If the skin between the toes cracks. Causes and treatments for cracked toes

A crack between the toes is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. After all, such damage brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to a person’s life, especially while walking. But what are the causes of such injuries? Can you get rid of them yourself?

Crack between toes and its causes

In fact, there are many reasons for the appearance of such injuries on the legs. After all, it is here that the skin is most often susceptible to injury. And often the presence of cracks indicates the absence proper care. Don't forget that skin tissue require thorough cleansing and moisturizing - otherwise, excessive dryness appears, in connection with which damage occurs.

The crack between can be the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. For example, everyone's favorite open "flip flops" contribute to the appearance of scuffs and wounds on the skin.

In some cases, these injuries may have more serious causes. The condition of the skin is affected by hormonal disruptions, diseases of the endocrine system, and in particular diabetes mellitus.

Crack between toes and fungal diseases

Undoubtedly, fungal infection often causes skin lesions on the legs. You can catch the fungus both by direct contact with a sick person, and by household means, for example, when sharing towels, bed linen, shoes, etc. In addition, you can become infected while visiting public pools, baths and saunas, showers, etc.

Fungal organisms need moisture and heat to function normally. Therefore, to similar disease more prone to people suffering from In any case, you need to understand that a crack between the toes is far from the only symptom of a fungal infection. The disease is accompanied severe itching, redness and peeling of the skin, sometimes even the formation of plaque.

Crack between toes: treatment

If it has nothing to do with wearing inappropriate shoes, it is best to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly determine the cause of skin lesions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the cause is a fungal infection, then it is necessary to use special drugs that can affect the cracks between the toes. Ointments with antifungal properties, as a rule, contain miconazole, tolnaftate and some other active substances. In particular, Clotrimazole ointment is considered quite effective.

In cases where the crack between the toes is the result of improper care or excessive, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the cleanliness of the skin, as pathogenic bacteria can penetrate through damaged tissues, causing inflammation and suppuration of the wound. Therefore, experts recommend with decoctions of herbs, in particular chamomile, string and calendula, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can also add a few drops of oil to the water. tea tree, which enhances local immunity and has an antibacterial effect.

Of course, the skin needs regular care and hydration. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate the toes with olive oil, which softens the tissues and makes them more elastic.

People always strive to be beautiful. After all, appearance is a litmus paper that shows the state of our body. And if everything is in order, it means that the care of the body is correct, but if there are any “malfunctions”, then our body will tell us about them through external manifestations.

Most diseases, first of all, worsen the condition of the skin on the face, arms and legs. And if a person gives his face and hands increased attention, then he often forgets about his legs. Here the principle “I can’t see it means there is no problem” works here.

How to treat the skin between the toes when it bursts

But it's not. After all, it is the legs that first begin to give out a person’s age, so you need to take care of them from youth. Unfortunately, there are many diseases that affect the legs.

And the most common ailment is when the skin between the toes bursts. Treatment for this problem depends on the cause. What are main factors causing this problem?

The main ways to treat broken skin of the legs between the fingers:

  • The first step is to buy a complex of vitamins. Since any external manifestation of the disease is associated with a weakening of the immune system. To keep it in good condition, vitamins are essential.

  • If bursting skin between the toes, treatment she just needs , But sometimes there is simply no way to sit at home.

    In this case, do not aggravate the situation. You need to use talc. After all, it is an antiseptic and will reduce the friction of the foot on the shoes.

  • If the skin is cracked, then it is dry and dead. Therefore, the main task is to mitigate it. This will require olive or vegetable oil. (preferably unrefined).

    It should be rubbed into damaged skin before going to bed. To improve the effect after rubbing in, wear woolen socks and let the oil soak in. This procedure is necessary daily until the result appears.

    Carrots contain vitamin A, which is so beneficial for skin health

  • If the skin bursts, this is a sure sign that the body lacks vitamin A. And to replenish it, you need to eat foods such as carrots, butter, and liver.

    And also vitamin A can be bought in capsules, and by analogy with oil, rub it into the skin between the fingers.

    The oil contains vitamin A, which is good for skin health.

  • Of course, if the skin cracks, you need to go to a dermatologist, but there is often no time and desire for this. And therefore, you can buy any antifungal cream at the pharmacy and rub it into problem areas of the skin.

    It will help eliminate the fungus, and will also be a good prophylactic for the entire surface of the foot.

  • Sea salt is very beneficial for the body. It helps with many ailments. So in the case of broken skin, it is also irreplaceable. In order to eliminate this problem, you need to take baths with salt every day for two weeks.

  • Creams and ointments for moisturizing the feet and skin on the legs

    And, of course, in order to get rid of rough, cracking skin, you need to do a pedicure. Mechanically clean off all old and rough skin from the legs. And in order for it not to grow, such procedures should be done once a month.

But in general, do not allow problems with the body, it is better to warn them in advance. Therefore, if the first signs of skin damage appear, you should immediately go to a dermatologist.

After all, only he can find out real reasons the occurrence of problems. And knowing the causes is easier to treat the consequences.

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Cracked skin between the toes is a very common problem that brings a lot of discomfort. But apart from discomfort, a person is also at risk of contracting various fungal diseases. There are many pharmaceutical preparations, with which you can cope with dryness and cracks, but can also be cured using folk methods at home.


Upper layer skin- the epidermis, can burst not only due to dryness ( insufficient moisture skin), but also for a number of other reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • insufficient enrichment of the body with vitamins;
  • insufficient or improper skin care;
  • wearing shoes made of synthetic materials;
  • problems with endocrine system;
  • fungus;
  • diabetes.

If, in addition to drying out and peeling, symptoms such as yellowing of the nails and delamination are observed, then most likely the reason is infection with a fungus. Essentially, the fungus is dangerous disease and if you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Lack of vitamins such as E and A can also cause dry and cracked toes. In diabetes, the metabolic process is disrupted, especially water metabolism, which leads to similar symptoms. This disease is the most dangerous of all possible causes, its presence cannot be found out on its own and a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The reasons may lie in external factors, such as uncomfortable or made of not quality materials shoes, this can lead to impaired blood flow in lower limbs and the difficulty of oxygen exchange in the cells of the epidermis. Irregular or insufficient care behind the skin can also cause problems.

Drug treatment

The first signs are itching, peeling of the skin and burning. You should contact a dermatologist who will accurately identify the cause of the symptoms and prescribe a comprehensive treatment. most common cause is a fungal infection, to cope with it, use various drugs depending on the degree and type of infection. With a large lesion, the following medications are prescribed in tablets:

  1. 1. Flucanosole;
  2. 2. Exiferin;
  3. 3. Lamisil.

External agents, i.e. creams and ointments:

  1. 1. Exoderil;
  2. 2. Meconazole;
  3. 3. Terbinafrine.

Do not forget that before using this or that medicine, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly observe the indicated dosage.

For minor injuries caused by various external factors, the following drugs should be used:

  1. 1. Super Glue;
  2. 2. Nutraderm;
  3. 3. Carmol;
  4. 4. Ultra maid.

Creams effectively deal with this problem. natural basis such as: "Heels", Shostakovich's balm. Thanks to herbal ingredients they carefully care for the skin and contribute to the speedy healing of wounds and recovery. After using preparations on a natural basis, it is recommended to use ointments with high content vitamins A and E. It is worth remembering that the above medications are aimed at combating symptoms, and if the cause is complex pathologies and diseases, such as problems with the endocrine system or diabetes, then you need to direct your efforts to fight them, as cracks will appear, until the root of the problem is fixed.

Folk methods

Exists a large number of folk ways, which can be used when the skin flakes, dries, hurts, itches and cracks in both adults and children:

  1. 1. Soda baths are prepared as follows: for two liters of boiling water, you need to dilute 10 grams of laundry soap and 5 grams baking soda. In the prepared solution, you need to lower your legs and soar them for 30 minutes, at the end you should wipe your legs dry and grease with a softening cream. The advantage of this procedure is that it can be carried out regularly until the skin is fully restored.
  2. 2. Baths of decoctions of string and oak bark are prepared as follows: pour 30 grams of oak bark and the same amount of dry string with two cups of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Then dilute with one liter of water and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. Then pour the broth into a three-liter jar and fill the remaining space in it with the usual boiled water. These baths can be used regularly for one to two weeks until improvement is noticeable. If there is no desire or opportunity to prepare a decoction on your own, then it can be purchased at ready-made. In addition to these medicinal plants you can use chamomile, calendula, plantain, burdock oil, juniper berries.
  3. 3. Honey compress: take a small piece of gauze and fold several times until a suitable thickness and size is obtained, dilute two tablespoons of honey in a glass of hot water and apply a compress overnight to problem areas between the fingers.
  4. 4. Compress from applesauce: grate one apple on a fine grater and apply puree to problem areas of the skin, then wrap the legs cling film and keep the compress for 3-4 hours, after removing, spread the skin with a softening cream.
  5. 5. Pine oil: 200 milligrams of pine needles add to one liter of water and boil for one hour, then you need to send to water bath for half an hour, cool, strain thoroughly and add 10 grams of camphor oil, or if it is not available, regular butter will do. You need to use this folk remedy for a week, treat the skin at night, apply a cream after removal.

It is necessary to regularly carry out simple preventive measures: moisturize the skin on the legs, maintain hygiene and eat food enriched with vitamins necessary for the body.


Fungal infections, adverse environmental conditions or pathological processes internal organs cause the skin between the toes to become very dry. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the epidermis begins to crack, causing pain and making it impossible to lead a full life.

If cracks appear between the toes, the causes and treatment will be different. Consider the main manifestations of skin changes and ways to eliminate unpleasant and painful symptoms.

Causes of cracks

Cracks between the toes require immediate treatment, as they will not disappear from the skin on their own, but over time they will become deeper and more painful. The photo demonstrates the ugliness of these skin lesions.

In order for the therapy to be effective, you need to find out the cause that caused the disease.

There are a lot of factors that provoke the appearance of cracks in the toes. Therefore, for the convenience of diagnosis, they were conditionally divided into 2 categories: external and internal.

External factors are caused by the impact on the skin from the outside:

  1. Poor quality or tight shoes provokes a violation of blood supply, which leads to increased sweating of the skin of the legs, and subsequently to cracks. In this case, most often a crack appears on the leg under the little finger.
  2. Foot fungus manifests itself as sweating of the feet, accompanied by specific smell, peeling, diaper rash and itching, the appearance of deep cracks.
  3. non-compliance elementary rules personal hygiene.
  4. Prolonged contact of open areas of the foot with external stimuli.

External causes are most often manifested when elevated temperature air: spring or summer.

Internal factors are due chronic diseases, in which cracks between the fingers are one of the accompanying symptoms:

  • pathological changes in the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight;
  • circulatory diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • Not balanced diet causing deficiency needed by the body vitamins and minerals.

Long-term or uncontrolled use of many medicines causes dry skin, which can lead to cracking.

To understand how to treat, it is necessary to go through a detailed medical examination. After all effective therapy will be when the cause that caused cracks in the skin between the fingers is eliminated. Particularly dangerous in this respect is the fungus on the legs: it not only brings aesthetic and physiological discomfort, but is also very contagious to others. Moreover, if treatment is not started in time, the fungus will spread to neighboring areas of the skin, affecting the nails and feet.

Danger of fungal infection

Fungus on the legs in most cases appears on the feet.

The lesion begins with the toes, moving into the interdigital space, and then spreading to the entire foot.

The photo shows what changes occur on the skin under the influence of foot fungus:

  • peeling;
  • redness;
  • exfoliation of the skin;
  • cracks.

Infected skin on the toes is sore, itchy, and very unsightly in appearance.

Infection with a fungal infection occurs in the presence of at least one of these factors:

  • reduced immunity;
  • circulatory disorders in the legs;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin of the feet and fingers;
  • increased sweating;
  • excessive dryness of the skin on the legs;
  • prolonged use of uncomfortable shoes poor quality materials.

The use of other people's personal hygiene products and frequent visits to public places with high humidity (pools, baths, saunas) increase the risk of contracting a fungal infection several times.

The initial stage of the disease has mild symptoms, so many patients are in no hurry to apply for medical care, which leads to a deepening of the fungus in the layers of the skin and greatly complicates the treatment. Therefore, as soon as cracks appear under the toes or between them, you need to be examined by a dermatologist to rule out the possibility of developing a fungal infection.

Therapy with medications

Treatment for cracked toes depends on the cause that caused the symptom. So, how to treat a fungus on the legs should be determined by a dermatologist.

Despite the fact that most antifungal drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, you should be examined by a dermatologist before buying. This is because the infection is caused different types causative agent, which are detected in the process of laboratory research.

If the infection is in initial stage development, the doctor will prescribe an antifungal ointment or cream. The most popular of these include the following:

If diagnosed deep lesions skin, local therapy combined with taking antifungal agents of general action in the form of tablets.

If, after the examinations, the presence of a fungus was not detected, and you are sure that the damage to the fingers appeared due to external factors, you can use ointments and creams that are marked "Healing" or "Against cracks" on the packaging. To effective and proven medicines include the following topical preparations:

  • ointments containing urea;
  • "Dardia";
  • "Betadine".

It helps to get rid of cracks with ordinary Vaseline or Shostakovsky's ointment.

One of the best means that heals cracks in humans is the Zorka cream, which is used to treat the udder of cows. With a very specific smell and greasy texture, this product does not contain any cosmetic additives and fragrances, so it can be used even by allergy sufferers.

cure concomitant symptom chronic diseases, which is manifested by cracks in the legs, is possible only by eliminating the pathologies that caused them.

The preparations are presented in the form of oil for baths and balm. Both products contain plant-based ingredients. In addition to healing properties, the drugs have good efficacy in the fight against bacteria and fungi. They can also be used as a prophylactic.

With their help, itching and irritation between the fingers are removed, cracks heal, and the skin receives moisture.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

It is also possible to treat cracks located between the toes using the proven methods offered by traditional medicine.

If the manifestation of symptoms is associated with pathologies of internal organs or a fungus, any treatment folk remedies should be discussed with your doctor.

At home, it is effective to use the following methods:

  • foot baths;
  • lotions;
  • wrapping with "cakes" of medicinal herbs;
  • treatment of the skin between the fingers.

Baths are made with the addition of soda or saline solution, decoction of herbs.

  1. Salt or soda is diluted in hot water in the proportion of 1 tsp. per litre. The procedure is carried out for half an hour at least 1 time per day.
  2. A mixture of dry herbs from chamomile, celandine and plantain is poured with a liter of very hot water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  3. grated laundry soap mixed with soda in proportions of 2 to 1 and dissolved in hot water.
  4. The succession and oak bark have excellent disinfecting and healing properties. To prepare the baths, the grass is poured with boiling water and poured into the water.
  5. Boric acid is diluted in boiling water in proportions of 2 tsp. for 2 liters;
  6. Well cope with the fungus baths, the basis of which - lemon juice or vinegar.

After the baths, gently clean the steamed skin and lubricate the damaged areas. nourishing cream.

These methods are also effective for eliminating the fungus. The difference in use is to replace the nourishing cream with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

People suffering diabetes, you can’t steam your toes in the baths!

You can treat cracks with the help of lotions. They are effective even with deep damage to the skin layers.

  1. 10 tablets acetylsalicylic acid ceiling, mix with 100 ml ethyl alcohol and 25 ml of iodine. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and spread on the affected areas.
  2. Honey in liquid form is smeared in the evening, before going to bed on the affected interdigital septa, put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, wash off the remnants of the lotion with non-hot water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  3. Oatmeal is boiled in water for 10 minutes, mixed with 3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil. The prepared mixture is laid out in 2 bags, each of which is put on the legs for 2 hours. Then the feet are thoroughly washed and the cream is smeared on them.

Do-it-yourself pine needle oil has an excellent wound-healing effect. Mix needles and boiling water in equal proportions and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. Add a teaspoon of camphor and a tablespoon of soft butter to the ingredients.

It is necessary to smear the affected skin with oil immediately after using the foot baths.

All procedures are well combined with foot and toe massage. With its help, blood circulation improves, so the cracks heal faster.

Preventive measures

Skin lesions between the toes cause a lot of discomfort to their owners. So that this trouble does not touch you or does not happen again, you need to follow the rules of prevention:

  • provide a complete and balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • in the evenings, cleanse the skin of the feet with peeling products;
  • use a nourishing or moisturizing cream;
  • buy shoes made of quality materials in the appropriate size;
  • use preventive anti-fungal sprays when visiting common areas;
  • do not use other people's personal hygiene items;
  • regularly perform foot massage;
  • follow all the doctor's recommendations in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Compliance with these simple rules will avoid the appearance of damage between the fingers and maintain health and attractive appearance.

In medical terminology, cracks between the fingers are mycosis or athlete's foot. The impetus for the development of this disease can be factors such as problems with thyroid gland, improperly selected shoes, circulatory disorders, weakened immunity and others.

The first symptoms of actively multiplying, provoking the appearance between the toes, are reddening of these areas of often dry skin, which begins to peel off. After some time, they begin to crack, causing pain and discomfort with every step. It is highly undesirable to ignore this problem, because mycosis is not limited to the skin between the fingers and begins to capture more and more new territories. Gradually, it will strike, which will turn yellow and begin to flake off. Foci of hyperkeratosis (increased keratinization) will appear on the skin of the feet. Over time, the fungus can spread throughout the body and affect the internal organs.

How to save yourself from cracks, peeling and fungus

First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist who will confirm or refute the diagnosis - often coincide with other diseases. Today there are many effective drugs, ointments and antiseptics that kill the spores of the fungus and prevent it further development. In addition, cracks and recipes are excellently treated. traditional medicine. The most common way is from onions: sore feet should be steamed in hot water with baking soda, put onion gruel between the fingers, wrap the feet with polyethylene and leave overnight. In the morning, the compress is washed off, and the fingers are lubricated with a nourishing cream. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

If mycosis is accompanied by skin and, you can resort to hardware pedicure, which polishes rough skin and removes areas affected by the fungus.

Various masks have proven themselves well. So, for the treatment of cracks between the fingers, you need to take one tablespoon castor oil, half a spoonful of alcohol, a little talcum powder and two teaspoons of chamomile decoction. The mask should be applied to cracks for forty minutes, then rinse and lubricate the treated areas with a rich nourishing cream.
