How to remove chewing gum from jeans. We quickly remove chewing gum from jeans without leaving a trace – it’s easy! Using a hot iron

Chewing gum can freshen your breath in seconds, but it can damage your breath even faster. irreparable harm your favorite thing. One second is enough for the sticky substance to penetrate deep into the depths of the fabric fiber and firmly settle there. If you or a member of your family has encountered such a problem, be sure to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes without going to the dry cleaner. Over the years, people have learned many reliable and quick ways to save things at home.

If you urgently need to remove the remains of chewing gum from your clothes, then you should not be afraid and try all the methods you can think of. Remember that the choice of this procedure depends on the color and type of material. If you stuck an elastic band to something made of fadeable fabric, then not all methods will work. All hot methods of washing gum are contraindicated for you. The same can be said about wool fabric and any delicate fabrics (satin, silk, chiffon).

All methods invented by wise housewives to get rid of chewing gum on clothes can be divided into three categories. The first is cold methods. These include placing the spoiled item in the freezer or treating the chewing gum mark with a piece of ice. The second category is hot methods. They are more varied, but are not suitable for every item. These include using hot air, ironing, or rubbing the affected area with an iron. Third category - processing by various means. You should be as careful as possible with such methods, since you can remove chewing gum from clothes, but in return leave a faded stain. These include treatment with acetone or alcohol, chemical sprays or natural oils.


This is the most popular way to remove chewing gum from jeans if you suddenly did not notice and sat on it in transport or other public place. The jeans need to be folded, wrapped in a regular disposable bag and placed in the freezer for 1 hour. This time is enough for it to freeze completely and be easy to remove from the fabric fibers. Most of the gum should fall off on its own, and the most stubborn particles should be scraped off with a sharp object. Do this carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Place the item in the freezer

Ice Cube

If the soiled item is too large to fit into the freezer compartment. You can simply treat stuck gum with an ice cube. It is enough to hold the ice on the gum for a minute so that it freezes completely. Then you need to remove it from the fabric using a brush with stiff bristles.

This method is especially good for drapery or wool coats, fur coats, sheepskin coats and fur clothing. However, if you want to remove chewing gum from your pants, but the freezer didn’t help you, try the “ice procedure.”

We use ice

Boiling water

If the first two procedures showed zero results, it’s time to turn to boiling water. You will not be able to carry out this operation on your own; you will definitely need an assistant. One of you should pour boiling water, and the other should hold the item and try to scrub the elastic with a small brush (a toothbrush is ideal).

If you haven't noticed instant results, you need to bring water to a boil in a saucepan, lower the stained area of ​​trousers or other item into it and boil for about a minute. While in the water, try to remove the gum from your clothing using a brush or some sharp object. After completing the operation, you need to wash the item in the washing machine.

This method is not suitable for any fabric. You cannot boil bright synthetic items because the colors will fade. Cannot be exposed heat treatment wool and delicate fabrics.


Many housewives prefer this method to all others. Helps remove gum from pants school uniform a child or her husband’s expensive suit pants. Take an unnecessary piece of any natural fabric or blotting paper, place it on top of the stubborn chewing gum and iron it thoroughly.

When the chewing gum moves from clothes to paper, the troubles will not end. A stain will remain in place of the chewing gum, as if from grease. It can be washed with dishwashing liquid.

Remove with iron

Some housewives advise using only newspaper. Place the contaminated area of ​​fabric face down on it and iron it on the reverse side.

The iron should be set to the “Wool” setting and ironed until the chewing gum is completely dissolved. It should remain on the newspaper.


Turn the hair dryer on high and blow on the stain. Once the heat is at maximum, scrub the dirty area with a scrap toothbrush. Such hot way the most gentle, so you can use it for wool sweaters, and for trousers made of silk or viscose.


This ideal method remove chewing gum from bright, colored things. In a water bath you need to heat a little vinegar to 40 degrees. While it is still hot, soak old, unnecessary toothbrush and rub sticky gum in a circular motion. This operation can be carried out without risk to remove stains from blue jeans.

Vinegar vs. chewing gum

Chewing gum

The old proverb “knocks out fire with fire” does not lose its relevance. Indeed, some housewives are in no hurry to put something in the freezer or run for an iron. You can try chewing two gum pads, kneading it with your hand and using sharp movements, try to remove the pieces that have become embedded in the fabric.

This method shows good results, if the contamination is fresh. Agree, this is much easier to do than fiddling with cold and boiling water.


Take 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil and treat the stuck gum. Sunflower, peanut or olive oil. Treatment vegetable oil shows excellent results, but in such work the main thing is not to stain clean areas of the fabric. If this happens, immediately apply grease stain dishwashing detergent and only then put the item in the washing machine.

Cleanse with peanut butter

Nail polish remover

Previously, this method was practiced because of the acetone contained in this liquid, which helps to clean many serious contaminants. It can only be used with natural and non-fading items. We recommend using nail polish removers without acetone, because this way you will reduce the risk of damaging the item itself.

As you can see, chance meeting your sneaky chewing gum thing isn't that scary because besides special means and you can try a lot of sprays traditional methods. Folk tricks often help to remove any stain quickly and easily. A little trick, a little effort, and the thing looks brand new even after you were going to throw it in the trash.

Chewing gum accidentally ending up on jeans is an unpleasant thing. But don’t think that the clothes are completely ruined. Exist effective ways, helping to carefully remove chewing gum and return your trousers to their original appearance.

Mechanical removal of sticky mass will be more successful if special conditions are created for this.

Exposure to frost

The option of removing frozen chewing gum is widespread. From the cold it becomes hard and loses its stickiness. In this form, the elastic separates from the denim without any problems.

Cooling methods

Ice. The ice cube is placed directly on the chewing gum glued to the fabric.

Important! The ice should completely cover the area occupied by the rubber band. If necessary, use several ice cubes at the same time.

Usually 1 minute is enough for the adhesive mass to harden under the influence of ice. After this, it is carefully removed from the jeans. To do this, you can use a brush with stiff bristles.

Frozen food. If there is no mold with ice in the freezer, it can be successfully replaced by any products that are stored in freezer. Use them in the same way as ice cubes: Place on the stain and leave until it hardens. Then the jeans are cleaned with a brush or the hard mass is removed by hand.

Freezing. Another option for exposing the sticky substance to low temperatures is placing the jeans in the freezer. The trousers are carefully folded, leaving problem area on top and put in plastic bag. In this form, the pants are sent to the freezer for 1 hour. Then they take out the trousers and check the condition of the substance. The completely frozen mass is cleaned off the jeans. If it has not completely frozen, the pants are kept in the freezer for some more time, allowing it to completely harden. After this, the hard elastic will easily separate from the fabric.

Important! Chewing gum frozen by any means is not always easy to remove manually. In this case, it is scraped off, carefully using a knife or other sharp object for mechanical separation.

High temperature vs chewing gum

Heating the mass stuck to jeans breaks its adhesiveness. In this form, it does not stick to denim so firmly and can be removed. Heat the problem area with boiling water.

Option 1. Bring the water in the kettle to a boil and pour boiling water over the stain. Without delay, the gum is removed from the jeans with a small brush. You can take a new toothbrush for this, which you will have to throw away later.

Option 2. Heat water in a wide saucepan. After boiling, carefully lower the section of trousers with the pasted mass into it. Do not remove the pan from the heat, continuing to boil. The fabric is boiled for 1 minute. At this time, a metal object with a pointed edge is used to separate the softened substance from the jeans. The work is done carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Important! Working with boiling water requires extreme caution. It is best to do it not alone, but with an assistant. You cannot involve a child in removing chewing gum with boiling water!

After removing the substance, the jeans need to be washed.

Another method of thermal treatment

Boiling water - no the only way thermal impact on unpleasant stain. It can be heated with an iron.

1 option. Cotton fabric, soft paper(a blotting cloth folded in several layers) is placed on the dirt. It is advisable to put the material and wrong side, under the problem area.

WITH front side The chewing gum covered with a cloth or paper is ironed with a heated iron. Gradually, the mass transfers to fabric (paper) under the influence of temperature.

Important! After removing chewing gum with an iron, a greasy stain remains on the surface of the denim. It is removed using special means, after which the trousers are washed.

Option 2. The second method of using the iron differs in that the stain is covered with newspaper, and the iron is used not from the front side, but from the back side.

Homemade products for removing chewing gum from jeans

Chewing gum can be removed not only when exposed to very high or low temperatures. Chemical reaction, which occurs when combined with various substances, makes it less sticky.


Warm vinegar is essential when cleaning trousers. To heat it up it is used water bath. Do not make the liquid hot; just heat the vinegar to 40°. A brush prepared for cleaning or a plain cotton napkin is dipped into a container with heated vinegar, and then applied to the chewing gum, wiping it. After exposure to vinegar, the gum can be easily removed from the jeans with a brush.

Advice! Instead of a water bath, vinegar can be heated in the microwave. This will take no more than 45 seconds.


Chewing gum can't resist chemicals- solvent, gasoline or acetone.

Important! Before using solvents, it is necessary to check how the fabric reacts to them. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied from the inside out to the lapel. If the structure of the fabric is damaged or its color has changed, do not use this substance.

Using solvents is easy. They should be applied directly to the chewing gum and left for 5 minutes. After this, they begin to remove the chewing gum with a brush. In order not to increase the area of ​​the stain, move from the edges of the elastic band in the middle.


Ammonia is very effective in the fight against chewing gum. Cloth napkin or cotton pad impregnate ammonia, and then put on an elastic band. Exposure time is from 30 to 60 minutes. After this, the chewing gum is removed with a brush.

The final stage is removing the chewing gum stain

Using one of the listed means, you will be able to remove chewing gum from the surface of denim. But often after this there is a stain left on the fabric that will have to be worked on further. First of all, the jeans are soaked, leaving them in warm water for at least 30 minutes.

Then apply detergent to the stain. You can soap the fabric with regular household or liquid soap. Diluted dish soap or washing powder. The substance is left on the denim for some time (15–30 minutes), then the problem area is wiped with a brush.

The procedure ends with washing the jeans. Have you noticed chewing gum on your jeans that is tightly clinging to your clothes? Rest assured: with the help of special means you will be able to remove and wipe it off so that not even a trace remains!

Have you noticed a piece of old chewing gum stuck tightly to your skirt, jeans or new trousers? Learn how to remove gum from clothes using home remedies and get your clothes in order.

Hot wrestling method

High temperatures are the main enemy of any dirt. To remove gum from things, try one of these effective methods struggle.


  1. Place the area with the stuck gum in boiling water.
  2. Let the clothes soak.
  3. Place a knife or other sharp object into the container and pick out the gum.
  4. Rub the fabric with your hands.
  5. Dry the item and check the result. Repeat if necessary.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes using water vapor? It's very easy to do this:

  1. Pour water into the kettle and let it boil.
  2. Hold the damaged item over the spout.
  3. Once the gum has softened, brush it off with a toothbrush.

Hot water

If the item of clothing can be washed in hot water, put it in a basin and soak the clothes for literally 5 minutes. Then you need to scrub off the chewing gum with an old toothbrush.


  1. Place the clothing on a thick cardboard sheet. The gum should be at the bottom.
  2. Set your iron to medium heat.
  3. Iron the area several times - the cardboard will absorb the elastic.


  1. Warm up the gum with a hairdryer.
  2. Clean clothes with a brush.

Cold processing method

Cold way treating fabric stained with chewing gum is as effective as its hot “brother”.


  1. Fold your clothes so that the gum is on top.
  2. Place it in the bag, being careful that the rubber band does not stick. If this is very difficult, place the clothes on top.
  3. Place the bag in the freezer and let the gum freeze.
  4. Remove the bag from the freezer and remove the clothes from it.
  5. Scrape off the elastic with a scrap knife, but not too sharp so as not to cut the fabric. You can take an oil maker.

Don't let the gum melt, and if it does, freeze it again.

Ice cubes

An alternative to the freezer that will help you out if the chewing gum is small.

  1. Place the item in a bag or simply cover the area that needs to be treated with it.
  2. Place ice on top.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the rubber band to freeze.
  4. Scrape it off with a knife.

You can also use dry ice for freezing, “Freezer” (used for cooling microcircuits, sold in radio parts stores) and “Chewing Gum Removers,” a special store-bought spray for removing gum. Their effect is similar to freezing gum.

Cold water

  1. Run the area with the stuck gum under cold water.
  2. Separate it with a brush or a dull knife.

Other cleaning methods

Other means that can easily be found in almost every home will also help remove chewing gum from clothes.


  1. Apply nail polish remover or pure acetone to the rubber band.
  2. Gently rub the area with your hands.
  3. Once the gum is removed, wash your clothes with soap.

Adhesive tape

If the chewing gum has not yet ingrained itself into the fabric, try regular tape.

  1. Cut a small piece (should cover the elastic).
  2. Press it firmly onto the gum.
  3. Remove with a sharp movement.
  4. Repeat if necessary.

Medical alcohol

Rubbing gum will help remove gum from your pants. But you can only use it on a single-color item; a colored one can fade. Instead of alcohol, you can take any alcoholic drink.

  1. Soak the sponge in alcohol.
  2. Wet the area where the gum is stuck well.
  3. Clean the fabric with a knife after 1-2 minutes.


Another good way! Just be careful - do not let gasoline get on your hands and mucous membranes, and inhaling its vapors is extremely undesirable.

  1. Pour gasoline onto the cloth (just a little is needed).
  2. Wait 1 minute.
  3. Scrape off the gum with a knife or use a brush.
  4. Wash with detergent and fabric softener to remove the smell of gasoline.

Liquid soap

  1. Apply a little liquid soap to the dirty area.
  2. Rub the soap in with a toothbrush, trying to break up the gum.
  3. Scrape off any remaining gum with a dull knife or just your fingernails.
  4. Machine wash the item.


A number of different oils are suitable for these purposes - peanut, olive, orange, sunflower and eucalyptus. Using this method, be very careful not to stain.

  1. Soak the gum in oil. You can moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the dirty area.
  2. Wait a few minutes - the elastic will become very soft.
  3. Remove it with a knife or an old toothbrush.
  4. Wash with powder and liquid stain remover.


This method is not suitable for delicate materials, but otherwise it is excellent! With its help it is possible to remove elastic from jeans.

  1. Heat the vinegar on the stove (you will need 200 grams).
  2. Dip the brush into it and go over the area with gum stuck to it. Do this very quickly before the vinegar cools down.
  3. Wash with powder.


This technical liquid is great for removing elastic from wardrobe items.

  1. Apply toluene to the area where the chewing gum has stuck.
  2. Scrape it off with a knife.
  3. Wash the item with powder.

Wedge with wedge

Another piece of chewing gum will help you remove chewing gum from your favorite pants!

  1. Chew a new record.
  2. Knead it in your hands.
  3. Stick to the place where the elastic is located.
  4. Peel off with a sharp movement - the old chewing gum will stick to the new one.
  5. Stick and unstick - and so on several times.

This will eliminate the main area of ​​contamination.

Have you tried everything, but still can’t remove chewing gum from your clothes? Take it to the dry cleaner and let the technicians fix the problem.

Chewing gum can bring us not only help by cleaning our teeth from food debris when we chew it after eating, but also noticeable harm. It is very clearly visible in its ability to adhere well to clothing, such as jeans. And sticky chewing gum can stick to things in the most different situations. But mostly it happens that someone chewed gum, and then put it in some place, for example, on the sofa and forgot. Or this person himself will get into it when next time will sit on the sofa, or someone else will fall into his trap. And in in this case Chewing gum can stick to both jeans and the sofa at the same time. That is, to harm not one thing, but two at once.

You can pick up chewing gum somewhere in a public place - for example, while riding a tram or minibus. Especially if, due to your carelessness and absent-mindedness, you sat down in the place where the chewing gum was stuck. When we discover that something is firmly stuck to our things, we often ask ourselves: How to remove (remove) chewing gum without harming clothes?

To remove chewing gum you can use the following tips on its removal. But before you use them, try to peel the gum off the item as much as you can yourself. And then move on to the next step:

1. Freezing. Under normal conditions, when it is warm, chewing gum is sticky and difficult to remove from clothing. Therefore, the item must be placed in plastic bag and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Or, if it’s frosty outside (this happens in winter), then you can put the item in a bag outside, for example, on a balcony. Once the item, and along with it the chewing gum, has frozen, getting rid of the chewing gum will not be difficult. Just remove the gum carefully so as not to damage your clothing. There are things that are difficult to put in the freezer or move to the balcony, for example, a sofa. Therefore, if the chewing gum is stuck to the sofa, then you can also use freezing, but act a little differently - apply ice cubes to the chewing gum until it freezes, and then tear it off. You can also use a special freezing spray for freezing if you have one.

2. Impact high temperatures. If you don’t want to freeze your clothes or you simply don’t have time for this, then you can expose the gum to high temperatures, for example, using boiling water. Pour boiling water over the gum and then remove it with a toothbrush. If, when removing chewing gum, chewing gum particles still remain on clothes, then an iron will come to our aid. To do this, take several napkins and place the item on them so that the chewing gum is located on the napkin, and iron it on the other side of the clothing. In this case, the chewing gum should stick to the napkin. You can use paper instead of napkins. But in general, this method with an iron and napkins you can use it right away, and not when you tried something else first.

3. Alcohol, vinegar, gasoline. You can experiment with these attributes to remove the gum. They can help you here too. For example, there are remains of chewing gum on clothes that cannot be removed. To do this, take a piece of cotton wool and moisten it, for example, with alcohol, and try to wipe the chewing gum off your clothes. You can also use any other ingredient - vinegar or gasoline - instead of alcohol.

4. Detergents. Can be used detergents for washing dishes, but apply to our case to remove chewing gum.

The most effective ways to remove gum from clothing are freezing or using high temperatures (wipes and iron). Although it’s not a fact that you will use them exactly! All of the above methods can remove chewing gum from clothes!

How to remove chewing gum from jeans - it couldn't be easier! Many housewives will answer this way, casually waving their hand. After all, everyone knows how to remove chewing gum from jeans quickly and effortlessly. Simply apply an ice cube to the sticky lump and the gum will fall off on its own. And the jeans are thick, strong, even mechanical removal will not damage such fabric.

But often the chewing lump turns out to be stubborn, it is not easy to get it off, and violent tearing off leads to tearing of your favorite branded jeans. Why does this happen and how to get rid of chewing gum on jeans really effectively, without damaging the fabric?

Methods and means that actually remove chewing gum

You can remove sticky gum from denim using more than just ice cubes. There are several others, no less available ways, how to remove chewing gum from jeans without damaging them.

  1. Boiling. You can fight the sticky substance on your pants not only with cold and ice, hot water and boiling will also help. First, water is boiled in a basin or pan, then the jeans are immersed in it. When the boiling water has cooled down enough to lower your hand, remove the jeans and carefully remove the melted chewing gum from denim. It is convenient to use an unnecessary toothbrush or the dull side of a knife for this. Then the jeans are washed so that there are no bright spot in place of chewing gum.
  2. Hot air. Another simple one quick way How to remove chewing gum if it is stuck to jeans - using a hairdryer. A stream of hot air should be directed from the wrong side, intensively heating the fabric. As the chewing gum melts and melts, scrape it off with a knife or spatula.
  3. Intense heating. If you don't have a hairdryer at hand, you can use an iron. It is heated and ironed several times on the underside of the area to which the chewing gum is stuck. First you need to place a sheet of paper so that the chewing gum does not stick to this time. ironing board. Then the remains are removed with a sharp object.

It should be noted that a lot depends not only on what and how to remove the gum from jeans, but also on the quality of the chewing gum itself.

Some fall off and slide down very quickly, even under the stream hot water. But chewing gum of other varieties and manufacturers eats away tightly, and ordinary hot steam or water cannot get rid of them.

In this case, you can try purified gasoline, which is used to refill lighters. Gasoline is poured onto a rag or cotton wool and applied to the chewing gum for several minutes. The process will be faster if you first heat a wad of chewing gum with a hairdryer or hold the soiled clothing over steam. Under the influence of first hot air and then gasoline, the chewing gum will change its structure and will be easily removed from the fabric with a regular napkin.

Another weapon of heavy artillery is vinegar. It can only be used for processing thick denim fabrics. First, you need to heat the bite, then soak a toothbrush in the hot liquid and treat the chewing gum. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

How to properly remove chewing gum with cold

Ice and freezing are the most famous, popular and effective, according to reviews from experienced forum members, means for removing chewing gum from any tissue. So why doesn't this method always work? Why do less experienced users, after a series of unsuccessful attempts, have to take their jeans to the dry cleaner with disappointment?

Because they go into detail about how to remove gum from jeans using... low temperatures. This is done correctly like this:

  1. The jeans are folded to form a small rectangle with gum stuck to the top.
  2. Then the pants are packed in a plastic bag so that the chewing gum is on the outside. For convenience, you can pack your clothes completely, and in the right place just make a hole.
  3. The prepared jeans are put in the freezer and forgotten about for two days - or better yet, three. This key moment. Some believe that it is enough for the chewing gum to “grab” and freeze, and it will immediately bounce off the denim.
  4. Completely frozen chewing gum begins to crumble. Sometimes it can be removed with your fingers by simply kneading the problem area after freezing for three days. If there is a lot of chewing gum, it is more convenient to scrape it off with a knife. Might stay White spot on my jeans where the gum was stuck. It will disappear if you wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in ethyl alcohol.

That's all the tricks on how to remove chewing gum from jeans using frost. The freezer is not available, the hairdryer is broken, and there is no boiling water either, but there is snow and ice? They will help too. The chewing gum is covered with pieces of ice and lumps of snow and wait until it freezes. And then perform step 4.

Ethyl alcohol can be replaced with a chewing gum remover spray, which is now on sale. Judging by the reviews, it does not cope particularly effectively with the chewing gum itself, but it removes white traces from it well.
