Long toenails pedicure. Why do you dream about long toenails: the meaning and interpretation of the dream

Long beautiful nails They help visually correct the shape of the fingers, but growing toenails seems very strange to most people, to put it mildly. However, some consider it original and beautiful.

Currently long nails on the feet cause surprise rather than admiration and delight. It looks so unusual that such nails will certainly be the center of everyone's attention. Their growth can be called a kind of new trend.

It is impossible to say that it was ever fashionable, since only brave and shocking women decided to grow toenails at all times. The longest toenails once belonged to American Louise Hollins. The length of each of her nails was about 16 centimeters. This became an absolute world record.

Currently, stylists, leading pedicurists and simply people interested in fashion and style have not yet come to a consensus on what the optimal length of toenails should be. Most of them still adhere to classical standards of beauty. It is generally accepted that the free edge of the toenails should protrude only 2-3 millimeters from the “smile line.”

In some cases, it is possible to increase the length free edge, but no more than 3-4 millimeters. Anything that goes beyond these limits is considered a manifestation of originality and shockingness. When thinking about whether long toenails are beautiful, you must take into account their actual length, as well as the condition and shape of the base of the nail, nail bed.

If the nail bed is long enough, a woman can afford to grow a few more millimeters of the free edge, which will be a natural extension of the nail itself. It is important that the pedicure in this case is impeccable.

Having grown her toenails, even if they are not very large, a woman can no longer afford to walk around with unkempt nails that are not covered with varnish. If the shape of your nails allows, you can do a French manicure or cover them bright varnish. Many women commit big mistake, trying to grow short nails that are not very beautifully shaped.

On the one hand, this is correct, since an uneven and very short nail bed can be visually lengthened only by growing the free edge of the nail. On the other hand, growing your nails too much in this case is strictly contraindicated. Optimal length The free edge for such nails will be only 2-3 millimeters long.

Otherwise, it will look unnatural, bending upward. Besides, it will be quite inconvenient. Speaking about the free edge of the nail growing too long, many fashion experts unequivocally say that it is simply unsightly. Such a shocking pedicure can be demonstrated on the catwalk, but for real life he is completely unsuitable.

According to sociological surveys, men consider long toenails on women to be repulsive and asexual. In other words, representatives of the fair sex who decide to undertake such an experiment for the sake of men’s attention can achieve the opposite effect. Most men admit that such nails simply scare them.

Anyone who wants to decide to grow it should remember this. In the end, a woman wants to be beautiful precisely for men. This should be its main goal, which it should focus on. Long toenails will most likely not cause delight among others.

In addition, this can cause a lot of inconvenience to the woman herself. If her nails grow, she will have to wear open shoes. That is why for most of the fair sex such a pedicure is simply unacceptable. After all, walk all year round V open shoes Only residents of the warmest countries can afford to go without stockings.

Of course, you can get your nails done in a salon, but it will still be seasonal. Unfortunately, for most Russian regions, cold weather is typical even in the summer months. Long toenails tear tights, making them very uncomfortable to wear certain models of shoes.

To sum up, we can clearly conclude that excessively long toenails are not beautiful, not sexy and, moreover, terribly inconvenient. All girls who want to grow their toenails or get extensions done in a salon should remember this.

This will most likely only lead to disappointment. Women who are in a relationship with a man or are tied to him legal marriage, you should definitely consult with your significant other about the need for extensions. Most likely, this will not cause much delight in a man.

Not everyone likes long toenails. Anyone who wants to grow their nails should remember this. After all, every person, changing his appearance, wants first of all to please others, and not just himself.

The most long nails

Many girls dream of long nails and grow them for quite a long time. But, as we know, everything is good in moderation. Very long nails, as you can see in the photo, look very unusual. Many may perhaps consider them completely unaesthetic.

Record holder from Salt Lake City and her followers

The longest nails in the world

The Guinness Book of Records has dedicated a separate article to the lady who has the longest fingernails in the world; these nails are shown in the photo. The total length of the ten nail plates on her hands reaches almost 9 meters. Along with this, her longest nail, 80 cm long, is on the huge finger of her left hand, and the smallest, 71.6 cm, is on the little finger of her right hand. The measurements were carried out in 2008 in Spain.

Currently, the lady with the longest nails, Lee Redmon, lives in Salt Lake City in the United States. She says it took her nearly 30 years to grow her record length. She has not cut or filed her nails since 1979. Lee announced that such nails do not interfere with her everyday life.

The world's largest nails

But on February 10, 2009, Miss Redmon lost her title. She was in a car accident, in which she sustained a number of injuries. And despite the fact that now there is nothing that threatens her health, the consequences of the accident turned out to be very important. In it, Lee lost her largest nails in the world, which now remain only in the photo.

The longest nails in the world

No one has yet succeeded in repeating Lee’s world record, but attempts are being made systematically by many people. So 38-year-old Hindu Sridhar Chillal has not cut the nails on his left hand for the last 15 years. And despite the fact that his plates are not yet recognized as the largest nails in the world, in the future the man hoped to break Lee's record. But he had to get rid of beauty in 2000, because due to the enormous weight of his left hand, a nerve injury occurred and the man became deaf in one ear.

45-year-old Chris Walton, known in Las Vegas as the singer Countess, has the longest nails in the world according to 2014 data. The total length of its plates is more than 6 meters, and the longest nail is 91 cm. This, like Redmon, is the nail on the huge finger of the left hand.

The lady with the longest nails

The Chinese Wen Zhan under no circumstances claimed the title of Man with the Longest Nails. He began to grow them only to, by his own admission, make it difficult for him to clench his hand into a fist. That is why he began to fight less often and was able to pacify his violent temper. The length of his longest nail is 35 cm.

Growing toenails

Very long nails

The longest toenails in the world were also recorded in one of the US residents. Louise Hollis lives in the suburbs in California and her very prominent nails don't bother her much. Despite the fact that the length of each of them is about 16 cm and, it would seem, they should be a serious obstacle when walking. But, as photos and paintings show, the longest toenails are not a hindrance to movement. Louise takes the shoes high soles And bigger size, so the plates are not damaged.

Long fingernails

Thanks to California's mild climate, she can almost afford to wear open-toe shoes. whole year. But in winter period In addition, this region is quite cool. During cold weather, Louise changes into her special insulated platform boots and, most importantly, without a toe. This way your nails are not damaged by shoes.

The longest toenails in the world

Because of her unusual hobby, Mrs. Hollis also lost her husband. one time he put her before a choice: to give up her hobby or continue to be with him home life. Louise, of course, chose a hobby and, as it turned out, not in vain. She is now known throughout the world as the owner of the world's longest toenails.


It would seem that it is simply unrealistic to find out the smallest nails in the world. Since the limit in this sense is limited to the beginning of the nail bed. But, as it turned out, this area also has its own record holders.

The smallest nails in the world

The smallest nails in the world, shown in the photo, were only 2 mm long when measured from the cuticle to the end of the plate. They belonged to a young Beasley girl living in the United States. In order for her to achieve the result because of her habit of biting her nails. The uncontrollable urge to bite nails also exceeded the pain from this process at some stages. Beasley herself constantly compared this craving to drug addiction.

The biggest nails in the world

After she set her anti-record at the age of 12, she decided to get rid of bad habit. She wanted to do this in a very unexpected way - by starting to play the piano. But such perseverance bore fruit and the woman lost the habit, and with it her title of The smallest nails in the world, which are now shown only in the photo. But the woman is still confident that for playing the piano, a 2 mm length of nails is the most ergonomic.

As is clear from the article, beauty is a rather relative concept. It’s unlikely that anyone can call 80 centimeter plates beautiful. You can watch a video showing the longest nails in the world below. It will probably help you believe that such beauty is by no means an obstacle to performing everyday manual manipulations.

Depending on the actual circumstances, dreams that show nails can be interpreted in different ways. Why do you dream about long toenails? This article will be devoted to unraveling the meaning of such dreams.

Most dreams are forgotten with the first rays of the sun and do not disturb a person. But sometimes it happens that dreams excite the impression and disturb with their unusualness. And a person strives to find out what such visions promise. For this purpose, dream interpretations have been collected in dream books for many centuries. Such books were compiled by Nostradamus and Vanga, Freud and many less famous personalities.

Dreams about nails

Just seeing your nails in a dream indicates hard work in the coming period. Your hard work will be appreciated and your income will increase. This is especially important if you saw this dream in the early morning hours or if it repeats.

If your nails are nice appearance in a dream, we can say that everything will move in accordance with the plans. If they look untidy, it means that many unpredictable events will appear.

Feet and nails

Why do you dream about long toenails? If you see that they are sick, then you should be careful about betrayal from friends and in professional life.

When you see that there are no nails, you will be bitterly disappointed.

Seeing that your toenails are quite dirty, you will lose your reputation due to rumors and gossip.

Cutting your nails in a dream means that you will be able to make wise choices in the coming period, despite being under significant pressure. Why do you dream about long toenails? Sometimes this indicates the resolution of an existing dilemma.

If cutting your nails in a dream means that you will soon have to make a sacrifice for the sake of common good V family life Therefore, you can determine why you dream of long toenails and cut them. You may have to give up one of your favorite activities to please the people who mean a lot to you.

If the hair seems unnaturally long, then this is a sign long period happiness that will overtake you. If the dream is recurring in nature, it could mean that you are on the verge of a very positive event in your life.

All goes to good

The explanation for why you dream of long toenails may also be the emergence of new worries. The cost of effort will be disproportionate to the payment. If the nails are neat and beautiful at the same time, they foretell good health. When toenails are pulled out with meat, this is a warning of upcoming injuries. Toenails that have been broken promise financial ruin for everyone.

A dream in which you take care of your nails speaks of excessive care regarding appearance. You really want to live up to the expectations of others and have most likely lost yourself.

If you dreamed of well-groomed nails covered in dirt, then in reality this will lead to humiliation and shame in the family. It is necessary to look from the outside at the real state of things and listen to the advice of loved ones.

Nail length matters

Why do you dream about long toenails? They will tell you about disappointed expectations and unfulfilled dreams. What you so wanted to get will most likely remain only a desire on the distant horizon. Short nails embody your fussiness in life. Try to relax and do something calmly. If they turn out to be too long, then this is a symbol of imminent wealth.

Lengthen or shorten?

If you pull out your nails in a dream, it has a negative connotation. An unfavorable combination of circumstances that threaten health or even life. If you see your nails growing, it predicts longevity.

When you cut your nails in a dream, you should expect insults and an angry mood. It is possible that a quarrel will arise with people who are nearby. Dreams where you bite your nails promise an unexpected gift.

Nails with a clearly visible white hole indicate a successful streak in life. If they belong to another person, they symbolize envy on the part of strangers.

A dream in which a child carefully takes care of his nails represents arrogance. Don't focus on the little things: you might miss out on real happiness.

Shiny nails will bring unexpected news. If they are bright, then you should expect misfortunes and troubles.

If your nails in a dream are like those of an animal, then in reality you will literally fight for a promotion or your own love. They also involve fighting for the family. Cutting another person's nails in a dream means taking revenge on the enemy.

What do dreams about nails promise for a man and a woman?

Why for men? If a lonely person dreams about them, the meaning of the dream is that you are helpless or like people who cannot do anything useful. Perhaps such a dream will make you motivate yourself to do better. Another interpretation says that this dream is a sign bright emotions, as well as bad news.

The meaning of a dream about long nails is a sign that a man will see or feel the care and affection of the people around him.

Why do women dream about long toenails? These are temptations that make you regret something that didn't happen. This is also a sign that relatives and friends will bring trouble, you will experience difficulties.

Multicolored nails can symbolize a varied lifestyle. This dream could represent a grip on things like your relationships, career, and personal life.

Nail file

If you dream of trying to polish your nails with a nail file, it suggests that you are preparing to leave your past decisions behind. You are more focused on improving the way you solve your problems. If you only see a fragment of a nail and do nothing with it, your unconscious self is warning you that you have been harsh to other people.

Nail polish

Nail polish may have different colors, but each of them means that further events in life will remain in your memory. If people see a stranger's nail in a dream, then your employees will notice new solutions complex tasks.

Let's sum it up

The variety of meanings of our dreams gives us hope for the best. Morning comes and we strive to be happy again. Let it be!

30 minute weekly self care plan

Monday. Face and neck.
wash with milk or foam
apply an express cleansing mask or scrub
apply a mask around the eyes
After a couple of minutes, wash off the masks
wipe your face with tonic or lotion
apply eye cream
apply face cream and do a light massage
apply to eyelashes nourishing oil
apply balm to lips

The timer rings. 30 minutes was enough.

Tuesday. Body.
get in the shower and soak for a couple of minutes
actively apply the scrub for a couple of minutes
wash off the scrub
three problem areas anti-cellulite washcloth
rinse, apply body balm or anti-cellulite cream

Again, it took no more than 30 minutes.

Wednesday. Hands.
make a hand bath for 5-7 minutes
remove cuticles
clean and file nails
apply nourishing or moisturizing hand cream
We apply medicated enamel or special oil to the nails

Thursday. Legs.
take a hot bath
Gently rub the heels with a pumice stone or scrub
clean and file nails
apply moisturizer
on nails - nourishing oil or medicinal enamel

Friday. Hair.
wash my hair
apply nourishing mask for hair for 15 minutes
wash off the mask
apply balm or oil

Saturday. Hodgepodge.
bath with sea salt and aromatic oils
mud body mask
self-tanning balm

We leave Sunday to consolidate the result - we dress nicely and go for a walk. Take a walk through the park, breathe in the fresh spring air, treat yourself to ice cream, and treat yourself to a little new thing.

Of course, you can vary the list of procedures during the week, adjusting it to your own needs, and add some of your own activities to your personal care plan. There is only one point: to strictly highlight certain time every day for easy and relaxed self-care. In a month you will be noticeably fresher, and in two you will be tired of compliments. If you don't believe me, check it out.

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Taking care of your nails.

Mineral bath.

Beer bath.

Bath with cucumber juice.

Bath with plantain.

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Taking care of your nails.

Bath for peeling nails.
Ingredients: vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, iodine 3 drops. Heat all the ingredients in a water bath. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Let your nails sit for 15 minutes, wash and dry your hands.

Mineral bath.
Ingredients: mineral water- half a glass, fresh cabbage juice - half a glass, strong brewed tea 2 tablespoons.
Let's hold our hands in this infusion for 20 minutes.

Beer bath.
Let's heat the beer to 60 degrees, add a tablespoon of chamomile to the beer and heat the composition in a water bath. Place your hands in the cooled infusion for 15 minutes, then dry them with a napkin.

Bath based on apple cider vinegar.
Ingredients: take apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in equal proportions.
Stir well and hold hands for 10 minutes.

Bath based on lemon juice.
Ingredients: vegetable oil - half a glass, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
Add lemon juice to heated vegetable oil. Place your fingertips in the bath with this mixture for 20 minutes. After this, dry your nails and do not wet your hands for 2 hours.

Bath with cucumber juice.
Ingredients: salt - 1 teaspoon, cucumber juice - 0.5 cups, beer - 0.5 cups.
Heat up the beer and add salt and cucumber juice. Mix until smooth. Soak your nails in this solution for 15 minutes.

Bath with plantain.
Ingredients: milk - half a glass, chopped plantain leaves - 1 tablespoon.
Add crushed plantain leaves to the heated milk and keep the leaves in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool and strain, hold your hands in this broth for 15 minutes.

Bath based on vegetable oil.
Let's heat the vegetable oil. Let it cool until it is warm, add a few drops of iodine and soak your nails in this bath for 20 minutes. We do this bath once a week.

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Procedures for caring for brittle, problematic nails:

Lubricate your nails every day alcohol tincture calendula (sold in pharmacies). Nails will grow long and strong.
Almonds are good for nails. It is recommended to eat half a glass of almonds per day.
At brittle nails It is recommended to make 10-minute baths of vegetable oil mixed with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions.
It is very useful for nails to rub the juice of red and black currants, cranberries, and lemon into the nail plate and the skin around it.
Using a brush, lubricate your nails with a mixture of 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops rose oil and 10 drops of jojoba oil.
Make a hand bath once a week from vegetable oil (preferably corn) with 3 drops of iodine added.

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Sea salt (for white spots on nails)

If, nevertheless, you were unable to avoid microtrauma during manicure or homework and white spots appear, try using a hot salt bath. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon sea ​​salt stir in 1 glass hot water. After the salt has dissolved, immerse your hands in water for 20 minutes. Mix ½ cup of heated olive (or vegetable) oil with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Soak your nails in the mixture for 15 minutes. Then lubricate your nails castor oil or fish oil.

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How to paint on nails

Prepare your nails for a manicure. Using tweezers, adjust their shape, then correct it with a file. Special liquid remove the cuticle. Apply to nail plate and surrounding skin cosmetic oil or cream and let it absorb. Then wipe off any remaining residue and degrease your nails with nail polish remover without acetone.

On paper, draw a sketch of the manicure pattern. Its shape may change during application, but color scheme and the location can be determined in advance.

To make the coating fit better on your nails, apply a manicure base to them. When it's dry, apply a coat of base color varnish. Place the brush at the center of the nail and sweep to the edge in one motion. Paint the sides of the nail with two more lines.

Place a few drops of varnish on a predetermined place contrasting color. Using a toothpick or a thin, stiff brush, “stretch” them to the sides, creating streaks. Cover the painting result with a fixative varnish. Schemes of similar patterns can be found on the Internet.

To do more complex drawings, use acrylic paint for nails. It is usually applied using the Chinese painting technique. Similar patterns are created on false nails before the extension procedure. Place the required shades on the palette - two matching shades in stripes next to each other. Dip a flat brush into them so that there are two colors on it at once. Place the brush flat on your nail and use short strokes to create a design. This method is convenient for drawing flower petals and leaves. You can complement the pattern with contours made with a thin brush. If you need to add dots to the pattern, you can use a special tool - dots. Depending on the diameter of the ball, you can put dots on its end different sizes. Finished drawing fasten.

The beauty of a woman is manifested in everything - from her hairstyle to the tips of her nails. You can emphasize the individuality of the image special manicure. Don't just limit yourself bright color polish – try drawing patterns on your nails. These can be abstract patterns or completely recognizable motifs. For a less flashy effect, you can paint only the tip of the nail. This will be an option french manicure– paint on a neutral white background on the tip of the nail.

A three-dimensional drawing can be made using acrylic gel or pasta. Elements of the design are sculpted directly on the nail. However, create aquarium design It’s unlikely to be possible at home and without minimal skills. You will have to go to a salon or take a training course.

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1. With salt:

2. With oil:

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Strengthening nail baths at home.

1. With salt:
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt in 1 glass of warm water. Soak your nails in this salt nail bath for 10 minutes. Then blot your nails with a napkin and apply any rich cream.

If you don't have sea salt, you can use table salt. Keep your nails in a bath of table salt for 10-15 minutes. Then also blot them with a napkin and lubricate them with a rich cream for hands and nails.

2. With oil:
You will need 0.25 cups of vegetable oil and 0.25 cups of apple cider vinegar. First heat the oil a little, then stir in the vinegar. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

Dip your fingertips into the bath until your nails are completely covered with the mixture. Keep for 10 minutes, then blot with a napkin.

3. Nail bath with iodine and orange juice:
To prepare such a bath you will need 2 teaspoons table salt, 3-4 drops of iodine, 1/3 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, 1/3 glass of water.

Heat water, dilute salt in it, then add orange juice and iodine. Mix everything carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Dip your fingertips into the bath so that your nails are completely immersed in the resulting mixture. Keep for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wipe your hands and nails dry and generously lubricate them with any nourishing cream, especially your nails.

4. Iodine-salt bath for nails:
Heat 1 glass of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of table salt in it, then add 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture. Mix everything thoroughly.

Dip your fingertips into the hot bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

5. Nail bath with oil and iodine:
You need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture and 1 glass of water.

Dilute iodine in water. Stir the oil into the solution and heat the entire resulting mixture in a water bath. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Dip your nails in warm bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

6. Bath for nails at home with oil and salt:
Heat 1/3 cup of vegetable oil a little in a water bath and add salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 15-20 minutes, then put on cotton gloves and leave for 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

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Strengthening nail baths at home.

1. With salt:
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt in 1 glass of warm water. Soak your nails in this salt nail bath for 10 minutes. Then blot your nails with a napkin and apply any rich cream.

If you don't have sea salt, you can use table salt. Keep your nails in a bath of table salt for 10-15 minutes. Then also blot them with a napkin and lubricate them with a rich cream for hands and nails.

2. With oil:
You will need 0.25 cups of vegetable oil and 0.25 cups of apple cider vinegar. First heat the oil a little, then stir in the vinegar. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

Dip your fingertips into the bath until your nails are completely covered with the mixture. Keep for 10 minutes, then blot with a napkin.

3. Nail bath with iodine and orange juice:
To prepare such a bath you will need 2 teaspoons of table salt, 3-4 drops of iodine, 1/3 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, 1/3 cup of water.

Heat water, dilute salt in it, then add orange juice and iodine. Mix everything carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Dip your fingertips into the bath so that your nails are completely immersed in the resulting mixture. Keep for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wipe your hands and nails dry and generously lubricate them with any nourishing cream, especially your nails.

4. Iodine-salt bath for nails:
Heat 1 glass of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of table salt in it, then add 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture. Mix everything thoroughly.

Dip your fingertips into the hot bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

5. Nail bath with oil and iodine:
You need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture and 1 glass of water.

Dilute iodine in water. Stir the oil into the solution and heat the entire resulting mixture in a water bath. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Place your nails in a warm bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

6. Bath for nails at home with oil and salt:
Heat 1/3 cup of vegetable oil a little in a water bath and add salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 15-20 minutes, then put on cotton gloves and leave for 3 hours. After the procedure, rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

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Nail extensions today take a lot of time. important place in the beauty industry. In addition to being beautiful, extensions help correct some imperfections. natural nails. But still there is negative side this procedure. Acrylic and gel negatively affect the nail plate, as a result of which natural nails become thin and brittle. There are many ways to strengthen weakened nails at home, because not everyone has the time and opportunity to regularly visit beauty salons. Let's look at some beauty recipes that you can use on your own.

Typically, after removal artificial nails It will be difficult for some time to grow your nails to the length that suits you, so give your nail plate a rest and trim the growing nail as often as possible. Today you can find many different strengthening and caring complexes on store shelves. They usually contain several medicated varnishes that must be used daily or once a week.

You can also use popular folk recipes. For example, the most common way to restore strength and shine to nails is baths with sea salt. Mix one small spoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and maximum effect add a couple drops of any aromatic oil. Soak your hands in the prepared solution for about 15 minutes.

Treatment with berries is becoming very popular. It is especially useful, and most importantly, accessible, to use this method in the summer. Take any sour berries and grind them to a paste, put your hands in it and hold for about ten minutes. After the procedure, it is best to lubricate your hands with moisturizer or oil. There is a way to save your nails in just a month. For this “first aid” recipe, mix 5 drops of lemon juice, 5 drops of vegetable oil, a little water, vitamin A and vitamin E. Apply this mixture to your nails in the evening, before going to bed.

A recipe for treating nails with potatoes has come down to us from antiquity. Boil the potato and mash it, cool it a little so as not to burn the skin, and apply it to your fingers. Wrap your hands in plastic and wrap a towel over it. Keep until the puree has cooled. The microelements and starch contained in potatoes will restore and strengthen weakened nails.

It is not only necessary to restore health and beauty to nails external influence, but also internal treatment the whole body. Consume more products containing calcium, vitamins A and E. You can simply take a course of vitamins, this will be useful not only for your nails, but for the whole body. Even if your nails have already recovered, do not forget to maintain their beauty and health. Repeat periodically wellness treatments, which you have chosen for yourself. When covering your nails with decorative varnish, remember about the base, which should be applied first, and only then the varnish. This will protect your nails from negative influence varnish Let your hands look irresistible always and everywhere!

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Manicure idea

1. Cover the nails with base coat and the selected varnish.

2. Cut out a piece of newspaper, the text that we want to see on the nails.

3. Wet it cotton pad alcohol (you can use any clear alcohol-containing liquid) and put a piece of newspaper on it.

4. Press the disk with the newspaper to the nail plate (the polish should be well dried) and hold for 15 seconds to 1 minute. It is recommended to experiment as the time depends on the quality of the printing ink. If you didn’t hold it in long enough (the drawing is not clear) or over-exposed it (you get black blots), this can be easily corrected by wiping the nail with alcohol.

5. When you are satisfied with the quality of the print, give it a few minutes to dry and cover your nails with a fixative.

Women's clothing through the eyes of men.
Today we’ll talk not about fashion, but about men’s taste in what women wear. Because fashion is fickle and whimsical, and the taste of men has not been particularly diverse for many decades.
Short skirts - universal delight and hooting. Long skirts: “Well, that’s fine.” Long skirts with a slit: “This is another matter, and the slit should be higher and the skirt more transparent!”
Tight-fitting dress - according to everyone male opinion - best clothes for woman
Trousers, pants - zero emotions.
White blouse - I don’t know why, but for many men it’s a fetish.
Sneakers - the emotions are the same as about trousers.
Shoes on high heels- “yes” three times! Hairpins are the most brilliant invention of mankind!
Tights - it's not that simple. Black translucent, flesh-colored, “tanned”, mesh, with a seam on the back of the leg - on them, or rather, on female legs Men really like to stare in them. But bright, asymmetrical patterns, circle flowers somehow confuse them
Unisex clothing: “Is it when boys are like girls and girls are like boys?
A manicure is, of course, not clothing, but almost an accessory, with all sorts of pebbles, chains, etc. interspersed in the nails. It’s strange, men don’t notice details in clothes, but they always notice peeling nails
Men generally do not pay much attention to clothes as such, they see first of all the woman herself, and her outfit should not only “not distort the picture,” but also make it brighter and more attractive.

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Witch fingers cookies

Recipe for Halloween. Cookies that look like the pale fingers of a witch or Baba Yaga; almonds are used for the nails.
Ready in: 55 min

Servings: 30
200 g butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
1 tsp almond extract or Amaretto
1 tsp vanilla
2 2/3 cups (350 g) flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup (100 g) whole almonds
1 tube of red food coloring or thick berry jam

Cooking method
Preparation: 30 min | Preparation: 25 min.
1. Beat soft butter with a mixer, add sugar, beat well again (3-4 minutes), add egg, almond extract and vanilla, beat again. Gradually add flour, baking powder and salt, whisking constantly; If it's thick, just stir with a fork at the end. Place in the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 160 C. Lightly grease a baking tray.
3. Remove the dough from the refrigerator in small portions. Add 1 tsp. on a sheet of parchment. Using paper, roll the dough into a thin finger-shaped cookie. Press one almond onto the end of each cookie to give it the appearance of a long fingernail. Squeeze the cookie twice until you have knuckles. You can also cut the dough sharp knife at the same points so that the cookies become more like fingers. Place the finished cookies on baking trays.
4. Bake in the preheated oven until the cookies are lightly browned, about 20 to 25 minutes.
5. Remove almond from end of each cookie; squeeze a small amount of red dye into the recess under the nail; put the almond back and press down so that the dye flows out a little from under the nail.

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Give your feet a holiday!

The sun is shining brighter, the sky is becoming bluer, the birds are singing louder. Summer is coming. Gradually people undress, changing long fur coats for dresses and skirts, and boots for open sandals. This means that it’s time to think about your hard-working legs, which are tired after the winter and require care. Fortunately, a procedure such as a pedicure can help with this.
Today, the choice of pedicure options in beauty salons is huge, depending only on taste preferences And financial opportunities. You can make it classic, with a French coating. It will match almost any shoe. Bright and artistic people like nail art design. You can paint any picture, pattern, flowers, etc. on your nails. To add some zest to your pedicure, you can use multi-colored rhinestones, which on average last about several weeks.
Let's turn to pedicure technology. It can be done in two ways:
- classic edged
- hardware.
A classic pedicure is done using a nail file, tweezers and water. It is recommended for older people because it is more effective in combating unevenness, calluses, and corns. I can advise young people hardware method. It is done using a special device with various attachments, which gently removes dead skin.
You can pamper your feet by giving them a SPA pedicure. This is a soothing, relaxing foot treatment. It includes a foot bath with essential oils And aromatic herbs, peeling to soften the skin, pedicure, massage, moisturizing treatments.
Such procedures, of course, are not cheap. But the effect lasts for 1-2 months.

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"Diamond" hardness of marigolds - simple but effective

1. Garlic polish to strengthen nails:
- 1-2 fresh cloves of garlic
- nail polish, preferably transparent

Place finely chopped garlic in nail polish for 7-10 days. Then simply coat your nails with this polish. After such garlic varnish, your own nails will be better and stronger than overhead ones.

2. Lemon juice to strengthen and brighten nails:

Cut the lemon in half and dip your fingertips into the pulp for 10 minutes. Then wrap both halves in foil and place in the refrigerator. You can use this lemon for a week daily. Conduct lemon baths every other day for 2 weeks. Lemon acid useful for the cuticle and the nail itself.

3. Sea salt to strengthen nails:

In 250 ml of warm water, dilute 1 teaspoon of soda, salt and any shampoo. You can add a few drops of aromatic oil: rosemary, juniper, lemon, lavender - to your taste. Immerse your hands in this solution for 15-20 minutes, and as it cools, add warm water to the bath. You can do it at least every day.

Pour warm water and one tablespoon of sea salt into a small container, hold your hands for 10-15 minutes, then lubricate with nourishing cream.

4. Iodine to strengthen and prevent splitting nails:

Before going to bed, apply to nail plates regular iodine using a brush. At first, the nails will turn yellow, but by the morning the iodine will be absorbed and the nails will return to their normal color.

5. Gelatin bath for weakened nails:

Gelatin perfectly nourishes and strengthens nails. Dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin in one glass of boiling water, wait until the mixture cools, and then dip your nails in it for 10-15 minutes. The bath can be used 2-3 times a week.

6. Red pepper mask to strengthen and accelerate nail growth:

Mix half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, 10 drops boiled water and one teaspoon rich cream for hands. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes and cool, then apply an even layer of it to your nails, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse off the mask with water. You can use this mask no more than once a month.

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REASON: If the nail is filed too low on the sides, it quickly breaks in this place.
You can cut such a nail or try to save it by repairing it;
Repairing a nail: apply a drop of special glue to the crack, after it has dried, apply another layer of glue, then sand it with a file and cover the nail with varnish;
In the future: File your nails as parallel to the line of your fingertip as possible, with the sides beveled as little as possible.
REASON: The fragility of nails, paradoxically, depends on the calcification of the body.
Stop taking vitamins containing calcium (if fragility was caused by this reason);
Cover your nails with a base containing protein - they will become more elastic.
REASON: Just like skin and hair, nails need a certain amount of oil to maintain their elasticity. If there is not enough fat - for example due to illness - they break down as soon as possible.
This is also the result of a lack of vitamin B12 in the body; eat more salmon, tuna, and chicken.
Use nail polish remover without acetone;
Rub cream or oil into your nails daily to improve their elasticity;
If possible, use a hand cream that simultaneously provides active ingredients to your nails.
REASON: If you cut your nails with scissors or use a dull file, they will split easily.
Often nails peel due to a lack of proteins and silicon in the body.
Eat more rice, nuts, eggs, potatoes and cucumbers.
Never cut your nails to the base, always file them;
Do not use metal files;
A thin emery or sapphire file allows you to process your nails very gently;
Do not apply a base containing protein to your nails;
Rub avacado oil into cuticles
REASON: Thin, weak nails breaks off easily even when washed
Provide your nails with vitamins and minerals– this will strengthen them;
Use nail strengtheners and polish, which will create something like a protective shell.
CAUSE: If the nail keratin contains excess calcium or silicon, the nails become inelastic.
Using a thin file, carefully sand and polish your nails;
Oil or nail cream will maintain their elasticity.
REASON: Many people, due to nervousness, have the habit of picking and tearing the skin around their nails. Dry or uneven nail skin also looks unattractive
Remove scraps of skin with skin tweezers;
Rub in the oil or cream daily, especially after washing your hands.

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How to do a pedicure at home?

1. Filming old varnish from nails.
2. Take a basin, pour some warm water into it, put large and small pebbles on the bottom of the basin (whoever has one), lower the legs and with light movements of the legs massage the feet on the pebbles. To make the procedure even more pleasant and healthy, add a few drops of our favorite aromatic oil or shampoo, a little sea salt or liquid soap. Steam the legs for 20 minutes.
3. Apply a peeling or body scrub to the feet and carefully but carefully treat the feet with a pedicure grinder, paying attention Special attention problem areas– corns and calluses. Corns and calluses can also be rubbed with a pumice stone or a soft body brush. Dry your feet with a towel.
4. Using a non-sharp wooden spatula, we push back the cuticle (skin around the nail). Using tweezers or sharp scissors, carefully cut off the pushed back cuticle; this must be done slowly so as not to get hurt or cut the skin around the fingers. Pedicurists advise carefully moving the cuticle with a nail file and removing it with a towel; under no circumstances should you cut it off, because without certain skills you can develop inflammation of the skin and introduce an infection there.
5. Next, using nippers or pedicure tweezers, give the nail an oval or square shape, thus preventing ingrown nails. After that, we treat the surface of the nail with a nail file to level the nail plate and remove all burrs, roughness and unevenness at the tips of the nail.
6. Prepare any mask from vegetables and fruits (which ones you like best), add a few drops of oil there, egg yolk and apply to the treated legs, wrap the legs in plastic wrap, put on cotton socks and rest for another 10 minutes. Afterwards, we wash everything off with warm water and massage.
7. The last thing we need to do is apply the varnish. First, use a cotton swab to wipe the surface of the nail with nail polish remover to remove any remaining cream. Then choose the nail polish you like and carefully apply it to the nail. Instead of regular varnish for nails you can even apply medicinal varnish or a base for varnish, which will look very natural and natural.

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To keep your nails beautiful and strong, you need to constantly take care of them. To do this, you can make nail baths, feed your nails, or apply to your nails and hands. nutritious cream and so on.
Now I’ll give you a few useful tips to strengthen and rapid growth nails

1. To strengthen and speed up the growth of nails, you can make the following bath. It is necessary to squeeze out a tablespoon of lemon juice and add 5-7 drops of iodine to it. You need to soak your nails in this solution for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be performed daily. -To prevent nails from peeling and to grow quickly, iodine is applied to the nails at night. Immediately after applying iodine to the nails, they turn yellow, and in the morning they return to their normal color. -A bath of iodine and salt helps a lot. It is done as follows. An incomplete tablespoon of salt must be dissolved in a glass of water, and then add 5-7 drops of iodine. Nails should be dipped in this solution for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is performed daily.

2. In order for your nails to grow faster, you can massage your nails with vitamins E and A. In your nails with massage movements vitamins are rubbed in. This procedure is performed daily before bed. -It’s very good to make a sea salt bath. A tablespoon of sea salt should be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. You need to soak your nails in the prepared water for 15-20 minutes. After taking the bath, hands are wiped dry and lubricated with cream using massage movements. This procedure must be done within two weeks.

3. You can make a nutritious herbal decoction for your nails. To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tablespoons of a mixture of St. John's wort, chamomile and burdock root. This mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water and infused. When the broth is infused, you need to dip your fingers into it. You need to do the procedure twice a week.

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HOW TO GROW YOUR NAILS QUICKLY To keep your nails beautiful and strong, you need to constantly take care of them. To do this, you can make nail baths, feed your nails, apply nourishing cream to your nails and hands, and so on. Now I’ll give you some useful tips for strengthening and rapid growth of nails. 1. To strengthen and speed up the growth of nails, you can make the following bath. It is necessary to squeeze out a tablespoon of lemon juice and add 5-7 drops of iodine to it. You need to soak your nails in this solution for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be performed daily. -To prevent nails from peeling and to grow quickly, iodine is applied to the nails at night. Immediately after applying iodine to the nails, they turn yellow, and in the morning they return to their normal color. -A bath of iodine and salt helps a lot. It is done as follows. An incomplete tablespoon of salt must be dissolved in a glass of water, and then add 5-7 drops of iodine. Nails should be immersed in this solution for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is performed daily. 2. To make your nails grow faster, you can massage your nails with vitamins E and A. Vitamins are rubbed into your nails using massage movements. This procedure is performed daily before bed. -It’s very good to make a sea salt bath. A tablespoon of sea salt should be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. You need to soak your nails in the prepared water for 15-20 minutes. After taking the bath, hands are wiped dry and lubricated with cream using massage movements. This procedure must be done within two weeks. 3. You can make a nutritious herbal decoction for your nails. To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tablespoons of a mixture of St. John's wort, chamomile and burdock root. This mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water and infused. When the broth is infused, you need to dip your fingers into it. You need to do the procedure twice a week.

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