Sensory development of children 2 3 plasticine. Stage-by-stage formation of sensory perception

From birth, a child begins to actively explore the world around him. He grabs the object with his hands, pulls it into his mouth, twists it from all sides. These examinations replenish children’s knowledge about the world around them; they learn the properties and qualities of objects, because children early age visually effective thinking is developed. A child experiences reality through the senses. There are only five of them. These are hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste.

What is sensory?

Sensory is the perception of the surrounding world by different senses. It is the task of parents and kindergarten teachers to develop these skills and abilities from an early age. Children 2-3 years old get acquainted with the standards accepted in the world. This is the difference in primary colors and shades, size, shape, taste of products, various materials, arrangement of objects in space, the concept of time and much more.

When dealing with the sensory development of children 2-3 years old, you need to use numerous didactic games. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of them on sale now, kindergarten teachers continue to make visual aids with your own hands, inventing or selecting required material on the topic of the lesson. In this case, improvised and waste materials are used.

Diagnostics based on standards

When a child comes to the early childhood group for the first time, the teacher diagnoses the sensory development of children 2-3 years old. This is done in the form of a game, standards are used. For example, whether a baby distinguishes objects by size is checked using a simple pyramid. For example, a child must add all the rings in ascending or descending order of size.

Colors are checked using samples. For example, there are ribbons attached to a stick different colors, in the shape of a plume. Taking turns showing the tape, the teacher asks for colors. Also, while assembling the pyramid, the child pronounces the names of the colors.

The ability to distinguish the shape of objects is tested using ordinary Montessori inserts. Parts of the same shape are inserted into the holes. There are a lot of such games sold. The Montessori system is very popular in many countries around the world. There are even kindergartens where education is carried out only in this form.

Program requirements

In early age groups, the sensory development program for children 2-3 years old provides work with the main areas: color, shape, size, orientation in space. There is a separate lesson in the schedule for sensory education, but throughout the week the teacher plays a lot of games to attract the baby’s attention to sensory standards and the ability to interact with objects in the game. Only during daily work Children form stable ideas about the properties of objects.

Early childhood is the period when the foundations of children's future knowledge are laid. How a child sees, hears, feels depends on his mental development and further success in school. The most the right time for sensory development of abilities, this is an age from 2 to 3 years, after which certain standards should already be clearly formed.

The main tasks of the sensory development of children 2-3 years old are the comprehensive enrichment of sensory experience and the formation of prerequisites for further education of preschoolers.

Principles of sensory education for children

The main activity of children at this age is object-based play. At this time, the child examines the toy in every possible way. Sensory education should adhere to the following principles:

1. The toy must be new. Children at this age have developed involuntary attention; they must be interested, otherwise the child will be distracted and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on the subject.

2. The game should be entertaining. It is interesting for a child to perform some actions with a toy; it should be dynamic, disassemble into separate parts, fold in a certain order, be put on something, inserted somewhere. Otherwise, the toy will quickly get boring.

3. The game should take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, his physiological and mental capabilities.

4. Work on the sensory development of children 2-3 years old should be carried out constantly and consistently, with a gradual complication of the material.

5. Scientific. There is a certain system of sensory standards in the world. When working with children, you need to gradually lead them to the formation of concepts about the properties of objects and interaction with them.

Games for learning primary colors

The development of sensory abilities of children 2-3 years old takes place only in play. In order to teach children to distinguish primary colors, select objects of the same color, and act according to a pattern, experts have developed a number of different games. Having imagination, you can vary them and constantly come up with new ones.

Game "Find an object of the same color." Objects of different colors are laid out on the table. These can be corks, toys, pencils, felt-tip pens, pyramid rings, etc. The child is shown a standard (a circle cut out of cardboard, for example, red), and the teacher asks to find objects of that color. To make it more entertaining, you can give boxes of the same colors where the items are placed.

Game "Put on the gnome his hat" Given colorful figures"gnomes" and hats of the same colors. The kid must choose a hat of the same color and put it on the gnome’s head.

Game "Garages". Outlines of cars and houses are cut out of cardboard of different colors. The houses are laid out on the table, and cars “drive” in front of the child. The kid must choose his own garage for each car.

You can make games for the sensory development of children 2-3 years old yourself, each time coming up with something new. It’s not difficult to do, and the baby will find it interesting every time.

Games for learning the shape of objects

You can study the shape of objects using Montessori inserts. There are a huge variety of them sold. Sensory development of children 2-3 years old is also carried out in an applique class, only without glue.

Game "Make a house". The child is given a sample application. This is a square house with a triangular roof, a rectangular chimney and round windows. All details are different colors. The child is given a set of parts. The kid must put the same house on the table.

Game "Find the figure" (Montessori system). The child is given figures, and in front of him are square parts with holes of the same shape. The child must understand which hole to insert the figure into.

In this case, the child may not learn how to pronounce a geometric figure correctly, but call the name of the object.

Game "Find the right shadow." Sheets of cardboard are laid out in front of the child, on which objects are cut out of black paper, for example, a fish, a house, an apple, an airplane, a mushroom and others. The child has a set of pictures with the correct image of these objects, cut out along the contour. The kid looks for the same shape and places the picture on top of the “shadow”.

Games for learning the size of objects

Sensory development of children 2-3 years old includes the development of concepts of size. To begin with, these should be contrasting sizes (large - small), then you can add a medium-sized figure. The child should name objects like this: big, smaller, smallest.

Game "Three Bears". Pictures of three bears from famous fairy tale. The baby should choose the right size for each spoon, cup, plate, chair, bed.

Game "Name It Correctly". The teacher gives the task: show the big apple, find the small sun, where is the middle-sized apple, etc.

Game "Choose an aquarium for the fish." Three rectangles of different sizes are cut out. Children are given three fish of the same size. The large fish needs to be placed on the largest rectangle, the medium and small ones must also determine their place.

Games for spatial orientation

In games, children learn to determine the location of objects: above, below, behind, in front. During such classes, the speech of young children develops, they learn to use prepositions correctly (on the table, in a box, under a chair, behind a typewriter, above a leaf, etc.)

Game "What is where?" The picture shows, for example, a Christmas tree. The teacher says the following sentences: “There is a sun above the tree or a bird is flying,” “A mushroom is growing in front of the tree,” “A chamomile is blooming nearby,” “There is a cone on the tree.” The child looks for the object named by the teacher and tells where it is.

Game "Where is the ball?" The teacher changes the location of the ball, and the child calls the right excuse. For example, a ball under the table, above the table, on the table.

It is also interesting to carry out the sensory development of children 2-3 years old with a construction set: repeat the construction following the example of the teacher, build a tower according to instructions. First a red cube, then a green one, with a blue roof on top. There are many variations.

Only by constantly playing with children will you be able to develop his abilities. This will help him better navigate sensory standards, develop the ability to think and make independent decisions. For further study at school, such skills are simply necessary.

Development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old

Sensory development (from Latin sensus - feeling, sensation) involves the formation in a child of processes of perception and ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

The sensory development of children at all times has been and remains important and necessary for the full education of the younger generation. Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and formation of ideas about the most important properties objects, their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell and taste. The importance of sensory development in early childhood can hardly be overestimated; it is this period that is most favorable for improving the activity of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

In the process of sensory education, ideas about:




Signs and properties;

Differences in items;

The importance of sensory development in early childhood can hardly be overestimated; it is this period that is most favorable for improving the activity of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

Sensory, sensory experience is the source of knowledge of the world. His neuropsychic development largely depends on how a child thinks, sees, how he perceives the world in a tactile way. In early childhood, it is not yet possible or necessary to acquaint children with generally accepted sensory standards and provide them with systematic knowledge about the properties of objects. However, the work carried out must prepare the ground for the subsequent assimilation of standards, i.e., be built in such a way that children can in the future, already beyond the threshold early childhood, it is easy to grasp generally accepted concepts and groupings of properties.

At this time, through trial and error, children place inserts of different sizes or different shapes into the corresponding slots. The child manipulates objects for a long time, tries to squeeze a large round insert into a small hole, etc. Gradually, from repeated chaotic actions, he moves on to preliminary trying on the inserts. The baby compares the size and shape of the insert with different nests, looking for an identical one. Preliminary fitting indicates a new stage in the baby’s sensory development.

Ultimately, children begin to compare objects visually, repeatedly looking from one object to another, carefully selecting a figurine of the required size.

After a series of observations, it was revealed that sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the child’s overall mental development; on the other hand, it has independent meaning. Full perception is also necessary for successful learning child in preschool educational institution, at school and for many types of work.

Knowledge begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception and are the result of their processing. Therefore, normal intellectual development is impossible without relying on full perception.

IN kindergarten the child learns to draw, sculpt, design, gets acquainted with natural phenomena, and begins to master the basics of mathematics and literacy. Mastering knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external and internal properties of objects. Thus, in order to obtain in a drawing a resemblance to the depicted object, the child must quite accurately grasp the features of its shape, color, and material. Design requires a thorough study of the shape of the object (sample), its structure and structure. The child finds out the relationship of parts in space and correlates the properties of the sample with the properties of the available material. Without constant orientation in external properties objects, it is impossible to obtain objective ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, in particular about their seasonal changes. Formation of elementary mathematical representations involves familiarity with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparison of objects by size.

The importance of sensory education

    is the basis for intellectual development

    organizes the child’s chaotic ideas obtained during interaction with the outside world;

    develops observation skills;

    prepares for real life;

    has a positive effect on aesthetic feeling;

    is the basis for the development of imagination;

    develops attention;

    gives the child the opportunity to master new methods of subject-cognitive activity;

    ensures the assimilation of sensory standards;

    ensures the development of skills in educational activities;

    influences the expansion of the child’s vocabulary;

    influences the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.

Sensory development tasks:

    formation of systems of perceptual (examination) actions in children;

    the formation in children of systems of sensory standards - generalized ideas about the properties, qualities and relationships of objects;

    developing in children the ability to independently apply systems of perceptual actions and systems of standards in practical and cognitive activities.

    creating conditions conducive to the development of children's broad orientation in the objective world around them;

Sensory standards

Sensory standards are generally accepted examples of the external properties of objects. The assimilation of sensory standards is carried out as a result of the actions of perception, which are aimed at examining shape, color, relationships in size and other properties and relationships, which subsequently should acquire the meaning of samples

Stages of assimilation of sensory standards

    Pre-reference – when perceiving one object, another is used as a model.

    The means of perception are samples of the properties of objects, and not the objects themselves.

    Having mastered some sensory standards, children begin to systematize them

Periods of mastering sensory standards

Age 0-2 years of a child's life

Age 2-3 years of a child’s life

This is the period of sensorimotor pre-standards, when the child displays only individual features of objects that are essential for direct motor adaptation - some features of shape, size of objects, distance, etc.

This is the period of initial acquaintance with the surrounding reality; At the same time, the child’s cognitive system and abilities develop at this time. In this way, the child learns about the objective world, as well as natural phenomena and events in social life that are accessible to his observation. In addition, the baby receives information from an adult verbally: they tell him, explain him, read him. .

Sensory standards in children aged 2-3 years

The assimilation of sensory standards is long and difficult process, not limited by boundaries preschool childhood and has its own backstory. Mastering a sensory standard does not at all mean learning to correctly name this or that property of an object. It is necessary to have clear ideas about the varieties of each property and, most importantly, to be able to use such ideas to analyze and highlight the properties of the most various items in the most different situations. In other words, the assimilation of sensory standards is their adequate use as “units of measurement” when assessing the properties of substances.

At each age, sensory education has its own tasks, and a certain element of sensory culture is formed. Thus, we can also highlight tasks in the sensory education and development of children based on their age.

In the first year of life, this is the enrichment of the child with impressions. Conditions should be created for the baby so that he can follow moving bright toys, grab objects of different shapes and sizes.

In the second or third year of life, children must learn to identify color, shape and size as special characteristics of objects, accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and the relationship between two objects in size.

Sensory education through a variety of activities.

    Early age - mastering independent subject activity

    By the age of three, children gradually master more complex activities:

    visual, constructive, labor, play, educational, etc.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, types of GCD:

1 year - 3 years

    object-based activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;

    experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.),

    communication with adults and cooperative games with peers under the guidance of an adult,

    self-service and actions with household utensils (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.),

    perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems,

    looking at pictures,

    physical activity;

Forms of work on sensory education of children:

    sensory activities,

    educational games,

    joint experimentation games between the teacher and the children,

    individual work with children,

    interactive exhibitions;





Organization of subject-development space.

    Games and equipment

    for the development of fine motor skills and speech

    perception of shape and size

    to form color perception

    for auditory development

    for the development of tactile sensations and smell

    for artistic and creative development

    for basic experimentation

    for the development of intellectual and constructive abilities

To master sensory abilities, parents of the baby need to pay considerable attention to games that contribute to the development of this technique of cognition in the child.

These games include the following:

1) games-assignments based on the child’s interest in activities with various


2) games with “hide and seek” and search - in this case, the child is interested in the unexpected appearance of objects and their disappearance (folding a nesting doll);

3) games with riddles and solving, attracting children with the unknown;

4) games to familiarize yourself with the shape and size of an object - geometric games(mosaics, Lego constructors).

At each age, it is necessary to pay attention to those aspects of the child’s development to which given age most sensitive, most receptive. At 3 years old, a child begins to actively explore the world around him. The source of a preschooler’s knowledge is sensory experience. This means that we must remember that the main thing at this age is to enrich the child’s experience, which is necessary for a full perception of the world around him, and first of all, it is to enrich his ideas about the external properties of objects.

When developing ideas about the color, shape, and size of surrounding objects, it is necessary to introduce children to generally accepted examples of the external properties of objects, the so-called sensory standards (seven colors of the spectrum, five geometric shapes, three gradations of size).

At first, children only get acquainted with sensory standards (they compare, select the same ones, remember the names). Then, when clearer ideas about the varieties of each property appear, a more subtle differentiation of standards occurs; finally, children begin to use these ideas to analyze and identify the properties of different objects in a wide variety of situations.

So, the sensory development of a child, on the one hand, has independent significance, since it ensures the receipt of clear ideas about the environment, on the other hand, it forms the foundation of general mental development, which is impossible without relying on full perception.

The modern domestic theory of sensory education includes all the diversity of sensory characteristics of the surrounding world, as well as generalized methods of examining objects, their qualities, properties, relationships, i.e. perceptual actions, a system of examination actions, a system of standards that children master. Therefore, the task of sensory education - to teach the child these actions in a timely manner - is relevant and effective. And generalized methods of examining objects have important for the formation of operations of comparison, generalization, for the deployment of thought processes.


1. Nechaeva I.Yu. System of sensory development of children // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. - 2010. - No. 1. - P.58-70.

2. Pilyugina E.G. Sensory education classes for young children. A manual for kindergarten teachers. – M., 2008. - 259 p.

3. Psychology of sensations and perception: textbook. village for universities / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.V. Lyubimova, M.B. Mikhalevskaya. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: CheRo, 2008. -358 p.

4. Development of young children in conditions of variable preschool education/ ed. T.N. Doronova, T.I. Erofeeva. – M., 2010. – 311 p.

5. Pilyugina E.G. Baby's sensory abilities. Games for the development of color, shape, size in young children. A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. – M.: “Educational Literature”, 2007. – 243 p.

6. Sorokina M.G. M. Montessori system. Theory and practice: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - M., Publishing Center "Academy". – M., 2009. - 365 p.

7. Tikheyeva E.I. The teacher must not only love children, but also know their age characteristics // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 10. - C48-50.

8. Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2006. – 461 p.

9. Usova A.P. Pedagogy and psychology of sensory development and education of preschoolers. Theory and practice of sensory education in kindergarten. – M., 2008. – 371 p.

10. Friedrich Froebel. We will live for the sake of our children. – M.: Publishing House “Karapuz”, 2009. - 249 p.

Timely sensory education of children 2-3 years old is the main path to discovering their abilities. They use toys that encourage children to perform...

Timely sensory development of 3-year-old children is the main path to discovering their natural abilities. At the age of one, babies begin to actively move, walk, touch everything with their hands, push, but their movements are sometimes awkward and sometimes unconscious. It is during early childhood that active development perception.

A person receives information from the outside world using five senses:

  1. Vision (90% of information).
  2. Rumor (9%)
  3. Other senses (1%):
  • sense of smell;
  • touch;
  • taste.

Until the age of 3, a child’s brain learns to perceive and process information. At this moment, personality and character are formed, and inherent abilities are awakened.

Development through self-education

Children touch objects, pull them into their mouths, taste them - this is how they form a primary idea about them. Sensory development is based on recognizing colors, smells, sizes and shapes. A child of 2-3 years old, through self-education, analyzes the concepts and properties that are characteristic of objects and substances: taste, smell, size, etc. Subsequent intellectual, physical, aesthetic development will be built on personal experience, which he received at an early age.

A baby’s sensory skills develop daily: in everyday life, on walks, in games. Parents need to unobtrusively explain certain phenomena and objects that the child sees. Adults know that a yellow circle on a piece of paper is the sun, a brown color is characteristic of a bear cub, and the baby needs to be taught all this.

Sensory perception of the world is based on the following parameters:

  • The concept of colors and some shades.
  • Recognizing simple geometric shapes(circle, triangle, rhombus, square).
  • Understanding size, size.

How to develop sensory skills

Young children need to create conditions that will allow them to accumulate ideas about the shape, color, size, and arrangement of objects. At an early age, they develop fine motor skills and improve their movements. Kids try to imitate adults, so they need to be shown how to hold objects, how to draw, and work with construction sets and mosaics. The best way to teach children knowledge about the world around them is to game form, because this way you can interest them.

Thematic material:

They use those that encourage children to perform various actions: collect cubes, throw a ball, chew a rattle, roll a car. They introduce babies to different shapes and sizes, colors and textures. Received tactile sensations have a beneficial effect on the brain, develop hand motor skills and speech.

Sensory toys There are several types:

Educational board games

Understanding reality begins at about 2 years of age. Kids can name objects and give them characteristics. They are able to distinguish between large and small objects, name their shapes, and determine what they feel like. From 2-3 years old you can study using cut out pictures.

Thematic material:

Such Board games available to everyone, they are easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to print out drawings of various themes, color them and stick them on cardboard. For example:

Games with pictures give children great pleasure and form the concept of external features: shape, size, color.

At this age, children show independence, self-esteem emerges, they demonstrate acquired skills with great pleasure and need praise. At 2-3 years old, babies can already do a lot:

  • They distinguish about six colors, know their names, and sort objects according to this criterion.
  • They are sorted by characteristics: large, small, medium.
  • Assemble a pyramid of 5-8 rings from the large element to the small one and vice versa.
  • Connect parts of the cut elements (from 4 to 8) into a picture.
  • Point to a cube, ball, brick.
  • Objects are classified according to the same characteristics: size, color, shape.

Principles of the Yanushko technique

Some parents mistakenly believe that if a child gets on his feet and starts walking, then he will learn everything else on his own. Unlike animals, children have few innate motor reflexes, only in the process of learning do they develop certain skills in various actions.

Preschool institutions regularly conduct classes for children to develop fine motor skills.

You can also teach children at home, for example, according to Elena Yanushko’s system.

The author explains that at an early age, attention is involuntary. There are no conversations or educational activities with children because it is difficult to get kids to listen or watch. It is best to create play situations with didactic toys: nesting dolls, pyramids, frames with laces, Seguin boards.

Yanushko identifies several principles of sensory development:

  • Visual perception - familiarization with light, primary colors, in different forms, the simplest quantities, the number of objects, their location in space.
  • Auditory perception – familiarity with sounds of different origins.
  • Tactile perception– feeling objects made of various materials with different sensations: warm, cold, smooth, prickly, etc.

The methodologist claims that the sense of smell and taste spontaneously develops in everyday situations. Parents should explain unfamiliar smells to children and let them try New Product. Be sure to ask the child’s opinion whether he liked it or not.

Didactic exercises

Children 2-3 years old have yet to learn to identify the signs of objects, name their properties, and operate with them. To obtain sensory skills, special didactic exercises are used, which help to get an idea of ​​the properties and features of various things:

  • Sorting homogeneous objects according to size, geometric shape, color.
  • Placing them in the appropriate slots.
  • Assembling a mosaic according to the pattern.
  • Drawings with paints on various topics.
  • Imitation of adults in facial expressions and gestures.
  • Guessing fruits, vegetables, shapes of objects by touch.

Children's development needs to be given Special attention, since the child’s further education at school, the discovery of his abilities and talents, and self-realization in the future depend on this. By working with a child, parents cultivate attentiveness, perseverance, and develop memory and thinking. In addition, during training, close contact is established with the baby, and trusting family relationships are formed.

Sensory development of children 2-3 years old

Experience as a preschool teacher

Prokopeni Tatyana Sergeevna


Sensory development has always been and remains important and necessary for the full upbringing of children.

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the most important properties of objects, their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell and taste. The period of early preschool age is most favorable for improving the activity of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

Sensory development is the foundation of a child’s overall mental development. Full perception is necessary for the successful development of a child in a preschool institution, learning at school and for many types of work activities.

Sensory education, aimed at developing a full perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for knowledge of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, and aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, at all stages of its development, this problem occupied one of the central places. Prominent representatives of preschool pedagogy (Ya. Kamensky, F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decrolt, E.I. Tikheyeva, etc.) developed a variety of didactic games and exercises to familiarize children with the properties of objects.

The basis is the enrichment and deepening of the content of sensory education, which presupposes the formation in children of a broad orientation in the subject environment, i.e. not only the traditional familiarization with the color, shape and size of objects, but also the improvement of sound analysis of speech, the formation of an ear for music, the development of muscle sense, etc. Significant factor in the planning and methodology of conducting classes on sensory education is the relationship between learning in the classroom and consolidation of knowledge and skills in everyday life: on a walk, during independent activity etc.

The goal of sensory education is to develop sensory abilities in children.

The main task of sensory education is the formation in children of systems of sensory standards - generalized ideas about the properties, qualities and relationships of objects, as well as the formation of the skills to independently apply the system of standards in practical and cognitive activities.

The concept of sensations and perception

Sensations are considered the simplest of all mental phenomena. Sensations are the main source of human knowledge about the external world and own body. They constitute the main channels through which information about the phenomena of the external world and the state of the body reaches the brain, giving a person the opportunity to navigate the environment and his body.

So V.A. Krutetsky writes that sensations allow a person to perceive signals and reflect the properties and signs of things in the external world and states of the body. They connect a person with the outside world and are both the main source of knowledge and the main condition for his mental development.

Perception is very complex and active process, requiring significant analytical and synthetic work. The process of perception always includes motor components (feeling objects and eye movements, highlighting the most information points; singing or pronouncing the corresponding sounds, which play a significant role in determining the most significant features of the sound stream). Therefore, perception is most correctly described as the perceiving (perceptual) activity of the subject. In order for a certain object to be perceived, it is necessary to carry out some kind of counter-activity in relation to it, aimed at its study, reconstruction and clarification of the image.

The main properties of perception are objectivity, integrity, constancy and categoricality. Objectivity refers to the attribution of all information about the external world, obtained through the senses, to the objects themselves, and not to the receptors or areas of the brain that process sensory information. Integrity lies in the fact that every object is perceived as a stable systemic whole. Categoricality, that it belongs to a certain category, group of objects based on some essential features. Constancy is the relative constancy of some perceived properties of objects when the conditions of perception change. For example, constancy of color, shape, size.

Perception processes mediate speech, creating the possibility of generalizing and abstracting the properties of an object through their verbal designation. Perception depends on past experience and knowledge, on tasks, goals, motives for activity, and on individual characteristics.

So, perception is a visual-figurative reflection of objects and phenomena of reality acting on the senses at the moment in their totality various properties and parts.

Sensory development as an important link in a child’s cognitive development

Before thinking, a child begins to cognize his surroundings with the help of his senses (vision, hearing, touch, etc.). Cognition of the surrounding reality begins with sensations and perception, i.e. sensory reflection in the child’s brain of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Individual sensations received from a particular object, based on previous experience, are summarized into a holistic perception of this object.

At an early age, perception improves and by the age of 3 it reaches high level development: the child finely differentiates the sounds and timbre of the human voice, distinguishes objects by color, size, recognizes familiar melodies, distinguishes the tempo of music, receives the first numerical representations (many, few), etc. He develops various sensory abilities: see and examine, hear and listen, distinguish objects by their individual external signs, imitate visible actions, etc.

Sensory development occurs in different types activities - in actions with objects in games, drawing, singing, activities with building materials, etc. Perception will be more complete if several analyzers are involved in it simultaneously, i.e. the child not only sees and hears, but feels and acts with these objects

The impression obtained by observing the actions of adults will be better fixed in the child’s memory if he reproduces these actions in his own game. Therefore, we need aids and toys, by using which the child practically gets acquainted with the properties of objects - size, shape, heaviness, color and, by acting, reproduces impressions received from the environment. However, no matter how varied the benefits presented to the child are, they themselves do not ensure his sensory development, but are only necessary conditions contributing to this development. An adult organizes and directs the child’s sensory activity. Without special educational techniques, sensory development will not be successful; it will be superficial, incomplete, and often even incorrect. Necessary various techniques during games, special activities and observation of the environment, promote the development of sensory abilities and better perception.

In early preschool age highest value has not the amount of knowledge that a child acquires, but the level of development of sensory and mental abilities and the level of development of such mental processes, such as attention, memory, thinking. Therefore, it is more important not so much to give children as much different knowledge as possible, but to develop their orientation-cognitive activity and ability to perceive.(1)

The development of object-based activity at an early age confronts the child with the need to identify and take into account in actions precisely those sensory attributes of objects that have practical significance for performing actions. For example, a baby easily distinguishes a small spoon that he uses to eat himself from a large one that adults use. The shape and size of objects are highlighted correctly when it is necessary to perform a practical action. After all, if the stick is too short, you won’t be able to reach the ball with it. In other situations, perception remains vague and inaccurate. Color is more difficult for a child to perceive because, unlike shape and size, it does not have much influence on the performance of actions.

The child’s performance of instrumental and correlative actions creates conditions for him to master perspective actions, which, in turn, make perception more accurate and correct. When assembling a pyramid, a nesting doll, closing a box, fastening buttons, buttons, tying shoelaces, the child selects and connects objects and their parts in accordance with their characteristics - color, shape, size.

In the 3rd year of life, some objects familiar to the baby become permanent models with which the child compares the properties of any objects, for example, triangular objects with a roof, red objects with a tomato. Thus, the child proceeds to visually correlate the properties of objects with a standard, which is not only a specific object, but also the idea of ​​it.

Mastering new indicative actions allows the child to perform tasks that involve choosing according to a pattern. Such a task is more difficult for a child than simple recognition, because he understands that there are objects that have the same properties.

Mastering new indicative actions leads to perception becoming more detailed, complete and accurate. An object is perceived by a child from the point of view of its various inherent properties.

Children learn words denoting characteristics of objects with difficulty and almost never use them in independent activities. After all, to name a feature, one must abstract from the most important thing in an object - its function, expressed in the name of the object. It is important, as L.A. established. Wenger, E.I. Pilyugin, so that the child can select objects according to the word of an adult who records a certain sign, and can take into account the properties of objects in practical activities. Completing such tasks indicates that the child has formed some ideas about the properties of objects. This creates the basis for the assimilation of sensory standards at an older age.

Sensory education in kindergarten

Child sensory development- this is the development of perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste and others.

Sensory education means targeted improvement and development of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) in children.

Sensory processes are inextricably linked with the activities of the senses. The subject we offer for children to consider affects the eyes; with the help of their hands, children feel its hardness (or softness), roughness, etc.; sounds produced by any object are perceived by the ear. Thus, sensations and perceptions are direct, sensory knowledge of reality.

A person’s acquaintance with the world begins with “living contemplation”: with sensation and perception. Knowledge begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world - sensory abilities form the foundation of mental development.

Familiarization with each type of standards has its own characteristics. When perceiving color, you can only use visual orientation. In becoming familiar with geometric shapes, teaching children how to trace a contour, as well as comparing shapes, plays a significant role. Familiarization with magnitude involves arranging objects in rows of decreasing or increasing magnitude.

The development of sensation and perception processes in children significantly outpaces the development of thinking. Children do not yet know how to independently examine objects or notice them. character traits(shape, color, size). This means that it is necessary to form sensory standards through sensations and perceptions. This problem is purposefully solved through the use of didactic games and game exercises aimed at developing children's ideas about shape, color, and size.

When visually familiarized, the word plays big role, no less important organizational process, aimed at the perception of objects and their properties. It is well known that knowledge acquired verbally and not supported by sensory experience is unclear and fragile.

Since ancient times, teachers have used sensory education to compare objects according to certain characteristics.

In the classroom, the tasks of sensory education and development are included in the didactic system and are carried out in relation to a particular activity, taking into account its specifics. In addition, throughout the life of children there is an accumulation sensory experience, enriching their worldview, increasing emotional tone, activating positive emotions related to the perception of environmental phenomena, arousal of interests, formation of needs.

Sensory education in the learning process and in everyday life requires different ways and methods. Currently, the teacher has at his disposal a variety of means that allow him to introduce children to objects and their properties not in their natural form, but through photographs, drawings (pictures), didactic toys (matryoshka dolls, pyramids), and specially selected teaching material.

Tasks, forms and methods of sensory education

Sensory education in the classroom (using games and play exercises) is the basis for organizing children’s sensory experience. It is in the classroom that all conditions are created for the systematic guidance of the formation of feelings, perceptions and ideas of children.

The ability to examine, perceive and compare objects and phenomena is formed only when children clearly understand why they need to look at this or that object, listen to certain sounds, and compare them with each other. Therefore, when teaching children to perceive various objects and phenomena, it is necessary to clearly explain to children the meaning of their actions. This meaning becomes especially clear to children if they then use their ideas in practical activities; in this case, children’s perception becomes more conscious and purposeful: after all, if you look at an object poorly, then it is difficult to depict or construct it.

When preparing a lesson, the teacher should foresee how this lesson will contribute to the development of children, on what aspects of the personality it will influence. Activities that include the tasks of organizing children's perception, memory, imagination, and thinking will undoubtedly be useful for mental development.

The pedagogical organization of these processes can be considered correct in those cases when the teacher gives (explains, shows) methods of action: how to consider, listen, compare, remember - and directs the children’s activities to independent use these methods in relation to different content.

To improve efficiency educational work, sensory education and training is of great importance in the didactic process various means and forms of organization of training: training sessions, didactic games and didactic exercises.

Exercises with didactic materials and toys (with sets of geometric shapes, wooden prefabricated toys, inserts, etc.) are also important. These exercises, based on the practical actions of each child with the details of didactic toys, materials (assemble, decompose, make a whole from parts, put into a hole of the appropriate shape, etc.), allow you to improve the child’s sensory experience and are useful for consolidating ideas about shape, size , color of objects.

Exercises with educational materials and toys, as well as exercises with sets of ordinary toys and small items, selected according to certain qualities (shape, size, color), are most often included in classes in mathematics, speech development and familiarization with the environment. Sometimes, if the exercises are carried out during the entire time allotted for training, they take the form of an independent lesson. In both cases, the teacher must ensure that each child has required material, and the children acted correctly with him.

Depending on the tasks of sensory and mental education, the age and experience of the children, the teacher can use different activities, guide the development of sensations, perceptions and ideas in the most suitable way for at this moment form - an educational lesson, a didactic game or a sensory exercise.

Didactic games and exercises and their meaning

In preschool pedagogy, didactic games and exercises have long been considered the main means of sensory education. They were almost entirely entrusted with the task of forming the child’s sensory skills: familiarization with color, shape, size, space, sound. Many such didactic games are presented in the works of teachers and researchers (E.I. Tikheeva, F.N. Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, etc.).

Didactic games as a game form of learning are a very complex phenomenon. In contrast to the educational essence of classes, in a didactic game two principles operate simultaneously: educational, cognitive, and playful, entertaining. In accordance with this, the teacher is at the same time a teacher and a participant in the game, he teaches children and plays with them, and children learn by playing.

The educational, cognitive, beginning in each game is expressed in certain didactic tasks, pursuing, for example, the goals of sensory and mental education of children. The presence of didactic tasks for the sake of which educational games are created and conducted with children gives the game a purposeful, didactic character.

When describing the games included in the collections, didactic tasks are highlighted and kindergarten teachers, through playing games, strive to implement these tasks. But due to the persistent desire, at any cost, to achieve the solution of didactic problems, to exercise and teach children, teachers often take the path of direct teaching.

For example, in games with a didactic task - to develop the perception of the shape of objects - the teacher does not tell the children about this directly, but suggests looking at the pictures and choosing similar ones. The didactic task is thus, as it were, disguised, hidden from the child. This is what makes the didactic game a special form game-based learning and, to a greater extent, the unintentional acquisition of knowledge and skills by children. The relationship between adults and children is determined not by the educational situation (the teacher teaches, the children learn from him), but by the game, by the fact that the teacher and children are, first of all, participants in the same game.

As soon as this principle is violated, the playful nature of the relationship between the teacher and children disappears and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching. The didactic game ceases to be itself.

To avoid this, each didactic game should provide an extensive game action. A didactic game becomes a game due to the presence of various game moments in it: expectation and surprise, elements of riddle, movement, competition, distribution of roles, etc.

The successful use of didactic games as a gaming form of learning requires more close attention to the analysis of games based on the nature of the game action. The following well-known types of didactic games are used in the sensory development of children.

1. Games-assignments based on children’s interest in actions with toys and objects: picking up, folding and laying out, inserting, stringing, etc. The play action here is elementary; its nature often coincides with practical actions with objects.

2. Hide and search games based on children's interest in the unexpected appearance and disappearance of objects, their search and finding.

3. Games with riddles and guessing, which attract children with the unknown: “Find out”, “Guess”, “What’s here?”, “What has changed?”

4. Role-playing didactic games, the game action of which consists in depicting various life situations, in fulfilling the roles of adults: seller, buyer, postman - or animals: wolf, geese, etc.

5. Competition games based on the desire to quickly achieve a game result and win: “Who is first”, “Who is faster”, “Who is more”, etc.

6. Games of forfeits or games of a forbidden “penalty” object or picture related to interesting game moments- get rid of unnecessary things, restrain yourself, do not demand a penal item, do not say a forbidden word.

The basis of didactic exercises is a different principle: sensory learning and education are carried out through repeated exercises with didactic, educational material developed for a specific purpose. Preschool pedagogy has special materials for exercises in the perception and distinction of size (sets of sticks, bars, cubes of different sizes), shape (sets of flat and volumetric geometric bodies: circles, squares, triangles, balls, circles, etc.), color (then above the named materials are given in different colors), etc.

Repeated reproduction, training in one or another sensory action is the main goal of didactic exercises. This goal is directly set before children as a specific task-assignment from the teacher.

In addition to special teaching materials, various sets of ordinary toys and pictures are widely used. They are selected according to a specific property or characteristic: color, shape, size, etc. So sets of objects become teaching aids to distinguish color, shape, size.

Games with educational toys have a lot in common with the exercises discussed. These are mainly games with widespread folk wooden toys: nesting dolls, turrets, balls, eggs, mushrooms and other collapsible toys and inserts. Like didactic materials, they are specially created for the development of children’s sensory skills, for exercise in distinguishing size, shape, color, etc.

When working with children, it is necessary to use both didactic games and didactic exercises, but take into account when it is more appropriate to solve didactic problems by involving one or the other. This allows you to improve your classes as a whole, since important tasks to consolidate and develop skills and knowledge can be carried out in didactic games and exercises.

Thus, in common system sensory education in kindergarten, didactic games solve educational problems: in addition, they - good school children’s use of acquired sensory experience, ideas and knowledge and, finally, perform the function of monitoring the progress of sensory education

Exercises for sensory development of children 2-3 years old

1. Tasks to perform objective actions.

1.1. Arrangement of homogeneous objects into two groups depending on their size, shape, color.

The goal of teaching is to fix children's attention on the properties of objects, to develop in them the simplest techniques for establishing identity and difference in size, shape, color; the material is homogeneous objects of two sizes, five shapes, eight colors. During training, children are told the words necessary for the actions they perform: color, shape, like this, not like that, big, small.

1.2. Placement of tabs of different sizes and shapes in the corresponding slots.

The goal of teaching is to develop in children the ability to correlate the properties (color, shape, size) of dissimilar objects. The material is large and small wooden inserts and frames with corresponding holes, inserts of five shapes and grids for their placement.

2. Basic productive actions.

2.1. Laying out mosaics of different sizes, shapes, colors according to a pattern in combination with a verbal task.

The purpose of teaching is to fix children's attention on the fact that size, shape, color can be a sign of various objects and be used to designate them, to teach children to consciously use properties when reproducing the features of a sample.

2.2. Drawing with paints.

The purpose of teaching is to consolidate in children the attitude towards the properties of objects as characteristic features, bring them to independent choice colors, shapes, sizes to convey the specifics of familiar objects.


Early and preschool age is especially favorable for improving the senses. The importance of sensory development in children at this age is difficult to overestimate. Through gameplay, the baby learns about the world around him. The child learns to learn about concepts such as color, shape, size. That is why it is necessary to develop sensory skills, which contributes to harmonious formation baby's personality.


1. Althauz D. Color, shape, quantity: experience in developing the cognitive abilities of preschool children / Rus. lane with him. edited by V.V. Yurshaikina. - M.: Education, 1994 - 64 p.

2. Bashaeva T.V. Development of perception in children. Shape, color, sound. Popul. manual for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. - 237 p.

3. Boguslovskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children of primary preschool age: Book. For the teacher of children. garden - M.: Education, 1991. - 207 p.: ill.

4. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. Book For a kindergarten teacher. - M.: Education, 1991. - 160 pp.: ill.

5. Wenger L.A. Raising the sensory culture of a child from birth to 6 years: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden / L.A. Weneger, E.G. Pilyugina, N.B. Wenger. Ed. L.A. Wenger. - M.: Education, 1995. - 144 p.

6. Raising young children: A manual for kindergarten teachers and parents / E.O. Smirnova, N.N. Avdeeva, L.N. Galiguzova and others - M.: Prosvshchenie, 1996. - 158 p.

7. Education and training of young children: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden / T.M. Fonarev, S.L. Novoselova, L.I. Kaplan et al.: Ed. L.N. Pavlova. - M.: Education, 1996 - 176 p.

8. Galanova T.V. Educational games for children under 3 years old. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. - 240 p.

9. Didactic games and activities with young children: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden / E.V. Zvorygina and others; edited by S.N. Novoselova. - M.: Education, 1995. - 144 p.

10. Dyachenko O. Preschool age: psychological foundations of educational work on the development of abilities // Preschool education - 1995 - No. 1 - p. 46-50.

11. Zhichkina A. The significance of games in human development // Preschool education. - 2002 No. 4. from 2-6.

12. Zabramnaya S.D. From diagnosis to development: material for psychologists and educators. studying children in preschool and early school classes. - M.: New school, 1998 - 64 p.

13. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: Proc. manual for students of the environment. ped. textbook establishments. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001. - 416 p.

14. Mukhina V.S. Toy as a means of mental development of a child // Age-related psychology. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth. Reader: tutorial for pedagogical students universities / Comp. Mukhina V.S., A.A. Khvostov. - M.: Academy, 1999 - p. 211-218.

15. Pere-Klerman A.N. The role of social interactions in the development of children's intelligence / Transl. from fr. A.L. Shatalova - M.: Pedagogy, 1994 - 284 p.

16. Pilyugina V.A. Baby’s sensory abilities: Games for developing the perception of color, shape, size in young children: Book. for kindergarten teachers kindergarten and parents. -M.: Education: JSC "Uchebn.met.", 1996. - 112 p.

17. Educational games with a child under three years old: A manual for parents and teachers. Compiled by T.V. Galanova. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004. - 240 pp., ill.

18. Exercises with Montessori materials. Schools for kids. House of Maria Montessori. Ed. E. Hiltunen. - Riga - Moscow: Ped. Center "Experiment", 1998. - 180 pp.: ill.

19. Formation of perception in a preschooler / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger. - M.: Education, 1990 - 280 p.

Didactic games

There are simple didactic games for development

tactile sensations:

  • “Identify by touch” (find objects that differ in one way)
  • “Find out the figure” (you are asked to take the proposed figure out of the bag by touch)
  • “Find a pair” (the child is asked to find pairs of identical objects by touch)
  • “Find an object of the specified shape” (the child is asked to find pictures depicting objects that are similar in shape to the given shape)
  • “What figures does … consist of?” (you need to determine from the drawing what geometric shapes the object consists of and how many there are)
  • “Find an object of the same shape” (learn to highlight the shape in specific subjects environment)
  • "Which figure is the odd one out?" (definition of an extra figure in a row of four geometric figures, propose to explain the principle of exclusion)

Didactic games and exercises for consolidation

concepts of magnitude.

  • "Compare objects by height"
  • “The longest, the shortest” (offer to arrange multi-colored ribbons by length, from shortest to longest; alternatively, you can offer to compare the ribbons according to several criteria)
  • “Multi-colored circles” (offer to place circles (or another geometric figure) starting from the largest, so that the color of the previous circle is visible)
  • "Which box?" (distribute five types of toys different sizes in five different boxes depending on size)
  • “Further - closer” (offer to determine the position of the game and objects from the drawing: which are drawn closer, and which are further)
  • Didactic games and exercises for fixing colors.
  • “Which color is missing?”
  • "What color is the object?" (offer to choose the required color for the item)
  • “Assemble a garland” (offer from memory to assemble a garland from multi-colored circles in accordance with the sample)
  • "What colors are used?" (showing an image of objects of the same color and its shades, teach to name and distinguish two shades of the same color, practice using words denoting color shades)
  • “Let’s clarify the color” (learn to distinguish and name similar colors)

Games for preschool children

"Mosaic of buttons"

For the game we will need buttons of different sizes, colors and shapes. We lay out a pattern from the educational material, then invite the little one to repeat the pattern after you. The first time we help the little one put together a mosaic. When the little creator learns to complete the task independently, we invite him to come up with his own drawing. The game develops the concept of color, shape and size.

"Sunny Bunny"

To play you will need a mirror. Play on a clear day, when the rays of the sun peer into our window. Catch a ray of light with a mirror and teach your little one to play with a sunbeam. Advise your baby to touch him and try to hold him. The game is aimed at improving visual sensation.

"Sort by color"

To play, you need objects of different colors, for example, cubes, mosaics, Lego constructors. We invite the child to sort all these things by color. In the process, the baby gets acquainted with the concept of color and its diversity.

"Where they call"

Before you begin, you need to prepare a bell and a blindfold. Blindfold the toddler and ring the bell. When the baby opens his eyes, he must say which side the call came from. Fun shapes the focus of auditory attention and the ability to determine the direction of sound, and teaches one to navigate in space.

“What rang?”

You will need various things, toys that can be used to create sounds (paper, drum, bell, pipe, spoons, xylophone). We show the baby each object and reproduce its sound. Then we blindfold the baby and make noise with one of the objects. We open our eyes and offer to show what was said. This fun stimulates auditory attention, and, consequently, an ear for music.

"Collect the toys"

For fun you will need two boxes and toys. One box is with the child, the second is with the adult. We invite the child to put the toys together. Everyone collects toys in their own box. We stack the toys so that the baby has most of them. At the end, we introduce the baby to the concept of many and few. Games for preschool children

"Find the extra object"

For this lesson you will need geometric shapes of different colors. We lay out several objects of the same color in front of the baby, one of which is different in shape. Please find the extra item. The process is aimed at comparing figures and developing visual relationships.

"Big small"

You will need toys and things of different sizes, including a handkerchief. We invite the baby to hide objects under a scarf one by one. We explain to the baby that the things that are hidden are small, and those that do not fit are large. This way, in a playful way, you introduce your child to the concept of size.

"What's in the bag"

For this activity you will need a small bag and objects of various shapes, sizes and structures that can be placed in it. We invite the little researcher to determine by touch what exactly is in the bag. These actions help improve tactile sensations.

Summary of a lesson on sensory development of children of primary preschool age “Teddy bear in kindergarten.”

Target: Formation of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old in the process of various activities.


Teach children logical thinking, using the seriation method ( correct assembly pyramids);

Find a pair based on two characteristics (large - small and color);

Strengthen knowledge of colors (red, blue, yellow, green);

Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals (bear);

Cultivate a friendly attitude between peers, a desire to help each other;

Strengthen children's knowledge about parts of their body.

Types of children's activities: speech, play, motor.

Equipment: teddy bear, pyramid, ball, basket with mushrooms, cut-out pictures, dishes.

Participants: children 1 junior group, teacher.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children enter the group and see pyramid rings scattered on the floor.)

Educator: Ay - ah - ah, who scattered the toys?

(A teddy bear is sitting on a chair.)

Educator: Bear, were you the one who scattered the toys around the group?

Bear: Yes, I came to visit you and played a little.

Educator: Guys, is it possible to behave like this when visiting? (Children's answers).

Bear: forgive me, I won't do that again.

Educator: Bear, since you realized that this is bad, then assemble the pyramid, and the guys will help you, but you need to assemble it correctly, first the large rings, then the smaller ones.

(Children collect rings throughout the group. The teacher holds a rod on which the rings are strung. As the pyramid is collected, the teacher specifies the color, size and shape of the ring. When the pyramid is assembled, the teacher praises the children. Mishka thanks the children for their help and invites them to play the game “Let’s let's get acquainted." The children stand in a circle, Mishka throws the ball to them in turn, the children say their name).

Bear: I slept in my den all winter, and spring came, I woke up and decided to come to visit you and play. Do you know where I live?

Children: In the forest!

Bear: That's right, do you know who else lives in the forest? (Children's answers). My friend Squirrel gave you gifts from her supplies, look, what are they? (Shows the children a basket of mushrooms. The bear, as if accidentally, scatters mushrooms on the floor.)

Bear: Hey guys, can you help me collect mushrooms?

Children: Yes! (Children collect mushrooms, the teacher specifies what they are (what color, size, hard or soft).)

Educator: Guys, let's also give Mishka a gift, we'll treat him with delicious and sweet berries. (The didactic game “Cut Pictures” is played).

Bear: Thank you guys, you are so good!

(The teacher invites the children to recite A. Barto’s poem “Bear”.)

Bear: Oh guys, show me where my paw is? Eyes? Ears? Nose?

Educator: Bear, don’t you know the parts of your body at all? The guys and I will help you! (Physical minute “Studying our body” is held)

One, two, three, four, five - let's study the body!

Here is the back, and here is the tummy, arms, legs,

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head -

I barely had time to download it.

Neck - turns his head,

Oh, I'm tired, oh - oh - oh!

The forehead and eyebrows, the eyelashes, fluttered like birds.

Pink cheeks, bumpy chin.

The hair is thick, like meadow grass.

Shoulders, elbows and knees.

With me, Seryozha, Lena!

Bear: Thank you guys, you taught me a lot today.

(The teacher invites the children to treat Mishka with tea, but the cups on the table are mixed up.)

Educator: I will give you saucers, and you match them with cups of the same color and size.

(The didactic game “Find a Pair” is played.)

Summary of a lesson on sensory development “Travel on a Train” for children of the first junior group

Tasks: introduce children with geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle); to develop the ability to establish their similarities and differences, to consolidate the primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow); to develop the ability to compare objects by size (small, large) and determine their properties (soft, hard).

Teaching methods: research, verbal, visual, game.

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Children, let's go today travel, let's go far little train! (locomotive from children's chairs, geometric shapes glued to the seats)

The teacher gives the children tickets in the form of geometric shapes, asks them to find the same shapes on the chairs and sit in their seats.

The teacher, together with the children, moving their arms and legs, sing a song: “Chu, chu, chu, chu, I’ll rock you far.”

The station is announced - "Colored Balls"

Children go to the carpet where colored balls are scattered.

The teacher suggests taking them in your hands and knocking on each other. What do you guys think, are our balls hard or soft?

Educator: Let's put them into cells by color.

Children put the balls into cells according to their color.

Educator: Well done, guys, now we can travel further!

Children sit in their seats, sing a song, moving their arms and legs.

Educator: Station - "Flower", everyone comes to the clearing, collects paper flowers, the teacher asks children show and name the color of the collected flowers.

Educator: Children, do you know that each flower has its own clearing, let's help them get back there?

Children arrange flowers by color in their “clearings” and move on.

Educator: Station - "Funny Balls" (there are big balls and small ones on the carpet).

Children play with balls and name their size and color as desired.

Educator: All our balls are mixed up, what should we do? Invites children to find a large and a small basket and place the small balls in the small basket, and the large ones in the large basket.

Educator: Now we have order! Tell me, guys, what do our balls look like, what toys do we have that are just as round?

Children: Balls!

Educator: Let's turn into balls and jump?

Children jump on two legs, P / game "My cheerful, ringing ball. ".

Educator: That's it journey ours has come to an end! Thanks guys, you played great!

Summary of a lesson on sensory development and speech development of children of primary preschool age

"IN visiting grandma Alina»

Goal: Consolidate knowledge children about domestic and wild animals, their habits, place of residence.


1. Creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of children emotional mood, positive attitude to each other and to the environment.

  1. Develop children's speech, act according to the teacher’s verbal instructions.
  2. Develop fine motor skills of hands. Vocabulary work: milk, carrot, cabbage, bone.

Preliminary work with children: conversation, looking at pictures of pets, playing with toys, memorizing poems.

Materials: hare, dog, cat, cow, milk.

Equipment: stump, house, rubber glove with milk.

Progress of the lesson.

Children, today we will go on a train to grandma Alina. And the train's name is "Fidget". He is very kind and cheerful and loves to travel, let's smile at him and take a seat in the trailer.

The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo!

I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!

And the carriages are knocking

And the carriages say:


Well, well, well, well"

And here comes the stop "Merry Meadow". Look, kids, what a wonderful clearing. And who was hiding behind the stump?

Children: "Bunny"

Oh, he's sad

What are you, bunny?

Are you sitting there?

You're bored and sad

Come to us quickly, baby!

Children beckon to the bunny and he jumps towards them.

One jump

Two - jump



Children jump like bunnies.

And here is the house where he lives Grandma Alina.

Children, who is this who is meeting us?

Yes, this is the dog Barbos.

Here sits our dog Barbos.

He hid his black nose in his paws.

The dog is dozing or sleeping,

He doesn't look at the kids.

Children, he doesn’t sleep, he watches the house. Kids, what are we going to tell him? (say hello) look at it, read the poem.

A dog came to us.

Smart dog.

Plays with the children.

Barks very loudly. Bow-wow!

What does the dog like? (a bone, a treat and go into the house). Grandma says that her cat Vaska lives in her house.

Vaska! Kitty Kitty Kitty! The children call him and find him under the bench. Children, he catches mice at night, and during the day he lies under the bench, rests and purrs.

How does it purr?

Children: Moore - Moore!

Let's pet him.

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful

Bold eyes, white teeth.

What does pussy like? (milk).

Pussy approached the baby

Asked for milk

Meow spoke.

The kids pussy wanted milk. Where can I get milk for her? Who gives milk (cow).

Children, there is a cow in my yard. Let's go and ask her for milk for our cat.

A cow walks and walks - long horns.

Where was the cow?

I went to the meadows.

A cow came up

To your home

She stood up and started humming.


The children milked the cow and treated the cat Vaska. And there’s also a surprise for you, look what’s growing in our garden, go up to the sunflower and look at it, unfasten the seed and find candy there.

And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten on our miracle train.

A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the most important properties of objects, their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell and taste. Sensory education is the basis for intellectual development, develops observation, has a positive effect on the aesthetic sense, is the basis for the development of imagination, develops attention, gives the child the opportunity to master new methods of subject-cognitive activity, ensures the assimilation of sensory standards, ensures the development of skills in educational activities, influences expansion of the child’s vocabulary for the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 4 “Rosinka” combined type”


on sensory development of children

"The world of sensory"

Developed by: educators

Ryabtseva E.L., Romanova E.V.


2017 -2018 academic year

Project information card:

Project type: educational - playful;

By number of participants: group;

By duration: long term ;

Project participants:children 2-3 years old, teachers, parents;

Project implementation period: November - May

Formulation of the problem:

Children who come to kindergarten at an early age have very poorly developed fine motor skills and practically no sensory concepts. This is revealed by observing children. Therefore, one of the main directions in working with children is their sensory development and the development of fine motor skills.


The world enters the lives of children gradually. First, the child learns what surrounds him at home, in kindergarten. Over time it life experience enriches itself. He strives for active interaction with the environment. Direct contact of a child with objects available to him allows him to learn about them distinctive features. To understand the world around them, children come to the aid of sensory education, with the help of which they “build” the foundation of mental development, on which the child’s success in school will depend. Therefore, it is so important that sensory education is systematically and systematically included in all moments of the baby’s life.

Objective of the project: development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old

Project objectives:

create a calm gaming environment for organizing games for the sensory development of children;

develop methodological support for organizing games for sensory education of children;

form ideas about the color, shape, size of objects, their position in space;

promote the development of children's examination skills and fine motor skills;

bring up cognitive interest, curiosity;

involve parents in making games to develop children’s sensory abilities.

Expected results from working with children:

formation is cognitive – speech activity young children;

children will become familiar with color standards;

children will learn to play educational games;

after creating certain conditions, the formation of ideas about sensory standards in children will be successful.

Expected results from working with parents:

formation of parental culture in the field of education and development of young children;

parents will learn to create conditions at home for games for the child’s sensory development and select them;

parents will be interested in the further development of their children.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory;

Stage 2 – practical;

Stage 3 – final.

Preparatory stage:

familiarization with the topic of the project;

study of literature;

identifying the problem, goal, task;

compilation long-term plan work;

development of consultations and thematic manuals for parents;

creating conditions for effective use games;

selection didactic material and games;

survey of parents to identify knowledge about sensory development.

studying modern requirements to the content and organization of work on sensory education of children 2-3 years old in accordance with Federal State Standards

Practical stage:

Work with children:

Implementation of the plan for the “World of Sensory” project;

Playing together with sand and water during a walk and in a group;

Didactic games:

1. For visual perception (color, shape, size, for example: “We’ll hide it in the house”; “Find the same one...”; “Cockerel”, “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”, etc.;

2.For auditory perception(auditory attention, timbre, dynamics, speech hearing): “Let’s knock and rattle”; “Who is screaming?” etc.;

3.For the development of motor skills: objects - inserts, rods for stringing rings, boxes for pushing figures, educational toys, including different kinds fasteners (buttons, snaps, Velcro, hooks, zippers);

4. Games with large colored construction sets; with pyramids of different sizes, colors, shapes; with nesting dolls; geometric liners, etc.;

5. Table mosaic;

6. Board-printed didactic games;

7. Reading fiction;

8. Examination of illustrations, subject and plot pictures.

Working with parents:

1.Consultation “Sensory development of young children” using ICT

2. Conversations about the role of educational games for children.

3. Visual information: sliding folders (“The importance of sensory education in cognitive development children"

4. Master class for parents “Sensory development of children in a family environment”;

5. Involvement in the production of games and aids for the sensory development of children.

The final stage:

Photo exhibition "The World of Sensory Games";

Mini-exhibition of project products;

Photo report on the website of the group and kindergarten;


Project presentation.

Long-term plan for working with children




Di. “Collect a duckling” (pyramid).

Learn to assemble a pyramid, choosing rings by color.


Di. "Inserts and turrets"

Introduce quantities through practical activities.

Di. "Merry dolls"

Learn to correlate objects by size, develop visual perception.

Di. "Assemble a pyramid"

Learn to assemble a pyramid of 3-4 rings of the same color, successively decreasing in size.

Di. "Cucumbers and tomatoes."

Learn to distinguish a circle from an oval by placing the shapes in the corresponding puzzles.


Di. "Colored caps"

Learn to find the appropriate inserts when folding and unfolding colored caps.

Di. "Find the same figure"

Learn to find the required form by visual matching method.

Di. “Arrange the figures in the houses”

Learn to sort objects according to their shape using the visual correlation method.

Di. "Two boxes"

To consolidate knowledge about size, the ability to compare objects by size using visual correlation.


Di. "Collect


Learn to assemble a pyramid of successively decreasing rings.

Di. "Entertaining box."

Continue introducing children to objects of various sizes and shapes.

Di. "Caterpillar"

Teach children to distinguish colors, concepts: short - long. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Di. "Cars"

Consolidate knowledge of correlating dissimilar objects by color. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Di. "Throw away the button"

Strengthen the ability to correlate objects by shape and color.

Di. "Flying Butterflies"

Di. "Decorate your purse"

To strengthen in children the ability to select a flower according to the color of a button. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Di. "Colored cubes"

Fixing the color.


Di. "Flower Meadow"

Strengthen in children the ability to select a crab according to the color of the rubber band. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Laying out a mosaic on the theme “Houses and flags”

Draw children's attention to the color properties of objects, showing that color is a sign of different objects and can be used to designate them.

Laying out a mosaic on the theme “Christmas trees and mushrooms”

Fix children's attention on the fact that color can be used to depict different objects, teach them to alternate

D. and. “Let’s make matryoshka beads”

Learn to alternate objects by color.


D. and. "Towers for gnomes"

To consolidate knowledge about the size of objects, to introduce the concept of high, low

D. and. “Where is Mishka?”

Familiarize yourself with the location of objects in space relative to each other.

Di. "Funny Clowns"

Strengthen children's knowledge about the color of objects; the ability to match objects by color.


D. and. "Here and there"

Introduce spatial relationships in expressed words: here, there, far, close.

Di. "Geometric figures"

Strengthen children's knowledge about the color of objects; the ability to correlate objects by shape.

D. and. "Errands."

Teach the child to distinguish and name toys, as well as highlight their main qualities (color, size). Develop auditory perception.

Cut pictures.

Develop children's sensory abilities: the ability to restore the whole in parts.


D. and. “What the kittens lost.”

Strengthen the ability to act with objects painted in different colors; ability to select objects by color.

Laying out homogeneous objects different color into two groups.

Strengthen in children the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Games: Dry pool, “Smeshariki”, “Bears”, etc.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Used Books:

  1. M. D. Makhaneva, S. V. Reshchikova. “Game activities with children from 1 to 3 years old.”
  2. E. G. Pilyugina “Games and activities with a baby from birth to 3 years”
  3. Wenger L. A. “Education of the sensory culture of a child from birth to 6 years” - M.: Education, 1995.
  4. Wenger L. A. “Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers” - M.: Education, 1997.
  5. E.A. Yanushko “Sensory development of young children.” Publishing house "Mosaic" - Synthesis 2009
