Stereotypes about Russian girls. "Always ready": what foreigners say about Russian women

Perhaps no nation in the world causes such close attention from those around you. Moreover, Russians, like no one else, are clearly divided into Russian men and Russian women. Russian men are melancholy and lazy. Russian women are charismatic and purposeful. As two halves of one whole, they are only in a single bundle an indestructible force.

Russian woman

There is a divine power in a Russian woman:
Not remembering evil, not knowing boasting,
No matter how vile life sometimes beats,
Do not fall under the blows of fate.

And survive, and be invincible,
And still be a woman
In Russian, kind, affectionate, beloved.
Keep the hearth. Keep the house in order.

From nothing to arrange a dinner party,
From an ax handle - a festive dinner.
Hug the children and calm the husband,
Like, it does not matter that there is no money in the house.

They say, we will live, we will endure, - everything passes,
This too will pass. Spring ahead...
Spring! And again a miracle happens -
Nature wakes up from sleep.

Spring! And people will cheer up again.
The sun will rise and the ice will melt.
And in every house Holy holiday will.
And the stork will bring the baby.

@Lyubov Stepanova

Personal: inside view

Having arrived in Los Angeles for a year with my then fiancé, I felt in my own skin that foreigners really think about us Russians. In general, let's talk about stereotypes about Russians abroad...

The attitude of Russians to alcohol

Foreigners believe that Russians spend the whole day hugging a bottle. Knowing this, I could not imagine that this opinion would affect me too. But in vain. On my first trip to the supermarket, I noticed that my chosen one imperceptibly, but rather persistently, takes me away from the shelves with any alcohol. To my astonishment, he didn't react at all. Some time passed, and I almost forgot about this incident, but as soon as we went with his friends to a restaurant, and I ordered a glass of wine, I again caught the same condemning look on myself. In the evening took place unpleasant conversation, from which I understood this: American men believe that all Russians alcohol addiction. At milestones, without exception! And as it turned out, sometimes it is not possible to explain that the nationality “Russian” indicated in the passport does not mean that you are an alcoholic.


Another opinion - all Russian girls cook very tasty. While the newly-made American wife is unable to cook anything but purchased canned food. I could be wrong, but it sincerely seems to me that many Americans, in the hope of having hearty and tasty lunches and dinners, marry Slavic women, but, alas, ah ... In principle, this desire of men is quite understandable, in America, most women really do not know how to cook. At all. The whole cooking process begins and ends with removing the film from the finished dinner and putting the tray in the microwave. After watching Russian films, my fiancé brought home the most various products, the prevailing part of which was flour, butter and cabbage. As my Russian ingenuity suggested to me, this “set” was supposed to be pies with cabbage. I felt a little sorry for the American machos, who were hungry for love and satiety. They had to do their best, because they can get ready meals from their missis.

All Russians want to go to America

Some time after arriving in America, I began to notice that among my husband’s acquaintances and friends there is an opinion that all Russian girls are sleeping and seeing when they will be able to enter the New Earth. And all such marriages are nothing but arranged. Personally, I never dreamed of moving to the USA, on the contrary, it was difficult for me. Many times I caught myself thinking that with great pleasure I would return to my native, albeit dirty, noisy Moscow. In one conversation with an American my age, I told her about my suspicions, to which I received the following answer: “Well, yes, if you were an American, you could express dissatisfaction, but be glad that you managed to settle in the USA.” Although it was said with a smile, I understood that, in their opinion, the Russians have no right to be dissatisfied, since their husbands provided them with a unique opportunity.

Russians are illiterate and ill-mannered

This stereotype has solid ground. Remember how some of our compatriots behave on vacation abroad. Naturally, Americans (and Europeans too) have the opinion that we simply do not know how to adequately behave in public. Unfortunately, it's true. Outside the home, and especially on vacation, a Russian person sometimes behaves much worse than in his native land. It is normal here to catch surprised looks at yourself with the correct use of a fork and knife. It offends and even in a sense offends the opinion about the illiteracy of Russians, especially when it is said by a person who does not really know who won the Second World War.

All Russian girls are stunningly beautiful!

A stereotype that flatters my ego. Foreigners are sure that the streets of Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Sochi, etc. only go sports girls model appearance. Our beauty and femininity in the understanding of foreign men are personified by Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova. It's nice! But there is also back side medals: they say about Russian women that we do not know how to choose an outfit suitable for the time and place, i.e. and here the adequacy of our taste is questionable. According to the Americans, in Russia all women, without exception, go to a nearby store for milk in full dress: hair, makeup, an abundance of jewelry, expensive clothes, thereby losing precious time, and most importantly, they recklessly spend their husband's money. And that is exactly what they think is unacceptable.

Opinions: foreigners about Russian women

Some of them have never met Russian women, others are well acquainted with them. Thirteen users social network Interpals talked about how they imagine our compatriots

John Friedrichs, USA:“Acquaintance and communication with Russian women left only positive impression. They are one of the nicest friendly people that I have met. They always amaze me with their sensitivity and responsiveness! I have never been ignored or disrespected. In general, I find Russian women to be sweet and energetic in terms of communication. Appearance? Yes, I have never seen so many beauties in my life!”

Konstantin Sorin, Romania:“How do I imagine a Russian woman? To be honest, I've never met them. real life, but I communicate with two Russian girls on the Internet. I present the image of a Russian woman through the eyes of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. These are women who provide a huge impact on the lives of men. I would say femme fatale who change fates. They seem to me more practical than Russian men. They have a strong character and ambition to go to the very end, despite the obstacles. A Russian woman is beautiful, educated and respected. She is a symbol of the Russian nation.”

Ivan Pintor, Mexico:“There are a lot of stereotypes about Russian women that are spread through TV: tall beautiful blond girls that you can meet in marriage agency to take one of them away from dank Russia as a bride. And about Russians in general - that they drink a lot. From my personal experience I can say that I had a Russian teacher - a tall, slender blonde. To be honest, all Russians wrap me in some kind of charm. Perhaps that is why I began to study this language. It's great that in Russia, as in Mexico, for many people, mother is above all. By the way, I also have an image of a 70-year-old grandmother in long skirt, sweater and Pavloposad shawl.

James Langevin, Netherlands:“Correct or not, but this is my opinion about Russian women, created by the national media and my communication with them during my travels. Very wise. I would say that your women are pretty, strong in their mentality and surprisingly open to tourists from those countries that are not too friendly towards Russia. Russian girls have a stronger and stronger character than men. In terms of appearance, they are among the most beautiful women in the world, very feminine!”

William Millier, France:“How do I see Russian women? Hmm... good question! The first thing I think about is that they are very attractive. In general, some stereotypical image pops up: a blonde in sunglasses and a fur coat. Sometimes they can be or look somewhat superficial. When they want something, they will do anything to get it. They like luxury and beautiful things, so they are kept by those who have money, but in return they look after the house and take care of their husband and children.

Craig Graham, UK:“I think Slavic facial features are the most feminine in the world. The German ones seem a little rough to me, which is not particularly suitable for women. I would call Russian women the most beautiful. And the Russian accent! He is very attractive. The Russian language has a hypnotic effect and I love that it is so different from English. Russians have a stronger sense of unity and community, which is why women are more virtuous than in the West. And also, it seems to me, many Russian women like to dominate and lead.

Burak Topcu, Türkiye:"Russian women are the most beautiful women in the world. They have some perfect beauty: some can be gentle and sweet, others - sexy and sensual. Russian girls wear seductive clothes and pose freely for photos. It is also true that they drink a lot and love to party. But on the other hand, I have friends who took a Russian as their wife. And everyone says: “Thank you, Lord, for the fact that we met! She is the best wife you can imagine." In general, I only positive opinion about Russians.

Michael Jenner, Germany:“Most Russian women are wonderfully educated (there are female engineers, female doctors, scientists or economists, etc.). Russian women with whom I communicate virtually and whom I have met in real life have completely different values ​​than German women. For example, prestige and appearance seem to mean a lot to them (possibly due to remnants of the Soviet past). Some Russian girls are rather cold than warm in terms of behavior and their views. By the way, I want to note that they are very patriotic!”

Ale Sanroman, Spain:“From the experience of communicating with Russian girls, I realized that they have a practical and rational outlook on life. But at the same time, they are very romantic people, so they often have such thoughts: “Yes, life is sometimes unfair, but an amazing life will definitely happen to me.” romantic story because I deserve it." They combine depth of thought, ambition and sensitivity."

Juha Graaf, Finland:“Russian girls have played a very important role in my life. But I can only talk about girls from the northern capital. We often come to St. Petersburg: we perform in local clubs, we drink, we party. Russian girls are absolutely reckless, if they go into the gap, then this is for a long time and to the fullest. They do not know the measure in anything - neither in alcohol, nor in love. Very feminine, passionate, very beautiful, very vulnerable.” Juha was twice married and divorced, the second wife is from St. Petersburg. From his beloved girl from St. Petersburg, he has a two-year-old son, the couple does not live together.

Heinz Schulze, Germany:“Russian girls know their worth, in any case, Muscovites. (Heinz has been living and working in Moscow for more than 8 years - ed.) Of course, money plays a paramount role for them. And they are looking for a husband with an apartment, a car and a bank account. Russians dream of going abroad because they think it's better there than here. And men are richer, and the air is cleaner, and everyone has houses with a picturesque garden. Russian wives are wonderful housewives, they cook well and tasty, hospitable, but uneconomical. But after all, when choosing a wife, we are not looking for a housekeeper, and differences in mentality interfere with relationships. Russians are too extravagant, too unpredictable, they like everything to go according to their scenario, they like to command men, they bring up children very strictly, they are not punctual, optional, capricious.

Peter Kaulitz, 21, student, Rostock:“I know many students from Russia. They are all very, very similar: both externally, and in the manner of talking about the future, and in what kind of men they choose for themselves. They look down on their peers unless it turns out they have respectable parents. Men are chosen for themselves 7-10-15-20 years older, it is clear that everything here is explained by finances. Russian girls are beautiful, but cold, and very calculating, at least the ones I know.”

Jonas Lindström, Sweden:“Russian girls are very interesting and educated interlocutors, they are ready to support just any topic of conversation, much more interesting than Swedes, who already have an outlook. Russians love themselves very much, so they are always smartly and beautifully dressed, with makeup.

Martinas Polch, Switzerland:“Russians are smart and beautiful, they know how to emphasize their strengths and hide their flaws. Russian women strong-willed, ready to do a lot for the sake of love and family, ready to forgive a lot, vulnerable, sensitive. Real women, the standard of femininity.

Justine D'Ore, France:“Russian women are very feminine and luxurious. You want to carry such women in your arms, dress in furs and fulfill their any desires. Unlike French women, they are more relaxed in relationships, often take the first steps themselves, touchy, but quick-witted, it's fun and easy with them, every day is like a holiday. True, this holiday does not last long, Russians are fickle.

Anders Hendriksson, Cyprus:“I had to communicate a little with Russian girls. I received impressions from a trip to Moscow in 2004. Russian girls, painted like nesting dolls. Very bright, elegant, plump, ruddy. It’s immediately obvious that they are healthy and happy, they probably eat pancakes with honey and caviar and drink vodka, that’s how beautiful they are. A friend of mine told one about a Russian girl whom he fell in love with, and she turned out to be a swindler. Now he says that all Russians are very prudent, dangerous, treacherous, they think everything over carefully, but I don’t believe it, Russians are very easy to communicate and cheerful, they like to have fun, Russian booze is something!

How many people, so many opinions, and foreign men judge us mainly by Russian girls whom they knew personally, whom they met on vacation or worked with.

In any case, everyone agrees that Russian girls are very beautiful and feminine, cheerful and stylish, good housewives and passionate lovers, and the demand for Russian wives abroad is increasing every year.

A recent scandalous article about how unpopular the nimble “Russian Natashas” are today with foreigners is built on precisely these stereotypes: women from Russia seem to dream not of a satellite as such, but only of a ring, a stamp and material support, they force their spouse to support their relatives, manipulate, act up, do not allow fathers to raise children, do not know how to build partnerships and enjoy life. The article was soon removed as offensive, but, as they say, the sediment remained.

There was a heated discussion on the Internet, and Dni.Ru decided to look into this issue using the example of Italy, where such international unions especially a lot. What do people in Europe really think about us and how do Russian wives themselves assess their position? Further - only facts and only direct speech.

Julia (journalist) and Davide (engineer)

Have known each other for over 5 years, married since 2013

Julia:"The assertion that all Russian girls marry foreigners mainly for the sake of status married woman, seems to me deeply unfair and insulting. Cases are different, but if we talk about myself, I got married at 33, and this was by no means the first marriage proposal that I received. You need to understand that marriage with a European in most cases implies partnerships, that is, you earn together, but equally take care of the children and the household. For me personally, this model of relationships is optimal, because it allows you to maintain personal freedom and be independent, but at the same time not to drag the house alone, and this is what I have always feared in the standard model of marriage.

Girls who marry Europeans and move to their husband's homeland have to work even more in Europe than in Russia

Girls who believe that, having married a European, they will not think about the family budget, as a rule, they do not even reach the wedding. Their enthusiasm usually wanes when, during joint vacation they will be offered to share the cost of the hotel or dinner for the first time. In my experience, everyone in general successful girls Those who married Europeans and moved to their husband's homeland have to work even more in Europe than in Russia in order to maintain their usual standard of living. Most of our girls are great smart people, because they have to communicate in several languages, adapt to another country, work, and sometimes invent and create their own business from scratch, because in Europe it’s stressful with work.”

Davide:"Girls all over the world have the desire to get married, not just Russians. My only experience with the only Russian I married says rather the opposite. Is a Russian woman capricious? Yes! Hunts for money? This is common here in Italy stereotype about girls from Eastern Europe Fortunately, this is not my case at all.

Being the husband of a Russian girl is a challenge, a good opportunity to test yourself

In the family, we share expenses equally, we have a joint "home economy". Of course, I am a man and a gentleman, but I am not the only breadwinner in the family. I don't think a Russian woman would tolerate bad husband just for the sake of "bearing your cross." If she doesn’t like something, she will send her away and find a new husband - richer, younger and more beautiful. Is a Russian tied to her family? We live in Italy, I saw her parents maybe twice in Moscow. Damn it, I myself want to go to her parents, to Moscow, to see San Sanych and Natalya! Russian woman does not know how to enjoy life? You have a different mentality. Idleness is not held in high esteem, two or three jobs are better to buy yourself a bag you like or go on a dream vacation - and already enjoy life there. In Italy, we want to be able to relax every day - just a little bit. And the life of Russians (and men too) is work-work, and then total relaxation for two or three weeks at sea.

Being the husband of a Russian girl is a challenge, a good opportunity to test yourself. You always test us in one way or another: work, reading books, going to the theater - we always have to be in shape. And this is good, because otherwise we, poor Italians, will remain lazy on the couch in front of the TV. And with Julia I have enough interesting activities: photography, video, sports".

Ekaterina (logistics specialist) and Alfio (engineer)

Married since 2004

Catherine:“Alfio and I met in Moscow when he came to the city for work. We lived in Russia for three years, our daughter was born there. Then, at his request, we moved to Sicily. I didn’t really want to move, at home I had a job and an established life But I kept my job, I work here for a Moscow office, I get a good salary, by local standards, I study at the university, next year I plan to defend my diploma and, perhaps, I will start looking for a job here.

In the future, I definitely want to continue working, I don’t want to completely depend on my husband, although, of course, his injections into family budget more. I mainly take care of the child. The husband often travels on business trips around the world, but when he is here, he tries to spend time with his daughter. Often I myself insist that I help me take her to school, pick her up, take her somewhere else - I don’t have time to do everything with work and study. In a word, I always encourage him to participate more in education, and do not take away from him the opportunity to be a good father.

There is no easy money in Europe, and no one will waste it here

If we talk about the situation as a whole, I think it's true that Russian women want a husband, stability, to be dressed, shod with a husband, and not just for their hard-earned money, and they don't want to plow for everyone, as is often the case in Russia. Some of our girls still believe that marriage to a foreigner will solve all their problems and raise their status.

But in general, all these features are characteristic of Russian women with Russian husbands. Once in Europe, they quickly realize that there are other relations in the family and in society, nothing is given just like that. We have to solve problems together, and raise our status ourselves, sometimes starting our career anew. Often, middle-class husbands work hard and save. The average European bears rather high expenses for housing, taxes, food and education - for himself and for his children. There is no easy money, and no one will waste it here."

Alfio:“Russians who dream of a ring, and a husband is the tenth thing? This is not entirely true. Marriage for a woman, and not only for a Russian, is very important, but it would be a mistake to assume that she is only interested in a stamp in her passport. I fundamentally disagree with the fact that a Russian woman is a manipulator and a hunter for money.My personal experience is quite different.My wife is very proud, she values ​​​​her independence and is very reluctant to take my money, and even more so does not force me to support her family.

I fundamentally disagree that a Russian woman is a manipulator and a hunter for money.

A Russian woman who takes up the upbringing of children only on herself, not letting her husband in - such situations happen, but, again, this applies not only to Russians. In any case, this is possible against the backdrop of an already deteriorated relationship, when the marriage cracks. In the normal state of affairs, a woman does not need to manipulate and raise children alone. Russians are not able to be happy? Not true. I think that a Russian woman actively explores the world and is always ready for new experiences, travels and discoveries."

Elena (linguist) and Alessandro (lawyer)

Together for 2.5 years, planning a wedding

Elena:“I have been in a relationship with an Italian for two and a half years. Alessandro lives in Italy, I live in Russia, they have been trying to raise a joint international project for two years, but so far to no avail. Together (if our relationship can be called that with a difference of four thousand kilometers) I am very little interested in his money (although a number of things - the same air tickets once every two or three months - we can afford only at his expense), for me his professional and social implementation is much more important. at least consciously. I realized from my own experience that I am personally interested not in long-term "relationships", but in a family that should live in the same house and have dinner together, I should understand what I work for and what world I am in. It's a stretch to write this down as "thirst for wife status."

Women who care about just being married usually do not reach foreign husbands - it is too difficult and long

In general, women for whom it is important to simply be married usually do not reach foreign husbands - it is too difficult and long. But in the presence of a real relationship "married" - yes, this is important. How is that a joint project: imagine that you are offered to work, but without a contract, without determining the scope of work and without deadlines. Will you have a lot of motivation to invest? At the startup stage, it is quite possible. But how long can you last like this?"

Alessandro:"Russian women for me are true lovers of beauty with good taste and an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge, responsible, reliable, pragmatic in a good way. According to my observations, they - great moms This is best seen in the level of politeness and good manners of children. I never believed in the myth of the insidious "Eastern woman", rooted in the minds of people from the West - often provincials who never left their town. To call Russian women hunters for a husband and eternal victims of circumstances, in my opinion, is a big stupidity.

Ring hunters and patient "sufferers" can be found in other countries

In principle, it is difficult for a European to understand the scale of the territory of Russia. When we say "Russian woman", we must understand that we are talking about a country stretching from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, with 145 million inhabitants, most of whom are women. So what exactly do we mean by labeling? Surely, there will be among them hunters for the rings, and patient "sufferers" - just like in other countries - this phenomenon is widespread throughout the world. Here another question arises: how mature and conscious can a man (Russian, Italian or American) be called who allows himself to be drawn into such games? How much of this banal immaturity and ignorance of one person who does not know how or does not want to really understand the other?

“The beauty of a Russian woman is the incalculable capital of the country,” - this is how the French author Alexander Lats once spoke about our compatriots. Indeed, the charming appearance of Russian women has always been the standard of perfection in many Western countries. Has the perception of foreigners about our women changed today?

The most beautiful

As before, the Slavic appearance is very popular in the West, so the vast majority of foreigners call Russian girls the most beautiful and desirable in the world. However, ethnicity is far from the dominant feature that distinguishes beauties from Russia. The fact is that in our country it is customary to take care of oneself, while feminism common in Europe or America dictates a careless attitude towards one's appearance. There is beautiful and well-groomed woman is perceived as a “stupid woman”, but this does not apply to Russian women. They successfully combine a sharp mind and self-care, which distinguishes Russian women from others.


Russian woman cooks well

According to many foreigners, every Russian woman is good hostess who perfectly knows how to cook borscht. If she does not know the recipe for this "mysterious dish", then she is not from Russia at all, but simply pretends to be. This stereotype is especially popular among Americans who have to put up with their significant other's lack of cooking skills. The reason for this is the popularity of fast food, which needs only a warm-up.

Women's Portal

A victim of patriarchy

Again, a huge role was played by feminism, widespread in the West, in the formation of this stereotype. There, the attitude towards women and the position of the woman herself is very different from the Russian reality. Emancipation in the West implies that holding the door, giving up your seat, helping with heavy bags and paying for a girl is a sign in bad taste. Moreover, it can offend a woman and result in a serious misunderstanding. Looking at the order in Russia, where it is customary to “look after the weaker sex”, foreigners are perplexed why our compatriots have not yet declared a revolution and overthrown “male chauvinism”. However, Russian women are in no hurry to follow Western trends, encouraging men to care.

The woman is the head of the family

Many foreigners, especially men who happened to for a long time live in Russia and have the opportunity to observe the way of a simple Russian family, they say - "a hidden matriarchy reigns in Russia." This paradigm is correct, but only partly. It is on the woman in most cases that the whole economy rests. Even where a man has reached a dead end, a woman still has to find a way out - after all, it is she who is responsible for the house and family. But the last word still often remains for the stronger sex.


Russian women lack self-confidence

Foreign HR experts note that Russian women, being ideal candidates, will always apply for the vacancy below, and they will still need to be convinced that they deserve more high positions. However, this statement has no basis in itself, reminiscent of the favorite sexist thesis: "girls should not drive a car." Why? Because "everyone says so".

Women's Portal

Russian woman is pragmatic

This stereotype spread in the West in the 90s, when thousands of beauties from the countries of the former Soviet Union rushed across the opened borders to look for a beautiful and stable life abroad. It is very difficult to survive in another country without entrepreneurial spirit and a punchy character, so the attitude towards Russian women has developed accordingly. Even today, many of our compatriots, with a visa at the border, have to explain to officers that the main objective trips - business or tourism, and not the search for the second half.

Thus, the idea of ​​foreigners about Russian women remains unchanged. Our girls are still the most beautiful, combining external and internal superiority. Of course, it has not done without hardened stereotypes, but for the most part they do not correspond to reality.

On the Internet, I came across an article about Russian women. It is written very harshly, but, in my opinion, truthfully.

Do you still think that a Russian wife is the ultimate dream of any foreigner? Alas, we have to disappoint you: Russian women seem to be going out of fashion. Now we'll tell you why.

Getting married for a Russian woman is sacred

Let's be honest: few people like to feel like an object, not a subject. But a man for a Russian woman is precisely an object: her goal is to get married. put on White dress and get the coveted stamp in the passport. A man in itself is of little interest to her, she is only interested in her own position: whether she is married or not. At the beginning of the 2000s, when a whole stream of “Russian brides” suddenly poured abroad, foreigners rejoiced: here they are, perfect women! Women who are still able to sincerely and honestly love! Women who will forgive their beloved almost any shortcomings: I love - and that's it! Will get married! Not like feminist Europeans and Americans: these are the test of feelings, long-term partnership, and only then - marriage. May be. If the man is perfect. Russian woman is not like that. A Russian woman is an ideal wife!

But then it became clear that this beautiful fairy tale is really a fairy tale. A Russian woman does not need a man himself, she needs a marriage. The sooner she becomes husband's wife- so much the better, and therefore she agrees to everything. And at the moment when the unspoiled feminine caress foreigners understood what was really happening - Russian wives began to go out of fashion. Because few people want to connect life with a woman for whom you are not a person, but a status. Conditional husband. Free App to the seal and the ring.

Russian woman is not capable of partnerships

A man always owes her something, for the simple reason that he is a man. Most Russian women still prefer to endow men with certain qualities (“provider”, “protector”, “stone wall”), without actually asking the men themselves. The way the average Russian woman understands the definition of “joint budget” is a clear illustration of this relationship: her money is her money, and his money is “ours”. A Russian woman is sure that she earns “for her own pins”, and the husband is obliged to bear all financial responsibility for the family. And, besides this, he is obliged to pay for all her major purchases (that very fur coat - by all means!).

However, it's not just about money. The point is equal partnership in general, which the Russian woman denies. "The husband is the head, the wife is the neck." " Wise woman knows how to get his way,” and so on. honest, open relationship on an equal footing - not her story. She needs to create the appearance of a Parent-Child relationship, where the Parent is the husband responsible for everything, and she is the helpless Child. Allegedly. In fact, she wants to control her husband, but in such a way that he would by no means guess what is happening. This clumsy game, of course, is immediately visible, but it usually suits Russian men. There are absolutely no foreigners. They consider such behavior to be manipulation, and they are absolutely right, of course.

Russian woman is ruthless to a man

Absolutely ruthless. Russian women themselves believe in the myth of their own sacrifice, of their own readiness to accept a man of any kind, only they do not leave useless husbands: alcoholics, the unemployed, domestic tyrants, and even crazy ones. Only they are ready to endure anything, for the sake of preserving the marriage and in the name of the love with which the relationship once began. She used to love this man, but now she feels sorry for him. He would be lost without her! Is anyone else, besides Russian women, capable of this?

It's actually called codependency. A man must be bad so that a woman can be good. He must be unbearable so that everyone around her is sorry, he must suffer so that she consoles, but at the same time be a criminal so that she becomes a judge. In a white coat. The Russian woman revels in these painful relationships for decades - instead of doing her own own life. So, in fact, a Russian woman does not save dependent man- she drowns him in dependence in order to be able to "carry her cross." And then it will fall off her shoulders again - and what will she do then?

Russian woman gets married with the whole family

A foreigner who decides to link his life with a Russian woman must understand that from now on he will be closely connected with her entire family. First of all, with her mother. Jokes about mother-in-law are a reality that is completely incomprehensible to a person living in a different paradigm. The average European or American “flies out of the nest” early enough and does not return there again. He is friends with his parents, but lives his own life, while a Russian woman remains a “mother's daughter” as long as she has a mother. And this means that her husband will also have a mother. Her mother. Mom needs to be supported, even if mom has a husband who seems to owe her - after all, he is most likely the very “heavy cross” that mom carries all her life. Mom needs to be protected, because she will raise her grandchildren. You can’t just take and hire a nanny, you should be with a child native person, even if this very dear person is raising your child in a completely wrong way, do not dare to object: it's a mother!

And besides mom, there is dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents - a complete set, if you are very unlucky. The husband of a Russian woman will not be lucky, of course. Because the family is hers, and now he must take care of her. The Russian woman herself, having hung her relatives on her husband's neck, wants not to help, but to receive help. First of all, of course, from the mother, whose personal life must finally and irrevocably end at the time of the birth of her first grandson.

Russian woman - mother-heroine

At the same time, a Russian woman perceives motherhood as a daily feat. She's a mother! She did something heroic! The very fact of the birth of a child allegedly gives her the right to slightly bronze, but this is only the beginning: now she will lay down her life on the altar of motherhood and will demand honors. And at the same time she will jealously protect the child from the father: the child needs a mother! She is horrified by the concept of "father on parental leave." This is impossible! Only she should be on this vacation - and until the child finishes primary school. By this time, by the way, you can give birth to a second one, thus extending your vacation for another decade.

Modern fathers want to take part in the upbringing of their children. They are not afraid of sleepless nights, or dirty diapers, or childhood illnesses, or the first battles in the sandbox. "Dad can!" - the Russian woman diligently ignores this fact, but something else is worse: she refuses to understand that dad also wants. A modern dad who grew up outside of Russia really most often wants to be a full-fledged parent to his children and refuses to be content with the role of a sperm donor and earner wealth. But a Russian woman will not allow this: motherhood is the only opportunity for her to realize herself. She seriously calls him “the main purpose of a woman,” and the man, as it were, does not participate. There is motherhood in Russia, but there is no fatherhood. There is only fatherlessness (often “With a living father!” - and who, one wonders, is to blame for this, right?). A Russian woman does not allow her husband to be a parent, because power over a child is the only power available to her. She does not know how to be realized otherwise, because she does not want to be able to. So a man who has chosen a Russian wife should be prepared for the fact that the children will be, as it were, not his. They are only mothers. And it is quite natural that modern men categorically does not like this state of affairs - if they are not Russian, of course.

Russian woman does not know how to be happy

And this is the most important thing. Happiness for a Russian woman is not a state, but a goal. A goal that she never reaches, because happiness, in principle, cannot be a goal. This is a process, not a result. But the Russian woman is different: "A camel has two humps, because life is a struggle." She always needs to make some kind of sacrifice. "Beauty requires sacrifice". "Relationships need to be worked on." “Motherhood is hard, but honorable work.” “A woman must…” A Russian woman wants to look like a cat, but in fact she is a porcupine: a little something - and she puffs up her needles, defending herself from this cruel, soulless world. And it cannot be said that she is to blame for this: being determines consciousness.

But on the other hand, we can say with confidence that the Russian woman does not want to change anything. She does not know how and, most importantly, does not want to work on herself, does not want to admit her problems and seriously deal with causes and effects. She wants to read low-quality literature like How to Marry a Foreigner and Be Happy, which says in plain language: trick and manipulate, dominate and humiliate. That is, do not change anything in yourself, continue to do what you already know how to do.

And you know what's most amazing? At the same time, Russian women are sure that they are the very best: the most beautiful in the world, the most best wives, and the borders of Russia have long been besieged by crowds of foreigners from wedding rings in the teeth. And they are very surprised when it turns out that "foreign non-women" - ugly, unkempt, daring to demand equal partnership - for some reason again turned out to be more desirable than they, ideal Russian wives. How so?!

Over the course of a month, Russia adopted great amount foreigners who have managed to sincerely love our country and feel the atmosphere of Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Saransk. The fans at the World Cup have already been asked, it seems, about everything in the world. We focused on the attitude of foreigners towards Russian girls.

Sport24 correspondent Ekaterina Ardatova went not to Nikolskaya, but to one of the nightclubs in St. Petersburg, and registered in a dating app.

Center of St. Petersburg, night club

Around midnight, in a small but quite popular club, people are gradually gathering. The vast majority are foreigners. Everyone is dressed in the jersey of their national teams, from which the fans have not crawled out since the beginning of the tournament.

They come to meet me. Brazilians, Argentines, Mexicans gathered in the club. Nothing unusual. Age from 23 to 40 years. Everyone is friendly, polite, trying to treat you with a drink. Naturally, they talk about Russia.

Thiago, a Dutchman of Brazilian descent (in his early 40s), admits he knew nothing about Russia at all. The trip is a real adventure and discovery for him. He was in Kazan, Moscow, and now St. Petersburg. He says that he liked the capital the most - it does not look like Europe at all, it is very large, with beautiful architecture, and Peter reminded me of the Czech Republic and Latvia. About Russian girls, he put it this way: modest, very beautiful, sweet and kind. Thiago promised to tell all his friends and relatives that Russia is a beautiful country where they live nice people everything else is stereotypes.

Brazilian Pablo (he seems to be about 25) first of all reports that Russian girls are incredibly beautiful, much more beautiful than Brazilians. I like Pablo in Russia: everyone is very friendly, always ready to help, show the way, but they don’t really know English language. The Brazilian says that he will probably come to Russia again to get acquainted with Russian culture and find himself a Russian girl.

Argentinean Sebastian (25-28 years old) awkwardly offers a drink, asks what I do, and starts talking about journalism in Russia. He knows about Russia only what they write on the Internet and in the media, but he does not really believe all this. I expected Russians to be more aggressive, but I met cool people. It is recognized that Russian girls are the most beautiful, that we are emotional and very sincere (we will never smile just like that).

While my friend and I are making small talk with foreigners, other girls want to get their attention quickly - they climb onto the bar and start dancing. After looking at this spectacle for about a minute, our Brazilian and Argentinean friends will sum it up: “This looks strange and disgusting. Why are these girls behaving like this?!"


What you can’t do for the sake of the text - even in the dating application you had to register. Fighting off strange offers to meet, I asked foreigners a few questions about Russia and Russian girls.

Alon, 23, Israel

In the West, Russia is not thought very well. To be honest, I was even a little afraid to go. There were no special expectations, I just wanted to see everything with my own eyes. And everything turned out better than I expected. But many do not speak English, which, of course, complicates communication.

Russian girls? Beautiful, confident, scary. Most of them are very beautiful, but they look like you have no chance to meet them if you are not from Russia. And English, again, most do not know.

Aaron, 22, Mexico

I am very surprised at how kind Russians are. I was sure that there would be communication problems due to the language barrier, but this is not so - everyone is ready to help. I like Russia, the cities are so big and beautiful!


The girls here are beautiful, kind and a little silent, shy. On Tinder, I want to meet a Russian girl and go somewhere with her, try Russian food, hang out.

Who is cooler: Mexicans or Russians? Haha, very complex issue. I love Mexican girls, but now I'm in Russia, so I'll say that Russian girls are cooler!

Carlos, 27, Cyprus

This is my third time in Russia, many of my friends live and work here, so I know quite a lot about your country. I was only surprised that there were no Russian guys on Nikolskaya - only Russian girls and Brazilians. I certainly did not expect this :) And you also organized everything perfectly: clean streets, security, smiling people. This time I like everything very much, but in the center everything is expensive.

Many girls know English well, but they do not speak with everyone. Of course, there are those who do not know the language at all, but I learned a little Russian, so we were able to communicate. They are self-confident, love the Brazilians and want to leave Russia. And they are also very different. There are, for example, very beautiful tall blondes with beautiful blue eyes.

Daniel, 23, Portugal

I am also a journalist, I came here to work for Portuguese television. European news covers everything related to Russia, in negative vein. So it seemed to me that there would be a lot of crime, mafia, crazy people and all that. But now I understand that everything is much better: cool people, cool places. I really like it here.


Not many people speak English, so it's hard to even order food in a restaurant here. Both girls and men speak English very poorly.

Russian girls are shy, kind and most of them are very nice. You know, they look at us with friends, then lower their eyes, laugh, and when we look at them, they blush a little.

Everyone who is at least somewhat involved in the World Cup will remember this month for the rest of their lives. But especially girls who were not abroad received a lot of impressions. Convenient: no need to go anywhere, the whole world has come to you.

Fans from Argentina, Brazil, France, Portugal had no idea what awaits them in our country. And unexpectedly for many, they found themselves in the center of the holiday, where they were expected and already loved with all their hearts in advance.

There was only one question that I could not find the answer to. Who hung on whom more: Brazilians on Russian girls or vice versa?
