Creative thinking exercises that will help develop creativity. Interesting facts about creative thinking

If you believe the dictionaries - and if not them,then who is left to believe in thiscountry? – the word “creativity” means the ability of consciousness to create a) something new and b) valuable ness. The second part of the definition is very important. Because it's clear that almost anyone can come up with a vinyl tear bleeder or the word “kaliplyuk” - but no one will need these new items. In Latin there is a verb creare (“to create, to produce”), but it was applied only to the gods. It was believed that a person does not invent anything himself: poems, the design of a tunic and a drawing of a catapult are whispered to him by spirits, whom the Greeks called demons, and the Romans called geniuses. For the first time, a Polish poet dared to call a booger “creative” by its name in the 17th century. Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski. It was a story - give it up and forget it. Further information will go without which It will not be possible to use your textbook.

Today there are many theories explaining why some smart people can write jokes, songs and nanorobots, while others cannot. Three of the most famous theorists of creativity - Alex Osborne (creator of the brain assault), Edward de Bono (who invented lateral thinking) and our compatriot, despite his surname, Heinrich Altshuller (author of TRIZ, solution theory inventive problems). They all wrote about different things and gave rise to a lot of schools in practical psychology, but in general their thoughts boiled down to approximately the same thing. We will use de Bono's metaphors.

1. Human thinking can be compared to a sandbox. If you pour water on sand, it will first spread over a small area, and then there is no need to deepen the hole and gather there. It's the same with the head. About problems (and data in general) are water, which leaves traces. The hole is thought pattern.

2. Patterns help to recognizesituation and respond quickly to it. It's enough to inject yourself onceoh cactus to stop buying them.

3. When the patterns come together, they form vertical thinking (“trial and error field”). It helps in solving everyday routine tasks. Once in the template hole, information flows down, deepening it.

4. Vertical thinking kills creativity. A person who thinks in patterns cannot come up with anything new. Because to do this you need to go beyond the usual interpretation, break the mold, and master new data horizons.

All of the above researchers have developed their own methods development of non-standard, creative thoughts. De Bono taught to let “water” flow sideways, hence the name of his method – lateral thinking (from the Latin word “lateral”). Altshuller created 76 protocols to ensure that would take the thought beyond its limits vychnogo. Osborne relied on collective intelligence, believing that a group of people shouting all sorts of bullshit would end up being smarter than everyone else. many of its members, seriously thinking working on the problem.

But enough about this. Prepare your brain, we'll shake it up.

Part 2: lots of practice

And here are the promised exercises. Each of them is aimed at one timethe twist of a certain aspect of miceleniya. If you read and cross out with a pencil not only the article, butand the books indicated in it, you canbecome smarter and even, in particular, onlearn to draw. Jokes aside.

Picture 1

Aspect 1: lack of self-criticism

De Bono believed that people become dumber with age. This happens because adults begin to impose restrictions on thought. Many solutions to the problem are dismissed as “stupid” or “childish.” Here, for example, is the famous figure test (Fig. 1). When Edward shows threw it at the children and asked them to say that this, any schoolchild called about 40 options: house without pipe, blank for paper airplane, bitten chocolate bar. Grown up the old ones called a maximum of 10 varieties ants. They tended to fit themselves into a geometry pattern and describe the figure as a square with a triangle on top or a truncated straight line. golnik.

Can you imagine? A person is able to cut off three-quarters of the options for solving a problem (and any image is already a task, material for interpretation) simply because they are frivolous and supposedly unworthy thinking man! Adults don’t even pronounce these options, looking around warily and waiting for a blow from a stapler. People criticize themselves in advance! De Bono said that this complex needs to be gotten rid of first.

Exercise 1

Try connecting nine points with four segments (Fig. 2). You cannot take the pencil off the paper. In this case, the line can pass through each of the points only once.

Exercise 2

But you can do this for the rest of your life. Take it for The rule is to look at pictures (for example, an advertisement in a magazine) and come up with one or two options for what is happening in the frame. Here, for example, is a woman who had howling on her face wife letter "T" made from tablets. Why? Was she trying to hide the bruise from colliding with the cast iron Home Goods sign? She is one of the participants (third from left) of the march “We demand an extension of the pregnancy period!”? Or maybe... Write down your three options. Let it turn out stupid. But your job is to learn thinking exactly “stupid”, unusually, like a child. And don't feel guilty for This. This is the beginning of creativity.

Figure 2

Aspect 2: Shifting the Entry Point

Another de Bono test (Fig. 3) looks like this: participants are asked to draw a figure that can be cut into four equal parts with one movement. 35% of participants immediately give up and put forward the idea of ​​a cross, very narrow in the central part, about 3% produce a unique result (Edward collects them). On average, 12% of the remaining solve the problem without being creative technical, but that's all same in an interesting way- That's why that fit the re sheniyu from the end. That is, they first cut out four identical pieces of paper, and then try to combine them into a figure. This is a shift in the entry point. Who said that the problem needs to be solved sequentially? What if you immediately imagineresult? Or try to associate it with a random word? Or with a picture?

Exercise 3

Open Find the Find button. Think of a problem: your husband is playing poker, the leather on his stiletto heels is torn, you can’t come up with stories for corporate calendar. Click on the button. The search engine will give you a random result: a word and a picture. Try to relate it to your problem. How do problems relate to search results? For example, you got a “steering wheel braid”. Maybe your husband’s dangerous hobby can be replaced with a safe one by giving (or breaking) him a car? How about braiding the heels? And so on. Ask Zen-Yandex for advice (just not out loud, so as not to feel like a complete child). The more delusional the answer, the more it will destroy the thinking pattern. And remember, no self-criticism!

Figure 3

Aspect 3: endless questions

Another creative thinking skill that children do better than adults is subverting. Why does thunder thunder? Because the clouds are colliding with each other. Why do they collide? Because the wind is blowing above. Why can't they leave? The child’s task is not so much to tire you (he may not understand the pleasure that bullying an adult brings) but to get to the bottom of the pattern. Children cannot stand answers like “it has always been this way” or “it should be so.” "Who needs?" - they continue their interrogation. This allows them to make a hundred abstract and paradoxical judgments a day, such as “Mom came drunk because she’s afraid to ride in the elevator.” You can do this too.

Exercise 4

A problem for those who know how to play chess, or at least know how the pieces move and that a pawn turns into any piece after reaching the last line. Condition: Black starts and checkmates the white king in one move. Vertical enumeration of moves will not help (Fig. 4).

Exercise 5

You are probably familiar with this game: the presenter tells the situation. For example, a person comes to a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender points a gun at him. The man says “thank you” and leaves. Or: a husband and wife stop on a deserted road, husband is coming for gasoline, the wife locks herself out. When her husband returns, she is dead, there is a stranger next to her in the car, the doors are locked from the inside. By asking unambiguous questions ("yes" and "no"), the participants in the game must reconstruct the picture of events. The Internet is full of these tasks – they are called “Danetkas”. They teach you to ask questions until the last minute, without giving up. If computer game If you don’t get carried away, practice on real people, discussing the problem with colleagues or family until the last minute. Refuse to accept “you can’t” and “that’s how it is” as answers.

Figure 4

And enough about that

While TRIZ, which was mainly suitable for solving engineering problems, began to be forgotten after the death of its creator, the brainstorming method was developed. Today there are a lot of techniques (for example, the Young procedure or the 3-6-5 method - they are on Google) for creative solution problems in the team. De Bono is still alive and continues to write a book a year. His textbooks can be purchased on the website Especially good are “Serious Creative Thinking” and “Thinking Outside the Box. Self-teacher."

Before and after

Aspect 4: Right Hemisphere Musing

This article would be even more incomplete if we didn't mention that some experts associate creativity with the right hemisphere of the brain. Until the 50s of the 20th century, it remained unclear why a person should carry Walnut– and why shouldn’t there be a brain perfect ball or a cube. The first answers were received by R. Sperry from the California Institute of Technology. As a result of experiments on animals, he found out that the hemispheres work independently of each other. Then other scientists joined in, in particular J. Levy, who worked with epileptics who had undergone commissurotomy - an operation to separate the hemispheres. Levi found out that left hemisphere– verbal, temporal, analytical. The right one is figurative, timeless, synthetic. In hindsight, his work explained the case of Lovis Corinth, a professional artist who forgot how to draw when a tumor grew in his right hemisphere.

But enough of the accompanying theory. Professor B. Edwards back in the 60s developed a method of teaching drawing based on right-hemisphere thinking. Her course allows a person to learn to draw in a couple of months. And also improve your handwriting, learn to enjoy beauty and look at your man with a fresh, unclouded look. And also improve memory and see connections between phenomena.

If you want to learn how to draw at least like the author of this article, buy Edwards' book “Discover the Artist in You.” Fortunately, it has recently been re-released, so there is no need to download the old edition from

Exercise 6

You've probably come across illusion pictures: two faces form a vase (Fig. 5, but there are many more of them on the Internet). Drawing paradoxes like this helps you connect with your right brain and understand the difference between the two types of thinking. On the left side of the sheet, draw a face, saying its parts to yourself: forehead, eyes, nose, lips. Connect the extreme points horizontal lines With right side leaf. And now - attention! You need to draw a mirror image of the face. Now try not to conduct a mental dialogue with yourself, but simply slowly draw a line, repeating all the curves in a mirror image. This technique will engage your right brain.

Figure 5(1)

Figure 5(2)

Exercise 7

The easiest way to master right-hemisphere drawing is to copy upside-down contour drawings (play with Fig. 6). The problem with people who think they can't draw is that they draw symbols, not images. That is, they use the left hemisphere for drawing (and this is a gross mistake). When they sit down to draw a face, they actually draw a diagram: a circle, two eyes, a stick-nose, a stick-mouth. Therefore, it is impossible to copy drawings in the left hemisphere operating mode: the brain adjusts each line to the finished symbol. But as soon as you turn the drawing over, the brain loses associations. The right half turns on - and everything starts to work out. Try it yourself!

Figure 5(3)

Exercise 8

Well, if you want to seriously shake up your thinking and improve the exchange of electrical impulses between the hemispheres, try the following trick. Take two pens (it’s better if one of them is a pencil) in different hands. Try to slowly draw a triangle with one hand and a circle with the other. For the first three minutes you will end up with circular or triangular circles, but then your hands will find the right rhythm and will be able to separate themselves. If at this moment you get a headache, quit this task and return to it after an hour or two or a day. Once you have mastered drawing with both hands, try writing words. They must be different, but consist of the same number of letters.

Figure 6

OK it's all over Now. More precisely, everything is just beginning. Disinhibit your thinking, don’t criticize yourself, move your entry point, draw! We don't know how this will help you be good accountant or a wife - but for some reason you started reading this article, having learned that it increases libido and creativity.

Photo source: Getty Images, press service archives

Creative is a person who not only moves in the general flow with the crowd, but can see in ordinary things something interesting, knows how to come up with something new. If needed short definition Creativity is the ability to think outside the box and generate new ideas.

Creativity is inherent in every person, it manifests itself especially clearly in childhood and adolescence. But gradually a person begins to think more narrowly, stereotyped, suppresses his creativity, so it is difficult for him to create something new and unique. How to develop creativity? “Easy and Useful” will tell you.

Components of Creativity

The concept of “developing creativity” is too vague and incomprehensible. If we want to build muscle, we go to the gym and work on certain muscles. If we want to learn a language, we learn new words, make sentences from them, etc. What exactly do you need to work on to develop creativity? Its main component is imagination, so first of all you need to work on it. But other creative abilities are also important:

  • Ability to generate great amount ideas in a short time: this way there is a greater chance of coming up with something that will really be useful.
  • Original and flexible thinking without standard templates, thanks to which something new, non-standard is born, and a person can quickly switch from one to another.
  • To generate new idea, you need to be open to new information, expand your knowledge, since often one’s own experience is not enough, or the brain produces standard solutions to the problem.
  • Also important susceptibility. This is the ability to find the simple in the complex, unusual things in the ordinary, consider all the details, identify contradictions, and so on.

A creative person must be able to think in integral images, as well as be able to generalize and build a single whole from different knowledge and ideas. But at the same time, he is able to detail the problem, break it into parts in order to understand its essence.

Creativity in children

We've sorted out the theory, now it's time to move on to practice. To develop creativity, creativity, you can and should perform various exercises. It’s good if a child grew up in a creative environment and, from the age of 3, imitated adults who had these qualities well developed.
Over time, they should also manifest themselves and take hold; sooner or later, talent in one area or another should be discovered. Gradually, the child will stop imitating his teacher and move on to independent creativity. But some people remain imitators all their lives.

How to develop

Developing creativity in children is not only about communicating with people with innovative thinking. You can purposefully work on these qualities. Like most skills at this age, it is learned through play. The child should be interested, should like the process itself, that is, in this case, the main thing is not the result, but the activity itself.

It is important to create a special atmosphere, to be friendly and open. You should not criticize a child, even if you think that criticism is deserved, or be impatient, as in this way you will destroy the first shoots of talent emerging from him. Also, you don’t need to tune in to instant results: they may not appear immediately.

If you send your child to any club or development center, choose a teacher carefully. Only a teacher who himself has a creative mindset can develop creative thinking in children.


There are exercises to develop children's creativity. This, by the way, good way have fun with your family or entertain the kids during a family holiday.

These exercises will help develop creativity in your child. However, an adult can also work on himself.

Creativity in adults

If you want to develop creative thinking in adults, it is important to create a suitable psychological mood. A person who feels like a failure cannot be a generator of ideas.

Fighting fears

The creativity in a person can be ruined by self-doubt, fears and doubts. Therefore, you need to learn to control your fears, uncertainty, remove it negative attitude to what is happening. How to deal with this? First of all, admit that you have these feelings. And then try to replace them with positive thoughts.

An exercise called “Tick-tock” helps a lot. The principle of operation is the same - track your fears, and then replace them with positive thoughts, but do this not in your head, but in a notebook, that is, write everything down. Divide the sheet into 2 parts. Sign “tick” over the first one, “tak” over the second one. In the first you need to write down your fears, in the second - ways to combat them, positive thoughts. For example, you wrote under “tick” that you will never be able to do something. Now all that remains is to find a solution to the problem: act gradually, step by step, drawing up detailed plan. The main thing is to start. And so we describe every fear. Gradually you will notice that you have everything negative thoughts began to be replaced by positive ones. But to do this you will have to do this exercise many times.

Try to remember your successes as often as possible, you can even write down all the times when you achieved success. This will help you gain self-confidence and achieve more. You also need to convince yourself that you are... creative person. People often think and feel the way they imagine themselves, or the way their environment thinks of them. Therefore, it is important to feel creative people. To do this you need to write short story about what you are creative person. And also come up with and write down several statements, not only from the first, but also from the second and third person, for example, “Elena, you are a creative person” or “I am endowed with the gift of creativity.”

Developing creativity

When your fears are gone, you can begin training that will help develop creativity. Try to train yourself to have “double vision”, which will help you see what many do not notice. Learn to look at the world carefully: any tree or unusual structure can give you the right idea. Try to monitor your thoughts, write down everything that comes to your mind. If you come up with an idea, immediately write everything down on paper. Organize your “data bank”, store these ideas or in special box or in a desk drawer.

Often the flight of fancy is hampered by the fact that we all live, obeying some kind of habit. Everything is “laid out on the shelves”, that’s why we think narrowly. To somehow cope with this problem, you need to make a list of your habits and gradually change some of them:

  • today go to the store or to work on a different road;
  • take a vacation not in the summer, as you are used to, but at another time of the year;
  • do not listen to the same radio station, turn on new ones;
  • diversify your menu, use new recipes;
  • meet new people.

To develop creative thinking, it is necessary to constantly get acquainted with new information, give food to the mind. First of all, read books, but not all of them, but those that can be useful to you. Study biographies famous people, books with useful tips, special magazines, journalistic publications. But this should not just be reading, but thinking about the information received. Try to solve old problems with the help of new knowledge.

Study even advertising brochures, pay attention to new trends. It is useful to go to various seminars and lectures, watch interesting programs on TV or on the Internet. Don't sit at home, visit a museum or exhibition. Even a simple trip to the store or to a folk art fair can give you a new idea.

What else will help you in your creativity? It is necessary to make your thinking flexible and fast. To do this, try to make lists. Take an object and try to come up with many ways to use it, including non-standard ones. Or choose several unrelated words and in 5 minutes make up several sentences that contain these words.

It is worth working on your imagination. Take a book in your hand and try to imagine what exactly you will read in it. This is how George Bernard Shaw liked to have fun. Or, after reading part of the book, figure out for yourself what will happen next, how events will develop in it. Watch movies with friends without sound. Let each of you voice one or another character. You will get your own original story.

It is quite difficult to talk about how to develop creativity in one article. But we showed you in which direction you need to move, and then be creative, come up with new exercises for yourself, hone your skills and improve.

Psychological games

to develop creativity(creative thinking)

Game "Show the concept"

Theatrical creative game based on teams. Here, as in all team games, it clearly shows who copes with leadership and creativity, and who is simply a performer, and sometimes ballast for the group. The team is given a concept and the task of showing it in real time with movement, sound, and interaction. Using yourself, your bodies, movements, voice, any props and most importantly - creative possibilities. This should not be just an illustration, but a joint implementation of some team ideas and thoughts. Preparation time 15 minutes. The demonstration takes about 1 minute.

List of concepts:

  • Hive.
  • Watch.
  • Fountain.
  • Battle of Borodino.
  • Samovar.
  • Wedding.
  • Football.
  • Universe.
  • Dinosaur.

Game "Search for common properties"

Children are offered two words that have little connection with each other.

For example: a dish and a boat, a pencil and coal, chalk and flour, a matryoshka doll and a construction set, a tin can and a cup, etc.

In 10 minutes the child must write as much as possible common features for these items. If parents work with the child individually, then they must also complete this task in order to then discuss the results with the child, i.e. general properties a couple of items they found.

The answers can be standard: in the example “dish and boat”, such general properties as “made by man”, “have depth” can be named, but it is very important to find as many of these characteristics as possible. Unusual answers are especially valuable, allowing you to see the proposed words in a completely new light.

At group work It is very important to listen to all the guys’ answers. The student who has the largest and longest list of common characteristics wins the game. When discussing these features with children, you should pay attention to the characteristics of these features, how significant or unimportant they are for these items, i.e. – secondary. This work is necessary so that children learn to discover connections between objects, and also understand very clearly what the essential and non-essential features of objects are.

Game "Zoo"

Acting skills game. 7-8 people participate, everyone chooses any animal: sheep, horse, pig, cat, dog, crocodile, platypus, jackal in winter, deer in mating season etc. Further introduction: everyone in a circle expressively demonstrates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. After this, in turn, you need to show first “yourself”, and then any other “animal” present. This “animal” gets a move, shows itself further than another animal. And so on. Then you can declare a “super zoo”. This is when all the animals are demonstrated in the most exaggerated and bright way!

You can play right through. If you made a mistake in passing the move, you are out of the game.

Exercise “Rhyming names”

Participants need to compose a couplet in their name, which begins with the words: “My name is...”


  • My name is Nikita, mosquitoes love me!
  • My name is Nina, I came from the store!
  • My name is Sasha, my porridge burned!
  • My name is Nastya, hello to everyone from me!
  • My name is Rita, everything in the garden is watered!

Exercise “Writer”

Target : development of speech, children's vocabulary, thinking and creativity. Can be used as an icebreaker in adult training.

Progress : Three words are given. For example, a table, a watermelon, a carriage. It is necessary to come up with as many sentences as possible, each of which would use all three words. Words can be changed in any way.

Exercise “Find a pair”

Target : Development of predictive capabilities and intuition; formation of an attitude of mutual understanding among group members.

Progress of the exercise : Each participant has a piece of paper attached to their back using a pin. There's a name written on it fairy tale hero or a literary/historical character with a mate. Let's say: Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, Ilf and Petrov, Daedalus and Icarus, etc. Each participant must find their “half” by polling the group. However, it is forbidden to ask direct questions, for example: “What is written on my sheet?” You can only answer questions with “yes” and “no”. Participants disperse around the room and talk with each other.

Game "Fortunately... Unfortunately..."

Target : development of imagination and creativity.

Time spending: 30 minutes.

Materials : small ball.

Players have to write a story. Each participant comes up with his own proposal, which must begin with the words “Fortunately” or “Unfortunately” (alternately).

The one who is ready to be first gets the ball. Having finished the sentence, he passes the ball to another participant and the story continues.

The length of the story is not predetermined. Any player can decide to finish it if they deem it necessary.

The game can be played in different ways. You can start it yourself or give the ball to the player who you think is ready to take the initiative. If you want to give the group members more confidence, you can ask if they have any themes in mind that the story could revolve around.

Possible options:

  • The group got lost on a desert island.
  • Odysseus ends up in Red Square.
  • Vasya and Masha open a toy store.
  • The boy fell in love with the girl.
  • Two parents argue over birthday gifts for their son or daughter.

Exercise "Lace"

The group gets into narrow circle and stretches his arms forward. The trainer ties laces to the hands in random order. The group's task is to unravel. At the same time, you cannot talk. You can invent all sorts of sound signals and gestures.

Verbal communication is prohibited.

After completing the exercise, a discussion is held: each member of the group shares his impressions, expresses his opinion about the work of the group, for example, why it was not immediately possible to do something that was successful, etc.

Exercise for managers “The Princess and the Peasant”

Target : encourage people to think creatively.

Band size : from 5 to 15 people.

Conditions : cool room. You will need one copy of the story text for each participant.


  1. Tell a story about a princess and a peasant.
  2. Give each participant a copy of the story and allow them to discuss the issue for as long as they like—most likely it will take 5-10 minutes.
  3. Offer your own answer to the riddle, but if someone thinks differently, so much the better.


The peasant wanted to marry the princess. The king, her father, became furious and ordered the peasant's head to be cut off for his insolence.

But the peasant was handsome, and the queen was kind and wanted her daughter to be happy, so she persuaded the king to put the peasant to the test. It was decided that he should take one of the two cards out of the box and accept what was written on it as his destiny. One card will say “wedding” and the other will say “death”. If he refuses, he will die. However, the king cheated: he marked both cards with the word “death” and put them in the box.

The queen noticed this and hastened to tell the princess about everything so that she could warn her lover about the impossible task and the terrible danger that hung over him. However, when the time came for testing, the peasant remained calm. He drew the card, after which he married the princess and lived happily after that. The king became so furious that he died from the blow, and the queen inherited the throne.

How did the peasant manage to escape the trap set by the evil king?

Correct answer: The correct answer is that the peasant pulled out a card and, without looking at it, tore it into pieces, swallowed it and said: “Let the king get another card, and I will learn my fate from his hands. If he pulls the "wedding" card, I'll know that my card was "death" and I'll accept my fate. But if the king’s card is “death,” I will understand that mine was “wedding,” and I can marry the princess.”

Completion : Participants often believe that the king has been duped in one way or another. For example, they will say that the peasant bribed the man who put the cards in the box, or that he asked the princess to replace “wedding” with “death.” One participant suggested that the story was an old French fairy tale, and that the queen made the king write the letter "c" which would mean "death", and the king was so stupid that he did not remember that "c" also meant "wedding." .

It doesn't really matter what assumptions people make. The sole purpose of the activity is to shake their minds a little.

Time needed: about 20 minutes.

Exercise “Creative Insight”

Target : development of creative thinking and ability to concentrate.

For two minutes, using 14 words (the trainer himself selects the words in advance; the set of words may change in connection with the goals and objectives of the training), come up with a coherent story. You can put words from the list in any order, and also add any other words.

Exercise “Development of Creativity”

Find the similarities between the objects below. For example: “What do an elephant and a banana have in common?” Possible answers: thick skin, live in hot climates, etc. Three minutes are allotted for each pair.

  1. What do coffee and the people of Lapland have in common?
  2. What do shoelaces and trains have in common?
  3. What do mountains and chocolate have in common?
  4. What do walking and talking have in common?

The time for conducting and discussing the results is 25-30 minutes.

Exercise “Capital letter”

To stimulate the appearance creative ideas, you need to learn to look for associations in the usual stream of thoughts.

This exercise can be done anywhere, anytime, with any letter!

Let's start with the letter Z. Over the course of three minutes, write down as many words as possible that begin with the letter Z.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes

Exercise "Transformations"

Target : development of creativity.

To develop technical intelligence, it is very useful to imagine the design of various machines and devices, as well as the principles of their operation. We offer you new and effective exercise. If you don’t know what the operating principle of a particular device is, just invent it!

  1. Imagine that you are a piece of paper about to go into the copy machine. Closing your eyes, imagine in as much detail as possible the process happening to you.
  2. Imagine that you are gasoline in a car's gas tank, flowing into the engine. You turn into an explosive force and move the car. Closing your eyes, imagine in as much detail as possible the process happening to you.
  3. Imagine that you are the signal emitted by the transmitter of a local television station. Closing your eyes, imagine in as much detail as possible your path from the transmitter antenna to becoming a picture on a television screen.
  4. Imagine that you have become your own voice and are traveling from your handset through a communications satellite to the handset of your friend located on the opposite side of the planet. Closing your eyes, imagine your journey in as much detail as possible.

Exercise “Tie your shoelace”

Target : development of creativity.

In two minutes, find as many uses for a shoe lace as you can and write them down.

This is an exercise that develops creative intelligence; you can take any other object for consideration: a paper clip, a toothbrush, a pencil, a match... etc.

The time for conducting and discussing the results is 10 minutes.

Exercise “Read the text”

The smarter a person is, the longer he will be able to read this text, despite the omissions. Context will help him with this.

Exercise “Put a point”

Target : test for originality of thinking.

Exercise : Here is a piece of paper with a circle drawn on it. Place the point where you want! (and no additional comments).

Grade : According to the degree of increasing originality of thinking, the point is located like this: in the center of the circle, on the same side of the sheet, but in the center of the circle, on the other side of the sheet, on the cut of the sheet (on its edge).

Exercise "Circles"

Target : measuring the properties of intellectual activity.

Age : preschool, junior school.

Rules: Children are asked to complete 20 circles so that they get complete images (sun, flower, ball, etc.).

The work is completed within 7-10 minutes depending on age.

Processing the results: the total number of pictures is calculated, the number of themes of the pictures is determined. There are supposed to be 9 of them. This is the universe: sun, moon, planet. Nature: flowers, trees, animals. Science and technology: globe, glasses, car, wheels, etc. A man, an image of his body parts: head, ears, eyes. Life: food, clothing, household items. Folk art, fairy tale images(Kolobok, Snow Woman, Cheburashka, etc.). Sports, sports equipment: rings, rackets, discs, etc. Economics: coins... Art, any jewelry: beads, toys, medals, etc.

Flexibility of thinking is determined by the number of drawings and the total score.

Originality is measured by the sum of points for original drawings. Point system: 1 point – the pattern is found in half of the children or more often; 2 points – the pattern is found in less than half of the group; 3 points – the picture appears in the singular.

Exercise "UFO"

Target : development of imagination, activation of attention, thinking and speech.

Age : junior school.

Equipment : paper and colored pencils.

Progress of the game : – Guys, today you will draw an alien. In order to draw it, first think about what it will be like. Use all your imagination.

Children are given about 15-20 minutes to draw. Afterwards, each child talks about his character, where he lives, what he eats, how he interacts with others, and about his qualities.

This exercise can be used for psychodiagnostic purposes, since when talking about his hero, the child projects his qualities and feelings.

Exercise “Talking with hands”

Target : teach to control your actions, develop imagination.

Age: preschool.

Form of conduct: individual.

Rules: The psychologist should circle the silhouette of the palms of a preschooler on a sheet of paper. Then invite the child to “revive” his palms - draw eyes, a mouth, hats, and hairstyles for them. Can be colored a certain color every finger. After completing this work, you can start a conversation with your fingers, ask: “What is your name?” (maybe the child will come up with his own names for his fingers), “What do you like to do?”, “What don’t you like?”, “What are you like?” At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what), but sometimes they do not obey their owner.

Game "Disaster in the Desert"

Tasks : to practice the skills of behavior in a discussion, the ability to conduct a debate, to be persuasive, to study the dynamics of a group dispute using specific material, to discover the traditional mistakes people make in polemics, to train the ability to highlight the main thing and sift out the “husk”, to see the essential features of objects, to learn to realize strategic goals and it is to them that tactical steps should be subordinated, etc.

The presenter should focus attention when discussing the results on such aspects as receiving feedback from the participants about each other (due to its emotional richness, the game allows you to “turn off” the psychological defense mechanism at least for a while and become yourself - that is why it is effective in the first stages of group work).

Time : at least one and a half hours.

Each participant receives a special form (or draws it according to the instructions of the presenter).

The leader gives the group the following instructions:

From now on, you are all passengers on an airliner flying from Europe to Central Africa. While flying over the Sahara Desert, a fire suddenly broke out on board the plane, the engines failed, and the airliner crashed to the ground. You miraculously escaped, but your location is unclear. We only know that the nearest populated area is approximately 300 kilometers away from you. Under the wreckage of the plane, you managed to find fifteen objects that remained intact after the disaster.

Your task – rank these items according to their significance for your salvation. To do this, you need to put the number 1 for the most important item, the number 2 for the second most important, and so on until the fifteenth, the least important for you. Fill in the numbers in the first column of the form. Everyone works independently for fifteen minutes.

List of items:

  • Hunting knife.
  • Pocket flashlight.
  • Flight map of the surrounding area.
  • Polyethylene raincoat.
  • Magnetic compass.
  • Parachute red and white.
  • A pack of salt.
  • Sunglasses for everyone.
  • A liter of vodka for everyone.
  • Pocket mirror.

After completing the individual ranking, the facilitator invites the group to split into pairs and rank the same items again within ten minutes, together with a partner (in this case, the second column in the form with the list of items is filled in with numbers). The next stage of the game is a group discussion with the goal of coming to a common opinion regarding the order of arrangement of objects, for which at least thirty minutes are allocated.

From observing the work of the participants, the degree of development of the skills to organize a discussion, plan their activities, make compromises, listen to each other, convincingly prove their point of view, and control themselves is clearly visible. Heated debates and battles that often unfold, when no one wants to listen to the opinions of others, clearly demonstrate to the participants themselves their incompetence in the field of communication and the need to change their behavior.

At the end of the discussion, the presenter announces that the game is over, congratulates all participants on their successful rescue and invites them to discuss the results of the game. The first question that the presenter asks all participants in the circle to answer is the following: “Are you personally satisfied with the results of the past discussion? Explain why".

The participants’ answers are necessarily accompanied by reflection, the purpose of which is to understand the processes, methods and results of individual and joint activities. The resulting discussion is fueled by the facilitator asking clarifying questions of something like this:

  • What caused your satisfaction (dissatisfaction)? Do you think your discussion was moving in the right direction or not?
  • Has a general rescue strategy been developed? What stopped you from accepting Active participation in discussion? You don't agree with by decision? Why didn't you manage to defend your opinion?
  • Who in to the greatest extent influenced the outcome of the group decision, that is, in fact, turned out to be a leader who managed to lead the group?
  • What exactly in the leader’s behavior allowed him to force people to listen to him? At what stage did the leader appear?
  • In what ways did other participants gain agreement with their opinions?
  • Which behaviors were the least effective?
  • Which ones only interfered with the overall work?

How should the discussion be structured so that the most in a fast way reach a common opinion and not infringe on the rights of all participants?

Discussion of the results of the game should lead the group to independently understand the question of how to in the best possible way organize discussions on how to avoid rough clashes in a dispute and encourage others to accept their opinions. As a rule, during the discussion a very wide range of problems is touched upon: the phases through which almost any discussion passes, the leader and his qualities, skills effective communication, self-presentation skills, etc.

If necessary, the presenter only helps to more clearly formulate the patterns found by the participants. Self-analysis by participants of their own behavior, which is enriched by feedback from other group members, is very important. It is up to the presenter to ensure that this feedback does not turn into a series. mutual accusations, but would be constructive and accepted by the participants.

There is almost always a question about the “right” answer to a discussion problem. This answer is given by the presenter, but with the caveat that this is the opinion of foreign experts, with which we have the right to disagree, but we are forced to take into account the importance of choosing a rescue strategy for ranking objects: either move through the desert towards people, or wait for help from rescuers. If the question of strategy was practically not raised in the group during the discussion, then at this stage it is discovered that some of the participants tacitly implied the first option, while the other part had in mind the second. This reveals another reason for mutual misunderstanding.

So, the answers:

Option “Wait for rescuers” (by the way, according to experts, preferable).

  • One and a half liters of water for each person. In the desert it is necessary to quench thirst.
  • Pocket mirror. Important for signaling to air rescuers.
  • A light short coat for everyone. It will protect you from the scorching sun during the day and from the coolness of the night.
  • Pocket flashlight. Also a means of signaling to pilots at night.
  • The parachute is red and white. Both a means of protection from the sun and a signal to rescuers.
  • Hunting knife. Weapons for food production.
  • Polyethylene raincoat. Means for collecting rainwater and dew.
  • Hunting rifle with ammunition. Can be used for hunting and for giving a sound signal.
  • Sunglasses for everyone. They will help protect your eyes from the shine of sand and sun rays.
  • Portable gas stove with a balloon. Since you don't have to move, it can be useful for cooking.
  • Magnetic compass. Great value does not, since there is no need to determine the direction of movement.
  • Flight map of the surrounding area. Not needed, since it is much more important to know where the rescuers are than to determine your location.
  • Key to edible animals and plants. The desert does not have a large variety of flora and fauna.
  • A liter of vodka for everyone. It is acceptable to use as an antiseptic for disinfection of any injuries. In other cases, it is of little value, since if consumed orally it can cause dehydration.
  • A pack of salt. It has practically no significance.

Option “Move towards people”. The distribution by importance will have a slightly different form:

  • One and a half liters of water for each person.
  • A pack of salt.
  • Magnetic compass.
  • Flight map of the surrounding area.
  • A light short coat for everyone.
  • Sunglasses for everyone.
  • A liter of vodka for everyone.
  • Pocket flashlight.
  • Polyethylene raincoat.
  • Hunting knife.
  • Hunting rifle with ammunition.
  • Pocket mirror.
  • Key to edible animals and plants.
  • The parachute is red and white.
  • Portable gas stove with cylinder.

Sometimes clarifying mutual impressions and openly sharing feedback is difficult in the early stages of training, and although this game remains useful and effective, it cannot completely remove psychological defenses participants. To relieve tension at this stage, psycho-gymnastic games with a relaxation focus are used.

Exercise “Silent and talking mirror”

The presenter invites a volunteer to step into the circle and “look in the mirror.”

Your task is to determine only by the reflection in the “mirror”, or rather in two “mirrors”, which of the group members approached you from behind. These two “mirrors” will be alive. One will be silent: it will be able to explain to you who is behind you only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The second mirror is a talking one. It will explain what kind of person this person is, without mentioning his name, of course. Choose from the group those two who will become the silent and speaking “mirror”.

After the player has made a choice, the presenter gives the “mirrors” more detailed instructions:

“Mirrors” stand next to the wall. The main player is in front of them. All other members of the group position themselves behind him and, one at a time, silently approach him from behind. Reflection by mirrors occurs in turns. At first the silent “mirror” works. If the main player cannot guess the person standing behind him, then a “talking mirror” comes in and says one phrase. If the player again does not guess, then again it can be done differently - reflects a silent “mirror” and so on. The player's task is to guess the person behind him as quickly as possible.

For "mirrors" there is certain condition– do not focus only on the image purely external features people, and even more so to emphasize some physical characteristics.

The following questions can be discussed:

  • Which player required the fewest mirror “reflections” to determine who was behind him?
  • What is the secret of such insight?
  • Which of the group members turned out to be the most talented “mirror”? What helped him with this?
  • Which participant was surprised by how he was reflected by the “mirrors”?
  • How did you feel when you saw your reflection?

Auto-training “Magic Forest”

Target : creating a positive image of “I”, knowledge and development of the “I-concept”, learning auto-training as a way to change psychological and emotional states, development of perception and creativity.

Time needed: 15–20 minutes.


1. Text of immersion in a relaxation state. Borrow comfortable position. In this case, it is very important to straighten the spine since it has natural curves. The hands lie loosely on the knees so that the large and index fingers. Get ready to put your emotions and experiences aside for a while. Close your eyes. Leave any judgments, expectations or fantasies about how your auto training experience will turn out. Let it happen. Relax your facial muscles. Adjust your breathing so that it becomes even.

Breathe deeply and evenly. Tell yourself: the word “inhale” when you inhale, and “exhale” when you exhale. Accompany these words with every inhalation and exhalation. If you find yourself wondering about something, gently remind yourself of the task at hand and begin to say “inhale and exhale” again.

Focus all your attention on your breathing. Feel the air filling and leaving your lungs (focus on breathing for 5 minutes).

Your body begins to gradually relax. You feel the tension in your muscles disappear. With every spoken word, every muscle of the body is increasingly filled with a feeling of peace and pleasant lethargy. Your breathing is even and calm. Air freely fills the lungs and leaves them easily. The heart beats clearly and rhythmically. Turn your mind's eye to your fingers right hand. The fingertips of the right hand seem to touch the surface of warm water. You feel the pulsation in your fingertips. There is a feeling that the hand is gradually immersed in warm water. This magical water washes your right hand, relaxes it and rises up your arm... To the elbow... Even higher... Now your whole arm is immersed in pleasant warmth, relaxing... Fresh, renewed blood runs through the veins and arteries of your right hand, giving it rest... Breathing is smooth and calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically... And now your inner gaze turns to the fingers of your left hand.

The text above is completely repeated for the left hand. At the end, be sure to give instructions regarding breathing and heart.

Turn your attention to your feet. The feet relax. They feel pleasant warmth, reminiscent of the heat from a fire burning in a fireplace. It feels as if your feet are standing on a fireplace grate. Kind, gentle warmth rises up the legs, giving life-giving relaxation and rest to the muscles... Tension disappears... And now the leg muscles relax - from the tips of the fingers to the thigh... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically...

There is another source of heat in your body. He's in the area solar plexus. It’s like a little sun saturates your life with its life-giving rays. internal organs and gives them health, helps them function better... The muscles of the abdomen and chest are straightened and relaxed... A pleasant, relaxing warmth spreads throughout the body, which creates a feeling of peace and relaxation... Tension in the shoulders, in the cervical region, in the lower part of the back of the head disappears... You feel how the tension accumulated here dissolves and disappears... Goes away... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically...

Now your mind's eye turns to your face. Facial muscles relax... Tension goes away from the cheekbones. From the jaws... Lips become soft... Wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out... Eyelids are closed and motionless... All facial muscles are relaxed... A light, cool breeze washes your face... The air brings you its healing energy... Breathing is even, calm. The heart beats clearly, rhythmically...

Your body enjoys complete peace... Tension subsides, dissolves away... Fatigue disappears... You are filled with a sweet feeling of rest, relaxation, peace... Peace that fills you with new strength, fresh and pure energy...

You are relaxed and free. You can end up where you want to be. Where you feel good. For some, maybe this is his own house, for some it is a corner of the yard where he loved to hide as a child. And for some, it’s just a clearing in the summer forest, where you can lie in the grass and see the dazzling blue sky above you... Stay a little in this place. Get nourished positive energy this good place for you... Your breathing is even and calm.

2. AT text . You find yourself in a wonderful, warm forest. He does not scare you, but on the contrary seems friendly and hospitable. The sun is shining brightly, its warm rays break through the foliage of centuries-old giant trees and gently touch your hair and your face. The air is fresh and rich different flavors forests, try to smell the forest smells (pause). Can you hear the birds singing? Listen, the forest is full of sounds (pause) There is a path in front of you. Follow it. The path is narrow, you walk slowly, enjoying the beauty. Go to any tree, touch its bark, the moss on it, raise your head up and look at its crown. The warm wind gently plays with your hair and calms you down, you feel at home in this forest. You walk further along the familiar path and come out into a clearing surrounded mighty trees. There is a small tree in the center of the clearing. Apparently very old, it is not tall, but its trunk is too wide, its crown is spreading, its branches are strong (pause).

An old sage sits under a tree; he knows the answers to all questions. He does not make you feel fear or apprehension, on the contrary, respect and trust. Come closer, you see the sage smiling at you. Take a closer look at him, try to remember his appearance, face, eyes. Do you want to talk to him? It’s not in vain that you came here, he knows everything. Try talking to him about yourself. Ask him: “Who am I?” (pause). Continue the conversation with the old man, try to look at him carefully and listen to his words.

It's time for you to return. You will come here again, to this giant forest.

3. Text of exiting the relaxation state.

Now I will start counting from seven to one. With each subsequent number, you will begin to emerge more and more from the state of relaxation - until the moment when I call the number “one” and you will stand up rested, cheerful, full of new strength and energy.

So seven ... You feel the sensation returning to you own body... Lethargy and apathy recede. You begin to return to your normal state. Six ... Your muscles are filled with strength and energy... You are still motionless, but a few moments will pass and you can easily get up and start moving... Five ... The state of calm remains, but it begins to be filled with feelings of strength and the ability to act... Relaxation is replaced by composure... Four ... You feel that you have finally come to your senses and are ready to be active. Vigor and energy fill you more and more. Three … Move your feet. You fully feel your legs and are able to easily tense your muscles. Move your fingers. Slowly clench your fingers into a fist Two . Without opening your eyes, turn your head. You are cheerful, filled with strength and energy. Did you have a good rest. You are calm and confident. One . We opened our eyes. We got up. Don't do it too quickly.


How do you feel? (please note that everyone can speak out and share their impressions, discoveries, and emotions).

WITH today We will end each lesson with auto-training and you you'll be back again to the “sage”, continue the conversation with him.

Surely next time he will tell you a lot more than in your first meeting.

Game “Developing Observation”

Age : junior school.

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams.

Game conditions : for 10 minutes, the guys write down as many objects as possible, grouping them by shape, color, starting with the same letter, made from the same material, belonging to the same genus, etc.

It is necessary to draw up following lists items:

  1. Red,
  2. black color,
  3. Green colour,
  4. of blue color,
  5. oval,
  6. square,
  7. wooden,
  8. metal,
  9. stone,
  10. starting with the letter "k"
  11. related to furniture,
  12. related to dishes, etc.

For the longest list of items for one of the items, 5 points are awarded.

Exercise “Completing the Story”

Age : junior school.

Children are offered the beginning of a story. For example: “It was a clear sunny day. A girl was walking down the street and leading a funny puppy on a leash. Suddenly, out of nowhere...”

It is necessary to come up with a continuation and ending to the story.

Operating time - 10 min.

The story can be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • completeness of the story;
  • brightness and originality of images;
  • unusual twist and plot;
  • surprise ending.

Exercise “Talking on the phone”

Goals: the game is aimed at modeling social situations and behavior patterns, developing the ability to listen to others, as well as developing spatial thinking, visual perception; creative imagination, emotional adequacy.

Materials : playing field: on the top of the sheet of whatman paper are depicted Leopold the Cat, Gena the Crocodile, Kolobok, Wolf (from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”); on the lower part - Fox, Hare, Cheburashka, Mouse. The characters hold telephone handsets, which are connected in pairs (according to the cartoon) with a broken line, forming a kind of labyrinth.

Brief description of the game content:

"In two big houses different cartoon characters live. Residents of one house - Leopold the cat, Gena the Crocodile, Kolobok and Wolf called their friends. Find out who called whom. What were they talking about?

Before the game, it is recommended to read K.I. Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone” to children, followed by a discussion and/or a short conversation about the rules of etiquette for talking on the phone. Remember cartoons and fairy tales with the participation of the above-mentioned heroes.

Number of game participants– from 1 to 4 children.

Creativity– an important factor contributing to success in many areas of life. Therefore, it seems logical and natural to want to learn as much as possible about the development of creativity.

The development of creativity is directly related to a person’s life experience, level of knowledge, lifestyle, and interpersonal relationships. By expanding your horizons - by reading more, traveling, communicating with interesting people - you are taking a big step towards developing the creativity of your thinking. After all creative solution- this is, in fact, the result of the interweaving of various knowledge.

If you have a small stock of knowledge or it is very superficial, or even worse - if all your knowledge is concentrated in only one area, then the chances of generating creative thoughts and making creative decisions, due to the small amount of source material, are very small. So collect knowledge, emotions and impressions.

Creativity is not a single ability - it is a combination of personality qualities and the characteristics of its intelligence. Therefore, if you want to develop creative thinking you need to:

Perceive yourself as a creative and versatile person;

Be an independent person and be able to withstand external demands;

Be able to challenge other people's assumptions, and have the willingness and desire to take the “What if?!” approach;

Be curious, receptive, open-minded, ready for something new;

Be an energetic person, easy-going;

Have insight and observation;

Be able to combine incompatible things;

Be able to present your ideas and thoughts, convince a person;

Have a sense of humor and playfulness...

From this list, the first “must” should be highlighted. There is an interesting opinion - the only thing that distinguishes a “creative” person from a “non-creative” one is that the “creative” person is convinced that he is such a person. Therefore, everything he does, he does with this thought. Think about it!

A few words about independence. It is easier for an independent person to develop creativity and become creative, because his opinions and decisions are rarely subject to the influence of others and destructive criticism. And therefore there are fewer restrictions and more space and freedom for action.

Methods for developing creativity

Psychology understands creativity as special creative abilities, and creativity in all its manifestations is based on imagination. Therefore, an important part of development creative abilities– development of imagination.

Psychologists who analyzed the components of creativity came to the conclusion that intuition (intuitive understanding) is also an important component for the development of creative thinking. Read - “How to develop intuition.”

Communicate with creative and creative people who have achieved some success, try to spend as much time as possible with them, if possible, be sure to observe how they work. These do not necessarily have to be people of art, because a creative person can be found in any profession.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Our strict rules, the framework within which we place ourselves (how we should behave and think), lead us to reject good ideas that could contribute to the development of creativity. Fearing being the target of ridicule, we monitor our behavior for correctness and acceptability. Experiment and don't be afraid to seem funny!

An important point that will get the development of creative thinking off the ground is a call to action. Don't wait for the right moment to try to create something original, interesting and surprising, don't think that you're not ready. Start creating and already in the process of work you will understand what you have been missing for many years.

When developing creativity, for the sake of training, set yourself tasks whose solution gives you nothing.

The process of developing creativity can begin by borrowing someone else's idea from people working in your field. Please do not take this as a call for plagiarism. It's about development, about learning something new, new trends and trends, and passing them through the prism of your own perception.

How creativity is born

Creative thought sometimes comes suddenly through insight, but is mainly born by the method of orienting the consciousness to the search for ideas. That is, to begin with, we determine what ideas we need (area of ​​application), then we focus on them and begin to develop them (we brainstorm), then, after one or more worthy ideas come to mind, they are recorded and diversified ( grinding). Ask and where is the advice on developing creative thinking? A significant increase in creativity comes from the ability to develop, capture and record suddenly flashing thoughts and ideas.

In order to develop creativity and make this process easier and more understandable, you need to follow the rules:

When taking on a task or starting to develop an idea, be extremely focused (at the initial stages of creativity development, this is especially necessary), without being distracted by anything else, concentrate your attention on one idea or subject.

If you need to create a new original product or to solve a problem you need creativity, your mind must be plastic and flexible. Learn to think outside the box, switch from one train of thought to another. Build unexpected combinations, play through all sorts of options, mix up ideas, look at the situation from all sides. To explore more and more new possibilities, make the most unimaginable assumptions.

5 exercises to develop creative thinking

So, 5 exercises:

2 random words

Take any book or Dictionary. Choose 2 words at random: open any page and point your finger without looking. Now try to find something in common between these two words, compare them, compare, analyze, look for relationships. You can come up with an incredible, even crazy story that would connect these two concepts. Exercise and train your brain.

An Architect's Follies

How do you feel about taking on the role of an architect and designing a house? Don’t know how to draw or remember with horror your school drawing lessons and strength of materials materials at the university? It's okay, the ability to draw and draw is the tenth thing here. The main thing is the process. Well, do you agree? Great, then let's go.

First, let's write down 10 nouns, any of them, on a sheet of paper. Tangerine, glass, meadow, water, tomato - whatever comes to mind. These 10 words are 10 mandatory conditions the customer for whom you are designing a house. For example, “mandarin” - make the walls of the house orange, “water” - let there be a fountain or pond in front of the house, “tomato” - put red fish in the pond or hang red curtains in the house, etc. Give free rein to your imagination. Draw and imagine what it would look like in real life.

Associations (5+5)

Take a look at the room you are in now. What object caught your eye? Mine is for the chocolate bar that lies on the table. Now take a piece of paper with a pen and write down 5 adjectives that best describe the subject you have chosen. For example, dark chocolate, delicious chocolate, Belgian chocolate, natural chocolate, loose chocolate (imported, domestic, favorite, white, milk, hot, bar chocolate and many other options come to mind).

Have you written? And now the fun part - write 5 more adjectives that are absolutely not suitable. It is significantly more difficult to make this: glass chocolate, plush chocolate, summer chocolate, mystery chocolate, roasted chocolate. o_O That's what came to my mind. Dig into your feelings and perceptions and find the necessary definitions. Put in a little more effort and everything will work out, the main thing is don’t leave the task unfinished. Sit and reflect.

Hour of Silence

Don’t be alarmed, you won’t have to put water in your mouth and be silent. As you understand from the name of the exercise, this task will take you one hour, but at the same time you should not break away from your affairs and normal daily routine. During this hour, answer people only general questions using “yes” and “no.” Behave as naturally as possible so that no one suspects anything strange. People around you should not get the impression that you are not yourself, are sick, or got up on the wrong foot in the morning. Try it and believe me, you will love it.

Creativity test

The main thing here is to believe in yourself and cast all doubts away. Take a sheet of paper and draw crosses: 6 in height and 9 in length:

Now we tune in to the creative wave, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. We take a pen and start turning crosses into pictures and small sketches

Are you done? Now look at what happened and choose the most successful ones, there will probably be some.

Creativity and a creative approach are needed by every person for successful activities. But there are moments when it seems to us that our creative potential has dried up, and all actions performed have become automatic. Of course, modern man There are many different things around that do not contribute to the development of creativity, but if you want, everything is possible. In this article you will find 15 creativity tips to help you.

  1. Fight routine every day - don't allow yourself to become robots that do most things automatically. To do this, diversify your life and activities, even in small things. Drink from a different cup each time, wear different things every day, fold clothes, books, and dishes differently. Experiment - change the order of actions. Every day, when you figure out how to diversify your work and life, the part of the brain responsible for creativity and creativity will be strained, thereby you train it.
  2. Rearrange once a week. What surrounds us has a huge impact on the way we think and live. Therefore, don’t let your interior get boring - even if you don’t want to drag furniture from corner to corner, try buying or making some new one yourself decorative element, change the curtains - the goal is to constantly update the interior.
  3. There is a good way to develop creativity - meeting and communicating with new people. Just set yourself a goal of meeting three people every week. By communicating with them, you come into contact with a completely different world, views, expand the boundaries of your thinking and, naturally, train your creativity.
  4. Try a simple exercise every day - take a piece of paper and a pen, write 7 random letters that come to your mind. Now, come up with words that begin with these letters and make a sentence out of them. This is a very effective exercise that not only develops your creativity but also stimulates your brain.
  5. To develop creativity, you need to visit new places more often. Fall in love with travel, and today make a plan for the near future, based on your financial and time capabilities. Try to visit another city that you have never been to at least once a month.
  6. If you do not have the opportunity to travel outside your home country as often hometown, you can visit new places without leaving anywhere. Search the Internet for information about your locality or city, and you will probably learn a lot of new and interesting things, and also find a number of places that you want to visit.
  7. There is one more very good exercise to train creativity. Need to take it again Blank sheet paper and pen, and write 20 nouns. Now for these nouns, start coming up with adjectives that are not typical for them. For example, rough tea, loyal bread, and so on. At first it may seem to you that this is just some kind of stupidity, but in fact this method is very effective and helps you learn to find non-standard solutions to problems. On top of that, you'll get charged Have a good mood, which will also have a beneficial effect on brain function.
  8. At night, when you go to bed, allow yourself to plunge into another world - where you have unlimited possibilities. Draw your life in your imagination, imagine everything in detail. Try to see a detailed color picture in your head. Dream about everything that comes to your mind - don’t be shy about it.
  9. Try to pronounce words and sentences from the end. It is very easy for us to read a word backwards, but to reproduce it this way without seeing it in front of our eyes is much more difficult. But such a simple exercise helps develop imagination and creativity.
  10. Draw, even if you are absolutely sure that you can’t do anything, it contributes to the development of creative potential. The important thing in this exercise is the process of creating a drawing, and not redrawing it from what we see around.
  11. Everything you do every day can be used to develop creativity. Whenever you do something around the house or do some routine work, try writing short quatrains about your activity.
  12. A state of happiness and joy helps to unleash creative potential and activates brain function. Therefore, try to fill your life positive emotions, if possible, avoid negative experiences or at least learn to control them.
  13. Reading fiction It will also help develop creativity. Therefore, try to devote at least a little time every day to read a short chapter from a book, or at least a story from a magazine. Read carefully, imagining every detail of the event and character being described.
  14. Be sure to provide your brain with the substances necessary for its full functioning. For maximum brain function, you need unsaturated fatty acid, glucose, magnesium, B vitamins. Also, water is a very important component. Don't forget to get good and regular sleep.
  15. Fall in love - don't be afraid of this feeling. Since the state of being in love reveals creative potential, nothing and no one can reveal it. Therefore, open your feelings in order to love your partner and the whole world. There must be love normal condition creative person!
