The best way to wash in the shower. Features of visiting the bathhouse

We all love the feeling of cleanliness and freshness after water procedures- whether it's a mandatory shower in the morning to help us wake up, or a relaxing bath at night. Our specialists will tell you how to wash properly to ensure maximum effect from taking a bath and regain strength after a long working day or week.

How to wash in the shower and bath?

Depending on the type of water procedure, the following products will suit you:

  • toilet soap;
  • shower gel or cream (preferably with a neutral PH level);
  • cleansing foam or facial gel;
  • Body Scrub;
  • bubble bath;
  • sea ​​salt(250 g per bath);
  • baking soda;
  • aroma oils;
  • table salt (250 g per bath);
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, pine needles, eucalyptus leaves, etc.);
  • body cream or lotion;
  • bath washcloth or sponge;
  • pumice to remove rough skin;
  • brush;
  • soft towel.

Important! When visiting the bathhouse, you will also need a broom.

How to wash properly in the shower?

It would seem that the question is quite banal. Water treatments are an integral part of self-care. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to performing these very tasks completely automatically. simple steps. But science does not stand still, and even in terms of personal hygiene there are specific recommendations. So, try to follow a few simple tips:

  1. Take a warm, but not hot, shower every day, morning and evening. Water high temperature dries out the skin. To speed up your awakening morning time, allowed cold and hot shower.
  2. Try to keep this procedure no more than 20 minutes. Too much long wash leads to dehydration, dilates pores and can cause the appearance of vascular network on the surface of the skin.
  3. Use soft sponges - too hard sponges damage the skin, they should be used no more than once a week.
  4. Not recommended daily washing shower gels. If your skin is oily and you can’t do without them, choose mostly neutral products and wash them off thoroughly. Don't forget that this is still chemical substances and they act aggressively towards the skin. For those with dry or sensitive skin- Soap of natural origin is preferable.
  5. Use a body scrub about once a week to remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface and prevent flaking.
  6. Be sure to dry yourself with a towel while Special attention Pay attention to areas under the arms, between the toes and the groin area to protect yourself from fungi. Remember that a humid environment is ideal for the emergence and development of various types of harmful microorganisms.
  7. After showering, apply moisturizing lotion or cream to your skin.
  8. Take a bath 1-2 times a week.

How to wash in the bath properly?

You can choose at least 3 options for yourself - hot, warm or cold bath:

  • Hot baths - with a water temperature of 37 to 40 degrees, stimulate blood circulation, relax muscles and blood vessels. You can take them no more than 5 minutes to avoid excessive stress on the heart.
  • Warm (up to 37 degrees) - relaxing and soothing nervous system, contribute sleep soundly. Reception time: 15 minutes.
  • Cold temperatures (up to 20 degrees) normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase skin tone and elasticity. Take within 5 minutes.

To benefit from this water treatment, follow these recommendations:

  1. In the evening, before going to bed, take a warm bath.
  2. Before doing this, it is advisable to take a shower and cleanse your skin with soap, gel or scrub.
  3. Do not dive into the bath too deeply; the water should reach chest level.
  4. Rough skin on the feet and elbows can be easily removed using volcanic pumice or a special brush.
  5. You can use all kinds of additives for the bath:
  • Bath foam - gives a pleasant smell;
  • Aroma oils— tone and soften the skin, make it smooth;
  • Table salt - cleanses pores (250g per bath);
  • Baking soda - soothes the skin and protects it from dryness;
  • Sea salt - eliminates rashes, relieves fatigue (250g per bath);
  • Medicinal herbs have a complex effect.

Important! Bubble bath is not detergent, use other preparations to cleanse the skin. Aromatic oils should be used with caution by persons prone to allergic reactions.

After taking a bath:

  1. Rub your face and body with ice cubes.
  2. Rub your skin with a towel.
  3. Apply emollient cream.
  4. Rest - lie down for 20-30 minutes.

How to prepare bath infusions?

To obtain a healing and tonic effect, add decoctions to the water. medicinal herbs. Use the following recipes:

  1. Option 1:
    1. Take 250g of dry medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, string, nettle, mint, linden blossom, birch leaf or buds, arnica, yarrow).
    2. Pour into the pan.
    3. Place on low heat.
    4. Leave for 10 minutes.
    5. Pour the broth into the bath.
  2. Option 2:
    1. Take 250g of pine needles, mint herbs, eucalyptus leaves, rosemary.
    2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
    3. Keep on chalk heat for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Add the decoction to the bath.
  3. Option 3:
    1. Take 200-250g jasmine or rose petals.
    2. Pour in 1 liter of boiling water.
    3. Leave to sit for 5-10 minutes.
    4. Pour into a full bath.

Important! If you don’t have medicinal herbs at home, you can pour boiling water over lemon or orange peels, leave for 3 minutes and add to the bath. An invigorating effect is guaranteed!

How to wash properly in a bathhouse?

No matter how comfortable you feel at home in the bath, a real healing effect comes from visiting a bathhouse. For some fans, weekly visits to the bathhouse with friends - real tradition. Most often it is a Russian bath, since it is the most beneficial for the body.

When planning to go there with friends or family, use some general rules:

  1. You should not wash before visiting the bathhouse.
  2. The total time spent there should be about 2 hours.
  3. To begin, go into the steam room for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Before taking a place on the shelf, treat it with a scraper, disinfectant and pour boiling water over it several times.
  5. Sit on the bottom shelf for 1-2 minutes, then move up higher.
  6. Repeat the procedure for the shelf.
  7. Take breaks of 15-20 minutes between sessions.
  8. During this time you can visit the pool or take cold shower.
  9. It is advisable to wash yourself with soap and a washcloth after the third use.
  10. Washcloths, brooms and other used bath equipment - individual means. Collective use of them is unacceptable.
  11. Before use, wash sponges with detergent and rinse with boiling water.
  12. It is advisable to replace any broom (birch, oak, linden or pine) with a new one every time you visit the bathhouse.
  13. Don't drink alcoholic drinks, it is better to drink herbal teas or kvass.
  14. Before leaving the sauna, about 2-3 minutes, pour a ladle of water with a few drops onto the stones essential oil. Therapeutic effect achieved by mixing droplets with steam. This clears the airways.

“Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towels!...”

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky in his “Moidodyr” strongly recommended “washing, splashing, swimming, diving, tumbling” in various containers of water in order to keep the body clean. We all, of course, follow his advice from childhood. At the same time, we don’t even have a question about how to do it correctly.

Doesn't anyone know how to wash properly? Of course, we often don’t think about banal questions, carrying out basic actions according to habits developed in childhood. But science does not stand still and studies such familiar things as ordinary human hygiene. And in the process of these studies, it turns out that the solution to many simple issues of personal hygiene: how, when, and how much we wash - in practice is far from ideal!

Well, what is it, this ideal prescribed by doctors and scientists?

We wash ourselves in the shower: everything is strictly according to science!

Firstly, the best option daily water procedures include a moderate temperature (not hot!) shower.

There is an opinion that water moisturizes the skin, but long-term use Taking a hot shower (over 20 minutes) dehydrates the skin and overdries it, which leads to the expansion of pores and the appearance of a vascular network on its surface. The same effect is produced by poorly washed foams and shower gels, which, despite the neutral pH declared by the manufacturers, have aggressive properties towards the skin. It is best to combine foams with scrubs using last time per week, in this mode they will cleanse the skin of dead cells and will not cause any harm.

After a shower, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the body, especially under the chest, armpits, groin area and the sole area, including between the toes, as high humidity creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal diseases. Once the skin becomes dry, you need to moisturize it with body cream or special gel after shower.

It is not recommended to use even the softest gels and soaps constantly (daily). Let's say that in the morning it will be quite enough to simply rinse with water.

A contrast shower gives an excellent effect (both cleansing and hardening). The first portion of water should be warm or even a little hot to warm up the body, the second should be cold, the third should be warm again. We finish the procedure with cool water and pat the skin dry soft towel. You should not stay under invigorating streams of water for more than 20 minutes - this dries out the skin.

How often should you shower? Everyone should answer this question themselves - as often as possible to feel comfortable, preferably in the morning and evening.

How to wash in the bath properly?

Cleansing with special means rejuvenates and disinfects the skin. In addition to scrubs, various skin masks, sea salt, and special milk are very effective in removing impurities and old epithelium. Having cleansed yourself with this kind of means, you can take hot bath, without fear of germs, because many of them cannot tolerate temperatures above 39 degrees.

In general, taking a bath more than a couple of times a week is not recommended. Doctors advise taking a shower more often and using a bath when you need to relax, warm up or calm down.

The water temperature in the bath does not have to be room temperature.

You can choose any of the options for washing:

  • - cool bath;
  • - warm;
  • - hot.

The temperature of a cold bath does not reach 20 C. The ablution procedure should be carried out when you need to give the body mild stress and quickly increase vitality.

A warm bath consists of water heated to 37 C. This is the most comfortable temperature for the body. Such a bath relaxes and sets you up for relaxation.

Hot baths - no more than 40 C. Needed during cold weather.

You can take a bath for a maximum of 15-20 minutes; a longer procedure can negatively affect the skin. Before immersing yourself in water, you should wash yourself with a washcloth in the shower. It is necessary to sit in the bath so that the area of ​​the heart remains above the water, otherwise the load on the heart muscle will be too strong.

Let's go to the bathhouse!

Now it’s time to find out whether the benefits and harms of a traditional bath are comparable. How to wash properly in a bathhouse so that it does not harm your health? Of course, its cleansing effect on both the soul and body can hardly be overestimated. Russian bathhouse rejuvenates the skin, cleanses pores and heals chronic diseases in a way that none of the others does: neither a sauna nor a Turkish one. But only if safety measures are observed, because the damp environment of a Russian bathhouse is a breeding ground for fungal infections. Therefore, before placing it on the shelf, it is necessary to treat it with a scraper, a disinfectant and pour boiling water over it several times. Accept bath procedures You must strictly use your own, each time a new broom.

The total “meeting” time in the bathhouse should not exceed 2-3 hours. If you are there longer, it increases the load on cardiovascular system. Before going to the steam room, rinse lightly in the shower. The first entry into the steam room should not last more than 5-7 minutes. Between sessions you need to take breaks of 15-20 minutes so that the body can rest. Don't forget to replenish fluid loss: drink herbal teas in the bathhouse. And no alcohol!

How often you need to wash in a bathhouse is determined by the person’s health status, and if there are no serious cardiovascular diseases, then the bathhouse is indicated weekly, both for cleanliness and for health!

“And I ran away from the mad washcloth like from a stick.”

Continuing the theme of cleanliness begun by the famous children's poet, we note that proper washing involves the use of a washcloth. But it should not be too hard: such a washcloth injures the skin, making it vulnerable to the penetration of viruses and fungi. Moreover, if you have a lot of moles on your body, age spots, there are papillomas, then using a hard washcloth can damage them. 1-2 times a week you can use a medium-hard washcloth, the rest of the time - a soft sponge.

How many times a week and how often can you wash with a washcloth? There are no strict rules here. The frequency of taking water procedures is determined by many factors:

  • - time of year;
  • — the nature of your activity;
  • — age;
  • - condition skin;
  • - habits.

Average norm: to keep yourself clean, you need to wash yourself “seriously” 1-2 times a week, and take a shower every day either with mild cleansers or without using them at all.

Cleanliness is the key to health, says folk wisdom. And she, as always, is right. Let us wash ourselves often, with pleasure and according to the rules, and the wonderful feeling of cleanliness and freshness will always lift our spirits!

Now you know how often a person needs to wash, and what method to choose is up to you!

With discipline and forethought, you can implement a number of steps to make your daily shower routine easier and faster.


Organize a quick shower

Take a cold shower. If the water is cold, you may want to spend less time in the shower. Get into the shower as soon as you turn it on and try to shower for less than two minutes. In addition to being effective, cold showers increase concentration, improve blood circulation, stimulate weight loss, reduce stress and speed up muscle recovery.

Carry out other steps while the water is heating up. If you do not want to take a cold shower, then turn on the water and perform other actions until the stream heats up. Depending on the efficiency of your water heater and the number of other people showering, your system may heat up almost immediately, or it may take several minutes. Find some quick action, which you can do while you wait.

  • Take off your clothes. Prepare the clothes you will wear after your shower. Quickly prepare everything else you might need for the day.
  • Get it toiletries. Prepare shampoo, conditioner, soap, powder, deodorant, towel and anything else you need.
  • Brush your teeth while the water heats up. Once the water is warm, you can finish this process in the shower. Spit out the toothpaste and wash toothbrush in the shower to save water and time.
  • Take some time for yourself. Try setting a timer for one, two, or three minutes, depending on how quickly you shower. Learn to finish before the timer goes off. When the timer sounds, get out of the shower, even if you're not completely done. Perhaps, under such conditions, you will find new ways to optimize this procedure. Challenge yourself to speed up your shower time by at least a few seconds each week.

    Try taking a military style shower. Use the first thirty seconds to hydrate your body. Then, turn off the water somewhere in the middle of the process while lathering with soap. Finally, turn the water back on and rinse everything off in a minute or less. This great way save water and energy, and good incentive take a shower faster.

    Wash your hair

    Work harder with shampoo and conditioner. Squeeze a little shampoo into your hand, then quickly and thoroughly distribute it through your hair. Leave it on for thirty seconds while you wash your body or do other activities. Then rinse the shampoo out of your hair and pour some conditioner into your palm. Apply it to your hair and leave it on for a minute while you shave, exfoliate, or whatever. Rinse the conditioner out of your hair and get out of the shower.

    Wash your hair with shampoo-conditioner (2 in 1). Find a cleansing product that contains shampoo and conditioner in a 1:3 ratio. In this way, with the help of conditioner, you will make your hair clean. It might be easier if you don't have to spend time applying and rinsing two separate hair care products.

    Use strong water pressure to quickly wet your hair. Washing long or thick hair may take longer than shorter ones. If your shower has an adjustable water pressure switch, turn it to the desired setting to get more water flowing out of the shower. The faster you wet your hair, the faster you can wash it.

    Consider whether you need to wash your hair. If you're in a hurry, delay using shampoo and conditioner for a day. Wet your hair, but do not use hair products that strip precious time. There is no need to use shampoo every day.

    • If you're feeling dirty but are in a hurry, don't wet your hair at all. Use a shower cap or position the shower head so that your head is not exposed to the flow of water.
  • Organize your shower routine

    1. Use soap effectively. Take the soap in your hand and open your palm and fingers as wide as possible. To quickly and effectively apply soap to all areas of the body, keep your palms open. You'll be surprised how much surface area your palms can cover when they're fully engaged. For example, you can lather your entire leg with one circular motion of your hand.

      • Try rubbing the soap with a massage sponge or a regular washcloth. This will help cover all areas of the body.
      • Work symmetrically with both hands, lathering each side of your body at the same time. With fingers outstretched, lather both sides of the chest and torso, armpits, parallel to both legs. This method also works with lathering your hair as well as drying it.
    2. Peeling. If peeling is part of your Everyday life, consider doing this in the shower; This will make it easier for you to exfoliate skin particles. This won't help you shower faster, but it will help simplify your morning routine.

    3. It is better to use shower gel than bar soap.
    4. Use the same routines and movements every day.
    5. Comb your hair while there is still conditioner on it. Rinse out the conditioner while continuing to comb your hair to prevent tangles.
    6. Keep shower items in one place so you can reach them faster.
    7. While you shower, play some upbeat music. A fast, energetic pace will help you speed up your showering process.
    8. Make time. Set a timer or watch the time to see how long you shower. Challenge yourself to speed up your shower time by at least a few seconds each week.
    9. Do something productive while the conditioner soaks into your hair. Brush your teeth, shave your legs, or lather yourself with soap.
    10. Wash your body after you have applied conditioner to your hair.
    11. If you plan to use shower gel on intimate areas of the body, then make sure that this product is suitable for such purposes.
    12. Warnings

    • Before getting into the shower, check the water temperature.
    • Showering can cause serious injury if, in a hurry, you splash soap on the floor of the shower stall or the bottom of the bathtub and don't notice it. If you slip and fall and hit your head, you may injure yourself in the fall.
    • Don't close the bathroom door; if you fall, people will be able to help you without wasting time breaking down locked doors.

    Take off your clothes. Remove dirty clothes and linens and place them in the waste basket. dirty clothes. Prepare a clean change of clothes or pajamas in advance, placing them somewhere nearby where they will not get wet.

    • Don't forget to take off your glasses too. If you wear contact lenses, you can leave them on, but when showering, be careful not to get too much water in your eyes.
    • Remove your watch, pendant, necklace and other accessories.

    Select the appropriate water temperature. Turn on the water and wait until it becomes warm. Check the position of the shower head to ensure that water will flow straight into the shower stall and not out. Check if the water is too hot. It is best to check the water temperature by placing your wrist under the stream - it is believed that this way you can more accurately determine the temperature that is comfortable for the body.

    • Consider taking a tepid or cold shower occasionally, especially if it's hot and muggy outside or after intense exercise.
    • Want to save water? When you turn on the shower, stand in it immediately, even if the water is still cool.
  • Gently step into the shower once the water temperature is right.

    Part 2

    Wash your body
    1. Wet your entire body with water. Slowly turn around under the stream of water a couple of times to wet your entire body. If you are going to wash your hair at the same time, wet it too. Washing off all the dust and dirt is the first step to cleanliness, and warm water will help your muscles relax.

      Apply some shampoo to your hair. Gently massage shampoo into scalp and lather hair from roots to ends. It is not necessary to apply too much shampoo, otherwise, firstly, it will run out quickly, and secondly, the process may be disrupted natural excretion sebum. First use a quarter of the amount of shampoo you squeezed into your palm. Remember: more is not better, always take a little shampoo first, and if it’s not enough, add a little more.

      • It is better to wash your hair not every day, but every other day. Too much frequent washing scalp negatively affects the condition of the hair and scalp.
    2. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly from your hair and scalp. You don't want your hair to dry out with any remaining shampoo.

      • To tell if there is no more shampoo left in your hair, wet your hair, squeeze out the water, and look at the color of the water that drips out of your hair. If you still notice lather and shampoo residue, rinse your hair more thoroughly!
    3. Apply some conditioner to your hair. Besides easy washing head and hair, it would be nice to apply a little conditioner to your hair, because it improves the condition of your hair, making it healthier. The conditioner doesn't lather much, so just work it through your hair from root to tip until you feel like your entire head is covered in conditioner. Pay attention to the method of use indicated on the conditioner packaging. It is often recommended to leave the conditioner on your hair for a while and only then rinse it off. Some conditioners simply state that it should be applied to your hair after shampooing.

      • If you are using a two-in-one shampoo-conditioner, then you can skip the above step.
    4. Wash yourself. Wet your face and apply a little foaming cleanser or cleansing scrub to the skin, gently rubbing it with your fingers or a special sponge into the skin. Gently spread the scrub over your entire face and leave for at least 30 seconds (apply the scrub to your cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, neck and back if you have troubled skin and acne in these areas). Do not apply the scrub to the eyes and area around the eyes. If you use a special anti-acne facial wash, leave it on your face for 30 seconds to allow the product to penetrate deep into the pores. Then rinse off the scrub with a special sponge for washing and wash your face thoroughly again.

      • Instead of foam for washing, you can use regular soap. It's better than not using any cleanser at all, but frequent use Using the wrong soap for your skin can dry it out and even cause irritation.
    5. Wash your body. Apply a little liquid soap or shower gel on a washcloth or sponge (or just on the palm of your hand). Then lather your entire body. Start at the neck and shoulders and work your way down. Don't forget to wash your armpits and back. The buttocks and groin area should be washed last. Be sure to wash the area behind the ears, the back of the neck, and the spaces between the fingers.

      Rinse off the soap or shower gel. Turn around under the flow of water. Run your hands or a washcloth over your body to remove any remaining soap. Run your hands through your hair and make sure to rinse off all the foam. If you missed any areas, be sure to wash them.

    Part 3

    Shave and brush your teeth

      If you want, shave your legs and armpits. Many people prefer to get rid of hair on their legs and some other parts of the body, and taking a shower is an ideal opportunity to do this.

      • In many cultures, it is common for girls and women to shave their legs, but you can safely shower without it. This is a personal decision, so talk to a woman you trust if you are unsure what to do in this case, and also rely on cultural traditions your region. For a smoother shave, apply a little scrub to your skin first to remove dead skin cells.
      • Wet the skin of your legs and apply a little shaving gel or foam to it.
      • Take a razor and shave from bottom to top (against hair growth). Start at your ankles and gradually work your way up. Don't forget to walk over the top of your feet at the end.
      • To avoid getting hurt, take your time. Especially when you're shaving your knees and the backs of your legs, because you could end up using too much force and accidentally cutting yourself.
      • As for the underarms, you need to apply a little shaving gel or foam to the area and then slowly shave the hair from bottom to top and then from top to bottom because hair grows in different directions in this area.
    1. Shave your face. Many men also like to shave in the shower. True, for this you will need a toilet mirror, and one that will not fog up due to the flow of hot water in the shower. If you have one, shaving in the shower can be a great excuse to stand in the hot water longer.

      Shave your bikini area or groin area if desired. Many men and women also remove unwanted hair from the bikini and groin area. Be careful to make sure that you can sit comfortably in the shower stall and that there is enough light so that you can control your movements.

      Brush your teeth. It may sound a little strange, but brushing your teeth in the shower is quite convenient. You can easily brush your teeth and tongue without worrying about toothpaste gets on clothes or hair.

    Part 4


      So, point the stream of water at yourself one last time. This important step, which will get rid of soap or gel residues on the skin. Make sure you have rinsed all the conditioner out of your hair before moving on to the next step.

      • If you're brave enough, turn on cold water for 3 seconds and direct it to your face and head - cold water closes the pores on the skin and gives your hair a natural shine.
    1. Turn off the water. Turn off the water completely so it doesn't drip from the shower when you leave the bathroom. Now get ready to leave the shower stall and do not forget to pick up all the things you brought with you into the shower.

      Get out of the shower. Be careful when getting out of the shower, otherwise you may slip, which is dangerous.

      Dry yourself with a towel. Stand on the mat, take the towel that was placed next to the shower stall. Towel dry your head and hair, face, stomach, groin and bikini area, legs and feet. Wipe yourself carefully so that water does not splash all over the floor. When drying your face, pat it gently, but do not rub.

      Apply cosmetics to your skin. After a shower, it’s time to use deodorant, apply lotion, aftershave cream, and hair styling products that need to be applied to your skin. wet hair, as well as any other care and hygiene products that are applied to the naked body.

      Put it on clean clothes and continue with your daily activities. Put on clean underwear first, then the rest of your clothes. Now that you are completely washed and freshened up, you are ready to go to bed or, conversely, start your day.

    • Wash your face with warm water. This will help open up the pores and pimples to flush out the bacteria that has accumulated on your skin. After you have taken a shower, you need to wash your face again, but this time cold water to close the pores, and then bacteria will not be able to penetrate them. But don’t overdo it with cold water to avoid catching a cold!
    • Every time you shower, run cold water for 10 seconds (or longer if you like) to soften your hair, making it easier to comb.
    • If you take electronic devices into the shower, place them away from the shower stall and cover them with clothing to prevent water from getting on them.
    • Don't rub your skin too hard when you apply the scrub because this will cause breakouts.
    • When you're done, wrap your hair in a towel to prevent water from dripping onto the floor.
    • Lower your head down so that your hair hangs down so you can dry it from roots to ends. By the way, while you wash your hair, you can gently massage your neck.
    • Squeeze your hair to remove excess water, but do not curl it - this damages the hair structure.
    • If you don't want to wash your hair or get your hair wet at all, wear a shower cap.
    • Before you shower, check to see if there is a mat in front of the shower stall. There must be a mat or at least a towel on the floor - when you get out of the shower and put your feet on the mat with wet feet, you will not slip and get hurt.
    • If you're worried about getting shampoo in your eyes when you rinse it out of your hair, place a towel next to the shower stall and cover your eyes with it as you rinse off. As soon as you rinse the shampoo from your hair, take a towel and gently wipe your eyes so that no foam gets into them. Then open your eyes. You can do the following: until you rinse the shampoo out of your hair, try to keep your head tilted back - this will reduce the likelihood that the shampoo will get into your eyes.
    • The shampoo is intended more for the scalp. Conditioner is used for the rest of the hair, especially the ends. Apply conditioner if you often wear your hair in ponytails.
    • Don't turn the water on too hot. Even if you like to feel this warmth, remember that hot water violates normal discharge sebum, damaging the structure of the skin and hair. A warm-cold contrast shower helps keep your skin and hair toned.
    • Comb your hair. It's normal for a person to shed some hair per day, so brushing your hair before showering will make it easier to avoid tangles of wet hair in the shower drain.
    • Warm water softens the skin on your feet, and dead cells can be easily removed with a scrub.
    • When showering, do not open your mouth if you do not want soapy water to get into your mouth.
    • After you get out of the shower, apply moisturizer to your body and lips. If you want, you can apply lip balm.
    • Males who have not been circumcised (talk to your doctor or parents about this) should make sure that they thoroughly wash the foreskin of the penis - this is important to avoid unwanted health problems.
    • When you use conditioner, leave it on your hair for 2-5 minutes (longer if possible) to ensure softer, silkier hair after washing. You can apply shaving gel and shave at this time.
    • Dry your body thoroughly from head to toe: hair, face, chest/shoulders, stomach and back, groin area and legs. This way, water won't drip onto already dry areas of your body, and you won't have to dry yourself twice.
    • You won't be able to dry your hair completely with a towel, but you can dry it a little so that drops of water don't drip from the ends of your hair. Let your hair dry on its own.
    • You can comb your hair in the shower after using conditioner. This will make it much easier to comb when you get out of the shower.
    • If you shower before bed, buy a lavender-scented shower gel. The scent of lavender is more relaxing than the scent of fruit.
    • Always turn off the water when applying to hair different means for maintenance because at this point you don't need water and this way you can save on your water bills.
    • Brushing your hair with a wide-tooth comb (or just your fingers) after conditioning helps prevent tangles.
    • Before you turn on the water in the shower and climb into the stall, make sure you bring everything you need with you so that you don't have to get out of the shower to get your things.
    • Another way to check if there is any shampoo or conditioner left in your hair is to run your hand through your hair and run your fingers over your scalp, then see if there are any traces of soap on your hands. If white streaks remain on your hand, rinse your hair with water again. If not, then everything is fine!
    • If you shave in the shower, gently pat your skin dry with a towel, but do not rub it. This will prevent irritation and damage to the skin.
    • The same applies to hair - blot it, do not rub it, otherwise you will damage the hair structure.
    • You can also try regular sugar instead of a scrub - this will help get rid of dead skin cells. The skin will become soft, pleasant and sweet.
    • You can take your phone with you into the shower and put it in a special ziplock bag. Make sure you seal this bag tightly and try not to get it wet.
    • Don't comb your hair after getting out of the shower. Because wet hair much more susceptible to damage.
    • After shaving, apply moisturizer to your skin. This will help prevent irritation.
    • You can play music on your phone or radio, but make sure that the device is far enough away from the shower stall and that it will not come into contact with water or other hygiene products that could ruin it.
    • Leave the shampoo/shower gel on your skin for 20-30 seconds and then rinse off. This is important because the shampoo must have time to absorb a little - then washing your hair will be effective.
    • Be careful not to let soap and shampoo spill outside the shower stall.
    • Wash your hair first and then your body, because otherwise all the dust and dirt from your hair will end up on your body.


    • Women should be careful about my bikini area. It's okay if a little foam gets into the vagina, but too much a large number of soap can damage the mucous membrane.
    • Locking the shower door gives you privacy, but remember that if you slip and injure yourself in the shower, a locked door will make it difficult for emergency services to gain access. If you live with people you trust, it's best not to lock the shower door. If you do want to lock yourself, it's best to place the key on the outside so the door can be opened easily.
    • Do not use electrical appliances in the shower! These include: hair dryer, mobile phone, radio receiver - any device with a battery or power supply. They should not be kept near the shower stall!
    • Consider purchasing a rubber shower mat with suction cups. With the help of these suction cups, the mat is attached to the bottom of the shower stall, preventing it from slipping. But keep in mind that a damp rug can develop mold over time, so make sure to keep your rug dry and clean.
    • If you have pets, do not turn on the water until you have checked the shower stall. Cats sometimes like to sit in the shower stall, so be sure to check it before turning on the water.
    • Make sure that no soap or shampoo gets into your eyes. Otherwise your eyes will sting.
  • “Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towels!...”
    Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky in his “Moidodyr” strongly recommended “washing, splashing, swimming, diving, tumbling” in various containers of water in order to keep the body clean. We all, of course, follow his advice from childhood. At the same time, we don’t even have a question about how to do it correctly.

    Doesn't anyone know how to wash properly? Of course, we often don’t think about banal questions, carrying out basic actions according to habits developed in childhood. But science does not stand still and studies such familiar things as ordinary human hygiene. And in the process of these studies, it turns out that the solution to many simple issues of personal hygiene: how, when, and how much we wash - in practice is far from ideal!

    Well, what is it, this ideal prescribed by doctors and scientists?

    We wash ourselves in the shower: everything is strictly according to science!

    Firstly, the best option for daily water procedures is a moderate temperature (not hot!) shower.

    There is an opinion that water moisturizes the skin, but when taking a hot shower for a long time (over 20 minutes), the skin dehydrates and becomes dry, which leads to the expansion of pores and the appearance of a vascular network on its surface. The same effect is produced by poorly washed foams and shower gels, which, despite the neutral pH declared by the manufacturers, have aggressive properties towards the skin. It is best to combine foams with scrubs, using them once a week; in this mode they will cleanse the skin of dead cells and will not cause any harm.

    After a shower, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the body, especially under the chest, armpits, groin area and sole area, including the space between the toes, as high humidity creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal diseases. After the skin becomes dry, you need to moisturize it with a body care cream or a special gel after a shower.

    It is not recommended to use even the softest gels and soaps constantly (daily). Let's say that in the morning it will be quite enough to simply rinse with water.

    A contrast shower gives an excellent effect (both cleansing and hardening). The first portion of water should be warm or even a little hot to warm up the body, the second should be cold, the third should be warm again. We finish the procedure with cool water and pat the skin dry with a soft towel. You should not stay under invigorating streams of water for more than 20 minutes - this dries out the skin.

    How often should you shower? Everyone should answer this question themselves - as often as possible to feel comfortable, preferably in the morning and evening.

    How to wash in the bath properly?

    Cleansing with special products rejuvenates and disinfects the skin. In addition to scrubs, various skin masks, sea salt, and special milk are very effective in removing impurities and old epithelium. Having cleansed yourself with this kind of means, you can take a hot bath without fear of germs, because many of them cannot stand temperatures above 39 degrees.

    In general, taking a bath more than a couple of times a week is not recommended. Doctors advise taking a shower more often and using a bath when you need to relax, warm up or calm down.

    The water temperature in the bath does not have to be room temperature.

    You can choose any of the options for washing:

    • - cool bath;
    • - warm;
    • - hot.

    The temperature of the cold bath does not reach 200C. The ablution procedure should be carried out when you need to put mild stress on the body and quickly increase your vitality.

    A warm bath consists of water heated to 370C. This is the most comfortable temperature for the body. Such a bath relaxes and sets you up for relaxation.

    Hot baths – no more than 400C. Needed during cold weather.

    You can take a bath for a maximum of 15-20 minutes; a longer procedure can negatively affect the skin. Before immersing yourself in water, you should wash yourself with a washcloth in the shower. It is necessary to sit in the bath so that the area of ​​the heart remains above the water, otherwise the load on the heart muscle will be too strong.

    Let's go to the bathhouse!

    Now it’s time to find out whether the benefits and harms of a traditional bath are comparable. How to wash properly in a bathhouse so that it does not harm your health? Of course, its cleansing effect on both the soul and body can hardly be overestimated. The Russian bathhouse rejuvenates the skin, cleanses pores and treats chronic diseases in a way that none of the others does: neither the sauna nor the Turkish one. But only if safety measures are observed, because the damp environment of a Russian bathhouse is a breeding ground for fungal infections. Therefore, before placing it on the shelf, it is necessary to treat it with a scraper, a disinfectant and pour boiling water over it several times. You must take bath procedures strictly with your own, each time a new broom.

    The total “meeting” time in the bathhouse should not exceed 2-3 hours. If you stay there longer, it increases the load on the cardiovascular system. Before going to the steam room, rinse lightly in the shower. The first entry into the steam room should not last more than 5-7 minutes. Between sessions you need to take breaks of 15-20 minutes so that the body can rest. Don't forget to replenish fluid loss: drink herbal teas in the bathhouse. And no alcohol!

    How often you need to wash in a bathhouse is determined by a person’s state of health, and if there are no serious cardiovascular diseases, then a bathhouse is indicated weekly, both for cleanliness and for health!

    “And I ran away from the mad washcloth like from a stick.”

    Continuing the theme of cleanliness begun by the famous children's poet, we note that proper washing involves the use of a washcloth. But it should not be too hard: such a washcloth injures the skin, making it vulnerable to the penetration of viruses and fungi. In addition, if you have a lot of moles, age spots, or papillomas on your body, then using a hard washcloth can damage them. 1-2 times a week you can use a medium-hard washcloth, the rest of the time - a soft sponge.

    How many times a week and how often can you wash with a washcloth? There are no strict rules here. The frequency of taking water procedures is determined by many factors:

    • - time of year;
    • — the nature of your activity;
    • — age;
    • - condition of the skin;
    • - habits.

    Average norm: to keep yourself clean, you need to wash yourself “seriously” 1-2 times a week, and take a shower every day either with mild cleansers or without using them at all.

    Cleanliness is the key to health, says popular wisdom. And she, as always, is right. Let us wash ourselves often, with pleasure and according to the rules, and the wonderful feeling of cleanliness and freshness will always lift our spirits!

    Now you know how often a person needs to wash, and what method to choose is up to you!
