nationality are born sellers, and succeed in trading in various areas - from small shops to large businesses.

A distinctive feature of the nation is a tendency to exaggeration and talkativeness. Not everything the Turks say will turn out to be true. In this they are similar to Arab and Israeli men.

Types of Turkish men

In marriage agencies, you can often find several types of men. The first is the native Turks who were born, educated and live in their homeland. The second is the European Turks. There are Turkish men in Switzerland and Germany whose parents came to these countries after World War II to work there as cheap labor and stayed to live. As a rule, these Turks graduated from a school or university in Europe, which means that they often speak German quite well, sometimes French and English. Someone stays there to live forever, gets a profession, opens his own business. Today it is not uncommon to meet a Turk with a European passport. Some return home. But even if he lives in Turkey, life in Europe has definitely left its mark on him.

The third type is the Kurds, who live mainly in the eastern part of the country. This is a fairly religious and conservative community, whose representatives almost never marry foreign women. But outwardly, they are no different from the Turks, except that the skin color is a little darker and there are differences in the language. Even if they get to Ukraine through Marriage Agency, then usually looking for a girl of his own religion and with similar values.

What kind of women do they prefer and how do they look after

It is impossible to say something definite about the tastes in relation to women of Turkish men. They love different people. However, it is easy to see that most Turkish men prefer well-groomed, beautiful, good-smelling women. Looking at their wives, it is immediately clear that good is not so important, slim figure, as general grooming, so it is not uncommon for them to choose and plump girls. For them, it is important that the woman was economic and knew how to cook. Many of them like to cook themselves, because food takes important place in the life of the Turks. By the way, many tourists who come to the capital for the first time think that there are more men than women there. This is not true. There are many women, and they are quite progressive, quite European, with hair and makeup. Even those who wear headscarves according to Muslim custom, with good makeup and well-groomed skin.

Arriving in Kyiv, the Turks take care traditionally: they take them to a cafe, they can give flowers or small gifts. If a man is serious, he will immediately offer to live with him or meet and financial assistance. If you live with him in his country, you will see that they are very hospitable people, to whom relatives and friends often come.

When and how to get married

Global trends are coming to Turkey, so many people are getting married today in more late age. It is customary to invite many relatives to the wedding. Turkish men are determined guys. If you met such a man and he has views on you, he is immediately determined. He will not, like our men, pull for 10 years with a wedding. The Turks offer to get married literally on the 2-3rd week of dating. Absolutely seriously. If your relationship lasts for several months, and he didn’t tell you anything specific, then it will last for years and will not end with anything. This has been verified by the experience of many women. And this applies to both young and older men.

Despite the fact that Turkish men have an oriental mentality, they behave in a European way. They are doing well with concepts in terms of religion, there is no excessive enthusiasm for it, unlike residents of other Arab states. However, many women who marry Turks change their religion. However, it depends on the decision of the woman herself.

Whether the wife will work or not depends on the family. In small towns it is common for women not to work, in big cities most women work. And although polygamy is officially prohibited, in practice many men have two to four wives, whom they support. By the way, the Turkish women themselves are quite demanding. Any Turk knows that if he wants to get married, he must work hard and earn money. Unfortunately, unlike many of our women who agree to sex without obligation, Turkish women know their worth. Therefore, if you really want to get married, you should not rush into sex.

Women here are much more protected by law than in Ukraine. Nevertheless, if a Turkish woman in the event of a divorce can go to live with her parents, then you will most likely have nowhere to go, so it’s better to either save money or work. If you want to stay in Turkey, it is very important to follow all the visa formalities. You can stay in Turkey for more than 2 months only by issuing a residence permit. After living for 5 years, you have the right to apply for citizenship without the consent of your husband. In the event of a divorce, which is not uncommon in our time in any country, this will help to sue the child. And it is best to learn the language - it is not difficult.

Marry a foreigner: suitors from America

So, the character of a Turkish man can be called quite contradictory. No wonder this country is located, as it were, at the intersection of East and West, just between Europe and Asia. The Turks greatly honor their country and speak of it as a great power, but at the same time they are well aware that Turkey is not among the most powerful countries. They are very proud of themselves and their people, like all Muslims, but they suffer from a certain inferiority complex due to the fact that they have to go to Europe to work and obey other people's instructions there. Therefore, the spirit of contradiction always fights in them, on the one hand extolling their people and country, and on the other, condemning them.

The concept of friendship among the Turks is very subjective and is influenced by emotions. However, he will not change his mind several times a day. The Turk will not hide if he considers a person his enemy, and if he recognizes him as his friend, there can be no doubt about his honesty. The Turks are proud and greedy for flattery, therefore hypocritical people often try to make friends with them, using it for their own purposes. Turkish men cannot stand criticism, even if it is objective, said carelessly, it can ruin friendship. Also in the dispute, rejecting all arguments and sound logic, the Turk will always stick to his opinion.

The Turkish people have an excellent sense of humor. Their sparkling satire is considered one of the best in all of Europe. They easily joke about themselves and criticize their country, but only they themselves are allowed to do this. In no case will they tolerate criticism and ridicule from foreigners.

Turks are very scrupulous about the concept of trust. Feeling a lack of trust in him, the Turk becomes irritated and angry, and may even refuse to have any common business with you. And vice versa, realizing that you trust him, he imposes certain obligations on himself. However, this does not mean that he will unconditionally keep his word. There is always a certain fatalism in him, in his understanding everything depends on the will of Allah. Therefore, most often in all his actions one can see slowness, negligence and optionality in the performance of any affairs or assignments. Even a promise to do something tomorrow does not at all mean confidence in it, but soon only a probability. This has been customary in Turkey since ancient times, therefore it is not worth getting angry and offended for this, and your anger can only achieve contempt in the eyes of a Turk.

Turkish people are very hospitable. Even without knowing a foreigner very well, after several meetings they can invite him to visit them. The only thing they can fear is political troubles, because if they are sure that this can be avoided, the foreigner has a great chance to experience the full power of Turkish hospitality.

Turkish men treat women as owners. If they have already won the heart of a lady, then they consider her completely theirs. They are very jealous and extremely quick-tempered, therefore they will never allow their woman to talk to other men. They consider themselves leaders in relationships and love to be obeyed unquestioningly. Many women quite like to be led and put all the responsibility on men's shoulders.

As a rule, Turkish men do not like smart women. They prefer that a woman not have a special intelligence or carefully hide it in the presence of a man. Turks are not one of those men who will appreciate the determination and independence in a woman. They need someone who can calmly do household chores and create a normal family life. At the same time, the social circle for the wife of a Turkish man can only consist of women. She can communicate with them only during daylight hours, and even then she must definitely ask permission from her husband.
