How to determine a child's birthday calculator. How to calculate the expected due date

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If you want to know how to calculate the due date, then it is here that you will find answers to all your questions about this. You can calculate the date of birth by the date of conception, as well as by the last menstruation. If you have access to the Internet, then you can calculate the moment of the birth of a child online for free.

If you do not really trust the online calculator, you can calculate approximate date childbirth independently, guided by special formulas. We will also talk about them in this article. The exact date of birth is difficult to calculate, since the child himself decides when he will be born. So, let's talk about everything in order. How to calculate the date of birth so that it exactly coincides in the future with the birth of a child.

due date calculator

The beginning of the last menstruation:

Average cycle duration:

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 (from 22 to 45, usually = 28)

Duration of the luteal phase:

9 days 10 days 11 days 12 days 13 days 14 days 15 days 16 days (from 9 to 16, most often = 14)

Determining the due date: What are the ways to determine the approximate due date?

So, you took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Now we calculate the moment of birth of the child. The date of birth is considered differently. There are several ways. We will talk about all of them. Let's list first possible options calculation of the approximate date of birth. Here they are:

  1. you can determine the date of birth both online and without the Internet by the date of conception;
  2. date of birth can be calculated last menstrual period.

Both of these methods can be used together. They do not exclude each other. by the most the right option calculation and calculation of the upcoming birth and gestational age in weeks, as well as the size of the fetus is, of course, ultrasound diagnostics. With the help of it, gynecologists determine the most accurate moment of the birth of a child. He will also determine whether you yourself can give birth or you need to do C-section if the size of the fetus is large or the baby lies incorrectly. He will also explain who assigns and pays child care benefits to a woman during maternity leave(employer or FSS). But we will talk about those methods for determining the date of birth and gestational age, for which you do not need to leave the house and even get up from your favorite sofa. After all, you can find out everything using the Internet.

How to calculate childbirth by date of conception?

To calculate the expected moment of birth of a baby by the date of conception and determine the gestational age in weeks, you must have a regular menstrual cycle and know when ovulation occurred. After all, conception is possible only during ovulation. Well, we are not even talking about what else you need to remember the day on which there was intimacy with your loved one. It's obvious. If, suppose, most women have 28 days of menstruation, then ovulation, as a rule, occurs on the 14-15th day.

But it is worth noting that the conception of the fetus might not have occurred on the day of sexual intimacy. It has been noticed that spermatozoa are able to live even for 3 days, “walking” while inside a woman. Therefore, here the approximate moment of the birth of the fetus by the date of conception will be determined approximately, and not day by day. The error can be even one or two weeks. So, now you need to add 280 days to the day of conception (this is exactly how much the average pregnancy lasts for most women). So you calculate and determine the date of birth at conception and the gestational age in weeks. It's pretty simple if you have a regular menstrual cycle and a good memory.

If you don’t want to bother yourself and want to immediately determine the day of your birth by conception and the gestational age in weeks, then use a special calculator on our website for this. Here it will be enough just to enter the estimated day of ovulation in the table and click the "Calculate" button. The computer will calculate and give the gestational age in weeks and the date of birth. As a result, you will know when the baby will appear and will look forward to this day and will no longer look for the answer to the question “How to determine the date of birth by conception”. This is a kind of fascinating fortune-telling that gives a correct prediction.

How to calculate the exact date of birth by menstruation and find out what week of pregnancy you are?

To calculate and find out the most accurate date of birth by menstruation, that is, to find out when we give birth, you should also have a regular menstrual cycle. The formula for calculating the moment of birth of a child based on the last menstruation of a pregnant woman is used in their practice by all gynecologists. They will definitely ask future mother, who came to them for an appointment, about the first day of the last menstruation. There are probably no such pregnant women who were not interested in the first day of the last menstruation by gynecologists.

So, we calculate the approximate birthday of your child and find out how to determine the date of birth by the last menstrual cycle (by its first day). In order to start calculating the preliminary day of childbirth, from the first day of the last menstruation, you must count three months ago, and then add seven days. So it turns out the approximate day of the birth of a child.

If you don’t want to count in your mind, you can calculate the moment of birth of the baby using an online calculator, which, after entering the data, will give you the due date and which week you are automatically. To do this, simply enter the first day of the last menstrual cycle in a special calculator window, as well as the average duration of menstruation and the duration of the luteal phase (for most women, it lasts two weeks, that is, 14 days). Next, click the "Calculate" button and wait for the results of the online test. Almost every woman used such a calculator. It is popular at the moment.

Now you know how to calculate the due date, the calculator will always help with this. And also, now it’s not a problem for you to find out the duration of your pregnancy in weeks and even days. We hope that you will make the calculation correctly and without much difficulty and with great pleasure and in the future make sure that the actual day of the birth of the child coincides with the one given by the calculator! In the future, the question “How to determine the date of birth online” will not arise for you. Read about how to determine the date of birth by ultrasound and fetal movements, as well as how to bring the date of birth closer and get pregnant using IVF in other articles on our website.



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For many women, the feeling of an impending or already begun pregnancy occurs before the test shows two strips - that is, even before the actual delay. Scientists cannot yet give an explanation for these true forebodings, however, the concept of Early Pregnancy Factor has already been introduced into the scientific lexicon, which describes chemical reactions maternal organism in response to an accomplished conception after only a few hours. Currently, there are already tests to detect the hormone in the female body. Early Factor, but due to the significantly expensive cost, these tests are not produced on an industrial scale.

On average, childbirth occurs 10 obstetric months (280 days) after pregnancy, when the baby is ready to be born. However, it should be noted that 280 days is the conditional number of days of bearing a child. All women's bodies are different, and all babies mature differently in their mother's tummy. Someone will need 280 days, and someone will be "already ready" in 240 days. Only 2% of newborns are born on a precisely calculated day. Most of the kids - two weeks earlier, or a few days later than the appointed time. The duration of pregnancy and childbirth is calculated based on the date of the beginning of the last menstruation.

If we take into account all the changes that happen to the baby almost every day on throughout pregnancy, and especially the first trimester, then in general these processes can be compared with the birth of a new universe in terms of importance and complexity, in depth. Every day of the little crumbs inside you is not just a step, it is a huge breakthrough, a breakthrough. The birth of a new life, despite the scale of accomplishments, does not require any external efforts for itself .. everything happens under the cloak of secrecy. After all, the fact that conception has occurred, and the woman herself finds out only after some time. Thanks to modern technology scientists managed to study a little great secret Birth is where EVERYTHING starts. Enter your data and scroll through the pages of the development calendar human life throughout pregnancy. Believe me, amazing discoveries are waiting for you!


Find out the date of birth natural desire woman carrying a baby. This helps to better prepare for the birth of a child and mentally tune in to the process of childbearing. If there are several ways of how to calculate the due date yourself.

The estimated due date (EDD) is the date when labor should begin after forty weeks of gestation. These are approximate figures, since thirty-seven weeks is the period from which a pregnancy is considered full-term. A baby can be born at forty-one weeks and even at forty-two weeks, and this is also considered a normal period, but usually doctors do not allow the expectant mother to pass so long and stimulate labor artificially.

Not a single specialist, including the most highly qualified doctor, can name the exact date when labor activity will begin.

The time of the birth of the baby is largely influenced by the individual characteristics of the expectant mother and the condition of the baby. For this reason, the day of birth can only be calculated approximately.

There are several methods for calculating the day of delivery. It is recommended to use all methods at once in order to compare the results later.

By date of conception

This method can only be used by a woman who is sure on which particular day intimacy conception happened. The calculation of the approximate date of the birth of the baby is carried out according to the formula:

"Day of conception + 266 days = day of birth."

To the received date, you need to add 3-5 days or subtract the same amount. This error is due to the fact that the seed of a man can be viable in the body of a woman for a week.

If pregnancy occurred on this day, then the estimated date of the baby's birth is calculated by the formula:

"Day of ovulation + 268 days = date of birth of the baby."

The error is also 3-5 days.

By last menstruation

When calculating the due date for the last menstruation, two methods are used.

  1. 280 days are added to the first day of menstruation. The resulting date will be the estimated date of birth. The essence of this calculation is that the difference between the beginning of the cycle and the day of ovulation is two weeks.
  2. According to the Negel formula. It is based on the fact that the period of bearing a baby is 280 days. According to this, in order to calculate the expected date of birth of the baby, it is recommended to subtract 3 months from the first day of menstruation, and a week is added to the result. On this day, exactly one year later, the birth should take place, given the error of a few days.

The use of any of the options is relevant only when a woman has regular cycle. If menstruation starts at different time, then the data obtained will be inaccurate with an error of thirty days.

Health care providers usually use the second method when calculating the due date.

An ultrasound scan shows the day when ovulation occurred, as well as the gestational age. This is one of the few ways that exact date the onset of pregnancy until the day. To do this, it is recommended to conduct it in the first trimester. Knowing the period, the date of ovulation or menstruation is determined. This allows you to calculate the estimated date of birth of the baby in several ways.

The ultrasound itself can also provide information about the day of delivery. For this, the procedure is carried out after the 20th week of pregnancy. In this case, the specialist clearly sees at what stage of development the fetus is, and can determine when it is time for the baby to be born.

If during an ultrasound examination it turns out that the baby began to develop faster, then the specialist may go astray in the calculations. In this case, he states that the baby's gestation period was incorrectly determined and moves the start date labor activity.

By the first movements

If the expectant mother was able not to miss the time of the first stirring of the baby, confusing it with the natural processes occurring in the intestines, then she can calculate the date of the birth of the child from this moment.

According to statistics, the baby begins to move after the 20th week of conception, if the pregnancy is the first. If the mother bears the baby for the second and subsequent times, then the child will make itself felt after the 18th week. As practice shows, a woman can feel the first movements earlier due date for 14 days. This also happens two weeks later than the due date. For this reason, the error in calculating the approximate date of birth is plus or minus 14 days.

To find out using this method, what date the child should be born, during the first pregnancy, 20 weeks are added to the date of stirring. If the mother has a second birth and subsequent ones, then 22 weeks are added to the date. The resulting figure will be the estimated date of the onset of labor.

Following a gynecological examination

An experienced doctor, based on the results of the examination, can determine what date a woman should give birth. The specialist builds his assumptions on the basis of the size of the uterus and its condition. The technique is relevant only in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If a woman comes later than this period, even a gynecologist with great experience work will not tell when the baby will be born, since the size of the uterus varies for each woman in different ways. The dimensions of the organ are influenced by the individual characteristics of the expectant mother and a number of other factors.

When determining the expected date of delivery, the doctor is based on the duration of the pregnancy at 40 weeks. This is the average rate of bearing a baby.

On the early dates conception gynecological examination does not give data on when labor will begin. This is due to the fact that the uterus is not palpable through the abdominal wall during external examination. In this case, the term of delivery helps to determine the obstetric examination. Such data are also approximate, since the result depends on internal sensations doctor and his experience.

as show clinical researches when the pregnancy reaches four weeks, the uterus becomes the size of egg. At the eighth week of gestation, the dimensions increase to the size of a goose egg. At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges to such a state that it reaches the edge of the pubic bone.

In this way, the doctor will determine the date of the baby's birth only in the first trimester. If the expectant mother applied for more later dates, she is advised to use other methods to correctly determine the due date.

Which method is considered the most effective

Ultrasound is considered the most effective method for determining the date of onset of labor.

It shows the state of the placenta, how the baby's head is located relative to the entrance to the small pelvis, the level of development of the child and the size of the opening of the cervix. Having compared all these factors, the specialist names the term of bearing the baby as accurately as possible, and already, based on this, the date of birth is calculated.

Another effective method counting the onset of labor activity - an examination by a gynecologist. This method provides relatively accurate information if you contact a specialist in early pregnancy.

Gynecologists often determine the date of the expected birth by menstruation. They use Nagel's formula for this. To use this method of counting, the doctor should ask the expectant mother whether she has regular periods or not.

If the answer is negative, the specialist is obliged to use other methods of calculating the number of onset of labor, otherwise an inaccuracy may be made, which will lead to the onset of labor outside the hospital or the woman's stay in the maternity hospital for too long.

Other methods can be used as additional ones for the most accurate calculation of the day of birth.

Why DA setting results are considered approximate

According to statistics, only 5% of women in labor have babies born on the date that they calculated or were named by a specialist. No method has been developed to determine the exact day of delivery. Each of the methods has an error of 3-5 days and even two weeks.

Ultrasound can also be inaccurate if the baby has taken an uncomfortable position in the uterus. Deviations in timing provokes and multiple pregnancy. In this case, several factors are compared in order to at least approximately understand when the birth of children will take place.

The following factors influence the date of the birth of the baby:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • pathologies that a woman suffered during the period of bearing a baby or illness in chronic form that occurred before pregnancy;
  • location of the placenta;
  • ecological situation in the region of residence;
  • state of the nervous system;
  • harmful addictions;
  • dimensions of the child and multiple pregnancy;
  • the level of development of the child;
  • repeated pregnancy;
  • heredity.

The main moment that affects the onset of labor is the course of pregnancy. If there are no complications, then labor may begin a few days earlier or later than the expected date of birth. The discrepancy is usually 3 to 5 days.


How to calculate the due date as accurately as possible? Unfortunately, even a specialist can only give an approximate date for the birth of a baby. But even such data is usually enough to morally tune in to childbirth and prepare for this day all the essentials for the baby.

Online services have appeared on the Internet, in which women are offered to enter some information and find out the date of birth. This method is also only approximate, it is not recommended to rely on it with 100% certainty.

If the delay in menstruation is small and complaints about bad feeling no, then hurry to the reception in women's consultation until it's worth it. But an inner feeling already tells you that a miracle has happened and soon you will become happy parents wonderful baby. Any woman in this position seeks to get an answer to the question: when exactly will the time of birth come? Our service allows you to determine the exact date of birth of the unborn child in a matter of minutes.

Calculate due date online

At the heart of any method of calculating the date of the expected birth is the idea of normal terms pregnancy, which usually lasts about forty weeks (in individual cases a deviation of several weeks is also not a pathology). The starting point is the beginning of the last menstruation, and it is likely that the expected event will take place exactly in 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks.

With the help of the online calculator presented on the site, you can easily and simply find out the probable date of the upcoming birth. All that is required of you is to enter the necessary data in the appropriate calculator windows, and the necessary calculations are made by the computer. The principle of the calculation is very simple: the date of the beginning of the last menstrual bleeding and the traditional 280 calendar days are summed up.

The resulting date is an approximation corresponding to the ideal medical indications. Actual times may vary slightly depending on individual features women, the state of her health and the general course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy calendar, how to calculate the date of birth by menstruation

Find the date of your last period on the blue line of the calendar. The date below it (in red or yellow color) and will be the date of birth.

Calculate due date by date of conception

Not every woman knows exactly the day when conception occurred, so doctors cannot reliably determine the so-called "embryonic" gestational age. However, if the time of fertilization is known, then the results of calculating the time of birth will be much more accurate, because each child needs the same period for a full prenatal development. In such cases, you need to add 280 days again, this time to the date of conception.

When calculating the date of birth for the day of fertilization, minor errors are allowed, because pregnancy could not have occurred on the day when the corresponding sexual intercourse occurred. Studies show that the conditions in the vagina are quite favorable for sperm cells, so they can stay here for several days before merging with the egg. The error is from one to three days, but no more. Thus, a certain similar method the date of conception is also indicative.

Calculate due date by ovulation

You can determine the date of birth of a baby by calculating the day of ovulation. This method is not suitable for everyone, because only a small amount women carefully monitors their menstrual cycle and even more so - keeps an ovulation calendar. If at least the approximate date of ovulation is known (with a constant cycle of 28 days, it falls in its middle), you can get a more or less accurate date of birth. To do this, add 280 days to the date of ovulation.

Of course the most accurate results can be obtained if you have the maximum number initial data. The best option a combination of all the presented methods for calculating the date of birth is presented. But in any case, a few days of waiting is not a big problem, after all, the main thing is birth healthy child and subsequent pleasant chores.

Video: How to determine the date of birth.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period






June 2018

Conception date

days before delivery

September 2018

date of birth

June 2018

Conception date

days before delivery

September 2018

date of birth


Calculation of the date of birth by the date of conception

On average, gestation (“interesting position”) in women lasts two hundred and eighty days from the moment of ovulation.

280 days is ten obstetric months. Or forty obstetric weeks. Plus, the first two obstetric weeks before ovulation from the first day of the last menstruation. In this case, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of the woman's menstrual cycle. That is, knowing the date of the first day last period, add fourteen days to it, and then add another two hundred and eighty days, and you will get the estimated date of birth (ED). Spermatozoa can live up to three days. Therefore, when we try to determine the date of birth by the date of conception, we do not take as a starting point the day of conception, or sexual intercourse, on which conception is most likely to occur. The starting point is the day of ovulation.

Determine due date from last menstrual period

Negele formula - subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstruation and add 7 days.

Much depends on what menstrual period the expectant mother has. If it is less than twenty-five days, the baby may be born a week or two ahead of schedule. If the expectant mother's menstrual cycle is more than thirty days, childbirth may be delayed by a week or two. Such a delay will not be considered as overdue. Two hundred and eighty days is only the average duration of pregnancy. However, each female body individual.

Calculate by ultrasound

There is another way to find out the date of birth. This can be done with an ultrasound scan (ultrasound) of the fetus. This method is the most accurate and reliable regarding the calculation of the date of birth using the previous two methods. If an ultrasound examination is performed at the very end of the first trimester, the date of birth can be determined with an error of no more than three days. During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, this method will not give such an accurate result.

After the first movement of the baby

  1. From the day of ovulation;
  2. From the first day of the last menstruation;
  3. By using ultrasound fetus.

Now we will talk about another method. We determine the PDR by the first movement of the intrauterine child. Every expectant mother with such trepidation and impatience is waiting for the birth of her baby. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to try to accurately calculate the expected date of birth. How can I do this, do I know the date of the first stirring of the baby?

This means that after the first movement during the first pregnancy, approximately twenty weeks, or five obstetric months, remained before delivery. By marking these twenty weeks on the calendar, you will receive the estimated date of delivery. To determine the date long-awaited meeting with a baby in the second or subsequent pregnancies, twenty-two weeks must be added to the date of the first movement, because in this case, gynecologists note the first movement, usually at the eighteenth week.

However, you must understand that the calculation by this method gives an approximate due date. The error can be more than two weeks.

After obstetric examination

Until the twelfth obstetric week each pregnancy expectant mother you need to register in the antenatal clinic with your local gynecologist. Starting from the twentieth obstetric week of the “interesting position”, when visiting his gynecologist, the doctor measures the size of the abdomen, and also measures the height of the fundus of the uterus. These data are regularly entered into exchange card. Based on these indicators in dynamics, the doctor can calculate the expected date of birth of your Miracle. Please note that this is an approximate time. You can calculate the due date more accurately using our due date calculator. This is a truly effective method with a minimum of deviations and errors in the calculations.

After examination by a gynecologist

A gynecologist during regular examinations of a pregnant woman evaluates the growth dynamics of the uterus. This organ increases in size along with the fetus. According to systematic examinations of the size of the uterus, an experienced and qualified gynecologist can predict the expected date of birth. In this method, it is very important to monitor the health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester of bearing a child. Such a forecast will be effective when monitoring a pregnant woman in the early stages. According to the results of the examination in the second and third trimester, the prognosis of the PD will have a large error.

How accurate are the timing results?

The reality is that the duration of childbearing is individual for each woman.

  1. Whether the first pregnancy;
  2. What is the length of this woman's menstrual cycle;
  3. Singleton or multiple pregnancy;
  4. Genetics and much, much more.

If a woman gives birth not at the fortieth week, but at the thirty-eighth, this will also be considered the norm.

And even if mommy gives birth at the forty-second or forty-third week of pregnancy, this will also be the norm. Although many of the above methods for predicting the expected date of birth in their formula have the fact that the average pregnancy lasts two hundred and eighty days, that is, forty weeks.

To premature birth can lead to the features of the course of pregnancy and the health of this particular expectant mother.

However, pregnant women who have calculated the expected date of delivery, better organize the time of their " interesting position". Documents and a bag for the maternity hospital are ready in time. All examinations were completed on time. Ready and renovated children's room. Completed courses for young mothers. Completely ready for breastfeeding.

Therefore it is very useful thing for both mom and baby!

Are deviations from the deadline normal?

Are deviations from the calculated due date normal? Of course they are. Only seventeen percent of women give birth on predicted due date, while the remaining eighty-three percent give birth either earlier or later than due date.

Maximum Accuracy in the calculation of the date of delivery, you do not have to wait. This is just a guideline. The lighthouse, on which the frigate of a happy pregnancy and joyful motherhood is heading. Not a single specialist, no matter how outstanding his qualifications, is able to take into account dozens of factors of a particular organism of a woman and an intrauterine baby.

Thus, at normal flow pregnancy, childbirth occurs between the thirty-eighth and forty-second weeks. In this case, the birth of the baby will be normal (neither premature nor belated).

Remember that when carrying a baby, it is very important for a woman to maintain a positive psycho-emotional mood, drive away unfounded fears and experiences. Save positive attitude our due date calculator will help you - very soon you will be a mother! Health to you and your baby!
