How to remove smallpox marks on the face. Hardware scar treatment

Scars after chickenpox, which appear on the sites of a blistering rash on the face and body, appear as a result of complications after an illness or improper care behind the skin during the recovery period and cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, no matter how visible they are.

With chickenpox on the patient's skin, there may also be pink spots characteristic of initial stage diseases, and acne, and vesicles with cloudy contents, and crusts in place of burst formations, because during the illness rashes constantly appear on the body.


The acute phase of chickenpox, when the risk of attaching an additional bacterial infection increases, is characterized by the appearance of ugly white scars on the surface of the skin. The virus, entering the body, is fixed in the cells of the epidermis and causes their inflammation.

The appearance of a rash with chickenpox is accompanied by unbearable itching, which is not always possible to control.

If the patient does not stand it and combs the affected areas of the skin, the bubbles burst, fester and wounds remain on the skin. When they heal, the deeper layers of the epidermis are affected, the skin structure is disturbed, and small pits appear on the surface.

In a child with chickenpox, only the upper layer of the epidermis is affected. After wound healing, it quickly recovers to original form. Therefore, no scars remain on the skin.

Adult patients have more complex problems not only internal, but also external character. The older the patient, the more likely the appearance of scars on the skin. This is due to the fact that with age, the ability of the skin to recover weakens, wounds heal poorly, the risk of scarring after chicken pox increases.

In addition, the causes of pits and depressions on the skin are:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • constant combing of rashes;
  • improper use of external preparations and methods of preventing infection.

How to get rid of scars after chickenpox

The pockmarks left on skin tissue after chickenpox, they cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, a person is faced with the fact that with age, the scars become coarser, it becomes more and more difficult to deal with them. In order not to face such problems and not to look for methods of treating chronic scars, it is necessary to start scar treatment as early as possible.


To speed up the healing process, scars after chickenpox must be treated with special preparations: gels, creams and ointments (more).

They include antibacterial components that accelerate the healing process and promote quick recovery skin covers.

A universal drug to combat the effects of chickenpox is Contractubex gel. It can be used by both adult patients and children. The active ingredient of the gel penetrates deep into the subcutaneous layers, restoring damaged skin cells. In addition, it relieves inflammation, softens and smoothes the epidermis. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the size of the scar and the time of its formation.

How to use the drug Solcoseryl to eliminate scars? Read in this article.

It should be applied to the places of rashes after the crusts fall off. Since the ointment has no contraindications, it can be used for a long time. However, patients with hypersensitivity should be tested for an allergic reaction.

Folk methods

To remove scars and scars left on the skin after chickenpox, you can use products traditional medicine.

Among the home remedies that help to quickly remove traces of chickenpox, sea buckthorn and cocoa oils and ascorbic acid are in the first place. Oils increase skin elasticity, heal wounds and promote rapid tissue repair. Ascorbic acid in the composition healing cream or balm relieves inflammation, increases protective properties.

Cosmetic procedures

If external methods have proven ineffective, chickenpox scars can be treated with cosmetic procedures.

Among the measures used to combat the effects of chickenpox, peels are the most popular.

Special reagents used during the procedure destroy the hardened layer of the skin and activate the process of cell production. After the peeling procedure, the wounds are treated with hyaluronic acid, which helps to restore damaged layers and prevents the formation of scars.

Hardened scar tissue after chickenpox can be removed with a laser beam. Laser removal is the most gentle method of eliminating the effects of chickenpox. After sanding the top layer, the skin looks smoother and fresher.

Good results are obtained by the use of physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis, ultrasound and other methods of apparatus therapy.

Among more radical measures combating the effects of chickenpox - injections under the skin of special preparations that can correct superficial indentations.


After chickenpox, red spots and scars appear, which take a long time to pass, and if they are not treated, they can remain for life. This can be avoided by following simple rules.

You can not comb the rash. To relieve itching, you need to take antihistamines. Be sure to consult your doctor before using them. In the case of chickenpox in children, it is necessary to cut their nails short, and to put on protective gloves for babies.

How to remove scars and scars?

Cacao butter. Source of beauty

Wearing breathable cotton clothes It will also help reduce itching.

The patient should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, ventilate the room more often.

Traces on the skin after chickenpox should be treated immediately, as soon as the disease will pass. Only timely and comprehensive treatment will help to avoid the appearance of scars on the skin.

Chickenpox has two characteristic symptom- maculopapular rash and signs of intoxication. Children are most often sick mild form infections, so they rarely encounter undesirable consequences. Adolescents and adults after infection experience severe malaise, they have clinical picture develops with particular intensity, so the complications are different. The most common of them occurs with a moderate course, it is associated with the appearance of pits and scars on the skin. Physicians claim that proper treatment chickenpox scars can disappear without a trace.

The rash forms gradually: first a red spot appears, then a papule appears in its center. It swells over time, a transparent hemisphere is formed from above, towering above the epidermis. The inner space is filled with a translucent substrate. Its contents are cell sap, virus particles, toxins. An increase in the volume of the substrate gradually inflates the bubble, its upper shell, unable to withstand pressure, ruptures, and the contents pour out.

It is infectious within the first 15 minutes. If a person who has not previously had chickenpox touches the liquid during this time, he will definitely become infected. In place of bursting vesicles, erosions are formed, the bottom of which is located above the basal layer. They very quickly become covered with a brown crust, creating optimal conditions for natural regeneration of the damaged area. When it falls off, a pink trace remains on the surface of the case, after a few days it turns pale and disappears without a trace, but only if a person does not interfere in the described process.

There are several reasons that can explain why chickenpox scars form on the skin.

  1. The most common culprit for scarring is a secondary bacterial infection. Any wounds are open gates, which can freely enter any pathogenic bacteria that are in the external environment. They, penetrating under the skin, cause suppuration, which affects the deeper layers of the epidermis and can reach the dermis, damaging the cells responsible for regeneration processes along the way. This is why, after chickenpox is over, some people develop dimples or crevices on their bodies.
  2. Deliberate injury to the vesicles also leads to the described consequences. Their appearance is accompanied by unbearable itching, a person, trying to get rid of it, combs the rash, thereby disrupting the processes of maturation and healing of vesicles. Such actions bring irreparable harm inflamed epidermis, which can only be eliminated by medication.
  3. Some patients tear off the formed crusts from the wound to speed up healing. Thus, they hurt her even more. Under the crust, the epidermis is restored naturally, the interruption of this process leaves traces, pits that are very conspicuous.
  4. With a weakened immune system, the course of chicken pox is delayed, areas appear on which you can see large, long-term non-healing large vesicles, in which over time develops inflammatory process. In their place, scars are then formed, more like volcanic craters. A severe course of infection almost always leaves single pockmarks on the face.
  5. The likelihood of scarring increases if a factor is constantly present, irritating or rubbing the diseased epidermis, such as tight clothing or synthetic underwear. Provoking such a reaction is also possible with an improperly selected remedy used to care for a rash. Most often, defects appear in those who love bypassing official medicine, use folk remedies, the recipe of which was subtracted from specialized sites.

Doctors advise not to invent anything and use effective drugs to treat the rash that can prevent the appearance of the described problem.

Damage to which layer of the skin will leave consequences

With superficial damage to the epidermis, scars do not form: the cells of the upper layer have a high regenerative capacity. Damage to the basal layer requires a longer healing process. The deeper the defect, the longer the recovery takes. The closure of the damaged area occurs with the help of connective tissue, which then stands out against the general background and is perceived as a scar.

Is skin treatment required for common chickenpox in children?

In children, tissue repair with ordinary chickenpox is faster, in adults it is slower, so the course of infection in older people age category often accompanied by the described complication. It is not necessary to treat the damaged epidermis with special means. To prevent the addition of a bacterial component, it is enough to treat each rash once a day with brilliant green. For the treatment of places where the crust has just fallen off, it is best to use Bepanten. It softens shrinking stains well and makes the surface soft.

In severe cases of chickenpox in adults, disinfection alone is not enough, it is necessary to use means local therapy to help prevent the risk of scarring.

The use of local therapy for the threat of scars

Brilliant green is also ideal for treating chicken pox rashes in adults. It disinfects the epidermis, prevents the addition of a bacterial component, and therefore prevents the development of a purulent process, indicates the old elements of the rash, enabling a person to see how the disease develops (decreases or progresses). Brilliant green dries out wounds, so the resulting crust lasts exactly as long as necessary for proper healing epithelium.

What to do if the course of chickenpox forms a threat of scarring? The opinion of doctors on this matter is unequivocal: it is impossible to use external agents that accelerate epithelization at the stage of the development of the disease. And that's why.

In most cases, there are no problems with the healing of open wounds in older patients. Most of the means that have the indicated effect, to achieve the goal, it is necessary to rub in massaging movements. Such actions can give reverse result, since removing crusts and softening tightening tissues increases the risk of scarring. An exception may be individual elements, which due to large sizes tighten badly. They can and should be treated with creams and gels, but as carefully as possible. Solcoseryl is best suited for these purposes.

It is impossible to use external remedies for scars for prophylactic purposes. The active substances that make up their composition can cause the exact opposite effect in the case of chickenpox. Their use is justified when the patient has a tendency to form keloid scars. It is possible to carry out therapy only after consulting a dermatologist and after the gap is completely tightened on its own.

Doctors assure that proper care behind a rash during illness helps to minimize the risk of scarring. In the event that they appear, you need to start fighting them immediately after the end of the disease. By medical classification pits from chickenpox are atrophic scars. This means that they are below the level of the tissues surrounding the defect. The gaps have White color, they are mobile, soft, so they can be successfully treated.

For these purposes, anti-scarring agents such as Contractubex are not suitable. They are not able to help achieve noticeable changes. And all because such products are designed to work with keloid scars. Their action is aimed at eliminating excess connective tissue. Atrophic scars have very little of it, which is why some cosmetic procedures turn out to be the most effective.

Cosmetic procedures

Superficial peelings (chemical, laser) help well. They allow you to smooth the edges and erase the clear boundaries of the outline of the scar. Best result achieved after several sessions. In the intervals between them, you will have to strictly follow all the doctor's instructions. It is important to protect the skin from direct contact sun rays and do not use products that can stimulate the development of hyperpigmentation.

Mesotherapy is also effective (the introduction of a mixture of drugs under the epidermis that improves metabolic processes and accelerates regeneration). Using this procedure for early stage the formation of atrophic scars allows you to make them visually invisible. If time is missed, it is advisable to inject collagen or preparations based on hyaluronic acid. They form volume and push the bottom of the scar outward, thereby restoring the smoothness of the surface. Thus, you can easily remove single pockmarks on the front. Every six months, the procedure must be repeated, as the water substances are gradually absorbed.

It is better to deal with large gaps using radical techniques. One of them is subsidy. Its essence lies in the fact that a needle is inserted under the epidermis, on the surface of which there is a described defect. With the help of it, the tissue that connects the “bottom of the scar” and the deep layers of the dermis is cut. As a result, where the needle has worked, collagen begins to be actively produced, it supports the raised bottom. Such an operation should be performed by a qualified doctor with extensive experience. Only he will be able to perform the operation in such a way as to minimize the risks of excessive growth of connective tissue - the main component of hypertrophic scars.

Folk remedies and methods for scars

When choosing traditional medicine recipes, it is important to understand that their effectiveness cannot be high. It is better to combine them with the appointed medicines, then get rid of scars will turn out faster.

The best recipe is a decoction made from marshmallow root (the main ingredient is brewed with boiling water, infused until cool). You need to use it at least five times a day, wiping the defects with a cotton swab dipped in the decoction.

Among the home remedies that allow you to eliminate an unwanted cosmetic effect, there are sea ​​buckthorn oil and cocoa butter. Their use allows you to increase skin elasticity, stimulate regeneration processes. It is also useful during treatment to eat more foods that contain vitamin C. It improves performance immune system, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes.

Proper care of the rash during the "bloom" of chickenpox helps prevent unwanted defects. There are a few simple rules that must be followed during treatment.

  • Every day, each element of the rash must be treated with agents that can disinfect, create protection against bacteria, and relieve itching. It is not necessary to smear the sores, only ripening vesicles are subject to treatment.
  • Immediately after the appearance of rashes, it is useful to cut your nails short and constantly monitor the cleanliness of your hands.
  • If drugs intended for local application, do not help relieve itching, it is useful to consult with your doctor and start taking it according to his prescription antihistamines.
  • After the temperature drops, it is important to start swimming. It is allowed to do this in the shower without a washcloth and soap. The water must be warm. After acceptance water procedures the body is blotted with a towel.
  • Change clothes daily and bed sheets. It is recommended to choose clothes made from natural fabrics for wearing, make sure that they do not rub, are spacious and do not cause overheating.
  • You can’t comb the rash, you can’t tear off the crusts on your own.

In order for chickenpox to pass without a trace, it is important to call a dermatologist at home from the moment the first vesicles appear and develop a treatment strategy together with him. If it was not possible to avoid the formation of defects, you need to start getting rid of them as soon as possible. Cosmetic procedures help a lot. Ointments against scars, as practice shows, in the fight against atrophic scars turn out to be ineffective.

Chickenpox scars are frustrating for both children and adults. Chickenpox at first glance, it may not seem so terrible disease, but recovery often passes with the advent. The child has this disease proceeds quite easily, but in adults it often leads to complications, the most common of which are scars that remain on the face.

Where do skin imperfections come from?

During the illness, a rash in the form of vesicles with liquid is localized both on the face and on the body. After a couple of days, the bubbles explode and a dried crust forms in their place, which disappears after a while. The most depressing moment of the disease is that the rash provokes quite severe itching which is sometimes very difficult to adapt to.

If the patient still could not resist and combed the bubbles, this may turn out for him to receive bacterial infection, which evolves into inflammation, suppuration and will result in a mutilation of the deep layers of the skin, as a result of which pits will appear on the face. The pits will not be able to heal themselves and will not go away with time, but on the contrary, they will become coarser. Curing them becomes quite a challenge.

A simple therapy helps to remove newly appeared scars, but already formed ruts are removed only when surgical intervention. Due to chickenpox, the patient leaves traces, which are most effective to deal with immediately after recovery.

Exist various means for external use: ointments, creams, gels, balms, and so on, which will help remove superficial and deep scars from chickenpox. In the pharmacy you can buy a huge variety of domestic and foreign medicines. The main substance in them are pantothenic acids.

Effective Helpers

How to get rid of scars after chickenpox? This will help special preparations in the form of ointments and creams. Ointments are most often produced on oily base, resulting in a film on the skin and may stain clothing. Cream is an emulsion water based, which is easily absorbed into the skin and evaporates faster, unlike ointments. As additional means, in addition to healing ointments, various oils based on aloe or cocoa can be used. Such cosmetics are cheap and sold in every supermarket. Means significantly even out pigmentation and improve the appearance of the skin of the face.


According to reviews, this ointment gives quick result. The medicine is available in tubes of 30 g. The price ranges from 102 to 153 rubles. The drug can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. The ointment should be applied several times a day. Apply a small layer on the damaged area of ​​​​the body, beforehand having treated the skin with an antiseptic. With the appearance of scars from chickenpox, therapy will last at least 4 weeks.

Important! Dexpanthenol is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to any element of the composition.


The drug is quite cheap and costs only 21 to 30 rubles. The ointment is available in 10 g, in aluminum tubes. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. You need to apply 5 times a day every few hours, it is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment to the damaged area, it is advisable to use cotton swab. Apply with chickenpox scars for 1-2 weeks.

Advice! Do not use the drug with high sensitivity to acyclovir and valaciclovir.

Zinc ointment

The price of the medicine is cheap, only from 26 to 48 rubles, you can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. The ointment is released in dark glass jars of 25 g each. Before use, wash and dry the affected area. After that, apply a thin layer, it is recommended to do this 4-6 times a day. It is worth applying for the remaining scars after chickenpox. Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the components of zinc ointment.


It is a rather expensive medicine, but it helps well with scars after chickenpox. The price ranges from 635 to 990 rubles. The ointment is available in tubes of 20 and 50 g. The drug can be freely purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Apply at least 2-3 times a day by rubbing into the scarred area of ​​the skin. The medicine is suitable for scarring after chickenpox. Contraindicated for people with high sensitivity to the active components of the drug.


Ointment for local use is sold in aluminum tubes from 6 to 12 g or in a jar of polystyrene for 12 g. The price in Russian pharmacies is based on 108 to 139 rubles. The tool can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. A small amount of ointment is recommended to be applied in a thin layer to the site of the lesion, it is worth doing this 4 times a day. Use to treat chickenpox scars. Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Cream for external use, vacation comes in aluminum tubes of 5 and 15 g. average price for the drug from 165 to 196 rubles. It is released in a pharmacy by prescription, applied to the affected areas of the skin no more than once a day. The cream is used against scars caused by chickenpox. It is not recommended to use this medicine for people with hypersensitivity to the active substances contained in the medicine.


The drug is used for external use, it is available in tubes from 25 to 50 g. The price in a pharmacy can reach from 1200 to 1600 rubles.

Released without a prescription. The cream is applied several times a day in a small layer on the entire surface of the affected area. It is used mainly against scars or scars. There are practically no contraindications.


The cream is used externally and is available in tubes of 50 and 25 g. The price ranges from 130 to 487 rubles, depending on the labeling.

It is released in a pharmacy without a prescription. Apply the cream in a small amount to the affected area at least 3 times a day. Use in the treatment of scars after chickenpox. Contraindicated in patients with high sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

More than 80% of people don't like chickenpox scars, the good thing is that they are easy to eliminate.

If you conduct a survey on the topic “The most ridiculous disease”, chicken pox will surely rise to the podium. The disease, with proper treatment, does not give complications, recovery comes quickly, and only memories of my mother's manipulations with pharmacy bottles and funny photographs of babies - "green leopards" remain. Alas, chickenpox is harmless only at first glance. The older the patient, the higher the risk that a common disease will leave traces not only in photo albums: scars after chickenpox often appear on the skin of adolescents and adults.

Constant Companions chickenpox - bubbles. Over time, they burst, the crust gradually heals, and the skin becomes even and smooth again. But this - perfect option life is often different. The blisters cause unbearable itching, and if scratched, they can become inflamed and fester. As a result of such actions, deep pits appear.

The marks of this disease do not go away on their own and do not decrease in size with age. Over the years, the skin of scars becomes coarser, and they are difficult to treat. Therefore, it is better to engage in a battle with scars immediately after recovery. Gentle therapeutic methods can cope with fresh scars, and only a surgeon removes old pits.

Chickenpox is a mild but highly contagious disease.

How to get rid of scars yourself

At home, with a serious approach, it is quite possible to cope with fresh pits and even old scars, if there are few of them. There is only one procedure - a thorough regular (preferably everyday) massage, and there are several assistants.

Buy at a pharmacy or a specialized store completely natural remedy. Warm up your hands well and do gymnastics for your fingers - they have to work harder. Dip your fingertips into the oil and start massaging. Movements should be light, smooth and cover the entire affected area.

Cocoa butter guarantees complete absence scars

The procedure accelerates blood circulation, enhances skin elasticity and improves appearance.

  • Vitamin C

Cream with vitamin affects the process of melanogenesis, increases skin elasticity, restores scar tissue. good effect gives the use of vitamin C externally and internally at the same time. However, for therapeutic effect necessary to exceed daily dose several times and its further increase as it heals.


The method is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers! Those suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines must consult a doctor.

  • Ointments against scars

The choice of creams is great, and before buying it is better to get competent advice from a pharmacist. The composition of the ointments is carefully balanced, and patient reviews note a real decrease and disappearance of scars after some remedies. For example, the effectiveness of the drug "Kontraktubeks" and similar drugs is confirmed by photos of scars after chickenpox before and after use.

Fresh scars lend themselves perfectly home massage with ointment, if it is carried out every day: photos before and after treatment

Scars after chickenpox: treatment in the salon

If your manipulations do not bring success at all, or the result is not what you expected, consult a doctor. Delay in this matter will result not only in an increase in the cost of treatment, but also in a spoiled mood and frequent visits to the clinic. There are so many in the arsenal of modern cosmetologists unique ways restore the beauty of your skin, that you will definitely choose the right one for yourself.

  • Microdermabrasion

The doctor uses special equipment to remove all layers of the skin that form the scar. Now this method is recognized as the best among conservative ways getting rid of scars after chickenpox.

  • Peeling with trichloroacetic acid

Particularly suitable for young scars. The top layer of the epidermis is removed fresh skin pleases with cleanliness and the absolute absence of pits.

Chemical peel Helps fight the effects of chickenpox

  • Physiotherapy procedures

During electrophoresis and ultraphonophoresis, special drugs are injected into the scars and the zones are exposed to the action of an electric current. Young scars after a course of sessions dissolve completely, and old ones are significantly reduced.

  • Silicone plates

Special silicone plates are applied to the affected areas, which strongly compress the scars. Under their influence, the scars become flatter.

  • Introduction of collagen

The plastic surgeon will insert collagen fillers under the scars. The skin will be smoothed, the tone will be restored, pockmarks will become invisible.

  • Photoexposure

After the session there will be interesting effect clean face. However, the method is fraught with many possible complications: an increase in temperature, the appearance allergic rash, sometimes - the occurrence of traumatic eczema.

  • laser resurfacing

The course of procedures is selected strictly individually: the doctor takes into account the type of your skin, the depth of pockmarks, their age. The advantage of the procedure is its versatility: it successfully eliminates the consequences of chickenpox in newly cured patients and adults who have been wearing “jewellery” for a long time. The method is absolutely painless.

  • Lipofilling

Fat taken from your body is injected into the area of ​​​​mass accumulation of smallpox. The method helps almost immediately, the scars are greatly reduced in size, and in some cases almost dissolve. However, clients of cosmetologists rarely resort to this procedure: the effect of lipofilling is temporary, then the fat dissolves, and the scars again become noticeable.

Number of procedures in cosmetic clinic depends on many factors: prescription of formations, general condition health, type of service, your skin's tendency to allergic reactions and edema. With a small number of pits, healing is possible after one session, but usually the treatment lasts for several months.

Your goal is to keep the rash from scratching. Successfully resist itching simple methods:

  • wear when sick loose clothes made of cotton so that the body "breathes";
  • apply special creams, lotions to the skin;
  • do not use antibiotics;
  • cut your preschooler's nails short;
  • For younger children, wear gloves.

Do not allow your child to scratch pockmarks, to reduce itching, lubricate the skin special creams

We sincerely hope that our advice will help, and the insidious "children's" chicken pox will not take you and your family by surprise. If the meeting with the cunning disease is over, and the traces of its presence have not yet been eliminated, we wish you a speedy full recovery. May your skin always be smooth and clean!

Chickenpox - infection, which in acute form. It is characterized high temperature body and the appearance of rashes on the skin. It usually happens right after the end. incubation period. Recognizing a rash from chickenpox is quite simple: at once they resemble small pimples, over time they fill with liquid and turn into full-fledged blisters. Such formations itch, which is why patients often tear them off the skin. It is because of this that small scars appear after chickenpox, which can remain for life.

Who gets chickenpox marks most often?

Chickenpox is a disease that always occurs along with a rash. Even with the lightest flow, small pimples appear on the human body. Such rashes are explained by the action of the virus in the body. If chickenpox scars are not treated in time, scars may remain on the skin. If you could not avoid the appearance of scars, you must use special ointments that help minimize such negative consequences.

Chickenpox scars remain in those people who constantly touched and crushed the blisters during treatment. If a person does not touch such rashes and lets them dry and fall off on their own, no traces of past illness. The greatest danger is the situation when a person introduces an infection into a burst bubble - in such cases, he will definitely have large and ugly scars.

Also, the scars from chickenpox will certainly remain with those who tear off the dried crusts. It should be noted that this can happen inadvertently: during sleep or dressing. Most often, traces after the disease are found in those who have had severe form chickenpox. If a person is faced with an aggressive form of such a disease, the scars can be quite deep. To get rid of them, you have to visit a beautician.

How to prevent scarring?

With chickenpox, numerous pink spots and papules appear on the mucous membranes and skin of a person. To get rid of discomfort and soreness, antihistamines and antipruritics are prescribed. The faster you manage to dry the acne that has formed, the higher the likelihood that numerous scars will not appear on your body.

IN without fail chickenpox scars remain in case of a severe or atypical form of its course. In such cases, it is necessary to process skin covering antiviral, antiseptics or zinc ointment. Also, to minimize the risk of scars, decoctions should be applied to the affected areas of the body. medicinal herbs or take baths with potassium permanganate. It should be noted that chickenpox scars on the skin remain much less common in children than in adults.

Contractubex from scars after chickenpox

Contractubex gel can effectively prevent scarring and heal minor injuries. It has a powerful anti-proliferative, smoothing, softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to act on the affected tissue and make the scars more invisible. This action is also provided by unique composition which also contains natural ingredients.

Applying Contractubex is very simple. To do this, you need to squeeze a small amount of gel onto your hands and carefully distribute it over all affected areas. Wait until the product is completely absorbed and return to your normal lifestyle. On average, 6-12 hours should pass between applications, the duration of treatment can be from 1 week to several months - it all depends on the speed of recovery.

At the time of treatment of scars from chickenpox with Contractubex, it is necessary to completely exclude the ingress of sunlight on the treated area. It is also not recommended to rub or massage the affected area. When itching appears, you should not refuse to use the drug, this indicates the beginning of a therapeutic effect. We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before use.

Dermatix for scars after chickenpox

Another no less effective tool against scars with chickenpox is Dermatix gel. In their action, these two drugs are similar, they are used in a similar way. It should be noted that such a gel is considered more effective in the fight against old scars. If a person has been ill with chicken pox for a long time and he has scars, it is best to use Dermatix silicone gel.

When applying the gel to the skin, silicone is absorbed into the deep layers of the skin, and also forms a film on its surface. When exposed elevated temperatures a greenhouse effect appears under it, which contributes to the greatest softening of tissues. Thus, the active ingredients are absorbed into the scar pits from chickenpox and level them. Usually, to get rid of all scars, Dermatix gel is used for 6-9 months.

Panthenol for the treatment of scars after chickenpox

It is widely believed among people that Panthenol will help to quickly get rid of scars on the skin after chickenpox. Such a tool is especially to the liking of those who do not want to get their clothes dirty and suffer from discomfort on the skin. Panthenol should be used three times a day on the affected areas. To make the application of the product as convenient as possible, it is best to purchase it in the form of a spray. You can also use Panthenol during chickenpox, this will help prevent scarring of the skin.

The use of Panthenol will help soften the skin, which contributes to the rapid and gentle healing of wounds. In addition, the unique components of the drug prevent the spread of infection throughout the body. With Panthenol you can get rid of skin itching and burning, accelerate the healing process and reduce the likelihood of scarring on the skin.

Treatment with cosmetic procedures

If you have had chickenpox for a long time or the scars from it are deep enough, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of scars with the help of gels and ointments. In such cases, the skin requires specific cosmetic procedures. It is highly recommended to visit a specialist who will determine the most suitable treatment for laughter for you. Usually, to get rid of scars after chickenpox, the following procedures are performed:

  • The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the scar - this tool fills the free space under the skin, and also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Laser resurfacing - using a special apparatus, the doctor removes the surface layer of the epidermis, so that the scars become less deep and invisible.
  • Peeling is a procedure during which special means that dissolve the surface layer of the skin.
  • Microdermabrasion is the treatment of the skin with aluminum crystals under high pressure, due to which it is as if polished.

Today, cosmetology centers offer huge selection various hardware techniques that allow you to quickly restore the beauty of the skin and restore its former elasticity. We strongly recommend that you take a responsible approach to choosing the place where you are going to carry out such a procedure. Read the reviews in advance and familiarize yourself with the methods used.

Prevention of scars after chickenpox

Scars after chickenpox remain only in those cases when the patient begins to comb them. Because of this, the skin is injured, a basement membrane is formed under the papule. To prevent this, you can use antipruritic agents such as Tsindol, Fenistil, Calamine. Such gels also have a drying effect, which greatly speeds up the recovery process. It is best to use them until complete recovery. Also, to prevent the appearance of pits after chickenpox will help:

  • Use of ointment or gel Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Acik. They inhibit the local immunity of viruses that are inside the formed papules.
  • Regular treatment of affected areas with antiseptic solutions or ointments: Fukortsin, Oflokain, Levomekol.
