How to cure fright at home. There is nothing to be afraid of, or proven traditional and folk methods of getting rid of fear in a baby

If the child’s fear is strong enough, you need to perform a cycle of rituals of pouring the fear onto wax. In this situation, the first ritual in turn will also serve as a reliable diagnosis - a cast wax figurine with its shape and relief will indicate the origin of fears and the need further actions. You should not turn to numerous “witches” for help: instead of relieving the child’s fear, you can frighten him even more with a stranger and an unfamiliar environment.

In what cases is pouring fear onto wax used?

The ritual of relieving fear in a child by pouring it on wax is on par in its effectiveness with such ancient rituals as rolling out fear with an egg, treating with salt or casting tin.

You can independently understand that a ritual is necessary when:

  • the child begins to be afraid of sharp gestures, sounds, and strangers;
  • the child sleeps poorly, screams, cries in his sleep;
  • There is a problem of urinary incontinence.

If the fear is not relieved, this state after some time turns into an obsessive horror called commotion. At this stage, severe neurological signs occur: convulsions, loss of sensation in the extremities (numbness of the fingers or toes), pale skin.

What you need to know to conduct the ceremony

Before you begin to act at home, you should pay attention to a number of conditions, failure to comply with which may reduce the effectiveness of the ritual or negate all efforts made:

  • Pouring on wax is necessary for a baptized person, since the prayer uttered by him must have power. The child who will be proofreading must also not be baptized.
  • It is allowed to carry out the ritual without taking into account the phase of the moon, and choose the time of day at evening or morning dawn. In case of serious problems and the impossibility of delaying treatment, it is allowed to perform the ritual twice a day, at both dawns.
  • When reading the words of the ritual for children, mothers must cover their heads with a scarf. When planning the ritual in advance, you need to calculate that neither the mother nor any other woman whose help may be needed in the ritual will have her period during this period. It happens that one has to turn a blind eye to this when the baby needs urgent help, but then the ban on kissing icons or frequently touching them comes into force.
  • Important dates of the Orthodox calendar should not be ignored: neither in the great church holidays, neither by Sundays Ceremonies cannot be performed! During fasting, treatment is allowed, but not on the first day and not on holiday dates.
  • In the room where the ritual with water and a candle will take place at the ebb of fright, icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus and Panteleimon the Healer should be present.

The exact number of sessions required cannot be determined in advance. You can remove the “young” fear the first time, although experienced people recommend consolidating the result with three rituals. “Old”, accumulated fears are poured out heavily, in several cycles of 9 sessions. Checking the need to extend the procedures for relieving fear in a child is very simple: the poured wax should have the shape of a round plaque without a pronounced relief and with smooth edges. If at the ninth rite the wax plate still has a figured design and has bulges on the back, you need to take a three-day break and repeat the entire circle.

Water and candles

Church candles are made from wax High Quality, so it’s better to use them rather than whole wax mass bought in a store. Melt the candles, breaking them into small pieces, in a water bath, stirring so that no solid pieces remain. After letting the melted wax melt a little with heat, you need to pour the candle mass into a regular bag and form a rounded lump with your hands. The result should be a piece of at least 100 g and no more than 200 g in weight.

If it is possible to use well or stream water, the ritual will gain additional power, but you will have to spend more time preparing for it. The performer of the ritual herself needs to collect “living” water from the well before sunrise, when she is sure that no one disturbed the water surface that had rested overnight. You need to stand with your back to the west, and when a vessel with water appears on the surface of the frame, say the words: “Well of Abraham, let me draw water from all evil spirits, from all witchcraft, from all creatures, from all pains, for the good health of the servant of God (say your child's name). Amen".

You can take water from the stream, since it is constantly in motion, even after sunrise, but the container for the liquid must be taken against the flow, having had time to say the same words. When leaving a stream or well with a filled container, you cannot look behind your back.

The main condition for water that will be used to relieve fear in a child is that it is intact. You should not drink from the source from which the healing liquid is collected. The exception is tap water - after the necessary 3 liters for the ceremony have been collected early in the morning, you can drain a little next water into the sink and use it further for household purposes.

Over the tap water, while it is being drawn into the container in a thin stream, the following words are read: “The Lord goes forward, the Mother of God is in the middle, the angels are on the sides, and I, the baptized one, am behind, the saint, to take the water. Good evening to you, water Ulyana, earth Tatyana and night Maryana, give me holy water from dashing troubles.”

Having brought water to the house where the sacrament will take place, you should read a spell to “charge” the liquid: “The first day is Monday, the second day is Tuesday, the third is Wednesday, water will help you. You, the water of Ulyana, cleansed the roots and flints, cleanse the heart of the servant of God (name) from blood, from bones, from the insides of the belly."

How to perform the ritual of pouring fear onto wax

During the ceremony, the child should not sleep or be capricious. It is worth waking up the baby in advance, preparing him for what is happening. If the child is still small, it is enough to feed and calm him down. It is better to use the help of another relative: if the child shows restlessness, let the assistant take him in his arms and engage him with a toy.

The already prepared wax lump should be quickly melted in a water bath, and the prepared water (2 to 3 liters) should be poured into a glass or enamel bowl. The child is seated facing the front door of the house (apartment).

Before the start of the whole action, the mother reads the prayer “Our Father”, then takes a bowl of water in her left hand, raises it above the baby’s head (above the crown) and with her right hand, from a ladle, begins to thinly pour wax into the container, saying the phrase: “In the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen". The plot must be read 9 times without getting lost.

The wax should pour out completely. After this, the ladle is set aside, and with the freed right hand, without moving the bowl from the baby’s crown, you need to begin to place leisurely crosses along the edge of the container, while clearly pronouncing the fear spell: “Passion, passion, come out, pour out from the servant of God, baby (name) from a wild head, from thick curls, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from hands, from legs, from veins and veins, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly. It is not I who pour out passions, fear, but Mother the Most Holy Theotokos with all the angels, archangels, guardians and patrons.”

There is another version of the same conspiracy. If rituals are grouped into several cycles, you can read the first conspiracy in one cycle, and another in the second. The principle is the same - they baptize and read: “As wax pours, so pour out the fear from the servant of God, the baby (name), come out of his eyes, from his head, from his heart, from his scarlet blood, from his hands, from his stomach, from his feet. Fears and frights can no longer live in this body. It’s not me who is flying and speaking, but Mother Theotokos. She herself pours out fear and forbids the servant of God (name) to have fear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen."

When the reading is over, you need to take the wax out of the bowl and carefully examine the back of the flat plaque. After the ritual, you can again melt it into a lump and use it further. One piece is enough for an unlimited number of times.

It is not recommended for a child to look at the bowl while the charmed water is there, or at the wax figurine. You need to get rid of the water as soon as possible. You should not keep it in the house, but you should not pour it into the sink - only outside, on the ground, under a growing plant. When pouring out the water, you need to hastily (until the bowl is empty) say a short spell: “Mother Water, take away from the Child of God (child’s name), all illnesses, sorrows, everything superficial and cross. Amen".

How to correctly read a drawing on a casting

A preliminary understanding of whether there is a fright and whether the diagnosis was wrong can be made even before the casting is turned over. The edges of a “disturbing” casting will be ribbed, torn, or lumpy. The remaining signs are read on the back:

  • the wax plate is filled with bubbles - the child is experiencing a deep internal conflict that seems insoluble to him;
  • the entire bottom of the casting is covered with balls, rounded bumps - someone’s strong envy and someone else’s will are over the baby;
  • a pattern resembling a “comma” is visible - intrauterine fright;
  • in the middle of the plate there is a bulge from which circular waves emanate - strong fear at the level of the central chakra;
  • densely spaced stripes or many curls, “curls” - a formed fright indicating its intensity; the more often the curls or stripes, the stronger and “older” the fear;
  • waves crowned with one small or several rounded bumps - 1-2 more sessions are enough for healing;
  • the waxy plaque is smooth from below or has small, inexpressive waves - the treatment is over.

The Church unequivocally states that any rituals with wax cast from church candles are a sin, without distinguishing between rituals performed for evil and for good. You can relieve a child’s fear without violating the immutable prohibition - using a piece of wax purchased separately. However, for the purity of the ritual of pouring on wax, traditional healers insist on high-quality material from which temple candles are smelted.

When a child’s well-being goes far beyond normal limits and fear reduces the quality of his life, slows down or reverses development, it is permissible for the mother to deviate from the strict conventions of the church and cure the baby on her own.

Until the age of three, children are not yet able to take control of their own emotions. As a result of this, any strong impressions or experiences can cause a hysterical state, and sometimes even be imprinted on the baby’s psyche for a long time.

The cause of frightening a baby can be a loud bang or animals

Fear in adults is considered a completely natural reaction to certain external stimuli, and their nervous system is usually short time copes with it. However, in infants who are not yet a year old, a strong emotional shock can negatively affect the functioning of the baby’s body systems and directly on his behavior. To warn undesirable consequences, which can provoke fright in a baby, you should know how to identify them based on specific signs similar condition, and help the little one in time.

Factors that can provoke fear in a child

An integral part of a child’s knowledge of the world are various kinds emotional experiences that help sharpen instincts. Excessive care on the part of parents, aimed at protecting their baby from strong emotions, can only delay mental development and weaken the nervous system.

However, the emotions that the child experiences must be healthy, bringing the baby positive or negative experience, and in no case should they affect the functioning of his nervous system. For example, having once grabbed a cup of hot tea, the child should remember that hot objects can be a source of pain and therefore it is better to handle them carefully or not touch them at all, but do not run away screaming from the kitchen every time, like someone else makes himself tea.

To strengthen the nervous system, a child must learn about the world: both its positive and dangerous sides. Parents need to find a middle ground between danger that threatens the child’s health and full knowledge environment

The most common reasons that can cause fear in an infant are:

  • large animals;
  • loud and harsh sounds, such as weather events such as thunder, or screams accompanying domestic quarrels;
  • excessive severity shown by mom and dad towards the child;
  • severe stress.

Which children are at risk?

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Not all children necessarily face the problem of fear, but there are those who are more predisposed to it than others. These include:

  1. Guys who are too pampered and patronized. Conditions when close people try to isolate the baby from anyone negative experience, as a result of not training his nervous system on minor emotional experiences, contribute to the fact that the child, faced with a really strong negative shock, will be afraid.
  2. Children whose relatives constantly tell them about danger. In the world around us, every second object is conditionally dangerous, but meeting them is not always capable of causing harm. Most overprotective parents prohibit their children from being near electrical outlets, irons, or other potential dangerous equipment. For example, many children, in order to ensure that they do not touch street animals, are intimidated by the fact that dogs bite painfully and cats can scratch, thus instilling in them a persistent fear of these animals. For such a child, a meeting with a friendly dog ​​can end in severe fright.
  3. Children suffering from diseases of the nervous system. The central nervous system cannot cope with positive or negative emotions.

The baby should be treated very carefully, since this problem is directly related to his psychology. It is impossible to ignore the fears inherent in the baby, and it is undesirable to resolve such issues with excessive harshness.

First of all, after detecting fear in an infant or signs of fear, it is necessary to understand what exactly provoked this condition, and only then try to help the baby cope with his fear. In a situation where a newborn cannot overcome his fears on his own, you should consult a specialist. A psychologist will be able to recommend certain techniques to help combat phobias.

Only by understanding the true causes of fear in a child can you begin to eliminate them.


The consequences of negative mental experiences can a long period influence the functioning of the nervous system. To help a frightened child timely assistance, you need to know what symptoms indicate such a condition.

Naturally, the symptoms that are listed below are periodically characteristic of all children and their cause is the age crisis. However, their duration over the course of days or weeks indicates that the baby was frightened, and this did not pass without a trace. For infants under 1 year of age, fear is a reflex reaction that can be dealt with fairly quickly if you get help in time. Otherwise, the baby’s condition may turn into severe psychological trauma, which is why all psycho-emotional problems in children under one year of age require treatment.

The main signs of fear

In a frightened baby, symptoms manifest themselves as follows:

  1. Restless sleep and... Young children have bad dreams more often than adults. Already from the age of one, a healthy baby can have bad dreams; it is in them that memories of negative experiences are transformed. In addition, he is able to recognize them. However, if the baby has experienced severe stress, nightmares can begin at 6 months.
  2. Continuous crying. If the baby is healthy, not hungry and does not want to sleep, he usually behaves calmly and will not cry non-stop. Constant screaming for no apparent reason is a warning sign.
  3. Involuntary urination. The diagnosis of "" is usually made after 4 years. It is believed that at this age children should be able to control the process of urination, otherwise incontinence turns into a pathology. The reason for this is the effect on the psyche and central nervous system.
  4. . When a child can already speak, speech disorders that are associated with frequent repetition of syllables can become manifestations of stress. These deviations are typical for the age of 4-5 years and are more common in boys. Fright is also dangerous because the baby may not only begin to stutter, but even stop speaking altogether.
  5. Absolute reluctance to be alone. Parents give their children a feeling of security and safety. As a result, the baby, once frightened, strives to surround itself with protection if the situation that caused its fright repeats itself. As a result, he begins to cry, scream and be capricious as soon as his mother is not nearby. This is explained by the fact that being alone for a baby means experiencing fear again.

A child from infancy should not be afraid of loneliness. If the baby does not want to be left alone for a minute, then he has certain fears in this regard.

What measures can parents take?

Fear requires complex treatment, that is, not only eliminating the symptoms, but also the causes that led to it. What should parents do in such a situation? Necessary:

  1. Surround the baby with your warmth and constant care. You should not leave him alone during this period, because only next to his mother will he feel safe.
  2. Calm the nervous system with baths with herbal decoctions and pine infusions.
  3. Accustom your baby to the presence of strangers, and not avoid strangers if the baby is afraid of them. Of course, this needs to be done gradually. You should behave friendly and casually with the guest, thereby showing that in front of the baby good man. However, when negative reaction On the baby's part, save the interaction for another time. Gifts in the form of toys or treats will not be superfluous.
  4. Teach to treat cats, dogs and other animals without fear, as this is a constant component of the life of any person. It’s better to start with pictures of animals or videos with them. At the same time, it is worth explaining that with a good attitude, all animals are kind and friendly. Once the habit of this type of communication has been developed, you can move on to meetings with live pets without haste.
  5. IN soft form try to correct the situation when the fear is of a domestic nature. For example, if a baby gets burned by an iron that is turned on, you should tell him about the rules for handling household appliances, or if he swallowed water and went under water while swimming, you can buy arm sleeves, explaining and showing what they are intended for (we recommend reading:).

Treatment of fright in traditional medicine

Constant fears and frequent neuroses of a child require the help of a doctor to determine the causes of fear

Hypnosis and homeopathy

Hypnosis is used to correct unusual behavior. If there is a problem of enuresis, using hypnosis, the doctor adjusts the correct functioning of the body (see also:). For example, he instructs the patient to wake up and go to the potty when he wants to go to the toilet at night. This approach turns out to be quite effective in practice, but many parents are still wary of it.

An option such as homeopathy includes not only the use of herbs, although many homeopathic medicines contain exactly them. The name homeopathy can be paraphrased as similar to disease. The patient is prescribed medications that contain elements that lead to the appearance of healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease of interest. The bottom line is that with the right dosage, the disease should go away on its own. In the case of homeopathy, only an individual approach is required. For nervousness in children, the choice of medication is directly related to the symptoms.

Fairytale therapy and play therapy

With the help of fairy tale therapy, behavior is corrected, attitudes and perceptions of the world and phenomena are changed, and morality is instilled. While listening to magical stories, children discuss their plot, participate in performances based on them, and create drawings. Over time, children begin to write their own stories. By analyzing the behavior of the characters in a fairy tale, children gain an understanding of what is bad and what is good, and they begin to learn to cope with difficulties and fears. Fairytale therapy can be practiced at home if you have special literature.

As a result of fairytale therapy, children become more open and relaxed, and playing some scenes and plots helps children cope with their fears

Play therapy is based on the fact that children with problems participate in acting out various scenes. During the game, the baby builds a chain of relationships with partners, which helps him become more open, adequately evaluate others and learn to share fears.

Traditional methods of dealing with fear

Sometimes folk methods that are used to remove fear are no less effective. However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it is impossible to cope with a child’s fears by resorting to traditional medicine (see also:). The only thing this approach can lead to is peace of mind for parents, and, consequently, for their children, which is one of the main goals of any approach to such a problem. Below are examples of traditional methods:

  1. Drinking a cup of warm sweet water or another drink immediately after the incident helps relieve the state of shock that accompanies fear.
  2. Prayer or conspiracy.
  3. Rolling out an egg. The essence of the method is that a raw egg is rolled over the baby's stomach, after which it is broken into any glass container. The successful completion of such a procedure is indicated by stains of any kind contained in a broken egg.
  4. Holy water and the Lord's Prayer. It is necessary to wash the baby with holy water morning and evening, plus drink it three times a day. In addition, during the washing process you need to read “Our Father”.
  5. Pour onto wax. Psychics believe that such an illness is of an informational nature, and the still weak children’s energy is disrupted at such moments. In order to cast fear, wax is used, as it perfectly absorbs energy. First of all, you need to melt the church candles and slowly pour the resulting wax into a bowl of cold water, which should be above the baby’s head. At the same time, do not forget to pray.

A child’s faith in God may contribute to the recovery of his child’s psyche, but one should not limit oneself to prayers alone. Timely consultation with a doctor is still necessary

How to treat fear in a child at home? What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this, and how did our ancestors treat this disease?

Every child has had a fright at least once in their life. It can be mild and not cause any particular harm to health, or it can be so strong that the consequences then have to be eliminated for more than one day. In the article we'll talk about how a mother can independently identify fear, as well as cope with a child’s fear at home. We will also tell you which specialist you can contact if you cannot cure your fear yourself.

Signs of fear in a child

Anything can frighten a child, especially a small one. For example, he may show strong fear in relation to:

  • loud rumbles during a thunderstorm;
  • sharp screams and loud sounds;
  • an accidental fight;
  • unusual stressful situation;
  • explosions and shootings (terrorist attacks that began to happen frequently);
  • too strict upbringing by parents;
  • forced loneliness (when parents leave the child alone at home);
  • ferocious animals.

An older child can independently tell his mother why he was afraid. He will tell you in detail what scared him, if there is close contact and trust between the child and mother. In infants, fear can only be recognized by observing the baby's behavior.

If you suspect fear in a child, you have probably noticed that he has the following changes in behavior:

  • he began to breathe intermittently and hastily;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the pupils became large;
  • movement coordination is impaired;
  • the child peed or pissed his pants.

Symptoms of fear in a child

If a child got scared some time ago and is still in a state of fear, then he may experience the following symptoms:

  • eats poorly;
  • on the contrary, it is unusual for him to eat a lot;
  • sleeps restlessly;
  • suddenly begins to cry in the middle of sleep;
  • constantly having nightmares;
  • does not want to stay alone in the room;
  • afraid of the dark;
  • behaves restlessly day and night;
  • overly active.

Consequences of fright

If a child is very frightened by something and now he carries it inside himself, then this fear can seriously affect the baby’s health. If fear is not treated and the state of fear is not eliminated, then the child’s life can be ruined forever. He will constantly expect a trick from everywhere, will become withdrawn and unsure of himself.

Among the consequences of fear, the following problems in a child can be noted:

  • enuresis (that is, urinary incontinence, especially at night);
  • severe stuttering;
  • a state of anxiety that does not leave the child;
  • nervous tic;
  • chronic nightmares or insomnia;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Child after a fright

As soon as a child is very frightened of something, his behavior becomes different, and his well-being also worsens. Immediately after experiencing fear, the baby’s pupils become enlarged and his heart beats too quickly and loudly. In addition, after suffering stress, a child may immediately begin to stutter during a fright, and even if he is very frightened, the baby may pee in his pants. There are rare cases when children faint immediately after fright.

If a child has experienced severe fright younger age, then he will probably become more anxious and will want to spend more time with his mother. He will literally stick to his mother and follow her around everywhere. The child will be very scared to be left alone. A frightened baby will see his mother as his most reliable protector.

Fright in a baby

If a very small child, who is still, so to speak, lying in diapers, experiences fear, then this may manifest itself in a sudden loud cry. This happens, for example, after the baby hears a sharp loud sound. Also, fear in an infant may result in fecal incontinence. If he gets very scared, he may suddenly have a bowel movement.

How to remove fear

You can eliminate the consequences of fear through conversations with your child. Talk to him as often as possible and discuss what scared him. Try to explain to your baby that he is now safe, and you will protect him from all kinds of fears.

In some cases, talking with parents alone is not enough, and in this situation it comes experienced psychologist. In extreme situations, a hypnologist also helps, because it can be very difficult to convince a child that there is now nothing to be afraid of.

Should Special attention Pay attention to the child’s daily routine. Try to feed the baby at the same time, and also put him to bed at a strict time. certain time. It's also good to read good stories before bed. This will also have a good effect on the child’s psyche. This helps not only frightened children, but also hyperactive ones.

The following also help well as a treatment for fright:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • communication with nature and learning together with parents;
  • tales of brave heroes;
  • music lessons;
  • drawing and modeling (you can send your child to some creative club);
  • taking soothing teas or medications prescribed by the doctor;
  • soothing baths with flavored sea salt (the aroma of lavender helps);
  • calm atmosphere in the family;
  • outdoor games;
  • playing sports;
  • Mind games;
  • lullabies before bed.

How to cure a child's fear at home

In addition to the above methods of getting rid of fear, the following methods help eliminate the condition of the rhinestone:

  • herbal treatment;
  • conspiracies;
  • special magical rituals;
  • prayers;
  • rituals.

Ebb of fear, how to ebb of fear

Our ancestors often treated fear in children with wax casting. This method was considered very effective and was used as a life-saving remedy for fear in almost every family.

To relieve fear using wax, you will need this:

  • Bowl;
  • clean water from a well;
  • wax candles - 3 pieces;
  • container for melting candles.

You will also need the help of someone from your family, because performing this ritual alone is extremely inconvenient and dangerous. You risk burning yourself with hot wax, and you can also accidentally burn your baby with it.

So, first you need to melt the candles. To do this, place them in some kind of enamel dish and place them in a water bath.

Then we place a bowl of water over the baby’s head and pour melted wax into it with the words: “Flow, pour, you candle. Just as you melted and are now flowing, so let evil fear flow from my child (name) and go away from our house. May my word be strong, may the powers of the Almighty help me.”

Then you need to bury the wax that has flowed into the water under the nearest tree. The procedure should be repeated twice a day. This is done in the morning, as soon as the sun wakes up, and in the evening, when sunset occurs. A similar ritual must be performed for at least 9 days in a row.

At the same time, you need to look at reverse side the figure that is formed when wax is cast. Usually there are some inclusions and spots in it over a frightened child. When the fear goes away, this figure gradually becomes clean.

We read the plot to frighten

To drive away fear in a child, you can read a special spell. You can read it with holy water, and then wash the baby with it 3 times.

So, you need to pour holy water into some deep bowl with wide edges. You need to read the following spell for this water: “How powerful you are, holy water, to cure all troubles and sorrows. Wash away the great fear from my child, water, and do not allow the damned fear to overcome him again. My word is strong, hell is accurate. Let it be as I command."

Then wash your frightened child with this water 3 times, and water the flowers with the remaining water. You need to repeat this ritual 3 times a day. In total, treatment with such enchanted water takes at least 9 days.

If one course of treatment with holy water does not help, then the procedure can be repeated more than once. Usually, even in the most difficult cases, repeating the 9-day course three times helps.

Orthodox prayer for a child's fear

If you are with a believing woman, you can turn to Matrona of Moscow with a request to help your frightened child.

An icon with the image of Matronushka can be purchased in any church. You need to place it near the baby’s crib and read the following prayer every morning: “Gracious Matronushka, help us in our trouble. Deliver my child from the fear of the terrible. He is tormented by severe fear and does not give him peace either day or night. There is only one hope for you, dear. Do not leave her in trouble and come to the aid of a desperate mother. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!"

How to relieve mother's fear in a child

The mother herself is able to relieve the child’s fear. To do this, first of all, you need to keep yourself calm. It should be remembered that you cannot raise your voice at a frightened child, much less punish him strictly and beat him with a belt. Perhaps his fear is caused by the fact that his mother’s upbringing is very harsh.

We need to spend more time with the baby. Joint hikes in the forest or trips somewhere outside the city help very well. There the child opens up and independently tells his mother about his fears. In sincere conversations, you can overcome all these fears together with your child.

If the mother feels that she cannot cope on her own, then she can always enlist the support of the father or other relatives of the baby with whom he has contact. You can also contact a competent family psychologist.

If mom believes in the power of prayers and conspiracies, then she can turn to them. If you know a grandmother who treats fears, then you can take your child to her. In this case, the granny helps with enchanted water or treats the baby with medicinal herbs.

Words from fear

If you notice that a child is terribly afraid of something, then wipe his face with your palms and at the same time say the following words: “Get away from us, fierce fear. Let the pussy be afraid, let the dog be afraid, but our little blood (name) is never afraid of anything. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Every time, wipe your face with your hand and shake it off as if it were dirt from your palms. Read these words 3 times at a time. If it does not help, then the procedure for expelling fear can be repeated 3 more times.

Symptoms of fright in infants

If an infant is frightened and cannot yet say anything about his fears, then the following symptoms can be observed:

  • crying that is not associated with hunger or health conditions;
  • sudden emptying of the bladder or bowel;
  • dilated pupils;
  • rapid pulse;
  • loud heartbeat;
  • rapid breathing;
  • sudden movements of arms and legs.

How to get rid of a fright with eggs

A mother can independently rid her baby of fear by rolling out the fear with chicken eggs. In this case, you need to buy homemade eggs from three different chickens.

The mother needs to take the frightened baby in her arms and gently roll him with the egg from head to toe. If you are afraid of dropping and breaking an egg, you can pre-boil it.

For the ritual you will also need a church candle. When you take the baby in your arms and roll the egg over his body, the candle should burn. After the ceremony, the unburned candle along with the egg must be buried somewhere away from the house.

While rolling the egg over the child’s body, you need to say the following words: “Take the egg with you, all the fear from my child’s body. Let his little head know no more suffering and torment. I roll it on the head, I roll it on the face, on the arms and tummy, on the back and legs. I drive away the furious fear from my handsome child. Let no one dare to frighten him anymore. Let it be so. Amen!"

This ritual will be repeated every day for three days. Each time you need to take a new egg for the ritual.

Ebb of fright with wax

We have already described how to cast fear with wax a little higher. This method is very effective and can be used to treat both mild fear and prolonged forms of fear. If the child is very small, then in this way you can drive away fear while the baby is sleeping.

To obtain wax slurry, it is better to take candles other than those sold in regular stores, but make sure that they come from the church. Go to your local church or temple in advance and buy candles from the parish store.

To rid your child of fear, you can pray to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. He helps with many problems, including his ability to drive away fear from a child. Make sure that an icon depicting St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is in the frightened child’s bedroom. You can buy it at the temple. You can read the prayer both in the morning and in the evening until the fear completely goes away.

You can also read the prayer in church in front of the same icon. You can pray both in your own words and with the help of text. Orthodox prayer. Your text could be like this: “Nikolai the Pleasant, I turn to you for great help. You can work miracles and drive away terrible diseases from the people. Help me in my painful misfortune. My child is suffering from fear, I want to help him, but I don’t know how. Deliver him from suffering and make sure that from now on he is no longer afraid of anything. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Fright in a child Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky says that fear in a child is very common. In most cases, it manifests itself as crying and involuntary emptying of the bladder and bowels. There is nothing wrong with fear if it is recognized and treated immediately.

If you delay treatment, you can ruin the child’s life. In addition to the fact that he may develop a stutter, which is difficult to treat, he will also become an extremely unconfident person. These factors can trigger alcoholism and even lead to suicide in extreme cases. Teenagers who are ridiculed by their peers react especially sharply to their stuttering.

A qualified psychologist can help you get rid of fear. This is for extreme cases, but in case of mild fright, the mother can handle it herself. Komarovsky does not see anything wrong with turning to old herbalists for help in such cases. They still won’t make it worse, but you can still try to recover with the help of all sorts of folk techniques.

Signs of fear in a child Komarovsky

Among the symptoms that are present in a frightened child, the following can be noted, according to Komarovsky:

  • the child clings to his mother and does not want to let her go:
  • peed or pooped in your pants;
  • began to sob intermittently and would not calm down;
  • cannot sit quietly at the table and eat;
  • constantly looks around and turns around, as if he is looking for someone and is afraid;
  • suddenly became withdrawn;
  • screams at night from terrible dreams.

Grass for fear

The most powerful herb for treating fear is Lady's slipper. This grass is also called black. This plant is very strong, but at the same time also poisonous. Therefore, when treating a child with fear, you must first consult a pediatrician.

Brewing a potion on Venus's slipper is very simple. Take half a teaspoon of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water. This whole thing is infused for 8 hours. After this, the medicine for the treatment of fright on Venus's slipper is taken 0.3 glasses half an hour before eating. In total, you need to take this medicine 3 times a day. The duration of treatment for fright is no more than 3 days.

How grandma treats fright

Our grandmothers often treated fear with various herbs. A calming bath with lavender helped relieve the child’s fear. To prepare it, you need to take 200 grams of fresh lavender and add 2 liters of water. Then this composition must be boiled for several minutes. The product should infuse for about 45 minutes, and then it can be poured into water for bathing the child.

Peony root also helped a lot. It was crushed and filled with 0.25 grams of vodka. This remedy was infused for 3 weeks, and then 0.5 teaspoon was added to the child’s drink. We did this once a day. Treatment lasted from 3 days to 2 weeks.

There was also a special demand for a special collection against fright. To prepare it, they used lemon balm, heather and thyme. They took them in equal proportions and mixed them. Then they took 1 tablespoon of this mixture and poured 2 glasses of boiling water over it. The product was infused in a thermos for 6 hours. Then this medicine was given to the frightened child, 1 tablespoon for 3 weeks.

If you like at least one of these recipes for treating fear with herbs, be sure to consult with your pediatrician before using it. Otherwise, you will harm the baby’s health, and you will never get rid of the fear.

Strong prayer for fear

The most powerful prayer for fear is considered to be the prayer to the Mother of God of Vladimir. She saves from huge amount human troubles. Buy an icon with the image of this shrine and pray every day for the health of your child.

The text of the prayer could be like this: “Oh, Mother of God of Vladimir, only to you will I dare to turn for help. Deliver my child from debilitating fears. He himself suffers from them, and I have a hard time too. No matter how you know everything about a mother’s troubles associated with her baby. You yourself are a great mother. You are the mother of all the human people, so do not leave us, your children, in trouble. Amen!"

Intrauterine fear, how it manifests itself in a child

Not only the already born baby can experience serious fear and get extremely scared. This can also happen to a baby who is still in the mother’s womb. The fact is that through the wall of the uterus and the abdominal cavity the baby is also able to hear sounds. If he hears a sudden loud sound or the mother falls sharply, the baby will experience fear.

Usually, after a fright, the baby inside the womb begins to hiccup. Over a long period of time, this is already well felt by the mother. Also, if the fear was very great, then this can seriously affect the functioning of the baby’s heart. Congenital heart defects are often associated with a child suffering a severe fright while he was still inside the womb.

What kind of doctor treats fear?

If your baby has suffered a fright, then first of all, you can contact your local pediatrician. He will give recommendations for treating fear.

Conversations with a child or family psychologist are also helpful. Parents can go to the appointment with their child. Conversations between the psychologist and the child in private are also practiced.

In extreme cases, a hypnologist also comes to the rescue if the situation cannot be resolved by either a pediatrician or a psychologist. This specialist comes to the rescue in cases where other specialists fail to convince the child that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Now you know everything about how to treat a baby for fear. Let your child not get sick and please you with new achievements every day!

Children's sleep and appetite are disturbed, they become restless and capricious, and often ask to be held.

Let's look at how to cure fear in a child at home.

General information

The appearance of fears and fright in a baby is one of the stages of development and maturation. He begins to realize that life is much more complicated. Fear is associated with the caution reflex. This is a protective reaction of the body.

Typically, restless behavior in frightened children does not last long. But there are protracted cases.

Abuse of a child, constant screaming, beatings, and too severe punishments cause fear, which provokes a persistent neurotic disorder.

Parents must respond to neuroses in a timely manner. This is a very serious problem that leads to serious consequences. A frightened child needs an atmosphere of harmony, love, and mutual understanding.

How to remove fear from a child?


The following signs indicate a child is afraid:

  • disturbance of daytime and night sleep;
  • regular fading;
  • dilated pupils;
  • rapid breathing, strong heartbeat;
  • the baby often pulls his head into his shoulders;
  • increased excitability is observed;
  • the child has nightmares and often cries in his sleep;
  • afraid of loneliness, darkness, a certain object;
  • hysterics;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tremor of the limbs.

The child may ask dad or mom to lie down next to him and leave the light on. Fright can provoke stuttering, and the baby may stop speaking altogether.

Fear is a natural reaction of the body, a defensive reflex. The baby grows up, accumulating life experience, and fears can be forgotten on their own. But over time, sometimes they become stronger.

If the fear does not gradually go away, the baby will become less sociable and less self-confident. Perhaps he will study worse and will not want to make contact with his peers.


Finding the cause of a neurotic disorder in a child is not difficult. How can you determine what scared a baby?

  • loud or harsh sounds;
  • large animals;
  • lightning, thunder, strong wind, hurricane;
  • stressful situations;
  • the appearance of a stranger;
  • too strict education;
  • infectious diseases;
  • somatic diseases;
  • visiting kindergarten.

A child at any age needs comfort, protection, love. TO kindergarten Children are taught gradually. In the first days, the mother remains in the group with the baby.

A tense family situation also provokes fear. Constant screaming and scandals negatively affect the child’s condition.

Fear of punishment, screams, loneliness, darkness, imaginary creatures is the result of improper upbringing, the indifference of parents to the emotional state of the child.

Leads to a similar result overprotectiveness. Narrowing the circle of contacts does not allow the child’s independence and activity to develop.

When should you sound the alarm?

The following fears are not normal:

  1. Fright has Negative influence on the child’s life, remains even after the frightening situation has been eliminated. Normal fears are associated only with a specific situation. Outside of her, the baby is vigorous, cheerful, he does not have any problems bad thoughts. If he continues to worry long time, you should pay attention to this.
  2. Uncharacteristic fears for a certain age. Normal: a one and a half year old child reacts too emotionally to unusual situations, which is not the norm for a five year old child. There are exceptions if such cases are rare. An overreaction to normal surroundings is not the norm. Young children have simpler fears (like monsters under the bed). A teenager is usually afraid of misunderstanding and ridicule. A teenager's fear of monsters under the bed is not the norm.
  3. Fear of falling asleep. The baby may be afraid of monsters that are waiting for him in a dark corner, afraid of dying while sleeping, or having nightmares again.
  4. Constantly follows his mother or another close relative, does not want to be alone for a minute. He is afraid to even go to the toilet alone and constantly clings to an adult.
  5. Persistent, prolonged fear of a certain object or situation. As a child ages, he must adapt to something new and frightening. But if adaptation does not occur, fear of the same situation lasts for several months, the parent should begin to worry. Especially when the fear does not fade, but grows, although there was no more contact with the frightening object. This is how phobic syndrome manifests itself.
  6. Strange fears. For example, a child begins to be afraid of drinking milk given by a cow that ate a beetle the day before. He is afraid that the same bug will grow in his stomach.
  7. Fear of dirt. The kid constantly washes his hands in fear of germs, although he has not been outside or had contact with animals or dirt.
  8. Urinary incontinence. Enuresis is diagnosed after four years of age. This is a pathology if by this age the child does not control urination. Fear and other negative effects on the nervous system are common causes of the disease.
  9. Speech impairment. Stress can lead to stuttering. Boys are more often susceptible to this pathology.

The symptoms described above apply to various disorders and diseases. It is better to leave the diagnosis to a specialist. He must prescribe adequate treatment.


With age, the baby’s life experience will become richer, and fears will gradually go away on their own. But they can remain for a long time or appear much brighter.

The severity of fear depends on the suddenness of the frightening factor, past negative experiences, and repeated psychological trauma. Some children may react with hysterics, others have panic attacks.

Fear sometimes provokes stuttering. The child may stop speaking altogether and withdraw into himself, which will negatively affect learning.

Fear provokes the appearance of nightmares, which cause groundless fears, even aggression. Fear and aggressiveness sometimes become character traits. Strong and prolonged fear eventually becomes a phobia.

Persistent fears sometimes provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system. Severe injuries cause urinary incontinence, stuttering, and insomnia. Frightened children are shown to a neurologist, speech therapist, and a cardiogram of the heart is done.

Let's find out how to relieve fear in a child.


The first aid for fear is parental love and care. The baby will be calmed by hugs and affection. He is distracted by a bright and interesting object, a new game, or reading a fairy tale.

An atmosphere of peace must be maintained in the family. They sing lullabies to the child, often take him in their arms, stroke his back, head, arms, and legs. The baby will relax and stop crying. These methods are especially helpful for young children.

A neurologist or psychologist can help treat fear in a teenager. If a child is too afraid of a certain thing, he is brought closer to it. But gradually. The child needs to be explained that the object or situation will not harm him.

A child should not be ridiculed or shamed for his fears! It is also impossible to forcibly confront him with a situation or object that frightens him, strengthening his will!

If a child is afraid of visiting a doctor, it is necessary to persistently explain that it is better to cure the disease now than to neglect it and suffer from pain and consequences. The tone of communication should be friendly and calm.

The totality of fears can be eliminated only by a friendly atmosphere. The work of parents, teachers or psychologists should be joint.

If there is a calm atmosphere in the house, addressing the baby in calm tones, and friendly conversations with him about his fears and anxieties, there will be no need to take medications or folk remedies.

If the parents are unable to calm the child, the doctor prescribes treatment. In case of severe fear, sedatives are prescribed to help the child calm down.

Homeopathy is also prescribed only by a specialist. If pills do not help, children are taken to hypnosis sessions. The duration of hypnosis treatment depends on improvements in the child’s condition.

A child psychologist who can relieve fear using special techniques can help.

How to cure fear in a child yourself?

A little about some tricks

The child calms down faster during bathing. A decoction of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, St. John's wort, lavender or mint is added to the bath. Dry herbs are placed in a fabric bag and left overnight by the bed.

If the child is very frightened by the call mobile phone, you can try to introduce the baby to him better: show him the phone, let him press the keys, turn it on and off. He will understand that he can control the unpleasant sound and eliminate it.

Fairytale therapy will help change the child’s attitude towards the world. By analyzing the behavior of fairy-tale characters, children learn to overcome difficulties and fears with them. Play therapy works in a similar way.

Children act out different scenes from fairy tales, forming a chain of relationships with play partners. This helps them become more open and they overcome their fears.

Children's fears - how to get rid of them


Let's look at how to treat fear in a child folk remedies. If you are very scared, your doctor may prescribe medicinal herbs with a calming effect.

Methods of treatment with folk remedies:

  1. Take 50 g of angelica root, hops, St. John's wort, heather, lemon balm, 100 g of chamomile, and nettle leaves. Everything is mixed. Brew a teaspoon with the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Give the child half a glass to drink twice a day.
  2. Lavender. You can take a bath with lavender infusion. 200 g of herb per two liters of water, boil for three minutes, leave for 40 minutes. A bunch of lavender is placed under the child's pillow. Do a massage with lavender oil every evening.
  3. Grind heather, lemon balm, and thyme in equal parts. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a thermos and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. Leave for 6 hours. Drink for 20 days. Every day the broth must be prepared anew.
  4. 500 g pine branches Boil with pine needles for 20 minutes in two liters of water. Cool and filter. Prepare a bath overnight, add a decoction and take for 40 minutes. The water temperature should be no more than 40 degrees.
  5. Bring the water temperature to 10 degrees. The seasoned child is given a douche three times a day. 500 ml is poured onto the top of the head. If a child is often sick, the legs below the knees are poured. The method helps strengthen the nervous system.
  6. Clay. Daily exercises with clay have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The clay is soaked in water in a basin. They knead it, make lumps, and plunge their hands into it. You can add a couple of drops of lavender, mint, sandalwood oil.
  7. Make a hole in the apple, add 2-3 g of incense, bake in the oven for half an hour. Eat one half during the day, the second in the evening.
  8. Inhalation of coffee with mint. Ground coffee is poured into a saucepan and fresh mint is added. Pour water, place in a water bath, and let it boil. The child must breathe in the steam.
  9. Fresh milk is boiled, lemon balm is added. Cool, add a spoonful of honey. Give half a glass five times a day.
  10. Immediately after the fright, they give you a glass of sweetened water to drink.

other methods

Despite the accessible medical interpretation of the manifestations of childhood fear, some parents begin to seek salvation from higher powers.

It is difficult to give an objective assessment of such methods; everyone has a different attitude towards the supernatural. Some will claim that a child was cured of fright by rolling out an egg or praying.

Various conspiracies and rituals are performed by the mother or the child himself. Blessed salt and water are used, egg.

How to roll out a child's fright with an egg? A man rolls out with strong character. It is believed that in the hands of the weak or evil man the egg will not be able to draw out the negative. In the process, prayers are read out of fear.

The egg is rolled over the baby's body without being torn off from the skin. Before starting, wash your hands with cold water. Hand washing is repeated before each new stage. It is better to carry out manipulations in front of icons. Afterwards the egg is buried in the ground.

Sometimes prayers read by whispering grandmothers help with fear. “Our Father” is an effective force. The child should drink holy water three times a day, three sips. Twice a day he washes himself with this water and reads a prayer.

According to Komarovsky

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky claims that frequent manifestations of fear in children under one year of age are associated with constant parental attention or its deficit, with screaming, and a negative environment at home. The child may begin to be afraid of water, narrow or wide spaces, the dark, or animals.

Fright requires urgent examination; perhaps the baby has nervous disorders. At the same time, his parents provide him with peace and a sense of security.

Parents begin to take their children to healers. But without a full examination by a neurologist, the means traditional medicine will be powerless. If fear is not stopped, it can turn into chronic form, and the child will be susceptible to causeless panic attacks.

After diagnostic measures, consultation is recommended child psychologist, as well as a psychiatrist. He will tell parents how to help their baby and prevent emotional distress. Specialists will also prescribe treatment and give additional recommendations.

Whatever method of dealing with childhood fear is chosen, one must remember that such a phenomenon requires serious attention. Nervous disorders early childhood problems that were not eliminated in time will certainly leave their mark on the character and behavior in adulthood.

A friendly atmosphere in the family, hugs, calm explanations from parents about why you should not be afraid of dogs, active and tactile games, calm classical music, lullabies, and kind fairy tales have an equally beneficial and calming effect.

Hardening procedures are also good for relaxing the psyche. It is very pleasant to run on grass, earth and small pebbles cool from dew on a summer day.

If symptoms are pronounced and last for a long time, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor.

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The most severe cases of childhood fear are called commotion. This condition is caused by strong nervous excitement, which is accompanied by seizures, swelling of the abdomen, numbness of the limbs and changes in skin color. It is difficult to cure commotion even with the help of strong rituals, however, with the right approach and competent actions, even this illness can be cured.

Fright is a sudden and short-lived feeling of fear. In some cases, this condition can persist for quite a long time, then it leads to feelings of anxiety and depression.

At the moment, the following main ones are distinguished.

Under the influence of a conspiracy, a sick person.

The most severe cases of childhood fear are called commotion. This condition is caused by strong nervous excitement, which is accompanied by seizures, swelling of the abdomen, numbness of the limbs and changes in skin color.

How to determine

There are many signs that may indicate a child’s fear, namely:

  • poor sleep at night;
  • the child shudders strongly from every sharp sound or movement of others;
  • the baby wakes up with a sharp cry that does not stop for a long time;
  • The baby jumps up immediately after waking up.

In addition, any signs that your child is afraid of something indicate a possible fear. If you notice one or several of the listed signs at once, it is better to immediately diagnose or show the baby to a professional. Fear needs to be relieved as soon as possible, since this illness can not only greatly affect the development of the baby, but can also significantly change his fate.

Rituals for fear in children

There are a large number of rituals aimed at treating fear. If you want to heal own child, but you have no experience in magic, you should use the simplest rituals, which use only one conspiracy.

A simple ritual for frightening a baby

For treatment, you need to fill a glass with cold (spring or church) water and, baptizing it, read the words of the conspiracy:

“A bad thought, go to the wind from the servant of God (the name of the child), from his legs, from his little hands, from his wild head. With all your body go into the wind, go into the wind forever with (baby’s name) and don’t come back. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, the charmed water must be placed in a warm place so that it warms up to the temperature human body(or a little stronger).

Now we wipe the baby’s body with water and give him a little drink.

This ritual can only be performed if the baby has already been baptized.

A simple ritual with wax

To perform the ritual, you need to fill a glass with cool water and melt a little wax in a tablespoon.

Wax castings are one of the most popular methods of treating children

Now we hold the glass over the child’s head, pour wax from a spoon into it, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I remove the fears, I remove the commotion from the little bones, from the relics, from the veins, and from the heart, from the zealous heart, from the scarlet blood, from the violent little head (baby’s name). Let it be so. Amen".

Pouring onto wax

You need to melt several church candles to get about 100 grams of wax. Now sit the child on a chair, facing the front door. We hold a cup of cold water over the baby’s head and read the plot:

“Pour passion from the servant of God (name of the child), from the wild little head, from the thick curls, from the clear eyes, from the hands, from the legs, from the white body, from the zealous heart. It’s not I who pours it, but the Most Holy Theotokos with all the Angels, Archangels and guardians.”

Before you start reading you need to say:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

And at this time pour into a bowl liquid wax. Read the plot 9 times, during which time it is necessary to constantly baptize the vessel with water and wax.

For maximum effect The session can be performed three times, in the most difficult cases - 9 times.

How can the mother herself relieve the child’s fear?

Often, children who were severely frightened at a very early age are afraid of sharp and loud sounds, screams, other people, and large crowds of people throughout their lives. Despite the fact that modern medicine does not distinguish this condition as a separate disease, severe cases it can lead to sleep disturbances, neurosis or phobias. In this article, we will tell you how to identify fear in a child, and whether it is possible for the mother to relieve it herself, without the help of specialists.

How to determine fear in a child?

Usually, the simultaneous presence of the following symptoms indicates that a child is afraid:

  • various sleep disorders, the baby wakes up every hour and a half and cries;
  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • lack of appetite or decreased appetite, the baby may refuse favorite foods;
  • excessive sensitivity, the child cries loudly and for a long time for any reason, tries not to stray far from the mother;
  • may be afraid of the dark and loneliness.

Causes of fear in children

In most cases, the cause of fear in young children is the following:

  • a sound that is too loud or sharp, such as an explosion;
  • big and scary animals;
  • natural disaster, severe thunderstorm;
  • various stressful situations;
  • improper upbringing, excessive strictness of parents.

How to relieve fear in a child yourself?

To relieve fear from a child at home, you can use a remedy such as fairytale therapy. This modern psychological technique allows you to influence the baby’s psyche through fairy-tale characters. To do this, you need to describe to the baby plot situation, in which his favorite hero turns out to be very scared, and offer him various options solving the problem. Using this method, you can not only help your child cope with fear, but also find out what exactly the baby is afraid of.

In addition, your son or daughter, who is very scared, should always feel that he is under reliable protection. Surround your child with love and care and try to spend as much time with him as possible so that the baby does not feel lonely.

Finally, to relieve fear in a child, you can use the following folk methods:

  • turning to God for help through prayer;
  • 3 times a day, the child can be given three sips of holy water to drink;
  • You can also wash your baby’s face with holy water;
  • “rolling out” a raw egg. To carry out this ritual, a chicken egg is rolled over the child’s belly, and then broken into a cup and taken out of the house.

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How to relieve a child's fear for the mother herself

If a child suddenly becomes restless, capricious, refuses to eat, cries, constantly asks to be held in his arms, he disturbing dream, begins to pee in the crib, although he has been going to the toilet on his own for a long time, most likely he is scared.

Children are vulnerable creatures, so they experience any fears, stress, or grievances more emotionally than adults; this manifests itself, as people say, as fear, which can be removed by one of the blood relatives, but it is better for the mother to do this, she is the strongest the rest of the family is connected with their baby. The mother just needs to know how to relieve the child’s fear correctly in order to help, otherwise it can cause great harm and aggravate the serious condition of the baby.

Rituals for relieving fear

The baby's mother should put on a worn nightgown and wash him with fresh or running water, and then wipe him with the hem of the nightgown. Usually after this the child falls asleep soundly.

A great way to help your baby get rid of fear is to wash it three times, while shaking the water off your fingers and saying the following words: “Water, wash the child’s face, take away the fear from him and give him peace of mind.”! After this, dry the baby with a white towel, which you hang outside at night.

If the baby is screaming hysterically, then he urgently needs to be calmed down, otherwise everything could end badly - stuttering, temporary silence, fainting, etc. You will need a fresh chicken egg from speckled chicken. It needs to be washed in warm water and dried. It is important to sit the baby on a chair, it is important that he sits quietly, or carry out these manipulations when the baby is sleeping. Start rolling out a fright with the egg, starting from the head and going clockwise to the feet, then rising again to the head. Draw a cross three times at head level and pour the egg into a glass. Then pour salt and pepper into the contents to add salt and pepper, pour under the old tree.

All children are different, some of the kids react calmly to new people, while others immediately cry when approached by a stranger. If your baby belongs to the second group, then you need to prepare him to leave the house, read the prayers “Our Father” and to the baby’s guardian angel. Be sure to wear the cross that the baby received at baptism and a silver pin to the inside of the clothes, which must be sprinkled with holy water after a walk. Then you won’t have to remove the fear.

When the baby begins to pee at night due to fright, he needs to be washed for three days before going to bed in the bathroom with the addition of chamomile infusion. Drink an infusion of herbs - 100 g each of nettle and chamomile leaves, 50 g each of St. John's wort, hops, heather and lemon balm, mix and pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.

A frightened and crying baby should only be placed in a fresh bed of white or blue color, which is crossed in all corners of the bed, and sprinkled with holy water three times in the middle - the child will sleep calmly and quietly.

If the baby is hysterical on the street and there is no way to calm him down, the mother should cover him with the hem of her dress and make a spell: “I cover it with a hem, I take away fear and fear”!

To relieve fear in a child at home, you need to take a thread white and wrap it around the head of the frightened child three times, then cut it into small pieces, saying the following phrase three times: “I’ll cut the threads and cut away the fear. Leave and don't come again". Scatter scraps of thread in the wind, standing on a balcony or a hill if you live in your own house.

When the baby begins to stutter from crying, he needs to be covered with a headscarf. senior woman in a family that says the following words: “I’ve lived a lot - I’ve given my family protection, and I’ll protect you, I’ll take away the fear.”! Afterwards, you need to wash the scarf and pour the water into the toilet.

If, after everything you have done, you are unable to relieve the fear on your own, you should contact a specialist.

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A child is the most unprotected creature, especially a very small one. In magic, the symbol of family is a tree. The roots symbolize grandparents, the trunk symbolizes parents, and the children symbolize branches and leaves.

Well, the child needs to be saved. You can look for a good healer, but loving mother is quite capable of saving the baby and removing the evil eye and fear from the child on her own.

So, you will need holy water, Thursday salt (this is salt blessed in church on Maundy Thursday, be sure to leave some of this salt every year) and a church candle.

My angel, stay with me everywhere, in joy and in trouble.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Lord, sweep away the evil unleashed on God’s servant (name), from her hair, shoulders and clear eyes. Go to the shifting sands through the quicksand swamps, to where animals do not roam, where there is no baptized soul. Hide yourself, roll away, and never return to the servant of God (name).

My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. For now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Lord, remember the servant (name) about his health, save and protect him from every evil eye.

Mother of God, lock all my words with all your holy keys and holy locks. And throw the last key into the ocean. In the sea-ocean, the fish-whale pick up the key and swallow it. Just as a fisherman can never catch a whale fish, so no one can get the key to my words.

The key to my words, the lock to my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Roll, egg, roll. Whoever is guilty, whoever caused the illness, return to him. Whoever tormented the child, return to him. Loop, twist like a wheel. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

How to relieve your child’s fear on your own?

With all the problems that I had with small children, what did I do:

with a child in her arms, she read the “Our Father” (sometimes many times) in front of the icons, in her own words she asked the Lord, the Mother of God, and the holy saints for help

in a circular motion, she collected the “bad” from the child and shook it off, asking him to take away the bad and sick, and give the useful and healthy in his own words (although over time, I developed certain texts of my own)

I washed and washed the child with holy or Epiphany water with my own words (as an option, when washing, I really liked to say “Wash some water, some water. (name). Face, so that the eyes sparkle, so that the cheeks burn, so that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites,” Yes, this is a children's rhyme, but it has always helped me - from crying, from whims, from fear, and in many other cases). Any words can be given the power of a mantra, the main thing is that they come from the heart, from the soul.

You cannot take small children to grandmothers and fortune tellers. You don’t know what they whisper to themselves, maybe they’re throwing all sorts of evil at the child, at first it helps the child, and then after 10 years, things start to get interesting. uncontrollable child, incomprehensible companies, alcohol, drugs. The mother herself can relieve the child’s fear. Take a brown chicken egg, it should be warm, holy water, salt, a glass and a knife. First, roll the egg over your head, read the “Our Father” 7 times, then roll it over the head 3 times and say, “I roll the egg, the curse, I remove the fear.” Amen, roll it over the whole body as well as over the head. Then take a glass, pour half a glass plain water, salt on the tip of a knife, add holy water to a glass of water along the tip of the knife, read the Lord's Prayer, use a knife to stir the water 7 times with a cross, break an egg into it, just be careful not to hurt the yolk, lower the broken egg into a glass of water and at night place the glass under the crib at the child’s head, if this is not possible, then you can put it in the photo. in the morning, look at what’s in the glass, if the yolk and white are clean, then everything is fine, if the white is cooked and the yolk is shrouded in a white haze, the child is scared and has the evil eye, do 3 times, if after 3 times the yolk is still cooked, you can do 7 -9 times, repeat in a month. They also talk about umbilical hernia in babies.

Take the fear out of your child

mother can casting.

As Alena Polyn told about it:

  • melt the wax in an aluminum pan,
  • pour it over the child’s head into a glass salad bowl with the words “I am pouring out fears, commotion, damage, butts from veins, half-veins, joints, half-joints.” Do the procedure 9 times.
  • Transfer the wax from the bowl to foil (so that the child does not see it) and take it to the trash. Throw candies nearby with the words: “The spirits in the trash heap have been paid to eat the negativity.”
  • pour the water into the toilet.

Spells help relieve fear in a child. It’s easier to take the child to the grandmother, but you can also perform the ritual of ridding the child of fear yourself. You need to relieve fear on the waning moon.

There are a lot of fear conspiracies. Here is one of them:

There are also recipes for ridding a child of fear.
