How to look good at 35 for a woman. Women's health is an important component of youth

Good day, Dear friends! It is said that a woman's age does not matter if she is well-groomed.

You begin to pay special attention to this quality after you cross the thirty-year milestone.

At 20 special efforts You don't need to apply to look fresh and good. But after 35, self-care must be given sufficient time everyday.
Do not be scared right away, being well-groomed does not mean spending a lot of money and visiting expensive beauty salons.

This can be achieved at home, but you have to work hard, especially at first.

If this topic is close to you, just like me, let's find out together with you in more detail: what are the signs of a well-groomed woman after 30. Let's try to find out the opinion of real experts.

Looking well-groomed and expensive is not only an art, but also great work. Knowing the basic rules, you can become more attractive and stylish at any age.

well-groomed skin

A woman who does not take care of herself is given out, an overgrown cuticle and flaky skin on her face. For creating beautiful skin make sure that there are no dry spots on the surface.

To do this, you only need a scrub, pumice stone and a washcloth with a massage effect.
While showering, massage your body with a washcloth. This will renew the top layer of the skin and saturate it with oxygen.

Special care is required for the skin after 50 years.

Hair color

An untidy image creates a dull and expressionless shade. Overgrown hair roots look ugly.

If you are a brown-haired woman, then the shade should be expressive. And the blonde should not have dryness and yellowness in the strands.

Brunettes should do it more often. After all bright colors wash out faster and lose their shine.
Untidy hair will not save beautiful outfits.

Mandatory clarity of lines

The image must be clear lines. This applies to eyebrows, nails, arrows on the eyes and hair. AT stylish manicure all nails should be filed evenly, and the varnish should lie beautifully on the nail plate.
Regularly so that it always has clear edges. As soon as the hair grows, the ends become brittle and sloppy.

Makeup must be perfectly clear. Especially when using arrows and bright lipstick.

Cleanliness and lack of excess hair

Remember that open areas of the body should not be extra hair. There are many ways to deal with such a problem - from a standard machine to an expensive one.
Purity must be shown in everything. This and pleasant aroma body, and no odor from the mouth, and cleansed skin and clean nails. The smell of perfume should not be sharp.

Taste and style

Guarantee stylish look is a competent combination of colors in clothes. well-groomed woman distinguishes the absence bright colors in makeup, stylish shoes and the right handbag.
Think carefully about your image to the smallest detail. It is important to be able to choose harmonious combination top and bottom in clothes, as well as focus on a certain part of the face.

Remember to distinguish between daytime and evening version makeup. You can see the difference between these species in the video.

Perfect health

An important sign of a well-groomed woman is excellent health? which should be noticeable.
Absence oily sheen and matte skin testify to a fresh and problem-free skin. Hands should be well-groomed, without exfoliating nails.
Don't forget about healthy eating and adequate consumption of clean water.
A comprehensive annual examination is necessary after the age of 45.

There are special care for women different ages. Up to 30 years, when the skin is firm and fresh, sometimes it is enough quality cleansing and hydration for a well-groomed look.
But from 35 and after 40, it is important to carefully select caring cosmetics and take into account the needs of more mature skin.
10 tips from Evelina Khomchenko will always help you stay feminine and beautiful:

  1. Don't advertise your age.
  2. Don't be shy about your beautiful legs, and skillfully emphasize them with clothing.
  3. No need to get carried away with huge bags. Instead, sort things out and decide what you really need.
  4. Properly adjust your height with shoes and suitable models trousers.
  5. Don't get carried away with nail art. Such nails often look tasteless.
  6. wear right jeans. They must be dark of blue color. Jeans should be strict without rhinestones and embroidery.
  7. Get basic wardrobe, which should include strict jeans, White shirt, small black dress, as well as a white and black turtleneck.
  8. Don't use excessive makeup. H should look as natural as possible.
  9. Don't use vulgar things like leopard prints, belly-baring tops, long-toed shoes and pink blouses.
  10. Do not save on yourself: on good cosmetics, perfume and beautiful clothes.

AT modern world You can look good at any age. Many experts talk about it. The main thing is to lead correct image life and remember to take care of yourself. biological age in the modern world - it's just a number and nothing more.

No excess weight

If you want to look young at any age, be sure to watch your weight. Remember skinny girls always look younger than those in the body.

To always have ideal weight, nutritionists advise reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, as well as exercising regularly.

Important: eat exclusively protein foods for dinner, and do not forget to drink 1.5 liters of water a day. Already, by changing only these two facts, you will lose 3-4 kilograms per month.

Hands and neck

The first areas that give away age are the arms and neck. Therefore, rejuvenate not only the face, but also these parts of the body.

This applies to both basic home care and beautician care. Moreover, there are injection procedures for rejuvenation of the skin of the hands and neck.

To date, to keep the youth of the neck and hands is not a problem. Girls should regularly moisturize these areas, make various masks and, when scheduled age-related changes contact a specialist. After all, it is the hands and neck that age in the first place, and the problem is always easier to prevent than to solve later, - beautician Marina Bibenko is sure.

Also, in order to look younger, you should not avoid contouring. Correction of nasolabial wrinkles with fillers or other injection procedures will erase noticeable age-related changes for 5-6 months.


Lifestyle affects appearance. Especially when you are over 18. This does not mean at all that you will have to give up wine and tasty food. However, you have to watch what you eat and drink.

Eat only high-quality products, give up strong alcohol, replacing it good wine. And always remember the measure. In addition, include coenzyme Q10, omega-3s, fiber, and liquid collagen in your nutrition program.

It is very important for girls after 30 to add vitamin D to their diet. It has been proven that vitamin D slows down the aging process in the body. It works as an antioxidant and reduces lipid oxidation, protecting cell membranes from destruction, says nutritionist Valeria Menkonenko.

In young age women's skin almost always looks smooth and radiant, even in cases where the hostess does not particularly resort to various procedures to care for her. However, with age, the metabolism in the body gradually slows down, appearance skin deteriorates, it becomes drier and in the most problem areas covered with wrinkles. It is after 35 years that women begin to clutch their heads in horror and run to the beautician for help. Often such assistance costs more than a penny, but beauty, as we all know, requires sacrifice, and in the case of untimely care, it is money.

Is it possible to save on expensive products and procedures, but still look young and fresh even after 35? Probably not. But the need for regular salon procedures can be influenced. The main thing is to love and not forget about yourself, regularly perform a set of facial care measures, including facial cleansing after 35 years. It has been proven by thousands of women that even homemade and folk remedies skin care products can be no less effective than factory-made ones. Their correct use is quite capable of delaying the appearance of the first sign of aging - small, but already noticeable wrinkles.

After 35 years, facial cleansing should be carried out with preparations that include nutrients. For daily cleaning, micellar water, tonic or milk, which are based on alcohol, are suitable. Metabolic processes in the skin and blood flow can be stimulated by massage complexes. For example, great alternative morning washing will be rubbing the skin of the face with a piece of ice. However, you need to remember to be careful, for a start it is better to wash yourself with cool water, and only after that proceed with the procedure. Since the skin, heated after sleep, can react to the touch of ice with redness, there is also a risk of catching a cold that is close to the surface of the skin, and earning not very pleasant consequences.

Among the mandatory measures for facial care after 35 are, of course, daily procedures by make-up remover. If by the age of 35 you still haven’t accustomed yourself to washing off the remnants of makeup every evening, then now is the time to instill this habit in yourself. After washing, do not forget to lubricate the skin with a good, oily nourishing cream.

Don't ignore the benefits of face masks as well. For example, for normal skin fit universal masks based on clay and other natural ingredients. Try to use masks at least once a week.

If you are categorically set on exclusively home care behind the skin, then accustom yourself to holding mechanical cleaning facial skin after 35 years daily. However, it should be noted that salon procedures will take you less time and guarantee a longer-lasting effect. What kind of skin care you provide at home will only indicate how much more often or less often you will have to visit the salon to prolong youth.

Among the salon procedures for cleaning the skin, one can single out the same mechanical, ultrasonic and vacuum. But there are other methods of influencing aging skin, which modern cosmetology readily demonstrates to us today.

For example, a deep peeling procedure can become good option facial cleansing after 35 years. The procedure is based on the removal of the old epidermis. In the salon - not only dead, but also living particles, as a result of which they begin to actively renew themselves, thanks to which the woman acquires a younger and more flourishing appearance. It is almost impossible to achieve such an effect at home, but some face mask recipes promise something similar.

You can tighten the skin and get rid of visible wrinkles, sagging skin and scars with the help of laser resurfacing. But filler injections will help improve the oval of the face and give the skin greater smoothness.

Often used externally cosmetics may not be enough, and then help may come salon procedure- misotherapy. It is an injection complex, along with injections, vitamins, nutrients and necessary for a beautiful and beautiful skin penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. healthy look skin elements.

Do not forget about the muscles of the face, salon massage will help tone them up, lifting will have a tightening effect, and RF therapy will give the face a more sharp contours and more clearly outline the features.

You can look young and attractive at any age, but the older a woman becomes, the more she needs to make efforts for this. It is very important to know what exactly will help you look younger than you really are. Therefore, consider 15 tricks that will help you with this.

1. Wear pink, peach and beige blouses and sweaters. Such shades will make your face look fresher and your skin will look younger. And vice versa - do not use sweaters, t-shirts, shirts and scarves of earthy and marsh shades, so as not to add visual age to yourself.

2. It is very important that your hair color be darker than your complexion. The rampant fashion for blond today often turns mature women in old ladies, because they use shades that contrast with the color of their complexion, clearly not in favor of the latter.

3. It is very important when creating makeup to first form the correct oval of the face. With age, the oval of a woman's face changes, wrinkles appear, skin tone decreases. Therefore, all age-related indentations should be lightened, and the contours of the oval should be emphasized with powder, a tone darker than you use on the entire face.

4. Avoid baggy clothes - believe me, they are not able to hide overweight. On the contrary, start using only those outfits and accessories that favorably emphasize all your feminine charms. feminine, proportional figure is a symbol of youth.

5. Get rid of excess weight once and for all - sagging sides and cellulite will throw you 5-10 years at once. But, it is also worth remembering that excessive thinness will make your skin flabby and accentuate all wrinkles.

6. Be sure to stop drinking alcohol in excess, and quit smoking. Not only do these two habits deprive you of precious health, so they also seriously age your skin.

7. Apply blush correctly - emphasize the line of cheekbones with dark, beige or golden blush, and apply delicate pink or peach blush on the “frosty cheeks” area.

8. Never forget that youth is always associated with naturalness and naturalness. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse cosmetics and use them for other purposes.

9. Do not give up black in your image - it does not age, but on the contrary, due to the contrast, it can refresh your complexion. Take, for example, an elegant black dress - it can not only add age to you, but also visually rejuvenate.

10. And vice versa - excess white color, especially at the top of clothing, will make you visually older, as it contrasts and emphasizes all the imperfections of your skin. Use light shades but not white.

11. Do not wear teenage clothes, even if you think they are insanely beautiful and fashionable. The contrast between your outfit and your appearance will make you look older than you are.

12. Do not leave cosmetics on your face at night, and if possible, do not use it during the day. The fact is that decorative cosmetics, even the highest quality, does not contribute to the preservation of youthful skin, and with prolonged use, pigments can penetrate deep into and worsen your complexion.

13. Make the most of it natural makeup during daylight hours - in daylight, excess makeup will age you. also in daytime makeup It is not recommended to use shadows or pencils with glitter.

14. Never use a solarium - artificial tan, especially on the face, adds visually a couple extra years. Also if you love natural tan, do not forget to protect your face - a too dark, tanned face cannot look young, and in addition, the sun dries out the skin.

15. In clothes, it is important to stick to the chosen style, diluting it with accessories and following trends. modern fashion. Outfits that were relevant 10 years ago, or use only classical style does not make you look younger.

When a woman reaches the age of 35, she begins to notice the first wrinkles on her face, the first White hair and a far from ideal figure, which she acquired after the birth of a child, and maybe not one. This article will tell you how to look younger at 35.

Encyclopedia of beauty

We often hear that beauty and health are always there. But in rhythm modern life among her troubles and worries, a woman sometimes does not have enough time to devote an extra minute to her health. But it's so simple! In order to look young and beautiful after 35 years, it is necessary to use a variety of proven recipes for the care of the skin of the face and hands. And also comply proper nutrition and always be in shape.

Beauty at home

The best recipes for youth at home:

  1. Facial care:

- Rejuvenating herbal infusion for washing;

- A honey scrub that makes you look younger;

— Mask based on honey, preventing the first signs of aging;

pumpkin mask for oily skin;

— Mask of vegetables and fruits for sensitive skin.

  1. Hand skin care:

- Bath with chamomile to restore the skin of the hands;

- Anti-inflammatory hand lotion;

Nutritious cream for hands;

We rejuvenate the face

Anti-aging tincture: combine 1 teaspoon of finely chopped oak bark and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lime flowers. Mix thoroughly and pour two cups of boiling water prepared from clean filtered water, cover and leave for 2 hours. Wash in the morning. Store in a cold place.

Honey is a gentle remedy used to remove dead skin cells at home. It not only gently cleanses the skin, but also gives it all its nutrients.

Honey scrub for normal skin with a rejuvenating effect: mix 0.5 tbsp. spoons of honey and 0.5 teaspoons of salt. To enhance the anti-aging effect, add one teaspoon of cinnamon or cornmeal. Scrub is applied with smooth movements, gently massaging the face. At the end of the procedure, the scrub is washed off with warm water. room temperature. Facial cleansing is carried out periodically (2 times a week).

When applied to the skin, honey is quickly absorbed, nourishing and strengthening it. Honey based masks the best remedy to prevent wrinkles.

Honey mask for dry skin against the first signs of aging: mix 2 tbsp. spoons of honey with two tbsp. spoons olive oil and two egg yolks. Slightly heated in a water bath. You need to make sure that the yolks do not curl. The resulting solution is divided into four parts and applied to the face with an interval of 5 minutes. General procedure takes 20 minutes. After their expiration, the mask is washed off. Do not apply a mask to the skin around the eyes!

Pumpkin is original product for their nutrients. It contains vitamins such as K and T, as well as vitamins of groups D, B, A, E, C, PP. In addition, it contains pectins, minerals, malic acid, glucose, fructose, sucrose, fiber.

Vitamin moisturizing pumpkin mask for oily skin: rub a slice of pumpkin on a fine grater. The resulting mass is placed on gauze napkin and cover her face. Hold for 15-20 minutes. This procedure will cleanse the skin of toxins, relieve inflammation, nourish and moisturize. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 times a week and lasts up to three weeks.

Fruit and vegetable mask for sensitive skin: after make-up removal sensitive skin looks exhausted and exhausted. To restore, combine 2 tbsp. spoons of pepper pulp, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon pulp, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated cucumber. Half a glass is slowly added to the resulting slurry wheat flour. Keep on the face for 15 minutes.

We rejuvenate hands

The negative impact of environmental factors makes the hands rough and dry. Therefore, they should be given attention no less than the face.

Bath with chamomile to restore the skin of the hands: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers is poured with one liter of boiling water. Hands are kept in the resulting broth for 15 minutes. At the end, lubricate them fat cream. Instead of chamomile, you can use nettle, sage or burdock. They are also effective in combating dry skin.

Anti-inflammatory lotion: Psyllium, chamomile and calendula leaves are crushed. 1 st. a spoonful of herbs obtained is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist two hours and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin. Wipe hands three times a day.

Nourishing hand cream: mix one teaspoon of elderberry leaves and one teaspoon of stinging nettle herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 40 minutes. Next, grind flaxseeds in the amount of two tablespoons. Add to them 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream and pour everything with a decoction until a slurry is formed. Rub the cream into the skin of the hands. Pre-hands can be steamed in a salt or herbal bath.

We select a haircut

Long hair goes at this age to owners of thick and healthy hair, beautiful figure and oval face.

For all other women, hairstyles such as:

  1. Bob haircut. It can be either short or long. During laying, attention should be paid to the root volume.
  2. Bob haircut. Curls may be slightly curly.
  3. The bangs should be oblique and necessarily voluminously laid.
  4. Medium length cascade.
  5. Haircut under the "boy", which involves constant styling.

Ideas of original haircuts for women from 35 to 40 years old, see the photo:

Video on the topic of the article:
