Modeling as a method for the development of children's speech briefly. The use of visual modeling as a means of developing coherent speech in children

Veremeenko Natalya Viktorovna

MDOAU d / s No. 29 (building 2)



Modeling of coherent speech in preschoolers.

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly”

K.D. Ushinsky

Every child must learn to kindergarten meaningfully, grammatically correct, coherently and consistently express their thoughts.

The development of speech and speech communication of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out in all types of activities, both in the classroom and in everyday life.

The transition of the preschool educational institution to the Federal State Educational Standard allows you to diversify educational activities. When teaching coherent speech to children, it is quite reasonable to use TRIZ methods and other creative methods, the effectiveness of which is obvious, along with the generally accepted ones.

One of the most important means of language development is visual modeling.

Visual modeling is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it. IN preschool age visual material easier to digest than verbal.

Such authors as Elkonin D.B., Wenger L.A. consider it expedient to use visual modeling, since it is accessible to children and develops mental abilities, enriches the vocabulary, children learn to compare, generalize.

Modeling as a means of forming a variety of knowledge and skills has a positive impact on intellectual development children. At the heart of the modeling method used when working with younger preschoolers, the principle of substitution lies: the child replaces the real object with another object, its image, some conventional sign.

The modeling method is effective for the reason that it allows you to keep cognitive interest preschoolers throughout the course. It is the cognitive interest of children that contributes to active mental activity, long-term and stable concentration of attention. With the help of schemes and models, children learn to overcome various difficulties experienced in this process. positive emotions- surprise, the joy of success - give them confidence in their abilities.

When implementing this method V educational process, children more successfully master knowledge about the features of nature, about the world around them, more effectively memorize the structure of the story, reproduce information. Games aimed at teaching children storytelling develop their ability to describe an object according to its main features, actions; talk about an animal, a toy; compose a plot from a picture, unfold it in accordance with the plan. The didactic task is clothed in game situations in which incentive motives for a coherent presentation of thoughts clearly appear.

I started preparing for modeling in the first junior group. She made plot "fasteners", which allowed not only to develop fine motor skills, but also taught to compose short stories. Such as: “Like a bunny went to visit a nesting doll”, “Strawberry keep up”, etc. In the classes on studying the shape of figures and color, I used pictures of animals, fruits, objects.

For example: compare the size of the animals (who is the largest, who is the smallest), select the appropriate figure size.

Put red vegetables on the red square.

Put on the circle all similar objects, etc.

IN environmental education children used different subject models. Clockwork and interactive toys, depicting animals ( barking dogs, meowing cats, pecking hens and chickens, etc.).

When planning educational activities in the 2nd junior group, we tried to choose the optimal form of activity that can ensure the effectiveness of work, the main objective which - development intellectual abilities children, their mental development.

The work with the use of models to familiarize children with fiction was carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, visual models are introduced only in the process of retelling Russian by children. folk tales. The goal at this stage of work is to teach, with the help of substitutes, to highlight the most important events, the sequence of presentation.

The second stage is already creative and is aimed at teaching how to compose stories, fairy tales, stories by the children themselves, using visual models and diagrams.

Work on teaching the retelling of Russian folk tales began with three years. They played fairy tales with the deputies: “Gingerbread Man”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Wolf and Kids”, “Hare, Fox and Rooster”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Three Bears”. To identify the structure of a fairy tale, to form the ability to highlight the most significant moments, various visual models are used.

The simplest type of visual models is the serial series model. It looks like gradually increasing stripes or circles of different sizes. When playing the fairy tale "Turnip", you need a yellow circle (turnip) and six strips of different lengths for the characters. Together with the children we discuss which of the heroes of the work should be replaced by one or another strip. The introduction of a visual model allows children to understand the logic of a fairy tale.

To consolidate the skills of working with a series of series, I used it in other classes (for example, d / and "My Family")

After the children have mastered the serial series, I use motor modeling. This type of modeling is characterized by the following feature: when telling a fairy tale, children perform all the necessary actions (leave, come, and so on). Previously, circles of the same size are prepared for fairy tales, but different colors, each representing a specific character. The fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" needs circles: white (hare), orange (fox), gray (dog), brown (bear), red (rooster).

Another type of modeling is graphical, it uses diagrams and symbols. I use this kind of modeling when working with the calendar of nature. Schemes of the picture help children understand the changes in seasons, monitor changes in the weather.

When describing objects in the classroom, children have difficulties in the following:

Independent determination of the main properties and features of the subject;

Establishing the sequence of presentation of the identified signs;

Retention in memory of this sequence, which is the plan of the story-description;

In order to avoid these difficulties, we began to make model-schemes for compiling descriptive stories about toys, vegetables, birds, animals, dishes, clothes, seasons, transport, etc.

Description of the toy

3. Value.

4. Material.

5. Parts of the toy.

6. Actions with a toy.

Description of dishes

3. Value.

4. Material.

5. Parts of dishes.

6. Actions with dishes.

Description of fruits and vegetables

3. Value.

5. Place of growth.

6. How it is eaten.

In order to work according to these schemes, we are carrying out preparatory work. We observe natural objects, consider illustrations, paintings.

The educational process in kindergarten involves the integration of classes, so I integrate the design lesson with mathematics and manual labor. Of the studied geometric shapes we make applications building material we construct furniture for dolls, houses, transport, castles.

But nevertheless, story games become the leaders in kindergarten, which are a kind of prerequisite for changing and one might even say “growing up” of the psyche of children. Story games in kindergarten basically contain situation modeling, which involves the reproduction of the interactions and relationships of children. The source that feeds the story games is the experience of children, all the knowledge previously obtained about the world around them. Preschool age is characterized by an increased interest of children in the behavior of adults, they evaluate their behavior, draw some conclusions for themselves, take an example from adults and repeat after them.

dynamic observations, comparative analysis the state of coherent speech when mastering the ability to work with substitutes in children of the second younger group showed good results.

At the beginning of the year, monitoring studies showed an average level of language processing of speech (using substitutes) only in 57% of children, 43% of children knew how to work with substitutes at a low level, these were mostly children who had just arrived in the group, children with a high level of development of coherent speech did not was at all.

Currently, 10% of children have high level, 67% of the average level and 23% of kids are still poorly able to build their speech, even with the use of prompts - substitutes.

Thus, the use of the method of visual modeling makes it possible to more purposefully develop the impressive speech of children, enrich their active vocabulary, consolidate word-formation skills, form and improve the ability to use various sentence structures in speech, describe objects, compose stories, increase the child’s observation, makes it possible to notice the features of the environment. peace.

By actively applying the modeling method in all areas of preschool education, and especially in mental education, tangible results can be obtained.

Consultation for teachers

"Visual modeling in the development of speech of preschoolers"

Menshchikova Tatyana Panteleevna,

educator MKDOU No. 483,

Novosibirsk city

One of the main tasks preschool is teaching children connected speech, that is, the ability to clearly, consistently express their thoughts. Developed speech performs the most important social functions: helps the child to establish connections with other people, defines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, this is decisive condition for the development of his personality. Main tasks on the development of speech are the following: expansion and refinement of the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality; development of observation of children on the basis of systematic exercises; language acquisition, grammatical structure, the communicative function of communication.

IN preschool pedagogy modeling used when introducing children to nature, in the process of developing speech, mastering elementary mathematical representations, the development of children's musicality. Modeling– study of any phenomena, processes by building and studying models. Modeling has models as its object. Model- this is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of a process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute. The modeling method is also effective because it allows the teacher to keep the cognitive interest of preschoolers throughout the lesson.

In didactics, there are 3 kinds of models:

  1. An object model in the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected (a planar model of a figure that reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions, ratios of parts in space).
  2. Subject-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of objects - substitutes and graphic signs.
  3. Graphic models (graphs, formulas, diagrams).

In order for the model, as a visual and practical means of cognition, to fulfill its function, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

- Clearly display the main properties and relationships that are the object of knowledge;

- Be easy to understand and accessible to create actions with it;

- Brightly and clearly convey with its help those properties and relationships that must be mastered.

The effect of the impact of training is directly dependent on its content and means. It is determined by the fact that the simulation is based on the principle of substitution. A real object can be replaced in the activity of children by another object, image, sign.

IN younger age children need to be taught to remember actors and the sequence of action, to retell, therefore, with the help of such schemes, the children retold the fairy tales “Gingerbread Man”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” and so on. The games I selected in the description of the subject (“What a toy”, “Recognize me”, “Fold a pattern”) developed the ability to see in kids in various subjects their possible substitutes and use them when retelling and compiling stories of a descriptive and narrative type.

In the middle group preschoolers learned to compose descriptive and narrative stories, retell not only familiar stories (fairy tales), but also newly heard ones, based on the model, developed the ability to recognize fairy tale episodes played out with the help of models (substitutes). For example, in the lesson "Journey to the Enchanted Forest", the children had to complete the task of Baba Yaga and disenchant fairy tales encrypted with the help of models. In the classes “How transport helps us”, “Every day with bread”, “Oh fire safety» Pupils independently chose models for their stories and thus learned to compose a story from personal experience.

At an older age tasks for the development of coherent speech become more complicated, in connection with this, the models become more complicated. They become more abstract, while their functions are discussed with children in advance. On the basis of models, children not only convey the text, but also the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters. At this age, it is necessary to develop creative speech, so I selected games and tasks for the development of imagination, which helped preschoolers avoid ready-made speech patterns, which contributed to the development of the ability to compose fairy tales and stories based on a model, filling it with any content.

The development of children's creative activity is directly related to the family situation, therefore cooperation with family is important integral part work with children. this work carried out by me in two directions: educating parents about the method of modeling and involving them in participation in the pedagogical process.

Bottom line systematic work on teaching children storytelling through simulation is that children by the end preparatory group composed detailed stories, retold literary works, composed their own, mastered the construction of grammatical structures well, understood the meaning of verbs, categories of nouns and adjectives.

Methods for transmitting voice information

According to the method of transmitting information or the method of presentation, the following types statements: description, narration, reasoning.

Description- this is a special text that begins with a general thesis that defines and names the subject or object; then comes the enumeration of signs, properties, qualities, actions; completes the description final phrase, giving an assessment of the subject or relations to it. The description is distinguished by static, soft structure, which allows varying, rearranging its components. Preschoolers are taught to describe toys, object or plot pictures, their own drawings or designs, natural phenomena, people and animals. Teaching the construction of descriptive texts will help form a child's elementary representations about the structure and functions of descriptive text.

Narration is the development of a story that unfolds over time. The main purpose of the narrative is to convey the development of the action or the state of the subject, which includes successive events. The structure of the narrative is more rigid than in the description, since the rearrangement of its elements can disrupt the sequence of events. Therefore, the narrative scheme is the beginning, middle, end (outset, climax, denouement). An important role in the construction of the narrative is given to the education of children. different ways organization of beginnings (the words once, once, the place and time of the event can be indicated). Preschoolers can compose different types of narrative texts: realistic stories, fairy tales, stories on the picture. Work on the formation of ideas about the structure of a narrative text develops in children the ability to analyze the structure of a literary text and transfer the acquired skills to verbal creativity. In children, the main violations of the narrative presentation are observed:

- skipping sentences or even parts of the text;

- permutation of sentences and parts of the text;

- displacement of sequence rows (when the child starts a story about one, then about another and again returns to the previous one);

- introduction into the structure of the text of a description of events not related to it.

reasoning- this is a text that includes cause-and-effect structures, questions, assessment. It contains the thesis, the proof of the put forward position and the conclusion that follows from it. The structure of the reasoning, as well as the description, is not rigid: the proofs of the thesis put forward can be given in a different sequence. In reasoning, not one, but several provisions can be proved, and several conclusions or one generalized one can be drawn.

Training in the preparation of texts of various types is carried out in such forms of work as conversation, analysis of one's own and someone else's text, drawing up a plan and telling a story about it, using a text scheme and different kind exercises.

Actions with models must be done in the following order:

- substitution (at first, the models are offered ready-made, and then the children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);

– use of ready-made models (starting from middle group);

- building models: according to the conditions, according to one's own plan, according to the real situation (from the senior group).

The work of the teacher is aimed at mastering the following children types of model representations:

- specific (displaying the structure of this object);

— generalized (generalizing the structure of a class of objects);

- conditionally symbolic (transmitting non-visual relationships).

Modeling techniques

Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with objects, schematic images, signs. The use of modeling in working with preschoolers involves compliance with certain requirements:

- The model is introduced into the everyday life of preschoolers, provided that ideas about the properties and features of the object are formed;

– The model should be an analogue of an object or phenomenon, all the features and qualities of which are modeled with the direct participation of the child;

– The model should be available to children in everyday life;

– The model should be concise and characterize only the main qualities of an object or phenomenon;

- Only one type of model can be used at a time.

The use of models successfully helps children to enrich the experience of learning about the world around them, encourages the desire to learn more about it. The modeling method can be successfully applied in all types of children's activities, for example, in work on environmental education:

  1. Introduction to plants.

Considering plants with children, we pay attention to what parts the plant consists of (stem, leaves, flower). Only then we introduce models. We use these models when getting acquainted with new plants, as well as when learning how to care for plants. For example, to consolidate knowledge about indoor plants, you can make reference cards with drawings-models of plant leaves, according to which children learn to find the corresponding plant. For example, offer to find a plant whose leaves are the same as on the card. The child finds it and explains his choice or vice versa.

  1. Introduction to animals.

The modeling method can be used to classify animals according to the characteristics characteristic of a certain class of animals. Considering birds with children during walks, we note that they have a beak, two paws, plumage. And then we consolidate knowledge on models. Considering fish (scales, fins, torso), models can be used near the object of observation. For example, when observing fish in an aquarium, offer children a graphic model that helps them generalize the concept of "fish". Children freely answer questions of a exploratory nature: “Where do fish live? How do they move and why? What is the body of the fish covered with? Why does she need scales? How does a fish breathe? Can fish be taken out of the water? Why? Why do fish need fins? Thus, the model requires the ability of children to analyze, abstract, and think. Work is also being done to introduce children to animals. Models should be available for the activities of each child, so they must be displayed in a corner of nature.

  1. Acquaintance with natural phenomena.

While walking with children, we observe the state of the weather, note what has changed in nature, get acquainted with the characteristic features of the seasons. We mark our observations in the calendar of nature using models: a model of clear weather, it is snowing, it is cloudy. Visual models with a conditional schematic representation of natural phenomena, signs of the season help to form a child's generalized idea of ​​the main seasonal changes in nature. Models are used during joint conversations, observations, classes with children, and then they are placed on a panel in a corner of nature, where children examine them on their own. Models of autumn changes in nature.

The sky is overcast, covered with clouds.

- It often rains.

The leaves on the trees turn yellow and gradually fall off.

Trees shed their leaves completely at the end of autumn.

— Insects hide under the bark of trees.

— Insectivorous birds fly south.

- Animals are preparing for winter: they molt, some animals change their coat color.

- Some animals make stocks for the winter, a person also makes stocks.

Using models to talk about the seasons

For younger and middle-aged children it is necessary to give color schemes, and for older children it is desirable to draw schemes in one color. You can draw up schemes for the blocks "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn".

These schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, helping children build:

- The structure of the story.

- The sequence of the story.

- Lexico-grammatical content of the story.

Model schemes apply while memorizing poems about nature. The use of modeling facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of texts, forms techniques for working with memory. In this type of activity, not only auditory, but also visual analyzers are included. Children easily recall the picture, and then recall the words.

With the help of model diagrams, children can solve riddles, based on the reference scheme, as well as compose riddles on their own.

Based on the model schemes, you can create a variety of didactic games.

To fix the structure of plants, you can play the game "What first, what next?".

To consolidate knowledge about animals and their characteristic features you can play the games “Who lives where”, “Who eats what?”, “What does it look like”, “Find by contour”, “Who is wearing what”, “Seasons”, “Who lives where?”, "Whose baby?"

The use of simulation generates the ability to analyze, think, develop the speech of preschoolers.

Thus, the sooner we teach children to tell and retell using the modeling method, the better we will prepare them for school, since coherent speech is an important indicator mental capacity child and his readiness for schooling.

Pavlova Lyubov Alexandrovna ,
MADOU child development center-

Kindergarten No. 105 of the city of Tyumen

The study of the influence of education on the mental development of the child takes important place in child psychology and preschool pedagogy. The effect of the impact of training is directly dependent on its content and means. Numerous studies of domestic teachers and psychologists (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov) show that the use of modeling as a means of forming a variety of knowledge and skills has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children, which is relatively easy and fast with the help of spatial and graphic models orienting activity is being improved, promising intellectual and practical actions are being formed.

"MODELING" - the study of any phenomena, processes by building and studying models. Modeling has models as its object.

"MODEL" is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of a process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute.

In preschool pedagogy, modeling is used to familiarize children with nature, in the process of speech development, the assimilation of elementary mathematical concepts, and the development of children's musicality. The peculiarity and significance of modeling lies in the fact that it makes visible the properties, connections, relations of objects hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding facts, phenomena in the formation of knowledge that is attached to concepts in content. The availability of the modeling method for preschoolers has been proven by psychologists (D.B. Elkonin, L.A. Wenger). It is determined by the fact that the simulation is based on the principle of substitution. A real object can be replaced in the activity of children by another object, image, sign.

In didactics, there are 3 types of models:

1. An object model in the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected (a planar model of a figure that reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions, ratios of parts in space).

2. Object-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of objects - substitutes and graphic signs.

3. Graphic models (graphs, formulas, diagrams).

In order for the model, as a visual and practical means of cognition, to fulfill its function, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

Clearly display the main properties and relationships that are the object of knowledge;

Be easy to understand and accessible to create actions with it;

Brightly and distinctly convey with its help those properties and relationships that must be mastered;

Facilitate knowledge (M.I. Kondakov, V.P. Mizintsev).

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, a number of regularities in the formation of modeling in preschoolers have been identified:

Modeling is carried out on material familiar to children, based on knowledge gained in the classroom or in everyday life;

It is advisable to start with the modeling of individual specific situations, and later - with the construction of models that have a generalized character;

You should start with iconic models, i.e. retaining a certain similarity with the object being modeled, constantly moving to conventionally symbolic images of relationships;

You should start with modeling spatial relationships, and then move on to modeling temporal, logical, etc.;

Learning to model is easier if you start with the application of ready-made models, and then build them;

The process of learning to model ends with the internalization of actions, i.e. transfer of planning into an internal plan;

The above facts directed my attention to the development and application of subject models in education, which,

Undoubtedly, it serves as a means of ordering, systematizing the child's experience. Self-construction of models indicates the degree of formation of internal, ideal forms modeling, which is the core of mental abilities. The assimilation of logical forms of thinking is necessary in the future, in the course of schooling.

One of the main tasks of a preschool institution is to teach children coherent speech, i.e. ability to express ideas clearly and coherently. The main objectives of classes for the development of speech are the following: expanding and clarifying the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality; development of observation of children on the basis of systematic exercises; mastering the language, its grammatical structure, the communicative function of communication.

The main principles of organizing classes with preschool children, along with general didactic ones, are the objectivity and visibility of teaching, which develops the direction of learning. Objectivity is understood as the organization of learning in such a way that the subject being studied is, if possible, perceived by all senses: hearing, sight, touch, smell, tactile sensations. Objectivity implies a consistent replacement of a living, natural object with a subject-schematic model. One of the factors facilitating the process of becoming a coherent speech, according to L.V. Elkonin, is visibility . The visibility of learning involves the use in the classroom, in addition to natural objects, various options visual means: pictures, drawings, tables, schemes, teaching aids.

The developmental orientation of education involves the use of methods and techniques that involve the development of higher mental functions child: perception, memory, attention, thinking, etc. Examination of objects, pictures helps children name objects, their characteristic features, actions performed with them. The second auxiliary factor is the creation utterance plan . The significance of this fact was pointed out famous psychologist L.S.Vygodsky. He noted the importance of sequential placement in the preliminary program, the scheme of all the specific elements of the statement, and also that each link of the statement should be replaced in time by the next.

But children have difficulty in the following:

Independent determination of the main properties and features of the subject;

Establishing the sequence of presentation of the identified signs;

Retention in memory of this sequence, which is the plan of the story-description;

In order to avoid these difficulties, I used model-schemes to compose descriptive stories about toys, vegetables, birds, animals, dishes, clothes, seasons, transport, etc.

I will dwell in more detail on the principles of compiling and using model schemes. A sheet of cardboard measuring 45x30 cm is divided into 6 squares (according to the number of characteristic features of the object or objects that need to be told).

1.Color. The first square contains red, yellow, blue and green color spots. It is important that they do not have a clear form recognizable by children, then attention is better concentrated on color and there is no shift in the concepts of color-form.

2. Form. The second square depicts geometric shapes. They are not painted so that the attention of children is concentrated on their shape. If the shape of the described toy is complex (doll, moon rover), this item is omitted, and the corresponding part of the diagram is covered with a sheet of white paper.

3.Value. 2 toys of contrasting size are drawn in the square. Children are reminded that, in addition to the concept of "big - small", it is necessary to use the concepts of "high - low", "long-short", "wide-narrow", "thick-thin".

4. Material. On this part of the sheet, 3 rectangles of the same size made of metal foil, plastic, wood-like film are pasted. They represent the material accordingly.

5. Parts of the toy. Several rings of the pyramid are drawn separately. If the toy is solid, not divided into parts, then this item is omitted.

6. Actions with a toy. The hand is depicted with spread fingers. Since manipulations with toys can be very diverse, it is important to use antonyms and other methods of expanding the children's verbal vocabulary when explaining this point to children.

2. Material.

3. Pieces of clothing.

4. Seasonality of clothes.

5. For whom the clothes are intended.

6. Actions with clothes.

3. Value.

4. Material.

5. Parts of dishes.

6. Actions with dishes.

3. Value.

5. Place of growth.

6. How it is eaten. In preliminary work with children, it is specified which vegetables and fruits are eaten raw, which ones are boiled, fried, canned, fermented, pickled, etc.

The compilation of the story according to this scheme was preceded by preparatory work, which was carried out by me on walks and in my free time. These are systematic observations of the state of nature and weather, of their change. As experience shows, words denoting abstract concepts associated with natural phenomena, for example, cloudy sky, drizzling rain, withering grass, etc., must be repeated many times so that they enter the child's vocabulary.

1. Sun.

4. Trees.

5. People (seasonal clothes).

6. Beasts ( seasonal changes in the life of wild animals).

7. Birds (seasonal changes in the life of birds, classification).

8. Activities for children (games, work).

Analyzing the results of my work, I can say that the use of schemes in compiling descriptive stories greatly facilitates the mastery of this type of coherent speech. In addition, the presence of a visual plan makes such stories clear, coherent, complete, consistent. Model schemes were used not only for compiling descriptive stories, but also for teaching children to retell the story, which belongs to special role in the formation of coherent speech. When retelling, the structure of speech is improved, its expressiveness, pronunciation, the ability to build a sentence and the text as a whole deepens.

Schemes for retelling fairy tales “Like a dog was looking for a friend” by S. Fetisov, “Tops and roots” by K.D. Ushinsky.

I noticed that many children find it difficult to memorize poems. This process is greatly simplified if the children themselves come up with and draw schemes for verses. So, for example, my children learned complex verses: I. Bunin “Cold rain is pouring ...”,

"Forest, like a painted tower ..."

I want to note that these and similar schemes can be used not only for compiling descriptive stories, but also for comparative stories, inventing riddles and puzzles about objects, as well as in such an important and complex section of work as teaching children to ask questions on their own.

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Natalia Solovieva
Modeling as a means of developing communication colloquial speech preschoolers


mastery of the native language, speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool upbringing as common ground upbringing and education of children.

Unfortunately, parents in our time, due to difficult social conditions, due to busyness or incompetence of the process speech development let your child run wild.

Children preschool age are characterized by an insufficiently formed skill of building coherent speech. According to my observations in children, the following can be noted flaws:

messengers statements are short;

Differ in inconsistency, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;

Comprises separate fragments, logically not interconnected;

The level of information content is very low.

In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they have experienced, but are reluctant to take up the compilation of stories on a given topic. Basically, this is not because the child's knowledge of this issue insufficient, but because he cannot formalize them in messengers speech statements.


To solve these problems, I studied the relevant literature. Timely and correct mastery of speech by a child is essential condition full-fledged mental development. without good developed speech , the ability to think logically, there is no real communication, no real success in learning.

L. S. Vygotsky wrote: “There are all actual theoretical grounds for asserting that not only intellectual child development, but also the formation of character, emotions and personality as a whole is in directly related to speech».

5 slide. One of the effective funds solution to this problem is the application in educational activities for development of speech modeling method. At the heart of the method modeling, developed by L. A. Wenger, D. B. Elkonin, N. A. Vetlugina, lies the principle substitution: the child replaces the real object with another object, its image, some conventional sign. Method modeling effective also because it allows the teacher to maintain cognitive interest preschoolers throughout the educational process. It is the cognitive interest of children that contributes to active mental activity, long-term and sustainable attention span. I settled on the author Vetlugina, where she claims that with the help of diagrams and models preschoolers learn to overcome various difficulties, while experiencing positive emotions - surprise, the joy of success - give them confidence in their abilities.

During the use of visual modeling children get acquainted with the graphic way of presenting information - model. As conditional substitutes (elements models) symbols of various character: - subject pictures - silhouette images - geometric shapes - plans and conventions- contrasting frame - a technique of fragmentary storytelling

7 slide. Tasks:

IN connections with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, I must create conditions for all types of children's activities

1. Create conditions for expanding ideas about the world around us, the phenomena of reality.

2. Create conditions for activating the vocabulary of children and improving the dialogic and monologue speeches.

3. Encourage the ability to observe, to see parts and signs in the observed objects.

4. Contribute development visual-figurative and form verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify one's judgment.

Practical significance:

An analysis of diagnostic data shows that a significant part of children find it difficult to select facts for their stories, to arrange them in a logical sequence, to structure statements, and to form them logically.

In order to build a system, I developed advanced planning on organized educational activities. Application.

To solve these problems, I used the visual method modeling in the process of forming connected speech of preschoolers.

Forward planning.

8 slide. Models, mnemonic tables - schemes serve as didactic material in the work on development of coherent speech of children. Visual reception modeling I used both in working with children in a joint organized activities(this is a retelling of fiction, memorizing poetry and learning to compose stories, and in independent activity children in the evening and morning hours, organization developing environment for the development of coherent conversational speech(di).

9, 10 slide. "All professions are needed, all professions are important". The children were asked, if they wished, to choose a picture with the image of the profession and tell about it according to plan: 11 slide name of the profession, place of work, what does a person of this profession do, what is the benefit, what does he need for work and who would you like to become when you grow up. I will give a few examples. (Arbay, Logasheva).

12 slide. "Seasons". Make a story according to the plan-mnemotable about autumn (can be used in a corner of nature).

1. A story about the sun in autumn.

2. What is the sky like in autumn?

3. What does the earth look like in autumn?

4. What happens to trees in autumn?

5. What clothes do children wear in autumn?

6. Changes in the life of animals in autumn.

7. Changes in the life of birds.

8. Activities for children.

I also used this table when compiling descriptive stories about other seasons.

13, 14 slide. Learning poems.

"Autumn, autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming to us

What does autumn bring us?

colored leaves,

forest berries,

Vegetables for dinner

Lots of clouds in the sky.

15 slide. Elements models descriptive story become substitute symbols quality characteristics object:

Belonging to the generic concept

value; color shape

Component parts;

surface quality;

The material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);

How is it used (what benefits does it bring?

What do you like (dislike?)

16 slide. Pets. 17.18, 19.

20 slide. Significant difficulties arise in children when compiling stories based on a plot picture.

A story based on a plot picture requires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture,

trace them relationship and interaction,

Mark the features of the compositional background of the picture

Think of the reasons for the occurrence of this situation, that is, make up the beginning of the story, and its consequences - that is, the end of the story.

21 slide. Series of paintings "Hedgehog and rain".

22 slide. Series of paintings "Family".

23 slide. Reading fiction. The children made up stories about fairy tale hero By plan:

1. growth (high, low, big, small)

2. completeness (thin, fat)

3. hairstyle and hair color (long, short, cropped, braided, dark, red, blond)

4. eyes (large, small, gray, green, brown)

5. nose (sharp, long, short, thick, round, small)

6. lips (narrow, plump, red, pink)

24 slide. Mnemotables of fairy tales.

25 slide. Didactic material is interesting and accessible to children. Pupils study independently, with other peers, together with the teacher, while learning to listen and speak.

At an older age, tasks for the development of coherent speech becomes more difficult, V connections this makes it more difficult models. They become more abstract, while their functions are discussed with children in advance. Based models children not only convey the text, but also the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters.

Development creative activity of children directly related with the family situation, therefore, cooperation with the family is an important part of working with children. This work is to educate parents about the method modeling.

To this end, on parent meeting I covered the topic Modeling as a means of developing coherent speech of children”.

26 slide. results:

The effectiveness of the work carried out is confirmed by the following results:

1. Children have become more active in verbal communication, answer questions, ask questions themselves.

2. Learned to show creative activity, independence.

3. We learned how to examine objects, highlight their main features.

4. Learned how to compose descriptive stories about toys, objects, seasons.

5. Children have improved memory, attention has become more stable.

The result of systematic work on teaching children storytelling with the help of simulation is something that children by the end of the preparatory group are extended stories, retold literary works, compose their own, mastered the construction of grammatical structures well, understood the meaning of verbs, categories of nouns and adjectives.

Thus, the sooner we teach children to tell and retell using the method modeling the better we prepare them for school, because connected speech is an important indicator of a child's mental abilities and readiness for schooling. 27 slide.

Natalya Shalashova
The use of visual modeling as a means of developing coherent speech in children

Problem development of coherent speech well known to a wide range teaching staff. It has long been established that significant differences in the level of children's speech. One of the main tasks development of coherent speech the child is to improve the monologue speeches. This task is solved through various types of speech activities: paraphrase literary works, compiling descriptive stories about objects, objects, natural phenomena, creating different types creative stories, memorizing poems, as well as compiling stories based on the picture.

Preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative facilities: sensory standards, various symbols, signs, visual models

How to form a child's speech, fill it with a large palette of words, beautiful phrases, harmonious phrases? Helping Your Child Feel the Rhythm speeches, the melody of words, experience the content of what was heard speeches? How to contribute development emotional and sensory sphere of the child, to help him learn communicative speeches?

We found all the answers to these questions using technology visual modeling

Relevance use of visual modeling in working with preschoolers is What:

1. Firstly, a preschooler is very plastic and easy to train, but for children with general underdevelopment speeches characteristic fast fatiguability and loss of interest in the activity. Using Visual Modeling arouses interest and helps to solve this problem;

2. Second, usage symbolic analogy facilitates and accelerates the process of memorization and assimilation of material, forms techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: “when you learn, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”;

3. Third, using the graphical analogy, we teach children to see the main thing to systematize the acquired knowledge.

What is visual modeling?

Visual modeling is a reproduction of the essential properties of the studied facilities, creating his deputy and working with him. Method visual modeling helps the child visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentences, text, learn to work with it. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external funds, visual material is absorbed better than verbal. More K. D. Ushinsky said: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”, because visual preschoolers learn the material better.

Method visual modeling includes the following stages:

Assimilation of sensory material

Translating it into a sign-symbolic language

Work with model

Help the child clarify and consolidate ideas about the eight main features of objects. these are color, shape, size, spatial arrangement and four main categories quantities: length, width, height, thickness

A prerequisite for the child to master the schematic model is the ability to compare an illustration with a real object. It is the illustration that acts as a substitute for the subject on preparatory stage. Then there is an acquaintance with the conditionally real image of the object, when more details are stored in it and bright signs, but they are already presented schematically. And only after mastering this material, the child is offered an image with a high degree of generalization and abstraction.

For example used herringbone

Children owning develop

Efficiency use

conditions. Model

children can be used various methods and tricks visual modeling:

Features of this method-application Not images, but symbols. Reception of symbolization makes it much easier for children to find and memorize words. Symbols are as close as possible to speech material. For example: to designate a group of wild animals used herringbone, and to designate pets house.

Children owning means of visual modeling, in the future they are able to independently develop speech in the process of communication and learning.

Efficiency use method depends on certain

conditions. Model should be accessible to the perception of a child of this age.

On different stages and depending on individual abilities children can be used various methods and techniques visual modeling:

subject pictures

Story pictures

Series of plot pictures

their use to get acquainted with objects, compose a story, a story-description.

Mnemonics comes from the Greek word mnemonics.

Mnemonics is the art of memorization, a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming artificial associations;

Mnemonics - 1. this is the same as mnemonics; 2 this is an internal writing system that allows you to sequentially record information into the brain, converted into a combination of visual images.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful development of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, effective memorization story structures, the preservation and reproduction of information, and of course speech development.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course speech development.

Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start work with the simplest mnemonic squares, successively move to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables.

In order to understand the basic sequence and text coherence, keep it in mind, we introduced children with mnemonic track. Mnemonic tracks are several schematic drawings arranged linearly. Using methods of imposition and application, children lay out mnemonic tracks from mnemonic squares, and therefore, make up sentences, compose short tales, stories.

This didactic material, a schema in which certain information is entered. Since it was not familiar to children at the beginning, we took on a teaching role, that is, we brought it to children content, which is nested in the mimic track. The work consisted not in a dry retelling of the content, but in an active creative process work.

The use of mnemotables, diagrams models

At work we use

Having understood the algorithm for working with the mnemonic track, the children easily mastered the training mnemonic tables.

Mnemotables are a scheme in which a certain graphic or partially graphic representation of objects, characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena is embedded, that is, a picture is invented for each word or small phrase (the image, thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these schemes, drawings, It is easier for children to reproduce textual information.

The use of mnemotables, diagrams models makes it easier for children to perceive and process visual information, save and play it.

At work we use both ready-made mnemotables of poems, stories, and our own or invented together with the children.

What can be depicted on the mnemonic table? In general, a mnemonic table is a graphic or partially graphic representation of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, that is, you can draw what you see fit. But to portray in such a way that the drawn was understandable to children. AND "hide" character in graphics. For example: a fox consists of geometric shapes (a triangle and a circle, a bear is a large brown circle, etc. It should be noted that if you made, for example, a wolf, an image of teeth, then this should be throughout the entire age period. With the transition to another group can be complicated or replaced by another graphic screensaver.

Working with mnemonic tables goes in several stages:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3: after recoding, a retelling of a fairy tale or a story on a given topic is carried out. In younger groups with the help of a teacher, in seniors - children should be able to do it on their own.

Stages of drawing a mimic table on one's own:

1 story reading

2 conversation with children on content

3 looking at pictures

4 division of the text into parts (selection of phrases for pictures)

5 finding images to content.


A pictogram is a symbolic image that replaces words, this is a picture with which you can write down words or expressions, this is a picture that will help you remember a given word. For example « fun party» - ball, salute. For example, a sign depicting a leg can mean walking, standing. Pictogram examples - road signs, on clothes (clothes care).

In our work we use pictograms with image: words-objects (for example, "girl", "Sun", "butterfly" etc,

Sign words ( "big", "small", "sad", "funny") words-actions ( "goes", "shines", "flies") symbols - prepositions (above, under, in) the personal creativity of the teacher allows you to reproduce this in various variations.

Pictograms for stories and fairy tales well use for the development of coherent speech in children. It helps development higher mental functions (thinking, imagination, memory, attention, activation coherent speech, orientation in space, facilitates familiarization children with nature and with the phenomena of the surrounding reality (traffic signs, environmental signs). At usage various schemes the nature of activities is changing children: children not only hear their speech or speech addressed to them, but also have the opportunity to "see". When compiling stories from pictures and pictograms, children more easily memorize new words not mechanically, but in the process of active learning. use.

Usage pictograms in the work on teaching retelling facilitates the memorization of the work, and then the retelling itself, based on a graphic image. Pictograms help the child understand the sequence of events and build the outline of the subsequent story.

Working with pictograms is carried out in the same way as with mnemonic tables in several stages:

Stage 1: looking at the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

Stage 2: information is being recoded, i.e., the transformation from abstract symbols into images.

At the last stage, children are given the opportunity to retell the text, using pictograms. At use of pictograms in children skills are formed to replace characters with deputies (model) ; convey text based on the subject modeling; the ability to draw up an internal plan of action, a speech statement is formed, the ability to draw conclusions; develops imagination to compose models for independent stories.

Pictograms for retelling Russian folk tales.

Usage pictograms for retelling is very helpful in working with children with a common underdevelopment of speech, because mental processes (thinking, imagination) develop only on the basis various kinds perceptions and sensations. This means that the more channels of information perception the teacher can use, the better and faster the children will be able to feel, analyze and systematize the flow of incoming information in the content and speech aspect.

Usage pictograms are better to start with familiar fairy tales: "kolobok", "Mashenka and the Bear", over time, children will burn on their own simulate favorite works.


Substitution is kind modeling, in which some objects are replaced by others, real-conditional. Convenient as substitutes use planar or three-dimensional objects - geom figures, details of the designer, since the substitution is based on some difference between the objects, their features.

It is better to start playing with the help of substitutes with folk tales,. j. persistent stereotypes of familiar characters (orange fox, big brown bear) easily transferred to models. In the first lessons, the number of substitutes should match the number of characters, then you can introduce extra substitute items so that the child can choose the right ones. At first, it is enough for the child to raise the corresponding symbol in the course of telling the fairy tale to adults, then you can proceed to acting out the fairy tale.

Visibility in the form of models of any plan helps children in mastering many tasks. collage is a sheet of cardboard on which various pictures, letters, geometric shapes are applied. This tutorial addresses various tasks: development photographic memory, figurative perception, logical thinking, vocabulary expansion, etc. this manual we use in different types of children's activities. The child is learning bind all elements of the collage, make up plots.

Also in our practice we use painting techniques.

Cartography helps children solve difficulties in compiling descriptive, narrative and creative stories. To complicate the story, common sentences were introduced models"beautiful words"- the use of quality adjectives by children; "action words"- the use of verbs. An irreplaceable place was given models"mood", with the help of which the children during the retelling brought emotional notes of mood into the story. Usage picture-graphic schemes contribute to the formation of the most distinct and correct ideas about studying objects and phenomena, the activation of sensory experience children, development of attention, thinking, observation. the presence of a visual plan makes the stories clear, liaison, complete consecutive.

To improve the efficiency of work on development landscape painting skills use fragmentary storytelling technique, which consists in the fact that the picture proposed for composing the story is divided into four parts, which are covered with cardboard rectangles different color. The child, gradually opening each of the four parts of the picture, talks about each fragment, combining them into one plot.

conclusions: visual modeling firmly established in the lives of our students. In the process of learning, children learned how to use diagrams, some can independently draw the results of observations, draw up visual outlines of stories. Not everyone is still able to independently draw up plans from the proposed pictures; suggestive questions and additional discussion of the text. Practice shows the effectiveness of this work:

Significant expansion of the active dictionary children;

Mastering a number of language funds, necessary for the compilation of speech statements;

Improvement of monologue and dialogue speeches;

Obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a plan of speech utterance (some still using);

Formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions;

Application visual modeling had a positive impact on development non-verbal processes: attention memory thinking.
