Project on ecology in the middle group. Educational and environmental project in the middle group “All year round”

This project is aimed at developing in children a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude towards environment.

Project duration: long-term, September 2016 – May 2017

Project participants: children of the middle group "Sun", teacher, parents.

Objective of the project: formation of a system of consciously correct ecological ideas about nature, basics ecological culture in children preschool age.



Environmental project in middle group

“Together we will make the world a better place!”

Prepared by: Morozova T.V., teacher

Project description:This project is aimed at developing in children a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude towards the environment.

Project duration:long-term, September 2016 – May 2017

Project participants:children of the middle group "Sun", teacher, parents.

Objective of the project: formation of a system of consciously correct ecological ideas about nature, the foundations of ecological culture in preschool children.

Project objectives:

Learn to see the beauty of nature;

Learn to compare, analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, classify on two grounds;

Learn to work in a team, strengthen the ability to carry out mutual verification;

Introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature, clarify environmental prohibitions;

Develop the ability to coherently and consistently summarize vocabulary;

Develop logical thinking, attention, memory;

Develop an understanding of the relationships in nature and man’s place in them;

Foster a desire to protect nature;

Foster love for the Motherland, broaden your horizons, passing on knowledge about the history, sights and ecology of your native land;

Develop environmentally literate skills, moral behavior in nature;

Instill love for native nature, lead to an understanding of her fragile beauty, form a caring attitude towards her;

Involve children in a variety of activities in nature and its conservation;

Ensure continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family.

Expected result:

Showing interest in animals and plants, their characteristics, the simplest relationships in nature;

Emotional responsiveness to the beauty of natural objects;

Children have developed basic ecological knowledge and a culture of behavior in nature;

Children will learn to experiment, analyze and draw conclusions;

Respect for nature.

Necessary materials:

  • a corner of nature in a group;
  • vegetable garden on the window;
  • visual and demonstration material;
  • equipment for experimentation and experiments;
  • library.

"Tree, grass, flower and bird

They won't always be able to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet."

D. Rodovich

Environmental education based only on passive contemplation of nature cannot be successful. Knowledge alone is not enough to develop in children humane treatment to nature, so we involve every child in practical activities that are feasible for his age.

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory stage:

1. Collection and analysis of literature on this topic.

2. Determining goals based on the interests and needs of children.

3. Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.

4. Providing didactic complex to implement the project.

Main stage:

2. Conducting activities in groups.

3. Interaction with parents aimed at introducing them to project activities.

Together with the children of the “Solnyshko” middle group and their parents, I have developed and are implementing a long-term environmental project“Together we will make the world a better place.”

The project is being implemented from September 2016 to May 2017. Participation in the project allows you to expand and systematize children’s knowledge about plants, animals, natural phenomena, stimulate the development of independent creative activity children, develop in children friendly attitude to living objects, teach how to behave correctly in nature, and also convey to parents the relevance of environmental education.

During the project, short-term and long-term observations of seasonal natural phenomena are carried out, comparisons of seasons adjacent and different from each other, clouds in the sky, birds at the feeder, plant growth and falling snowflakes, during which children's attention is drawn to the singing of birds, children observed for their habits, got acquainted with natural phenomena.

Together with their parents, the children collected herbs, vegetables, intricate sticks, twigs, beautiful autumn leaves, made a herbarium.

After the observations, the children noted in the nature calendar not only the weather, but also the appearance of yellow leaves, the end of harvesting in the garden, the first snow, and frosts.

In October, an exhibition of crafts made from gifts of nature was organized “ Autumn fantasies" Children and their parents made masterpieces from natural material, best works were noted, and all those who took part in the competition received prizes.

An exhibition of children's and family creativity "Crystal Winter" is planned in December.

We learn proverbs and sayings using environmental education:

  • Without water, the land is wasteland;
  • Where the pine tree grows, there it is red;
  • The nightingale is not great, but has a golden voice;
  • Groves and forests – everything is beautiful.

As part of the project “Together we will make the world a better place,” I conduct conversations with children: “About forest inhabitants,” “What is snow like?”, “Cats and dogs are our neighbors,” “Forest fashionistas,” “Vegetables and fruits,” “What What is acid rain?

The group is decorated with the Nature Center, where plants with passports for them are selected according to age, equipment for caring for plants, and a corner for experimental work “Experimental Workshop”.

Play is the leading activity in preschool age, so it is given big role didactic games: “Whose baby?”, “Zoological lotto”, “Seasons”, “Flower shop”, “Where does what grow?”, “Guess the plant”, “Birds, animals, fish”.

Conducted word games: “Edible - inedible”, “Which plant is gone?”, “Tops - roots”, “Find out and name”, “Word game”, “Where are the snowflakes?”

With the help of paintings and toys, children get acquainted with wild and domestic animals through listening to fairy tales and exposure to poetic words, children think about what they saw and heard. Stories about animals, cause emotional outburst, statements in defense of animals.

During the implementation of the project, environmental campaigns are planned: “Clean Yard”, “Feed the Birds in Winter”, “A Drop of Water”, environmental action"Nature asks for help."

During the project, children become familiar with environmental signs; in the future, it is planned to conduct experiments on water pollution “Rain and Landfill”.

During the implementation of the project, work is carried out with parents: a conversation “Take care of nature”, work on making bird feeders. Parents are also involved in replenishing the corner of nature in the group. In the spring it is planned to set up a photo stand in parent corner“Tips on how to help our city be clean!” and coming up with a design for a flower garden on our site.

Environmental project in kindergarten for children 4-5 years old “Grow a flower.”

Description: This material can be used by middle group educators in their work. We see the continuation of the project in the creation of a “garden on the windowsill.”
Project type: research.
Project participants: middle school children.
Project duration: from 08/03/2015 – 08/28/2015.
The relevance of this project lies in the need close connection preschoolers with nature, since at this age the foundations of ecological culture are laid. This project helps children develop an understanding of seeds and flowers; forms cognitive interest To research activities; Helps develop flower drawing skills.
Objective of the project: formation of ecological thinking of preschool children.
Project objectives:
- formation of a careful, emotional – positive attitude to the natural world;
- cultivate a love for nature and a desire to protect it;
- formation of curiosity, creative activity.
- formation of basic skills generally accepted norms and rules of conduct;
- development of such qualities as determination and perseverance in achieving goals, readiness to overcome difficulties;
- stimulate the desire to organize independent research activities to answer a question of interest.
- development of skills to work in a group: cooperate, resolve disputes, negotiate with each other, give in;
- promote the development of communication, dialogical speech. Development of communication skills.
- developing children’s understanding of the diversity of seeds, the role of seeds in nature and human life;
- expand children’s understanding of the world of flowers;
- expand educational experience children in a generalized form using visual aids; develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions; navigate the information space; apply acquired knowledge; mastering labor skills.
Forms and methods of work:
Experiments and research;
Educational games;
View educational video;
Reading fiction;
Examination of illustrations;
Excursions to other areas of the kindergarten;
Expected Result:
- formation of the foundations of environmental literacy in children;
- fostering responsibility for one’s actions in relation to the environment;
- involvement of each child in research activities;
- development of children's communication skills;
- development creativity.

Action plan for the implementation of the environmental project

Preparatory stage
Activities of the teacher:
1. Illustrations on the topic of the project were collected;
2. Seed sets have been prepared for study;

3. Fiction on the topic of interest has been selected;
4. A card index of didactic games has been collected (Appendix 1);
5. 3 containers with soil were prepared for planting;
6. Conversation on the topic: “How to help the Earth be beautiful”
7. Conversation on the topic: “The meaning of flowers”
Children's activities:
1. Consideration of illustrative material. Compiling a story.
2. Ask questions about the topic.

Main stage
Activities of the teacher:
1. Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten to get acquainted with the planted flowers;
2. Planting marigold seeds in three containers with soil.
3. Experimental work (3 containers: the first - in the dark and watered; the second - in the sun and not watered; the third - in the sun and watered).
4. Conversation on the topic “The seeds we eat”
5. Reading fiction. Puzzles. (Appendix 2)
6. Drawing flowers (chamomile, tulip, dandelion, bell). Exhibition of works.
7. Didactic games
8. Conversations on the topics: Do flowers have a mouth and a nose? Do flowers get sick?
9. Using the creative “If only...” method
10. Application.
Children's activities:
1.Remember the names of garden flowers, their features.
2.Help in planting marigold seeds.
3. Observation of the progress of the experiment. Keeping a diary of flower growth.
4. Familiarization with stories. Solving riddles. In the process of solving riddles, abstract, logical, associative, imaginative, creative and non-standard thinking develops, as well as patience, attention and determination.
5.Drawing flowers with colored pencils and watercolors.
6. Activity during the game.
7. Joint creativity - applique.

The final stage
Activities of the teacher:
Summing up, helping students.
Children's activities:
1. Making an observation diary.
2. Collecting flower seeds from kindergarten plots for planting in next year.

Annex 1

Didactic games for children
1. Didactic game: “Guess!” The teacher lists characteristic features flowers, children try to guess the name of the flowers. After the name of each flower, the teacher shows an image of this flower.
2. Didactic game: “Drawing a picture.” The children first glued the seeds of buckwheat, rice, sunflower, and peas onto the images circled according to the templates, and then painted the picture.
3. Didactic game: “Collect a flower.” The teacher gives the children cards with pictures of stems and leaves. Shows the children a card with a picture of flower heads different plants.
Educator. The green leaves will come to life and find their flower.
The child who has an image of the leaves and stem for this flower replies: “I recognized you, chamomile, you are my stem.” The child receives a card and makes a flower.
4. Didactic game: “Collect a bouquet.” Children look at flowers. Then the teacher asks the children to make bouquets of flowers. Children take away necessary pictures and list how many and what flowers they have in their bouquet.
For example:
I have 2 asters, 1 dahlia, 2 roses in my bouquet.
5. Didactic game: “Name it affectionately.” The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word. The child, returning the ball, pronounces it “kindly.”
For example:
Flowers are flowers.
Words: flower, stem, stems, leaf, leaves, bouquet, bouquets.

Appendix 2

Riddles for children
Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
All year round are blooming.
Answer: Flowers.
There is a curl in the garden - White shirt,
Heart of gold. What it is?
Answer: Chamomile.
At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap,
We found small flower,
Half frozen, barely alive.
Answer: Snowdrop.
The sun is burning the top of my head,
Wants to make a rattle.
Answer: Mac.
He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.
Answer: Cactus.
golden sieve,
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.
Answer: Sunflower.
Parachutes over the meadow,
Swinging on a twig.
Answer: Dandelions.

Project passport

Project type:
By content
- educational, research, creative, playful.
By number of participants– group
By the nature of contacts– within the framework of the State Budgetary Educational Institution
By the nature of the child’s participation in the project– from the inception of an idea to the receipt of results

Implementation deadlines:
short-term (2 weeks: from April 28 to May 15, 2014)

Project participants:
Group teachers:
Zavyalova N.A., teacher of category I
Beschastnova O.O., teacher
Musical director Stratienko N.V.
Children of middle group No. 6

Relevance of the project:
The problem of environmental education of a preschooler is one of the fundamental problems of the theory of education and is of paramount importance for educational work. All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of “leading children into nature” in order to tell them everything accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development. IN modern conditions, when the sphere educational influence is expanding significantly, the problem of environmental education of preschool children is becoming particularly acute and relevant. With the adoption of laws Russian Federation“On the Protection of the Natural Environment” and “On Education” (1996), the prerequisites for the legal framework were created for the formation of a system of environmental education for the population. “Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development” (1992), taking into account the Declaration of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, signed by Russia, environmental education is gradually becoming an important area of ​​priority state problems. Specified documents imply the creation in the regions of the country of a system of continuous environmental education, the first link of which is preschool. Therefore, environmental education of the younger generation is one of the most important, urgent tasks of the entire system public education, which is implemented in all its links.

Preschool age is the most favorable period for a child’s emotional interaction with nature. This entails the task of developing a responsible attitude towards nature in children. After all, it is children of this age who are characterized by a unique unity of knowledge and experiences, which allow us to talk about the possibility of forming in them reliable foundations for a responsible attitude towards nature. And the earlier work on environmental education of children begins, the greater its pedagogical effectiveness will be. At the same time, in close relationship All forms and types of children's activities should be performed. The interests of children and their desires are taken into account here; ionic and innovative forms and working methods.

Sometimes children break branches of trees and bushes, destroy bird nests and torture animals. This is explained by the fact that their interest in the surrounding nature was not maintained in time and, on the basis of this healthy interest, they were not introduced to the life of plants and animals. Children cannot independently explain many natural phenomena that interest them, and therefore this is the responsibility of adults.

* In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant.

* Majority modern children rarely communicates with nature. Environmental education begins with familiarization with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. In any village or city, you can find natural objects interesting to observe: trees, grass, insects, birds. Huge role in environmental education preschool children play practical, research activities in natural conditions. They can be studied in the process of design and research activities. Indeed, in the process of childhood research, the child acquires specific cognitive skills: he learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word, develops cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to get involved in research work as the leading way of understanding the world around them.

While walking, the children saw a beetle. The guys' reaction was mixed. Some children expressed joy and genuine interest, others were scared. There were also guys who suggested destroying it. Opinions were divided. During the conversation, it became clear that preschool children’s knowledge about insects is very poor. So the problem arose: “Are insects necessary? Do they bring benefit or harm? Children’s participation in the project will allow them to form ideas about insects, their benefits or harm; develop creative abilities and search activity

Objective of the project:
Create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities in the process of implementation educational project"Insects".

Project objectives:
To form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, the desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it.
Form in children elementary representations about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, methods of movement.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards living things.
Develop emotional responsiveness
Develop research skills.

Expected outcome of the project:
Children show a pronounced interest in objects of nature - insects.
The ability to distinguish and name insects: butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper.
Knowledge of the benefits or harm that insects bring to people and plants.
Respect for nature, children's desire for correct behavior in relation to insects.
Forming in children a desire to explore natural objects, the ability to draw conclusions and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Forming the idea that insects cannot be divided into useful and harmful, and even more so, be guided by this in your actions towards them.

Form of conduct final event project:
Musical and ecological leisure “Man and nature make friends”

Collaboration with family:
Consultations “How to instill a love of nature”, “First aid for insect bites”.
Coming up with riddle drawings about insects

Project products:
Presentation for children “Our neighbors are insects” (teacher Zavyalova N.A.)
Presentation for children “Insects in riddles” (by Zavyalova N.A.)
Presentation for children “Nature in music (Insects)” (music director N.V. Stratienko)
Butterfly (applique; children)
Ladybug (modeling; children)
Bee (paper construction; children)
Butterfly (drawing; children)
project portfolio (teacher N.A. Zavyalova)

Expected result of the project:
For children:
— Children’s caring attitude towards nature, in particular towards insects.
- Development cognitive activity, curiosity.
For teachers:
— Development of children’s communication skills and ability to work in a team.
— Creating conditions for children to demonstrate creativity and imagination.
— Expanding children’s horizons through reading fiction, becoming familiar with proverbs, and learning poetry
— Development of musical and creative abilities.
For parents:
— Visiting the Zoological Museum with children.
— Joint reading of fiction about insects
— Involvement in cooperation to create a subject-based developmental environment in kindergarten.

The project consists of three stages:

Stage I – preparatory:

Project development
Selection literary works about insects
Making a presentation “Our neighbors are insects”
Selection methodological literature and illustrated material on the topic.
Selection of materials, toys and attributes for play activity
Selection of musical works on the topic
Drawing up a plan for the main stage.
Defining goals and objectives project activities.

Stage II – main (project implementation):

Educational conversations on the topic using a presentation.
Research activities (observing insects on a walk), examining insect body parts with a magnifying glass.
Reading fiction: G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, K. Chukovsky “Tsokotukha Fly”; V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, G. Skrebitsky “Happy Bug”, Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and Ant”
Learning counting rhymes, nursery rhymes and poems by T. Kulakova; Guessing riddles on the topic.
Finger gymnastics"Beetle, dragonfly, wasps", "Ladybugs",
Listening to audio recordings of N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee”, P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”; Maykapar “Moth”, “Waltz”; D. Zhuchenko “Two caterpillars are talking”
Learning songs: Yu. Zheteneeva “Ladybugs”; I. Kushnikova “How beautiful the world is”; E. Gomonova “Kindness”; game with singing by V. Zolotareva “Bug”;
Dance improvisation “In the Meadow” to the music of Maikapar “Rosinki”; I. Bach "Joke"
Dramatization of V. Ivannikov’s song “The mother taught the children bees”;
Watching the cartoons “Dragonfly and the Ant”, “Maya the Bee”, “Ant’s Journey”, “Under the Mushroom”.
Didactic games: “Treat an insect”, “In the meadow”, “How to say correctly?” "Pick a flower."
Educational games: speech with the movement "Beetle"
S/R games, free activity children (playing on Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”)
Outdoor games: "The Bear and the Bees", "Day and Night"
Creative and productive activities (drawing, applique, modeling)

Creating conditions for independent activity children, creation of a subject-development environment

Interaction with family
Consultations “How to instill a love of nature”, “First aid for insect bites”

Stage III – Final

Design of an exhibition of children's works.
Carrying out Musically - ecological leisure“Man and nature make friends too” with the invitation of children from another group.
Design of a project portfolio
Creating a project presentation.

Counting book, nursery rhymes, riddles about insects
Didactic games
Diagnostics of ecological knowledge about insects of middle group children
Joint notes educational activities with children to get acquainted with nature
Scenario musical leisure

Educational conversations:

— Introduce children to the names and body parts of insects, their habitats; a general term for insects.
— introduce children to the ways of feeding, the way of life of insects, how insects protect themselves from enemies, what benefits or harm they bring, and the importance of insects for the lives of other inhabitants of nature.

DICTIONARY (lexical minimum)

Nouns: Insect, beetle, butterfly, bee, ant, ladybug, fly, head, mustache, wings, paws, honey, meadow, garden, flowers, leaves, grass, pond.

Adjectives: Beautiful, big, small, light, striped, useful, harmful, black, red, yellow, colorful.

Verbs: fly, crawl, sit, spin, eat, drink, catch, bite.

Adverbs: High, low, far, close.

Riddles about insects

In the green tailcoat of the maestro
Soars over the meadow in bloom.
He is the pride of the local orchestra
And the best high jumper.

They look, of course, rather small,
But everything that is possible is dragged into the house.
Restless guys -
Their whole life is connected with work.

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

I don't buzz when I sit
I don't buzz when I walk
I don't buzz when I'm working,
And I buzz when I'm spinning.

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan.

I've been buzzing since morning
I wake up the flowers.
I'm circling, buzzing,
And I carry honey

Moved by the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off -
He took off and flew away.

Nursery rhymes:

- Beetle, beetle, where is your house?
— Under a birch leaf
Filya the farrier rode,
My house was trampled

— Bee-bee,
Golden withers,
Fly to the meadow
Bring us some honey.


There lived a cricket behind the stove,
Heels check and check,
But the heel broke -
And behind the stove there is silence

Diagnosis of children's ecological knowledge of insects
middle group

Response evaluation criteria:

1 point– if there is no answer or the child finds it difficult to answer the question, he gets confused.
2 points– the child has a certain amount of knowledge, but answers using leading questions.
3 points– the child answers independently and can formulate conclusions.

For diagnostics, the lotto game “Insects” is used.

Diagnosis of children's ecological knowledge of insects
middle group

Didactic games

"Treat an insect"
Target: expand children's vocabulary with words denoting the names of insects. Form categories of nouns in the dative case.
Material: Medallions (pictures) depicting insects, toy plates with treats: flowers, cabbage, honey, jam; phonogram.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to look at pictures of insects and name them. Then he asks to show which insect likes to eat what (for example: a butterfly likes to eat nectar, a caterpillar likes to eat cabbage)

Next, the teacher invites the children to turn into insects, and while the music is playing, perform movements characteristic of the selected insect. When the music ends, the adult asks: “Who will I give flowers to? (To the butterfly).Who will I give honey to? (To a Bee)"

"In the meadow"
Teach children to independently change verbs by numbers and persons.

Progress of the game

The teacher tells the children: “I will recite a poem, and you help me - add the right word».

For example:
Butterflies in the sky... (fly)
Wings... (flapping),
They amuse us.
I don’t... (fly) in the sky
On the jump rope I... (jump)
Hopscotch... (playing)
If only I want
Like a grasshopper... (I'll jump)
Sitting in the grass... (grasshopper)
Green cucumber
Only the wind rustled
Our grasshopper... (flew away)
Jumps and... (jumps)
Never... (cries)

"How to say it correctly"
Teach children to form the plural of verbs.
Material: Ball.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks him to finish the phrase he started.

For example:
- A butterfly flies, and butterflies... (fly)
- The beetle crawls, and the beetles... (crawl)
— The bee collects nectar, and the bees... (collect) nectar.
- The grasshopper jumps, and the grasshoppers... (jump)

"Collect a flower"

Target: develop logical thinking; consolidate knowledge of the concept of “insects”

Progress of the game

The teacher says that she has very unusual flower, which consists of individual petals. There are drawings on the petals. Invites the children to collect a flower. Warns that only smart, attentive children can assemble it.

Each child chooses a round card - the middle of the flower. The game is played on the lotto principle. Each participant collects a flower, the petals of which depict objects related to one concept (flowers, insects, clothes, wild animals, etc.)

Speech with movement

I found myself a bug (Children stretch their arms forward, as if showing a beetle)
On a big daisy.
I don't want to hold it in my hands (Pretend to put it in a pocket)
Let him sit in his pocket.
Oh, my beetle fell, fell (bend over)
Nose stained with dust. (show nose)
My cockchafer has flown away (wave hands)
The wings began to buzz.

Used Books:
1. L.V.Lebedeva, I.V.Kozina

Authors: Zavyalova Natalya Aleksandrovna,
teacher of category I,
Stratienko Natalia Viktorovna,
music director of the 1st category,

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 69 Vyborg district of St. Petersburg,

Relevance of the problem:
Children of the middle group do not have enough understanding that plants and vegetables can be grown indoors, but necessary conditions growth, their interest in cognitive and research activities is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, I set a goal for myself: to give children the necessary knowledge that plants are alive, they are planted, watered, and grown from seeds.
Expand children's knowledge and understanding of beneficial properties vegetables (onion, beans, cucumber, tomato, pepper) their structure and conditions necessary for their growth.

Project: short.

Type of project: educational, research.
Project participants: middle school children, teacher, parents.

developing children's interest in experimental and research activities in growing plants and vegetables indoors, instilling in children a love of nature, and creating a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group.

1. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about plants grown on the windowsill;
2. Develop cognitive and creative abilities.
3. Continue to acquaint children with the features of growing cultivated plants
4. Summarize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for plant growth.
5. Continue to develop children’s ability to care for plants indoors.
6. Continue to develop observation skills - the ability to notice changes in the growth of plants, associate them with the conditions in which they are located, using the example of birch and lilac branches.
7. Foster hard work and caring attitude towards plants.

Expected result:
1. Children will gain knowledge that plants are alive, they are watered, planted, and grown from seeds.
2. With research work children will have to identify the variety and diversity of seed.
3. Create a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group.
4. Creating a diary of observations of plants on the windowsill.
5. Involve children in practical activities of growing cultural garden plants on the windowsill.
6. Formation in children respectful attitude to work.
7. All project participants (children, teacher, parents) will receive positive emotions from the results obtained.

Stages of work on the project:
1. Preparatory: defining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting information material, creating conditions for organizing work in the “garden on the windowsill”, drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities
2. Main: planned activities are carried out to implement the project (conversations, experiences, experiments, creative activity, looking at illustrations, reading fiction).
3. Final: the results are summed up, a presentation is prepared, a final conversation.

Stage 1 – preparatory.
1. Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.” Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

2. Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material, natural material, fiction, acquisition necessary equipment. Create conditions for the implementation of the “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” project.

Stage 2 – the main one.
1. Looking at books and illustrations about plants. Arouse interest in plants, a desire to take care of them, deepen and expand knowledge of plant types.
2. Practical activities:
GCD “Planting onions”. Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of a plant (soil, moisture, heat and light). Give basic concepts about natural vitamins. Shape work skills and skills.
Experience - observing the growth of onions in the ground and in water. Teach children to notice the changes that occur in germinating bulbs and make sketches of onion growth.
Experience - observation: “What will grow from a seed.” Show children how plants grow from seeds.

Planting peas and beans. Show children how to plant peas and beans. Form an idea of ​​​​growing these plants on the windowsill.
Observation “Are our plants growing” of pea and bean seedlings. Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.
Reading fiction: “Chippolino”, “Tops and Roots”, “Turnip”, “Vegetable Dispute” - fairy tales, “Vegetables” - poetry.
Learning: mobile speech games “Baba sowed peas”, conversations “What kinds of vegetables are there”, “Our plants”.
Guessing riddles. Teach children to listen to fairy tales, analyze the actions of heroes, take part in active speech games, a complex gymnastic exercises, learn poetry.
Didactic games: “Find the vegetables”, “One-many”, “What color are the vegetables”, “Where to put what”, “What is extra”, “Find the plants”.
Strengthen children's knowledge about vegetables and plants.
Work in a corner of nature
Continue to teach children to correctly form judgments and draw conclusions about the creation favorable conditions(water, light, heat).
Final conversation “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.”
Set up the children for further activities of replanting the vegetable garden on the window into the vegetable garden in the garden area.

3 stage – final.

1.Processing and design of project materials in the form of an album

2.. Performance analysis.

The following results were obtained from the implementation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” project:
1. Children received knowledge that plants are alive, they were watered, planted, and grown from seeds.
2. Through research work, children identified the variety and diversity of seed material.
3. The group created a vegetable garden on the window.
4. Observed the plants on the windowsill and wrote them down in an observation diary together with the teacher.
5. Children took part in practical activities for growing cultural garden plants on the windowsill.
6. Children have become more respectful of work.
7. All project participants (children, teacher, parents) received positive emotions from the results obtained.
Working with parents:
1. Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the window.”
2. Help parents in purchasing equipment and seeds for a vegetable garden on the window.
3. Invite parents to plant their own “vegetable garden” with their child to consolidate knowledge about plants (vegetables)

Result of project activities
The children learned that all plants are living and that certain conditions are necessary for their growth and development.
In the process of implementing the project, the children learned from experience what conditions are necessary for the growth and development of plants. To the best of their ability, they participated in caring for the plantings, rejoiced at the first shoots, and watched the onions they planted with their own hands grow. Throughout the project, the children developed responsibility and significance for their work,
The children consumed green onions and sprigs of dill during lunch.
During the implementation of the project, the horizons and mental activity of children were expanded.
Thanks to our project “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill,” children learned to respect their own and other people’s work, take care of plants, and care for them. We learned what care and responsibility are.

Relevance: It is no secret that preschool children are researchers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, to independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important traits child behavior. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child; he is determined to understand the world. To explore, discover, study means to take a step into the unknown and unknown.

Objectives: Teach children to daily care for onions and other crops indoors. To form children’s understanding of the need for light, heat, soil moisture for the growth of bulbs, and to draw conclusions. Record children's ideas about changes in the growth of bulbs in a glass of water and in a glass of soil, compare, analyze. Repeating the correct careful attitude to nature. Teach how to carry out individual and collective assignments, teach children to see the result of their work, talk about their activities


Second stage (week 2) With children: 1. Knowledge of “The structure of an onion” 2. Conversation “The onion for seven ailments” 3. Didactic games “Mother’s Helpers”, “What Grows Where?”, “The Fourth Wheel” 4. Watching cartoons “ Luntik. Onion", "Cipollino" 5. Artistic creativity(modeling “Onions in the beds”, drawing - coloring Cipollino With parents: 1. purchasing land and seeds for planting a vegetable garden on the window; 2. consultations “Vitamins in vegetables and fruits”, “Notes for housewives”; 3. creating a mini-album “Onion for all ailments”, 4. making a toy - an onion for an exhibition organized in a group.
