How to take life energy from a person. What to do if you are already accustomed to eating vitality? How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family

  • It always seems to us that vampires are some other people, acquaintances, relatives, employees. And of course we are not, we are good and kind. And all of us want to drink.
    Let's deal with the basics of energy, otherwise I'm afraid that you and I will slide into thinking from superiority, which only leads to problems and degradation.

    Who are energy vampires?

    Vampires are people with a low amount of personal energy due to the presence of destructive internal programs that just do not allow them to accumulate their own energy.
    They feed on a certain energy, mostly negative. They provoke others to the manifestation of emotions that contribute to the release of a certain energy. Taking this energy, they feel good and satisfied.

    How do we get energy.
    So, the first postulate is new for many.
    You can only vampirize and drink energy from someone who periodically vampirizes himself. In the event that a person is not a vampire in itself and lives a self-sufficient life, does not depend on anyone emotionally and retains an inner core, then it is impossible to take away his energy. No way. In the event that they “drink” you, it means that you periodically “drink” someone.

    How do we get energy?
    The most common way for a vampire to "Eat" is to provoke someone into negative emotions, for this you can talk about a crisis, about difficult environment in the country, you can tell a friend that she has recovered and looks bad, that her man is behaving badly and unworthily, you can load a person with negativity, anything, just to make him feel bad, sad, hard. This is the first level, you can say first lung dish.
    The second level - you need to bring a person to strong emotions, to fear, tears, anger, rage, breakdown, psychosis and wild aggression. After that, in a quiet voice, say: “Well, why are you so nervous? Consider that this is the second, already quite a decent dish with a side dish.
    There are vampires who live on the energy of provocations and contradictions, they like to drive a wedge between close people, because there is a lot of energy, there is something to profit from. And here intrigues, dirty gossip, hints are good. There are women who love to break up families, I have advised them several times.
    It happens unconsciously. As soon as she takes the man away from the family, creating a lot of heavy emotions, scandals, pain there, the man ceases to be interesting to her and she understands that "this is not mine", after which she lives on this negativity for some time, and then starts up again in search of a victim.
    A typical vampirism is "Sports Interest". A woman or a man seeks attention and strong emotions from the opposite sex, after which he breaks up. Naturally, after that, their ex-partners feed them with their pain, attention, suffering, feelings and bitterness for a long time. Here there are more than enough emotions, "eat, I don't want to."
    Provocative appearance or behavior, when the vampire acts provocatively or looks in a way that causes a lot of emotions in others. This is a vampire - a narcissist who takes energy at the expense of his appearance and behavior, for example, bright clothes, chains, excessive makeup, slang, swearing, loud laughter, a look from under your brows or a fashionable pretentiousness. I met such women, and in reality they were quite adequate people with worthy professions, with families, but at the same time they fed themselves at the expense of the attention of others, dressing brightly and even somewhat vulgarly.
    The feeling of self-pity and the provocation of self-pity is also fuel, such people usually complain about life, dramatize, try to present everything in tones of suffering and pain. If you begin to feel sorry for them, then consider that you are giving away your energy. You can sympathize and empathize with people, but it is dangerous to feel sorry, because in this way we feed their weakness, not their strength.
    Guilt. Well, we are all masters. Getting a person to feel guilty means creating an energy bridge through which he will feed you with his energy.
    Rescuer syndrome, oddly enough, is also a way to feed, although it looks very noble. Such people always strive to help someone, they themselves go around with a bunch of injuries, insults, but lectures and trainings are given out to girlfriends in the first place, they give books to everyone, they try to tell everyone how to live. Only in the event that one of their victims nevertheless decides to change and begins to develop, then part of the realized energy falls to the rescuer.
    The role of a rescuer is also a kind of energy vampirism, because saving a person, we are given great amount energy, and many get hooked on it so much that their whole life turns into planting goodness in the worst possible sense.
    Vampires are not always conscious in their behavior, and they perform many manipulations unconsciously, they don’t think: “Now I’ll bring Masha to tears and I’ll feel good! Thoughts are completely different: “Masha needs to be told the truth about how she got better! Do you understand?

    Why are we vampires?
    Very often we begin to take energy from other people and choose this path of existence, because we ourselves have powerful energy holes where our own life energy safely merges.
    There are many funnels where our energy goes, and they are all destructive: life in stress, the habit of judging, categorical, empty talk about nothing, excessive haste, worries, living in the past, living in the future, trying to adapt to everyone and be good - all this takes energy from the present, and we are forced to either run around trainings where they will give us energy doping, or suck energy out of people.

    How do I know if I'm a vampire?
    The main understanding of your vampirism is the feeling emotional dependence from people or events.
    When you begin to feel withdrawal without the presence of certain emotions in your life.
    For example, when you feel empty, you really want to call a friend and tell her about how bad you feel or if you feel a lack of energy and think: "I Haven't Had a Relationship for a Long Time, I Need a Man."
    Or you do not have enough vitality, and you begin to provoke scandals from scratch, breeding your loved ones for strong emotions.
    Or you feel an irresistible urge to tell someone "The Truth".
    When it seems fair and important to you to discuss someone, to give a negative assessment of his activities.
    After terrible scandals, the vampire feels great, it does not exhaust him at all, moreover, on the contrary, he cheers up and begins to help everyone.
    Your vampirism can be tracked by some examples, for example, when you say about someone "Some Important Truth", and your opponent says, "Let's not discuss it. I don't think it's worth it! The vampire will be offended, he will feel uncomfortable, he will feel bad and hard, because he was not allowed to fill with negativity.
    Thus, if you tell something heavy and burning, and the interlocutor does not react strong emotions. This infuriates the vampires, because again their manipulation failed. Moreover, this irritation pops up unconsciously, and the vampire himself may not understand what infuriates him so much.
    Why is it necessary to give up the role of a vampire?
    The path of a vampire is a path of dependence and escape from inner freedom, it is a hole constantly growing inside, to satisfy which more and more victims, people, scandals are needed. This is a personality shackled by emotional dependency, beyond which vampires rarely thrive, and even if they do, they live in perpetual fear because they do not have the inner resources to create abundance and prosperity.
    Being a vampire means giving up developing yourself as a healthy holistic personality. And that's what we're all here for!
    Pay attention to your focus in life.
    Vampires are always feeding their donors, so they like to be out of their minds, they like to think and analyze, discuss other people's lives, they keep track of who's going on. Attention self-sufficient personality for the most part is in himself, in his desires, in his goals and intentions, and only a small part of the attention goes outside to the implementation of his ideas and building relationships with people.
    In the event that you found yourself in some of these points and you had the courage to recognize destructive programs in yourself, then this in itself is an important realization that will help you get rid of these negative programs.
    And then look at your life and find those holes through which you lose your own strength.
    And refuse them consciously, refuse condemnation, empty talk, categoricalness, constant unrest and haste.
    Forgive your past and let it go. And let go of the people who destroy you....
    Over time, your integrity will be restored and you will see that you are no longer interested in being a vampire, your focus of attention will be positive and abundant. And along with inner integrity, your desires and new good people! Yulia Sudakova.

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    If you want to take energy from a person, you must imagine how thin black threads are stretched from your palms to him, with the help of which the energy of a person migrates to you. It is also important to present the result that you want to achieve. Feel how strength comes to you and imagine how little your opponent becomes.

    If you want to fill a person with energy, then you should imagine not black, but white threads. Also in this way you can remove, for example, a headache. To do this, you just need to move your palms over the surface of the head, without touching it, while imagining outgoing white threads that take away the pain. After such sessions, be sure to rinse your hands with cold water.

    There is another method of energy influence on a person. This requires eye contact. When talking, you need to look at the person’s face, imagining a triangle on his face, passing between the eyebrows and closing on the chin. Concentrate on this figure and mentally send the person what you want.

    It is important that the ability to manage one's energy is used for one's own benefit, but at the same time does not harm the people around. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    How to stop giving energy to an ex-man

    You can make a rite with which to remove the connection with former men, which means stop giving them what rightfully should belong to only one - your beloved. The rite takes only a few minutes. It requires only time and attention, but the result will be noticeable immediately. How?

    Yes, it's just that men feel when they lose their nourishment. On the same evening or within a short time, your exes may start calling you. Someone will call you on a date, someone will write that they cannot forget you.

    Of course, you should not meet with them, but this will give a sign that the method works. And after a couple of weeks, the rite should be repeated so that there is no situation that someone has not disconnected.

    How to "let go" of former partners?

    It is easy to carry out the ceremony, you just need to be alone with yourself and spend some time pronouncing certain words. This ritual is not related to magic or religion, but is psychological trick, which allows you to "remove" all unnecessary bindings.

    You can also read about this in one of Larisa Renard's books on women's practices. Stand in front of the window. If possible, light a candle. It's a way to tune in to the process. And in silence, start imagining your men in turn. Everyone needs to sincerely say certain words:

    “I thank you for being in my life. I'm glad we got to meet. I forgive you all the insults that were between us. I release you. I loved you the best I could. I wish you happiness".

    At this time, you need to imagine that a transparent flagellum connects you in the lower abdomen. It is attached just below the navel of one and the other. It is necessary to speak words and hands as if to cut this cord. Send your piece to yourself, and his - to him. And then imagine how the man turns around and leaves.

    You need to do a similar manipulation with each partner. It's a way to "stop feeding" all the exes. But be prepared that some, and possibly all, of the former will try to seek a meeting with you.

    As the developer of this method assures, the rite is absolutely safe. It can be done several times if you think it's necessary. It also helps in cases where you cannot forget a person. And at the same time, no magical rites or appeals to psychics are required.

    But there is one BUT: you need to speak words sincerely. Forgiveness and gratitude are great power but they must come from the heart. If you say it from pure heart does not work out, resentment in the heart remains, just repeat this process several times.

    A woman is a source of valuable energy for a man. It depends on the companion whether her husband will be a millionaire or a janitor. The more female energy, the richer the family and the more productive the man. And although every woman comes with her own potential, the reserves can always be increased, which means that you get a lot more in marriage.

    To begin with, it should be noted that the best option, which with one hundred percent probability will protect your energy supply from the fence, is to normalize the operation of all energy centers. The same rule works here as with physical health - not the one who avoids diseases does not get sick, but the one who has good immunity.

    It is a stable biofield that acts as immunity at the energy level.

    Currently, there are many techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently clean all the chakras, normalize their work, and even open the slammed ones.

    The most successful task of how not to give energy to people through the restoration of the biofield is handled by cosmic energy, as well as classical yoga. In the first case, there is an impact on the human energy body with the help of special energy-informational cosmic flows, which, in addition to a number of useful features also have a healing effect.

    When we talk about classical yoga, we primarily mean the technique of meditation. Proper work in this direction allows not only to qualitatively influence all chakras, but also to stabilize the circulation of energy flows inside the body. Also, this method is very convenient for use as a fast and extremely mobile bioenergetic recharge.

    Mental protective barrier

    Quite often, the unfortunate relatives of an energy vampire wonder how to stop a person from feeding on my energy. In this case, the installation of a mental protective barrier helps a lot. What is it?

    Imagine that an invisible wall appears between you and the vampire, through which he is not able to either pass or suck out energy. Of course, this is a very rough wording, and this barrier is, in fact, another layer of your cocoon, only it was created artificially. By the way, the visualization of the process of the appearance of the wall has a very good effect on the protective functions of the energy barrier, since mental confidence makes it much stronger.

    In order to form this type of protection, it is necessary first of all to achieve harmony and balance within oneself. Try to move away from the reality around you, feel how cozy and warm it is to be inside your bioenergetic cocoon. Inside it, no one can touch you or hurt you in any way.

    As soon as you clearly understand this and literally feel it, a barrier will be built. It is necessary to ensure that it is set automatically already at a subconscious level, and this is achieved as a result of constant developments and practices.

    The outcome of this work will be powerful protection, which almost immediately makes it clear to any energy vampire that he has nothing to do here.


    Another way to not give your energy to another person is to read prayers. The fact is that higher power have extremely powerful protective function, they do an excellent job of protecting the energy body from any negative.

    In the event that the reading of the prayer is also accompanied by great faith, then the previous method is also connected here - building a barrier. It turns out a kind of double protection, inside of which there is a third line of defense - your personal cocoon, which also receives a boost.

    This layering allows you to resist not only energy vampires, but also the effects of dark energies. It is for this reason that prayers are one of the most universal and effective methods, and use this remedy can absolutely all people, regardless of religion and creed. The main condition is that you must sincerely believe in what you are asking about. Only in this case you will get a really strong protective effect.

    How not to give energy to a man. How is the exchange of energy between a man and a woman?

    A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires him and makes him courageous, strong, and courageous. A male energy a woman relaxes, calms, pacifies. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman take place in life?

    A woman transfers her energy to a man when she takes care of him, when she thinks about him, believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them, through which energy flows from the woman to the man. It is the strongest and reliable way to dissolve in it, to surrender not only with the body, but also with the soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman feeds a man. She cooked dinner for him, gave part of her strength to him. Did a massage - nourished him. I ironed the clothes - I put my energy through it.

    How does a man return the "debt" to a woman? Through your help, protection, love. When he admires her beauty, he energizes her. When he tells her that he loves her, she feels uplifted. When he gives her time, attention, shows signs of attention, a woman becomes happy. This is how a man and a woman mutually support each other, giving a part of themselves.

    But it happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and the man does not give her anything in return. And, unfortunately, it happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels miserable, tired, exhausted. She may begin to feel blues, apathy, depression. In what cases does a woman not receive anything from a man in return?

    • If she is given to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, turns on ignore. Accordingly, the woman, through the channel that was formed during their proximity, continues to feed the man with her energy, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush with intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the behavior of the woman;
    • When a woman lives with a man civil marriage(cohabiting) and he doesn't want to take any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. For women, this situation is very exhausting and unhappy;
    • When a woman works and earns money on a par with a man, and he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the energy balance;
    • When a woman continues to live with a man if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It is one thing if she finds the cause in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she simply suffers, tormented by resentment and a sense of revenge. Very often, in such situations, women begin to get sick, because they do not have enough energy to heal both the soul and the body.

    It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman occurs even when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Svadhisthana chakra is still involved, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation. That is, they may not even think about flirting, but on a subtle level, sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, once again proves that it does not exist.

    So think about who you give your valuable feminine energy? Does he give you this energy back? Not only your happiness, but also your health depends on it!

    Video how not to give energy to people

    Greetings, dear friends!

    This article from the “help yourself - help another” series is a squeeze of my personal experience which might be useful to someone.

    If you have situations where you cannot get rid of intrusive thoughts about some situation that you also cannot influence - in this article you will find several recommendations on how you can bring your emotions and mind to a more or less calm state. Otherwise, this endless mental mixer will become a bottomless pit that devours and takes vital energy.

    One way to make the voices in your head quiet down (at least for a little while) is to engage in some kind of activity. It can be household chores, work issues, social projects, or questions that you could not “shove” into your schedule for a long time.

    Make a plan of action, write lists, prioritize, regulate the time for doing things. Try to optimally fill your schedule so that there is a minimum of “windows” left in it, falling into which you will again begin to worry and drive your thoughts “from empty to empty. Try experimenting with new apps, maybe start a new diary or diary, or just rethink your way of doing things.

    Or maybe you have long wanted to read a stack of books put aside, go through a training you bought a long time ago, or try new recipe? Take the shoes to be repaired, or go with the children to an exhibition or New film? Pull out your shortcomings into the light of day and forward to closing these tails! (By the way, this will kill two birds with one stone: stop the conveyor that generates disturbing thoughts in your head and close the holes of imperfections that also drain energy from you.)

    A recommendation that has probably already set your teeth on edge, and yet, in this case, it can become a lifesaver that will pull you out of the swamp of far-fetched fears. The advice from the first point may not help, and on the contrary, throw you even more off balance if you cannot focus on what you are doing. If extraneous thoughts (not always positive) partisans surround and encircle your common sense taking your energy. So try to be in what you are doing. Here and now. Try to fully immerse yourself in the process.

    Ask yourself screening questions: “Where am I?”, “What am I doing?”, “Why am I doing this?” “Who am I now?”, “What do I feel now?”. Bring yourself back to the state of the moment. Don't let your thoughts float in the past or future, worrying about "how it will end." Practice mindfulness.

    I must say right away that this recommendation is not universal, it may not suit everyone. But this advice often appears in psychological trainings. Recognize. Give space to what is happening in your life. Don't chase it away. Do not close your eyes. Do not try to replace beautiful dreams and fantasy may not be quite the beautiful reality of the current life. Define your reality.

    You can say it out loud, you can silently say this formula. For example. “I would like my son to be healthy. But he has been ill for 2 weeks now, does not go to kindergarten, and we are forced to stay at home. It's hard. But it is. Now this is my life”

    Let your life and the situations that occur in it be recognized.

    And you also need to be able to let go of the situation, treat it philosophically. If something is not happening in your life right now, then it is not the time or the place yet. So this is what you need. And this development of events now is the most favorable and useful for you. Or a consequence of those choices that we made earlier.

    Wonderful words were once said by my coach when I was depressed about whether they would give me a loan for important changes in my life. “What are you going through,” she said. If it has to happen, everything will happen.”

    Of course, the principle “water does not flow under a lying stone” has not yet been canceled. In order not to be the person to whom the Lord sent 3 types of salvation into the flood, and he kept waiting and waiting to be saved somehow differently, it is better to adhere to such a postulate: “Do what you must, and come what may”.

    Everyone in their life had to deal with men or women who, because of any seemingly trifle, start a quarrel. And they procrastinate their resentment for a long time, scrolling it like a broken record, over and over again. Everyone cannot calm down and continue shouting and scolding. After communicating with such a "scold" one feels tired, weak, the mood deteriorates for a long time. With annoyance, the thought flashes that “what an absurd person he is, how unpleasant it is to communicate with him!”.

    However, few people would think that such people are energy vampires, who take incomparable pleasure to “spoil the blood” of their neighbors. This is the meaning of their entire existence. They diligently “smear” their counterpart on a “plate” and simply “go crazy” when they see him in a confused, upset look.

    It happens because such individuals have a bad aura, which actively influences others. Drawing their bioenergy "tentacles" into someone else's biofield, such energy "ghouls" suppress and destroy it. This affects those in contact with them with bad moral, psychological and emotional well-being. And the "ghouls" only rejoice and gain strength.

    In common parlance, these are called "draculas" and "bloodsuckers", without thinking at all what contributes to their appearance and why they behave this way. Psychologists believe that there are about 30% of them by nature, in the process of life, 50 percent become "bloodsuckers", the remaining 20 - from time to time.

    Psychologists distinguish two types of energy vampires: unconscious and those who consciously feed on the energy of others. The first includes "bloodsuckers" who take away someone else's energy unconsciously. They lack their own life force, and in order to get it, they “steal” bioenergy from their relatives and friends.

    Probably, many can recall a case from their lives when someone, for example, from relatives, constantly starts quarrels over a seemingly completely trifling fact, inflating it to a “universal” scale. Such a “truth-lover” will not calm down until he proves his “rightness”, which ends with completely inflated nerves for someone who fell for his “energy bait”. And he, on the contrary, has a surge of strength, he is in a good mood, smiling cheerfully. This is nothing but energy vampirism.

    The second kind includes those who consciously live off the bioenergy of their opponents. Such "bloodsuckers" are very dangerous. They are not embarrassed by any moral arguments, they have no sense of compassion at all. Like predatory spiders, they catch prey in their energy nets in order to suck out life energy from it, thus strengthening their strength.

    Varieties of energy vampirism

    In order to recognize people who live off other people's energy and not fall for their "bait", you need to know the forms of energy vampirism. They can be:
    • Vampirism "absentee". When a “good” friend or buddy is not around, and when you look, say, at his gift, it suddenly becomes hard on the soul, not at all rosy thoughts arise. Another option is online messaging. Communication is kind of gray, it only brings anxiety, it does not bring any satisfaction. It is likely that such acquaintances are energy vampires, through their gifts and letters, even at a distance, they draw out the energy they need so much.
    • Collective. Man is a social being, always in all life circumstances is among people. Let's say it's a work group. And not always he can be "respectable". If an atmosphere of hostility, envy, lies, acquisitiveness reigns in it, this can play its negative role on those of its members who have completely different moral attitudes. Such "collectives" will suppress their opponents, voluntarily or involuntarily feeding on their energy.
    • Family. One of the spouses can be a vampire in the family. Older relatives, for example, a mother-in-law or a father-in-law, are often “bloodsuckers”, whom you never please. A quarrel always gives them pleasure, they enjoy it, and one of the spouses - a constant headache. In such cases, it often comes to divorce. It is not for nothing that there are many jokes about "evil" mothers-in-law. But this is nothing but a kind of family energy vampirism, when the older one is fueled by the energy of the young one. You can also talk about children's vampirism, when children literally draw blood with their whims - they take away energy from their parents.
    • Informational. There is a lot of negativity in the media these days. Reports of wars, terrorist attacks, robberies, murders, and other grave crimes filled the pages of newspapers and magazines, they are constantly talked about on TV, and criminal films are shown. This is now considered the rule. good manners. However, such "horror films" depress the psyche, take away from people with a weak biofield and unstable mentality energy.
    • Erotic. If a marriage is “unequal”, when one loves to the point of self-sacrifice, and the other uses it, we can talk about sexual vampirism, when one of the spouses takes the energy of their partner. A variation is a situation where the husband is elderly and the wife is young (sometimes vice versa). He just uses her energy and feels great. Not without reason in ancient China, decrepit emperors, in order to prolong their years, slept with young concubines.

    It is important to know! If after communicating with someone there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue, Great chance that there was contact with an energy vampire.

    The main signs of energy vampires

    Main features energy vampire is his appearance and behavior.

    As a rule, these people are rather gloomy, eternal discontent is “written” on their faces. They look much older than their years: a wrinkled physiognomy, thick, fused eyebrows (women thin them out with tweezers), the corners of the lips are often lowered. The eyes are dull, inexpressive, and the look is cold, repulsive, it is not easy to endure.

    By the way they behave, they are aggressive and whiny. The former always run into a scandal and enjoy the tears, pain and suffering of their victim. The latter constantly whine that everything in their life is bad, and in this way they draw energy from people who sympathize with them.

    The following indirect factors will help to recognize the energy vampire:

    1. Food preferences. Such people avoid sweet and hot, indifferent to tea and coffee. But drinks “with ice” are respected, they pepper their food a lot, add hot spices to it.
    2. Poor attitude towards domestic animals. "Love" here is mutual. Pets and plants feel the negative aura of such people. A dog or a cat, if they suddenly start up in the house, try to escape, and the flowers simply wither.
    3. body contact. A vampire always tries to touch his counterpart: hold his hand, stroke his head, seemingly inadvertently push or step on his foot. This is the immediate moment when energy flows to him from the one opposite.
    4. Permanent Debt. Such a person is an eternal debtor. He likes to borrow money, promises to give back on time, but deliberately does not keep his word. The lender is nervous and “feeds” the energy vampire with his emotions. It's the same with any business. Lots of promises, but nothing. Only one disorder and a spoiled mood, but for the "ghoul" - joy.
    5. Severe mood swings. Feeding off someone else's energy, the vampire is always excited and cheerful. And when there is no one to “pinch” her at least a little, she seems sick and walks gloomy.
    6. Love to mass events . Such people simply adore various crowded "parties" when you can grumble and show your displeasure. In the crowd, you can always knock around, come into contact with someone. It adds energy.
    7. negative emotions. An energy vampire always speaks evil of people, for example, of friends of his loved ones. This gives him pleasure, so he feeds his aura.
    8. Constantly complaining about your problems. Complaining about his alleged hardships in life, the vampire involuntarily draws his interlocutors into a bad conversation, thereby fueling their energy.
    9. Avoiding positive emotions. Cheerful, positive people are avoided by vampires. They are afraid of a good aura, which they cannot penetrate with evil intentions.
    10. Striving to win trust. Vampires can be sympathetic, sympathize with someone else's grief, but their compassion does not bring relief, it only makes it worse.
    You can recognize an energy vampire by date of birth. To do this, add the day, month and year of birth. It turns out a two-digit number. We divide it into two single ones and add it again, and so on until we get an unambiguous number. It determines the energy of a person.

    Interpretation of the result. If it is in the range from 1 to 4, this means that the energy is weak, constant replenishment is needed, such a person may well become an energy vampire. A number in the range of 5-7 says that everything is in order with your biofield, but you should be careful, avoid people who are not averse to feeding their aura at the expense of others. If the resulting value is more than 7, then you have an excess of energy and can share it with others without fear for your health.

    Example: 03/30/1990 = 3 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7

    Biofield with excellent energy! Such a person should not be afraid of energy vampires.

    It is important to know! All of these signs are not a 100% guarantee that you have a vampire in front of you. They may just be hallmark behavior. In each case, an objective analysis is needed. Only one thing is certain: one should not succumb to any provocations of suspicious individuals. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid the loss of one's bioenergy.

    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

    Protection can be different, for example, with the help of amulets and amulets. But before you figure out how to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to recognize who it is. And then, depending on this, take appropriate measures. And this can be one of the family members, for example, a child, close relative, friend or work partner. Even a casual fellow traveler on public transport can be such a dangerous person. For each specific case your advice is appropriate. Let's consider them in more detail.

    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family

    If in a young family an energy vampire is one of the relatives, for example, a father or mother (husband, wife), with whom you have to live under the same roof, the most best advice- leave immediately. The truth is trivial, but because of such energetic vampirism of the elders, when constant squabbles, for example, that, for example, the son-in-law did not look at the mother-in-law in the right way or “he doesn’t like the way I cook,” many families broke up.

    A forced vampire can be a seriously ill relative. He tries to replenish his fading vital energy at the expense of loved ones. This needs to be given more attention. True care will calm him down, he will not get nervous over trifles, cause unnecessary inconvenience to his loved ones. Simply put, will not "drink their blood."

    A good help so that the patient is less nervous can be a flower in his room or, say, an aquarium for fish. TV will also distract him from negative emotions.

    Quite often, vampires are children. The body grows, develops, its energy is still small, the child tries to replenish it at the expense of his parents. He is naughty, naughty, wants to be paid more attention to him. Constant childish whims exhaust the elders, but bring pleasure to the children. And here comes the problem right upbringing. Otherwise, with age, unconscious children's vampirism will grow into a conscious adult and take the rest of the strength from aging dads and moms.

    It is important to know! Protection from an energy vampire in the family suggests that harmony, peace and tranquility reign in relations between relatives. Then there will be no one to defend against, positive energy will be distributed among all members of the family to a reasonable extent.

    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in a public place

    Such energy "bloodsuckers" can be a boss, a partner or one of those with whom you have to deal in the process of work, maybe even your subordinate. From communicating with them, you always feel discomfort in the mood, there is annoyance, resentment and bewilderment why this could happen.

    And to prevent this from happening, you need to try to avoid all conflict situations with someone you don't like. Even if he calls for a quarrel, you should try to translate everything into a joke. She will disarm even the most inveterate lover of quarrels, he willy-nilly calm down and leave you behind.

    In a conversation with a vampire boss, when a joke is inappropriate, you can cross your arms or legs. Even better, mentally imagine a glass wall between you. In case of a bad conversation, this will block the outflow of your energy into the aura of an unwanted commander.

    Another example. A partner or someone else constantly complains about their life, so that they would take pity on him (her), thereby “earning” for themselves this way the right energy. Such "unfortunates" should be avoided, communication with them should be reduced to a minimum under the pretext, for example, that there is a lot of work. And in no case do not discuss your personal problems with them.

    To protect yourself from energy "beggars" on the street or in public transport, you just need not to get involved in any conversations with them. And in the case when they try to start a quarrel, you can smile and even apologize, saying, “I was wrong,” although there is no fault of yours. This will disarm them and defuse the situation. The conflict will be nipped in the bud. It will not be possible to profit from energy at your expense.

    It is important to know! It is far from always possible to exclude communication with an energy vampire. In any case, you need to behave calmly and sensibly with him, so that, seeing that he cannot “rock” his interlocutor, he lags behind him.

    How to use energy vampire charms

    Since ancient times, our ancestors used amulets and amulets. They protected from damage and the evil eye. They were worn on the chest or wrist. Such protection from bad energy you can do it yourself, for example, weave a bracelet, putting into work the idea that it will certainly protect from the evil eye.

    The made amulet should be carried to the church and consecrated. This is a guarantee that no otherworldly forces will cling to you. And here is the benefit of prayer. It protects against all sorts of ghouls and vampires. And it is worth reading it not occasionally, but every day. It can be "Our Father" or "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner ...".

    A good talisman would be a stone suitable for the sign of the Zodiac. For Aries men, for example, pebbles of red, blue, purple: ruby ​​or amethyst. Aries women fit black obsidian. This will help strengthen the energy, protect it from the vampire's energy tentacles.

    It is important to know! Different talismans help only if a person sincerely believes in their miraculous power, otherwise there is no need to wear them.

    How to restore energy after communicating with an energy vampire

    After communicating with an energy vampire, one feels great fatigue, weakness throughout the body, and all because the biofield is weakened. A familiar or unfamiliar "vampire" managed to ingratiate himself and "feasted" on someone else's energy.

    To restore your biofield, the following available methods will help:

    • Walk in the city park, meadow, field, forest. Nature is the most powerful stimulator of vital forces, it will support a person in all cases of life and restore his spent energy. It’s good to run barefoot in the dew in the early morning, stand leaning against a tree, listen to the light rustle of foliage, it calms and invigorates. Oak and birch have excellent energy during a breakdown. Pine helps relieve stress. And trees such as alder and poplar consume energy, you need to be careful with them.
    • Communication with pets and plants. Our smaller brothers and their own garden, for example, on the windowsill, relieve fatigue and energize. Cats have a special energy, they subtly feel their owner (hostess) and always fawn over them when they want to show their disposition.
    • Music. A quiet melody relaxes, irritation and obsessive thoughts go away. There is peace in the soul.
    • Cold and hot shower . It relieves fatigue, invigorates strength, removes negative energy, puts thoughts in order.
    In the end, find yourself a source of positive emotions. Let's say eat a piece of cake, watch your favorite movie on TV, or take your dog for a walk if you have such a good one. house friend.

    It is important to know! In any communication, the exchange of energy must be voluntary and mutual. Only in this case, there will be no outflow of one's vitality to the other side, and then restoration will not be required.

    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire - look at the video:

    Energy vampires are all around us. So that they do not "eat up" our vital energy, you need to save your strength, lead healthy lifestyle life. Only in this case, the energy of the body will be at the proper level. And this is a guarantee from any damage and the evil eye, assorted vampires and ghouls who love to live at the expense of someone else's "blood". They are afraid of people with a positive biofield.

    There is a widespread opinion about energy vampires, according to which, these people are only able to absorb the energy of people, leading them to negative emotions. If you delve into the essence of such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, then all the so-called vampires are divided into several types, many of which are able not only to take energy, but also to give it away.

    Be an energy vampire means to be able to manage your energy and the energy of other people. Such abilities will help you quickly restore strength, relieve physical pain from a person, and also feed those around you with your energy when you want it.

    Who can become an energy vampire

    Unfortunately, not all people are able to manage their energy. This is only possible for those who have the following qualities:

    • inner peace
    • the ability to resist the opinions of others and the ability to deal with the influence of other people
    • good physical health
    • ability to visualize

    If you want to take energy from a person, you must imagine how thin black threads are stretched from your palms to him, with the help of which the energy of a person migrates to you. It is also important to present the result that you want to achieve. Feel how strength comes to you and imagine how little your opponent becomes.

    If you want to fill a person with energy, then you should represent not black, but white threads. Also in this way you can remove, for example, a headache. To do this, you just need to move your palms over the surface of the head, without touching it, while imagining outgoing white threads that take away the pain. After such sessions, be sure to rinse your hands with cold water.

    There is another method of energy influence on a person. This requires eye contact. When talking, you need to look at the person’s face, imagining a triangle on his face, passing between the eyebrows and closing on the chin. Concentrate on this figure and mentally send the person what you want.

    It is important that the ability to manage one's energy is used for one's own benefit, but at the same time does not harm the people around. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    04.12.2014 09:18

    Energy vampires are those who feed on the energy of others, improving their mood at the expense of strangers ...

    Psychic Marilyn Kerro called the main problem of all human troubles. In her opinion, everything bad that ...

    Figure 1. It's over, it doesn't look like an energy vampire, but there is something about this guy. Let's find out what they have in common.

    Energy vampirism is a process in which one person (in most cases) unconsciously or consciously (using special techniques) steals some of the life energy of another.

    Each person should live off their own life energy, happily and independently of each other. But, there are cases when a person cannot provide himself with enough energy. There are few ways out of this situation. The simplest is to steal energy from another.

    Any country protects its citizen with the help of laws. You must not cause physical harm to another person, you must not deprive another person of life or spoil his health in any way. But today it is impossible to find protection against psycho-energy-informational aggression or energy vampirism in the laws.

    Today, society does not understand enough what energy is, how this energy is exchanged, why it is needed, and much more that everyone should study. After all, many hurt each other and do not even realize it. Perhaps from the previous article you already know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of other people, but today we will talk in more detail about what energy vampirism is. Shall we start?

    It's no secret that while living we accumulate and spend energy. Saving it without spending it is pointless, because sooner or later you will not be able to save more energy than you have. Lack of energy also negatively affects our lives. Everything needs balance. And if you feel bad after communicating with some people, then perhaps these people upset this balance.

    We all interact with other people to one degree or another. At the moment of this communication, we exchange not only information, but also energy. It happens that communication balances our energy and the energy of a partner, but there is also an unequal exchange. When you communicate with an energy vampire, he tries to take as much of your energy as possible.

    Almost all people are energy vampires to one degree or another. The only question is how strongly it is expressed. You have probably noticed how most people interact with each other on the energy plane. It's good to have the situation under control. And if not? Then you run the risk of becoming part of a process called vampirism.

    Figure 2. What is vampirism anyway?

    If you take a dictionary, you can find the following definition:

    Definition from

    A vampire or ghoul, or ghoul - in the lower mythology of the peoples of Europe, a dead man who rises from the grave at night or appears in the guise bat, sucking blood from sleeping people, sending nightmares. It is believed that "unclean" dead - criminals, suicides, who died an untimely death and died from vampire bites - became vampires. .

    In addition to this definition, we can meet vampires in cinematography, literature, and biology.

    Energy vampires

    An energy vampire is a creature (most often a person) that feeds on someone else's energy. Most often, both the donor and the recipient (recipient) are people.

    Vampires meet us almost every day - they surround us. In some cases, we ourselves have to become a vampire. In fact, you've probably been a vampire in some way, too. Vampirism is a common phenomenon in modern society. But this is far from what helps people develop. Vampirism must be fought. It is normal to exchange energy, but just not "sucking" energy from another person without transferring your own to him. Of course, it is possible to do this without realizing it, which can be observed quite often today.

    So far, we've only talked about human vampires. But this is not entirely correct. Have you ever had a breakdown after being in a place or after watching a horror movie? Further, we will call all things that take away strength from a person - energy vampires. In most cases, of course, it will be people.

    If we divide energy vampires into categories, we can distinguish the following:

    • Children. Children need a lot of energy. They can take it from others, but most often from close people (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather ...)
    • Parents. It also happens that there are people in the family with whom it is difficult to communicate, or who deliberately spoil your mood, make you angry, piss you off. Indeed, on the contrary, in the stereotype that has developed in our country, it is the parents who spend their energy on children. But, have you ever heard phrases like "I worked for you all my life, and you ...". Sometimes parents do not even notice how they enjoy the fact that the child obeys them. This also includes the disruption of negative emotions that parents "pour out" on their children. We will dwell on this in more detail in the article on the energy of the genus.
    • Friends. I think that you are familiar with the situation when a friend (girlfriend) comes to you and begins to tell that he (she) is doing very badly. He (she) is bad, but you are good. In such a situation, a friend or girlfriend wants to arouse your sympathy. As soon as you begin to worry or get upset about another person, you can be sure that you have given away some of your energy.
    • Sick people. If a person is sick, then all his strength is spent on restoring himself. To recover faster, a person needs more energy. Being near the patient, you can feel a great breakdown. Well, this can be seen in hospitals.
    • Brawlers (boots). Do you know people who are very fond of being rude, scandalous, swearing? In this way, they try to recharge their energy from the person they are yelling at.

    With this list of human vampires, I would like to end. But, as you understand, this is not all. Let's try to summarize the above.

    Actions that cause you to feel fear, anxiety, anger, anxiety, guilt, resentment, sympathy, and the like lead to a loss of your energy.

    All of the types of people listed above have one common property: they are trying to evoke one or more negative emotions in you and thus take some of your energy for themselves. But this still does not mean that all brawlers, lovers of shouting, annoying are vampires.

    Perhaps you should not write down every person you meet on your list of energy vampires who spoiled your mood. Such accusations should be at least well thought out by you. You must learn to monitor your energy reserve, which consists of your efficiency, mood, perseverance, desire to live and create, mental endurance, etc. Have you noticed how in certain time losing energy suddenly? After what did it happen? After interacting with a person? Was this the first time or is it ongoing? Does this person hurt only you or everyone around you? Why is this person doing this? Why does he need your vital energy? In what way is he trying to steal some of your energy? There are a lot of questions to think about. After that, you must work on yourself to close that weakness through which they steal your energy.

    Energy vampire at work

    You wake up on a weekday, you have to go to work. It’s good if there is a friendly, pleasant, loving team waiting for you there, with whom you are always happy to meet. But this, unfortunately, is very, very rare. Often, people will be waiting for you who already lack energy in the morning and who are still waiting for an energy donor to recharge them.

    The most common vampire at work is the boss. It often happens that he gathers everyone on Monday morning and begins to tell how and why each of the employees does not work well. At this "five-minute" he will find for everyone bad word in order to somehow hook a person. It is very good if this happens only on Mondays, and not on every working day of the week. After such a meeting, only the boss remains in a mood, he is charged with energy, although not of the best quality.

    In addition to the boss, your work colleagues can also be vampires, who just want to spoil your mood or do something bad.

    But the worst thing is if you hate your job. In this case, you will lose a lot of strength, which you need to take from somewhere. Doing a job that you hate, you yourself risk becoming an energy vampire.

    How to steal the energy of other people?

    Figure 3. How to steal energy?

    The main way to steal energy from another person is to cause emotions in him. Negative ones are more suitable, because by their nature they are more energetically stronger. The main goal is to take a person out of his energy balance. This forces the victim to give up a certain amount of life energy.

    After a person "swings" (in terms of energy), the normal flow of his subtle or ethereal energy is interrupted. When our energy flows in the wrong direction, it disrupts the normal functioning of the energy centers (chakras).

    Energy Vampirism Techniques

    Vampirism usually occurs when two people are "not equal" to each other. For example, one of them is older and has more experience than the other. Or one is much stronger physically than the other. Or one has power over the other. However, this is not always the case.

    An experienced vampire may drastically change their behavior to see which method works best in a given situation. He (or she) can scream, cry (more relevant to children), be gentle and sweet, argue and swear - it all depends on what the vampire needs at a particular moment in time and what type of person is standing in front of him. For example, there are people who cannot be hooked with anger and screaming, but who pay attention to pity. If we talk about specific techniques of energy vampirism, then we can distinguish the general ones:

    • Words.

      This is the most common technique in today's society. Words can easily offend or anger a person, threaten, frighten, shock, seduce, etc. In most cases, words are used as false and untruthful facts.

      Some parents may criticize their children unnecessarily, or raise their voice at them when it is not necessary. Others, on the contrary, overly praise the child and give him everything he wants. Even if it is done with good intentions, it can affect the child more negatively than positively.

    • Sex.

      Perhaps we will not dwell on this in detail now, because this is the topic of another article. But for now, stop understanding that making love is not just physical pleasure.

    • non-verbal behavior.

      Even a smile can provoke another person to release a certain amount of vital energy. Certainly not the most the best technique to steal energy.

    • Cloth.

      This is another energy vampire technique to steal another's energy. The color, texture, price of clothes can hurt the interlocutor or just a passerby.

    • The list can be continued indefinitely. People who impress you or cause you an energetic imbalance are likely to take some of your energy for themselves.

    Types of Energy Vampires

    This part of the article will be a kind of continuation of what we have just analyzed. Let's try to systematize all types of energy vampirism.

    1. vampire victims
      • People who get sick and lose all their strength to eliminate the disease.
      • People who are depressed, morally or mentally depressed from difficulties in life or other problems.
      • Pessimists
    2. vampire executioners
      • tyrants
      • Business exploiter
      • sadists
    3. mixed type of the above two
      • sado-masochists
      • Conformists. (Conformity - a change in a person's behavior or opinion under the influence of real or imagined pressure from another person or group of people)
    4. vampires are manipulators
      • A "friend" who constantly tries to hang his problems and affairs on you.
      • Despot (autocratic ruler)

    Solar and Lunar Vampires

    Figure 4. Solar vampires.

    Extrovert vampires (or solar vampires) are just the same evil brawlers who are ready to fight with you, just to get at least some portion of energy from you. They are usually selfish, very aggressive and tough. Their main tool for obtaining energy is physical and heartache. They will not hide their displeasure and will tell you everything to your face. Can be called solar vampires- open.

    Figure 5. Lunar vampires.

    Introverted vampires (or lunar vampires) are sort of the opposite of solar vampires. They will receive energy from you gently and calmly. This category of people includes whiners, pessimists, bores. They will tell you over and over again how bad they feel and expect you to help them. Unlike extrovert vampires, lunar vampires will not quarrel with you and prove their case.

    Causes of energy vampirism

    Most likely, there has always been an unequal exchange of energy. After all, people who live on the entire planet have different spiritual levels. We can have about the same level with your interlocutor, then this communication is likely to benefit both. If one of the interlocutors is much higher level spiritual development, then he gives his energy for balance.

    This is well described in the book "Psychoenergetic Protection. Handbook. - Klyuchnikov S.Yu." . In this reference book, you can come across the question, why are all types of vampirism on the rise in our time? You can read the full answer in the book, and in short: for a long time we have been observing a downward trend in the development of human spiritual life. If this is not stopped, then humanity can turn into a crowd of vulgar, thoughtless and spiritually devastated people.

    Signs of energy vampirism

    Video 1. Signs of an energy vampire. Formula for calculating donors and vampires

    Main text of the video

    Firstly, many authors of articles about energy vampirism write that an energy vampire is, first of all, a person who scandalizes and screams. So, I want to tell you that this is absolutely not true. There are vampires who fight and scream in order to get backlash from other people. There are donors who just quarrel and scream in the same way, and in this situation, to understand only on the basis that a person quarrels and screams, it means that he is a vampire, perhaps, it is not worth it. Vampires really very often provoke other people to release negative emotions precisely by shouting and swearing. But there is the opposite situation, when the donor screams, swears, throws out a charge of his energy, and the vampire calmly takes it from open access. So it's impossible to say for sure.

    One woman in an article writes that the energy from donors flows only from the third (chakra) and fourth chakra and comes to the vampire. This, in fact, is some kind of stupidity, because if a woman is an energy donor and she gives energy to a vampire man, her energy will definitely flow mainly from the second and fourth chakras. But here it will depend on how the relationship is built. If a woman's relationship with a man is built within the framework of mother and son, that is, the donor woman is mother, and the vampire man is in the role of son, then, of course, her energy will flow from the fourth chakra. If the relationship is built on the principle of father-daughter, but I will immediately make a reservation that such relationships are mainly built when a man is a donor, and a woman is a vampire. But there are exceptions. In any case, in normal, harmonious relationships, when a woman does not perform the function of a mother, but performs the function of a woman and a wife, that is, a mistress of the house or just a beloved woman. In any case, it will give energy from the second chakra. To say that with energy vampirism, only the third and fourth chakras are involved in us, this, it seems to me, is fundamentally wrong. I think that in general, absolutely any chakra can be involved, probably, except for the highest ones. Because if a woman, for example, or a man screams during the release of energy, there may even be a fifth chakra involved.

    Many say that the energy vampire acts directly. That is, if he needs the energy of a donor, then he will absolutely openly provoke this donor to some negative bright emotions. In fact, this is the third myth. Vampires in search of energy will just do it on the sly. Most of my observations of vampires just came down to the fact that a vampire is always very competent. And even if this happens in family relationships, then most often you will notice such a situation that the vampire will imperceptibly provoke his donor to return energy.

    How do you know if you've been vampiric?

    The first thing to be said here is the regularity of the emotions experienced after dealing with the alleged vampire. Only in the case when the symptoms appear repeatedly, constantly, can we talk about vampirism on the part of another person.

    A sign can be physiological, psychological and psychoenergetic deviations. Let's break them down.

    • Physiological signs
      • Headache
      • Pressure and pain in the heart, palpitations
      • Insomnia
      • Difficulty breathing
      • Decreased appetite
      • General malaise
    • Psychological signs
      • Fatigue
      • Reduced performance
      • "Dullness" to the vital perception of the world around
    • Psychoenergetic signs
      • Loss of mood
      • Feelings of fear, guilt, debt to another person
      • Pessimism
      • Awareness of one's own insignificance

    All of these signs do not have to be present at the same time when interacting with a vampire. Moreover, we have analyzed far from everything, but only the main ones. Nevertheless this information can help identify the true vampire if you experience recurring symptoms from two or three categories at the same time (for example: headache+ fatigue + loss of mood).

    How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

    Figure 6. Sorry, but garlic and sunlight will not save us from those vampires that are described in this article. Let's see what defense methods work.

    Why should we talk about protection from energy vampirism? At a minimum, so that your life is filled with energy, which means joyful and pleasant. You need energy to live and enjoy, and if someone upsets the balance of your energy, then this is somehow not very good.

    To date, science has not yet been able to confirm the fact of vampirism, but this does not mean that the problem of protection against energy vampires is not relevant.

    Now we will look at some techniques and methods of protection against energy vampires, but you must understand the most important thing: a strong person is unlikely to fall under the influence of a vampire.

    Develop yourself physically, energetically, psychologically, be spiritual strong man- this is the most effective method protection from energy vampires.

    Protection methods

    Figure 7. Methods and techniques of protection against vampires

    • Method for constructing an energy shield.

      I think the name of the method has already become clear to you. You need to imagine around yourself a very dense shield of luminous matter that can protect you from the negative energy of another person. In addition, some imagine this shield as a reflective screen that returns to the ‘attacker’ all his negativity. The effectiveness of this method will depend on how strongly you can visualize a given shield.

    • Vampire Downplaying Method

      There are situations when the victim of an energy attack exaggerates the image of the vampire standing opposite. For example, he is afraid of him. This plays into the hands of the stealer of someone else's power, because this way he significantly increases the chances of stealing some of the energy from you. Tip: Downplay the vampire. Imagine him as a clown or a small person. (This technique can also be found in psychology)

    • Protective words

      If a person believes, for example, in mantras, then confidently repeating and understanding them can protect you. Breathing, correct rhythm, correct word order, visualization can play a role here.

    • Attack

      Best defense is attack. Whether this is so, everyone decides for himself. But such a method exists and it is quite effective. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most effective of the above.

    • Ignoring

      Suppose you are constantly complaining about your fate, but at the same time the person does not want to do anything in order to improve it. Treat such complaints coldly, ignore them. You may think that this is very harsh and wrong. However, this best defense for you and best help for the person who is complaining.

    • ritual protection

      Do you believe that energy cannot be taken away from us if you cross your fingers or arms? It won't bad method protection, if for you this action will be a ritual. Any sequence of actions that has a deep moral and energetic meaning for a person can help preserve vitality.

    • Protective Items

      In every religion there are items that are designed to protect a person. Such items include sacred figures in Buddhism, and talismans with amulets, and, of course, pectoral crosses, which are used in Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

    • Closing and leaving the vampire

      There is nothing stopping you from shutting down or leaving the vampire. Starting from physical actions (crossing arms, looking away, etc.) to spiritual closure and withdrawal (hiding information about yourself, silence, ignoring).

    • Egregor protection

      We will talk about egregores with you in another article. In the meantime, it should be said that a person’s appeal to the egregor of the religion he professes can help him in the fight against a vampire. The success of this method depends on the strength of love and belief in one's religion.

    • Chakra Protection
    • Protection during illness

      When a person is ill, not only the physical, but also the astral and etheric body. This means putting on energy strike It will be easier. Therefore, during an illness, try to save energy, meditate, and pray.

    Protection against theft of energy in Orthodoxy

    The Orthodox religion has only one method of protection against the theft of life force. This advice goes like this:

    Pray, think of nothing, and the darkness will dissipate!

    Perhaps this will be enough to achieve victory over the "enemy", but this will obviously not be enough to understand all the nuances and techniques of energy transitions. This emotional defense method is good for those who sincerely believe in their prayers.

    Manifestations on the subtle bodies of a person

    Where does it show up? Example
    physical plane Traditional vampire for humans: a person who goes out at night and feeds on human blood (classic vampire). This image can be found in literature and cinema. It may be hard to believe, but today it is also present in real life. For example, in America, according to some sources, about 10 million people (mostly sects) practice classic vampirism.
    Ethereal Plan Abduction of human vitality and energy.
    astral plane Shaking of human emotions, mood abduction.
    mental plane Theft of thoughts and creative ideas.
    On a spiritual level An attempt to take the soul of a person.


    You may think that this article is closely related to psychology. Let this not bother you, because each psychological quality carries a certain type of energy.

    And so, let's sum up the short conclusions. Energy vampirism is the theft of a person's life force (in most cases).

    There are: victim vampires (sick, weak people), executioner vampires (stealing power purposefully and enjoying it), mixed types of the two above (depending on the circumstances, such a person can be both a victim and an executioner)

    It is possible and necessary to protect yourself from energy vampires, you just need to develop yourself and not succumb negative influence other people.

    Video 2. Of course, psychology is not esoteric, but I still advise you to watch this lecture about energy vampires.

    The article is based on ideas from the following books:

    • Klyuchnikov S.Yu. - Psychoenergetic protection. Directory
    • Popov R.I. - Energetic self-defense - the path of self-knowledge (parts 1, 2)

    The body of a person "dried" by a vampire (c.f. "Life Energy").

    Energy vampires

    An energy vampire is one who absorbs energy from other people. Because the ability to see energy ordinary people do not possess, then upon contact with a vampire, they usually complain of a breakdown or severe irritation. To "download" energy, the vampire brings the victim into a state of discontent. The main thing is that the victim had a desire to do something, but did not have the opportunity to fulfill his desire. For example, you are sitting in the subway, and a bum stops next to you, which you immediately guess from the "unearthly" aroma. On the one hand, you can get up and leave the odor zone, on the other hand, you want to go further.
    Or another situation. You live with old people. Nothing is happening in their lives anymore, to receive information flows in volumes that they are used to in more early years they can no longer. And then they start pumping energy out of you. The only way to break the channel is to leave home, and this is often not available to you.
    They "suck" energy with a lack of information, because energy is inseparable from information and it is more correct to speak of energy-informational vampirism.
    Energy vampires prefer to suck energy out of people, since this energy has already been processed by a person once. You probably also prefer to eat a cow tenderloin than chew on a haystack.

    The process of draining the life force (c.f. "Life Energy").

    Energy vampires are divided into active and passive.

    • active - those who have realized that they receive energy and therefore create situations for optimal energy draining;
    • passive - which take energy unconsciously and with a lack of it themselves look like victims of a vampire - dissatisfied and annoyed.

    Energy vampires can take energy not only from people and animals, but also from trees, from the air, from almost any place where there is energy. Active vampires are always on the lookout for new methods, new sources of energy. On the internet, energy vampires hang out on forums. Forum as a place where there is a clash of interests - ideal for the manifestation of the conflict. Only under the condition of strict moderation of messages, the vampire loses the opportunity to provoke a conflict.
    Subconsciously, energy vampires do not like long loneliness and try to provoke a scandalous situation, involving as many participants as possible. Choosing a victim, the vampire puts her in conditions when she becomes dependent on him and can get away from this dependence only by changing her life priorities.

    Experienced energy vampires "remove" energy from a person without using emotional background. A person abruptly loses his life orientation and life seems hopeless. Good thing these are very rare.

    To drain energy, a vampire does not need to be nearby at all. It is enough to have a communication channel. Sometimes SMS communication is enough, sometimes a phone call, sometimes live communication.
    It all depends on the experience of the vampire and his priorities in life.

    Methods of influence:

    • The impact of criticism from the energy vampire
    • Various types of abuse.
    • A game of feelings. For example, pity for someone.
    • Guilt - "White Americans are guilty before blacks for years of oppression." Separate cause and effect, you are not to blame for what you did not personally do.
    • Debt - promised, but not fulfilled, which means you are obliged to give and give energy, the entire period until you return the debt.
    • sexual desires- you want - you give.

    Protection methods:

    Remember the main thing - in many cases, you give energy yourself, according to own will. Because you are experiencing emotions. Emotions of guilt, pity, anger, sexual desires...
    To protect yourself the best option- stop experiencing emotions.

    Positive and negative energy.

    It is worth noting that the energy has a hue after being modulated by its carrier. For example, when many people get together (cinema, rally), it turns out that they begin to think under the control of an external modulator. In the case of a movie, this is the movie line with given emotional outbursts. This situation resembles a horn when the energy moves in a powerful stream modulated in a narrow place. An experienced speaker, managing images, forms the general mood of the crowd. And then the crowd begins to organize itself into a formidable force.

    Positive Energy:

    The energy of admiration, sexual energy, during joint exercises.

    negative energy:

    Disgust, duty ("Afonya owes me a ruble"), hatred...

    Energy vampires are not human.

    However, vampirism is inherent not only to living people. Modern researchers consider the poltergeist to be an energy vampire. As a rule, a poltergeist occurs next to a teenager who has an overabundance sexual energy, or with a sick person, tied to a lying position - a patient with paralysis, for example. In the event of the patient's death, the poltergeist disappears.
    This kind of energy vampire is rigidly tied to a donor to a person. And it arises due to a surge of oppressed emotions. It is no coincidence that the poltergeist follows his donor, feeding on the energy of his fear.

    In the "Life" of Bishop Hilarion, it is told about the expulsion of demons who settled in 1666 in the almshouse at the church of Kibra and John on Kulishki. (By demons, modern researchers mean the poltergeist.)


    - a figurative concept, but at the same time - a real-life place, a Moscow almshouse, which went down in history and proverb thanks to an unprecedentedly powerful manifestation of a poltergeist that happened there. In the autumn and winter of 1666 (the symbolic “sign” in the year number draws attention) in the beggar-feeder at the Church of Kivr and John on Kulizhki behind the Varvarsky Gates near the Ivanovsky Monastery in the White City of Moscow, in the room where the old women, orphans and foundlings lived, appeared strange invisible ghost. "A demon, released there by a sorcerer, moved in. This demon did various dirty tricks to the old women, did not give them rest day or night, threw them out of beds and benches, shouted various nonsense to them; on the stove, on the shelves and in the corners he knocked and rattled" , threw stones, while remaining invisible. The rumors about the "devil" that reached Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich worried him, and he "ordered the priests to act with prayers against the evil spirit; but they did not manage to do anything and only teased him, so that he began to denounce them in a variety of iniquities." Only after that, the Monk ILLARION (1632-1708) from the Florishcheva Hermitage was called to help, who "by his prayers could drive away unclean spirits ... For five weeks with two monks he labored there in prayers." Spiritual uninterrupted struggle with the "devil", despite desperate resistance, ended with the complete expulsion of the "demon" (in all descriptions, a poltergeist similar to modern cases). To consolidate the victory, Illarion remained in the beggar for another 10 weeks, after which he retired back to the desert, where he later became the Metropolitan of Suzdal and Yuryevsky and where he died 12 years later. The fact that the expression "in the middle of nowhere" that appeared later is connected precisely with the church on Kulishki was learned in 1856 by the professor of Moscow University, ethnographer and folklorist Ivan Mikhailovich SNEGIREV, after studying the "Life" of Bishop Hilarion, the builder of the Florishcheva Hermitage. Now the indicated place is, by today's standards, practically in the center of the capital, not far from the Kitay-Gorod metro station, but due to the fact that it used to be the outskirts of Moscow, the saying "At the middle of nowhere" means "a distant place."

    (Maxim Golubev "Encyclopedia of miracles, mysteries and secrets")


    1. As you noticed, there are few illustrations on the topic of energy vampires in the lecture. I propose to correct this deficiency and find at least three illustrations (search on the Internet) - 10 points.
    2. Consider a simple situation: You are an energy vampire and you need energy from your friend. Describe how you will receive it - 10 points.
    3. Give a documented case of poltergeist - 10 points.

    Abstract topic:

    Poltergeist classification.
