Wedding cards. Beautiful congratulations on your church wedding

The Orthodox wedding ceremony is one of the most important events in the life of a young married couple. Birth of a new one family union, blessed by God, requires special congratulations filled with mystery warmth, best wishes for a long time married life, spiritual instructions in overcoming crises. Warm words and sincere wishes spoken during a solemn event have great importance for newlyweds, will remain in the memory of the young spouses for a long time. How to properly congratulate the newlyweds after Orthodox rite weddings?

How can you congratulate newlyweds on their wedding?

After the completion of the Orthodox wedding ceremony, it is traditional to give gifts to the young family and congratulate them on entering a new life together. Say nice words wishes to the newlyweds in honor of the completion of the sacrament - a great honor for the invited guests for the holiday. The solemn message addressed to the newly-made spouses should be delivered from pure heart, come from the depths of the soul. Wishes filled with warmth, sincerity, and grace will always find a response from a young couple and will leave Nice memories, heartfelt gratitude to the invitee.

In verse and prose

Congratulations to the newlyweds on the wedding ceremony can be as in poetic form, and in prose. If you have the opportunity, then, having allocated some free time, compose your own quatrain dedicated to the birth new family, adding it musical accompaniment. Even if it is only four lines, but you put all your joy, happiness, and delight for the newlyweds into them, the message will find a response in the hearts of the newly made spouses.

If you find it difficult to write poetry, then a sincere wish in prose is a worthy option for congratulations for a young woman. married couple with the wedding. It would be appropriate to compose a message that includes quotes from church books or parting words spoken by Orthodox saints who patronize marriage, family relationships or childbirth. Examples of warm, sincere words for newlyweds in poetry and prose:

SMS congratulations

If you do not have the opportunity to congratulate the young spouses in person, then you can send an SMS wish with the sacrament, adding to it cool song. The message text can be short or long and contain sincere feelings, heartfelt wishes and spiritual instructions to the young family. SMS congratulations can be in the form of poetry or prose. The words must be written from the heart, expressing joy and happiness for the newlyweds.

Compose your holiday message with the words: angel, crown, altar, ring, fidelity, wedding, church, bless, Lord, or use ready-made options below. When choosing a rhyme, try to put into the congratulation all your feelings of deep spiritual delight for creating a new family, blessed by God, thereby emphasizing the solemnity and significance of the Orthodox event. An example of SMS congratulations on a wedding ceremony:

  • Friends! You made an oath to God, united souls for centuries. I wish you fidelity, happiness, love in sacred marriage!
  • The Lord blessed the family union. May joy and love always sanctify the marital path.
  • On this solemn day, in front of the altar, you consecrated and strengthened the marriage union. Keep your oath of allegiance and protect each other.
  • The sacrament of wedding was completed, God himself covered the family union with grace. May the angels protect you from adversity, and may happiness never leave you.
  • Your union, sanctified by divine light, will be happy. God bless and give love to long years.
  • Lovers! Let wedding rings will become a symbol of immense happiness! The family will be a ray of counting, hope and love.

Ideas for beautiful wishes for young people in your own words

If it is difficult for you to remember ready-made wishes or you forgot to take homemade messages to the newlyweds, then compose a congratulations to the young spouses on the wedding in your own words directly during the special event. Try to express your feelings in a few sentences filled with sincere joy, grace, and delight for the happiness of the newlyweds. Congratulations in their own words from parents dedicated to a daughter or son, from a brother and sister or other close relatives, best friends of a newly-made married couple sound especially touching.

From parents

Congratulations from the parents of a young couple in love on their wedding is a key event in the Orthodox ritual of the sacrament. On this day, parents say parting words to the newlyweds, bless the illuminated marriage, wish a long married life, strong family relations, patience and all possible support for each other in difficult moments. The words of parental wishes should be filled with sincerity, admiration, warmth, and tenderness.

By encouraging, instructing and blessing the newlyweds, parents provide moral support to the newlyweds at a new stage marital relations. Congratulatory words can be in the form of a short sermon, contain quotes from the Bible, spiritual instructions from saints, emphasizing responsibility, deep meaning ongoing event. Examples touching wishes parents of the married couple:

From brother or sister

Congratulations from a brother or sister on the day of the newlyweds’ wedding ceremony play an important role during the special event. Spiritual instructions, moral support and sincere joy from loved ones always helps us at the beginning of a difficult journey. Brotherly or sisterly wishes, expressed in your own words, help express the depth of feelings and emotions experienced for the happiness of the young spouses.

Heartfelt words from a brother or sister - sincere support for the newlyweds at a new stage of family relationships, faith in longevity marriage union. Nothing can express joy better than congratulations on the wedding ceremony from the heart, caused by a spiritual impulse, emotional uplift during the celebration of the sacrament. Options sincere wishes from a brother or sister of the newlyweds, in their own words:

From best friends

Best friends are our faithful allies in life, who are always present during important events and support us in hard times. If the newlyweds decided to get married and invited you to share this significant event with them, then the best gift for them there will be congratulations on the wedding ceremony, said in their own words. Try to make your wish different from all others, original and unique.

Don’t approach congratulations formally, prepare and rehearse your speech in advance! Then your warm words spoken during the Orthodox sacrament will find a response in the heart of the young married couple, will be remembered and will delight the newlyweds for a long time. Examples of touching messages in your own words from best friends for a married couple:

Original wedding anniversary congratulations

Anniversary of the sacrament - important holiday for spouses, indicator strong relationships, another milestone passed for the family union. Celebrate another year life together accepted in a close circle of relatives and close friends. Special meaning on this day, congratulations to the spouses are an occasion to solemnly say sincere words gratitude to your husband or wife, confess your love, affection, tenderness. Original wishes Happy wedding anniversary, filled with deep spiritual meaning, it is advisable to prepare and rehearse a few days before the holiday.

To husband from wife

A sincere congratulation from a wife dedicated to her husband on their wedding anniversary is always exciting and touches the heartstrings. To ensure that your significant other and the guests of the celebration remember the words for a long time, try to put all your emotions and feelings for your husband into the wish, do not be afraid to show love and affection. Your spouse is the support and support of the family union, who shares with you not only joys, but also sorrows.

Prepare the text of your congratulations in advance and read it several times before the anniversary of the sacrament, so that during the solemn event there are no unnecessary hesitations and hesitations. It is important that the message reflects your love story of family relationships, comes from a pure heart, is filled with spirituality, tenderness, and affection for your spouse. Example tender words for an anniversary to husband from wife, see below:

Congratulations to your spouse - sincere love confession, a story told about a happy family life, mutual support, endless patience and acceptance of each other. The words of your spouse on such an important day will tell you about the depth of feelings, reveal and show you inner world emotions and feelings of your significant other. For an example of touching wishes and declarations of love to a wife from her husband on her 15th wedding anniversary, watch the video:

How to design a greeting card for newlyweds?

The festive design of a wedding greeting card can complement the wish, emphasize the sincerity, warmth of words and instructions. Choosing appearance cards, rely on the main idea and meaning of your message! The image on the back of the card should emphasize, emphasize and harmoniously combine with the content of the congratulation. By selecting suitable option, write a message on the spread of the card beautiful handwriting by hand, then the wish is guaranteed to please the young married couple.

DIY wedding greeting card - great addition as a gift for newlyweds. If you find it difficult to make a card yourself, order an elegant copy self made, made in the shape of a heart, an angel or decorated artificial flowers, lace, ribbons, rhinestones. Beautiful and originally designed options greeting cards with the wedding ceremony, see the photo below.

Your marriage is now made in heaven
I cordially congratulate you on this.
I wish you always have a hand in your hand
You walked through life, tired and not knowing.

May your health never leave you,
More success and happiness for sure.
Love and respect to you forever,
And let there be changes for the better.

A great sacrament in your life together,
I wish you many years to live as a wonderful couple.
So that bad weather does not disturb your family,
So that there is a full cup of prosperity and happiness.

God blessed your union forever,
So may He send you patience and strength.
And may a bright path open to you today,
Happy wedding to you, dear ones, lots and lots of love to you!

We congratulate you on your wedding!
And we wish you a strong marriage!
Always be close to each other
Be faithful wife, husband!

We wish to cherish love, feelings,
After all, living in marriage is already an art,
Let your skill grow over the years,
There will be no hard feelings between you!

Today the angels sang
There is a song above you in the temple,
You connected two lives
On a beautiful day with the same destiny.

Congratulations on your wedding,
I wish you fiery love,
So that with pure faith and hope
You just walked towards happiness together.

Comic funny congratulations after the wedding

You are bound forever by invisible threads,
May you live in love and joy for another hundred years.
At the moment when we got married (it’s not a sin),
Together with you there was happiness and success.

Let them guide you everywhere in life,
Let them be generous, joke here and there.
So that you can live this life together,
Even after years, love sincerely.

Forever bound by one fate,
So be happy, super-girl and super-boy!
On your wedding day I wish you eternal love until the grave,
May your family’s immunity not be affected by any microbe.

I wish you to live a hundred years without troubles and boring days,
I wish you loyalty to each other and many children.
And may fate not spoil you like a child,
Live in a dream house with lots of money and a butler.

We would like to congratulate you on your wedding!
Let it not be a punishment
The union of your destinies
The journey together will not be difficult!

We wish you wisdom, patience,
Appreciate minutes and moments
To love both body and soul,
Take care of your family's peace!

You got married today.
That's it, you are forever in captivity.
Let the wife be afraid of her husband,
A husband honors his wife.

Joy to you, understanding,
May the Lord give you strength,
I wish you a special day
Happy days to just count.

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding in your own words

My dears, let me congratulate you on the accomplishment of the great sacrament. Now your marriage is sealed in heaven and entered into a special register. May the angels illuminate your path in life, help you achieve success and always protect your family hearth. I wish you sincere love, patience and mutual understanding, faith and hope. Having such companions, it is easy to overcome any difficulties, persevere and not doubt each other.

I congratulate you on a wonderful event, on a great celebration in your life. On your wedding day, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you to love sincerely and reverently, not to give family hearth to extinguish for a minute, avoid family discord and quarrels, meet every day with one dream for two and enjoy one happiness for one long wonderful life together.

Happy wedding! You have taken a serious step - you not only got married and engaged, you agreed to become one, to be together in times of sorrow and happiness, to give birth and raise children in legally married, hallowed by heaven! Happiness to you, peace, passionate and tender love, reverent relationships, understanding, patience, wisdom, long and happy years married!

Congratulations on the wonderful Sacrament, on the wedding! Let this sacred rite seal your destinies together. Let there be one faith and one dream for two. I wish your family love, happiness and understanding. May the Lord protect you from callousness, pride and indifference, but give you wisdom, patience and the ability to forgive. Keep tenderness in your hearts and carry a spark of grace throughout your entire family life.

Short wishes to those getting married (SMS)

Congratulations on your wedding,
And I wish you personal happiness.
To live the whole century in agreement,
Be able to forgive, appreciate, love.

I want to congratulate you on your wedding day
And wish you the most sincere, bright love,
Leave all the bad weather and troubles behind your back,
Holding hands tightly to pursue your cherished dream.

Friends, happy wedding, many years to come!
Live in happiness and without troubles!
Don't hurt each other
Strengthen your marriage over the years!

Huge love, strong faith,
I wish you worldly wisdom.
You sealed the marriage before God,
Congratulations on your wedding!

On the wedding day, when the sacrament of creating a new family takes place, happy couple congratulations, wishing good luck and happy marriage. These congratulations are very important. Many married couples look back at the wedding with great tenderness and warmth. They remember what guests said or wrote to them many years later.

Wishes and advice expressed on the wedding day are a support for them in the turbulent days of their family, helping them get through difficult times.

Wedding wishes don't have to be carefree and empty. Trust your heart when saying them. Each of us has something valuable to offer a couple. The best wishes at a wedding or wedding are often said with a touch of humor.

How to choose a congratulations on your wedding day in verse

Wedding day is the time when two souls unite forever. Besides wedding gifts, flowers, dowry, there is still a very important moment for the newlyweds. These are words of greetings and wishes for a wonderful marriage. Convey your thoughts with joy and love that you are happy for them, you understand how important this day is. But we must not fall into banality.

Do you want to say these important words in verse? Never leave anything to chance, don't wait last moment. Take a pen and paper and you can easily find phrases that suit you! If you are not a poet, don't worry. There are many books, magazines, websites where you will be offered beautiful words Congratulations in poetic form will inspire your imagination.

Simple and sincere congratulations in prose in your own words

Wedding congratulations are an important component of the celebration. You can easily find ready-made speeches, memorize them, read them like a poem at a matinee, and forget them. But these are other people's words and thoughts. Simple and sincere congratulations in your own words sounds more direct and sincere.

And it doesn’t matter that it is simple and unpretentious, but it is spoken from the heart. Close relatives and friends should only speak like this. Always remember that best wishes come from the heart, and the most spontaneous and memorable of them always turn out to be true, as they are associated with memories and moments of life common to the speaker and the bride and groom. They are able to leave their mark in the memory of the young.

Features of congratulatory words from parents and friends

Speeches at a wedding can be sentimental and strict, instructive and pleasant, sad and funny. There are all sorts of requirements, or rather expectations, about who should say what during a speech.

What is customary to say in this case? These speeches reflect their own memories and feelings for their already matured children. They want the congratulations to linger in the hearts of the bride and groom. Usually they wish happy life filled with love, joy and laughter.

Browse collections of wedding quotes, greetings, wishes, messages and blessings online. You can get all kinds of ideas for your speech. Trust your heart when creating wedding congratulations. They mean a lot to young people if you speak seriously and frankly

May the happiness, smile and joy of this day accompany the young people throughout their lives. This day united two lives so beautifully: inseparably, but sweetly; may tomorrow be full of peace, love and happiness for them with numerous and healthy offspring.

Choosing a card for congratulations on your wedding

If you missed your best friends wedding and can't go to the wedding, don't be sad. There is a wonderful way to congratulate them on such important event. Send a birthday card.

To be original, instead of a classic card, choose an original one, with congratulations on your wedding, and pleasantly surprise the bride and groom.

Original postcard “With the sacrament of wedding”

Such postcards are not easy to find. But you can order amazing, elegant handmade pieces with rhinestones, ribbons and silk flowers. The question of what to write on such a postcard puzzles you? There are many targeted and spiritually rich phrases you can send to newlyweds.

They will help you formulate, tune, and stimulate your thoughts. famous quotes, poetry, haiku, lines from songs and the like.

When preparing your wedding card, make sure that the greeting already written inside conveys your thoughts and ideas adequately. This is in case you choose a card with a pre-printed message. Or choose blank cards that need to be completely filled out.


  1. Start your message with a greeting from the bride and groom. You can address them by name or as “the bride and groom” (“Irina and Roma” or “For the bride and groom”).
  2. Yours congratulatory message. It should include “Congratulations on your wedding,” “Congratulations on the day you say your vows,” or something similar.
  3. Please send your best wishes. Write “Wishing you a blessed life together” or “Wishing you a marriage filled with love, joy and prosperity.”
  4. Place your signature at the bottom of the card.

Place the card in an envelope and include the address. If you want to present congratulations directly at the holiday, write simply the names of the bride and groom on the envelope, preferably with the same pen as on the card itself. You can bandage the message gift ribbon or attach to a gift.

In conclusion, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the video fragment which is in Russian folk style reveals the joy of a wedding, perhaps her words will inspire someone to even sing their congratulations. Enjoy watching!

Dear ones, we hasten to congratulate you,
We keep the joy of the wedding in our hearts!
May the Lord guide you through the years
You will always be happy with him!

Wedding, wedding day - event,
We're happy to share it!
We wish you to live in good health,
Always cherish each other!
Appreciate both love and harmony,
Keep yours home comfort!
And remember that happiness comes from family
More expensive than world currencies!

You are wearing wedding dresses,
Your merry feast is in full swing,
Articles and rituals are observed -
Love, advice to you, eternal peace!

Congratulations on your wedding,

Both helpful and friendly!
YOUNG PEOPLE, be happy
Respectful and sympathetic!
Let's wish you a soul of fusion
And success in everything!

We wish you happiness and goodness,
Father married you in the morning!
And now, with a bright soul.
We will celebrate the holiday big!

Bright joy magical moments
It’s a wonderful reason to rejoice in your soul.
Joy, blessings, inspiration in everything
We want to wish you today.
Let two hearts in a single aspiration
They will go through life happily,
Let there be no regrets about anything,
Joy will be your companion along the way.
May your wedding song be with love
Will bring joy and bright peace,
The bells are ringing wonderfully
It will save you from melancholy and bad weather.
Let two souls, sealed by a higher power,
They will always be pure to each other.
Life will bring boundless happiness,
He will build bridges to new successes!

Your match is made in heaven!
All people dream of such love!
Let the sparkles that glow in the eyes
They will only sparkle brighter over the years!
Respect each other, take care,
Keep your feelings carefully in your hearts,
Appreciate beautiful moments
Give love to kind words!

On the great wedding day
We wish you love.
Let the creation of families
God bless you.

You took an oath before God
Love each other and take care.
Let there be no fear of sorrows,
And there will be many tender meetings.
A wedding is not just a date.
You entered the temple for a reason.
You will remember this someday,
And you will value your marriage.
Let new achievements await
And let the icons be protected!

Today is a special day for you.
So be happy always.
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Be sensitive, tender, affectionate,
The thrill of first meetings.
And the rings that you picked up,
Be able to save until the end.
Let never in your life
Days like this won't happen again
You should always love
And only get married once!

We hasten to congratulate you on your wedding,
And wish you happiness for the rest of your life!
Do not forget to praise the Lord,
And he won't forget about you.

There are no coincidences in life:
God created you for each other.
Congratulations on your wedding
And we wish that the angel takes care
You from quarrels, omissions, silence,
Discontent, sadness, anxiety.
They didn’t recognize the bitterness of despair
And they cherished the flame of love!

Gold rings on hands
Shine, reflected in the wine,
Congratulations, young people,
And we wish you peace in your family!
Heaven has married you! Over the years
Just become wiser
Take care of love and with dreams
Walk through life boldly!

Congratulations on your wedding,
Congratulations on the best endeavor in life!
Become necessary for each other,
Both helpful and friendly!
Young people, be happy
Respectful and sympathetic!
Let's wish you a soul of fusion
And success in everything!

Through other times
Through days, years, centuries
Taking away, at times, all dreams and all peace
And suddenly, as always
Suddenly She came
This is how your love was born
And today everyone should
Reap its benefits
You (name) are already a spouse,
(name) is already a wife!
The gods are up there in heaven
Wedded your hearts
And all the tenderness, all the memory,
All echo each other!

God bless the newlyweds!
And give love for many years to come!
May your path be easy and fun,
And adversity will never overtake you!

May the union be happy
Illuminated by divine light.
I'm proud of you for your love,
This great gift is in your hands.
Joy in the heart burns with fire,
And the eyes shine like stars.
Let your union not be touched by trouble,
Heaven protects you from adversity.
strong friendly family
Rare bright love!
Good luck on your long journey!

Pray for God to bless
After all, going through life is not to measure the field.
Sometimes love, hope and believe
It’s more difficult than great things to “create.”
After all, in the cup of honey there is a bitter sediment,
And every path seems only smooth,
And the saying goes,
That we have to pay for everything.
Pray for God to bless.
Pray when the morning is calm.
And the joy of life seems boundless.
So that God preserves her tomorrow,
So that every day rings with a happy song,
And your house was filled with spring light.
Today, tomorrow, many years from now,
May God answer your prayers.

Let the commandments of God
They give support to the family!
Let there be peace and harmony in the house,
Things are looking up!
Let the appearance of children
Will give you joy and happiness!
May virtue and love
Decorate the present!

Only joy, happiness, goodness!
Let the wedding ceremony be remembered
Good light, smile, warmth!
You are now obligated to God
Protect each other from harm.
And bound by a vow of fidelity
For the next thousand years!

Well, a dream has come true! -
The flickering of candles reigns...
What a beauty
In this sacrament - Wedding!
Here a tender feeling poured in
The union is indissoluble.
And my heart swore allegiance
Without fear, without pressure.
Crowns are burning on their heads,
In hands are carved candles.
Grandfathers and fathers got married,
There was no mention of us...
But that’s what a miracle is for,
To make your dream come true suddenly.
And without wondering how? Where?
We won't turn back now.
Through prayer love will increase,
Hope was registered in the heart.
And life, like a song, may work out,
And now I believe it’s possible,
And Happiness was granted by Heaven...

Exclamation: “Wenchaya!” flying over the temple!
Children, God will bless you now!
Holy carry his grace,
And you won't have to suffer in life.

Compose emotional and colorful congratulations with a wedding is a kind of art. It does not tolerate dry, impersonal phrases, boring instructions, platitudes... Most young couples perceive a wedding in church as a significant, turning point in life, and everything said on this solemn day sank into their hearts for a long time. Who knows, many years later, celebrating another anniversary, whether the spouses will remember and re-read your good words, wishes of love, patience and family happiness?

In your own words

For some it doesn't matter the slightest effort write your own enthusiastic congratulations. As soon as you pick up a postcard or a pen, the necessary phrases flow out on their own - just have time to write them down! Do you want to hear a long table speech mentioning the bride, groom, parents on both sides, and all this with good humor, funny tips and sweet memories? Easily! Would you like to receive congratulations on your wedding in beautiful poems? It's already ready. Do you need a short, but capacious and sincere phrase - to congratulate the young people beaming with happiness at the moment when they leave the church hand in hand? And there are no problems...

Alas, not everyone receives such a lucky gift. More often, we have to spend a long time and painfully selecting words, crossing out, adding, editing, wondering whether the newlyweds will appreciate our efforts... It is not surprising that for many it is easier to buy a postcard at a kiosk with gilded angels on the cover and a couple of ready-made standard lines inside than to wait for the capricious Muse.

However, do not rush to give up the idea of ​​writing a wedding congratulations in your own words! Even if it is a little clumsy, you won’t find the same memorable epithets that professional poets skillfully insert into their speech. But your words will come from the heart. And this is their undeniable advantage in front of elegant, stylistically verified, but alien and cold lines standard congratulations. The more sincere your message is, the more valuable it will be in the eyes of young people.

However, no one is stopping you from finding inspiration in ready congratulations. Surf the Internet, look through postcards and decide what thoughts and wishes you would like to add to your creation. Maybe they'll give you some advice interesting idea someone's poems about love?

Poetry or prose?

It all depends on your desire to impress the newlyweds. Although, it must be admitted, poems are suitable for memorable congratulations on a wedding the best way– it is rarely possible to express feelings in prose so briefly, succinctly and interestingly. And there is no need to complain about the lack of poetic talent! You are not expected to write a long poem with a twisted plot. To say the main thing, sometimes four lines are enough.

If you can’t find the right consonance or finish the thought, try to build a congratulation according to the principle of the old poetic game “burime”: borrow ready-made catchy rhymes and compose a new poem on them. You're not literary competition are you getting ready? Therefore, it’s not a sin to cheat.

If poetry doesn’t work out at all, it doesn’t matter. Prose will come to the rescue. And here it is important to remember: you are composing congratulations on the occasion of a wedding, which means that quotes from the Bible, mention of the patron saints of marriage or words about the sacrament of wedding, connecting two loving souls. It is important to maintain a balance so that your words reflect the essence of the sacrament accomplished, but do not turn into a mournful moral teaching on the topic of morality. It’s better to try to convey to the young people your joy about the bright changes in their lives.

Congratulatory SMS

Sometimes you just can’t make it to church on the appointed day. In this case, it would be appropriate to send the newlyweds an SMS message wishing them happiness. Try to make it concise, but quite complete, because the phrase: “Happy holiday, good luck to the young family!” it will look dull. According to the tradition that has already been established in last years, SMS congratulations on the wedding should contain references to God’s grace crowning the newlyweds; about rings symbolizing the eternity and inviolability of the marriage union; angels who guard the family home. Sometimes one phrase is enough!

  • “Today the Lord blessed the young couple to follow the path of life together. May your path be bright, joyful and full of happiness!”
  • “Friends, you have sealed your union with sacred bonds! We wish each of you to be a ray of light for the other for many years to come!”
  • “Happy wedding day! Let your hearts, under the shadow of angel wings, be filled with love and happiness!”

...However, why follow templates? Words coming from the depths of the soul can never compare with them! If you find a perfectly crafted speech on the Internet and rattle it off without hesitation, you will hardly touch their hearts. But you will certainly do this by putting personal feelings, memories or experience into your congratulations. Feel free to create, and your impulse will certainly be appreciated!
