The chemical composition of urine. Erythrocytes and leukocytes

During the day, the human body absorbs useful material and harmful ones are removed. The excretion of urine from healthy person and up to 2 liters. The composition of urine, its amount is unstable. These indicators depend on the time of year, ambient temperature, time of day, the amount of liquid drunk and foods eaten, physical activity and work sweat glands.

Urine - what is it?

The final waste product of a person, which is formed in the kidneys and excreted through the urination channels, is called urine. With it, salts, toxic substances, and excess fluid are removed from the body. It has the characteristics that must comply with the norm.

Mechanism of Education

The kidneys play a vital role in the formation of urine. The education process takes place in 3 stages:

  1. filtration;
  2. reverse suction;
  3. secretion.

Any violation in the mechanism of urination or its output is reflected in the work of the organs and is expressed in the form of a disease. The nephron is responsible for the formation and excretion of human urine. The kidney contains up to 1 million nephrons. The anatomy of the nephron consists of a tangle, a capsule of tubules, which together participate in the following processes.

Glomerular Filtration

Liquid filtration occurs in the capsule under high pressure, which is provided by the difference in the diameter of the afferent and efferent areolas. There is a filtration of the liquid part of the blood, which consists of water mixed with organic and inorganic matter. Only low molecular weight material passes through the capillary walls, and globulin, platelets, erythrocytes are unable due to large sizes. The result is primary urine. Chemical composition urine is similar to plasma. The volume of the filtered primary product in 24 hours reaches 180 liters.

Reverse suction

The primary filtration product passes through the network of nephron ducts. The renal ducts are surrounded by blood vessels, which ensures the reabsorption into the blood of those materials that the body needs: amino acids, salts, glucose, liquid. Of the total value of the primary product, 98% is absorbed, which is equal to 1.5 -2 liters. Secondary urine is formed, which is very different in composition from the primary one.

Secretion in the tubules

The final stage of urination, in which the cells of the tubules of the kidney take part. Special enzymes promote the transfer of toxic components from blood vessels. This process allows urea, creatine, acid, creatinine, poisonous components to leave the body.

Physical Properties

The main constituent of urine is water. The variety of additional components contained in it, about 70 g of dry components (urea, sodium chloride) are excreted together daily. The physical properties of urine are amenable to change, which greatly complicates it general analysis. The study of physical properties includes the evaluation of quantity, density, color, odor and transparency. For testing, the temperature of the urine must be room temperature to provide proper flow chemical reactions.

Quantitative indicator

How much urine should the human body produce per day? The amount of moisture removed from the body is affected by the liquid you drink. The difference between the two is called diuresis. Daily rate diuresis of an adult reaches up to 2 liters. If it is raised after plentiful drink or chills, that's fine. The increased work of the sweat glands, a decrease in the fluid you drink leads to a decrease in urine output.

In children, the normal volume of daily urine depends on age. Table age norms diuresis in 24 hours The largest amount is excreted from 15 to 18 hours, the smallest from 3 to 6. If urine comes out during the day, less than 500 ml is a pathology called oliguria, up to 100 ml - anuria. Volume more than normal- polyuria.

Color Features

The red color of the urine may be due to the use of beets.

In adults, urine from straw yellow to concentrated yellow is considered normal, children's urine is much lighter. In a newborn child, it has no color. Color depends on concentration and pigment (urochrome). Concentrated looks darker, its volume decreases. Color is affected by products (beets) and pathological processes:

  • red indicates an organic lesion of the kidneys, a red color can be given by taking sulfanilamide preparations;
  • a green tint is given by the bile pigments contained in the urine or the presence of pus;
  • a brown tint is given by decayed blood cells, a high content of pigment or medicines;
  • white color indicates the presence of pus, about which during laboratory analysis says the indicator of pyuria, or fat.

Odor properties

When analyzed, it has no diagnostic value. But it has other characteristics:

  • fresh liquid does not smell;
  • stagnant smells like ammonia;
  • the smell of ammonia is present with cystitis;
  • the bioliquid contains a fruity smell in diabetes;
  • products containing horseradish, garlic, give an unpleasant stench.


Turbidity determines the degree of dissolution constituent parts. Fresh urine should look like if it contains fats, salts, cell cultures, then it becomes cloudy. The cause of turbidity can be established by analyzing: if the contents became transparent when the tube was heated, salts (urates) caused turbidity. If the turbidity does not disappear, an excipient (containing acetic or hydrochloric acid) is applied and the cause of the turbidity (phosphates, oxalates or fats) is determined.

Chemical composition

The physical and chemical qualities of urine are very complex. They include over 150 indicators of organic and inorganic components. How much protein compounds, sugar, pigments, urobilin, acetoacetic acid contained in the structure of urine in the urine determines the general chemical analysis:


To supply the body with the exchange of fluid, electrolytes, amino acids, glucose and acid balance, the kidneys excrete harmful components and leave the necessary. Acidity (pH) is the definition effective work renal mechanism. A slightly acidic reaction is considered normal when the pH is 5.0-7.0. The level of acidity will be affected by many factors:

The lowest acidity in the morning, the highest - after a meal. Alkaline pH corresponds to the development of chronic urinary tract infections. Enhanced Level acidity is inherent in a feverish state, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, tuberculosis of the kidneys or bladder.

Protein definition

Proteins in the urine are in the minimum volume. Their content in the norm should be no more than 0.002 g / l and is not determined during a single analysis and appears only in renal pathologies. The higher the degree of damage in the organ, the greater the concentration of organic material. Another name is proteinuria. How much proteinuria can be determined by studying the daily norm.

Erythrocytes and leukocytes

The degree of presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes tells about the work of the whole organism as a whole. Any inflammation is reflected in the biofluid, this reveals it general research. Erythrocytes supply oxygen to the tissue, protect against poisons. Leukocytes are responsible not only for the elimination of foreign bodies, but for the immune function of the body as a whole. Their non-compliance with the norm indicates health problems.

The biological norm of the level of erythrocytes is 1-2 units. Their complete absence is also the norm. An increase in the level of red blood cells indicates an infectious, autoimmune or organic lesion in the kidneys. IN similar situation even a slight increase requires additional examination and re-examination of urine, if necessary, treatment.

The normal level of leukocytes in the biofluid is about 5 per field of view. All indicators that exceed this mark indicate an infectious or aseptic process. If the volume of leukocytes is above 10, this indicates purulent processes. Determination of active leukocytes indicates inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, but does not indicate its concentration.

The composition of urine is very diverse, it directly depends on the consumption and production of various substances, the state of the body as a whole, and the function of the urinary tract. The main inorganic composition is represented by chemical components and nitrogen-containing compounds.

Water and substances soluble in water are excreted from the body in the urine. The volume of urine and its composition depends on the composition of the diet, body weight, age, gender, physical activity and conditions such as humidity and temperature. An adult produces 0.5 to 2 liters of urine daily, of which about 95% is water. The body of an average healthy person removes 1.5 liters of urine per day. In addition to water, it contains many other substances. The chemical composition of urine includes the following components:

  • urea,
  • creatinine,
  • creatine,
  • ammonia,
  • urate,
  • amino acids.

Proteins enter the urine with a high load of pathological proteins on the glomeruli (for example, in the case of paraproteinemia), with a violation of the glomerular membrane, with diseases of the tubules of the kidneys and urinary tract. Carbohydrates in the urine are present freely in the form of glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides and glycopeptides.

Lipids may include fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol; lipid excretion is increased in nephrotic syndrome.

Organic constituents

The most important physiological components are represented by organic nitrogen-containing compounds. These include the following substances:

  1. Urea (urea) is synthesized in the liver in the NH3 urea cycle, which comes from the degradation of amino acids. The secreted volume of urea depends on the amount of metabolized proteins, for example, due to the degradation of 70 g of protein, 30 g of urea per day is formed.
  2. Uric acid is the end product of purine catabolism. In the proximal tubules of the kidneys, almost all of the filtered is absorbed, again returned to the urine through active tubular secretion, and subsequently part of it is again actively resorbed. These actions in the distal tubule may be dependent on a number of anions and drugs (competes with uric acid for transport). Only 6-12% of the filtered uric acid is finally excreted in the urine.
  3. Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism, spontaneously and irreversibly formed from creatine. Creatinine passing through the kidneys in the majority (90%) of the volume is filtered into the ultrafiltrate, and only 10% of it is secreted into the urinary tubules and, as a rule, is resorbed. The amount of creatinine released per day is individual and depends directly on weight. muscle mass and function of individual glomeruli - thus it can be used as a reference for quantification other components.

The volume of secreted amino acids in to a large extent depends on the quality of nutrition and the performance of the liver. Modified amino acids that are present in proteins with specialized functions, such as hydroxyproline and 3-methylhistidine, can serve as indicators of the degradation of these proteins.

Some metabolites can be conjugated with H2SO4 → sulfates, glycine, and other polar compounds. These conjugates are synthesized in a biotransformation reaction in the liver and excreted in the urine as water-soluble compounds.

Other components

Hormone metabolites (catecholamines, steroids, serotonin) also appear in the urine. Analysis of the metabolites of these hormones can provide information on the production of these hormones, for example, the determination of vanillylmandelic acid, 5-hydroxyindole, etc.

Another example is the human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG, Mr = 36000). HCG is a proteohormone that is produced in early stage pregnancy; it circulates in the blood and, because it is a small molecule, is also present in the urine. The immunological detection of hCG in urine is the basis for most pregnancy tests.

Part of the urine is also not a large number of urobilinogen, which is produced in the intestines from bilirubin. Due to the oxidation of urobilinogen, urobilin (bile pigment) is formed.

Pathological indicators

Proteinuria is indicated by abnormal amounts of protein (particularly albumin) (i.e. greater than 0.15 g/24 hours). Proteinuria is one of the symptoms of kidney disease, which indicates damage to the glomeruli (glomeruli). Damage can be caused by mechanical or foreign substances or organisms (toxins, bacterial infections).

Glucosuria is the term for the occurrence of glucose (Glc) in the urine. Glc is filtered into primary urine at any level of glucose in the blood (even if hypoglycemia is present). The reabsorption increases together with an increase in glucose, but only up to certain values ​​(blood glucose is about 10 mmol / l). Above this “renal border”, resorption does not increase, because all Glc receptor proteins are already occupied. The presence of Glc (glucosuria) increases diuresis (eg, in diabetes mellitus).

The term ketonuria refers to a condition in which ketone bodies(detected acetoacetic acid). Elevated values ​​of ketone bodies occur with excessive degradation fatty acids(for example, during fasting or diabetes).

Inorganic components and urinary sediment

Human urine contains a significant amount of cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+ and anions: Cl-, SO4-2, HCO3- and HPO4-2 and trace amounts of other ions. Secretion of ions in most cases is regulated by hormones. A number of different inorganic components are determined by the composition of the food.

Reabsorption of the above ions occurs in the tubular part of the nephron. The proximal tubules are the site of absorption of most ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3, etc.). Buffer systems are represented by phosphates and ammonia.

Urinary sediment is a term referring to microscopic. This is a standard examination carried out simultaneously with a chemical study. To study the sediment, urine is used no older than 2 hours after collection (after this time, the elements decay). The sediment is evaluated for the presence of blood and epithelial cells, bacteria; in addition, the presence and amount of various crystals is determined - their presence is mainly associated with insufficient hydration.

The composition of the urinary sediment can be of organic and inorganic origin. The organic part consists of cells that have 2 sources:

  • blood Cells,
  • cells of the kidney itself or excretory urinary tract.

Almost all blood cells can be present in the urine: eosinophils, erythrocytes, neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes (rarely). Cells of renal origin in the sediment are exfoliated epithelial cells that line urinary tract(tubular, transitional and squamous epithelium). The urinary sediment may contain various other cells: Trichomonas, yeast, intestinal epithelial cells, or tumor cells.

Formations known as cylinders may be present in the sediment. They are formed from a glycoprotein that protects the surface of the tubule. The glycoprotein can bind epithelial cells, leukocytes, erythrocytes and bacteria. Cylinders found in urinary sediment, always mean serious kidney damage.

Elements of inorganic origin are represented salt crystals e.g. oxalates, urates, phosphates. They have pathological significance if they are found in people currently or previously treated urolithiasis. The second group of crystals are crystals of small amino acids - cystine, leucine, tyrosine.

Thus, urine contains organic and inorganic compounds, blood cells and other elements.

Urine is a product produced as a result of human activity. It is formed in the kidneys by the smallest nephrons. The human filtering organ contains, as a rule, at least one million of these structural and functional units. Urination is natural physiological process occurring since the stay in mother's womb to death. If it is violated, a person’s well-being worsens significantly, and the organs and systems of the body suffer.


Normally, the human kidneys filter the blood daily. In about 3 minutes, the entire volume passes through the paired organ vascular system. The main task of the kidneys is filtration. In the course of blood purification, substances formed as a result of metabolic processes are removed from it. Being processed by nephrons, they are converted into excrement - urine, which in healthy people leaves the body without problems. From the age of 3-5 years, a person can control the process of urination. If the health indicators leave much to be desired, then not only the function of the paired organ is violated, but also the physical and Chemical properties urine.

After purification of the blood in the kidneys from metabolic products, a biological fluid is formed. Further, it enters the pelvis, which delivers it to the ureters - hollow organs in the form of tubes that connect the filtering part with the accumulating bladder. Draining through the channels, human urine is collected in a special bag - bladder. Until it is full, a person does not have the urge to empty. The sphincter securely holds the biological fluid, and its work is controlled by the spinal cord and brain.

When a person feels the urge to urinate, the smooth muscles of the bladder walls contract, and the sphincter, on the contrary, relaxes. As a result, it opens urethra, through which waste products flow out.

Urine indicators

Normally, the biological fluid formed by the renal nephrons has yellowish color. Depending on the type of food and lifestyle, the shade may vary. The chemical composition of urine is different different people. It can be used to determine the work of vital organs and identify some diseases. The composition of urine is important indicator the functioning of the body. It is difficult to find a person who has never taken a general or biochemical analysis. Definition of physical and chemical indicators becomes a daunting task for laboratory technicians.

Urine volume

Together with urine, they are eliminated from the human body harmful substances that poison the body. Therefore, it is important that the daily diuresis has normal performance. It is influenced by the following factors:

  • the amount of liquid consumed (this includes not only plain water but also other drinks, including alcoholic ones);
  • diet (number of meals, quality of food);
  • temperature indicators of the air and the human body;
  • arterial pressure;
  • physical exercise;
  • other indicators of the state of health of organs and systems.

In an adult with no abnormalities, urine is produced in a volume of one and a half to two liters per day. The variability of indicators is noticeable when changing the diet, type of food, reducing or increasing fluid intake during the day. Can affect urine volume physical activity. There are a number pathological processes, which is determined by the volume of fluid produced and the frequency of the urge to urinate. You can suspect a deviation from the norm yourself, and only confirm laboratory research. Based on the patient's complaints, the following diagnoses can be assumed:

  1. polyuria - a condition in which daily diuresis exceeds 2 liters, subject to a moderate drinking regime;
  2. anuria - a pathology in which a person produces no more than 50 ml of biological fluid;
  3. oliguria - a moderate decrease in diuresis, in which the volume of urine is up to half a liter;
  4. pollakiuria - frequent urges to empty the bladder;
  5. Olakisuria – rare urges that may be an option physiological norm under certain conditions (for example, after childbirth or surgery);
  6. nocturia - a condition in which a person has more nighttime urges than daytime;
  7. dysuria - pain that occurs when urinating;
  8. enuresis - uncontrolled release of urine during a night's sleep without first waking up.


By definition, urine has yellow tint. It may vary slightly depending on the amount of pigments contained in urine, called urochromes. The color is influenced by bright foods (beets, carrots) and the amount of fluid consumed. To provoke a change in color can also be the use of certain medicines. To clarify urine on its own, it is enough for a person to increase the volume drinking water. If this technique does not help, then the color change may be associated with pathological processes occurring in the filtering organ and other body systems:

  • saturated red indicates the presence of blood particles;
  • brown is an indicator of disorders in the liver;
  • black becomes a sign of protein breakdown or a hereditary disorder of hormonal metabolic processes;
  • white indicates the presence of fatty emulsions or pus in urine;
  • orange is a sign of dehydration and may appear as a result of the use of drugs;
  • green happens with hypercalcemia or from the use of dyes;
  • dark brown becomes the first symptom of infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary system.


If a person has no health problems, then the composition of the produced urine does not contain impurities, and there is also no pungent odor. Urine smells specific, but not sharp. After a long contact with oxygen, the substances contained in the urine begin to produce ammonia. The result is a characteristic unpleasant odor.

If urine smells unusual, then this can also indicate various abnormalities and diseases. When the smell of acetone or fruit appears, diabetes is suspected. In this case, the chemical properties change, and ketone bodies are found in the urine. Infections of the urinary system are often accompanied by the appearance of a fetid and putrid smell. In humans, this can be associated with smelly feet, feces, rotten cabbage. If this condition is not a single occurrence and is observed regularly, then you should be concerned about the state of your health.

Physical indicators

Important importance in the study of urine is attached to the density and acidity. Visually, they cannot be determined, in contrast to color, transparency and smell. The acidity of urine is normal in the range of 5 to 7 pH.

You should have an idea of ​​what these indicators mean. pH 1 is a caustic acid and pH 14 is a base. Pure water has an acidity index of 7.

The acidity of urine can be affected by foods. If you eat too much protein, your urine becomes acidic. When a person eats citrus fruits in large volume, the biological fluid takes on an alkaline environment.

The density of urine is determined from the ratio of its weight to volume. Urine is usually more is made up of water. It also contains dissolved components and substances. Normal density varies in the range of 1005-1030 g/l. During the general analysis, this indicator is calculated by the formula: weight is divided by volume. With violations of the kidneys, these figures may decrease.


Few people know what urine consists of. Most people assume that there is recycled water in the urine. However, there are other chemical elements. The table clearly shows the normal content of the components and the states in which these indicators change.

Index Quantity is OK Conditions leading to a change in the indicator
Water 99% Vomiting, hyperthermia, burns, dehydration.
Urea up to 35 gr Oncology, hyperthermia, diet, diseases thyroid gland, after operation.
Amino acids up to 3 gr heart disease, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, children, diabetes mellitus.
Creatinine up to 1.5 gr Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the endocrine apparatus, physical activity, kidney pathology.
Uric acid up to 5 gr diet, exercise, bad habits, kidney pathology, Down syndrome, leukemia, hepatitis.
Protein up to 0.15 gr Kidney inflammation.
Glucose up to 0.16 gr Diabetes, physiological state organism.

Use of urine

Urine, acting as the final link in metabolic processes in the body, becomes important element in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. Components of urine after ingestion environment perfectly absorbed by the rhizomes of plants. It contains: ammonium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium ions. For this reason, urine is recommended for use as fertilizer. It is important to know that such a substance is used only after fermentation.

Human and animal urine is used in pharmacology for the preparation of many therapeutic and diagnostic substances. There are people who practice urine therapy. Doctors question effectiveness this method treatment, but do not speak out about its harm to the body. The urine of a healthy person is sterile and cannot cause harm even when taken orally.

Fresh urine is used to make sympathetic writing devices. After application to the surface, it dries and leaves no trace. You can see the inscription after heating. In this case, the symbols will no longer be yellow, but dark brown.

To diagnose the functioning of the body, diagnostic manipulations with urine are carried out. The most common and indicative is the general analysis and biochemical. In case of deviation from the norm, the patient is prescribed a study according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, Amburg.

Everyone knows what urine is. But not everyone knows its chemical properties, the mechanism of formation, and what can be determined by its analysis.

Its properties are constantly changing under the influence of many factors. The analysis of this fluid helps in the diagnosis of almost any disease.

Urine is a waste product of liquid form which is produced in the kidneys. It is excreted through the urethra, passing into the bladder through the ureters. It is formed by filtering the blood, the kidneys extract excess water and soluble waste products of metabolism.

The properties and composition of urine are individual for each person, as they depend on many factors. Urine analysis helps to timely diagnose pathological processes occurring in the body.

Mechanism of urine formation

During this process the body removes excess substances, which are excreted in the urine. The formation of urine in the body can be divided into three stages:

  1. There is a filtration of products of exchange.
  2. Reabsorption of nutrients begins.
  3. The secretion process starts.

The processes of urine formation occur in the nephrons. In the glomerulus of the nephron, blood is filtered, passing through a special membrane. At this stage, more fluid is lost. Water, salts, glucose, and other substances are part of the primary urine.

As a result of absorption in the renal tubules of primary metabolic products, the process of formation of secondary urine begins. At this stage, metabolic products that need to be removed from the body enter it. With normal urination, the amount of urine does not exceed 2.3 liters.

Further, urine accumulates in the bladder, which contributes to the appearance of pressure in it. The parasympathetic pelvic nerves are irritated, which leads to the fact that the walls of the bladder begin to contract. The sphincter relaxes. This is how urine leaves the body. The norm of diuresis per day for adults is 800-1800 ml.

Organoleptic properties of urine

The organoleptic properties of urine include its tint, transparency, and odour. The following reasons lead to a change in the color of urine:

  • diuretics can make her paler, also light shade appears in diabetes mellitus of any type. With pathological processes leading to the release of bile pigments, urine becomes dark in color. An example of such a disease is hepatitis;
  • a red tint can signal the development of tumor processes, mainly of a malignant nature. It also appears with any kidney injury;
  • increased amount epithelial cells, salt sediment, mucus and pathogenic bacteria make urine cloudy. Insufficient transparency of urine can be observed in inflammatory processes in the bladder or kidneys.

The smell of urine is determined after its long stay in a special container. Ammonia smell may indicate the development of cystitis, putrid stench indicates the presence of fistulas in urinary tract, the smell of acetone signals ketonuria. Acetone smell can also be the first symptom of diabetes.

The amount of fluid released per day depends on many factors. For example, on the amount of liquid consumed, air temperature and lifestyle. Many pathologies are determined by the volume of urine produced. For example, diabetes is characterized by an increase in the amount of urine excreted.

Urine also has certain physical properties. Density is one of the physical indicators that reflects the amount of elements dissolved in it. These are salts, uric acid, creatinine, etc.

Composition of urine

The chemical composition of urine includes many elements. It is the composition that affects the properties of urine. Uric acid, urea, creatinine, urobilin, various salts determine the chemical properties of human urine.

The acidity helps determine how efficiently the kidneys are working. Chemical reaction may be acidic, alkaline or neutral. First of all, it depends on what kind of food a person consumes. This indicator helps to timely detect many pathologies in the body.

Normally, the reaction should be slightly acidic. Acidity rises after eating morning time the most low rates. Deviation from the norm indicates pathological processes in the body.

Urine contains leukocytes and erythrocytes. Their number reflects general state organism, in most cases they help to correctly diagnose the pathology. Any inflammatory process will not go unnoticed and will certainly lead to an increase in the number of leukocytes. If the number of these elements exceeds 10 in the field of view, then this indicates a serious purulent lesion.

Salt is always present in the urine in small quantities. Also, a slight excess of the norm does not always indicate any disease. If other indicators remain within the normal range, then this does not signal deviations. An increased salt content may be associated with the use of certain foods, but if it is detected constantly, then this may indicate metabolic disorders and other pathologies.

Characteristics of individual components

Cylinders are organic components, they can be present in urine only in acidic environment, differ in form and composition. Depending on their type, pathology can be diagnosed.

The presence of nitrogenous compounds in urine is the norm, but if it contains a large amount of nitrogen, then this may indicate serious disorders in the body. In most cases, this is a symptom of diabetes, febrile illnesses and phosphorus poisoning. Also, a large amount of nitrogen can indicate the formation of transudates.

The presence of glucose in the blood is not considered normal and can be a symptom of many diseases and conditions. These include diabetes and kidney mellitus, stroke and other pathologies. of cardio-vascular system, stress, high carbohydrate content and kidney failure.

Bilirubin should also not be detected in the urine. Its appearance can signal hepatitis and cirrhosis.

The substances that make up urine, as well as their norms, are presented in the table.

The formula of urine is individual for each person. Its composition may change periodically, as it depends on food, air temperature, lifestyle, and other factors.

Urinalysis as a diagnostic method

The chemical composition of urine must be determined during diagnostic study. It helps to notice everything in a timely manner pathological changes occurring in the body.

Urinalysis is performed for diseases of the endocrine, immune, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems, it is also mandatory for suspected diabetes mellitus.

Analysis rules

Urinalysis should be carried out in compliance with a number of rules:

  • it is necessary to use only a sterile special container;
  • analysis should be taken in the morning;
  • should be discontinued prior to diagnosis. medications, which may affect the result;
  • urine for analysis is collected before meals;
  • do not overheat or overcool before collecting the material.

Compliance with the above recommendations will help to get the most reliable result.

The normal values ​​of the content of the elements were presented in the table above. Deviation from this norm can signal the development of serious pathological processes in the body.

For example, an increased amount of protein in the urine may indicate kidney damage, the development of leukemia, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the protein level goes beyond the norm in allergic reactions.

Normally, no cylinders should be present in urine. They may have different shape and structure, this must be taken into account when determining the diagnosis. They can be a symptom of pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes in the kidneys. They are also present in urine viral infections different nature, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and lead poisoning.

Erythrocytes and leukocytes are always taken into account when making a diagnosis, since their content increases during inflammatory processes in the body. Their number increases with almost any disease.


Urinalysis is one of the most important methods in the diagnosis of renal pathologies. In addition, it allows timely detection of diseases in other systems and organs. By the presence of certain components in the composition, it is easy to assess the state of the body.

It is recommended to periodically take urine for research in order to identify various pathologies on early stages. For getting reliable result some rules must be followed, otherwise a urinalysis may show an incorrect clinical picture.
